j flttfe attmt 3trpg ffirgag t7d t xt 10 quicker j xvl jd easier shaves neighborhood news- town and country oraco church milton will link their utinuul garden uorty in tho elr ground milton un juno 37 mr and mm w j mocicnahutt hud u visit ljit wook from their son w s mcclenahan u a of tho d6mlnlon observatory ottawu and hui uttlo son ulllle mrii john anw and her slstr mbw jftsslo tttjiter brook left luat week for edmonton via st paul and banff on a vult to rsutlves they will remain in the went for throe months dr a i klnr den tlt will open un office la the royal building mtlton on or about july 1 mrs william clements not home tail week from inglewoodj california whero she went last fall to visit her daugh- uttl- home places wh tr mrsj john hawthorne erection of three new brick dwellings erection of thro onw brick dwolltnga l town averaclnc about f 4 000 each us follows on court street by w i cooko kins and bronte htraats by oeo bmlllle and on woodward avenue by wm kraser a monster plo nlo will bo hold in mr b faatheratono s park on friday june 72 tboro will bk husoball races and othor sports jromlor drury will be itrtweni and xivo an address bob lontr of toronto proprlotor of the milton spinning mills one of our urumnlaausma aaap fr tbtr two- t- tho hill next to reeve slain rest dance and will erect thereon a modern v dwelling and lake up ju resi dence here reformer dr georgetown mocolt t visiting ottawa little home places to in u kontf of th little homo tlnch vier will w are growtntf nrfl ruirxst flowors bloom loro lovi at a mother ouch apotlnuti room tjracom n 1 muhtur thun butterflies wins lu nor tutu iir treasures are children them play i rig together books pencils atid status in the kitchen ura strewn h grata is their char whan mmco dreary w oath or the inglqpooks welcome tn tills c homo mother jolaes where fondest contfntfhent ts deaf to wealths cull where mother and dad is the t m m ft glad voices and haaven is near thorn for love all in all allasn ward but lu sgcutlvi h ohiy i al ig boarder taken in w 1 lour lor en huvligf mu kun yui urn i nn uf th must liymutt prnouu 1 h ivt over mot imiriludy 1 nm gliid to titor yui su that sir vos your honesty bt r murknhln pit your sign you any lf imlom tuki n in hs r- kk u ib ks bw fcl ikftv tvb tk sb 1 ffi m bwtv 1 k 1 1 b f 1 ess i war i 1 m- ejv rsv frlenda mr w u dill wu able to get down town on crutches last wk for thi first time since getting- his leg frao tured on may 28 miss madgo cauldy has sold her confectionery business to mr fred deverson a new ovon with a capacity of 310 loaves has been installed at browns bakery our clusens generally oro planting shrubs and flowers and making our town look mor attractive chief jackson flower mu and tiles containing flowers at uptown hall or very pretty and we congratulate him on bis good taste mr charlie norton s uttlo son had part of hla finger cut off when ploying with the lawn mower at their home at glanwlluams mrs col brown spent last week with col brown at niagara mr b thompson of toronto who was with mcleqfl anderson a co georgetown forty yeata axq jlalted friends tn town on monday back taxes were discussed at last council meeting andjt was doojded to begin action at once against those who persist in ignoring- the numerous requests already made by the collec tor p b inspector denyea principal eherey of the public school and messrs hutchinson and mobridge of the school board all of milton on friday last visited our school where they were much impressed with the unison singing of the pupils under the direction of air a- coeteu mr and mrs a m qrandy were at newmjucet oer monday attending the funeral of mr qrhdya mother who pa away on june 8 mr qrandy juts the sympathy of numerous friends in the community he having lost hlfl father rev thomas qrandy and his mother within a few months horold burlington t l a halfhourly servtoe is now in effect on the radial road the town council has voted s00 to burlington salr the second flower show waa hold by the horticultural society in mus mulllns store on saturday afternoon and consulted of iris editor and mrs b a harris of the oasette lett on thursday to attend the annual convention of the canadian weekly press association being held in halifax tho b constr cooom- mended laying cement on the beach on monday mr billy marsji of pantoges orange n j is the guest of d w henderson- this week v on sunday morning while proceed ing along the quelph line to church miss m bat teacher at the strath cona school waa paiafully bitten on the arm by a d6g rev z wren assistant pastor of the metropolitan church toronto preached two inspiring sermons in tho methodlfi church on sunday to good sited congregations l on tuesday morning ave prominent oltuenn pppeared before magistrate barr for breaches of the dog by taw and were fined 3 oo each miss marjoiie spears whp has been attending the ontario ladte college at whitby has passed with honor the a t c m examinations lit music mr kenneth maknlght of pitts burg pu is the guest uf mr bert allen misses c j davidson and he tort cleaver have been nuccoserul in imus ing their second year examinations in the itaculty of arts ut toronto uni versity the work on the new addition to the central school is progressing and indications are that the contractors will have it ready for occupation afto- the summer vacation the gymnasium at the high school was the scene of u very pleasant affair on friday afternoon last when the pupils of the high school took the opportunity to present mr d b smith uw mathematical master whorhaji re signed with a hanflaome dub bag and u bouquet of roesaactta millions of men save shaving time now save v td vz your corn in hy vou lose from j a the fool vsluo feeding it lo your culllo as dry xlder coin stoed in a toronto woode 3ts you tda-r- oh lie value coihtensilage nasttli nc your eatllq and will inrtcaae juanlily of y ur milk return good ili in an sir it n 111 tilo tl e toronto silo is trtsde of olncteupfu d 1 d aooed to nsclu 1b tuo 1rlfld wlb croiolo to lenrtlion its lllo 15 opacity with the toronto hip roof i et rn jli vf yu tow lo itvo n tow man end if health and valua of your herd inlormalu li particulate gladly given ally liilliaruih chas e- parko actonont quicker nhaves now save time for million of men leaner ha vet nvo ikin irnuiion for milltuiib of facca i hese men d til what ve itk you to do hey tried at our expense the shavjrtc cream which has 5 distinct way to b etr qulsker shave pai molivi shaving cutavi multiplies tijclf 25u times in nchmathrr without ruhhinu in this lather softcntan beard in one minute we ak you to try what they tried it doesnt dry aits 10 minutes on the face athcr bubbles strong walled hold hairs erect for easier cuttintr produces a louonlik aflncfiect lootb- fl to skin k cry it our expense it cost 18 months time 130 experiment tfa perfect this cream for you test for yourself our claims mail coupon tllll ialwouve company qt canada limlwd utlraalxhm toronlo orm wlnip mm palmol1ve shaving cream 10 shaves frfie flu in your unx ttui mail to tba palmollva caroprr of ctimd lfcnhsj df tt04 tmomo oat pope 1u to havk auto iv pop flu la to hw i tjoiffl wl n autoaoolla th tpu bl mllij whon jho mil tilt wa archplshop imfar 1u- mo uon hv ifrmnuj him with yrmtlitii numur huy i tun impel led to retard my vnry groat rtisrot that tho jublloo celebration which thd council fixed for the end of juno and thb first 6t july has been eallotl off i havo been countlnit pn a good time thon for months i oxpocted d have back li thfi nlri homo hosts of the ear te at aoton whom wo esteemed very much wnon they were fallow clilsans and mary is just as much disappointed as 1 nm mnry had said wo will nil up the old home with form or boys end girls of acton and wnji ulvo thorn tho ovl fashioned cook in which they enjoyed so much id the old days in the old home i told mary thoab city end town folks will have lost their uppotltes for a- fashioned country fare but eho said she d be bouad her cooking would touch in right spot with the old boys and girls wall say i do hope the suggestion in last leapkxaa will be carried out that the jubilee colo bratlon will not be allowed to fall through entirely but that it may bo carried out nomotlme in the fall say in september i do hop it will ciiejwsonh cobnells memories tho editor cut me oft nhc rt laet week i suppose i got to splnnlnff yarns and memories so that i forgot myself and spun out too long for hun wall to reeootn ns aunt tjamantha usotl to say david moore tho othor of the brothers to aettlo here as mentioned lived below tho hill in a little oottoxo for many years his wlfo was daughter of bqulro campbell who lived on the later john puff farm no 7 up the line for several famllr- ond social reasons the corners com tnunlty perhaps should includo that property in the long ago although not so much later mr campbell lived over near balllnafad his two sons wflluun i and robert were boih well known in aoton william is deceased and ilobflrt i think is in california daughters of tho homo besides mr moore were mrs mathlos lam bert who died in tacton a yoar or so ao mrs richard sherlock and mrs thomoe thompson of toronto datld moore in common with many of the sturdy yeoman of the com munity and times used to do a good deal of chopping on tho large burns estate to the west of the moore farms sometime in the 70s bo had the mis fortune of having both lower limbs brokea by the sudden skidding- pf a large tree just belnx out down this removed htm largely from much par ticipation in hfo s genorat activities however the great diligence and in dustry of his partner 4n ufa aided by s family trained to take hold brought things ajon well as the motherless daughter at mrs hathfoaa of the older moore family entered on the world affairs from thre and did well their part intensely well they all became married tho daugh ters taking- the names of kentner forbes coleman and cvlpps the lat ter is the only daughter now allvs twin in hockwood the sons are vary much abroad robert for many years a wellknown eltuten of acton sjnflajt joseph for many years a tannery foreman up north is in chicago james many years ago went into ranching in albevu wesley is tt leather worker lu torontp and steward many years ago took up his home in one of the far was torn states croeslnjf ovor from alberta mr moore died in 1888 and his wtdow about twenty years later bhe had married twice however in tho mean time first tq mr joseph andersonrof arkell and later to mr samuel cole man of kockwood just adjoining the david m0re pro perty eastward was a five uuns plot with a neat log house t hereon and a- ntce orchard in tbe rear this was vice the home of chas wvjght a mtouainason wlu weit to live at the boo und i believe look part in tho construction of the great nel there i do jiot know all uf thn occupants but th davld mooro family moved in fiom tho cottage uftor saveru of the family hadgoho away from horn the property betwuia part of tholr farm purfng- their rusldctioti thure tnany un open hearted afuj upon hund- cd ant of hospitality was duponsad the little tog house by the road wnioh with its nvtt euros became joined to the david mgore farmstead and which tn lw veure hus ben part of the wansbrough estate cults up a couple of uioldenta fo drat mar rlajre sarviue tilo present pontrlhutor tu tho old man ever uftendtfd was there but many of those then f nwont have passed aysy from eatrth lnclu lng the united head otj the homo th bride of tho day and several others of the homo tho officiating olergy- cnan is now in canada e most western olty fn rotiretqeoil hi oolleague for at wma thsn m msblv circuity is lu qvanesxl ynr la ttfc ministry u vghootfre tht groom himself is in mmdi4 ajnerionn dty his upportliaj lea fifutt uter b h useful taithftd nitutr tn the north 7 reasons why you should demand them fttt diffsrsnt and better streogarand safer contain wo polaen in t won gnaw tham wlihatandmore moutur flllinot low aftar ua 7 canadian made for canadians maple leaf bring in your cream early in tfre week acton creamery hns decided not to accept crcum on sotur day nftcr fwclve o clock a m tho govcrrtmint is anxious to secure u higher standard for ontario butor and this is one pf the rnclhods that will facilitutcour work in this direction let us hove your co operation in this move tu ccuri higher tandnrd mid mukc bttjer butter acton creamery co t j ot4eil pkop i we are still buying eggs open tuesday friday ano saturday quality our motto the canhdian match x umitedmcbttreatj th pom it ald vrlu um ulo tuun tho vattosn luduu hlcb ylwlinmiw umlti j i dlitaom of mllm thtofa lm th orttulii ta wiauyiiimiiilk internal and external palns era promptly raliavad i db thomas eclectr1c that it ha bom km a 1 tcmmv aorti hmi a tutlmoniat th nummoim ourativk c rial pains j by m oilm a slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use eggo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer election meeting a public meejing in the interests of hon e c drury wrix be hecrw yhetowhtall- acton on- saturday june 23rd at 8 p m the meeting will be addressed by premier drury w a crockett labor member for south wellington and others everybody welcome evenings phone 63 gramophones at a price everyone can afford jopbefisfifig finis gramophone is will wotm aonbrnf the pneo wc arc risking for it it will give perfect satisfaction its tone is pleasing and the volume df sound can be regulated to suit any sized room it has a reliable motor which opera tcs steadily and practically noiselessly the cabinet is strongly made of genuine wtrlnnt t 100 steel needle included with each machine and for the next two weeks we vill gjve with each machine purchased 10 records free price of no 1 gramophone 650 price of no 2 gramophone 620 will be shipped coo subject to examination charges prepaid within a radius k of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 12ui31 wyndham syeet t ont phono 584 mm blotting out a costly administration electors of halt on your job on monday june 25 will be the selection of a fitting repre sentative for the county of halton in the legislature of ontario you can make it a job well done a striking end to four years of woe ful wdste and extravagance and an assurance that haltons needs will be fully metby voting for iiiwniiji george conservative candidate compare professions with performances lit ibiq ii- ordinary tpndlturo nt ontario w linasaa lc txtja llw omunojrx txpcndlturv will bti h1 0qo0qo jn umt uiul oaaluir ywtiv tllu ool uf kuvirtiliuunt lfs boon duublod by uthiry utttl ibmwy ttil fxtrn lbouoooo jnuwt bo tuudo up y tivxiuioii altiv iu yisiv ut linlnlhtivihui by uborali tutu mimortatlvus from con fmtynil lo lumii hi idtu tho pullk dtilt o tut lnuvlnou ut ouwrlt wusjtht b73h7i iii uilxtt und tmiilutlf yrwrb l lfriy olaihtf adiuluitrudon ihfi imblk dtb of ouurloiuv 1imtvum4m1 h 1w40- 0umb tlka littumst on oils debt ltul bt ylt vtu ui ts tiu drfiry u4uiha ims wm utf lrolu of ourwlo ovur w 000000 by mxilmr towyrm outuubadous und uidlvlduul oxparts to do vtork tttuc tliu uluujkun art vsid tu uu ilio lwry tjovttrunient tttwsutod usi rf the tjvh momtiiu tram 190 to t60 miui lu mdiltuu vwplayn ores- soo lmponry httlp 1u lrury vornum to tttoct um estnivmpuimm 1mm mddmt taialou h tho xhmiidu or ontario t 14 dlrtortnit wmys willi iuhi uuui ulcbt milns cotkiiftoil tlw xniry oworiunaat ka wpent 91 400000 on iuim3m strpot oolwuou turutltu uul llmlhm ho i t ulincij mlultltcr of illtfliwayit wn imimxi t 17000 ofmoto trus wtlijout tutlctnir for uudorti siul s4d tburu would be no fettles tondom if they knew otnutfli to knip uiulr nitwuts shot imbo out of tmuvluoul biliwsys ui outoho u twlco irwvluou of quoboa tb la would you vote for a government elected on a promise of economy and business efficiency which after three and onehalf years in office presented sucfi a record of gross extravagance and wanton waste haltojw needs hillmer and jbjggqh 2i v a i 55