Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1923, p. 6

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e births wrrie sad detl charred for l th following raits birth net harris c du s metw fard c ioc pet li tf i born nuhil in 1rln n h ir ly j urn 17 131 to mr il mr- t j hush u daughtcrf mccujitb it of rgetowi in thiirs luy junn 14 1923 to mr nnl mm w a met lure n daugt tor ilrakdmmkiti at ilovrlfiy unum aotoi ti friday jim 2x 199 to mr ntl mm lordon t ilrurrtmoro a oon mokkat at olumt m ol i on wednesday llunn 20 1933 to mr ih mm tworso n multtl a duoghtor virginia agnn iavfni out on thursday juno 31 133 to mr und mm kdwln ch davenkirt nasaagawoya u d iueh to married uoultir kfhbyon jun 12 1021 martha vll in matho list church i y the ittrv mr moitds mury una y unrlat daughter of mr nnl mm w j krrhy to mr ai jru iqdward dobblo qn of mr and mm a dob be qoorgetown aliai runtikai ouili n t irday junn ims 1 y h mt todd puullhe eldest daughter of mr ami mm august huntle 8th una krln to jam albert youngest aun of mr josi h allun llulllnafud died irwin at juelph uoncrul lloi lt on wednesday juno 30 1013 mary webb wife of iho late andrew ir win hwitzkr on hunday juno 34 1933 at hor lain residence norval hon nan dolmjrt beloved wife of wll lum hwllser norvm bbardmor1s at thn rcsldencs of her daughter lady klngamlll bully beg rockcltffe ottawa on wednesday juno 10 1911 mellnda bnixsbeth widow of iho latq walter d beard mom toronto and daughter of the late james miller will lama of hamilton of hamilton in her 70th year in memoriam bnyder- lovlnx memory of jane hnywer beloved wife of robert h qlbbona who passed away june 11 1910 hs sittan xs ma obituary miih wajtfk d phundmoftb the death t mm walter p beard mure occurred at the home of hor daughter tjidy klngsmul nt ottawa on the 20ih inst mm icurdmor ww the daughter f tho lao jhium m william of lianulton mr hear 1 morn i rodecnusod hor aeverul your ngn for u iiumlxir of yearn mr ai d mm ilcurdmoro rnsldod in anton and here several f sbolr children wen tkiri mm ileurrtmoro wan always i ighfy esteemed y the poo in hern the funnral lust krl lay waa held from th r si ion x of mr w w latwrrirnofe tinil it mount i lfuant cemetery hon mr raney to lead opposition the ufo- labor and independent will have twenty twe suppertare w jntut r turn in thn ntundlng thewpartlc ahow conservative 76 liberal 14 u -i- o 17 labor j i dnpt mlent i presuming that tbt ijiljoi un i iimlnnenaont member cunt their i i will ll o farmer title woul 1 leave the 0 v o twenty two aup- rtnra in the next leslalature mult inr it thn mtronffept o poaltlon arou hun w e- raney may be ohoaen to head thle vroup and thue beoome the recoanloed leader or the oppocltlon with tho retirement of v weujnaon hay to prlvalo life w b n sinclair k c south ontario la regarded tta the iorlcal choice aa xjberat leader hon mr ranoy haa riven tho qaletua to a rumor he would not be found in thb nect ivcalalature queatloned re apectlna a report that he would in all probability realm hla aeat rather than ro into opposition mr ranoy abld the miwrt la entire fy unauthorised tou know he added emlllnsly i do not mind alltlna in the bleach era acton wort at fergus harry harrison a rink lad through the plnaja and secured ft prlsas tat wedrjeadny mr harry harrlaon took a rink eompoaod of nell modon aid joaeph holmea and k j ixoaaord to hla former home town and led them 4a- vlotory in um vergua toumajnent news of local import the extreme thaat pmvea fatal eric kriction about so yea re of ugo dropped dead from heart fdllpro onue ed hy the heat on haturluy nt hi lititno on t in olgl th lino trafiduur wan qlie hew 1 gardener on tl o cm ovxszr nnl wua lhe former owjier f ixiuslaa oar li im oukvfllc allen qunlie nuptials a pretty wod ling to k t lafe nt lueli h n haturday juitf jj 1921 when i aullnn eldnat iuufllflr f mr ui i mm auruat huullo of the flth line frln waa united in marriage to jnmea allert allan youngeat nn of mr joaet h allan iiulllnafud tho i rl le wore a i retty ault of aand trico tine with hat m match the happy roui le left n monday by motor for ilynl qak mich wl ere thov will realde ratally burned tre kltehar flra mlaa ltasol huffman daughter of mr und mm o huffmuli died at ier falhern residence in kqueeln on m n lay of lt week an the rea it x frttul lumn received whljo llghtlna fire in tho kitchen mlaa ufrman won endeavoring to opwat up the fire by i uttjng aome nowai aneni in e tove when her droea caught fire and mho wum rnveh pet in flamea her ncreuma attracti 1 tho attention of her elator isdlth wlyi put the flnmw nut by drenching hor clothing with r but the injuries reaulted in de i reform or a visitor from tasmania mr arthur hackott uf itobart tua mania arrived hero tm saturday to pend a few day with hi brother hov charlee hackett nnd family mr haokett has been in the untlpodea tor thred or four yearn superintending tho omtabllahlng f a branch of the great cad bury cocoa works of illrm i tic ham tcngland ami the erection of u largo manufacturing plant for the cad bury a and allied interests a very nntr plant with model vluago for em l loyeea have been constructed mr hackett km a traveller of wide expert ence while en route from australia to this part of canada he took a aide trip up to the yukon mr hackett leaves in a fuw days for england getting the eteetlon returns the radio- wlreuas provcu 1u tieiencym an uuiut gauu algbt owlna to the bujr storm wblch covered the central counties of the province between five and six o clock and cut out both telephone and tele graph communication the radio was the only medium of reporting avail able mr a t brown at htm store and mr chtude precious at the con aervatlve committee rooms operated their radio receiving machines with considerable satisfaction for an hour and a half very gjood reports were received then another electrical storm cants up and no further reports were received before midnight had it not been for the radio however there would have been a dearth of election news whan the hydro power a off a good illustration of how greatly hydro power enters into the every day life of our cluxartv was exempli fled on monday when power was oft tallowing tho big etortn of the night before the tanneries the shoefac tory the glove factories the knitting mill the flour mill the newspaper of flee were all at a atandstlll for want of power scores of ranges failed to cook the family meals washing ma chines electrlq fana toaatere and electrical contrivances now consider ed necesaltfea were out of comtnla alon there were no electric lights for monday night nor for tuesday morning in the homes none ol the streets and pnbileu building were 11 lumlnated the power was off for over twenty four hoqra bgnnoekburn woman s institute the bannockbum women s institute held their june meeting- at the home of mm scott acton alderbad on wed neaday juno 10 twenty three ladles were preaenl a aplendld mualcal programme was enjoyed after a good paper was given on cult tv ting the community by mfsa mccultoturh mm oarrldge the repreaontauve to the district convention gave an hi terestlna report the prises ddhated by the institute to bannock burn and woodalde bchool for tho three high est- standing wore awarded as fol lows bannockbum haael james coqn scott alleed piarrldge wood side neoma noble edward diurgan daisy foster tho next meeting of the institute will be held on wadnea day afternoon july is at the homi of mrs t a russell fith line eleotion night s thunderstorm the electrical fireworks were a trifle previous on election night their bojsteroua explosions and vehement breexe put telephones telegrapha radio distributor nnit eleotrlo light and power all out of commission those interested of all parties had to grin and bear the disappointment narrow eaeape from lightning bolt lost thursday afternoon while the thunderstorm was in progress john ruddlck who had been doing road work with some of his neighbors on th first line took his team under a tree near dublin oemotary for pro teeuon after a little tlmo the team beeame restless and ruddiok drove across the road to another tree he had hardly gotten to the new positron when a bolt of jlghtplng struck the tree he had been under mr ruddlck very thankful for this fortunate escape of himself and hi team farewell to choir members methodist choir member have soolal aftarnsen with mr nell me donald and fartlty thi memfjeni of the methodist ci olr with whom mr noll msdonal i an 1 mua lfaxnl have been intimately aa l c in tod for a number nf yearn spent a l ipumuu social afternoon with the nt u i c nlo at ruckwood on faturday aftirnoon try ml lltloit to tfio choir a number of mnrolmrni of urn church aowocluted with theip worn also present after an hour or ao of enjoyable social intercourse cholrniaaw amo maaod callod the gathering to order ile expressed the regret felt by all that mr- mcdonald and family are about u remove from acton and ox plained that the pic nlo being held was to allow the member of the choir and orchestra ondjoyelr friends t on joy the afternoon together he then call i upon mr j c matthews who read the following add ran to mr noijjffc donald and mlbaihuac dear frjonds krlund after frtn i doiuirt who has nut losj a friend there la no union hero of heart hut soon or lute shall end our fellowship oa feltow mem t era f tho choir of the old homo church has been sweet and ttuld intf and it jmlns u all to con tern plate tho i artlng tho exigencies of life however render th aev crnnce f the ties lmieratlve nooner or later and while the though of saying good bye implant deepest regrets wo bow subnllaslvely la the will of him who doeth nil thing woll the providence which brought un together aa member of tho choir waa certainly a kind one our relation have been moat cor dial and in all our activities you have entered heartily and faljh fully vou huve given freely of your talent your service have been moat helpful and your cher ful disposition have contributed much t tnn pleaaum and eatl faction of -intercom- and in the accomplish merit of tho aim we hae before u as a choir i mulc i u talent whlch our heavenly father elevate to a very high place kveryt emotion from the most reverent devotion to the wildest guxhc of frolicsome joy upholds talur lmdvrattyo will h the christian to worshlr neighborhood newa- towp and country r ashqrtove un i mm j 11 cumcron of t ronto i enl hui lay t lust week wh mr up i mr j hit wriggle worth mr and- mm u k moom aoton wlh mr an 1 mr j in wriggle john wrlrrleawi rth the fanner uru all busy haying now tho wavenlh una roadway 1 getting rulher rough again a day or two with the road leveller would improvo it v crewbon8 corners kvcryone i glad tho election 1 c ver tho bxcesxlvo heal over tht wouk end was followed monday evening by a hurricane of wind and u deluge of rain that levelled hay and grain and uprootevl tree part of the roof of mr o lambs barn wua torn off not as much dsmago waa dune here as in noma aoclon of tho country mr 1 masachern milton visited friends here on sunday mr and mrs c b gamble buffalo n y visited at mr j giunblp a this week mr and mr htevenon uuit childrei and mis bhoa crewaon milton spent the week end at mr m crewaon a mm fuevenaon intend staying a month with irer mother and other trtend hero is lcnore and master donald orman iluelph spent the week end with trwr grandfather here na88aqaweva one of tho worst wind und electric storm over wtneed hum pusaed over this vicinity on mon lay afternoon about 6 o clock the wind was er 110a and left destruction in its path charles a darby a hno bank barn at kruuchbull la alraott a total wreck und tho verandah on hi house wu torn down and trees smashed it la reported that jame moffat barn was unroofed alo mr harland wllaon there are a number of orchards badly damaged fence were levelled in all direction the oldest resident they never aw anything ilka it the fclorra came up from the outhw and wo mot by another from the north thotnln fell in torrent thn nflcubn in aysr is pnohibiion a 8ucceb87 a recent newri article reveal that peoria minor having been the world s gmuteat whiskey centre with the lid vent of prohibition experienced a change thirteen former dlxtlllerle located in or near it wore taken over by a food producing corporation which spent more than ten million dollars in equlpi ing them for industrial purpose a a result those d 1st tier le which formerly employed about i 000 men in making alcohol am now employing fqur time many in manufacturing bono rtrlu foodstuffs for 8ale or rent h roomed cement block h ue n arthur street acton nearly now nicely decorated klectrlo light divided cellar hur i and jiofl water quroge for two car stablo un 1 ijmiuury house immediate ponsesainm for particular apply to j a smith phono 10s real uauiip a nt wanted women weavers for woollen mill 50 hours per wrrlc saturday free learners taught harris co ltd rockwood hurrah hurrah 1 for th oldtime dance at suburban park july 2nd four apiece orchestra dana log from 4pm till 1 a m come and enjoy yourself do not for get the date mr t gibbon floor manager admission ladles 25o osnu b0o by nuto via crewaon corner mclean co hot weatfier specials sale pncib on lddicb white wash skirts these skirts are made up in tho latest styles by one of the best firms m the trade the cloth is n fine middy twill and thoroughly shrunk 46 fore making all sizes in stock sale prices our regular 2 us skirt for 25 our regular 2 75 skirt for 210 our regular 2 25 skirt for 190 do not miss this as it is one of thf best bargains evlr ofi i rhd d a- corsets at reduced prices this is our regular 1 30 corset made of a good quality cloth with rust proof steels all size 20 to 20 in stock ask for no 236 regular 50 for 119 holeproof hose black and white browns grays camel and blocs au pure sik with rib top special at 175 pair i mayim i i ii mclean co mill street acton oni bargaws thint81a jlfflb m bb- an rl trw pnlt tlnyna tba patriot t hi l i i r fy brief local items cut tho long grass trim up your boulevards immc day of achool to morrow tht 1 the good old summer time there am 1s4 defeated candidate to day examinations are nearly all over hurrah monday will be u holiday for everybody strawberries have been down iso this week next monday la dominion day public holiday theres plenty of moisture now for the growing crops milton council ha introduced an earlyclosing hy jaw sunday was the hottest june day experienced in years kewple doll have been much in evidence during the week ban sir drory received hi tart est majority at palermo 8t many tourists are driving through town these one summer days georgetown was loyal to mr dal and garahhoa majority of 62 ueetrioal atorro have been rather freguedi the past ten day or so acton haa had no long distance telephone connection since monday hornby sohovl waa badly damag ed by tho storm on monday afternoon dominion day visiter will rw doubt be numerous the coming week end the 18th june will long remain to tho memory of many people of on tsrto about ten- thousand brook trout have been placed in the credit river at srin jl lot of damage- was dona at georgetown by the big windstorm on monday good mornlngl have you renew ed our faxsi pxxsa subscription for another year miss el el knapp ha been ap pointed a member of georgetown ex sjbtlnlng board renew your fih pnu subscrlp uon promptly and aeours a 10 self ftuer fountain pan for 60c acton had a new election expert ence on monday night when the re porta ware received by radio the queen victoria memorial win dow in st judos church oakvllle was destroyed by monday torm the atudent and teacher from outside rschool and colleges are now arriving home for the summer vac uon the high temperature and hum idlty on sunday waa responsible for small attendance at the church vices rink of brgua and defeated them by 22 to x the games were on the plus plan and acton wu credited with plus ix in the second game frank sargeant of grand valley was encountered ilarrlaon rink won again with a scorn of 26 s plus is wa also th figure allowed in tbt contest udney richardson s crack rink from etora came up against the actonfun for the third game richardson rink had 17 plus jid two wliu- and acton at this point was 24 diu and two wins a0ton won by l point the tug of war in the final was with guelph millionaire rink skip pod by harry mahoney it wa a closely contested and exciting match when the game was more than half through the score stood guelph acton fi in the next two end acton cored 7 putting ihalr rink 2 in ud vanoe the last shot gave guelph 1 and acton therefore won the tnurna went with 1 shot the prises were a cut glass berry bowl and half a doxen comport for eefcb of the four player they an very proud of their sueceaa and ap predate highly the fine prise betow ed the week baseball gorotewn leads the lasgu and aetenv th tommr team in the standing the local ball team again met de feat at the hand of the bronte team tost saturday afternoon at bronte by a weird score the local team need some bolstering up before thoy can get back in the running the- oexftwetown team far now jsad ing the jlieague much credit uj du to georgetown when tho eeasor opened thoy could not put a team on the field they are now in first place the week s soore were campbellvltl g milton 1 georgetown 4 burlington 3 bronte ii acton 1 burlington plays here on saturday and the local craw am going to try to break into the win column and boost their averages thb u5agu1s standing georgetown- 1 800 bronte 4 2 flfs burlington 3 1st milton 4 s 72 compbellvmo 1 4 2 acton 1 6 16s next saturday s games burlington at acton georgetown at campbgjlvtlle milton at bronte 8t albanstxsrrjsn party- there is a groat treat in store for all those who attend the bt alban s garden party next thursday july 6 in acton park th artist ootnpo ing tb fax fun company together with the acton cltlsens band will give an excellent programme rickets 16c and 16c thursday july 0 w la worden and blanch are srisaged in painting one of the baantmorsj residences in tor onto monday s cyclonic windstorm blew down many trees wire and some buildings considerable damage was dons courting hasnt changed vary much thsytfp pn the gas now in th old- days they would gas on the steps our season for putting down fruit and the one for putting up t the price of sugar coma tooclose together de troit news the halton fir insurance board deferred their monthly meeting until tuesday this month owing to the eleo uon on monday th work on st joaeph church tower has been completed and the exterior woodwork df the building tnrtnted throughout people have net yet aoqulred taste for mllkfretn oow pastured on sweet clover its flavor is rather dif ficult to appreciate now that the election is over the flower beds at government building will likely be mt out with the most prollfle blooming annuals with the- mercury hovering at do inthe shads the past week therq haa not been much thought of canada jbatng our iady of tb snow itydrortntbp ljop service s now ming realty epnaldsrad our oitisans may yet have- a shop tjpan to tham wtmpavar they shop at any other store bmward t cnan goal keepar of oajcwlla football taam sustains a oompniiad rraatura t the righi lag 4 dujiov gagas at bnruhgrtoa on batur- the frequent rains have kept gar den vegetables growing ut a rapid rate the weeds keep pace with them however und frequent hdelng la necex sary the larftost number of auto ever parked on acton atreet worn aeon pare on saturday night th struct were nilod with cars until nearly mid night a jaaloua city newspaper remarks fn t tillage you can reduce the coat of living by telling your neighbor that she makes the finest bread you ever tasted the palmer show have attracted a larg attendance every night of their stay in town their clean method of amussmapy commended themselve to the public high bchool entrasce examinations oommehded yesterday and will oon tlnue to day and friday the do partmeutal examinations wer com pleted yesterday be careful every day your family wants you to come home every night the boss wan la you at work morrow and ths hospital doe not want you take tune to be careful th brick walla of the new fao lory for thomson motor supplies limited jim golbg up rapidly the steel window frames are set and th bulavm will soon be ready for the ropf actou and vicinity has many pretty homes and others which might readily be mads attractive a little personal car and work during spam minutes oftsn result in an agreeable uanaformfuobv hon mr prury a meeting hi ths town hui on saturday night was large strang rastus do thv people who ir amended th addrsss by mr uvs across ths- road from ybu keep hoey m p war utnsd to with cwosnr fin crop proapeeu in british columbia letter from james j carnation from alexander ranch 1 c aay thl dry belt in the interior of british columbia ha had the wettest year far alnce 110 rain has fallen every day vlnoe the ith may and thl with irrigation hers ensures a bumper crop the grain crops are all in head now some of them measure four feet high rye fa being cut on the north thompson river measuring 7 feci inohaa potato and other vegetable crop look like an enormous yield there are no potato bugs to check the growth a vvry good showing of fruit prevail and cherries a coming to market in full swing the ranch on which i am working is attached to the tranqulue banttorium which i supported by the provincial govern w rino hard of holsteln oow of is head is on the ranch fifty six of them am making and the dally uppiy to tho sanltorium u 1h gal lonof milk they also have boo head of range cattle mostly hereford and juhurthorn from which tlutbariltoxlum get vhe most of its meat supply the osdmala dress at uq average of 07 pounds i expect tu go buck homo to brandon man shortly oq a visit m the philanthropist to hi generous work the friend to tho altar of friendship tho lover to the side of hi beldved it elevate empower und strengthen them all how sweet doe it rnako the worship of god o htv5 the reverent emotion poured out in song and oils ha been our aplendld privilege for so many yearn together we will always rementber these happy yeam und we are assured you ned nothing to keep you in remembrance of that part or your lifetime apent in acton but we beg your acceptance of these gift a small token of our love for you we unite in wishing you very happy relation in your future home and we feel euro that there you will exerclao your talent for the bleaalng and edification of the church andthe community where over you may reside while we say good byo here wo do not forget the glorious hope wo all entertain that in tho sweet bye and hya wa shall alng together again in the great heavenly choir around the throne of god in heaven we would also remember mm mcdonald and jean because they a aio our dear friend and our beat wishes embrace them in loving contemplation the members of the choir amos mason leader j c matththws treasurer bl- rtie speight secretary acton june 221123 on behalf of the choir mr william esentod mr mcdonald with a sot ebony brushes and mia bertie smith tendered mtsa ilaxel aevoral french ivory toilet urtlolea miss mcdonald and her father were both visibly aurprhiad and almost come w haael thanked her friend tho donor in graceful term mr mcdonald aald it did not require presents to remind tham of their many friend in tho choir und in the acton church it had been a pleasure to tbem to contribute what they could to the service of song and for the church interest they hud greatly enjoyed their residence in acton and would never forget the many kind no sltown them tho ladle then eerved u aubatanllal plo nla lunch which all enjoyed mr and mr mcdonald and daugh tem ift yesterday for bracebridge now for hard worl rev henry caldwell uf georgetown will preach morning and evening in tho ebeneser church next sunday the garden party on monday promts e t6 be an ovent of note donald clark a 1 am had tho roof partly taken off und tho riorth west wall blown in chu darby who wo opcrat ed on last week at tho qnolph gen oral hospital 1 progressing u well ixpoctod rockwood premier drury prorjrpuy resigns wjillv his office en july 16 t premier deelgnsts hon mr figuan on tuesday afternoon premier drury culled upon his honor tho lieutenant government by uppolntment ana ad vised him that hon mr ferguson shoul i be culled upon tu form w mln istry hon mr ferguson was there upon summoned to government house and formally entrusted with he duty the new administration will take of flee on july 14 premier drury having omclally staled that hi cabinet mem her will have affair in such shape by thut date thai tby will be able to make way for their successor by thi luirt which he tho played the above negotlontlon premier drury perfurmed hla formal share in giving effect to the will of ths people which was p strongly expressed in monday s vote will according to hi utatement retire from the political urena in which fur the pustlfour year he ho been an interesting figure mr und mr ftod hanson formorly of oustlc have moved into the real dance of mr ilobl sowell mr rueben squlrw teacher ho urken the place of mr r cameron who has completed hla years work at the continuation school lllg scores are the order with tho girl baseball club the girl team played the brookvlllo girl und de feated them 4s 17 muu beaslo hubum of baglnaw mlcty who had been yultlng with mm k roytv also mm well of toronto spent last week with her later mrs s s uoyce when rev j little preached hi farewell sermon in tho presbyterian church was crowded to it utmost capacity the congregation regret much the loss of their faithful and devoted pastor whoso advancing years make the charge too heavy for him hi ministry here has bean productive of great good h i those in connection with a preaen tafjon to mr and mm percy mlllen of rockwood by the adult bible close e of tho methodist church rock wood mot at their homo a woak ago to bid them good bye a short address wa read by the president mr j lyouvon bfer which mr e dyer presented them with a cut glass berry set mr and mrs mlllen expressed tholr gratitude in a few word their many friend wish them every ha pi ness in their new homo in port elgin the methodist church hold a very successful garden purty in the kxhl bttton park last saturday evening j baseball game between mcrgus ulid rockwood wu the nrat attraction un 1 reaulted in a win tor tho rockwoot boy after the game the acton methodist orchestra supplied a must cal programme which wu enjoyed by all the orchestra also played during the intermission tho rest of the pro gramme wa given by the ilobb family hamilton entertainer messrs plum mor und aulld uf rockwood and u child entertainer from rockwood rev mr gelger wu the chairman the imported clydesdale stallion kilwinning jock will stand at arthur gunby s no aagaweya every tuesday at noon p j mclean pulmch for night wodneaday noon at oeorge flnpey s lot 50 concession 7 noaaaguweyo homo for night he will be ut hi own stable kern dale farm all day saturday und mon day term to insure foal fle 00 payable february 1 id24 all accidents to mare nt owners risk 48 6 nkit gltlits a sons prop in canvas footwear for ladies men and children indies shoe rubber ola regular 91 86 and s3s0 eu at 1j00 and tl2s mon shoe ruubdr sole rcrulur s3 co und if 86 sell ut 9129 and 1146 i children shoe leather sole regular s3 00 end 12 10 sell at 156 nd145 rhll iron shoes rubber si iom at 75c to 1100 lu he all leather she from 1150 to 240 boy all leather boat from 1 60 to 1275 i uloo 1 ve u fine stock of oxford for young men at reasonable price do t fall to come and oo these bargains tony scynuk next to bapti8t church mill street t- notice to patrons of this es tablishmbnt during july und august exam liiatlons for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lens grinding und quick repair department operating as usual write in or phone 109w for appointment a d savage optometrist av mrg optielan savage optical building right at the post office 1 gajelph the voi in acton ir hillmsr hsgdsd th 460 mr oats had 202 drury 163 mr poll with and mci hlllmer mulntalnud himself at 1 cud of the poll in acton u in ly every other 0itlon of the county his organisation wa com plete und effective of the 812 votes countol he was favored with set the vote ut the four polling place wus as follow v hill dale drury mer 38 44 104 johnny docft the cftvino whan johnny is nsughty and trying ppu bring a cane and says sighing though this i nut dp it hurts m mot than you but its johnny who does all the cry ids all they can to poll by aeroplane hugh tern pi in of fergus new r oord returning officer at moo factory allun m dyntond jc c chief kioc tlon officer appointed hugh tempt id of the fergus news record a deputy ilstumlng officer at moos factory on james bay moose factory la th moat northerly qptlng place in on tarttj mpndaywaa the first time in the history of um provlno that u poll was ltld there moose factory i 300 mile from the nearest railway a round trip by canoe take over three woek in order to roach thl polling place in tlmo for the election mr toitxplln want to moonbeam fl mile west of cochrane but friday from there lie was taken by motor car to rem luke the headquarter of the fire ranging aeroplane fleet in northern ontario and the rest of tho distance he went by aeroplane pj t will require about a week and the news record wll no doubt have an interesting report f the s- pertance next week wifklv cautjon why all that storming t t asked my husband for ten dol lars well if hs must kick up a fuss like that wtw not sskr htm for an huudr4t baosmae i peed hla support don t want to him drop d town hull gibbon bhoi hydro hhop customs orl 67 43 7fj so 3fm rebb subbrripttojtb during the past week or two the fre pre hs been sending out subscription blank te facilitate re n viral by our aubaeribsrm hundreds of subscription fall du at the end of ths present month this week lsu is therefor the lest copy pf r th year paid for prompt renewal wilt be appreolat ed and will naur ths regular re ceipt of ths ehsrished noma paper w thank you total 30j 182 4j ati on hud however 1 286 uvullublo vote thut only two third of hem wer i veiled june weddinq8 marry whnvjunr rose blow over lahot aodjjsesf you ii go th june i ride ti june bridegroom but does not cut much or em is mlo u f uturfts hs agursv a mr cobb his married a ml webb hs knew that they were meant to be joined us uott us he spied hf it 1 naturally difficult for a june bride tu understand where the divorce courts get their busfhe from a young husband culls hi elated in his mind with a hill f tito joyous juno bridegroom may t be joyous whon he is hi reduced rostlvlfles next to the liuumecfeanliig k v the day of dy in w woman calen dar la oio i ne chotten fur her wedding uolnl uf time from which ah will reckutt ull the rol of her life when we read that th wedding will taka place quietly in june are we to infer that soma weddings will taiis place noisily at a later datot there may be no more issue of the vlotory bonds but there will hi way be the bonds of matrimony and for the herolo groom and the lovajy brids at gait kiltie band on the ground of ebenezer methodist church on the evening of july 2nd i us follows 1 munti hlav adolf latter j bullet music uuglnl llutlrt fiiyi tlaii dm co 1 2 2 overturn luyntun le thorn u 4 deitrrli uvi fnntuwiu ti mill in the llluok forratt i- iiatihunr 6 twu hi i anona gmy in ll hi lutormvsso t value septemhr v uudln 7 funtaslu wlnierbottom chrlslmuh i tan tat to i hens 8 hymn ci uti n fieeihovuti 0 march doming dlulunt umutltife ths band will b istd by mr j h crfmevon cntarialner of toronto saturday treat just srnved another supply of neilsons super cream packages of chocolates a pound of highclass chocolates packed in a neat box and sells for 60c fig caramels 29c lb a rich tasty ctramel full of cocoanut and figs and rolled in sugar this makes a wonderful summer candy regular 40c tb saturday treat 29c weekend chocolates 32c lb you cannot afford to be without a pound or two of our qhocolatcs over the weekend a real good assortment of high- class chocolates regular 40c and 50c tb saturday special 32c lb ice cream a few suggestions for dessert neilsons vanilla ice cream or the party netlson s cherry custard bricks and to keep coal drop into our parlors and enjoy a cold ice cream soda a fruit sundae or an lec cold drink v rumley phone no 3 acton ontario friday and saturday specials at pattersons meat market bflf cuts per lb in trie surrogate court of th6 county of halton in 4h m- of tt of henry 8yrs lsi of ba fenshlo of e ejulng in tht ftoun pf nffr farmer dsd notice i hereby slv i pursuant o the revised htutuivx of rjxsri i chat pr ill kictlnn f that all lompus having claim un the estate of the aid hsnry sayer wh died on o about the lli day of march nk sf ulrdle because she is always as- tle aald township of esqusslng in ij j a ij iu requireil ti send ly lost or to deliver to the umtemlgiivd sollrltur for ths administrator of the en lute nf the said iltnry kayowf i n or before thn 14th day of july 1013 their names ad dreaaee full purtifuhir uf their claims and the nature if iho security hf mny held by them ull luly vermel by statutory declaration after the aald date he a iminlstmt m will immm1 to tlslrltutti h un tf tie d ceased amoi g the purtls nil tied thereto having regard only to th olshns of which they shall then have notice and they slmll not he llubl for the aets or any usrt of them to any person of whose cifllm i otic shall not have been nrjoelve 1 by them at th time uf such dlslrlbutl n dated ut milton this oth day of junu 19z3 w i riich uulou ontario ilolloirvr for the adminlstratom with wiu aaaeasd 14 1 choice nib roasts thick rib rousts per lb shoulder roasts per tb lllado roasts per lb stowinjj beef per lb briakct boil per tb fork cots loin pork chops per lb shoulder chops pec tb frosh ham per lb t fresh side pork per lb choice homemade sausage per tb choice smoked rolls half or whole per lb 3 tb pails shortening 19c 17c 15c and 16c lie and 15c locartd 12c he 25c u 23c and 25c 20c 15c and lhc 25c 50c h0me6r0wn strawberries tho omcurovn strawberries pre no in hij wt lsve berries from tfie lncst gardens fresh ovcry day and ut te lowest pricca wutch our witidowbpridiiy muj saturday for specials w j patterson corner irflll np main streets acton ont free press job printing is always neatly done jtstf en tiajmrii

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