Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1923, p. 3

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1 w ffilfe artmi jfirfp jmsj8 tttttirrpav jill a i tj3 canada and the united btateb il hlltll anil il n tl i nnn of 111 ll vl i hi i wl it i w uhk tl rw wliut ijl uii utt i a ml f it ut w bulb xi t hum a i tt q mm j pr wtti au t world both in i iimk hi ul ti 1 i llcsvwlll r ut ftrj tl it imw rt ul vv mh u h iihuro 11 ulniclo whip f wurl ith unilty m lucrum ntury jjr ulol hoi i f i uiulhuii woull nutu n 1 1 til til ur walo mlt if hunclu n jr f thnr i ill in ilk tvn of hi it itll i wl u aervllw tuiivn uh nuw t r 1 llm our tigihof 1 x w kivi i ut una glud im iiniirulifii jio it tin umi till tlim mi ill ii i- thin wlo gone tiru7 a cdiiil a friend f and lot ua tu all nulloim l rovo that nutlunu mil uu lirt thara l vo ann a it wolla doing two things at once it la vory difficult indiad fur ur dlnary people to do two thing ut once vol caesar ami nnjolfmin wore ixith ub to dicta tn unvorul it tti r ut once and many famous chess players ur able to conduct a no r of game moving from table to labl uu i keeping the plan of action in mhyl without letting one gomn ixmiomu confused with the other j mot of uu too iuii curry n u can venation whiut doing simple manual work auoh a cleaning u window ur sawing a place of wood without the one thing interfering with the othor and it la iiulto easy to wont along a atroet while thinking of homo thing abeolutoly unoonneotod with the act or walking i which in ilunu automatic oily when both lunku require roal at tentlon however few can manage more than one thing at u llnv a simple experiment will llluutrute thla how many pooplo can draw with i the pioneers i tulhd but in glurloui led them by the penal a croat with the left hand and rchetaj with the- oili hand ulmultunoouulyt this ho wove r la u implo tusk com pared with the feats accomplished by a girl who has been tented by english scientists not only can oho wrlto ulmultan eously different words with both liands buf she can write buckwurd with one hand and forward with the other another performance ubiudmi rated before scientific observers was the writing with three separate pieces of chalk at once one or them being held between her teeth on other occasions throe me have been written at the aame time in english trench und oennui she ic also u clever urtiut und ilnda no difficulty ih painting- a pittun with uno hand whilst aho pluys tho piano with the other the indians psalm the indian language in not easily abject to translation and in their in tarcourse with one unother the various tribes use a algn lunguugo more ur leas universal which they have ovolv pd tho following is a translation of tho twenty third paalm which can easily be interpreted by this sign ian cub the great puttier above is a bhep herd chief i am hla and with him i want not he throws out to mo a rope und the name of the rope is love und ho draws me and he draws me and he draws me to where tho grass la green and tha water is not dangorous i j eat and ho down satisfied 8ometlme my heart is very wruk and falls down but ho lifts it up again and draws mo into a good road ills name 1 wonderful some time tt may bo very soon may be longer it may be a lojig- long time ho will draw me into a place between mountains it la dark there but iii draw back not ill be afraid not for it is in there between these mountains that the sauphord chief will moot me and tho hungor i haxa felt in my heart all through this life wiy be satisfied sometlmea he makes the love rope into a whip but after ward ha gives me a slant to lean on ho spreads a tabic boforo roe with all kind of food hstjut ills hands upon my head atfttall the tired la gone my cqp ha nils till it runs over t vtflat i tell you la true i lie not these roada that or away ahead wilt gtay with me through this life and afterwards 1 wlu go to live in the but tepee anil alt down with the shepherd chief forever hlasion- ary review of the world 1418 business pounded on pan8ie8 when our son waa a ud of tt n years i euggvsted to my hmaban 1 ihv idea uf raising pansy plants to noil to people living in the nearby town we had moved from the city u few year before to a little country plue und because of john impaired health we took up gardening jia uu oocupu tlort und as a means of making a living we worked ut thla for auverul years with increasing aucceaa but i wanted also some way for hon to moke a utile money for hla very own jq that he might learn thcvaluo of money i how beat to uaa if ror necessity und pleasure when b suggssted going ititu part tiantsip with- him and growing flower plants for the boy tn sull on aharea ray huabajid luughod und auld ttiat avcyou4 could rulso tholr own flows plants liut just the autnn ho promi t ly aet about making wxa and putting up shelves in the kltchi n wlndowa for our experiment i tho rtrat your wv hold twolvo dol lars worth uf tho plants i ills cl- cou raged u in i wo incroumud our mtook ulld ittoni tliuit iloublutl oui aulus the ntond yur twelve your huve iuisnihi the boy is a yuuine mun uml u full purtnur in ho bualiioe with two grtxlnhi uitea lu niunuge uu 1 u loah ktitwlny lit maml or the producta verily we should not duaplmi the day of amull tgluulnga in thu mt at wonderful uno ex tonal vo struoturu there muet b he laying of thu ural atone our futlu r tight the clod of mitlui hand with pillared amuko by day und fire by night they wrought lko huroi n in tlu ir prumlaed and rho wudnrness waar coinjuorod by tliolr might thoy roadii for ood thu itmrvel ho had i laiuiul a land uf homca whuro toll uould make men fruo the final mastorpluie of latliiy j eter uoarthur cilfctwaons coilnkh memollikh i atatod in my lust ooatrlbullon that i hoard in the uockruy home on july 3 1b7g thut they thuve aturtod u pupor in acton which us a tout tor of fact wua launched iwp duya pruvloualy vial on july i j ulao hukiicuttwl a pobslblo dlvwrguncu with some rofloc tlona tnu loooi iliaaa wuu luunched at the beginning of the laat uuurtor of a wunderful t ntury untl u wondurful aurflvr tojo a row thlnbh which may pretty fairly be said tv be withlb1 mngof its exiatence are electric light telephone plwnogntph atnum threah ura seit binders to say nothing of the marvellous uchlovomanta reached in the present quarter in thu uacsuf iwctrlclty and gusollna oreut man huva pawued away und others huve taken tfielr puiceu tilr oliver mowat was premier of ontario and alexander jjackonxlf i rime mln inter of canada john a mucdonuld tupper blake cleo brawn and u boat of others whose names were iotutant ly n sight are now remembered only by a few fcvan wilfrid laurler had hardly been not i cod lord fhiftcrin was uovornor ooneral of canadu grant was president of tho united statea and of courae good old queen victoria of blessed memory wan in the height of her influence and fame be lna about thut very year proclaimed impress of india hon david henderson whd for no many years represented the people on tho halton aide of the corner com mdnlty had hardy even begun to make political apeechesr in fact it wo about thirteen years before his first election while outhrle james ionia clarke and others uico fumlllur on tho wellington aide arc long replaced by others kgerton ryerson tho great rounder of tho publle school system af on tario was just finishing hla public career and the achame ho worked out was having developed into if the port folio of minister of education acton itself was only launched on its rolmclpal career being two und a half year oh as uh incorporated mun lolpality and juat here wouldn t it be una to havo a time or it thla year apnaotlme to celebrato us jubilee t acton is times and times over larger than then tho recent old man reflection have referred to many of tho 61d fields and vacant places i think it is safe to say that not mprv than two or three brick houses were in the village then the school was the old t6ne build lmr part of which is now under the high school none of the churches were in thetr present location except possibly at albans and so one do velopment after another might bo mentioned but tug vnssi iluaui has held on and has been for the must part of the time in tho vine management the faith of the couple uf young moore brothers who took bald of tho paper in its childhood lias been re warded by the devoloproent of u etrvng manly medium of information and cdupmi ftrrrhe community uml has helped to prove that virtue not only is but brlnfs lu own reward a fur- a thq corners is concerned the advent of tua fluas puxaa 1 con temporaneous with that of luv g culvert us pastor of the comers church and it la somewhat of a atntfu- lar co incidence that it wu the long- continued proprietor of the paper who us we might say was then a chunk lad who brought rev mr calvert from acton either the hunday before or uftor for hla first service mr calvert a term oo wua of note in this that the corner atone of tho new church of hla acton congregation was laid that september by duvld imewea of ii rant ford who us w mlllur in acton i in tha early duya wua well remum bored and it wua u oourtuuua r i mlndtr twenty live yur lulpr vlai it 1901 thut meeure t ulvi l uli 1 1 imewea jwomtho preaches of the day ut the jllver nmilvuraury of the open lug uf tho uhurch opposite mid ulau hiljolnlng to the west of the dookruy rurm were the mulnlonh prupertlos alox mcacroa tho way und johnnlu mo djotnlii dnyn uh iaul und william lrlppa ti up lund umbug the very first w a long tdllaoma jourijpy it wiih fr tjio vlugiru frfpurr up vlu ijubiihijii itnil throiigli tho ioiihii fiuttnciun a of nuan ii iwyn will tip known inly thou who ruinn tlnouti it tiny tlft n i hi ill 6 iwnin iti divll mi ru mil attx mflnto1i plunu wllllum nt lu front und inul txhh i tl i iii willi ii rlthl f wny nit t ii t wn lint thoy w n ixith v ry jiul i r llrlit ilniunl l y in n i ut tt ii hihdl ua ii il it ii ut i clmfai tar if inliijrliy lulrg vi iy alrulght ii un i l wn i hyiilrnllj i i ilium mui y ymii mc muvi il i ver lo the ith line in h rin of hla fimlly i rob ih a v lly in rtnn w a luiiiruttr hnium murrli i n hurry atkltnjeh wklllq 1 imoi in tit i irmaa 1 uthir wi rlit- nnd their u in la i nw acton a not rprlalig t win nun ui i iird atkjraon 1 uul trli h i right tmhlii 1 tin hill until hla until ii m mt hiv livid th r ilxty r hianty ynam iiih hull ilngh win ly tlm nl a lutl uprlng crook wl lol ihku a fr m thn fuci f tho juinnn ho r hill hit hit i for many mnny your un i it nmy lx thnra yet i t tl loj mlk hniiun 1 hilt ovnr u gr valjy pwrt of tho alrsum mo thut the 1iih inild lio clwcoil i ii 1 locka in the iipiir root rnnnliiii wilier lowtiya ka ing the milk trvah ii hud ijtilte a inrg fumilyj hi wlf wuh t thi htiper hogaoltdld and thiilr wn were john if curpdntor mentioned llvl j on the llttln muplm luce alt x wlti in well known in acton us inn lut f trulund william who iium lien a well driver for mnny yeura mm james btei honaon und mrs ale xfo intoah warn duughtera ua well icn cwo younger r who nnvnr marrlml uml live at the corni ru there wt m other crlppa fa mi i lou those or joaoph over u cftupla of conceaslona at tho uppor ond of nusaagawvyu and of oeorgn who llvod in luthr but some uf whom later lived fior thos muy lo n fnrred to ittor thovj i think wore coualna of paul and william z3s ingenious wav to pell a smokestack one of the problems encountered in ronneottpn with certain aiow con atructlon at a maiiufaotbrlng plant in new pngland wua thu wrecking of a large brick a tack twelve feet in diam eter und oi e hundred foot high the tuck wn aurrounaed nntwtfatflaa by bolidlngs and thppnepkvirrinthi wabmuv ub ut thirty five feet wide and about on hundre 1 and lwntyno feot lont ohvlbualy the alack had to fall jnat nthorwlae much iloniaco might be italned by the buildings on scr aldof moat ingenloua method yan viand lo wreck the a la ok the brick work was first cut out in front and aupporta put in th hole was then enlarged toward the centre of the chimney and when tho brick work had len cut out on aoh aide to eight inchea boyond the centre line tho alack eottled on to the wooden aupporta in front and cracked entirely across tin back the wood blocking in tho hole in front of the stack woa supported on roller and a wire rope lad to thla blocking the other end nf th irope led to i motor truck in th atreet aeveral hun dred feet away whan the blocking wua pulled out the alack collapsed the brlcv stack fell within four fet of the calculated location a aectlnu of the top about thirty feet long came down in u nearly vertical poaltlon and doubled back on the bottom section nf tho etaok therefore the rpaoa uctuul ly tuknn by thu ntnek when un tha ground wus only ubout eight foot ion if instead dt one hundred neighborhood newg town and country qeohoetowrj i iti lu nihil ut id httni f iiih u a k v ii all will if oxforl stilre will ixpln i in nihluiiui of l ho melho dint hun h of loorgntown und aah tr vf on ttundjy july n mian nhunka und mim irtimmi tt o i i tlu ic m ill aimiit thi wrek en ut the 1 1 mi of th ir i ualn mr l u bomnrvlll mru ii i uwhui minxii mi ih 1 n ijiwbi n und munlnr vultr iiwaon i ft 1 tut wnk lot y nrflund wh r liny will uonl u rt tlj h ol mjmitl hi c it irj mi hi m i hprhntfli i mun mt marshall lumiilcll of milton und jr nnrmun wrltftfliaworth wim n aln of mr and mru it c alum un thu hulurduy lf r ho ipeti in a furttwell a idroui wniriml to rev mr duviluin und ho w ui prnaeutad with n hand t mo ivuthor club bug und mi uuvl 1m m wim thu retlpunt of u oil vi r 1 iw r banket frt ru the methu hat n iictcgution j i ruld burlingyon i real lint tuylor if the chrnnur of comniurcn haa pluced it vacant lot at tho dlapoaul of the town for an auto tourlnu pahk a drtpklng fouh tain will be placed thi re mayor and mrs e a harris re turned humi on monday fromjtttnnd log the annual convention or thu can udlati wiokly lreas asaoclutluir at halifax und night m king lu the murl time province y i w taylor was electod flrat prosl dent of burlington chamber of com mejca with w ii 1 lutt elected ort vice i ranldbiil uiid j a iuttlt second vicepreal lont a dullghtful mlscellunooua shower wus- given by mlsa ajlio illoaalngcr at her homo hint thumday night in honor of mlaa lillian henderson u bri 1e to h a i ig field day and garden putty will i o hold by tli twin untl uurllngton afcrlculturul hoolety on july 11 jr und mra thomua a hmlth lounce the engagement of thulr euleat daughter mabel k to mr htaney hendorain am of mr and mrs hubert a hinderson of nap angg the wtkiillna- tn ink nlnrtr ntllwllv where home 18 the jrince of wales when he pro posorf tha toaat of england ut the royal society of bt george a dinner t the guild hall london used these worda the word englandauxgeeta differ ent ldcaa to different people but to ui means uno thing only the royal society of st george continued the prince known whut fnglapd has been nllll la ind i lease ood wilt ulwoya be thoro ta no hot tor place and if we leave it we un never really happy till wo return tsnglbjhmen do not care to about their country und to bo trumpet 1 unengllab but there la enu attribute of england i ahould like lo touch on to night though dlrlcuit to xpreaa in worda i mean nil the association bound up in that romntlalty rngllah word home mo body can call me u atay at home but none the lea when i hour that word i think of england it is juat the aarne with all briton the world over they epak of england aa home no matter where they may have been born m rr july mr und mra w v hopkl and mrs h t poater and mlsa edith llahor uttendod the rraduation oxer else ut macoonalda inatlluto a guelph laac kiiday mlas eatlier hop kin havlruc aucceaafutly completed hur courso thre mlaa jeaale borden alao a auccoaaful graduate and n later mlaa klmlru borden ajxint the week end ut bonnie jluce and lift mdnday for their homo ut huntsport nova scotlu ouxette talk harp on the lawvgh 7- are one ufteruoon a atrangei dolmrked from a train at u hustling town in the west und heudad up tha at root vi ally ha met a man who h okcnl like native pardon me aalit the stranger yqu atasldont of thn tow tea- air wan the ready rejoinder of the other i have boon hero aoina- thing ike nrty years what can i do for yont i am looking tar u criminal lawyer reapandod the utranger have you one barer wll sd rbu uatlv renscuvely wb think w have but we can t prove it box nlav while llss place wus u llttu farther west uilll tho broth or und aialer un tha ktin aide i think never murrled and i think ouch lived ulonu both plnetts liavo hud u huicunmioii of ooau- luiiitw but uu flno uf thorn mr wm auderuoii now of a cumu und built noiiio hum bulldliiga in pluou of thu ourllur uii unl lived fqr uuvuml yours on unw of propurtlua the othi r brothei altxa furm hud uno uf th nicest froiilugoa along- ut lihu with u nloo whhix in tho roar alui lugii iivt lug auiite yeura in altlgle bluasednona vatiluully took unto himself u after tho mnniiitr of aduni uiul urae wu mudu thu rlchur then juat hero without planning fu it by the rtb ulhlalon may i rehtto u tury that ha oocurrod to memory u read momu year so of a little boy wliu hud read or been 40111 of thu way adum wua tnude ao happy but who wum noticed by hta muthur later ua 1ml ng vory quiet on being asked if uny thing wu the mat tor said oi ma i vti got un awful pulu up liorc in my hua ni ufruid im going to get u wife alex mo wum a well informed und helpful neighbor ihivld mooro who it wl bu leiuimlnnctl hud bith thigh broken by u fulling tree uand to re la to wtlji great gratl tudo of thlw neighbor contrivances oraotad over hla bed whereby in tjic weurywooas ic trfcutmnt he could relieve hi position the name of crlpps ts lneparably woven into th history of thi jitimmanita urn- the first refrigerator tiio flrat refrigerator the world hud vvur noert wuapomptetod nrteen yeath boforo tho civil wur bagui by dwrlua cddy a taga arpentsr at the old ronton theatre one day john lodge father of henry cabot zodg uskod tlie young carpenter if there wus not some way that could be devised an that rood droduaui could bo kept and used during the hot aummei month eddy hud uh idea tluit if cold ulr could be kept inside a container fav orable condition ought to prevail he experimented tor day and week until he conoelvod the idea 6f an airtight box which could if cooled with ice und would maintain a steady tempera i after it reached u certain fegreo wholl the ulr tight box was flajahed h allowed it tu mr lodge und it waa put lu thf practical teat the reeult weie remarkuble und no fur ahead of wliatmn ludge hud expeotcd thut ho gut the young carpenter to muku aim liar imixm fur hla frlenda then mr eddy doafdnd he would muko rt frigarulors for everybody mohal to thli 8al em what thev wanna buy wall wulll old top itavoil i mhjtl you for many u day you re looking hai py olid pron itruua icat time 1 uiw you you luiikid u nhoerful ua limn having a tooth pull6d wliata tha ititawerr 1 hen i was welling ufa insuruliou which nobody saamwd to want if 1 hu i u ih hir tur vvury time lbu door huu ifiil aliul ui my face id bs able to tvllre uhd llvn on thu intoroat of my money now 1 uni heltlus uutomo hllea und ov ry i laoo- i go thoy wel i onto tuo a if i wus u long lost broth r who hud returned home with for tliuii they it nsfxiotad to hej me sper oakville uul lit lug 1 ermlt for juno umuunt to 1130 000 mlaa frnmu brown prlnclpu uf brant school sailed un saturday for 1- nglund und tho continent mra walter inoiohurt lore for cleve kind on sunduy being culled homeaud donly because her father had mot with uu accident tho 37th unnuwj garden party in aid f st andrew a church will be held on the prethylery grounds on tueaday july 10 v mlaa murjorlo duugull b a leaves thlh week for purope sha la joining un uducutlunul groui which will via it tho flrltlnh laloa and the continent mr w l gregory roturned frum 1 roud ut week mum iii lu gregory will remain in toronto for the ium or permits huve recently been tasuod f r uireo npw house in town thoi arc ieun wuke klrst street borah wllllama stowurt street und david williams stowurt street tho three torontu men who werel ihurged with usau1tlng c w wruyq ut the oakvllle garage tuat friday morning uppeured in ik 1 loo court on tuemluy they paid all damages und tho char go waa withdrawn mra jumna barker uf navy street north received slight cuts about thi urmi und body when the car in which alia wan sitting uturted without the driver und rolled 20 feet down the aide of thu ravine of sixteen mile creek the car was istopped by tve towurda which mrs barker had thu proaerice of mind to ateer it a truck carrying ubout thirty berry picker home from the farm of jaa n leoa tueaduy noon turned wide ut the corner of cotborno and brunt bt recta und upevt iortunately no one wus morloualy injured mr jame blkck who wua la tho rrunt aeut with the drivpr farad tho worst br celvd a small fracture of hur recori thinning apples the reason f r thinning thn upplra nn n tru la to reducn the number i f low grade applea luforli r nolo muy bo din i t lna t or rungua lujui y wer loduutlon on u npur re i lilting in it iu k of nlce mil uniform lly ir foully twilllnulion tho object t thliinliih ihor fura in ii rem ivn ih f tlv fiulta aul uh i mine of thi n i r iwlng in lunti n mt f hut thn re i lululiitf un im will grow turgor if u rvrittcr uniformity mil of a bettir i i r it in imitortaul loj have a kkmi m l f fruit but it i impossible in tnir t i apart u tree with u hauvy nil ot fruit to mature a high perwnc uge of flrat grade wnpli a one often no ticca u heavily lad an tree proilucliig n iimirkably uniform apples und thin la ihinalbli un a very vigorous freo growing un lor fuvoral in oonditlonu in moat tuwos i owe ver if the sot lu gm i thinning t thn fruit h nw n try tr tho no 3 apples ure largely to im llmlnurd ua they should l thi re icrlulniy la tilth if nny pront in in ti rh r frulf and tha rxixioaa f thin nlng u effact by not having this fruit to pik uji handle thinning 1 iioikj ubout ihe mlddln of july in vovji hcoliu or soon ufti r the drtiti uf incsfoctlvely pollinated utiha hua taken place thin drop vi ry fcji thlna thd applies udoiiuately in aomu euaeu too muehmakin it uiineceaiiary to remove any but lhu doformlxl or dlaeuaod fruit the jaofond or third woek in july when the upi lea ore one half to three quartern i f un inch in diameter la a lat ihbiulng ahould le done for at this i time ihe drop hae boon completed i thn remaining apples arc beginning ut recalvo th boneflt of this removal the sot la heavy the appe ahould be thinned to only one in u cluster in extreme canon some clusters mlgrht io on 1 1 rely removed it la aometlmea claimed that fruits ehoajd bo at least four inchon nuart aome grower aay ilx inchon und othor contend that ight inch la close enough testa mad un ben pa via troea at kantvlllo how that 23 per ennt ofhe apples weft romoved when tho fruit wu thinned fo rout inches utiart 32 per cent t when thinned to one fruit to cluster unl sb per cent when thinned tp aix inches upart la necessary tu remove the fruit with a pur of amull pruning heara tor thut purpose the work can nn rapidly and without any in jury tu the remaining fruit which 1 ftnpoualbl if the fruit la pulled off by hand a light ladder aucb as is tiaed for picking fruit la satisfactory il in found that u fairly good job can la dona in un hou on a tree likely 3vy the shampoo whfcji ii giving pev beauty to th outran da of women hltrl ah hair spcciuliats agree that hair caunnt be beautiful if it in left dry and brittle by shampooinp thy tell you that thr alive oil ahamnoo n the surest wax to have clean hair without leaymnnt dull and colorlosa mow try the fidcaf of olive oil siampooi at home economically in im mot ivic shampoo you have olive oil in iti moat perivct form tor the hair womcnby tho tens of thousand fc arc attaining new hiir beauty by it use new gloss arid softness comes from this shampoo it s a treatment for which you would pay a npcctaht luitli prices and it is most con vmtent lo use cleanses lite scalp ant hair of all oil anil dirt removes cundrufl most tho roughly and it leaves your hair with new richness and life the uoftnes and gloss of new atllc send coupon for free trial bottle 15c site or fitt full sixed oltie at your dealer try it soon amaxinu improvcmcpt from even one aliampoo to jroduct from ll unjwncat iuat a tt an aristooratrc push cart whjui mlkrt ktulinbxati the coiitrao tor gut ulfbv the world his wire und dhugiitors aurrouhded themselves with many comfort und bouaebom la vi nlenco quo sunday afternoon an old friend vial t ml 1 1 torn and while be there tlte- maid whnaled tuln uio loom u vi hit lu containing light m froahinonla f i hwut a 1hat ahliie- mikut uakad th callm n why tltats- a uy wagon lepliod planiijgan a tay wage la uit rejoined the f ihor shore id cull it a push cart erin mr j h burt hua auld hi driving mure warwick maid to mr w l shaw uf nuw market ut a hundeoma rig ure mr und mra allan mcmano und mr n a zimmerman of mllvertuit motorud undpnt sunday with mr und mr r w lull mra ju mungura of buffalo uiuj mra wm juatlco of winnipeg vlai ling with their father mr john guwihroiip thetorth l- r u v w 0 nd u i owlll hold u aualul owning ut up home of mr und mr w j yoyns thi thursday svonlna the members of erli 1 0 lu n 111 and the l o ji a no 47 in conjunction with vlai ting lodged will celohrute the coming twelfth of july stanley bark erin on thursday july 13 mr il mc arthur who i with mr j lurren atur or frum or waa nulls rloualy injurwl during lukt week a atorm when the burn oil which the men were woi king tho property uf hit tnjugiiloii below cheltenham blown into u tungiod me by wind storm thi was a new burn bolus implotod to replace the in deatroyd by tiro lust year quite u jiuuibor utteiutod tlm sunday school couvi ntlon in icrln 1 hero wus u gotxt progrummu un u i it of good iliakiuraws jflvon mr rua ltiuil uhiiorwont uu opuj uuon in thu oruilkovlllu hoaplttil lust wvak und la dulng uluyr the tjo to churth servlcm mt ml ht androwa church last sunfbfy were ih wary way a euccis a jtpoj cllvj turned out loth morning jind yvuft aarvloun in aplbi of the hot weather und the aplendld muslo by he rnlxad rholr lu the morning and thp mat choir in the evening wa much p i rociutod hv all a iunuwuy hoiao cjatd uuueider able exultomeiit oil the main at root on thuiaduy uvmilng when thu horse b lunglna to will molcuuxis whu was attending the sunduy school cotivnn tluit boruntu udmuiiageubtu mr uo- konxlo utlempleil to remove uio bridle and put on u huttur in orjlof to faod ta hi tho liruebyturlun lhuich hed wlron thu uiiiu wu using niadolhe ho ra boltad uniijpft a damaged buggy und pa t of the harness at th aned door the frightened animal cbnthimlua its wild run down main street mr v gray managed to stop ha hora by waving hla straw hat id fronfuf if and with tho assistance of other tfcvj one tost made on gravpnstefn with n heavy uot of fruit gave results us follow troea thinned no 1 70 1 per cent no 2 23 ptr cent so 5 g 6 per cent cult ti per cent tree not thinned no 1 43 dr rent no 2 sb tig per cent no 3 lb17 jhr eonl cnlla 2 12 mr cent 1tom tho above ii will be aon that whuro thn frult 1 thinned thoro 1 a gmut lncnuae in the percentaxfa of no 1 fruit many or the no a apple gulhg into that grude und that the no ui t lna urn ulmout entirely allm- in titoi the fact that the no 3 ap i lou uro raised to no 1 account j for the amull loan in bulk from the thinning on aomn case no loss 11 evident in tha nxperiment outlined i ubovf the red ua l ion in bulk was only j 6t ar runt in the ben day is thin hlng exim rlmcnta tho no 3 fry it wsj redupod by 1 per cenl and the no nd no s s increased so per cent- over thnna from similar troea not thlnriod in starks the no ss werr red u co i 13 por cent and the no nl no st increased 18 per cent in in onlngn tha no 3 s wore reduced 10 iter iont und the no 1 und no 3 a incnaued ic par cant if t hln n ink wrrv tu be generally pructluoa muclt tlmjvwould ho saved in tho handling or the crop on the farm und in tho packing house and any dxlwnae attached to the operation won 1 he more than offset by thi auvlngw h illulr sunerlntepdem umumlom- toreoto go wltou mas- palmolive shampoo 15c trial bottle free jut nil in t arawnib coaeaa to tsa palmollv oe t cssaaa lad oapt p243 torooto oui to km qui battle tn a i the blend of palm and ouve oils 1x city rvn the smoke plaque in england once again england lu bocomlna ox cited over th black amoko problem und rumors that aomo thing might be dona have caused anxlnty among manufacture ro ll has been aud that halalallon would be passed raqulrlna manufai urers to place amoko conaument their pbvnu but they have little to fear from the government if one may judg- from the records of the past oentury an enahah correspondent aaya yi rt a best t ever found bays tftomaa hourtcr happy ex parlance of hamilton man with draco the famous health builder found wonderful relief in two dottlaa thomas hourter of u clyde b treat hamilton ont nut n a mighty ough time of it until he discovered drvco this fumou health builder went to the root at hla troubles with untaxing rapidity und put him on hla feet again u sound healthy man let mr hoort- or tell you hla story my trouble was mostly with ny atumach and llvar auaed i think by count tout ion ua i alwuyn had troublo 1 kneplng my bo we la in shape- 1 alwuy hud u god appetite but was afraid to eat anything as the distress ufterwarda waa trrrjble gua woa id form ruualns me to bloat and- belch und ruining u sour hitter tuate in fay mouth i had valna around my heart at tlm my joint pained ind cruel when 1 walked lad dlasy apells and atota flouled before my eye caused from my llvef which wus aluggudi and many u night i could not sleep but would roll and toss all plant i havo unly bikeq two bottles oc drvco but hua mods u big change in to ran out anything now without being troubled dfteiwurda have no mora dlxxy aiwll unl i kleep fine und the rhoupiatlatn in my joint is gone iro t will ulwaya get m gfood word from me und 1 huve recommended it aiverul uf my frund it uio best ever fxuid draco ictu juickly naturally un the organ f dlgeattun purgo hem of add and ifuaa and atlmuiut- thero into normal functioning thla la tho acret of the wonderful benefit all auffurjir pacelye frpm t5rcoo for moat every day ailment ran b traced to u run down digestive aytm dreco la a aplsndld regulator and blood purlflor thu meat spring tqnlo lot it help you atf it ha hijpd thousands af other draco la balnd apeelslly intreduead in acton by a t brown and i by a good druggist everywhere tib snta miiur when eleanor tho queen bf henry iii indignantly refused lo live any longer ut nottingham caatlo becauao of the bnoxloua black amoko from tho sou coles burnt in the vlitago belowv and wnt off in a hun to live ut tutbury castle edward i made a great effort to atop the use of coal in london issuing his fa proclamation in 1307 and about this tlmo at least mo man ht auld to havo been hanged for the crime of persisting- tn the use of ooal however the shortage of wood rondo the use o coal imparutiva and great britain had to and ure u mod era to but atih very objectionable- amount of smoke for the next five centuries tha invention of the a team engine und tha inauguration nf tha industrial era bagan about 1b10 to render the moke nulaanco intolerable in 1822 the houao of commons took up the question experts said that with very little trouble the nulaanco could o abated but tha manufac turar set up a howl and the commit toe dropped the matter and uch 1 the a tat us to day after a hundred years the situation la aume and until tha houao ignores thn voice of the manufacturers the amok nulaanco will continue throughout groat britain on the missing list jniien arrived homo unuxpoctodiy onn morning an 1 round hla wlfo a irlnh wushi rwom in tho nnly ixxupulit of the houaa do yfu know anything ubout my wltp a whorauhnuf ho aakixl tho qtiucn of thu tub kalth un olh dtn l mlathi r junra uhn rupllod tin ro a nary a uulgn of tholm in tl woah thla wiak ex- chanjfe not what he meant surelv at u rneoptlon a woman chattad or aoinn tlmo with u distinguished man of leumlng- uud displayed such ta- ulucanco that una of the ilalextc cnnipllmuniod hr ol really alia i junt bean con ild with a gmila ii nx my la-nor- rti i rufeaaur aioka gailantly nut ut uli not ut all madam quito i contrary i assure you a slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use egg0 bakmpowkr oder from your neighborhood grocerv knew the tricks mrs burnett hud tho roputatlon or ik h g very kooii on making bargains among the shopkeepers in her neigh bdvhood when aha was aeon approaching the salesman knew that ho might juat a wail brina out bis beat good a at once ror if was useless to offer her unythlns but the best accordingly the poulterer waa very much surprised one day whan aho en- tared hla shop and said in business ilka tone please pick me out half u doseti tough chicken the man looked surprised jiut did i aho asked selecting them from twelve bird displayed on the counter are these all tha tough one you haver sfle asked ya ma am theao are all wus the reply then sand the other six home to mo at unce said sharp mrs bartiutt ag jgbtte mnis nn- 1 in the surrogate court op the countv oft halton jn the matter of the eatat of henry sayara lata of the tawnehlp of ka- ttueelntfi in the county helton parmer deoeassd nutluu la bore by gfvon i gruunt to tho tovlaed utututaa of ontario chap tor iii fchmllim s thut all persons having claim sap lna t thu eatat of he auld hanry sayara who died tin or uliout the slf day of march ll3 at tha m townahlp uf suumlna are required to aand by boat or tu dellvgr to the undersigned aolunltur for the adrainatratoiw nf tbe eatate of the as id hanry sayern on or bafora the 14tti day of july 1933 thalr name ad- draaaes full particular of thalr claim and the nature ur the security if any hold by thorn all duly verified by statutory declaration after the auld dalm the admmlatratorm will proceed to dlatrlbute the aaaets of toe 4 onus t amuiug the partttfa- aut1ad theralp iuivlng regard only lo tho claim or which lhy ahull then huve uofho and thy ahall not ha llablo ror thn uioiath or any rt of them to any kraou of whose claim notice ahall not vn bcn recolvad by them t th tlm uf such dtatrlbutlon aua at milton this jqtta day june 193 1 w i dtok i milton ontario took to yomr eyes beautlfuie i i ibaudwa i gramophones at a price everyone caafforctfl plays all makes of records this gramophone is well worth dottble the price we are asking for it it will give perfect satisfaction its tone is pleasing and the volume ofound can be regulated to suit any sized room it has a reliable motor which operates sadiiy ond practically noiselessly the binet is strongly made of fcenuine walnut 100 steel needles uacluded with eeh machide and for the next two wedui we will give with each machine purchased 10 records free lrice of no- 1 graanopbone 650 price of no 2 gramophone 6z50 wlu be shipped cod subject to examination charges prepaid within a radius of 25 miles op guetpli smiths furniture store 129131 wyndham srrcot guelph pnt phone 584 ir failure to advertise resulted in collapse day martin the famous englibh manufacturers of shoe blacking who liuvi- hcon in operation one hundred 11 d fifty yearsj are heiiiff sold out the manager exjlaint that up lo 1912 the firm held the leadership in tliib trade through advertibing its failure to udver- tibe hinee resulted in coupsr the firm that quiu advertihing soon learns that the public has a very short memory dont let the public forget youkeep in the lime light by advertising r t9 assilsa

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