Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1923, p. 3

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y n v ffihj artntt 3ta llrwfl tiiuiihdat jtrjv 1833 shine where you ar hi in i tflr ehii t wuntn riv bright inn hhinh things dim l xlt kuilmly uiuluu kor tho ww i ft ii ii of uugel uwliii ron i qiiiirx to ho rush hthl il iuh y jii ui i it u wtur jtul bright n noun 111 if ilit i hut tut lly uriliiluu jiyil lylivre iuu alt then 1 hi rl if itt i inlfsl i it au willi thu kurlith mun tho hunilih it tlo i 1m mnotilu when it l worthily ilmii you ipay in vr tm lulled to 1 th i dnrki nod regions nfar ho nil fni dm iluv your in urn i ily bluing juki win m you it ii1l nu urn my brother vjuil bids hju stand ilnwn in tho deepest shadow 1 of hit sunlight land t i arry brightness with yuu bloom darkness ciin mar light of it chrlstllkd spirit w will bo shining w trover you arc juki wjh ro juht ullol rhoujjti it thut i i m-r- vouth wll bp served tho cutlnw youth in tbo high pow ered cur who announces bin uppourunoe before tho door of hln ohnsun one with loud und long honking of hln horn muni be served it in a froo country nd if th distance from hln car tu tho doorbell is too greut fur his poor tl redo aching feot over punished by dancing why ho ha u perfeet right to uso a modern method of communl cation what do it huittor lo him tliut in the house next door there may bo children trying to bo to sloop or a slok demon who needs porfept iiulolt youth nfust be served again when he returns with tho fair on from the movie or tho dance or the jolly jaunt through the country has he not a right tn rhurn hie motor toe several minute after saying bood night and if ho shoots off down the street with gears moshod in low and motor pinning- at thoftopnolch of possible revolutions whoan concern is thstt if the poor dumb bells have nothing- better to do than to retire before the small hours of mornlnb le them take the consequences youth must be served there are some lieople who think uuu youth behaving in ttawiwfoctly natural way should bo orvnd served by u police summons and later served by s stiff fine or u uentonco a few days 111 the quiet pen but of course such are poor crabs who have we sense ntnesw t why- oothw with themt honk for your girl all you like bawl outajde her door like a bull calf nt the bora coll ln for 1u mother strip the gears of the oiix mans car if you set any satisfaction out bf doing il keep your hand on the atreen all the way down the block only the dead ansa have nerves any way if they dont like it let them take the air youth must be served kingston motorists will help to pre- 8erve the countryside tho motorists laguo tor country- aide preservation la the name of a new automobile organ button iwhich has been formed for the unlfjua purpose bt trylnc u maintain the scenic beauty of the laud in ltd original state the prostrtunme of the eaue km follow care in making- and extlnr giltshlng ciunp fires elimination uneleaa destnrotlon of tree add shrub bery and the cleaning up of nil sorts of refuse papers and litter after an openatr meal haa boon enjoyed or night camp made i members of the new organisation have been asked to take this pledge i wulmake every effort to lcava the roadatde in such condition that the pleasure to be dertved from it by others ja not leaaened through any carelssa act of mj k particular streus lautld by the of floera of the league on the important necessity of constant precautions against the spread of fire in forest regions ati motor tourists or whom there are literally mjlltoiui on this con tinent are urged to refrain from leav ing camp fires burning becabso of the possibility of the spreading of the fuubea wtth an ultimate loss pf u whole fpreat to the nation one of thows who have consented to b a charter member of the new lejtgue la- prsatdent jurdlng bf the united state others have lined up with u16 ifc 1ecsujthey realise that a dawotata fires wept llstxlct has no appamlfor the touring public let alone the effect it haa on v trade and thdus j advertising a town bvery persoq in business should ad- vertlae it and thus contribute their due hare toward boosting the home tdwn even one expects the nwt- paper to toot away s3 weeks in the year butlt requires coin to keep at it itnd if the town and ountryald- benefit it should be worth paying fo nearly every merchant believes in a 1- verllsuur otiomu description ard con sequently inscribes his name pit a sign place his goods ln the window ard insects price ticket on tho goodn of- fared for sale such methods of ad vertising are usually beneficial but customers must oome to town to read or to aee them whereas an uttructl lyworded advertisement tn n live new paper that enters nvery hums and is read by every member of the famllyi will bring the crowds to the door of the business man who has been shrewd enough to advertise in a compelling way the goods which lis has for sale on uu other hand the man who doesnt advertise receives through his fellow merchant boosting benefits that he does not deserve- slmooe reformer the old home town 1 in it wondering if uierc rotild be another spot ah my memory lingers lovingly unrl long on my birthplace in this old world which coud never be fargtj xlka the home town and its old familiar songl with it t song of laughing children trooping home from tho old school bitter sweet the memory slabs me lo the heurt and the song of tinkling cow hells near tho old tlmn swimmln jkkj vns thorn over sweeter sound or sub tler nrlt or the song of mating warblem in tho old town s shudy trees faith i ve heard em quarrelling too just llko the rest or the sang of busy reapers horno upon the harvest breeze oh twaa these things that mndo llfo so fult of aest bo nu wander that my memory lutlltlg bank the old time scenes mid re iv so to part with sound or sight or scent of tho old town in its beauty for each thought of it just snvms like a lovoly living thing or sacra and some day im coming homo ugaln to wundor whore i played underneath the old eld trees beside the stream but iii miss some oldtlmu fucea of th im soro afraid while i wander on and dream und dream and dream but maybe out of their pty my old friends gone on before will join with me as i wander in the wood or they ii aralle their spirit weloomo aa i open the old door or alt with me aa i eat tho old homo and whn down when i i my turn como tu wander tho liutt long ionly trull iuy llfrfs full exporleiicofi i shall hear id home it may be neradventuro a friendly hall of a loved one from my town jeorgo illoks editor km poks dear sir in connection with the notes in the old man column the c non de plunje lrmit to say that the reference to mrs brown of acton being a llmehouse pupil of mr robert j shanks in tie oldon days it should have been mr brown th late w milam brown ot main street onk intbhefltfcd crewhons corneus memories the old mclaughlin homo oust o jtfao corners on tho krln side may wejl be included la the long ago corners community lit hugh mc laugh lln was murrlod to ono of the crewson family and that probably naturally attracted tho growing fomly in that direction moreover tho road was good and reasonably short although mr and mrs mclaughlin were methodists of the grlok m e congregation at he second line and joysfly stood by it the- tittle church ikll a hall oroctod noilr llu cornor but it inter fell inld dlhuho an 1 was removcjl vtiry intoreittlrik rieotlngn and unlor tiilntnenlm wi m lulil thiri ulonjf itliout thtr ttmft of rnvmr 1 otitis pastomtp in th mtthn llsl chilnh that wn snnli where iiinr th llo of till lirenonl boino of mi a in ru rhi ritllwuy rnms llie uiiuthnrn iiry of the old farm thr mink wll h erlplimlrl from siirlng in lln tear or hi kohi rc liilin tfrln another rei i h r uriihulily i nn from the nimn hoiiti n hiu cr mmim tli i nuitonii frln roml und tin niiitl th old tuimnry plate thu twu l rohwbly unltti down ntinr the old lebl homo lit natmaguwoyu join tho htrnnli urn robert lln wn homouti ltd the farm from whoino thu lallpr issues th ornco i1mii tieitr ailun is thujnlgli of in ml for on the cunt nldx of i issuni u mtraam joining tl i at to tr llowlng wi si mi uijai f mill wk th y ul creek tho v jha luulph ctiurrh uud i thlnh throiigh camlthellvlll down tho mountain through and on down to ixtliu ontitr tho acton waters go nu fhewarltown und reiinh tho hi rim swings llnr und torbliu m uon ii while th ough to prob ahly farther usl uku nous ji family thnlr ciuro throukh llfo ii a different trend tindjiursui m dlftei coursea at a wumlny huluiol plcnln f hh corners churrh up at llurna hush 1h3 rev william jlryers who was chairman told cfu irng in the rocky mountains whore u human hand might f aotons jubilee celebration kbv tiu t albert moore into fi app to tl itftg airhiff fc talcum powder in the rough the highly perfunved powder hint la shaken from a dainty container from miladys dressing table bears little re- memblanoo fo talcum as it comes fron the faille then it is decidedly rough stuff not unlike stone but possessing a slippery character unilko any other clayey or mineral substance talc composed of sllloa mmgnosta and water in other worsw hydro silicate of mag neais a talc minela unlike a cos i mine no gakses ttcflig formed it ts therefore possible for tho minors to uo open if they deslni ao while work- ing tho tulo is taken from the tnlno in good sisedilecas being broken up with dynamite blast it is thuii pluoed in iwrwerful grinding mtiihlmu und re duoerf to the fineness dealrvil much talo is used in tlm manufhotura of newsprint taper it u also used in the manufacture of rooting papitr und for many other purposes r thi thrift scot a hootchman wlslilng tu know his fat bt once telegraphed a proposal tf marriage to the lady of his uhoke after spending the entlro djty at the telsgraph offlw he was mially toward ed late in the evening by an ullrma trra gnawer 1 i wereyou suggested llnuieri tor when he delivered the mesnuj b i wtarrya gtr that kept me waiting all duv fun an anewer nan reported the scut tin lass who walla foe ths night ratm l lag actons jubhee celebration later the las for me t at the corners found in them friendly nslghbora and helpers especially the services werf usually ut a dtffet time of day their family inherited thou parents massive phyalquo when perhaps ttftetiu or tweliiy years ago the father and sis sons were weighed together the tqunugo was unique in family circles crewson haa lived in acton for many years and in his prime was u man of massive powers other sons aru wll llnm john of michigan robert uf lluotsvllle hugh ityron kdwurd and no uon tho latter has lived in nua sagaweya for many years tho homo farm lay urt u level piece of turrllury and was will oltmred up and kept in good condition mr mclaughlin wax a man of great diligence ujid cute it was suld of hliu that ho would inotir no financial obllgutlun wrtfout seeing ut least ihreu wuys of meetlnb it whim due mrs mclaughlin died a gut d many years ago tho fmhor to mm rled und lived for nevuial ytar before his death in the mat end hf anton after leaving the farm yhluli uidid into he ksosslon of the momlluns nor neighbors on tho lsgueslng side thsre were throe daughteis mrs huht allan mrs jol ph sopor und miss lorsna vlwlu wh tiiterod tho nursfng profession i may now enrne pftiih to tk ks4iulng oorpxi- fnnii at the cornoim that was it mi wn us thr wrent crow son plaue but uevciewson very nutny rs ago moved jo tntlisr uiul was not wellknown iisfm us tli biutlurs who remain tho farm nas tison ny yours irobably lonaldoritbly o uus mr j so divert the waters that they ulti mately would reach either theatlontla or the pacific oceans bo tho in fluences uround the years of childhood are so momentous in their conse quences tbs cumpbehvllln creek at ono time was u storage place for immense stooks of logs to be sawn up into the rows and rows almost acres of lumber piles which used o bo thore mr john brown oldest son of roht brown ha mid ills nice llitlo farm homo for many years on the part of the hundred below the railway l at home and helping to clear up the rugged homestead ho ultimately set tled on this prupurty which was also tuny years part bf tho brown estate his partner in life in fanny daughter of mr jamos moore of the hill farm abovo tho corners they have a son and had also u daughter who died a number of years ago tho kennedy farm now watklna plncc fronting 4m tho first lino e oueslng ran clour through to this nassagawtfyu town unit thus nnpurat ing tho two sections of tho brown property c for 7a rttfy fall fair time approaching the fairs in which our reader gen erally are intsrestsd tho following are tho dates of the fall fairs of 1b33 in which exhibitors and visitors of this section are inter ested t actnn october 2s aberfoyle october allmtnn tober 46 arthpr september lfilb ancastor september 2bjs brampton bolton burlington caledon colungwood cookatown cookavllls krln ifretlton v- fergus oolt georgetown oradd valley ijondon western latr september tfjis markham r ootobar 48 ail i ton september 2gi9 oakvllle september hlfi orangevllla soptomber 1si4 ottawa central canada sept 71t newmarket rockwood rockton u shelbume f btrutford i torontd can weston woodbrldge aotons jubilee celsbratio r tir jji i jkvt tw tr of i nl ti i iiukoit j neighborhood news- towtj and country qakville th town council bos dfl ld i purchase a now combination nuilu chemical onglno and he iruik ut oost of 13 000 miss bmrrchllloa howard avonui is spending a week at lady eaton muskoka homo tho new bank of toronto bunding on tho corper of coltxirno nnd thomus streets is noarlng omplolaon it expectod to be ready for in two weeka w j whltukcr w uurugu colborno htreet in udvunred fur ough to huvo all jlo ohstrnotloni the sidewalk cleared uwny the build ing is a doolddimprovomont to our main street w s davis has disponed of nor- jake the horno of tho lulo mrs cavers on the eornor of kib and dunn streets to mr ernest oloof gnneru superlntemdent of tho elnctrlo railways of tho canadian rational mr oloor jvlll mnho his permanent homo hero jt is oxpeeten thut retmlrs to thu bronte harbor will lo mndo in th iwur futpre limber bphig ahrendy on the ground for work on tho pier sseilse issesk bronte achodl jgbfilag nuohcdrtfendi and the brick work haa already at tainted quite a height on saturday afternoon a hudson sedan owned by robert stirling nf tho stirling taxi bore was filling up with gasoline nt tho oakvllle motor product limited the engine was left running while it was being filled and all of a sudden it hurst into flames the flames sproad so rapidly that practically nothing wns left of the ear record nat september 2131 september 1119 september ibib september 2627 september 11i octobaiv 13 i october 3 s october 11 october 1 september 3021 september 11 is october 66 beptembor 37s september 2710 september 26 3d october b10 september 1819 september 1833 au 2gsnt i september 38 it october 12- ii two enterprising olhl students from china two chinese girls emily kwong and anna bljou graduate students at the university of iowa ure earning their expenses by managing the china inn olft shop chop buoy jrlnding they would havo to return to china unless tlfoy could nuance themaelvea they hit upon tho plan or transform ing an old chinese laundry ntto on attractive restaurant und gift shop which has proved extremely popular with both university students and townspeople 1 ha young womun ure- pure with their own bonds ail tho food surved anlf do everything in true lhljiese style except tout they allow their patron to eat with fork in steud of lhop stick willie makes a quqqebtion ihv family was discussing plana fi a now hoitsv ihu usual urgumontf vtn clusois auii purlor iota wuro in ptiigttiss llvun willie butted in buddy said h whutavui fle yuu huvo ip thut housi be suiu you hjivo un hj nuam pitfloi und a tiuidy kltt i an inventive maid 011 t mull thusd two lettois i noruht yes in ut thu post oltkxj hut 1 uotlceit thut you d put thu twucoitt htutnp tuv tho foreign loiter und- the cent stamp oil the city one oh doi what a blunder lltil i fixed it all right ma am i just changed tio addiessos mi tho tvwlotee qamblit san of mr john oamhle of the second lino erin so it urn along about fortyrivs years ago it the time of a rat wave of cempurance aqtunent a lodge was fprnjed ond m6rning clian clt wm feoug jba e e p x9 h jaasssjbssubssaajbssjsass5 erin r rush ioltctl hluuburg hus ro covered sufflclontly to leave tho hos pital and will shortly return to his home iss 1 martluonl of st louis u is visiting with her sister mrs j barbour rev and mrs filer und mrs hal ra of palermo vlsltud with mr and mrs j d leltch during tho week it is predicted that tho potato crop in this district will not oorao up to expectations and will lm smaller than the crops of tho last two years miss apnle beers b a bl foun tain and frjend miss may the in b a of boo collegiate are taking a post graduate course ut columbia univer sity new york city the misses reld have about com pleted a remodelling of their home a new verandah has been built and the houta wired for nleatrlclty besides minor chungesv the dale estate of brampton hold their annual plo nlc ut stanley park on saturday july 31 a special train conveyed about sod of thu employees and their families to enjoy the day in stanley park mr howard mcartbur has sufficient ly recovered from injuries received when in a barn which collapsed during a recent wind storm below chelten ham to be able to get down street tho ladlef aid of rurnn presby terian church were very much pleas ed with themselves after their stren uous day on the twelfth they realis ed about 2116 00 from the dining hull at whioh they se me d thbagjr a bit of commotion was caused on the street on saturday evening in fint o o t scotts flour and feed store when the oar driven by mrs jas thompson crashed into mr wm pink- neys oar which was standing there at the tlmo mrs thoinpaon boo mod to have for the moment lost control of the machine mr plnkney s cur won somewhat damaged and was remnvod to one of the garages for repairs adtdcatb j earthly thlnqb left behind tho luta theodore tlllon who boast d thut he hud nevtrhad a pipe dgur or cigarette in his mouth used tn do clare that the most invetorute nmukur he ever knew was sojourner truth the famous fmedwomun reform r und lecturer ha was wont to toll how one day when the venerable dam thou about ninety years old was on u visit his house she nut smoking hr pipe by tho chimney corner when george w bungay tho author of sev eral eloquent anttvtobarjco tracts tailed to see nor aunt sojourner he said i revere if ohaxaotsr but i deplore uu smoking for rt will keep you forever out at heaven lawk os honey how sot aha askod because aunty be rejobiod yiu know that according to thu uood rook nothing entereth thero thut dafuetti nqw how do you axpect to get into heaven with your hireath denied by tobaccor lawk os honey unawured tho old liegresar when i go tu lieu von 1 suiittt to leave my breff hshlnd met milton 1 ilrfrrop if on hiiao lln kstiuos log liis in en i loctod to succeed yiior iff a i muinubb us boorotury of tho million 1 entile iolltlrnt asorltitt lliillin fonni vu rnp rt good crops all kiiidh thut of hay tt suld to be it turd liriiikir the heavy rulm iluttom i u s ixl doul of mtw 1 w itro jiu m muokenslo uud bin ludgu hi clutr no 135 w hon red ly hi uleotlon uu i d u of group a f hamilton district thi unlnd iodgn a i and a m ill v a collins formerly of the milton high kihool wtsff hits neoeptid a ilhltlm mi the stuff of tin- oakvllle high school mr j it lurtlomun of tlmmlns who huu ho n wpi ii ling u few months here with juv parent mr and mrs 1 a ilunihtlut iiuh roturnod homo tho iubllt library will bo closed dui lug tli ii month of august mr wm hold who has boon in tho qu iph joimrul hospital over slnoa he broki hln unklo b mo lust winter whon ho dipped on om ire ut mi alhhinu hot i bun racnntiy had tho lnjuro1 limb nmpututeil ilouliililtitf ml july 37 ut joorectown tho acton fleorgutnwn und milton ibnidh wll curry out u sorlnri of musi cal tuttooh this will b good news to tirwiiwpi opln und others romem- 1m ring tho pleusuro theno tattoos uf fordoil thorn lust fall reformer iw f o wgrdb mtn ogrlsimclfg and j jmaqgalm wls biutly smldoil ills niother niuulng jolly on nn oloctrlo toaator with her httlo son on tho sumo table tho mnsti r wun upsot by tho child and tho imiillug jolly vun over thi lowi r part of his iwxly j jo suffered greatly nnd tho uccldont was serious on uaotint of tho turge surface scald ed but bupplly ho in out of danger and doing well champion aotons jubilee celebration lath thomas perryman an hnnnrtmt plonoer admired hair is shampooed this way hair that gleams with life and color women admired and envied for hcf richly beautiful hair fcnow this sreret hair sc ciabata agree that it beautjies hair olive oil for the shampoo it has been uactl mnce history bfffah tor its gentle cleansing action rcnvovcs all dirl and oil from scalp and tiair dandrttit i dissolved and watlicd away and tile bright sheen of life and color la gieajy increased it leaves hair fluffy never dry pr brittle it leaves hair silky and pliant as a babys the palmolzve company op canapa umlisd with tho inimitable glois so much desired thousands of women now regularly treat their hair this beneficial way they use palmxlive shampoo olive oil in its nlost perfect form for the shampoo easy to use and very economical you can get full itxcuubottlc at your dear erst otrtymaitina coupon you may have life trial bo t tip free get some at once use it ftcc results that follow even one shampoo i 1 ii 41 tonwln one wbufitxs mn palm olive shampoo the bleiuto palm and olive oils 15c trial bottle free viii in nam and ndrlftu sad tnsll 10 ths islmollr compsajr at canada itd zdi k3 toroalo ooi for lie trial botus fr addrvsa acton h jubiibb cele ii ration the csnado glove works various kinds of hone8ty with soma people cuiptclonco in largely a matter of education wo have known men who would not ollsh their boots on sunday who would as cheerfully blacken their nolghbnrs character on that day ss uuy dthar there ure people whn wouldnot put a leaf of a rlble in the stove for u fortune who never lose an opportunity to roast everybody they can luy their evil tongues upon wn huvov known men wallt ten blocks to pay u car rare they had omitted to put into the faro box who would us cheerfully make unjust claims on a bill of goods or churge two prices for tho sumo shoes we heard a man some tltrni ago who was one of a crowd listening to un atheist exercising his mouth iff l public park disgusted with the mmarksof the unbeliever a bystander 1 tulloil out lustily as he took his pipe from betwoon his tooth lut him out d n him rult him fiutl this de fender uf the faith would no doubt huvo fought hlixl and died for the faith mire delivered to tho saints from tho man whoso sanctimoniousness sick ens the people who have to live with him lo the commercial bird of prey who prays in church and preys in tho store them are samples all the way between of those whose consciences are u grtiss caricature of the book wli ono tout mug is pre eminently that jlghtoousness not only exalte th a notion but men solomon in shoe and leather journal if a man is old and ugly and hlv wife is yuung and beautiful it may bo d agn that he has more dollars than fj voters list 1923 municipality op the village of acton notlpp is hereby given that i hare trunxmltud or delivered to the persona mentioned in hoc 13 of the ontario voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted of do 11 vo rod of tho list ft said municipality lo be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of tho legislative aaam- by and at municipal elections and thut tho said list was first posted up hi my nftico in acton on the ltth day of july 1923 and remains- there- for inspection and i hereby call opon air voters to tako immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law dated this lflth day of july 1m k n farmer 32 clerk of said municipality ttf wilsons fly ii pads kill them auf and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers and general stores ssssssssssssssssssbssss burlington the town 1m imguged in a law suit in tho hupreni court over tho street deeded by tho high school rourd xucilugli iiif pfhool urouertyiuil jutu- uury tho town want the land re tain ed dr und mrs a u mclutjilun of curmuii men louawod u equal n tun cos in in wit during the week lr ma- jjtchlun wurj u dentist here over twentythriit nuts ago lort nlsoii rlblo school picnic wus hold in lloniih waco llno qrove on w v hopkins ftirm on saturday uflornodii on thursduy uf tun toon mr jas wohutor r tuglit hlw unn in a belt ut a cotun ac sons 1 lun lug mill and fruiuiid u cmiple uf small bones thu annual ilu nlo if tho daughters und mulds of pn gland will bo hold t llunlun u iolnt tortnjlo joday thumituy mm i a cunniboll und hr two duiiahem mr ooo w whlttou i mrs j jl whlltukor und son juck of mlutnl klurldii uro visiting mr hurry llray kllxitlioth htroot roverul uuto owners who dlsrogurdeil tlig llosud 0 hlgns on urunt titroet und drtvo on nuvomvnt ljfore ji wus opunod u poured befoti mugis trute ltnrr u tuesday morning and nn lilted ib 00 uud- costs on thursday ovmilng ulwiit rtfty louda giithuroil ut tho home of miss mubal builth new strtiou and tendured her u muu llmioou shower in honor of hor jti priahlug mitirlago ho tlrumolf itro busy making tho ii tin i ai tuiigi mtrnta fm thu invention and tho only thing thut remains now mukn lhi i imtvmitluu u success lo hnv ho full to oj i ration uf the tow rnnit tiiln und throe days of fin woutlim on mom luy august s th ilologutos will utrlvo uud it rents with the piplo to give them a good re ception ousel o aatatva jubiie ceubpatlon late wdv d cameron muater knox church i canada faces the future with confidence itml iave rtatr anablansjbaye always been xf noreh ibr courage optimism and faith in their country canada wag not bulk up by pes slmlata nor will canada continue to develop if her people allow them selves to become croakers and grouch ers canada yfa fundamentally an agricultural country we hai a soil and chiri whlcn can grow the worlds finest agricultural pro ducts canadian farm ers who have earned the capital invested in their farms out of prbfus in farm ing are i numbered in thou sands these suc cessful farmers have paid off their mortgages stocked their barns and tables benight their machinery mattca stood living and- brought up their fami lies it meant hard work but today they are independent t money in mixed farming in recent years at different points on the prairies oats fed to steers have brought from 70c lo tl 7 against the port william price of 42c per bushel while barley used far the game purpose brought as high fc vvcas sgslnst the port wliham prica of 67c per bushel farmers marketing their coarse gr in this way lower murketlpg coat have a sure market and make money on their grain while at the aame time they market their roughage otherwise often wasted tho cattle embargo is now off steers are wovth mog mpney and certain to make good moucy for the canadian ifuiiur from now on money in pigs tb dominion experimental facms have proved by actual test that there is a profit in feeding pigs xast year at the central farm ottawa after paying we must cut production costs canada is meeting with the keenest competition in the mark eting of her products to hold her own aad regain her pine on the worlds market ahe moat re duce coat of production ihu ouly way to do this- la to increase production per acre per cow or per other unit hut improved quality also is essential to meet market de mand the quantity end the ausltty of th products and the xost of production in competitive coun tries la beyond our control prices of agricultural products are regulated by world supply aaav4emnd henca decrshlng production will not help tho canadian farmer for feeo labor interest and depreciation the bet profiteer plfttwagsuu 463 profits from sheep as moneymakers sheep are hard to beat in avery province from prince kdwmrd island to british columbia are found many flocks returning generous profits to their owners poultry pays poultry makes money for thoso who adapt modern meth ods whether bast or west little pripoe edward island mark ets cooperatively in carlots shipping an nually upwards of one million do sen eggs the british columbia cooperative poultry men s exchange markers in the same way thus saving ruinous glut in their local market there is a markets for good canadian horses whether light or draught grow seed canada vnorthe ra grown seed possesses extra vitality there la a urge market for it to the south can ada exports seed potatoes but imports other seeds she has the opportunity to grow seeds for herself and tor export the future ten years from now the pessimists of today will have been forgotten britain lias removed the embargo against our cattle she wants our beef and bacon our cheese butter eggs and apples our wheat and hath as the population of the united states increases she will compete loss and leas ugalnat us on the british market eventually she will herself be an importer of many other food stuffs besides wheat from this country ha a the men the climate the land the stock and the potentlal mark ets necessary for agricultural sdecess lot us farm vltlt all the industry and science we can muster lets get to work and pay our debts canada lu moving forward with confidence in its future let us keep going ahead have faith in canada m 5 jwfiti ikii hl

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