Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1923, p. 1

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mis- i viw-nwr- i 7v sjw jldrt jm fteess forty mnjh vear no 5 thursday morninqugust 2 1023 f i agffok ontario canada thursday mokninti august 2 1023 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev cha8 hackett p tor parsonage wllto bt jloo a m thp minister subject the ciil frum tho past fvenlng servlm wllh imwn n nn fount of onlonh rvln in i ho park at 7 30 2 30 p tk buyuuy h hool ttvkilyhoiy wnromk presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c btewsrc m a mursowlllow street 11 no m tho minister subject firim vul or rllronglh kvanlng rvlco withdrawn in thi liurh pecausn of community krrvl in ho inrk t 710 p m sunday school and hilda class at loolla m strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the paste- all are cordiauxyt invited new advertisements auction sale ait extcnslvn clearing aln nf ilun uoufltnjidjeiflectb rtnrucntrrn tons etc will ho held at iho homo of mrs t mclcvoy trout ponds 3rd una near acton on auaaixt 11 at 3 oclock r j icsar auctioneer 8tocker8 and feeders for sale stocker and feeders for sale apply to donald campbell phone 171r33 mortal i guelph central 3 4 any man who is apt to need a new shirt before next 24th of may or a new hat or tap or nicktc or pyjamasor ir fact any of thosoimportum items so catleij men a furnishings will do well to tako n man s tip and chooso jt now there certainly can be jto more advantageous tintc for this is the time of macdonaids midsummer sale of men iturnish ings mid these arc examples of the reductions featured all the summer undgrtvear all iho 2 r shirt i for sj95 all the s3 00 shirts for 230 all tho s3 so shirts for im all the h 00 shirts for j12s all the 5 00 shirts for j390 all the 0 00 shirts for w7s ah the 1 50 caps for 119 all the 2 00 caps for 159 all the 2 50 caps for 135 all the 2 75 caps for 12sr all the 3 00 caps for 38 regular 1 10 for 79c regular 1 25 for 1 00 kcgular 1 50 for 119 kcgular 2 00 for 1 w regular 2 50 for 5195 t kcgular 7 50 felt hats 600 kcgular 0 50 felt huts 325 regular 5 00 felt hats a5 regular 4 50 felt hats 345 all the straw hate nt half price regular 200 to 4j0 nokjiuxuo z25 card of thanks th iincwralatml wlah lo exprmw thatr hoartflt apprvcltlnn of all th klndneaa ihown to their dour aimer cynthia crlppo during hor lllnesa and of thfl many deed af aymdaihy a f trthuta tthfttlme of bet- death urot11eos and si8te11s farms for sale 28 barm tn tha oonnuca of halton and waulnaton vazylna tram 40 to 100 mcraa lat ua aend yoo our uat a number of homes ajid lillatnuaa pucea in aoton for amle fire and ufe inaurance money to j a phond los smith real batata aaant aoton ont j b paton painter and decorator paperhanging graining signs and show cards in introducing myself to the poo pie of act on i am able to say there is no claaa of work i am not able to do in the inula satisfaction guaranteed at fair prices your order kindly accepted wub prompt attention assured arthur street acton voters list 1923 municipality of the township of nassagaweya notloe la hereby given that i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec 13 of the ontario voter list act the ooplas required by amid aectlon to be ao transmitted or dullvurnd uf the llat made ptmroancto aald act of all persons appearing by the last revlaed assessment roll of the aald municipality to be entitled to rate in the said municipality at election for member of the legislative aasaza- by and at municipal election and tnat the aald uat was flrat posted up in my office in naaaaaaweya on tbe 31th day of july 133 and remain there for inspection and x hereby call upon all votera to take immediate proceedings to have any error or omissions corrected ao cordlnar to law dated thl th day of july jill john malihhall ft t clark of aald municipality t wonderland i- 3cgaa s fridayuousts ne young rajah starring rudolph valentino this la valentino ieatt mn latest picture in this produc tlon he playa the part of an indian prince who was raarad in america comedy craalloi lloyd hamilton in kztra icictra fo weakly news orchestra saturday august 4 tbe men of zanzibar burrlna yilllam huaaell the btory with a 100 of action thrllla and auapenae tho star l one of whom a art many things may be expected of comedy creation lagy hones tuning clyde cook soont in canada orcboatra monday august 0 hw canyon of foola starring harry carey t4y world m moat jw pular screen ata will atve you the thrill of yuurv life when you see him in thin production taken from the bat urday evening voat story of the aame name comedy tcilng the boat added atlraotluu onn real of fun from the irm popular jubilee lrlce 1 ao an t 100 p m tuesday auqu8t 7 pinkgoov starring ii be- fianwiat a glittering love drama uf a woman who made diamond her tod comedy spooky llo- manoe episode wo 11 of go get kmhutch coming pride of palomar rmecuirkwsow 4 00 cotton pyjamas 25 3 00 and 3 25 cotton pyjamas for i39 2 50 cotton pyjamas 193 work shirts plain black navy blue blue c ham bray khaki and fancy stripes regular 1 75 and 2 00 for l39 mens work socks gray and natural shades regular 35c and 40c pair for 29c mens suk ties regular 1 00 and st25 styles for 55e each or two for 100 mens soft collars a1i the broken tines regular 25c and 35cjorjhcejmjuluirajar soc all the wash ties fourin band four for 100 or each 27c mens cashmere socks all wool plain black and iovatt shades values up to 100 pair clearing at 69c mens cotton socks at 29c and fine or heavy braces at 49c mens salts at 1950va rountl up of all tbe incomplete lines one hundred suits affording good choices and good savings in both mens and young mens styles mens summer suits at 1500 all the palm beach and summer weight tweed suits at this small figure for the final summer outctearing r f d e macdonald bros ltd gdclphs leading and javgeri store pbs weekend specials assorted chocolates dont forget to buy a pound of our famous assorted chocolates tbe stock is always fresh and clean regular 40c lb weekend special 29c 11 mabshmallows toasted and plain marshmallows regular 40c lb week end special 34c lb variety bars variety bars four flavors in each bar vanilla strawberry chocolate and caramel weekend special 6 bars for 25c ice cream when out shopping come in for a drink of chocolate royal a banana split or ono of our appetizing sundaes we serve meals remember that your visitors or ouoftown people can bo well served with meals at our dining tabjes during the jubilee celebration mill street acton h wiles the proof op thet bqqt l in the wearino welcome to acton new citizens to tho town along with the old ones join this week in a warm welcome to those who lived in this grand old town years ago acton is wheke good leather is made and there is nothing like leather in all kinds of weather if well put together special sunimerfootwear bargains or everyone allsizes m the lot consisting of canvas footwear oxfords and strap slippers all new goods to clear come in harry harrison tbe shoe man we will s a vg yd 1 1 money tx the tax rate is 44 mills for this year three mills lower than tho rale for lost year first instalment due on september 20 tin rogulur sen m t ihn rouitc ii vili monday ovpnlntf t 4 councillor tlulmtm llnrrtson and i t i roiwnt urn luivn i arbor in it ho rhuli tim i unmllltx on riiivuir- rem tint el tlirtr nleleontti mint itml rwim ticiwtcil iwymont ht llio followlna uftlm oanaral adcount ti in itiul i runt im 0 imh ijiivldson druwitia 1 7 01 lovlilclwl trcumirfr j ltb ftl w ti tun t ruiipll- 30 it n kiirmpr utilury i i i lil v pllth v lt ll in 07 vslsrwrrks account 11 n armor mupiipftfr slumis i ui v ii lnmliltrook labor 73 76 chnn kail in bur 4 op krwl clfiuvti lalwir 30 00 ui k trlmtr nuhlll wnil ax ttnn m 10 dfl drummtmrl mr ull huiuiim 168 41 l0 31 tim rkrt wum njoitpd tho bylw trovldlna tot the rmla ina f the monoy for tho corporation exixindlturo and ttlna the rata or tho year 1933 u bjlven tho roqulrvd number of rnadlnaa and puaaod by tho council and iho rate warn net at 44 mill thu yttar or 3 mllln lovrer than tho pramoiu year and hi in plto of tho addod expendlturs for tho ox tenlpn of watorworka thla rate 1 mid ui on folio wa slnkioa rund and oonarul debntura 4rrnlllm public bchoola 1g 00 ml i la county rat cosmlha street ujrbtlna z nram library jiomllu waterwork 9 64 milts 8tarlmi and allowance lumllu mucellaneooa shmllli 44 00 mill the dato for the payment of the flrat instalment waa fixed tor september so and the aeoand inatajment fjl- dueun november 23 with the tuual e per cent added for default of ry- mont t a by law appointing mlaa alary clarrtdae deputy clerk and treaaurer dtirlna the absence off mr farmer on hi holiday in the aionth of auttuat wm paased by tho council counclt adjourned at l p l news of local import a maeenlo hsnor conferred w bra k y barraclouch of olon wllllama a p m of credit tjodae oeoraetown h been honored with ap- polnttnont by the grand maater of the masonic grand lodae aa grand puhtulvunt lodae acton h juitll kl celeilitation the late w h storey firbt kccvo of acion warden of the county pioneer glove manufacturer quelph man dla suddanly lmuii i llrvny of luolphh well known rrjtldi dm tlitd muthlttnly on sunduv utlurtxhh whiln urn ted on hla verandah ho wtm born in gait 70 yearn ago arid with tho exception of ten year upuiit in toronto hail llvod al moot all of mu hfo in jltuljih acton ladto dofoat milton tlirtmt rlnkn from ad on ijulleu ikiwllna club vlwltod milton thum day ovonlntf of lunt wnk anl won by hou um f lilowm anion mra shoroy mlaa no i mi n mm j lmlwiy totitl 1h milton mm monitor mr blnclulr mr turner total 11 to cat out racing bolton pall pair to be hqld on sep tember li and ib will exchange the anifual peedlna event in the home rlna for the attraction of baaeball and lacroeae a decision belna made by the board of director laat week maumnle plenls at erin wulker ude a v a a w no 331 end their wive and families pic- nlckd mt stanley park erin yester day afternoon the erin brethren joined in and madn it u joint plo nlo between the two iodae arf afternoon of aame and racea wm held bountiful plo nlo luncheon served by the ladle of aoton and krln i the thomson factory nearjnp complatton the new thomson motor supplies factory is naarmib oomplatlon and mr kuve the superintendent from 8t catharines was in town last week preparing to i natal the now tuaqhlnery the flrst of the equipment will arrive in a week or two and mr eaves is anxious to at the plant in immediate operation lew rate for the celebration special low rates of fare and one half have been secured on the can adian national rauways within a radius off 17 miles of acton for the jubilee celebration the tickets are procurable and aood volns on friday afternoon auauat i and to return on the day jtpllowlna the close of the oelebrstlon tuesday august 7 ar rancnents are also under way for lal rate on the toronto suburban linos barn dstroyetf by fire klre uf an unknown origin totally destroyed the barn of mr joe hunter 10th line near nerval on saturday noon last mr hunter had been draw ina hay all morn in and everything was nil rlaht when he left the barn to have his dinner on cumin out of the house after dinner he mlsoovered the barn to be a mass of names and nothlna could be done to save the structure up oontenta mr uuifter lost ull this season s orup of hay and about 400 bushels of oats lose the r with implement etc the loss 1 es timated at about fsooo partly covered by insurance mr hunter j ho baa just recently started farm in for him self has th sympathy of the entire orritnunlty in this ssrlous loss herald t husband at hems when wlfs nil kiddles u awsy violence deacon tllack in a ds llahtful article in the globe the uthr iluy on aummnrln in the town or ity ways the man who sends much of his mumrasr in town whlla th family art up at the lake or in country is not always to be pi tied mo much there are compensations lie knows his fff and children are iu py which hi iief then the bank uleepln twitch 1m tool and he is really comfortable coffee and oast made by the bacheldr- husband and eaten alone at the kitchen tab ts not the lausly rlta his synt pa the t la wife itnaatnes the sunshine oasts splotches of yellow 1111 on the verandah floor outlining shadows of leaves of the bskrkrelrd maple tree he likes to watch tnent fhrouch the pert kitchen door aa he crunches his toast arid stpa his ooffse it la food toast and good coffee if he did rnaka it himself his wifes instructions work out welt- and ho takes some wed it also to himself ha reads tils paper till the kettle boiled than he took his bath while the coffee was brewing hp wfunp iwj tjhtn i jiffjlhthf and aojl a rascally thief captured william wltks with vornl allays who muilct lovo to thji adopted daugh ter of ltlln boh rl her u furmeir near mount vornht und induced her to elope with him uf it r utt ullri s3 000 of hor outer fmtherm money mid then left the tclrl in tho lurch ut arthur and look th money vltti him was captund ut nlukurw 1 it in on thurs day ho wuh tukciu to queliili for trial when urrvstod hi nunrara 1 ults it was fou ml that ho- had liotiglit an automobile purthasod txjx naive trav ellln lucuauu and cloth i mf mada u depohll in tho bunk uiul hud u cash balanco in his pockets enns nsw public school th fuujulutloii atoiio of the imw coiitinuntum and publlu hrlitiol til urin was laid by dr wauh of tho io part me nt of airrluultura ommlstud by itov john i ludmy who v ondtu tud tin rejiuiotih dettlrtiiloji of the school last week itoevo john wilson of lrln presldiid und promlnunt citlxdiia auu addreshotf tho bulldlnu will txtst 140 000 un 1 in to lm a two stony struct urn of rod brick conslmtlnw ot six rooms und will ourvo tho viuuko and neighborhood krln section is nearly ono hundred yours old the vlllaaru is doaervlnc of credit lor its educational enterprise th law on sunday bathing a tew weok ago tho nulaunru ut sunday bathing was brouaht- before- tho council und complalnud of txm lou is having consldorublo dlscuawlon in olvlo politics over the samu uuestlon at tomey quneral nuklo wus uiikodior his opinion regarding the legality or lllegullt of sunday bathing doing u good lawyer the attorney general sent hi nuurltit u copy of the act it is a law enacted btfoiu confederation and section 6 thereof says it ts not lawful for upy person on sunday to bathe in any axpowod situation in any water within the limits of uny i near poratod town or wtthlu view of uny plaoe of public worship or private residence chsllanao for tuo of war tho 1 0 o 1 ihmuix a ruialenge i boyl ty likajitoitfnr a tug of wnr contnut katurduy aftornoon angust 4 in tho ilark another bern lost an tin result i t cyt lonow tornadoes and llros mutiy futinor in italian have inst tin ir inn burns this year b ilentloy of trufulanr t wnshlp is the liitiut to ion his i it r u by ire two limtk and mvjml tatli perished in eytr radial spclul tars i nto uhurbiii duy aurukt having wumi and b 45 p m 10 4d u cars will bi itillw in oliolpli at 11 36 u an niit bound k v m will din m ui at 11 16 p m n clvto holiday lun on the tpr- y on civic holt o wmitiound cars nto ut 0 15 a m lug through acton 111 p in- arriving big programme for the jubilee celebration long ijflt of events of interest crowd the thcce days of actons jubilee soeial and personal chilpren admitted mr a 1 1 minor uj n torontu mr llucohl lirl uoi tho wook end limit i tin weuk und 10 66 p having quelph jhiotigh acton iich west toronto summsr dsys on the farm lhote urn tin dtu when tho town und city i hildr n njoy tho country 1 vur thing intvrhts and develops ttnro a gurgling trout stream to fish in horses to hitch and drlvo cows to watch bt lng milked chickens to chase mid hiilp fend woodri to roam in a irool to swim in loadh cf huy to ride on a dog to run around with birds to tint un to und study and many other rurul j iya which thoy dollght in milton considering installation of sewerage systpm dill tmtii 1vim ivll i ngliieorw htivt oomplot ipelr sufcvi v of the town und druwn up 1 luns mill spool fit utlontt ti r tin proponed wuweruge nyuluin fur um munlnli ullty the town ouiicll will probably deal with tlo muttt r ut its in xt meutlng tho flrst tikwday in auicusi following it up by wul mlttlng u by law to tho qualified rutnpuyvro of tho t wn us to whether thy uro fuvuiublu or otherwise to go ink on with um wotk milton uo- fanmii nothsr levfl crossing accldant hlnaii drlvo employed by tho fulgur jluinlur- c tnpany oakvlltc mwiy oscuped douth iiirly sunday itlng when u urulia trtlnk passen ger truln travelling uat went of oak- ille struuk u trmk hu wua driving t a crossing d inoluihliig tho truck ltd hurling hluun suverul tact ulnan was found hi noutk part of the truck in un unconscious cum 1 1 ion and it was thought by l uhsttiigor on the train who ran to uhuljtthlm thought ho wus killed loiter hownvur h regained tiiousnias und was rsmovj 1 to- t hit hum 1 1 ton amiruj huspitui where it was found thut he had sustained severe injuries to hi right urm slie i jltl iion he lilted nobody ut bother him i nice for a change i j acton s jtjutldqu chluhration tr to her tt hrrnn their nanio uveth ror iqverrpoa ki h ilny i n purallonsor the jul lino i lobrution uruw iinurr conipletion und pilot to u bigger affair i mu miiiwiriti atiinn llftlath bhtliliy tiun vfui ui first dreamt d ir tim three duys will ho full of in torotjt lo ovi ryone and luit ono dull morn on i will lo permitted tho pit grummo is u mosl lulhrato nnv list of tho kjtorts prises etc und at oiilllm of tho ovmls in contulned li un intvortluvinent i n uge three o this uuiuo hiduiduy wetcinihu will huvo u liul ton luougue ball guuiu tvetwoon milton and acton and ruces of all doner p tlnns including swimming and tul races on kulry itke and a football gumo between credit vale and acton itangir at night i jjtnoy dunco will l hold in tho town hull ram d p to 11 30 p m sunday morning avaryunn will attend aurvlctutii uo various ctjrfarrhea wtlofo sioclu jublloe services uro arranged und u welcome u waits ull to attend their old homo church on sunday evening ut 7 30 p m a union service of all denominations will bo held li tho park all the clergymen of tho town have united to mako this feature one of interest the methodist sunday suiool orchestra and a union choir will lead the singing immediately following the service the aoton cltltons band will render sacred band concert in tho park monday will be a gala day from early in the morning unul late plght at nine o clock a monster call utumplsnpar w the park and proceed up mill street to ouelph and tbonce to church to main street it will wend its way ulong main street to bower avenue and up bower to guelph street again the procession will then come down mill street again and finish up at the park a makeup man has been engaged who will muko up any person in cos tumn free of charge costumes may also ho rent d upon application mr jas it anderson the marshal of tht paruds wll be w d anderson at the conclusion of tho parade at 10 o clock campbellvlllo and acton junior hull teams will poy a game of ball and at 1130 tbe ladles will play tho flrst game of their tournament palermo vs ilookwood at 1 so the afternoon sports start with the second game in the tourna ment acton vs brookvllle at 330 there will he a baseball game between georgetown the leaders in the halton leuguo und jlockwood a football game ut 4 p m between the canadian kudults und aoton rangers und at 4 30 the flnul gums of the ladles softball tournament a baby show will also be held on monday afternoon with liberal prises for the beat babies under one year the babies will be judged by u competent quartette of judges including doctors mother nd nurses a priio is also offered for the best decorated residence in town saturday afternoon and all day monduy acton citlsens band will be in attendance and on monduy morning in the caluhumpiati parade the band will uppour j oomlo costumes as two jilxx bands monday evening the band will put on their tattoo in conjunction with milton and georgetown bands a couple of oomrdlantt will assist tho band and tho iiiiurtelto will give a number the full evenings prorrammo will be dis tributed the days previous to this per formance th committee in charge of the towns decoration are doing their best to make acton attractive and best of sjll everyone is co operating to make actons fiftieth birthday party a real jubllou uffalr at the tuesday evening meeting of ho executive of the colebratlon it was to udmlt all children under 13 years of age free lo tho tparb to all tho events special rates on tne railways have been secured for the three days and all who speniftheso days in aoton will long remember acton s jubilee year end at lroston mr j union gibbons f durlmrn upent the weskond hi r miss ahnlo coiiit ih cndliif hor vacation in toronti mrs t humloy ih vlsltlnte frh nils on munllonlin island mr incod w hurvlo t toronto tloru the weak end hero mist olla armstrong is holidaying at her homo in brussels j mm v v collier maul iho wook mil with friends in toronto muster stawact inlltx np lit lust wnlt with friends in ouelph mliis ijlu provost of toronto is holidaying ut her homo ijern missmurlort jamos utiunt u few days with ttimto fi lands last wotk mr kroil munchastor of detroit wiut a fnw duyu in town this week mr jon ihrmirdl of detroit spent u few days ibis yuok with acton friends mr charles goldham of detroit visited at his homo uver the week end mr harold itond of itrtilt is spend ing a few days lhi week at bis home hero mrs spent u friends miss the halton league our bey again sutler defeat at the hands of bronte last saturday tho local baseball pint played bronte and were defeated hy that team at bronte by a soore of i the aoton boys have mads a poor stapdlng in the league this year but huvo stuck with admirable pluck tp the gum in spite of meeting a de feat utmost every week next satur day ihy pluy ut home with milton und will put up a good stlrf argument with the county town team uesult ol hatuhday s gamks bronte d acton 3 georgetown ii campbellvlllo 0 ion b burlington tilt mcacwu btandino won lost 1 c guorgutowti iuonto milton burlington cumpbellvllle aoton vi 700 soo 600 gjbr lii romes hpuntnr adapteil one rosd that usds to acton goes crawling near th sky along rl of western hills tfestr- strene and high anethst- road to aoton strolls through lh valleys lew ad turns and wind beside a breok with pisass grave and slow and there are seme who ii tsks th read that crawls along the sky and some there are wholl take th read where break brjgbk msadews ii slnoo bath roads comi to aden all aoton folks new say if you but asm w little ear about your shales of way h come-any- roatl by aero plune inour car electric road jltllwuv trsln p 1 r h-rsu- 1ak a wultome awaits you k iteglnuld johnstone of gull i tow duys lust wittu willi acton x itdlth dennis bank or montreal spent the past week with harrlston friends mrs a itumshaw und miss jesslo of toronto visited aoton friends aver hun lay mr and mrs j no uothwell of tor onto visited friends in town over the week end miss kathsrlno huberts on nurse of toronto spent the wqek end with acton friends mr and mrs charles deveroll of mount forest spent the wcekend with acton friends norah kensey of north bay nurse is spending a few holidays ut her home hero mrs alice macpherspn and miss mary mscpheraon visited toronto friends last weok mr and mrs c w voli of new port kentucky are visiting mr and mrs henry bauera mrs h b wilson and loralne have relumed home after visiting with georgetown friends miss violet smith of oshawo 1 spending a couple of weeks holidays at her home fifth line the misses haxal ether and viola smith are holidaying with their friends hasel and ethel james misses hasel mason and lonu kennedy are spending two weeks va cation at centre island mrs j d doughty and miss m sunley of guelph spent a day or so with mrs e j nelson messrs o masales george jlgglns flay gamble and l d forbes spent a day last week in toronto miss stelu mclim who had been spending her vacation in detroit re turned to her home last week mr and mrs harley brlgnau and babe of toronto spent the weekend at the home of mr jas h reed mr wllbert and miss buiel craig of toronto spent a few days at the home of mr and mra crewson mclaughlin- mr and mrs robert storey and children of toronto are holidaying with friend in umohouse and acton mrs h lantx who has been spend ing a month ut the homo of her son o h lantx returned to toronto on monday miss mary macpuereon who hag been holidaying at her home here re turned to her duties ut cplungwood on- monday mr and mrs wm smith and family with miss florenco martin of toronto visited ut the homo of mr george mills over the weekend mrs j l warren mrs dr c warren and mrs stone of toronto assisted at mrs john wood s reception last wednesday afternoon mr and mra d m henderson ken neth and david and mr t d hen derson motored ovex from gait aad pent a dajr here last week mr sydney a smith and mum dorothy quarrlngton of toronto ere spending holidays with mrs jamas and family at kchodalo farm miss marguerite stewart of milton has just returned home after spend ing a couple of weeks at tho american house muskoka she id touch improv ed in health mr and mrs j 1 mulbolumd and children of port arthur have been spending a couple of weeks vacation 1 the homo of mr george mulbolumd bower avenue miss minnie bennett group leader mrs annie somervllte group loader and lunfl sports officer of the cu i t canu port blgln arrived home on saturday evening mr and mrs prod uebcock francis und kunlce of milton spent sunday at the home of mr w landsbo rough it aibbons of toronto visited ut lllua springs on monday misses clara savage and ollvo mo- luughlln of the local c o i t re turned on saturday from ton days ui camp with the c q 1 t girls a lort tolgin thoy report a wonderful llmiu mix winifred watson of toronto relumed on saturday with the aoton ntlugent rrom the girls lump af port ttlglti for tho woekond miss watson was loader of tho nutuie study cuss ltov and mrs j w molood nl children of west hill uro holiday ing at the homo of hit u j kerr muptohurat mis kerr who hud beau lulling ut west hill loturnud home ith them mi and mrs john uuwlfml uf mil ton uiinouiioii the eivgugemeitt uf their daughter ltorthu alleon to wilfred a itobiiikoi win of mis uhd the lain a hobinwm of mllttm tho inurrluga will take pluo the arly iwtrt of august mi und mrs juhn bunnell win- ltig uiiuuuuo tin ougugeinvut of their youiigbst daughter lurattlia 1 lorn julius guild hockwood nsrrlago to tuka plaoe august ii ut 3 u i lock in kotkwood mstlio- llst church mr and mrs d a mowglh htmots wile untiouito ihs sngugamant of their daughter lluby pearl to di albert m no 11 so n of jeer town son or mr and mr h c nwllm of ludlngton mich tho uiarrlugo to tako place early lu august llov and mrs u caldwell uoorge town announce the uiigugeiritmt uf their daughter mary anna to dt robert gordo u agnew b a sou uf mr and mrs j u agnw of lll park aveuu toronto tho marriage to pfe un tuesda atnrust t ciook in tho atotinjaisiirur ossxnpatoorti t tako 4 s utcli si llflvlwilflajpyji ywffc jjaikuiiki

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