jglfg rtmt 3tet jlrgag tuuhhiiay atinilht f 1033 the years to pass i ii lie ureal no ono aha door a tilt i thfl turn 1 fn ip i ull liow years lmu win n i ni oldoi tn think t t heuvi my limn la nov ploy hut 1 really mean to begin soint l hut lm only u young rirl now aliit mo the- years pasa ii cm uikl itlll iii 111x1 ft mm llni 1 1 mix ill 1 all iml hlkt yours hr heart rull f i feu re i vo lnn pultlrul good in tend uf hegliinln but i m an old wi muii now ami tho yeurj imbu ii now 1h tli ann t i bih to i hght to day whether kkiih i dark or bright make otheru hul py by jt deeds love looking to jmuh fur hilp from above and then you ii lm huppy now and so tho years lm mi lk r a collector of smiles muv forward v o v f o ward an this rornmund dellv itwl in harsh lone foil upon their arn the crowds nt the very busiest eornv of a huay hustling mid wit city looked at on another quentlonally con mr llam lw alckt huvo they transferred hlmt they asked vr mvi ml yeurri jmr uuiiicu hud in pn the cur slurter ut this eomi r and tfio rmwilw hud rum to look for smile it wuh u cornet tliul tested the endurance of all hut mr humea urpllo ulwuys mudu everything ko right thut mlle wus wiirm in n awlrllng pllxxard urn it wm on u nummor day wn ui fresh in january um it wm may no matter how grtut tti ruah how try in- the conditions how impat lent the crowd than wm ulwsy that smile and everyone who ucam 11 a recipient felt in honour iwund to smlli back and tjienj to mli at wrao otn eloe who llkewfsn passed it on and so tho crowd at lhol busy corner had come to be a good nutured crowd scota aomawhsra tho word went ur nund that mr barnes had been given a better paying position one where ha would be not eo much expoaed to the alementji ua he had been and while ull were clad for him they wore aorry for tbemaelves two women who had camt to the city- from the tuns anutll town chanced to meet on that corner that morn inf and aa they wont on their way together they talked it will be juat ilka any other crowd ed corner now aald mr mown ilia aralla alwaya made it ao different yea ajrreed mr ruthen hi waj the jcreataat collector of amllea t over knew he alwnya made mo think of a irl back home i cmnt recall her name bat ahe had the aweeteat itmlle and it wu alwaya ready i know whom ioo mnun cried mrs muan it was dally wlntnrap no body ever fonrot her smile oven if they did forget her name and no matter how cross you felt you couldn t help amlllns back when she smiled at you that expressed the feeling of the crowd for that amllljia car starter there were not two domes perhaps out of the thousands who woald miss him eyery mornlns wju knew anything about him except that he was as un ruthen had sold collector of smiles for it was impossible hurried or weary though one might be not to smile back at him he had made that crowded corner in the hurrying city m sunny place for thousands by his smile lolla munsell la vet firefijs lfnrt jnrg investing of philip druiniiionds legacy i irkdlcilclc i lttjhmjiam vhwiwiflin vr th pout of hearts desire according to a poet of olden times there are just two way by wbich we may travel tits sea or life one u to ail and the other is to drift ths first have a fixed and a definite course they choose their port of heart s desire and they bend every energy toward reacbln 1l contrary winds stubborn seas dubeulttas of every sort ore con stdared and taken into account yet the haven u reached but those whodrut have no axed course nor can it be said they have any definite port tbey are buffeted and tossed hither and yon whichever ay winds or tides maycarrv them they would rather be borne lastly and indifferently willynilly by every vagrant breexe had to brace them selves against dimcakleo though they are carried v much longer dis tance than those who follow u definite route they seldom enter u satlofac- lory haven their port of hearts desire remains a distant place of mystery and uncertainty every youth should have on bis mind f lir ob on rt or hearts desire and he should b all means trim his salts to reach it to do this he must study the chart and know his route to depend upon luck and circumstances meaiuj to drift uncertainly u u dangeroua hunlne wreck and d burnt er too often ura the end of such ulmlesa drifting do prepared the moito r cbe uoy scouts la a good worklnjr mioksii every human being truly wvi be prepared if we hope to eucceert be itreijared not only to met oontrury winds and adverse current but piw pared to work and to serve lo u l tain and to ucoompluh it is well to put this motto at the masthead or our ambition then we wlllnot drift nor will we depend upon luck or for tune we will journey rorwurd pro pelled by our own efforts und our own snwsy though it may take a much longer time than we hud fir counted upon and require rauth greater effort than we had believed it wuuii wvunt ually we will reach our haven iut port of hearts dealru hubert hen dersan i ixttti r watch oql 1 hi ouii run nomeltody i nxclulmnri calvin moon tlupplng bin luintl pn i lilt driiminonde ehouldar and iituf whlrlltitf him uround gwmi nowx i 111 t t ho tiuoatlfinnd vou vo rit it arid on your face llkn ten mluuteu of to loot news cri i i hi tulk ulut wlndfulut huhl a rout iunt of mint whom i never aw dltml ubout two month ugo ami uart is a letter from a honton lawyer nutltylntf rn that i was romemberod in hor will lu hut tune of nvi hundred dollura how ui thwt fur rwd newat what urn you ruing to do with tho money jueetloned calvin whi nharlng u his joym and aorrevrs wit hu obum vh i lip drummond had n hebltutlon in thus asking relative t the plans of the latter i tn going to invest it tn oil land replied phil with much decision it i invest it right tho chances uro that iii bo a rich man one of these days i thought that you were planning on going to the academy remarked calvin it was only yesterday that you aald that you was going to save every dollar you could so us to next fall ihqt was yesterday cal laughod thlllp i aeu bigger things uhaad of mo than an academy wnyi cnl just think of it it was only a ftiw yours ago thut my aunt itebecca noursv txmght a little piece of land three or four miles from where first oil wells- ware being drilled kolks thought shu was crusy to tie thousand dollars in alkali land thut wouldn t grow unytblng but cacti what is there down on that land tn dayt half a dozen oil wells three of them nave been gushers the first uf every month aha gets a check for u thousand sailors or more and that has been going on for more than a year then you ve given up the idea of going to the academy pueried cal vln looking verx sober tea that s too slow for me now that luck has come my way replied philip oil land tor mine lm go ing over to see aunt hebeoca this afternoon and get her to advise me i ve got two pieces of land in mind which can be bought for about five- hundred dollars each of course they are quite a distance from where they are drilling now for oil but so was my aunt s land when she purchased i m going to get her advice and follow it q the letter it wont be very long before z will be on easy streel wel i go to the academy alone- then said culvln ono thing ii sure ihllp lm bound to gat an odu itlon ihlllp hud no father or mother to advise him so it was not strange that he went to his aunt especially as bee investment in land had turned out fortunately indeed his aunt- rebecca would have been very much surprised and grieved hod ho not con sulted her upon so momentous a que tlon as now confronted her nephew- it was about five oclock that after noon that philip reached his aunts home and finding her tn the study eagerly told her of the good fortune which had come to hint this means then philip that the way has opened for the academy re marked his aunt when he had finished speaking it means aunt rebecca that i am going to invest it in oil land the same as you did replied philip his face much flushed there are two pieces of land for sale only about three miles from where they are drilling for oil there is an acre in each lot and for five hundred dollars or a bit less may be i can buy one of them i want your advice and whatever you think bt best to do will be done for i know that your advice will be worth follow ing do you really moan that phllt questioned his aunt looking steadily into his eyes tbats just what i mean replied philip stoutly i know that your advice will be worth a pile to me ton t everybody who can pick out such a paying piece of land as you did phil spent the evening at htsaunt a home and when finally jie took his departure it was with the under standing that within a week or so the thoushl ha uti yt u tlmuhhl th i luvt ymir lltm 1 liilirnjptkl hi i mil tvv it it tun 11 xnlod 1 hillp a l mo i dt 1 loplull i1h uuni ami 11 1 id ml thut 1 uth i one of tl oni wi worth the if vhtl i your nil my 1 iur tie llflw tl af a two y n i m nu mu ut mjiyl liwn 1 1 hit 1 vo 1 nil imllnte folks thut wuu v jliitf to invent lu oil land thlh in tin vuv host lvmtmunl lu flio w r i ihlllp dcolurvd lli a two auyn jjure ut tho ucn inniy will 1m he first drilling jhlllp hut you un tfoluit down hurh deeper unit thu doctor tho drlllhur the bigger the roturus i m kiii to huiii i by what i aald aunt kcikkcu lx lured 1 hjltp nmll lng grimly thin is thn blggout kind of a eurprlxi to m but that hua nothing to do with it i m going home and start drilling ut unco on tfii wjiy homo philip stopped t sun culvln mooro ho found him oul in tho ham unci huw in thnrn llko b aouti lycjotil 1 atutl ilrllllnic j ntfcht cull h yelled ttlvlrik culvln t rowounlltu hlup oil thu buck i lull i yti cul unf lm uoltitf t l i bunhi r bvforn 1 m t ihrotiuh hay liuvm you iumn trusy itlvln what uro phlllt you hnv nt yeu an oil ilurrlck toeth su tloi and uollara tho drrlck lu ull rlggo 1 iliwlu philip it wtdo grin on ida fuco start drilling to night 1 m uolng do deep ani what h more my uunt you drivitiif ot a devru u actons jubilee celebration the tatb hon d hkndtitson arc and incandescent lights ittir ftobflousact that while the average persons knows that roughly peaking there are two kinds of oloo trio light the arc light and tits in candescent light he lias a hay iatlon of the differenee between the two the arc light and the incamlueoeut light differ in principle in brilliancy in appearance and in the mode of uae the distinguishing dltterenne to an ordinary observer between arc and in candescent hjrhta may be briefly stated thus arc lights burn lu air with carbon stick or pencil the points or eodeof which are heated to a white heat by the current and gradually con umed incewoascenl light on uio ujutrury is produoed inside small ghiae globes of various shapes rrom which sir bos been exhausted these lights are caused by 4he passae of eloctrlolty through a one resutlng wire or fila ment which is thereby raised to a wbje or ittoandoslent heat without bint consumed ob account of the absence of air if air looks in u filament immediately burns up and that ta tflo and of it tha tkn am is an old bo adopt- f hf mto raferiimt to the sham of mm auotoio spaakiayei jaya two pieces of oil land would be thor oughly investigated by his aunt tho following morning philip took trip out to where the two lots of land were located and looked them over very carefully while there ho had a talk with the two agents who represented the said land and other property in that vicinity phil felt very important lndd while convers ing with them about veins gushers derricks and so forth up to the village philip had u deal to say about his ontemplated in- voatmeut in oil land it seemed ihlllp that ail or a sudden hi tied jumped from boyhood into manhood it might have been imagination hut somehow ihlllp fett that he was treat ed with much tnor respect by ceituli hu ow other ugents for oimmn talrly swurmed about him seeking to interest him in various pro perth a phils pockets bulged with oil land literature ilill did not intend lo be k1 hts old chum culvln uttorw hut wus so itfterested in oil latid that he had very little to say to calvin cau vln was bubbling over with enthusi asm ubout ucsdemy life und just jbon phil felt thut the academy was be neath his serious uttentlons it was a fortnight jjcfurn philip re ilwd from the administrator of his gruat aunts eaute u certified check to i live hundred dollars following hw aunt itebecca suggestion ha en- dors d it and turned it ovei to hw for investment in the very near future it wus three days later that ihlllp reoelvwd word from his aunt that sin had completed her invssugatloit wnd had in fact invested the little lesuoy philip went at one- to his uunt a horns to learn the facts ills race wus flushed with excitement and huppl iess whan he arrived for un the way h had been building castles in the ur which were very imposing indeed which piece of land did you huyt he questioned when his aunt htui lel tho way info her study there to take t ut her desk u hope that you will bo tat lent philip aid aunt hebeoca removing long envelope from a pigeonhole in her desk it will be some years be- the tnvestxnanf will bring really bis returns however i have studied the matter cfuaely and 1 am iosltive that the dividends wl 0normou- jhe nourse uf time am willing to waiu aunt rebea- replled philip i told you ut lh start that i would stand by your hulce and now i am ready to do it aunt bebeoca arose from her desk and look a e beside philip a moment later she handed him the long envelop while he opened it with trembling fingers eh ma i going lu back me 1 m ruins to th academy for two yours whatr thats what i said calvin i vo been blowing about putting thut flvo hundred dollar info oil land but i didn t know what i was talking ubout i told aunt hnbecco that i would tuko hor udvlce thinking the while thut sho would chooeo one of two plooes of land i had in mind in tuct i hand her the money und told hor lo invest it for me well she hws hhe invested it jln a two ycilr count at tho acadonty and thut a whuru 1 um going with you next month now i guess you ii behove mo whon i tell vbu that f um going homu und start drilling to nliiht and i vo gut to drill good and hard in catch up with you old pal and phu did start drilling in earn est that night und ho kut t on drill ing for u six yearn two years t the academy and four years ut college and iwfore ho rt through ho struck something far better than oil loq hqulinq tlo in hngu hi i h out a ton h j jlh mci fi5i ki1iiation methodist church anglican church since enlarged bnptm church und knox church why not tap on the pane till i jilm not l another hoy the mother k way that uld i suw a utile hoyu i to louv tli yai utmo ujuntf un i wuiitid hint o go i a bull name ifo oulil not go at flrst he would not un hut mm friend instat ed on jiim dolnu so just to look on so ho hturtid and ufter galpg iiomn dlnunr looked hurk hut there was no sign of his mother whon hi returned in wua waltlnic fur him wan n j t ploaviiitl hi you go hut mothir ho proteutod reptouah ully you uaw tmi m why ddn t you tup on th pano7 whon u kohjii i tounr wurkii uuol tp tell thin story peopla would often llaton willi tears ho applied it of cnurm tu our own responslhlllty hhnwthx iow win n we m a om panlou nljut to ko into wrong wo huuld try to hold him buik wu ofttmt homllulo todo this wo four thut our wurnlng word tnuv not bi uikuu well hut thouuh it may seem to be n minted in notno lumoh did you v r ruflool that uthur- persons may latir ut leust reproach u im- rausu wo did not try lo ituvo them from danger like thu boy of our tory tht y f ol llko usklnjr why illitu t you tup in tho punot r muny y una xoplu really wunt tp do right hut limy uro either too thoughtless to rncognlxn u pitfall before hem or loo yvmk to stand firm when facing jim parauulii or rldlnulo f unrlghtioiia compunloiim hut u few apt word from you may give the drifting oni courage to swim ugulnat the current tusking it uuslnr to give tho refusal fhartiu has rcully been longing- to give and prnhahty ho is looking to you to help him out it niuy take u little courage oh youi part but others wilt reupent you mute for mtundlug up fur the right and you do not huvo to auy much a quiet hlutrmont of your own opinion in tho mutter a seemingly careless oh como on you know you don t wunt to do that such may he en ough hut tactfully dotw it may do as much good un n uorroon and you have an opportunity thut the maker of sormoiia my well envy lor you are right un the mikii when noeded whllo being a companion of tha others own ugc glveh your influtmcu ul auch limes u k iul weight and what 1 tin uno of 1ml na strong if we du not help thotwi who are weuk7 why not tap un tha punu agnes h volontlno couldnt beat bridget an old irish wumuti kept u small fruit stand and wus displaying ulfew wutcrmelniin a smart fellow took up one and olworvimll thoao aro frightfully small apples you have now wn have thorn twice this also the womuti coolly aurvuyod her in quirer from heud to foot fur a aecund or twp than in u tuno of pity she exclaimed hojubbom sorr yo muat be a stranger and know vlny lto ubout fruit whan ye can t tell apples from having a good time kotm thing lu wrong with tho young peot io who d not wunt to huvo a jtood time in fiv t i h only tplble csj plunulloq of iiucli an iitlmjilcis menial wuakuohm jleulty youth demands iilausurn just hji it demands food ami 1 nil red the first lu almost us necessary hw tho necon i to its proper develop ing ut hilt tin oi ui ullon whloh rrioans j i ihuri to n is i or om to another one youth fltids uhpenlnl delight in out- den r sports anothor is never so happy bh when in kts into a uuiet comer with a good hook and unfortunately tip ro urn oth rs whowj idea of a good tltnr in rlomily ulllid to degradation wo ahoulit not try to live without good times any mom than jye houm try to llvo without food but just um it is important to saluct our food wluoly no thut wn shu im nourished tin 1 1 ullfup it lu important to select 11m right h rt of good times those which um ktipcrly be culled rocreu- tloua u anothir liuporliint thing la not to be too nxclunlvii in our hluum of good times the youth who enjoys baseball and tennis uinl ukatlng but doos not read a book from tho years beginning to its clime would linvei u hurd time if some injury should make it impossible for him toxuko purt in these vigorous out door aporfs and ho is sure to have hard tlmo wliuii ho grows older one who doubomtoly shuts tho pleasure of roudlng out of his lire hau hogleatod ut tuko out lumuiutloo ugulnst the bore dom of old utt i muny youtuf pwot who love books mciocl- social plaauure they would so much tnit her sit dlown in a worm room by u good reading lamp and hik nd un evinlnk with thtolr book friends thut thoy grow in time to be uwkwunl in the oompuny pf flesh und blimkl itelnga ilutsooks invaluable as thwy are cannot takn place of friendship and un old uge with only ixoks for company i m pathetically lonely hovp u good time of rouroe plan for it mako u polnl of it have a good rood time keep away from every tiling that is unworthy of your aolf hut in addition huvr a varied good time j urn tu like ull the good things all tho pkusunt thing all thi worth whllo thine with all the pos u i bill l to of whohuomu delight in tin world do not ontlnn yourself to one w own up to it why not say 1 wus in tho wrong that is the noble tart home peoplfi imagine once they hsvo mudo a mlstuke it is nobler not to confess it here is the great missionary tho chief of tho apostles at tho end of his life writing down his confession 1 mudu u mistake about u young man yoam ago barnabas was right j i wus wrong mark had an other chunce through rturnabos and he has boon profitable to mo yos indeed many a hwrtborn would be heated if we were grout en ough to aay i was wrong i am sorry forgive welsh house subsidy cardiff sir uuvld 1 u wnllyu welsh coul magnate is ancouiuglng ilia mnn tu build tholrowu houses i is offering j- 6 000 to tho mlnurs in the vule of keuth for his purposi each moo building his own ho is in tmvo u frro gift of 1260 tho offer is being eugerly aelxed i vll h if ulo tl f m i fh i p riuiiltti ft t mi log lie i vo ill u of ik i il unit t i ir il ti ii i i 1 ml 1 d nit t fn u i foitemplallim glng thm kuiih r who md ull or h kuve thrrt iily l lte lift lot it th nh i ol j i njl i him their tlnu 1k r illnic strulght work like un i un holy water und will hh ii t iwi duyn nohemlng any time ruthir than hulr day ut honiht till riion un tin men who muki u bluft ut ing but i nomh and who um notiil fir what tlmy are always going to do tin y ii i i hours figuring why tiiinlnena ih ik i good and how thp saleu arc uffi 4 to 1 by the failure of tho cuhhugn roi they persuade evtrybidy i ut hid al mighty and their wlvia that tlxy bpsy men bul tin no two icnow th in usome of you who reml this i arugrni h would quit scheming and get dnwji to honest iiquurt effort this ytur yt ur creditors woul i gi t thnlr dtin an 1 ygiir fumllles would be better kef t iut that down ho diligent in bghliii ti quit logrolling hlomon in khoe and leuther journal what every girl can do nybody jwuulng- for riulrig and rlu the cllrls world mugceuts these things which ovuitf girl ran learn he fore sho is fifteen not every ovm cwii learn to play or wing or pulnt well enough to give pleasure to her frliudh but the following urcompllshmoiit glve ptoasuro to her friend but uro within every girl w rem 1 never fuss or fret ur flgot never keep anylxdy have an hour keep your own room in tnnloful order never oomo to hrenkfast without tx ing properly dressed never go ubout with your ajioea unfastened never let u button utuy off twi nty four hours speak clearly nni ugh for ovorybody to understand ho mtlont with the llttlo ones u you wish your mother to ivo with you never let iho day puss without doing something to muku homebody com fartable the girl who has thoroughly learned all thin might b mild a mlutruh of arts acton h juhii ii i i illhvl ifn acton hiph mid itthlit sliioois our pies and cakes and real home made baking will help rnake acton jubilee celebration a real home coming dont worry oyer the menu for youf out of town visitors jusucomc in and wc can solve the problem with our fresh baking ouk bread is the real home made variety j as fairbanks phonejijr jv11ll street acton actons juuiiek cklkbration a corner of tho beard mora tanneries acton h juhilkb cclkhhation forbes residence st josephschurch and a section of church st cnon a japanese j3ift to an american college oburlln college bus a ftchnlurshlp fuunded by uno of hen jupaiieita graduates m yeljlio ono in msm pry of a profimmii from whom be re colvi i gitkiou uaslhtatiuo whllo in schotil rile income from llm fi given by mr ono is uwunted unniu to thu olkilin mlitiunt who wrltoa thr best euiuiy on laloilsl subjects tttut will promote butt underatnndlng bu fwoen latileru uu i western nation ono tins had u dliitlnsuluhed career ulnae he ruduutod from oberlln und returned lo liru uuttvn land he i written ii uuiulmir uf hooks on hits nd hilltl4ul oronuhiy und wus recently appointed io ilm pitialnuncy of the industrial hunk of japun k wi ssuoon poms to the uiher with fcu u houidto t carbon- bv boniajmduon sji t tw v li t w poaiuon storing a uie peoe of pasrtjioi yuuryour greatest one paw polp oj z j tp h soujdar stiawy that nobody caj uik0 bwiy fikjzzshz pbuip jaw doppad7 mo eat thara kuowlodga tkhighl and iwld for and its i l i j illx uinr itnuiliml aaaal actions jubilee cajsbratlon u jaa11sh matt lltus iostuiasli r ihu pi dint tontmasuir in anieriuu making the most of time and monev all of us t lucllnod to t nmplaln ut lininw of how much it uoats just to live und how luird it in to gat any money ahaitdwhlch oun le apanyl for hw savings aooouilt writing on this subjwotln the husiueas wutuun ceol ivvston suggest that it would bo very lllumlnatliuk if iivarypndy would ketp mripurunduiim of just how tbey siient their tlmo and romioy mid ut tho and of tho yem woul 1 nut in cold flgurus many h iprs wuri spent in l leas pre seeking unit how much money jot down henlde those flguros what i oun remember of time thus siwut ot vajuo to you says mlas lteston thou look at the item of time ationt iii constrlictlvo t oudlng lenturos ur ptirhiips night school where you hvu been preparjitit iho better job and woe how much tnoi o you have gained from this thus for u rtnsrk ably small amount of noimy in tho lallji investment uf you time and mpey you will luve acquired soma- thai where some oriental ruos come from a tcvnulun in ion thl lug is it uousq hold ti iusiiiu thero are so tniiny dlfti rent jiultutloiis uf the gsiallue urtlctfv4hut oiit ttluat 1m u tine judge tu dlatrtikpub between them krom rliuyrua xoiitcu uf thu maur iuist oun- tiovursy oomu muny of the finest lug wuviii und truutotl by spuria process which ulvca the llitlshvd rutf a uuallty that la suld tu b superior to ull others tho newly woven rpgs are washed scrubbod buateii und hlaaohed until they have no appearance of be ing hew the natural bleaching under thu hot sun complete tho prubves and adds mu h to tha vulue uf the rug the trouble hunter the o ire trfo rouble bunter is i unhjih devli o umtl by the modern olec triclan for u tatlnif ul aoria of aches bud t wiltm la ifcnurly ull kinds ol eleotrlca coutrlvmilss on the market ii is t r thu testing ougluvci whst the ntelln nta pu lu to hie du tor who mukes ii simiululty of luiirt illtftuso it cor raully dluunom s iu ahoit circuit open i in lilt n uililn mil ueirly evy ullinint thut u pu of electrical up iuiutlis is lull tu jim uplilluiua is uutily mrttlli up i t mi lt of u small lllduutluti ooll cundvnsur und battwrlns in oj vase carrlikl oil tho baok two floxlhb wliod it in twu lusuluied t n pot lei mlnals it ud by bjiplyln thu id tho uiitu of tha tnotoi or swlti lilmiur 1 tin opuiutor hols by the oiindii in n lucelur i lumped lu his boa i whut the trtubh s und by u mvwtimnllo miinh llnwly discovers the u lo und tme i t uu grht iidvimikku of this dayke i thu otillintry lihtlng t is the fui t hint it toilllreh tlo one lo turn a litagiiuto muik und thu entire up iitii uf hkbl uml tuy to narty soooo harvesters wanted frag4ldgjl5tolfrknipea metffattf blgul tan torainrw fm wwiupel h m starttv ii la 1 tswrftorr s0uudato auoust i and auoust fcs raeaaaf dlveekuse l iktc woetl d pgrktm to at iaa iomiil bilth vmfa q m 111 tmtnvn e and havelocsfetsmbora ujm rnspif 1 n august 1s and august 24 lad it end wlqdw oe lusml ck4wlb w vrntoit dlktrlct pseesager aat tst travel canadian pacific oems op thouqht mw comes a qmter llle 111 keeping t hiohients i hi tuiulns only with thi thu amity thut wlednm knits nut folly ntuy tuslly untie hlmkespvure ltam thu value of u- malls words nd ux russlonm ami you know him a l4ii sf -i- junici3b tbe cindio naiionl fiillwiy depot at acion tbaringcar 1kl sun 1195 coups 91095 model ql to other cat anywhere near overlttndo price ofcxs tho 1 manifold advantaged of this new model ituouutumdintfhiuppcjtmccariduprytokaita- itvbody lines uro long and uruccfcyl with high hood mid impoaino radiator drum head uptasjgoff to advardago the ftillcmrurl tcrkpr fenders such xb vjfftnd only in hlgkcrpxiccxl cafa its body is ausjteel juatlhkcxciittrnel finish low seats a4cv to the buoyuntv riding ease ensured by ita tripled springs u exclusive overland feature important mechanical features to be found m no other low priced cur contribute tpthc dependability of tiie new 91 us for instance the new floating type rear axle with shaft of special niykcl atecl and removable without tearing upnrt the houamg a rauyr aie y atti eve tn shsift 7f kosivior thsua la ut ovuitd wlo or weiabt elate j n oneill son caaruelowni milton acton iimidilajssj