v fr it r the iioue of iiljr arinn 3frrr pbh utnlmf s4lmia town wklu ei ontario ubllhd aviry uulkjlng mill strrci acton ontario tp ulactptuf pi ice la per rear m vdvanc iolaf u charged additional to offirc in the j a it ad stataaf the dai to hl h sub crip liana ar pafij u indicated an the addrtm label advbjrminl itatxstraniknt ulrtla hoiii cent per line agate mvsaute tar brat inacruoa and j cent per una ior each atlbae rjaca inacrtloa coatract diiptay edsarllae nmati for 9 lbclta or mn per anaujo 16 cent a per joch each inaertlott advctllacncola with out apcclfic dlrtjctfons will be intrtd tiu foflitd and diarrtd ccstrdiajiy ii i moore iratdent ead editor a dnxs war and aaalauat editor telephones editorial asd bualaasa oses nw kcaldcace of prcaidcat fij liquor from canada to the united states roy a haynes chief amcrictn problbitionpom nuwioner takes rather a cheerful vjew of what has been accomplished in preventing the flow of liquor from into the united states he admits that it was a tremendous taslrtotop the flood afcrtg the frontier of three thousand miles buf asserts that the flow is merely a trickle now only at a few spots is there any considerable traffic in the forbidden beverage elsewhere aridity reigns ho suggests that much of the talk about jfqugr flowing freely from canada is propaganda put forth by bootleggers who aro really selling their customers their own moonshine but wish their customers to believe that they are getting the real stufffrom canada mail and empire motor accidents through motorists foolbardineaa in many cases accidents to mot org at highway crossings over railways are due to the culpable ncglj gen co or fool hardiness of those driving cars this is to bo found both at unprotected and protected crossings the grand trunk lines from october 1022 to may 0 1923 show 54 cases where 4 here waa deaths at protected crossings duo to he negligence of those using the crossings all but four of these cases were due to the carelessness of motor drivers notwithstandingsafety devices and cautionary sign als people take chances and disregard safety motor accidents ac becoming more frequent every sane motorist deplores this if accidents arc to be lessen ed the sane motorist must educate the culpably negligent motorists thursday morning august 0 1023 editorial toe proa and the former residents the local newspaper is more closely linked to the life of the conynqmty than any other business in stitution hardly former resident who came to the jubilee celebration of the old home town during the week lyit is a regular reader of the free press this journal has chronicled actons history for our former residents- every week and their return to the scenes of former days is much en and i l nmujiluluj uul uf ulu laiullfltf i of locat news for a longtime actons greeting was cordial and charactenstfer a highway pavement 28 yean old that an asphaltic concrete pavement is highly sat isfactory in a hot country is evidenced by a contract recently let by the city of visalia cal for paving its streets with asjpbaltic concrete base and surface visalia put down probably the oldest asphaltic con crete pavement in california this was jaid on main street jn that city twentyeight years ago there has been no maintenance cost in all that time and it is still in excellent condition ano thercon tract was let by visalia in 1805 with the same material partly on main street and partly on adjacent streets the next paving done by the city was in 1910 on one of the principal travelled streets construction of this character is worthy of a trial in ontario where road buildi is being solargcjy c with small tovvn stuff tho mail town has been ilia hutt of thr cheap humori ever el nee ihe iomiwhit isrjrcr town osma i nib exist once a email town u any town entailer tron lip town in which the humorlat reflde if ho liven in a town of 1 000 n t twn of gq0 m a joko it ha live in a own f f 6000 any town of 1 000 u a j ilce and at on uji of course new ynrkem tl ink that all other towim urn jokea they call amall tovna by witty nnmu tank town hlrk lawm town in the mllrk lown on tho iwiwl and i itrhei uivult timall towna do not have hcundala jai orcheatraa run men flout in in debtmlntses qr traftlfl problem a man can irk hla mr in front of hla place of bualneaa and leave it lbrro for a week if he ao dealrea on a hot day he can take off hla coat and walk down tho mnin alreet without losing public esteem ji it amal town bluff doemi t got him anywhere iooplo tlkn him for whut he u not who ho pretend to be he uvea too close to hla fallow man to ite other than hla real h in a mjnall town tho re uro nclahnora who whirl lii and help in caes of alck neaa who- like you juat aa well in your old clotharfaa in yaur ntow cjouien win pdtion no aim ond makv no pm n htiul jn a city a young man may take hla ajrl to a theahro then to a joxs palace and then via toxica b imtckr home all coal qf 36 a amall lwn a youn man cun tak hla irl to the movie to at the ice cream parlor and be homo and alttlnff in hla id a porch awing- by 1 10 p ro have apent fifty centa and hod all the fan tho town afforded in a city a man apenda at leaat one- third bf hla umo putuna up a front in order to impraaa other people who ar doloa tha wne thlnx in the araoil town a man mgwi hla owrt lawn raiaea hla own garden truck la on apeaklna tanna with both the preacher and the banker and can alt on hla front porch sunday afternoona in ida atooklnx feat if ho wnnta to and people will think juiit aa much of him city folka aneer at urcall tpwn cauaa they are envloua canada vooras with her skier nation tho sudden death of president harding brought great sorrow to the united states through the loss of their esteenwd chief executive because of his r quiet dignified conscientious administration of the affairs of the great nation which chose him as their leader president harding was greatly admired and sincerely ifked hy our canadian people in fact he waa respected the world over his happy references o canada as a good neighbor during his visit a few weeks ago at vancouver won for him high regard s from the people of this country president warding was- a great man hts sane wholesome intelligent new of- public affairs and his quiet unassuming manner convinced the people that he was an eminent ly safe executive canada mourns with the united states in the great loss that country has sustained divorces not popular in canada to the credit of our country be it said our torco courts are practically idle marriages canada are successful and families still are loyal to the till death do us part tradition divorces granted in the dominion numbered only 544 in 1022 or twothirds of ono per cent of all the mar riages contracted according to a report just compiled by the dominion bureau of statistics based on population the report shows divorces numbered seven to every 100000 persons divorces in the united states according to official figures for the last year on record numbered 112 to every looooo people the 1022 figures says the report prob ably indicate that the waye of divorce due to the war has reached its highest point and now on the decline total decrees granted last year showed a reduction of four compared with 1021 the remark ably low per cent of divorces shows the stability of canadian homes and institutions a silo for chickens aupply of irreen feed for loylnff hena in winter la aometlmea hard to yet but if winter et are to be ex peated there muat be a ren ration fed alona- wit other food rf num tottaramim monuia and dried it for winter ua thla plan was- wry auooeaaful but hut winter i tried a different plan a poultry alio in which i kept my green ration in ua natural abate old barrel were uaad for tho alios ptrat i maka an opening about four inabe above the boae of thajjorrl to f at the ajac the opening- s than fitted with a hap that nu anualy can be cloaed after eaeh feodlna- hole la then bored in the bottom of the barrel to drain off excaaa fluid tho alio la then ready for oiling 1 oed groan feed of all deacrlptlona ouch aa cfover graaa from the lawn beet top cabbage leave in inctjil moat anything that a oojeken would t after the barrel waa fltled a lid that could be removed readily waa nuubs to qi an ugly on top and within the barrel a weight vu then placed on the cover to pack down the con tenia aa the feed u taken out from be low the contents of the barrel will be pushed downward it u not necessary 80mb thouqhtb to ponder rarents your children a happlnaai la of very great importanoo to you parent a owe it to their children lo provide for their children gopd clean inereatlgg and instructive readlpg that will help to moke them 1 nielli gent and aalf reliant to auccsed in any bualneaa in thla age a person muat poaaeas ihtellgenco and good judgment it la well that a parson a education houlrt moan morejhan possessing a lot of facts lie ahould ha able to weigh valuea make qulok declalons after alilng up trmnnacmona and i ntlon thus he must have an in- telllgent grasp of matlerk iertalnbig to hie duties success in any doe i red achievement confea chiefly by intelligent indue try and concentration on the matter in hand iathara with famlllea of youag chll dren ahould help along prohibition which has reduced cooes of alcoholic insanity by 60 per cent would there ha aa many auto ao cldenta if all motorlsta would consldni that jmsalbly some persons on tho road or mlroat may be drunk ermsy blind deaf dumb reckless childish crippled or in a burrvt onr of the turd troupes in bualneaa life la to confnna failure and discuss money troublee with your friends the youth wlio purposes in his mind to he a big man will realise hla ambl tloa if he alma high arid works to win canada has been and is being made hy country boye and girls they may look crude andsto they are hut watch out they are on the way and a lot of them will get tbern artlat skuce a boy a success in life depends large ly on the flame of dealra kindled r him by hla mchool master it takes map to enthuse a boy and set him dreaming of future achievement mod success when the motor stalls a good mnny fatal motor accidents are cauaed by the tailing of the motor on steep hill imperially in thld thi case when thn driver of tho pur la of it nervoua etraln a groat many people when confront 1 with audi an occur rence men ly ktwp tho root brake on until urn mi trtr in nturted and low gpar engaged thla- la whnro tho ucct lenta generally iwvn their beginning in the foot bruko la weuk or if the driver happens to reuusn tho i irnfuri from tho pedul for on inatant tti 1 oar im mellatuly alurt to run tuickwavdii itn i in most ruacm gimn oveiku noitrhy hai u or ditch tjjrt tin uxoltikl driver guhtfl control it d ulwsya iidvuut h in aurh u csito ua ihltt to lmmidluf ly put on the omnrgoiiry hrikn un i when tho clutrh 1 1 unifuikhl auillr utly to hold thn cur frt ni i inking up in it w gnor tho lnvr can be easily roleuaod and a euro got uwuy made two fnlui accl ionia of thlu nutum oocurrml ontario during tho past few duvv prepared to rulb bin wan a widow and ho a bluff wall or huljiot fjndlng it easy p maka n ian tmnn direct proposal he decided to ad irons her in the upooch of the aca kate ho itttld your boat la drift ing down thn stream of llfo with no nlrc nu hand to eteer it ant thn rocka may i be your cat lulu ui 1 1 ull it for yohr no jack katn nihwornjl jfrltlt jin oi rnglnfl 1 luah thot hi hrnt tone or volj nut y oil fnny u my aoconj mute if you like the fords new speedometer till re urn hi ninny ntorli h itht nt ifortt pir that no hcnltatetf lo soy that any mutry ho hmrti uj a now o hllas hocking in hln new book toll thla one it latatd mrv vt nl hus invonte 1 n iow vlntl of nboodonyiter when tho car la rnvlllng ut thirty mlloa nn hour it shown n irotitl lgit ut forty un hour it shown u rod light ot nlxty it iilaya nearer my flotl to thoo toronto blar enliqhtenitfq the wet vote how far did the wet vote contribute to the overthrow of the farm era party t some time ago mr ferguson told the people that he had devised liquor policy that would please everybody what that policy was refuaed to tell but the mere mention of euch n possibility raised the hope of the thirsty ones later out of deference ao prohibition aentlment within hie own party mr kerguaon hedged on the question and finally came out with declaration that the o t a would be enforced unul the people by pleblaclte demanded its re movul we look for that jeblsclte soon after the ontario house convenes tho wota knew hey could look for no sympathy from either libera is or pa rrners and re n hiri pf one animosity to the ontario tem- tnneflactriannaa their faith and hopes on him in aplttt of hla meaning less eleventh hojir avowal it meant nothing more than alnoo the ota the low of this province i will enforce it until x con do awmy with it tbs juanltobs decision wilt nave given the uquor people everywhere confidence jtnd hod those who wish to have the ontario temperance act coollnue had bettor gird tkelr lolna for tb bsttto and do it betimes we shall be sorry if ontario is deprived of the aervlcca of two so capable snd honest leaders o mr wellington jloy and tho hon mr drury montreal witness greer wrb dreadful toll in hunun mlsoy tbe feful oil of the war in the way of crippled men has been summarized by the experts who are now ingeqeva to attend tbe conference- summoned bj tbe international labor bureau to study the question of tbe employment of war cripples and bare received a report giving an estimate or tbe number of war cripples receiving pension the bgures are germany ls470o0 australia 75000 austria 104000 belgium 50000 canada 45000 united states 157000 finland 10000 france rso0oo6 great britain 1170000 italy 1000000 poland 320000 rumania 100000 jugoslavia 164 000 russia 775000 ctechoslovakia330000 new 1 zealand 20000 to this total of 7334000 pensioned war cripplesshould be added all jhoso of turkey bulgaria portugal hungary and japan and the baltic states so that the estimated grand total is over ten mlllldns j the jubilee celebration t the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the ka v corporation of acton and the homecoming jij so l many former residents and nativeborn sons and f r t daughters during tbe week was a happy combination thy three days devoted to tbis with their many tjiappy incidents and experiences will long jive in cherished memory both by the homocomers and visitors and by our citizens i whose welcome was cordial and unmistakably sincere tho reunion of friends who bad been separated fqr years was thor oughly enjoyable and fqll of sustained interest the programme provided for the three days by tho citizens committco was a succession of- features at once interesting amusing enjoyable and credit able one feature which called forth much favorable comment was the prominent place given to sundays bj sendees and tbe reverent and worshipful character fv i of tbe programme of tho day the attendance at old fyou home cburdies in tho morning was an event memor- rable in itself the social sunday afternoon inter course of homecomers and visitors with residents of the commupity was in many respects a benediction ff tbe bne spirit manifested st tho union service of tbe x congregations of our live churches jn the evening sfwrlh thn massed choir the pastors welcome the w pflfoj addresses the hearty singing of the great keeping the streets clean and tidy tbe extra work by council and citizens during the past week in clearing up the streets was worth while the comments of visitors and homecomers was heard everywhere concerning the neat tidy and attractive aspect of actons strets homes and home- surroundings onr town hss always been noted for these features but the eijtrs work and more careful attention gave an added attractiveness why not keep this bit of extra work up from week to week and sustsin a reputation for the tidiest town on the new toronto to sarnia provincial fiigbway bur lington bas adopted a very gocd ptin with its new cement pavement the gazette of last week said arrangements have beetf made to sweep the pave ment on brant street in he business section every morning at 830 and the business men sre kindly asked to help out the situation by having their walks swpt off every morning by thaf time so that the refuse can be gathered up a spirit of cooperation such as that suggested will be beneficial to any town let us hsva it here ifptna the splendid sacred concert by the band at eventide waa a profitable and happy manifestation of the friendly community spirit which obtains everybody who came home expressed the ffa pleaauro at tbe good time they bad experl ti encod and they went away sorry that they were obliged to leave so soon it has done us all good vejiave renewed old friendships we have imbued f jnw ions and daughters and forjner residents with a j fbve for home that might jiavo imperceptibly waned 3fo0g mn and women who were here for tbe arst time fiave gone back with big ideas of dad and moth- axs borne town they will always be interested in ua because oltbelr visits yea wehave galnedt because i- wtthay ma new- friends and impressed old ones tttr rhetaeir old town bas a warm place for them in their hearts always it was a fitting celebration of tho editorial notes if anybody is out of luck it is generally the farmer with the biggest crop on record in sight he does not know where he is going to get the help to harvest it the facilities to transport it to market or a decent prlco for it when he gets it there georgetown herald 1 qettinq to the oint italloal ahoulod he flremmil un talttphona itallorl caine bauk in faralnlne tones t thla the lire etauont yea whmt la itr well f wnnt to intonnyoij that my garden runa right up to the a ulat rune along the aide or the broviu walk next door you veg0t i the wroof number madam 7 too asld thla waa the are elation djdn t your va but weu im trying bard to rabte a reapeatable lawn and have lately planted graaa aeed aa tar aa the 3raiena walk then bealdpa the graaa aeed t had it tidied jjp and made ready for platling bulbaand i aay ma am you are mlataken in the telephone number thla tent thla ibo are elation f s it la but very well now i want to aay further that however carejeaa our neighbor are with their garden we are vtry muoh the other way in faot a pretty lawn adorned with a variety of flower la what i and my huaband are looking for next aeaaon tr heaven a aake ma am what hea thla to do with the tire atajtlenf oh well our jwua lano sqo school street anaihe browne house next door la qn ore now don t let your flremen trampu but the flreman had dropped the receiver it is a very current opinion that in view of the fact that the first step toward the commission of many desperate crimes is the theft of a motor car therefore it might be well that this sort of theft should be niore severely punished than any other offence against the motor vehicles act at present the canadian people have 1837000- 000 invested in dominion of canada bonds their demand deposits in tbe chartered banks of canada total 537340000 their notice deposits savings total si 22725343 1 canada international trado is the greatest it has ever reached and the national revenue is the highest in the countrys history oar country is certainly nutl going to tbe dogs just now the if hardening doe not ahrlne lead doe and to orrtap lta hat of mertta a little water in the hole when autphur ta uaed makes ftu material difference fnrtylhrn ynara ajn w ii fc i l 1i im tn shape that la the bottom of pdetor of the brussels post during all tho inter- trdntdnothrtnk el veiling- years mr kerr bas guided the destinies of this worth local paper tbe town of brussels has greatly pro fit ted from the constant advocacy of its interest by tho post in his editorial management mr kerr has manifested a unique aptjtudo in his editorial comment and as a result the post is freely quoted throughout the dominion the sales tax is certainly doing its bit in meeting the costs of the war there was an increase of over seventeen million dollars in tho customs and excise rejfwuoof tho pomlnojl for tho four months- of the currant fiscal year which endpd july 31 accord ing to returns available at tho department in ottawa for afomontii of july alcrno the increase over last july wa over th millions- the trgirrr of that uta bftirpl b filled all at one urn it can bo partly nild and moret atuit addod as opportunity offers barrel ofthfa riwd wul uroub tinoujh xto atuit for thirty or forty herta dutina the winter backfire it a no wonder you ra nuch a sissy rteclsrsd the bad bay your papa and mamma wore marrlod by a justice of tho pse well retorted independent uary from the noise i heax com ina from your hour your papa and mamma muat havbeen married by the aecretary of wr chtcaaro continent nesettma bolts in concrete it probably has been neceaaaxy st aome time in the expavleoca of very farmer toveaet bolts in concrete floors fasten down a small mill cream separator or ass cmlob there are of ooursa eyjjl ways in whion vtutla can be done but tbs on which t hsva found tnost satisfactory in every fs- epeot ts by melt ina ordinary atllphur as it la boubf at toe draff atoro in a mall pan over a alow flame and pour ina it ground the bolt aa it set in its proper ptaoe in the bole in the oon crcte as sulphur oools into a solid cysts aiipoat instantly it le neoes ary to have the bolt exactly in i la proper place the advantages of using aulphur over lead which is most commonly used is that it is fclenper the hole- in the concrete ned be only bupre enouah to uoootnmodate the head of the bolt whereas the hole for the bolt when lead is to be used had beet be ynlrnt the kawartha lakes the ttswmrth 1m e mo fat above the level of lajce onurlo and within in muea of toronto are wnooar the most popular of yntarloe aummer playarounds the indian name of the dlattiat meana nrutfit ayatera and luppy lajids j here the vacationist wul dncf un umltfl opportunities for aaillna canoe ins mojorboaunca bathln autut flab ina toasther with exoetlamt hotet ao ooanumlattop the vsryc bevfumad with plm and balsam a a ante tils laraer uuam of the district ra vide line basnibtttaonjr and salmon t mhi while tnesmsmer iafce btutd with apeckled trout with map of itb frsa from say lonaj ruwaya hoo defies flames to save her piq8 at a fire in leomlnster mmm when a mother hoar was removed from her burnlnc pen she pen i led in return reputedly to be with her jit tie oneu until somebody removed the nvo off print to a place of safety then tho mother whose brlatlea were burning on her last trip ao that a flreman bad to apray her with a chemical waa content to remain with her family a aafo distance from the- flames five urn ew t ho- hoy had been rembved befor her liberators discovered the causa of her refusing to stay away from the pen piifiy i liuvo ben jntly beno ntied by 1 1 in llnjf tho nvunlna will you your into loot appeals to mo are you a literary woman mercy oh my no i am a toachar in infant achool turned test into earnest la tliiro uny cmnwtan urullnl fir thlm exporlnnco of pl pun tor in u nmull i ennuylvanln town the cltlintia wnm ilonf to ojl appeal for proirru in liltt effort- to not a new community hall lie found hlmnolf appointed a rum mlttco of one to begin construction the next morning with pick and hovel the committee commenced to tunc tl n ilia spirit etectrltlad the towna folk to euvh a degree that they cams to tho resoue and completed the build luif fall term opens monday august 27 hpeclal in llvlduol inatructlen in till eubjocts wrlto for full partloiitsrs guelph business college herald olda quelph onl v i hprott principal business directory medical ir i mt or j a mcniven physlolfcn and burgeon o flics and realdeocor corner bower avenue and ichrln btreet k phonh ss dr e j nelson pkkophirk htjifkt ac ton ontario dr w s uflrd of aubumz 80 woolwlcli btreet e ear nome and throat legal phone no 33 p ot box ssi harold nash farmer m a barrister betioiter notary public conveys near etc perryman block acton ont mofjky iknt on mortoaaes hours 9 30 son to 6 pm saiurdayn 12 00 o olocjc h g meir barrlaisr sollfluor noury publwl j oaorostown onl dhntal dr j m bell d d s l a a dentist honor graduate of toronto ttnlvesw ally the imtaet aestheuo used tf desired ofllo at resldenoa corner i frederick stresl mill a j dr f q gollop dj s ld3 dantal stiromhi offloe over bank of nova hours 8 10 to m0 hhranin by appolntmant miscellaneous francis ntfnan bookbtndfr aooount books of air kun0smde to jirder periodicals of every descrtptloa carefully bound piina neatly an1 promptrjrotooe wmdham street qaolpb onl ovsr- williams stote j b paton painter and decoratpr papeihanging graining signs and show fords jnnlntroduclna myself to the people of aoton i am able to aay there ts no dasa of work t am not able to do in the trade ssusfactlontttslvnteed at fair prfcea tour order kindly accepted with prompt attention assured arthur street acton the proof favauty pr twenty years ford cars have passed through every test re quired to prove their quality the present ford car is the culmination of this quality at a price lower than lever before let us explain the- thrift plan of purchase hacoxe acton ont yaax f oroft compart or cahada iharwa vqad ohtario us lodge directory sons of england lddqe wqodoreen no 502 meeting first and third tpurtiday in each month at 8 p m in i o o v hsll mamben un 1 visiting members cordially invito to uttond j precious j little w p sersury acton l o t no 467 meets on the second thursday of each month in the oddfellows hall at 8 pm vlaltlng members of the order ajwaya wal ls v kennbdt n a k t thbtpobd 1876 1923 nearly 50 years of continuous business in acton we have made our storey headquarters for gifts gifts that last rogers silverware latest patterns rich cut glusa english und jap chlnawarc french ivory jearl bead necklew e and a complete stock watches clocks and jewellery ot for gifts that last call at geo hynds 1876 t ii 1923 tbestretldth i ver ono hundred and favo years tissc s ago tto banl of montreal was sj3 j established with slnje office and tr a captal of 35v00 ff today after more than rnriiiy of conservative progress the combined capital and reserve of the bank- amount to 54500000 its total assets are in ex cess of 650000000 its sue hundred branches extend to all parts of canada and it has its own offices in financial cen- tiout the world thefidl movrca of the bant arc behind cicry branch acton brajich l b shorey manager bankloerlvlon establisned over ioo years hmw ktrivliya4iil ii1vvsiihi aaa9ad j e cbeevers book binder quabao st east quslph 0l bo and majnialoea bound tn htnosoma and substantial oorers naples pattered in gold on blblaa books and other books all work promptly exsoutsd hubdso i napw f r j kerr- auctioneer and real estate asent i tears experience acton ontario sales entrusted to il j kerr re celve attention from date of ustlnc to data of sale julat your satts with me residence bower atenu aoton pbooe 88 aoton cajistinar itpenss cbibckalokd9tuiat ttronto qu4a04 a d alex niven onurlo land surveyor and- civil no i near surveys subdivisions plans rs- ports dimorlpuons blueprint sto ceruflotte for purohassra and mortcaol purveys for architects builders and municipal councils drain reports xastimatss sto molean binldino deuglaa 8l quhxapm pbooe j0fl4 ont the old and reluble granite and marble worioi ws ar bianucaoturers and dirsot importers ot all kinds ot uonuisbntaj and headstone work- we sell dlrsof to our customers at wboleaajs piioe thus aavlmjr our customers 40 per osnt wa bavs the- beat ajipusnoesknd tbe only meohiuuos tn tbs ixunlsjon who can opsrdt pnaomsua tools propsrty we oan viva raieranoes rrom bundrsds ot our oustomars in toronto and other places whors others bavs to bavs law aulta la ordar t oousol w haw tbs larceat and bmt moolt of oranlt la tbs dominion or mors than any thre dealers in the west- we are lelu- mats deaisrs and employ ao acants and do not annoy or peat oustnmsra by sendiav out ignorant acants soudt- taa orber w employ only msohauloa ana 4tyomfktttoii hamilton sons oct monstsk woohriah tha quels ateljilm vs