3m wstfl v x the home or ojijf artrin mtet ttaa awaitx sltu town wcclilka l outarlo tile acton lkee trks la pnbliabvd err ttturtdar ipctfulnir at i wsa uiulnst mill slrrt accoo ontario tli auucfipllnrf price 1 u per 7 la adwce pou charged additional lo u tb ualtad btatea th jal to which tubacftptlona a jld u indkrtnl on ibtj sxure ubcl advetttislna kates trnul d-rrtu- btnlf 10 ti per line agile rncmu loc arl usruoa and j cent pr i in to uoh aubm meat insertion contract display eartu tncnu lor p bcha or mot per annum te cents bar 4acb each inertioo advcruscmiits with out apatite dlfu will be tacrtcdtul larbld ani rbrfd mordlnily il r moorrl prrtdt aad editor g a dills udiir and asftauuit editor telephones- editorial and dmiimh ofi nw luaideec o pnauunt ui thursday morning august 23 1923 editorial canadas commnplion of wheat bread canadians arethe greatest wheat bread eaters lii the world canadian farmers grow the best wheat and naturally the people of canada eat more wheat bread than any other people the following table ghfttrajh 1 of bushcl consumed per capita tailum iiuui mi mi trwih 7 britain 60 united stales j argentine 52 germany sweden and chili eat less than jl5 bushels per head while in british india r mexico and japan the consumption of wheat is less ir7 than one- bushel orillia times the strain upon the countrys leaders the death of president harding has drawn at- tention to the intolerable pressure presidents are subjected to in a somewhat lesser manner the premiers of canada are overworked and a breakdown iaby no means a rarity it1s clear from what is going on that either some of the load imposed upon public i should be taken off or ejse an assistant appoint- jeqvvho could discharge a portion of their duties guejph herald the same thing applies in large premiers -ouijrnvinfaaujionwhosg- rshoolders enormous burdens of responsibilties con- pf resi t the coal situation there is a somewhat growing anxiety respecting next winters coal supply the dealers give the as surance however that the supply will bo forthcom- instharthe outlying districts of the vest are being j npplied during the summer and that a miners strike nottxmprqjtble7 u j rported that naorc cojts qunod and ready for shipment than for years it is fevrpected tfiat coal shipments will be coming in freely sfirythe end of the month it will be a surprise to tnany to be told that between 300 and 400 tons havc been placed in the cellars of the people of acton since april- roal ob prerv the eoad bed it must be evident to most citizens by this time lljtt the town council made m wise move when it tfaeoihnyof the leadiegstreetsomhe a few weeks ago the oil has effectively dis- of the dust nuisance a blessing for which all householders should be duly thankful the laying f nf the dust is not the only benefit that follows oiling tbe oil acta as a road preservative any person arho cares to examine any of the streets that were k treated will find that the heavy oil and the surface efjcoyering the street have formed a hard composition thatla impervious to rain and does noj grind into dnf under the stress of auto and other vehicular f traffic this will undoubtedly prove of great value fin preserving the road surface the outlay for oil amount to a considerable sum but it should pitdire a profitable investment because the use of the dflkill cut down tho expenditure necessary for the 5- repair and upkeep of the streets treated orangevillo g banner american soldier equipment on canadian monuments many places throughout ontario are just now engaged in erecting memorials to their fall heroes of the great war in many cases like that of beavcr- ton the monument will be surrrrquntcd by tho figure of a soldier in accoutrements and the complaint is being made that these monuments arc being ported from united states cutters whose only con- fcesint tho nm indication of 1 in fact it 1 atill better to make a blurt ccption of a soldier is that of the american sammy and a number of such have already been erected in ontario much to the dhgust of thcitlzens when the fact is pointed out to them we hope this mistake will not be mado in the case of the beaver ton mem orial a fulldressed canadian soldier is good enough for us there was no better in tho great war beaverton express irelands first new parliament is praised the first term of tho first parliament of the irish free state has expired and tho general election is now in progress tho first parliament goes put amid a most consoling chorus of culogium much of such praise earning from the dublin press the first re ferences to this rent event were made last week at a banquet in the mansion house by president cos- grave who paid tribute to his colleagues and said there might have been shortcomings in the ment bur he had never found a more generous assembly or one iirwhieh there was so much evidence of genuine criticism and lively effort to do useful appreciative work for the nation in no assembly he added were greater sacrifices made than in the jxecutive council of tho irjsb free state joseph devlin another guest in a speech full of hope said there was no use trying to settle differences by physical force the tribunal of reason he said must be the final court of appeal the irish times says the government has good cause to be satisfied with its record having to its credit ono great achievement entitling it to a renewal of national confideace name ly making tho free state safe for irish democracy broadening out helped in the east wellington election the fergus newsrecord takes issue with tho farmers sun and j j morrison on the question of much divided it holdb that broade in uut mr raney late attorneygeneral in his last cam paign in east wellington in proof of its contention our co tern refers to the vote polled by mr raney in the urban centres the following paragraph illus- tates the newsrecords line of argument if broad ening out was a failure let the sun explain these figures mount forest gavo mr raney a straight majority over the conservative candidate he more than doubled the vote received by mr hellyer in 1010 while the conservative vote shrank from 202 to 280 fergus was the home of the recent conservative candidate yet even here the vote polled for that party dropped from 584 to 470 while mr raney got over four times as many as the u f o vote here at the previous election and considerable more thajrthd combine u f o and liberal vote jn 1010 uofiao tho wooda bl rooted to ox- poart tliem to the hot iun in tho ger- tnlnaun a la co i the moat effective way to kill wetdn if hnrrowlnjf haa been iiroporljf carried on cultivation may beln with a cultivator the teeth of which are z to i inchea wide but ir the aell u aoddy or lumpy a nar- rowtoouwmt cultivator will be necea- anry to do effective work ie aure uip cultivator haa a autnclent number of tebih to over the to una effectively that la aomhat the whole aurfaoe ot the around will be thoroughly atlr- rod to a depth of from x to i inche the harrow tooth cultivator la the beat toatart with tho teeth are nar row tbey do not throw the earth over the your plan la and one can cultivate clover to tho plant without cdverin them later the larger tooth la better nnd na the cultivation aeavon advance and the phinu ot well rooted the cultivator ahould be narrowed and cul- tlton utould bo deeper in h centre tho itsww the moat efficient work ran ho ncoompllahed by ant bolna on way all ovr the field in aday or wo cultivate acaln but f- tho oppoalte direction to that of the pre- vloua culuvatlok cultivation ahould be continued at intervaur juft wo lonr aa the ptanta are not injured by horse or cultivator the reaeonhor thorough culuvarjon are briefly a follow the aoll par ticle are rounded in form and when manned together without belnr crushed they leave a large amount oi unoccu pied apace thla unoccupied apace in the aoll la needed for the movement of the aoll water and air and the apreadlng out of the root fibre it 1 alao the home of m loo organism which devnlop the available nitrogen uedby the higher plant if the soil particle are too large and too looaely packed the aoll per mit the rain fal to pa through it too freely and the water 1 noon out of roach ot the plant nor doe it re turn rapidly enough through cmpulary action to meet the need of the crop if thepartlole are too amall and too cloaeiy crushed together the water move very alowjy and the air la excluded from the aolt and when the water drlm out the particle are cemented together too strongly by the la- ly similarly the progressive vote in elora increased in practically the same proportion as it did in fergus while in erin the only other incorporated village in the riding it was almost doubled editorial notes de valera the irish rebel the most dangerous man in that country was arrested by irish free state troops last week the country will be safer the people happier and the pusineas more prosperous if he is kept in jail this time by the time mr drury and mr morrison have fought out their quarrel there will probably be neither a k f o nor a progressive party says the orillia packet 1t looks very much of a dog in the manger policy mr morrison is waging the german mark was once worth nearly 24 cents and nowlt fs just a scrap of piper when the ger mans made a scrap of paper of a certain treaty they little dreamed that they were doing the same thing with their own standard of value stratford beacom herald the enterprise of the united states is frequently pointed out to the belittling of canada in ono respect however canada has far outstripped her am- bltious neighbor the united states has only 2 miles of railway per capita whereas canada has nearly ai miles for every person within her borders the home town j v s ysy loyalty to the home town- is a commendible qual- ftltyin young people in fact it is a quality which ihahould characterize residents generally if a town k provides a living for a man and his dependents he vahonld have a good word for it and speak well in its fl behalf there is a curious tendency among certain vj iwpfo to tin dories tima to their own community some pv voting people show this attitude by belittling the town vtff their birth jn which they havo always livew iwhat sort of a chnce has any ono of getting along jljbca y m recently to an prf 0l4pr friend its too alow here if im to make k good 111 have to go to tho city and yet in this very ctown be thus criticized a considerable number of man who grew up here havo mado money enough to live with a degree of comfort which in the city a would called for a much larger income it was jkrai common remark by visitors daring the recent pjuheo celebration well judging from your homes vtbome surroundings motor cars and other things you jf fioaaeaa you fellows who have stayed ir the old home the dollar that goes out of town never comes back but the money spent at home is used to develop the town and help make improvements if home trading were discontinued entirely there would bo no towns in the country let us build up our own community by securing everything we require which we possibly can in our own home town cultivation of root crops the object of cultivation u four fold 1 todejtroy trt prevent the growth of nnxlou weed 2 to davtffop varloua degrees of openne of texture und uniformity of aoll condltlona ault- ahtn to plant growth 1 to modify tho movement ot aoll moisture and aoll u to rhango aoll condltlona ao aa lo make jt ollher warmer or colder cultivation of th soil ahould ha ao ttlon milton union aervlpe are atlll continued in knox church itevi t il uole of the methodlat church preached last bun- ty- half a doien goala loaded on a waaniaai through town lr sat urday on their way to the goat farm in kalapn mr and mr- w t in man and chil dren of dunda and mr v w in- roan of kingston formerly of milton motored over from the valley city last week and visited friend here at the election of member of the council of the ontario college at phar macy t j brown of afllton wa elected for another lwoyer term for district no t mr and mrs mllloon and mr w r wheeler motored to lueknow laayueek and spent u day or two wltbltr miiuonb parents mr and mrs joynt mr and mr emanuel coulaon low- vule announce the engagement of their daughter millie may mcarthur to charles readhead lowvtlle the mar riage to take elaoe quietly in septem ber n former trated to stay in solution conse quently the root fibre are unable to set the soil particle aside the root system ot tho crop 1 prevented from proper development the plant are cut off from sufficient food supply and a a result the yields are reduced if thorough and continuous cultiva tion la carried on it will correct the detrimental condltlona mentioned will lessen hand hoeing and increase the yield and profit which 1 one objec tive to be bomo in mind in all farming operation w w balrd superin tendent experimental farm mappan n a the plans of tho government at washington aim to safeguard canadas own need there is every indication that to the extent canadians are willing to cooperate on the same basis as the peoplo of the united states by using soft coal and other sub stitutes in case of a strike that the government at washington will generously respect our needs mother and the street anyone to evelyn de clared chokingly donald looked queerly at hi sister then hegianoeddown tbe s a whistled under hla breath it was not a pleasant outlook the bouse looked a if they never had been cared for nearly all had cheap lace curtain that varied in shade from what donald eueddaladrt td iron-gray- ijjach house had a yard but most of tbe varda were bare and tho chief use of the fence seemed to be to hold all the torn- paper that blew down the treel far a i can judge donald declared this neighborhood need mothers garden about a much as any plape very well could mother garden evelyn echoed you dont mean mother a going to have a garden in this place she certainly ui replied donald whats more the game of mother and mother garden will be worth watching better tall into line evelyn youll ml heap of fun if you dont fun evelyn retorted scornfully it didnt seem that anyone could go l and put of a yard several times a day and not see what wm happening in it yet evelyn went id and out and saw nothing new once or twice to be sure she noticed donald digging up a border or heeding bare spot but she went by quickly without peel 11 y remarking what he wa do ing ono or twice too she caught her mother talking over the fence to one of the neighbor but each time evelyn went straight into the house qne saturday when she was down town shopping alio returned earlier than she had expedtad at the corner of the street she stopped something domed to catch at ber heart had there been an accldentt the yard in front of her house waa full of people when ho- became calmer how thut they were nearly all children and that each wa holding a purple of yellow pansy chestnut street dooryard associa tion 1 notice any difference a la r she turned at the sound of her brother voice donald put hi hand under her elbow its time this blind streak passed young woman now walk upland down the block and tell o what yovsee at heart evelyn wm a good sport she admitted what she might have udmltuml daya before almost all of tb yard had been raked up some had he beginnings of garden and her and there clean white curtain were hanging behind freshly washed window thai after three month of living near mother said donald i think evelyn said slowly haw una craig come and bc sunday then she any led neighborhood news tovm and coiintxy s oakville mr and mr mahoney and mr and mrs godfrey left on thursday for a motor trip through new york htatu quebec city they wltl be gone about two wee kevtdr blswttnar tjoffttopreitchi od at both service in knox church sunday tbl 1 an annual treat to which hi many friend in tho con gregation look forward to the walls of luak 1141 tho hew methodist sunday school are nearly completed the edlface prel- appearance of a most artlauc hulldlng and will bo a credit to the church and tho town mr ii heaven and aon arthur have left on a motor trip to wt relative in the btate of vlrjflnla arthur intend to also visit the city of waahldgton tlje town band which i now play ing ao well nnd 1 o much improved under the leadership of mr locksjoy ha again entered for the competition to take place at the toronto exhibi tion in two week record lt og vour vest self iivs a mistake to muko much of our peculiarities a if ihoy wiro murkif of dutllnctlon home young peopl will nay i suppomu i um quoer with as much complucenry as if they thought this decidedly to tliclr crodlt iow to bo queer is oxtretnoly unilcelruhto wo should bo individual hut not peculiar- it yoursoir tiut your nntr yuur axtfwuir lbs rmigh edge wmoothed- any ohardixerlutlc which make yoy seem really pocurltr uhnuld hn ioiiimi down o eradicated dl tho cubo may be georgetown tho requisition of the public school for the present year l 1606 00 and for tbe high school 111100 the mnmt will be nfrcof- n phdula cor thi year taxation levy the chautauqua programme wa quite a succe guarantors will how ever be obliged to meet a small deficit prof mlllen o a c ouelpb visited mr morley pettlt on thursday- mr and mrs george lake and chil dren of porcupine apent a day with relative in town last week mr richard dick has returned from cleveland and is visiting at the home of hla aon cayton b dick mr john mcdonald and mua amy mcdonald are spending a couple of week wlth friend at north bay ml alleen moore marlon mckay and margaret kennedy returned on friday last after pndlug their vaca tion in muakoluu mr j a wlllougbby and but brother dr w w wllloughby of ouelph sailed from quebee on the montlaurler on friday augutlq they will com bine buslnes with pleasure during th v to the british isle opening connection with 4ftoreitttefiiiqm ot- flee m order to interest the best class of english settlers for location on ontario farm land herald erin ml florence btron of virginia and mr herb strong of detroit wero the guest of their aljer mr george ward beaver hu1 alton for a week the rev norman h and mr robertson of shelbyvlue i1l spent their vacauoijwith relative and friends in mimosa and vicinity mtsr greta currle ha returned home iter a trip to the thousand islands where she wa visiting with friend rev and mrs lindsay and aon ford motored and are spending their ball- days in quebec ml stella scott underwent an oper ation for appendlcltla at st joseph hoeplta ouelphs on monday of last week she is convalescing mr and mr j w walker of tor onto visited with mr and mrs w hull last week mr and mrs j d utch are visit ing with friend in montreal mr and mrs h c smith and famuy of ottawa have returned home after spending- their vacation with the formers parents mr and mrs 1l r smith i mr cecu berry of detroit ha re turned after tbuuog with hi parent mr and mr geo berry the regular mealing of the u f o and u f w o waa held at the home of mr e t barbour 10th ltno on thursday evening loth in the executive committee of the caledonertn lacrosse league met at celadon to receive the protest entered by inglewood re the uulewaodbrln game the decision arrived at was that the gam be thrown out and must t played over again the date of which will be announced later advocate fcjbwn have done as welt cs any of us so far as real comfort and peace of mind are concerned some y tfniea tbe opposite extreme if seen the inhabitants of certain small towna show a degree of pride jn ttbton which is commendible there are some people who would rather trust the doctor who ma their lbteri sermons cant be beaten w u thcyt aatalranin all thla enthffalaatji- the nr- with the incorporation of aoton as a town which willno doubt take place in the near future there will be five incorpg rated towns in this county- and al though halton is acompartivjely small county there are very few counties id ontario that can boast of as man incorporated towns halton in that respect as well as jn many other respects is the banner county of the province and of course milton is the banner town of the county reformer lb save money is to grow happincsaand com fort to your life in the bank of montreal there is a saving department where interest is paid regularly on all deposits and where your account is welcome no matter bow small it may be if tt personal visit is inconvenient you can open ass account by mail acton branch l b shokey mnger bank of montreal established over loo years t for sale the famo no 21 fleu plows onlysix of them 2100 each with two shares and skimmer three good road carls very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows one set four section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown ontario business directory medical dr j a mcniven phystolan and surgeon office and ttealdanee crnor avenue and ellsin street ihqnk b dr e j nelson kitrjmmck htuuict aoton ontario dr w s laird of quelph 80 woolwlcli btteet kye ear noe and throat leqal phone mo zl 1 o map sis harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public convayanoer etc perrvman acton ont mon1y lent on uuiitqaqes hour ojo a m ui p m haturday 12 00 oclock h g meir barrister sollolter notary publio- qedrastown oni dental dr j at bell d ds l d s dsntlst honor graduate of toronto vjnlver- lty the latest anesthetic used u desired omoe at recldenoe corner iciu and sredariok btr dr f g gollop dda lds dental surgeon otnoe over bank of nor bootta hours tjw to 610 evening hy appointment misceluaneoua francis nunan baatftilnrlar accouut books of all kind made to aider periodical of every description carefully bound rultn- neatly and prompu7 dona wyndham street qaelrh on over william stor lodge directory sons op england lodge woodoreen no 302 mnetlns flrat and third thursday in each month at 8 p m in i o o f ilall member and vlalling member cordially invited to attend j precious w p j little secretary acton l o l no w7 moot on the aeoond thursday of each matitb in thu oddfullows hall at s p rp vlsltlnie members of tho order always wel- k t thetfond e f kennedy i w m iu a burlington there are some pcdplo who think trmt jn tbo world war against alcohol little progress fs being mado in great britain to give proof of tho churchs-oarnest- neas find consistency in tho advocacy of abstinence and prohibition in scotland all kirk sessions are mked to use unfemooted wine in tho observance of hft lords supper the whole churchi urged tofsooahttate on tbe option of no licmse as the btst jayallable ntoans of delivering the land from the pvftr- bf trong drink a committee ii to c- sooalled wisdom tekth 9urvival op older tme the lower order of creature are able to produce an almost unlimited number of teeth freeh one stovlruc to tploe those which have been broken olt in some way no doubt at eotn early state in lh worlds history we too possessed this faculty with tbe paaain of ths ajtea how ever mtvthank to oft food used hla teath la and 1 ullthe nooes- ity for such treguent replaovmaitt vanished and nature gradually broucht u down to- our present two set i we are born with the rudiment ot our raat set of si permanent taath in opr rums hut vflth a jaw to small to hold that number j nature therefore provide tbe child with temporary at of lo baby teeth just the number that th childs jaw esa pottvjnlc hold almost ready to break throuah the a urns a the child grow up it jw anlancep until it 1 able to hold its real set end the temporary teeth havln accomplished their purpose tnll out to b replaced by the permanent a nek thief stole a tire from a lots csrar on sunday nhrbt th tire had been left for repair nd waa standing near the doorway awaiting the retur of th owner thtwirllngtoo horticultural society will hold it fourth annual ahdw of nowera fruit and vegetable at lake- aide park on friday afternoon aoguat 14 the ooce of- th ftremens oele- brauon ha started h suggestion that an old hoys n- union be held in ilia burlington ha not had such an event since its inception and it would no me- doubt prove a popular undertaking mr ii f orahain wa eallsd to- windsor on monday the th to at tend tbe funeral of hla nephew joseph oraham aged s3 who wa drowned in the detroit illver while bathing oq monday afternoon an incipient lire broke out jn th bolt room at guate a son planing mill and lum ber yard there waa oondrble amoks when the firemen arrived but th bias was aeon extinguished mr f w watson an nounce the engagement of their aeconi daughter berth annie to mr wm sulott mill of detroit the wedding to take pluoq early in september mr w v llopkln returned on friday laat rroin a motor trip to ktrk- flald and orsvanhursl with her nephew oeorg w mry while at qtmwn hurst the party of six enjoyed a boat trip through the uuakuka lake the pavitnent on front street ha bean oompleted t town limit at jrraejnan and theqrant conatruotlon company krw moving their plant to- aeorgwtown where they hav raottntly iaaaojurarded a oonlract for pvng iturllngton i not going to leave any stan unturned 10 try and ketrthe brant military hospital upon after september is th chamber of com- tnerbe bsld a special meeting on mon day evening and appointed a commit tee to meet representative of the council tomorrow f thursday 1 todur ens the matter and urge the counou uaaetur agitate libr cbmmunitif action in gmtrtil of european corn borer no single farmer can expect to keep his corn crop free of- the european corn borer unless all his neighbours are also fighting the pest for this reason some sort of co operation is essential you can organize your whole neighborhood by arranging a mutual plan of campaign whereby each farmer undertakes to account for the corn borers on his own farm this plan will assist in bringing the corn borer under control but without such cooperation satisfactory results will not be qbtained a very important point cut com crop low and as soon as it is ready bum all com stalks garden sweet corn should all be pulled early and burnt plough down all cornstubble very carefully seed to winter wheat where possible write for pamphlet post free r j kerf auctioneer and real estate aient 17 tears xpartenae acton ontario sales entrusted to it j korr re ceive attention from dato of listing to date of sale list your sale with me ileaidonce dower avenue acton phono u acton call at my ifofes 03rioukusttar ttfchowlo cakiau j e cheevers book binder quebec sl east ouelph on hooka and magaalne bound in handsome and substantial cover name uttered in gold on blblaai hymn hook and other books- all work promptly exeoutaj d alex niveh ontario land surveyor and civil cnglneer survey bubdlvulon ilaii re port description ulueprlnls ate oerutlqate for purchaser and mortgagee uurvey fur architect builder and municipal council drainage ueporta icatlmat etc mclean building deuglk al ouklvu frbon 104 ont dominion department of agriculture arthur gibmoduninioa kutomologtft wttttov dhwaa at iruld one sod oartun iwwu seeail urank ouaa oat the old and reliable granite and marble worka we are maitufacturer and dlreot importer of all kind or uonumntal and headstone work we sell dlreot to our customers at wholasaio price thu saving our customer 40 par oent we have the best appllanoe and the only mechanic in the dominion who can operat pneumauo tool property w can gtv rafsranoea from hundred fit our oostomara in toronto and other plaosa whsr others hava to hav law suit tn ordar to oolucl w have th largast and beat stock of granite la tb pomtalon or mor than any thr dealers tn tha wfgf w aiw lglu- mat dealers ea amptoy no aatm awl do not annoy or pt outomr by aanfltiut eat ignorknt agentouoit- piploy only jneobaaloa uoo sd a uc4 hamilton 0ns i v