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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1923, p. 5

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aflfg artnn jffm iffrgflfl tiluhhday auqtlflt 30 103s jb be what you ib do kiii flow r aln t tin 1 dgy t i mo i fin aln t d r a wtiy is rtey ill no truy i 1 u iti tin oi dut grown t jn ill k i wl r y i ur lu i i i do do t you lu vn he you bunoowr or to in i i n el i or do hw you cun nltoruly t hm i i can 1 cxt nwi i n i li it you re jon it llttl i 1 to be tl o hul whan u m n i wl i u in bin t whlil hn lu an as abort a i i m i i rlkl euttli ly k t i in li if i i n iiy twenty years ago from th laaue of the pre press of thursday september 2 1003 kill hui ill if 1 cm mmnnco 1 the c hallo it fltmrla loi 1 or fob i it l urn nnuuu l n i lay in uuvlph i orily mr t ijui 1i mor mi- was homo from ottawa thin wook in conversa til ii ho muiii tl present aaon la n w tl n loiifiest on record on sutur day u lad reached 173 days mr w i stewart tho new muster of the high kchool dcmrtnonl with mrs st p wart and lholr lw little daughters arrived in acton from haiti lost wednaadny 1 or the first tlma this ynar aolon won without eloctrlc light on m n lay and tuesday evening a valve of i ho online has become worn ui 1 engineer curru there and tho i i e lit c mm it lee decided u would be advisable on the i principal that a stitch in time eaves nlrte to shut down for a couj la of dar and make the allai t repair necessary acton property la now moving freely and a number of change have boon effected the poat few woeka at good price mr robert agnow late of the t fhi i piirh tan the sunday school lesson foh sunday september 2 i aui 1 lit al qhti i acta 3 3 i 1 i i ii a h j i i i tnxt i i roan an towur 1 tli ii ul unl i n i rle r tl e i igl calling f lod 1 i li rl t jun 1 i ll 3 leayon themea ihn llli latry or tl n lent lie n nutnoittfl act lavement wan tl o mln ulry u i n inntlloa nilllatlof r t kilo jbwh tho la ik tl li g mi rn athetlc uml yet heroin tl an hit uttumi t to glva tl jfwm very call ivul in ivuntugn hut after every ul way ft rn i to turn to lalili oi i imur 1 i tl i u uhl then v rt tt in tho jowlnh h int of view t tiring lit lit now church un ole infil i hut w uld kc t u m ntluu uh with wl at waa cna nlltil in tie old or folth in i tat ry thur n very fow coar pr iikn ixlwcan perl win i venta d y n t w rlc u t u certain urlala and tl n i reak wth a ilean cut edge homoif li g f the oil tthgor overtn the new and tie the new to the old it waa inrreualngly ol ar that the main i mm ofrhe convert a nf th t new church iuot com from the oentlloa and yet h the i thur nan i if thora had bee i jewa um mg the convert the break 1th th okanacan and fruit conservation th the jowlih thought might hari mi to cum lofto i aul must hrfvi in lero i ut hu i uffctlnga bock ifcc ui between jewa and tjonlllea qui turnings now to one and now to the other he waa really performing un eaeentlul service in weaving old und new together i aul tho 1 n grcaslve paul waa a good jew but he wont further and accepted chrlat thure wo nothing dlaloyul or inconsistent in thla any jew to day may become a christian and retain all the essential of hi native faith just a paul did but paul was persecuted because he went beyond the jouh line the jewa could not bear that anyone ahould do thlav and they warns rurlotl and rack ions the hatred that ts vulted upon him who venture to depart from the conventional in religion even in non orbonttal is very difficult to un derstand hut it ha always been no ehren a conaecrated llfo a in paul m case em to ooun for nothing against tho fierce hatred of those whom he dared to go beyond in hie religlouh faith there are two thing that truth demand of every true soul to accept it when it la doolored and to ajlow other to preaa on to tbo discovery of truth conformity i good but truth la better loyalty to our group t tmrtabl but the higher loyalty 1 always to tho god of truth an appeal to the llfo we can beat appreciate paul contribution to chris tlanlty when we consider hi auto biographical sketch as given in his farewell address in mllctu in the wisdom of love it became necessary or paul to recall to his children ue ajtoc uonate ministry that he had ever borne them he hod to speak of himself of the magnitude of ha sacrificial love tet in doing o he told them only what they themselves already knew paul made no excuse no explanation he opened up his life to view that enough t yourselves know no other witnesses to his words were required work wo sit service with paul the labor involved many ax perlenoo many joys and many sor row it meant profitable teaching and pleasant visiting it meant also tears trial and irksome duty but nataver it was 1 was serving the lord and so could be done without shrinking and without fear when paul speak of repentance oward qod and faith toward our lord jesus christ we have the gospel in mln la ture paul a contribution to christian ity but his greater gift is his own life for as he apeak the words they thrill with ajl the significance of his service they gather to them selves the strength of his strength and ore warmed with the warmth of hi heart or study and diaouaslon wjiere was paul born what were his social and religious antecedent and training t why was pauls early ttltude so hostile toward the christ tianat what elements of leadership revealed in his character before his conversion t what was tbe main objection which the christian jews had tp paul at flsstt what qualification did pau have for evangelistic work what effect did bis roman cltlaenabip and his home life la tarsus have on hi convictions about the oenulest in what sense was he a world christian t in what respects waa be the greatest pi the apostles t how much did he contribute to the early christian liter aturet dally rssdlno for nsxt wsak monday september 3 the horite of john hark act 12 13 19 tuesday september 4 mark a ulsalonary helper acta 13 25 13 m wednesday september 5 maries gospel message mark 1 1 11 thursday september straight way mark 1 21 xi friday september 7 mark a use ul minister 2 tim 4 9 22 saturday september 2 the great ness of service mark 10 ss 5 sunday beptxnber blessedness of forgiveness psalm 22 1 t the moffat oven hw1offatyi4 railway time tables at acton qrand trunk r allway system geinci west 29 it no 10 35 am n i 33 t 39 p m no 11 ii 09 p m no jo 2 39pm n 5 m i day oolno e t 130 oro no 28 7 0hnro n 30 11 lbjsro no 34 x3jpjm no is 6 itnj no 38 s 1 3 p i a 7 osfc m np 24 riu day 4 toronto suburban etoctrto railway oolno wast 117 a m ially oxopt sunday 232 p m pally except hunday 800 p tn dally xici t sunday 1102 a m hun lay only th view la that of a flourish in 0 new fruit district jn the okanaaan valley near which mrs smith inset has opened har dehydration plant bot torn left the new industry will utlflxo much soft and perishable fruit that would other wise go to waste an moat of the fruit must be in a trea ripened condition for dehydration and therefore much too hpertyttritp mrs smith was vlalung on prulrlctt in the early utagea of thn war when conservation of food wo be gli nlng to be a vital qunatlon she suw dried logan borriea for tho drat tlmn and it led her to dwell on the possibilities as the dehydration of other fruits an t vegetables later visiting in the okanogan valley she was much roncernn t ovoi- the large quantity of fruit and vegetable that could not be shipped so with broad vision and patriotic idea she began the evaporation of fruit mrs smith made extensive study of the work and related oenplte thefaet thatmenef experience declared that she could not dry fruit other than apple now she is in the unique position of being the first one in canada who has dried fruit other than apples on a commercial basin hor drlod peach la the only totally peelod poach on the market nil her in canada or the united states mrs smith lwlng very much inter rate 1 in movi mnta to promote the ir that there la lurge opportunity for womi n in thla w rk haying no desire lo kiep a monopoly of tho new in lualry tf whlrh aht may be said to be uie founder she hopes that all wf men in fruit growing districts may start am ill tivuporatlng i junta to earn f r lholr uuri lua fruits not only for their wn t ouaeh tlda but ulao tvr ex xx rl ny dehydration a largo part or rho fruit und vegutat irs which otherwise spoil la aaved thn products are ao reduced in weight and bulk that one railway cur or one ship will carry a much dehydrated fruit as ten of fresh mrs smith in continuing iq jumjus a study of rondltu na la opening up a new field and dome its t rating that wo men am the natural houaekeepers of tho ran bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided nut to accept cream on sfttur day after twelve clock i m the government is anxious to securo a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of the method that etll facilitate our work in this direction let us have your co operation jn this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co sjsg p m hunday only m oolno east 7 4 a m dally oxcept sunday 207 p m dally exoapt sunday sis p m deity except sunday c 4h p m t hun lay pnty scs p ca v hilny nnly ttelght dollverad by special expressi i freight krelght picked up at an ad- dress in toronto k t tuetmrtd agent atoo notice to i atbons of this es tablibumbnt during july and august exam 1 nation for quuwaa on thursday friday and saturday only of each orfig and quick- joho chlsholm of saginaw mich the pretty brick real lence on t ark avenue for j too john harvey has bought the small cottage at the corner of mill and frederick street from george walters mr harvey will transform th appearance of the prem ises in a few week the front wilt be raised and made a storey and a half and a comfortable addition wilt be put- to the rear died mcisaac in moaoogaweya on mon day august 21 1902 llxxla sell wife of james mo isaac aged 29 years and 10 months rossgin acton on wednesday sep tamber 2 1903 stut jane ross daughter of mr henry l rosa fair- view avenue prevention of typhoid fever typhoid fever la nri infectious dls ease it cannot occur unless the germ gets into the body and finds there conditions favorable to its growth the disease is not contagious in tbe strict sense of tbe word tt is net necessary to come into close relation hip with one who u either sick with the disease or hoe recently had it in order to acquire it the germs may be carried in food or drink the mala obannel of infection are the water supply and the milk supply in most of our cltlss the water is in no danger of being contaminated and so to the milk in the many cities- where it u required to be pasteurised as a result the death rate from typhoid fever in cities has fallen remarkably the few oases that- do ooeur come usually throughsslads and uncooked vegetables that have been either wash ed with lmpiire water or contaminated by flies which carry the germs on their feet flies are active carriers they make frequent flight from heaps ot filth to the kitchen or to the dining table and are partial to- bowls of milk which is an excellent breeding fluid for the germs it is hi rural district that tbe danger of acquiring typhoid fever is still serious one case occurring in a farm house the drainage from which to into stream may give rise to hundreds of cases among people who drink tbe water from the stream or use it for washing- for brushing their teeth for cleansing dishes or rinsing out tnllk oans or perhaps for wssblng salads it is during tbe summer vacation on the farm or in camp that the city dweller is likely to be most exposed to the disease and it to then that he should take special precautions f you are not sure that the water in tho well or in the stream beside which your tent is pitched ja free from con lamination you win do well to boll it before either drinking it or washing with it pon t drink any milk unlsss you know where jt comes from and are ure that no recently in with typhoid has had anything to do with handling it dont drink it that la without first boiling or pasteurising it fin ally screen your food so that flies cn- hot get at it before or especially after u has been boiled without neglect lag those obvious rules of cleanliness jrou might take the preventive tnooula tlope before leaving- home then you would not have to worry about typhoid ferer any more than our soldiers wpr rled about it during the war oems of thought as a vessel 1 known by the sound whether it be cracked or not so men ure proved by their speeches whether they be wise or i ooltoh demosthenes few men have any next uey live froeo hand to mouth without plan and are ever at the end of their une bminwn t belflove to a cup without any bot torn you might pour ell the great lakes into it and never fill it up 0 w holmes if thqu haal a loitering servant sepd him of thy errand just before hie din ipr puller he that will leara to pray let him go to sea herbert j trust in ood but keep your towdf dry cromwell in vain do we talk of progress and superior light if we have not yet learned the elemntarv rules t which man of sense having a certain end in view adapt their tnouhs to the attain ment of that end w k gladstone when our parents ure living w feel that fhcyastuiiri between ms ind i death when they ure gone ws our selves are in th foro front of tl o battle society la composed of l great olasses those who have more dinners than appetite and those who have more appetite than dinners chamfort it is no flattery to give a friend u due oharaoterj for commendation is a much the duty of a friend as re prehenelon pluuroh not being untutored in suffering i ieam to pity those in affliction ivlr il nothing etnboidens sin ao much as mercy shakespeare f recognised a load ins specific for th destruction of worm mother 0 rave worm g has m ed sboon to suffering thltdren every where it mtdom falls liquor and the auto everybody at once recognises that it will not do to have men or women who are even in a small degree under the influence of liquor driving- uuto mobiles an the pubuc a tree la or high ways the increasing number of fatalities due to the reckless driving of motor vehicles suggests that there is dan ger enough whon lrlver are sober of course a considerable number of present day accl lent are due to the influence of liquor upon drivers but lose are not very frequent alarm la expressed as to conditions this regard ahould the incoming ontario government relax thn tern perance law aa 1 make the i rocurlng of intoxicating liquor easier than it to now one has only to recall conditions they were in the days of the bar room to recognise that such condl lone cannot be permitted in this car age drunken men driving horses horses which often had more sense than tho driver were dangerous to themselves und other what would such men bo in an automobile we need nut worry much about the drunken driver himself he wltl cither have a drunken man a luckj or a abort career but- what of his wife and children or frjond who may bo in tho r with hlmt and what hboui other folk driving on the same rood with anything tike freo access to liquor tt will bo impossible to guard against this danger a driver may be sober enough on getting into tr- car and five or ten minutes later bo in a very dangerous state of mind either recklea or atupld one has only to think of those thing to recognise that liquor and automa biles cannot go together says an m change aad the only way that can be accomplished la to prohibit the beverage sale and manufacture of liquor and enforce the prohibition the meanest yet bom gentlemen were talking about meanness when one said lie know a man on lexington avenue who was the meunest man in new york- how mean to thatr aaked a friend why so m tha he koeps a ftw cent piece with k string tied to it to give to- beggars and when their backs are turned he jerks it out of thflr pockets why this man to so mean continued the gentleman that he gave hi children ten cents a piece the night before the fourth of july and during the night when they were asleep he went upstairs took the money out of their clothes and then whlpoed them tn the morning for los log hp does he do anything elset yesl the other day i dined with him and i noticed the poor little ser vant girl whistled gaily all the way upstairs with ths dessert and when 1 askrd my generous friend what made her whtetle so happily he laid why i keep her whistling so she con i eat tho raisins out of the oakel nine nautical nuisances thousand of people aspire to be onto captains o atlantic llnors mnd livy tho brsldad skipper lilu job it hue its glories but it also ho- ita disadvantages and the captain of one of our big liners has drawn up a list o the bothersome questions he la continually eskdu as there are nlnu of them tbay may bo doslgnuledus the nino nautical nuisances they are huve you ever been ship wreckod7 how many times have you crossed the atlsntlor are there uny whit tea in thla lutl tudst what li the best cure for sea lckner t what tips should one live arid lo whoont why are they always ttalntln the ahlpt te will you let rae come on the bridge dayr do you remember my cousta whp crossed ovsr with you tn 1020t i suppose the passengers ssar you iraat sluy ajueethrit- rha answer to the last one is variably tfos- tho fruit pro junta industry of mrs m ii smith of nuramuta okanogan valloy in a story of canadian inltlutlve hu assumed large prt i rtl nn after extenalvo research work und oxpcrl mentlng n u email sroje mrs smith la this your opening up a largo plant for tb dohy 1 rat ion of fruit wt 1 plnr qrove hetwoen nitrumatu and i on tin ton whnre seventy fruit i roducts will be prepared instoud of eleven us nqnt out by mrs smith from her ranch on he benches the slto t f tho now fruit factory to a polatln the very heart of dtotrlct and convenieitto tho railway a siding of the kottlo valloy hallway will be run into the promises the moat important fuotor o the enlarged scope of the work la that millers worm i owders prove their value they do not cause any vloleqt disturbance in the stomach any pain or griping but do their work quietly and painlessly so that the destruction of the worms it imperceptible yet they are thorough and from the first dose there is improvement in the con dltlon of the sufferer and a cessation of manifestation of internal trouble a pceabant voioei to apeak correctly in tho gram matlcol senae is an uaeet to bo able to peak fluently with an ah ue of or and um v is another us l to be uble to oommaud u good holce of word 1 yet another asset and the greatest usset of all is to have a pleasant voice possessing that grammatical all pa an 1 lock of fluency cun in rood oration be overlooked soma of ua havu inherited a pleasant voice and for the gift we ought tq bo supremely thankful but not all keep it the gift is frittered away a querulous temper not only put its line marks on oie face but in time the voice is affected the pleastnt tone departs the habit f gruml ling ulao affects thn voice the cult of dtosgreeablt ness does the uume if we ure in u losl tlon in which we huve to rule others one time pleuaant voloo if wu ml use our position und baoomu anapi y yralinlcul and domineering will go to put if briefly every vice affects the voice ibntnumtiar uut the rofruiu um t exactly whut h auyk it a ihu nua way to says 11 la lartiuulurly truj calling for a pire the fuol question which gave so many people constant anxiety last winter was equally important in a llttlo farm house in the hills of schuyler county new york eighty years ago young john corley thn owner was a good provl ler and ulwuyn had a big wood pile but one summer the supply of split wotnt ran out und during the rush of 1 uylng he fell into the bad habit of i titling just enough for one day at a time sometimes the supply did not lust through the day and his wife ha i to eorape up chips and even swing ttie axo henelf she wau patient during the busy arason but when johns had habit pereiated in tho com i uratlve biuurc of fall an 1 early win tor she protested and finally threat ened to do something desperate if this gotin on much longer one ovenlng while john was at the tavern swapping yarns he and his companions were startled by the cry of fire fire fire they rushed out looked for signs f smoke but they could see none still the cry rang out sharp on the froety ulr they ran toward it am stoppe 1 in front of john corteys gate where hto usually serene and wellr- poloed wife was standing w hero a the flret they cried there ton t any she replied calmly or any wood split to build it hat s why i m cfclirpg for it the joke was on john but he took it in good part and never again did hla wife have occasion to coll fire i or to mention wood during their long and happy married life choked for air some little irritant becomes lodged in tho bronchial tubs others gather and tho awful choking t asthma results nothing offers quite such quick und positive relief as dr j d kellogg a aatvma remedy the healing soothing smoke or vapor penetrates clour the passage and gives untold relief it has behind it venr of bureaus it la the sura remedy for every sufferer humor and wit the four year old had just boon re proved at the table he continued to tulk cheerfully though unanswered to father after some minute of solllo quy lie turned to mother and remark ed you husband doean t talk very much thla nooiv does he mother t have you the rtrmnoss that enables you t6 go on and do your duty jn the foo ingrutltudi und ungenerous criticism i ought to have i once cooked for a camping party washington star fond fautui- my son to taking al gubro under you this term la he nott high school toucher he has been exposed to algebra but i doubt if he will take it muscular rheumatism buboued when one la u sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than to have the region rubbed with dr thumaa eo tec trip oil let the rubbing be hrlak and continue until wuw is secured there i mora virtue in u bottle of it ttrnit can lx fully eat ira t j well tin r that nertulnlv wt well timed th oertulnly was a very una sermon said an enthusiastic church h oil if mmtxr wh wmm an ar leqt ud tnlrr at the minister a flno sermon und well timed t hi yus unawered 1 is unad miring holuhbi r it certainly was well timed luly tmlf f the o ugregutlon lad their wutuhea out other kinds of mistakes we inudi u nilat ike in lust wuok s issue a gnt aubacrlber told ua tlbqut h th muine duv there was u letter in our poat oftlou box that dldn t belong to oh we culled for ninety eight over the phono und got 108 we uakod for a aiot i of n o threud upd when we get hi me wu found it was no so tl a truln wus reported thirty minutes lute we urrlvod ut the depot twenty minutes ufuifi truln tlma und the train wa gone w gut thouillk bill and there wu u inlstuke tt i0o in bur fuvor we felt sick und the doctor aald wu wt ru outing too much meat we he in t lusted meat fl r two mohtha fhe garage man euld the jitney was missing bocauau u new timer wus need ed we u loaned u spark plat hd its ism 41aew4tlmw yes wmd mistake in lust week s issue or th paper hlx when using wilsons fly pads umcctiom iplrui1 fql low 1ki1 best of ad fly kntern 10c per paekerat all imiffetets feroccra and general stores saving timothy for seed teats made at the experimental station kentvllle go to ahow that it is quite profitable for one to grow his own time thy ad thla may be dono by aoodlng timothy at the rate pf id pound per acre whon aeodlng down or ir eight pounds of timothy eight pounds of red clover and two pounds of alslkn are seeded u good even stand or clear timothy will be seeured the second year aftnranndlng it is seldom that uiere to not u fairly clean aland of timothy aontawhera on a farm such urea at ould be reserved tor seed pur poses it does not mean a great loss of hay ua the strew ufter threshing la of fair qualuy and can be fed unless badly weathered it was found that tending of timothy alone in 1920 gave in 1931 380 pound of timothy seed and 2 220 pounds of straw per acre after threshing the harvesting i d ne august 4th and as the sea was dry the seed ripened rapidly thla same tarnu produced 167 pound of aeed und z 476 pound of hay per acre in 1133 a considerable amount of other grasses particularly red top was noticeable in the 1933 cutting an aljolnlng ares seeded in 1930 with the clover and timothy mix to re men loned above yielded ibs pounds of timothy seed and 3 0s3 pounds of timothy straw per acre in 1922 this aeed was of particularly gpod quality and much better than the seed from die area in timothy seed for twp years the practice here to to leave the timothy that to to be out for seed stunning until it u nicely filled and to cut with a binder the sheaves are stookt i neatly and allowed to stand for two or three week or until the heads shell readily it to then taken in and threshed tn a threshing mill or with u floil it sometimes happens that bird causa a great loss from nhetlwng in which cose the shesves shoul 1 be token li side to u loft and allowed to stand until they can 4e threshed w h uluir hu perl nt undent experimental station kenivllla n g a prims dressing for wounds in some factories and workshops carbollo ucld ta kept ror uae in cauterising wounds and cuts sustained by the workmen rar better to keep on hand a bottle of dr thomas ttclectrio oh it to juat um quick in action and does t scar the skin or burn the flesh qteerimq sy a star they tell a atory of an irishman ho wan u hoi d un board a mailing veanel on lake erie the aklppor said to him one night jimmy i want some sleep and i want you to ukn hold of the til ler t do you knf anything about navtgu tl nr not much aald jimmy weir suld the skit per do you oee utut atart keep her head in that direct ion yus su said jimmy iii keep her in that coarse end so tbe skipper went below a jimmy did very well fur a time but by and by it grew a utile cloudy and stormy and when the atorm had cleared away somewhat and jimmy looked again for his star lo it waa behlnl him i he turned uround much alarmed end said wake up captain wake ui i and give me aome thing else to steer by for lm past that the reward op thrift thty were talking at the club about the problem of p verty onu of th urly says tt e argonaut wus aure tlut to ttiduatrl ma ami careful poraon i ml i full tou roaperous when i uve u rusetl man h h aald virtuously 1 say to myself thora gom one of life a waaler there goes a man who i ua ri funed to biuke t e lyust of his giriu tho re h no uxcuue for poverty guittlumeii every no at ould rise i varyon limy curve out u good poal tlon for hlmaelf f lo wlahes lerhups y u all rig lit li terpoeed a m umber only te day i mat newspaper mull wh t told ate thai twenty ysura uao lm came to chicago with exactly live d iiiutm in hto poekat lie is now worth forty thousand dol tars and lid uwe ll entirely to his own ut llliy uii 1 energy combined with good htalth und a high code of ethics mil ulao the tie fart that his unfile reemtiy dlod unl tort him thirty nine uiouaai d txifo hundred and uluety dva dollars i nrlng a corn to tutth rlaky and inwffuouva l to m butler lu- us mollowaye corn remover und cute them entirely ad i t j ot4bil prop we are still buying eggs open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto pbone 53 repair department operating as usual write tn or phone 109w for appointment a d savage optometrist ev mo optlotan savage optical building itlgh t at tbe post office quelph harvesting implements the harvest is on in full swing and of course you want the best tools we can supply you with all the implements fdrks etc the prices are of course in keeping with the quality of the goods get your harvesting tools here w d talbot phone 95 main street acton removal notice after april 33 i will bo located at my new stand on main street in the storeformerly occupied by moffatta confectionery prompt attention to repairing of au kind will be attended to as usual at our new store just around the corner from miu street t e gibbons mill street acton ont for sale the famous no 21 fleury plows only six of them 21 00 each with two shares and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows one set four section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown r ontario rbruoioxorvfer ttqrowto canada acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa6trv rollep oats oat chop oat8 oilcake hav and grain grain bought and retailed j alex l noble henry awrey manager castoria mother i rictchers caatona is a harmless substitute for castor oil iarcgork teething drojis and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arm and qnldrcu all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to swcctai stomach diarrhea icimil ite bowels aids in uic assimilation of i ood promoting chccrf ulncs rest and natural sleep without opiates r to ou ictiuiicn iw look 7ur me fontuic 6t fa7 pvrnlrfrll i i i rnrh pirlinr itiyhtcuuij ciworwlicra recommend u this stores policy to represent goods ok actly u to their quality to soil to those who know and to thoso who dont know at m uniform fair price to rulfip all guarantees and cheer- fully correct alt mis takes to deservp your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario castaria for infants and children la ue for over 30 years

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