ix i- v ffi i p y vijjkv iffffj i j site acton 3fog jlryaa tiiuiihdav skitemut 30 10 in dav8 of old wlmn noali built iii ikjundlnjr urk iln had to up and hui lie roipxhl i ho kuiitf at a m tou hhoulit ttuva won ii full hge was blowing ui a rwguur cut ami linr b 80 challenged no nup to dohaie upon tho puliuc platform no government wo the nlil with kntnt r other bonus old nowli iulw tho stunt himself jr failure hlu tho onus ivrhnpj there la a mnnl hero pur those wh will construe it tmt when i hero- i a iob to do just jumpright in and do il mr peaslee on the danger of hiding things deacon ilyno had com to borrow caleb feoaleoa aae and of lor a fruit less search caleb had ntumed empty- handod to the puutxa wber tho deacon waa waiting x cant ketch a glimpse or it anywhere lyaandcr ho aald dejectedly tin aorry if you needed it bad and ita the only one ive rot that ypu could do anything with the other one about aa dull on the edge u it u on the bade and the handles sprung too ftmny how thins get out of place aint it the deacon oomrnonted notbin funny about that ajte caleb replied promptly i know jes where that axel thi minute aa woll air i was lookln at it wherot demanded tha deacon with lively interest down at lafe cluba replied caleb positively winn 1 cant and toot i co down them and 1 always nnd it riant off eornstimee if im in a hurry i go there fuat wtead or wastln time lookln ber home cornea and uorrera doea hot in quired the deaoon caleb snorted irritably he uont bother to borrer he jest take and goes offl it frets me too aoraetlines when i want a thins quick and have to trainee way down there to gett if it want that id be kind turiald luck would turn oij me the way it did oncaah wlllett dpee the urao he hid his ladder so bartley heynee couldut get it x dont know but id ntajid a fswlu of my tools away in kind ot eccrefllbel tuij a l lily jul w all my croascut- aaw and ray evener and wbiglotreas- it aint neighborly to feel that woyi i apoeo but hea ag gravating 1 what did cash wnett hldet ask ed the deacon he bid his ion ladder eopllod caleb appleplckln time was 00m- in on and be waa afraid somebody would want it bartley haynss mostly for baruey didnt have one bo cash went oqt after dusk and dragged his long ladder down back of the orchard fence and covered it with a lot of rowen crop that hed mowed and left there he- didnt tell his wife about it nor bis hired man author he nggered if baiuey came to borrer it they could say they didnt know where it was next day cash mads an early start for fxtwn to get back fore evening pa gfeoqunt of its lookln ilka anything ba- pleasant day though it wanvte01yfiunin the wind tep- grtwln higher all the forenoon imt it didnt turn rain a- kind of dry bpw was all it came to after all a uttle wind mofe or leas wouldnt have made any dli- franco to cask wlllait except for one thing kfis wlllett was bakln and the wind made a tearln draft in the chimney and got it to burnln out the fast tljey knew about it wast when aba and the hired man was settin at the table emtio dinner and one of the school children gofn past rushed in to tell em the chimney was on ore and the shins smokln dose to it titer made a rush for the lad der but tt writ there tiuqr wasted some time huntln for it but fri the and they had to give u up and worlctfi aava the hcfriee the beet way thfcy could by that time ihe neighbors had got there and by dint of dlmbln up onto the ell part end from 4ber with a short ladder onto the main part of the house where- the are was and tearln a hole la the roof to pass water through they got the blasa opt and saved too boose f rem bornln flat and the man that fetched the abort ladder and got onto the roof and dug like a badger to get- s hofw through was bartley haynea if it hadnt been for him cash wtllett wouldnt have had noof to sleep under when be got thome that afternoon he drove into the yard a little while a th w out b for all- the folks fht had gathered was gone they all started to tetf him what hid h and bow bartley- haynea had brought his own ladder and got up where he could work to save the bulldlna afld npv say mis wlllett what rd uka to know la where was your long udder that youve depended in just attohe case sa this we eouldnt qnd it high nor lowl csh didnt own up right there of eouvae but atjs wlllett waa a deter mined kind of woman and whn ahe saw hlffi draggln the ladder back tho next day private like ah mis trusted nough with what shed heard him aay before about lendtn- tomake out a good case and when ahe taxed him with it straight out he owned up then ahe took it onto herself to tell him how auch nam- dolns looked to her i spoee hobodyd ever have known that part of it except for the hired man vis wlllett talked loud enough ao he overheard every word of it and whan be and cash had a row later and the mad left hun he told it and from that it got noised over the village 1 heard it and took it to- memory concluded caleb and to this day when i feel elf id like to hide away tool from lro qlbb i think of cash wlllett and stay my hand the prince of wales baseball and other things the young feller on the bank step appears to be quite concerned about the prince of wales and the risk he is- running in dodging the girl while spending a couple of months holi days on his ranch in alberta he aeema to be a trjso joalou but toll me he neednt be if he behave him self nnd lives a good dean straight for ward life hell after awhile be the prince charming for some one ft our pice girls who will make him a good companion and helpmeet ive aeon this happen with a good many young folks in my time he ask if i remember the vult to canada of previou prince of wales why yes of course i bo what a furore albert edward prinoe of wales good queen victorias eldest son made when he visited canada between sixty five and seventy year ago why half the rjewlyborn babes in canada were christened albert kdward that year mother everywhere eeeroed to be in fatuated and there were more baby boy called albert edward or albert or edward at that tlrooj than ever ifore or since and that was true t from th benches black with people there went up a muffle roar tike the beating of the ntormwavca njj a stern and distant shore kill him kill tilt umplrul ahoutbd mtnoona on tha stand and it likely theyd have killed lura had not casey raised hand with u smile of chrletlun charily arvul cumtyn visage ohniio he stilled the relnuj tumult tin lutdu the same go on he signalled to kir timothy uncc more tho flohorlfxl flew but caaev glllt isnnred mji nplre aald utrlke tw 1111 111 111 mi canadian towr aa a result we have albert edward nicjuin albert ed ward matthews now of denver al bert moore now rev dr t albert moore of toronto albert ismond who went to live in chicago joseph albert bpelgbt who was for yearn one of our business men albert smith of erin albert sharp who went to toronto with his parents forty years ago edward smith who moved to london and i dont know how nuny others who lived right here in acton when they were babes and the girls were after the prince of wales away back in those early days as for king george who has been king of great britain since the death of his father the first prince of wales to visit canada he married princess mary before he ventured away from home ao be escaped all the sheeps- eyes of the little minxes of his day but we were all interested in his visit all the same im rather a democratic old fellow myself but ill confess was quite fed up on the visit of the prince of wales and hla good wife i went to toronto to see them and had the pleasure of a handshake from them both and the next week when they were to be in hamilton went over to the ambitious city to see them again a pretty uttle episode happened at the city hall hamilton where a dvlo reception was being tendered in the crowd a young woman fainted prin cess mary observed the incident ut once and asked that the young lady be carried to the reception room in the city hall where ahe personalty ministered to her and manifested much pleasure when aha recovered in a few minutest thla third prince of wales to visit canada takes the laurels for genuine popularity everywhere our canadian girls have gone into raptures wherever they have met him to have a dance with th prince haa been the ain of all tha girls who have come into o on shipboard at the chateau in quebec out at the xl p ranch in alberta and this past few days at banjr many a canadian girls diary records with pride i danced with the prince at 000000 or at banff as the case may have been frnudl cried tho riiaddenml thoin- ends and echo answeiod fraud but 0110 nedrnful look frutn cuwy arel tho audience eras awed they ww his face grow atern nnd cold they saw hi muscles strain and they knew that caaey wouldnt let that ball go by again the sneer is gone irarn casey up lile leeth are clenched in hule he pound with cruel violence hn lint upon the plate and now the pitcher hold the ball unit ndw ho let it koi and now the air 1 shattered hy tho force of casey blow i oh somewhere in this favored laxi th un i shining bright the band- is playing somewhere and oopwnero hearts are light and somewhere men are laughjng anri vomewhere cbueron shout but there is not joy in mudvllle mighty casey has struck oul bay can you believe ut ivo used up all my space thla week on th young veller and ill have to koep the tragic atorlee which came to mo through my stroll up the new htchway that i promised to give you 1 but thoy will keep theyve kept now for forty or fifty year and another week wont matter much i noticed in lost weeks paper th good big surplus th jubilee committee was going to have left and i was mighty lad to hear they were not going to divide it among the organ isations at least not aihot it not that they didnt deserve the money and wouldnt use it wall but it wogjd be mighty nice to hsvo a lltuo surplus to carry on another function like this only perhaps not qulto au big seem to me weve had v sort of a famine in the way of sports daysnround here to hear tho old man talk about what used to be and what i can remember when i was about five years old the town used to be a regular centre for doing in the sport llncr- neighborhood ejfewd tbwn and countxy oakville v mm j w1ey kelly wnnf toowmi hound to nttonri the funeral of linr brother i ii molcoe lost week ilev c a oralne of the a u ic ohuriph ha removed and hlseurcokhur lsbav mrnlon olklonureatwiw i now in clargo tho isver kaitliul illblu clan of the methodist church will hold u hauiran saturday oclolter 27 on tuesday uf to moon eleven of thn tailloi of hlvermead qoir club quit played the return- game here nnd the oskvllle ladles proved the beet in nnlf winning with alacore of 7- a fire broke out in the building juat west of the bridge on thursday morn ing but tho firemen worn promptly on the job unl with tho oltanoo of the men on tho brldgti noon extlngulahed the blase tho damn go was alight a c p u flyer going wet struck a truck loaded with cement nt the alxth lino crossing thursday morning the driver of the truck and on omplbyco of tha railway woro seriously injured and had to be taken to toronto hos pital mr and mrs j a ullloland 1 children or utlqa n y mr and mr e c ollleland and baby or niagara fajla and mnt il tecry nnd betty of brampton v 11 tod at tho homo of thor mother mrs j- ailleland church street during fair week iow 1 oeorqetown mr john mcgfll oenernl passenker aint c n il montreal v 11 tod his itltvtmj jlfre last woek the 71 ut nnnlvqrnnry of thn found ing tifht georgna church uuh 1 cronil unnlvnrnury of the rnopenln will he hold sunday october 7 mr it il jmilu ntiitorlntcndent th irovlnolnl iuper mills receh rho nail ilourit tulwfek that hi ml naaacd nwuy at her homo tl those celebration days and i was just wondering if the committee couldnt arrange to hold every clvlo holiday a big day for sports in aoton guess it took acme git and action to do it but it was worth it and other day would be worth it too it would aure tickle me and lots of young fellers around town to know that- every clvlo holiday would be a big day in acton maybe it would make us want to stay at home more than ever it would on holiday any way itwould be a blamed sight cheaper too than to have to- hire for tne and my best girl to gallvant off some place else to have a day outing and besides id sooner spend my nickels right hsro than go away off to someother town and blow them in and i always have better time to homo i sure will be glad to hoar that the couunlttse have decided on this day every year for actons sport day and they can count on m to sit on the bank steps and purlna good word wherever 2 can to help it- along and know all th rextof the young fllr will be there with both feet when the day come to make it one whale of a big suceess the youkd feller on the bank steps crown rust of oat6 vrto the jqmmojljaufikthorn the young poller on tl stop qudnted ihe a couple r doing his bit vpt- hugh hewgag kaiaomtned his pump with colore brave and fine 1 met him by the village dump at quarter after nlno and aeiuvthi town will nvat slump with men tike you inline if every deleguts in town would bright en things that way and paint hi shack a brindled brown his fence 1 dappled gray our grad wwul gajn a fair renown that never would decay iv aeen th pumps of sceptred kings and pumps along the nile ive a patent pump that flings soft water half a mil but hover have 1 seen by jingo a pump with so much style hugh hewgag proudly reared haj and gave a loud hurray such fine encouragement he ald makes me sagoodas new and now ill paint my cowshed red and dye my dachshund blue our puiktown has a growing fame that round the world will reach we always boost a neighbor gam a 1 tell him hes a peach we hdd it u a burning shame dlsoouragemept to preachi it johnalng decorate hi shaxk or buys a pew tin car or builds a- fin alfalfa stack ok paint hi roof with tmr w robndty pat him on the back and band huna cigar when 1 ail tha people f irrad are free with nialetehup hrnj e th bond thats gia4 b u aawiiurjays7 that burjt wilt drive its rtvsi mad by its progreeeire wafswejt mason the bank iple of weeks ago on baseball activities i wondsr it he ever read ernest l thsyera poem csaey at the bat which wag ao popular among baseball enthusiasts thirty ttve years ago tbay didnt call them fans beck4n ibm well maryja bad it in har scrap book all these yearsand here it is perhop he and hi rooters will enjoy 1 casey at the bat it looked exceeding rocky for the mud- villa nine that day the oore atood two o four with but an inning left to play bo when conney died at second and burrow did theaam a pallor wreathed the feature of the patrons of the game a straggling few got up to go leaving there the rest with that hope which aprlngs eternal in the human bceast itor they thought if only casey could get a whack at that theyd put up even money now wltli casey at the bat bqt flynn preceded casoy llkewlae so did blake and the former waa a pfcdduv and the utter was a fake so on that stricken multitude a death like silence sat vor there seemed but little chance of caseys getting to tha bat ingle to the but flynn let drive u wonderment of all and the muchdepted litakey tore the coyer off the ball and when the duet had lifted and they uw what hud occurred there wu blakey ear t second and klynn ahuggln third f then from the gladdened multitude went nrra joyous yell it rumbled in the mountahituu it rattled in tha dril t struck upon the hillside and m- bounded on tha flat ifor caaey mlshty casey was sdvana- ing to he bat texe was ease lit caay manner m he stepped into his plac tliere was pride in caey buurjng aiu a am i oncasevs face af d when resimndlng to thrf cheer he llshtly duffed his hut no alranger in the crowd could doubt twas cuvey at the bal ten thousand eye were on him a ho rubbed his hnd with dirt flve thousand toagros uppltiuded whet he wiped them uifbia ailrt n whlle the new tork pitcher ground the ball into hi hip daltauoa gleamod in csaey ovj a anoer curled caseya lip aud now the leatheroovvred sphere com hurling through th air f casey atood awatohlng it in haughty grandeur there fl k law k ut b unbeaded sped that aint mystyfat said coaoy strike on i the umpire sflil the stem rust of cereals wvrh cause immense losses lo some years is well known the crown rust of oats is nor so well known nor does the losses caused by at attract much attention as they are not usually ao novbraa in the case of the stem rust cr wii rust is however common and it sems to be growing more severe especially in western canada it attacks the leaves of oata killing them and thus reducing the vigor of the plant and lessening the yield the rust ppcars as small orange reddish masse on the leave of oats in the sumnfer later the black stage appears on the dying leave and gives them a dark or baok appearance just as th stem met of wheat may live on the barberry so the crown rust of oats attacks the common buckthorn in the spring and produce yeflowlah masse of spore jjedsj that blow about ana carry the rut to oatsv lmii year tit western canada owing to favorable conditions the spring spore stagp of the crown rturt waa very abun dant on the buckthorn in some dls- trjouv- o abundant hat fjjiey appeared yellow even at some distance a very heavy attack of crown ruat on oats followed killing practically all the leaves 01 the oats much before ripen ing in consequence ue yield giust have qeen much lee than if no ruat were preeettt many experiment in ihe greenhouse have shown conclusive ly that the rust on the common buck thorn readily infect oat in these experiments rusted loaves of the buck thorns were placed about oats growing in pot so that the rust on the buck born leave would fall on fhe grain n the pot the oats were tken spray ed with water and placed in very moist sir- in every case the oat be oame heavily runted with tho crown rust the common buckthorn is a shrub frequently used for ega and fyr or namental purpoae it la valuable for the purpose but there are many other shrubs that can be used whlrh do not spread t ruat the buckthorn is hardy and oan readily become established should it become general either from extemdv planting or proad from seed it would cause very nerlou injury to the oat crop th native buckthorn n canada 1 attack ed by a rust but this goes chiefly 10 swamp gfssaes and does wot attack milton mr a i macnabb is spending uple of weeks at renfrew with her ister mrs i j maude mrel ii campbell 1 spending couple of week in bowmanvtlie the guot of mia m baaaett we had the pleasure a few days ago of picking from the buehoa in a garden in town ome luaolou red nupberrlee tlo aeeond crop thi season the buahea were loaded down and a good crop la aauro4 1 our last wook uaue wo aald tbre were eight toachor on the pub lic school staff we were just a little surprised to be told there were no loss than ten wtth an enrolment of about 4u0 pupils it is qulro apparent there fore that there is nb- race suicide in mulon forty mills 00 the dqltar will be tho lax rate which the ratepayer of this n wi h lo p t y f o m effow hon tun irr on saturday afternoon th ooorgn- town klfr played tho roturn rhnn with the humber valley golf club on thu link at humber valley and wm defeutud by tlxi acuro of s3 to 13 tho mnmbnrs of the ireahytorlan cullil and mnthndlal iaguo in id a corn roust in the drill shed lust mon- day evening there waa a largo at- tonajmoa of youpg people land the nun tiro uk game played under tlf direction of mr mclaren wore thor oughly enjoyed mer r d karren johrl m war ren and dr c a warren of toronto called n friend in town on thursday jmr e i heartwell of iiluburg ha leenlp town during the pat two weok owing to the oi1qu illness of hi broth or exnenve ii h hoartwell thoro wererona hundred and seventy ontorlos in the various classes at tha irfownr show in tho pubuq library auditorium laat baturugy and a mag nificent display 6f bloom which was much admlrod by the many people who attondod tlio how during tho afternoon and evening herald a motor funeral from toronto wa held ho last thursday when tho body of the late charla belwood waa fol lowed to tho gmvo in greenrood cemetery pnrf council has done the best u could undo the olrcumstance and there is nb doibt but that the high and public school boards have done all they cobld do 10 keep the expenditure down and at the same time provide what was necessary for carrying on the work it is xuo that the rate is the highest in the town history but muton can not escape the law that ail have to face of paying for its luxuries and uptodatenote reformer mr s r bows and her slater mrs f e newton norwood park chicago- iii- returned from muskoks lost week were they enjoyed a vacation of four weeks mrs newton visited a few days with milton friends before she returned to chicago monday evening the new owner of the wlarton echo ifl e a buncon formerly a prominent business man of cobburg and at one time mayor of that town mr duncan is the second son of the late john dun can of milton and later of cobourg and spent his boyhood here- cham pion erin the brick work of th new achool building la about completed and the carpenters and plumbers are noyv busy the building already presents a hand some appearance fields and gardens are being robbed of vegetables and fruit some mon and boys are liable to get into trouble over the matter mr w- pearson fcaa completed the erection of a new barn and silo an his farm east of the village the 84th anniversary of the presby terian church was held on sunday september u able sermons were preached at 11 a rn and 7 p m by rev a c stewart it a of acton mrs john mluer and two children of wallaoeburg ytelted with mr and mrs w miller lost week mr- s horton and ml stile new britain conn are holidaying with the formers parents mr and mr a j horton mr and mrs nelson root huuburg announce the engagementof their only daughter matrjorie to mr richard d burrow aon of mr and mr wm burroughs hulaburg be marriage to take place the utter pert of the month erin fall fair will be held on thur day ttnd tmrtay october ir and is and from present prospect will be a liuge success our village fathers are evidently at a more or less deadlock over a decision in the matter of our street lights the cataract electric company have plac ed before them a very fair proposition but the whole busjnest is being de layed because of the failure or the council l in give a decision in the matter w understand twq of the councillors want sixty lights while one wants thirty and tha other two alt tight and refuae absolutely to commit themserve advocate the neighborhood corres pondents i have before me as i write a letter to tha editor of thi paper from far off town in saskatchewan t writer is speaking not only for herself but on behalf of that great number who once made this county their home they are scattered to tho four corners or this continent but they still think of u u the homo folk and tho part or tho paper which possesses the great eat interest for them is the local news aeot week by week by our own staff of faithful correspondent from tho dif ferent parts af tho country these patient untiring often much abused now gatherer are building better than thoy know they are like the ancient prophets not without honor 1 rntheti u ii there id no doubt the common runt of oat is a serious enemy of th oat irop klllng th leave and reducing th yield there i abtp no doubt that th common buckthorn help fn the over wintering and apread of tm ruat the common buckthorn tlitrtrore liiould not be planted or be nllowod to grow in countries wheru oat sru n valuable crop tho iioramun b irberry nnd tho common buckthorn should bo destroyed in grain growing rilih p fruser plant pathologist burlington pymishment nothing grlivesa boy aa much aa to be punfahed whtn he doeant do aerv it the reason h grieve la because in his immaturity he laok hlloophy lo cover the case if he hnj sufficient philosophy f ufa lie would take comfort from thi remark by un english schoolmaster talking a group of boy ho said you may foinetlmc be jtpnlahed when you do noi deserve ilj but think how many tun you eacapepunlnhmanl when you de deserve it that 1 a thought to which adult well s boy and girl ur welcome summarise your fool- flfe am t lene umlltty on the blow you have ain lescrvodly escaped the ladles aid of the methodlat church willi hold a rummage sale on september 8 hev harold carr an old burling ton boy will occupy the pulpit of th baptist church next sunday mr frank guyatt left on sunday for loulavllle kentucky where he wiu uke up further studies in the southern baptiat theological bern inary mr and mrs geo smith have re turned home to new york after spend ing a couple of weeks with relatives here mrs j borland left on saturday for buffalo to join her husband who lias secured a good position in that city on thursday night last burglar entered the tailor hop of jam thatllbrant street and carried away three new ult of clothes a new over coat and a number of suit hat had been left by patron to be pressed and cleaned v very enjoyable oornroaat was held by the methodist church choir laat friday evening it wa planned io hold the event un the lake shore near line cove but owing to the wet night it was hld in the gymnasium the pavement wo completed iin caroline street on monday and wftrk has been commenced on pine street the mcarthur cons trust on dompany have certainly been rushing along their work the past few weeks muton financial district meeting was held tin the east pjojna methodist church on friday iuv dr kndlcott missionary secretary of toronto wa one of he vpeakvr on monday evening a highway bus belonging to the lake shore line was badly damaged by tire the driver stopped at the virtue motor company garage fos gaa and whtle the gee waa being pumped into the gas tank names suddenly broke out underneath th hour boards the driver jumped tor his life aud fortunately thentwo tl t eetnnsbo trifling to say that- mrvaya called on mrs ik of mr w ur killing hogs or threshing his clover or that mr and mrs n have gone to town but now look at it from the view point or tho readers of thla paper liv ing in different parts of the country they havo gone away for various reasons but thoy are building for them selves homosas their fathers did faced with th same condition perplexed by th aomo problems and they are an xlous to keep the oldtime traditions and transplant the oldtime ideals in the new places to which they have gohe the hope- of our great new land which is opening up in many things the church the schools the class of settlors which thoy ore getting but not tho least among the influence which will make this land an ideal place to live in hi fh preservation and transplanting of tho aome ideals which the boys and girls who liavt left tho older portions have had in stilled into them in tho youth any thing then which keeps the spark of the memory of the old home from going ou anything whlch bind them to thu things of the post is playing u big part in keeping canada a land of tho beet ideals now for aomo year after these people went away th weekly or monthly letter followed them no one con estimate the inspiration or re- e train lng force of these lottersbut ono by one tho writers laid aside the pen or their eye became dim and their fingers crumped wlfji age and the letters grew less frequent and finally ceased altogether hosts of the boyn and girls who have been absent- from this oountry for twenty thirty forty year have not had a written letter from the pfauuiof their birth for year la the inspiration of this sacred memory to be ullowod to die aott here is where th home paper coma in it opme a a weekly letter freight ed with the fragrance of the memories of bygone day the first bit of new thy look for la the news or their old neighborhood there thoy see that mrs a la visiting mrs b and they smile and aay well well she 1 stll on 1 her rounds l sbet mr d has just cut his clover and they see once again the field whore as boys they picked berries from the fence corners and tho hollow rails where they had many a losing fight trying to rob the bumble bee they read that mr w is dead welt well he eeems an old- man whan they were atlll young they remember hi rugged honesty and the homely advice which from hla desk a superintendent of the sunday school he gave them and so he is dead but hi words and influence which can never die borne back to them and they live over again their sunday school day but now reallalox what they did not or boys and girls how necessary how important tha need of a character built upon the ideal of tho holy word so we could go on thu weekly paper with ita neighborhood newa has brought before the people the doing of th home folks their work their plsy their social joy their sorrows little unimportant happening tho who live in the neighborhood but to those abaent a link that binds them to the best in the poet plctou gaxette cleopatra washed her lace this way she uctl palm and olive oils the same larowoila wuichateblenddio psl she knew that to have a freb fine akin thorougli cleansing wo necessary the crude combination of palm and olive oil which was the beet that even royalty could then obtain u nqw brought to perfection in palmbllvc the girl of today if ahe would be beau tiful follows cleopatra e practice every day she cleanses the akin thoroughly with mild palmolivc soap never doc she pcr- rnlt cold cream rouge and powder to ac cumulate aud clop the pore of the skin she knpws that this starts irritation snd bucfcheads pimples and other blcmlxhc result palmolivc with it mild creamy lather is lotionlike in it action it freshena revives and stimulate snd leaves the oldo delightfully fresh- sod rosy thus a great luxury may be enjoyed at the price of ordinary soap you can pay more but you can t get a finer milder cleanser 1 you can boy poimojive soap at all first- clou dealers l xfaat in fn rndmt 2sci 510c 4 4 dominion qf can ada 1923 ry fthb bank of montreal at jjlira branches will accept subscriptions for the new dominion government bonds or effect the exchange of victory loan bonds due 1st november 1923 into bonds of the new issue 1 full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch af du bank of mpositreal r iw w i5 fall fair time is here th fairs in which our reader qn erslly are inisreeted october ii october octobei 5 october bs october j- otooer ltia octob 1 aberfoyle aulston cookatown cookxvllie bjrtn freeiton georgetown qrand valley markbam muton newmarket rocktoa i october r- september 17x8 october 4- setrtembex m- beptember xt it j october just borrowed the pretty girl sat an hla knee vkthel ho said you have your fathers bonnle blue eyes oo on shs laughed dont be ao silly but you have dear and you have your mothers golden hair then she clapped a hand over hla mouth and whispered in his ear saht dont apeak so loud john she doeant know im wearing it the man who works itemember my eon you havo to work whether you handle a pick or a pen a whoejuarrow or aot of book digging ditch or editing a paper ringing an auction bell or writing tunny thing yuu nust work if you ok around you will aee the men whu are the most able to live the rest of their iluy without work are the men whu woik the tuirdcst dont be afraid of killing youratdf with overwork beyond your power to do that 1 aynny aide of thirty thoy die sometime but it is because they quit at i p m and dont go home until 1 a m its th interval that kill my the work gives you an appetite fur your tnuulaj it lend solidity to your mluinberdi it elves you u perfect d grateful nppretlatlan of u holi day i t t time wliualo madu a hoty ejtltw- oesette the prince and the veterans two luteroatlnif inoldentarnarked tho recent visit of thu prince of wale to worksop and wolbeck abbey the prince drove throuuh th town luwly in one of thu duke of portlands open cur in the main street a halt was made and th lrtne preeented fi tuich af four disabled valdlor a key with which to 0eu hla new homt built fur the man by ur john robin aonut workaup manor the drive w then continued nlowly thruuah thu streets ami il t great enthusiasm later near the ornamental galea hjch give ucce tq welbu by the dukes prlvute drlvj mr john jo nee ugedm a resident of worksop wu preen nt d to jthe prince mr jones 70 meals firstclass appetizing meals meal tickets 21 meals j800 10 heab 300 board and room 750 empire cafe mill strcit aoton firstprize baking cannot be dono with ariy old kind of floor and if you hopo to carry qft any red ribbons why not use the best excelsior brand we can guarantee that exceisiorbrand will do its part to make your baking win why experiment with any otherbrand excelsior brand pastry flour is best for prizewinning baking dhlindsay mio street acton ontario clean uprighten upj this is tho time of year to get the interior of your bqo in shape for winter get the interior rjgnted end briebtqiied up now ao the surroundings will bo congenial through- tselopg- winter when you spend so much tirno indoors- vo have jtfro necessary paints varnishes brushes and brooms and every thing to helpjou consult us about brightening the interior of your home v pbonef wdtfilbot 4 main street acton m vn auction sale 0 yeora nit iarted work q miner t bhiraoeka oouler aiurwards be- onrtttg nuuiugur and liter a director ir mmreiitiailvnpany 60 cattl an sheep the undersigned ha received ln- truutlun from j holmes ev son to sell by lubllo auction at lot 1 concession j krln un mile wnet- of aoton on monday october 1 19w at 3 oclock sliarp the lollowlngj cows i roan oow treahl 1 potted cow rreah 1 blsck oow fresh 1 grey oow rreah 1 red oow due time of sale l durham oow due lire ot aaui 1 jeraey oow due in october 1 brlitdle oow due iu october l jareey oow uuu in november 1 brlndlo oow due in november 1 jersey cow milking due in ueoember l roan xw milking three month bred agmln 1 brlndle cow milking due in deoomber 1 jersey oow milking due to junuary l dur ham now milking duo in wbruary red and white cow milking due in february 1 amy cow milking due in 1jbrusyy 1 eirotted cow milking due in marsh v durham oow milk ing due in march 1 durham oow milking duo in april 1 hnlatoht cow liking due in april 1- jersey uow liking due in msy 1 itolatehi oow milking duo in may i durham cow mllltng due in may jersey heifers tig ing the above oow are choice and in good condition vkedino btlciyjji eholcn dur ham stear ontario breeding wslghlng k00 to 1000 i yearling atver and heifers ontario breeding spring- calve urklqdlna bhee1 6 oxfuim down tbotoe oaos tkhm 13000 and undr cosh over that amount h month credit un appruved joint notes per nent off fof cash ckujst jimauaionerr nionu adaalun kb ilanjc clgrtr- for sale the famous no 21 fleury plows only six of 2100 each with two shares and skimmer three good road carts very chejp just what you need for bad roads in tho fall diamond seed harrows one set four section diumoiid seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices 1 v j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown ontario get your job printing at the free press ip msmi0mm r p ziuvrf i