Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1923, p. 5

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ffftg artmt 3frgg jfoflfl thursday umyrtsmbbu no ios let somethinq qood de 6a1d tho hcnutlful teaching in tli kernc by mr whlirornh itlley in iii rated in u etnry told of j chum whlnh l not in the initio a dead do ley n ttn kustern itlifxil miiirnxd by ill eby haiti mm ii must liuvi 4og m it wtml1tltt dund hnlil another he- the 1ml in km litelea roult a tlilrl lulil- pnhl how offensive it i the oi panned by wlto nuld i vail are equal lo thn wliltiiifijn of if feli anil tho ioopwwfm xtuia uiuhi i josus for only lit wo u 11 tipy suim thing good of u ilituit dog there in lino lesson hem whon over thn fulr t th shadow of dim instead of friend or lot lngrao ntmjl foil r proof of thuti the sunday school lesson for sunday 8eptem0er 30 hut no follnwbolng yo i jiw hut love muy lilt hit forgot hyi 1 mv rnllai hnuit dvon lliti cheek of nhuirio with tear hi if uuinothtng good b wold 1 no ilinnruuii heart may vainly turn usldo in ways of nymputhy ho soul no dead hut may n woken strong and gortni in soniethhitf good ho jtulj by thn thorny and mo i churg crown and by tho crown on which the haylpur bled and by your own soul hope ml fair rod own let somtnhing rood bo aula itiviiw jikk lblhsonh from rwih cjuakthr oclrig i wd urn t ompuaned about with ii kraut a uud of wluiesiies lay umuio viry weight unit the aln which doih id easily beict us and lot um ron vlth ullano the race that 1 jtt eforotis hah 12 1 lesson theme ihe arkumunt of fart thin ijuur- ru hoa given us tnnny tceaona in tho itnllty of to imrly christian faith and iih impn wlvimu i fmbodleit lit oroew twid heroines of now tvstfmtnl ttrnih dy their liven inure hull by their words they demonetruto whut thn christian religion cotijd pi und should hrs in thn world tim nricu muni of fucttj in n moat conulualvo kttitl of rtyntotiln futitr uivfl tll uruumttn- nd john ittwl watlliow unit ktcihaii und no did jlamabtih lit uroiif hearted and liiuljho npollo mid john afurk in bl uwu way and luknthn tmloved phyhlcjon pjid tim otliy k inlnutnr of cbrlnt- kvory in bin own mtwitor imiducoorolna cabins in the clouds twbnty years ago frjm th liiu of th fr prmm of thurvday cmobr 1 1803 tho front haj nlppod tho tondoroat of tho flowots and pltintm quite ft crowd of lncroe anthlixf- amlm from acton wont to tottonhum oji monday to oi orlltlaporiruo play off th return wm in tho bacoball in qoorgotown on baturduy of tho gearglowaactm ooroo for the chjunplanahln of hal ton wont to tho acton tom after ibood gwno with a voor of ii tho aotdn boy a nro till on top in championship running- mr j w humphrloa hoa purchtumml from tho citato of tho into j a plcht hi rough caal dwelllnr nt thu corner of church and john blraau mr morri bayers has purchoood from mrqiibrt croeinora hi hotue 33533ibsjbbc wm tlt flu mm anderson tho dweillng on flu street which aho haa occupied for a number of year mr adam cook who this year acting oa ajfont for mr t cntleton tho apple ojcportor atatea that the applo crop in thta vicinity fm maknin- oent he naa already alilpped aeveral cam of fruit from thla vicinity and before tbe mason onda the output will probably total 3000 or 4000 barrela died fijtnn at hla borne lot 25 con- i oeaalon 2 saquoaln on tooaday september 20 ims martin klynn aed 79 yeara to hu own gift rxihournod whut n mid won turn god hnd wnjuaht amonii tho lontllnn tjponklnx nonontlly hi toricnl thtloby hua not bnon litdiiotlv rtuonlnir fron facta hut dtxuctl nl upnculutlvn hut iib tract thna gy haa luot ita brlp on tho proplo today far tbla la a practical age tho oltoctlva theology b blbucml tnooi ouy and it la baaed on tho known facta f clplatlan oxporlunco we mko to arguo from facta and to muxy cloae hy thn raola of the oplrltunl lifo tho pact of hln evory aln 1m vn nvot committed uvoa on m ti fuotj on of tho oumtandlnfr incident iri iotoro ufa wo hln denial of hi lord und here la much lo bo learned from thta tboro la no auch thing- am tho uruaing of hnd doeda uny more than of good doeda what wo have wrltt wo have written forgiving aln dooa not undo it nothing can bo blotted except in potlo figure no doubt thut ptter ropentel nnd m forgiven and bo en mo one of tho greatest of tho apoatleo lb uaefulnewa nd honor but tho fact that wo nro btudylnc hla haae difnlal of hi lotd there lo an old legend that ayeiy time after tbla that peter heard tko crowing of o cock he wept for tit memory of hla aln there la another that evory mo wsosb m wnw- sfemi trn w towl 5c vhy aalter from corne when they can be palnleaaly rooted out by ualng hojiowaya adrn remover m gems op thought whoever mokea two eara of or two bladea of grsa to grow where nly one grow before deaervoa betur i of mankind and doea more eaaontlal aervloa to nig country than the whole raoe of politician put togeuier dwltt tn oomparatlvely jong life i have mover known anybody who wo god too hero though i have known many who think they do lord hewart tpe oldfaahlonqd teacher waa too much- afraid of joy and tho modern teacher la too much afraid of work mr vnnk jonea k another pathetic little feature everyday life la the gogetter after p he got it and doea not know what to do wlu su united statear pepplfl epend tirloe ag much on chewing arum oe they do on religion but gum la tiaed every day one of the ablegt men i ever knew waa a failure in life becauae ho dtd not wear a olean collar judge par- fit t neither adversity nor proaperlty ever change a man each merely brings out what there la in blm 11 hi highly improbable that the human body is a flniahed masterpiece professor j arthur thomson it ha many quaff ties the man who n a bottle of dr thomas koloctrlo oil is armed against many ills it will relievo a cough break a cold prevent acre throat it will reduce tha swilling from- a epn4n relieve the most persistent sore and wltl speedily heel cuts and contusions it is a mediclfl chest in itself ira pundit a match for him a young engineer listened to the foggy obsorvauona or a lot of old phlloeophexa until bo determined tw take the wind out of their sails by some technical talk of hit own o ho jumped into tho conversation with tho fallowing description of a wonderful machine ho had juat been watching by mean of pedal attachment ho eeld a fulcrum lover convert a vi r- tlcal reciprocating motion into u clc- qulor niqvwnent the principal part of the machine la a huge disk that revolve in a vertical jlene- power la applied through tbo oxlaof the disk and work 1 dono on the periphery and the hardest alee by mere impact nay be reduced to uny hupe put one old pundit looked atamlyat him over hla apeqtaolea and said young man aeek mot lo darken with foffy the counsol of the wise what yon have so verboaeiy dosnrluit woild be s eually reoognlaed if you juat called it a grlndetoiv and prayed until sunrise but the fact remains that his aln waa a heavy burden to him even after it had been forgiven and that his repentance con tinued long after hi forgiveness so it la with all truly pious aoula it la vary easy to make light of aln li preaching and teaching repentance and forgiveness johno inspired messace johns called the aplrltual gospel it differs strikingly from the flrat three and contain aome of the loftiest revel tione to be found in all the scriptures john was the disciple who loved jesus moat and knew nlm beat- he waa member of the inner circle of three nd la called the beloved dlaolple ta the beginning- of his ooepel he tells ua the word i waa- with jod which has been called the author most im portant contribution to theology tho son of ood was given to mankind to reveal to hem the divine life light truth and love these are the leading- topic of this remarkable gospel they aeent to take the place occupied by the kingdom of heaven in the ayn optica in johns view ood i the living one he is the final sourco of all life which in man take tho bigner- form of moral and aplrltual life- in fact hfe is the leading- thought or johns qoapel he wrote it as ho telta ua that y may have- life n hla name he speak- of light in un ethical sense the iimt of moral and spiritual truth la in all ogee combat ing the dorknosa of error and in when he colli chrut the light of the world the dominant idea la thut of morau purity and perfection by thi he guide men into atl the will or ood truth in his gsoapeb 1 whit we should call reality it la opposed to all fraud and affectation and ahaoi and falsehood by beto united to tprlat meocn share inthe truth not oily in what la thought but lc what 1 done johns meesajro culmftiate in tho statement that ood la love love to tho world 1a shown in the girt of his son as the sluice or life to nitrn loving us enough to give us hla son he will also with htm freolygtvo usill thing paul teaching of the holy spirit paul tells us that the son of ood are those who ore led by the spirit of ood wo ore told bat one or peule moat memorable achlevumenl as 1923 tuesday and wednesday octoiieil 2nd and 3rd 1923 acton fall fair races 750 in purses new and enlarged irbce list dance in town hall second evening op the fair excellent ftlidway and merrygoround acton citlzcnu band jvil be in attendance the first evening and on the fecond day of the fair louisa n the canadian lock loa th right la might drink engllah china on top view in the a me dlatrict another place hee one tea evd from jualnt m an top of mount pair- to climb 8870 foot above luke louise uml to enjoy a cup of teu in delightful aurroundlnic is n of the attrnotlona offered visitor to luke louise at la tea houses on mountain peaks wore unheard of u toyr year ago but uxdoy there are- at legal p dose n of thorn alt uated in the can adian rockies two of the moat picturesque are the boehlvo on thn ahoree ot luko agnoa about two mile uml a half from the chateau and the oilier a ruatla cabin on the top of mount falrvlew walk ing nnd jinny okcumlona over tho mountain in the vicinity of this pic turesque lake are among the i popular pastime of visitors from till parts of the globe to the lke in the cloud louise which with lake agnes nro known as the lake in thn clouds this uoiy lltiliijtiia room in owned by miss el doddktid wpcfqetf during the eeaaon by ml ooddard it furnish- inga are quaint and runtla the foodatuffs are delivered overy morning hy pack pony from chutoau lake loulwo eveo fuel for the cook atovee la transported in thu way in addition to the tea- room here is an at tractive assortment of- an tiques tfnm various part of tho globe aohotjtth wrtn winter monthit hy mia ijddi wh yaujljiy hea uhroart there an muny rmfwut of scunla beauty along th trail to the tua oon- hut perhapa themost interesting fact la that onn can obtain a delicious oup of engl lab teal with equally dollclnua homo nooking within night und sound of whlatllng mtirmuta und nnulrreln and chipmunks thut leap from ttoush bough und often within hlght of friendly bears who coma ciuh to tho moat interesting trips ut lake lou i no lsby a narrow wind ing putli on mount fulrvlew to saddle brick teu itttom mid hon house which hi 2g00 fewl higher hum th chatba- thbj nuaint utile log en bin altuoted on mount koirvlow overlooks saddle laek mnuntnlu so called becauae of lla rook formation being nlm liar to a anddlo it tnkuu almont two hours by pony to- make tho trip over a steep xlgxag trail from which citn be seen winding utronmu and rushing brooks thousands of feet betow this tttu room und tost house like uoohlvu la ownod by ulas dodda und perilled by mlaa a- sj wvan- 1h riurroundlntt ir olohl hlhtuo and rhtfu jlio view of furudleo valley und muunt tom pi o from the tea houae la inioof tho finest in th rockies pally supplies of food and fuel lrunhjmrtsd hy wk ponlea fnmi the chateuu to aervo approximately guouta a ituy who ure well rewarded for their jtiurnoy to the hlgheat tea houe in cutiuita a corrector of pulmonary trouble many testimonial could bo prent- oo ehowlng- ho great onicaoy of jr thomaa kclectrio oh in correcting disorder of the respiratory processes christian teacher wo hi transforma but tho best taailraonlu is exporlonoe ivearly all children are subjoot to worm and many are bom with them spar thant aunerlng by ualng muther orove worm kx tormina tor an a oellent remedy anftwerrno her qov8 question here i the atory ot m anii eolprml boy that may remind our readers of certain white boy they know ma aaldnastu plaintively dova yo know whereabout my aho a atoeklnk lav rastu asuweredthe mother you cortulnlfl thovarvleseat boy i know yohoe1e behind the door yo atock- ing undir the bed yo feet am on jp now aoe if you can mingle them 7 it i when asthma cornea do ttut da- pair turript once to the help envo- live dr j d kellogga aathmu hem- eov thla wonderful remedy wl glvo fou the aid you need eo aoreiyi chok- jpg ceases breathing becomes natural and without effort- othara thousand lot them tijv auffered a you aufftr ihut have wlaely turned to thi faxneu remedy and ceased lo suffer gut u package uu very day tipn of the conoeption of the spirit um an abnormal fitful energy manifest lnitrango outburstk of religious on- thuelaam lnto that of the abiding principle of the christian moral life thar ware many then and we have them with us today who thought that the oomlpg of the holy spirit moan epoakirut with tongue or gifts of healing or some one manifestation of dypnotlo power but for paul the coming of the splrjt mean love joy peace longsultering kindness goodno faithfulness meekness aelf- opntrol hoxnaok eay paul has created an insuperable moral idoal it la easy to underatand how a man who followed the saviour so cloae ly could do this in reviewing tho llfo work of this great apostle we may well keep in mind thi clear toachtnjc of hla concerning- tho holy spirit fpr study and dleeueelon what character ha impressed you most in tho lessons of the post quar ter why mention the most prom inent character of each what wue the main theme preached by the n poet lea during the early day of the christian church i low widespread custom urnona tho early chris tun of having all tillage common whnt leasona may the church of today learn from the oarlji uliurch are there ever time whon christ fall it lorno to the aid of hla followers what grievous wolvea rquat w watched tnfln the church today lila h slulslun church toduy the uum plrlt of devotion and herolsmoa that nituffcated by the apostle and their utrqediato auooeiaorsy 2400 head of buffalo marked for slaughter the dominion of canada ho 2000 surplus buffalo and they arc to be slaughtered those unwanted mem bers of a nice of unlmuls which hod been showing signs of disappearing ure now wandering on tho fnngo in the national pork at wainfjght for some yeara the pomlnlflri 0v- emnient has been paying special at tention to the p reservation of these animal and ao successful has thla work been thut tho accommodation the national parka la being overtaxed consequently 2000 or the buffalo are to be killed thi fall and the meat and eklpe sold the contract far tbo slaughter of the animal hl been given by order-irt- councll to a h ducloa of edmonton who performed almllar acrvlces for tho government mi a smaller scale last year when 350 head of buffalo were wiled i unappreciated llttlo katharine uncle waa paying them u vlalt atnd taking the child op hi kneo he uakod her as uncles often do if alio wan u good little alrl yea hut nobody know it was kithnrlnna prompt reiily hon ion transcript yew s3aaaav clear wrk toe free av care book acrtaeaeti u t tm aamtlg und the oil la recommended to all who suiter from these dlsurdora with th ee rtointy that they will find relief i will allay innumhuillon in tho bron htaj tube promiscuous he automobile hue noma to a lay yet it hua co mo to go spin and lhu itall and you i world aphis tull alone ts wonderful till go out jn lairs t e lb people who tho horao rucow bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept crepm on satur day after twelve oclock a m the government is anxious to occur a higher standard for ontario butter and thrajs one of tho methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us have your cooperation in thia move lo secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j civeil pbop we ore still buying eggs open tuesday friday and saturday quality our motto evenings phorwrss the ones who suffered muuil newly murrled you look very meluheholy oeurgoi um you sor ry yon married mo ooargw- 1- no dour of course not i wus only thinking of all the nlo glrlo i aant marry matfd oh oeorgehqw horrid of you i thought you cared fur nobody but mo gworge nu more i do i wasnt thinking tt myaolf but of tho diaap- pohitmint fur them do not allow wnijua o sap uio vitality of your chudron ir not oi- tunded lobworms msy work irrepar able harm to the constitution if the int the little aufferara cunnot vutte tbolr ailment but there ore many signs by which mo them ar mstle awara that u doe of mltler worm powder s noeoaaary these powders set uulukly and will expel worm froai the vyateni wiuiout apy lnoonvonlonco lutlln clilld f kate just look theeo umtti over e munh too hlg mary yes you muat iuv gl hem tho number of the hoim liutiud f the number of your ahoo if u man murrloa u widow by the mime of elisabeth with two children what doe ho vol iolvo it op i a secondhand ilale am two run- aboutri v wutcbmuler tho thwi time i oleeiivd your wutub it wmi in u gold caae nekt time in u goldflltinl tbjwiaiid now its in u nllver cuan ijirflui yoa littinumeos ultur uhaea you illow i heard u mvi ie oihur iul thut- what th found it full of hoi d ptu i h- tull it hit i r orocerw hre uooihtomihl ij i in-iir- ing penetrating iiuentloum about the merits of their waina mr jime win no okooptuiti tp the rule a iidy jamu into the mh0plnhuymon gga are they fealty frhtvho uakud oh yea tnuvrdi hn untwrtl i are you qultei hum beoauab pin ao frlghtouud of bud eggs i iiiuat have them really friwthj soyl called out the grooar to hut asltunt juut run to iy back room and ao iruda morning eggu ave oigl enough to nellf c- lines buay cu l man who believed ije rhvw about parrot undertook to teach whut he thought to a be u young mud bird to say hello tn one lesson olng up to the uuge he repeute- that word lit u clear video for aevonul inliiutot tho parrot paying not tho tightest uttuiitlan at til dual llel- u the bird jopuned oitg eye med nt iho man uml atimpiieit out liiioh buoy castoria kothkri jhetchers castoriii is a harmless- substitute for tlutor oil parceoric teething propti and soothing syrups prqarecl to relieve infant iir tinna and childrcaau offed of constipitioii flatulency diarrhea wind colic to sweeten stomach regulate bowtls aid in the assimilntioiv of food promoting checrf ulucss rest aud natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitation atwuj tool or ttic ltinjiltirr of oht7cju bsxsu hlfclona nil rnrll nnckatrr jmotiana avrywhrc rtcvmnwml it special prizes horse specials team now miiooh ull by n ilost oenorul iurpow molam vulue j novolty itutre harneus und hitch to rig trot or paco around the truck then unharness go onco around tntrk aa you please no nupa ullowod und full net or harness at roue octockhy it j kerr auctioneer aaah a ilcat and itvntcst itoad horse spoed and soundness to be considered once around tbo track by mclean co 1st cash 500 2nd cah 300 srd cash 200 ul high stepping horse in harnesa 1st by wm john- ntone ouah coo 3pd by oeo hynda cuat j260 ileal iudy driver alngle rig- 1l by w tallmt cuh 600 snd by ooo icdwards one whip value tsoo post haddl uorse lat by jaesymoncah icoo 2nd by frank spellvogal nasi 300 det high j tinnier in hurt ho pace must have four to enter lot by w j putteraun und wallace loaby caah 1000 2nd by duncan campbell caah c0o cattle and sheep specials lleat tho nmifh bred dairy cow and calf now under 3 yoora any breed pedlgmu to bo iirbdueed for oow und calf at tlmo of exhibit ctilf to count twonlyflvo per cont- twenty mr rept illnernoo to count lie t ween male and fomulv himale to have preference by t j onall anton creamery lot cnah 700 2nd caah 300 hoh three mirliiitiihle iamba uny breed by h n lirown lnl cash 300 3nd caah 200 miscellaneous specials i kro kgit flonor to roccl nthv hy n 6 00 itest 2 doxt kennedy 3 oniilh tin qoldc kqgl coffee- value i daultaaigri firiaf uf uiuai nmqe trom five itoaee flour no other donor to receive mm by d ii lindsay 1st 4 tba five itosoa flour value j00 3nd 34 tb ive noses flour vahle 110 ird 14 ma five roae flour value 76o issl pi half dozen tart and layer coke mod from isxcnlsior flour no other donor to receive saroe by d h- lindsay 40na isxcelalor flour value u boat 1 doaon ten rlscults bakod on kloctrlo ilange sold and installed by acton hydroklectrlo commission 1 carton fi m watt bulbs value seat small loaves homemade llread donor to receive aamo by ooo ilynds secretary cosh sest i dozen homemade bun donor to receive same by mies helen hynda cash a host 2 loavwi broad made from five crown flour no other donor th receive same by wm hortop miller prise winner to apply for flour to nelson a co 1st e0 lbs five crown flour value 210 ind sb lbs five crown flour value 110 w rest doaon to biscuits mode from lily white pastry flour no other by wm hortop miller prise wlnnor to apply ror flour to nelson jk co lat zs lbs uly white pastry flour value b0c 2nd hy nelabn 4 co 1 lb ludolla ttuv with cup and saucer value 76c donor to receive biscuits rest pair drossod chickens donor to receive a me by harold wuos cash z rest pounds of butter in h looks exhibited by u maker who has not won an ismten prlae at any fair etnee 19s0 the oholco or th ful lowing casserole ladys umbrella wringer table cloth by the t en ton ci ltd toronto value from 800 to 1 deat 10 tb crock of butter donor to receive butter by j c hill cosh -j- best 0 tb crock of butter donor to rocelve butter night l ao fab 1 7s 3 3s i 00 of fair by chaa wilson caah beat s lbs butter in print donor to i e j nelson cosh calve esro e by 2r beat a tb butter in print donor to receive same by john r kennedy cash best 7 lbs butter in 1 ifa prints donor to receive butter by john lvlaiimn cash bef iq n talry butter in crock donor to receive aamo by chaa parker one wringer value best 10 tb butter in llb- prints donor to receive same by the simpson co ltd ouolph cash j beat 1 lb butter in 1 lb prints donor to receive unx by d v ritchie cash to lady taking largest number or first prlao in dairy class in society list and special in butter one year subscription to toronto evening tologram value boat barrel of northern spy apple donor to receive same let by e j llaasard cash so 00 nd by it l harrison cahb50 1 best boa hand picked snow apples donor to receive aamo apples to be delivered night of fair by qeo hynda jr boat itag- talmun sweets donor to recevle some apples to be delivered night if ralf by n h pardencash bast bushel northern bpy apple donor to recelva same by m bdwnrdb a co one bag lake uf the wodda tlour beet half bushel northern spy apples donor to receive same by dr j a monlven cash best bushel spllsenberg apples donor to receive some aamploa to bo shown und upplea to be delivered at picking time tu aoron fme pjuess one year vahjo best luc iotatots donor to receive aame by dr j m bell best baa- potutoea donor t receive aame by tho morton beat buehoj irish cobbler po tut oea donor to receive some by nolaon a coy cash beat two peck early potatoes donor to receive aome by qeov ihtyndv secretary cash best five head of hod cabbage donor to teoelve same by j k hynda caah best bushel uf potatoes donor to receive same by c woodhall vuluii iii groceries best 1ock yellow olobo danver onlona donor to receive khui by a t browsircaau- best kxhlblt uf vugetublus or itlold boots grown from huqnlou noedu bywm ueintlo co ltd toronto 1st seeds lo be selected hemila cutalngue value soo snd aeod to bo aelected from itonnlua catalogue j00 brd eeed to be so loot ml from lecnnle catalogue value 300 beet dutthol or pears donor to receive aame by mr starkmun cnsh best boakot of ruaset winter pear donor to receive some tl adtim fkss iloxaa one year valuo largest and best co lout ion of fancy work collection to be ahowti logother upon to acton only by christie brown co toronto una box beat aaaortod blaaulta value best written copy of viral two voraea of the charge uf of the light brigade open to auton puljlio school and surrounding rural school within radius of nv miles of auton by a t brown one parkor a lucky curve foun tain pen value i bust lady ford car driver by dr ii a coxo cash lleat display cut flower not shown in society list li oi hi ore varieties taste and arrangement considered by hugh wulker a hon ouolph fruits la season value boot and iurgat collection ef xlanta not less than 10 varletloe uy theroberl simpson cp ltd toronto on ouae of allverwure valuo a 41 u k best cultfiotlon of basketry not lu than four pleoo open to acton only by t h ic tab rook co lat s lbs orange wko tea value t0 and 3 tb oraligo 1ekoo tea value ii ho luuakotiy lleaat basket uny ahape open to auttiti only by m drown oila pull laro uuruuit vulu best colleetlouluillns kaiiuy work anton und four towil- ablp unly hy ualwdu tew co to recelvn tea rrotii noimmi a co five pound blue lfbe haludu tes value hojt iiyor cake and doaen tea blsoults donor to receive same by it b lluyhoe a co toronto iter j r kennedy five pounds mountain coffee in h 1t this vallle luat 4 diiaen logga dehor to reoelvti auliie by h p uckhardt ta co toronto per j it kennedy five pounds ludolla bot barrel mpy apples dorior to receive up pit uf same rest iiousv plan by youth uikimi- ib yeur by j li muc- quality u xhlblted tyy mr kelly oash 1 4tonae caah beat pen of fowl ati biund i mule 4 females to b exhibited by boy or kflrl iinder 10 yours by roy hind lay auctlpneon lat cuahpsuo udeiuih 100 boat 6 r crtkk iluttui ilnnm- to leoulve same by t it lindsay iii lhu male lutf flour value rest large lowf llumowtde brnad to be made from maple laf flour donor to rut jive biesd by d ii lindsay lat 4 iba maple lopour value 110 and 14 the maple leaf fljur valuo illa beat colt any age frluii slrmuiau by archie mcicaohern terra cottu lat 400 ifiul 1300 3rd i00 4th luo to be deduotod from hore fee 1 i 76 e 00 00 06 e 00 5 00 5 00 e ho 0 60 6 00 fi 00 6 00 oq s 00 4 00 1 00 3 oo 3 00 a 00 a so 1 eo 1 00 1 60 1 do 10 00 4 00 a 00 8 do ti 00 i b 00 4 00 a 00 4 eo 4 00 4 3e 5 00 3 7b b 00 e 00 i 00 4 no s so 10 00 railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway system qoino west jo g 813 ero- jo 31 10atam- 33 320 pm otpm m39 p m 1020 am 3d 1- no 2c hunday qolrq east no 28 no 30 no 34 3d 38 24 hu inlay 708 am 111 i am 33g v m 117 p m 813 pm 708 p m toronto suburban eleetrio railway oblno wst 017 a m ially ox cop t sunday daily except hunday dally except sunday sunday only hunday only j hunday only qofnp eet dally excopt sunday dally oxrept sunday dally except sunday m sunday only sunday only sunday only freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad dress in toronto bj t thiotford agent acton 338 p m h0q p p 1103 a m 036 p m 9g p m 748 a m a 07 p m cis p in 06s a m aiu i 11 kd0 p m notice to patrons of this 158- tahlihhmknt during july and august exam ination for olossos on thursday pvlday and saturday only of each week lena qrlndlng arid quick repair department operating as usual write in or phone loow for appointment a d savage optometrist ol mfg optlolan savage optical building bight at tho 101 office ouolph l te e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street actolv iochuobrv3t itsbonto ganao acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l h0blb henry awttey manaeer 4tj ftia this stores pokcy to represent goods ex actly aa to their quality to soil to those who know and to those who dont know- at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis take to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers g0elph ontario n castoria for ioianta and children in use for over 30 years t- isaiv

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