Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1923, p. 3

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lp artntt te rifflfl thurihdav ottouuit 4 id23 th4 boy wlmn riul tlilu or hut nv r trl la tin hoy ii his llmim til h m 1 the luckv dov infttttt tluu mictil ihm mtti i f ui it and i i il u jl khur full i i li i wishing tiiniiiiit or ihnr ttimir wm that m urn him t ikuoi and t u him trying whn rrrt tnmih will falh v will som duy sumly whi tfor ho nrka out wlmt h v rj antl tlam wlnr luck wishes omi h ii nd ti believe in mni with work on over find it inltit lo whh unit shirk ik world mil lucky 11 you every mm i tint iiihiuih mow not by wishing hut i y httrd wurk bravely lone in tlml wtilch mid n on vr whii in in will ncoulatlhq the bale of ceb tified peed pqtatoes iurjng the oust few yeurw n rvor able reputation- hum boon acquired by certified seed potatoes of canadian origin not only throughout the lo minion but also in puny part of the united states nrtd the wont india and it in incumbent upon nil grower of certified seed to li everything posslbln to mulntaln thin r putatlun as in now fairly well known the dohrinjon department uf agriculture issue certification tags mid attaches ono of such tag to v ry itotf barrel or other container of seed potatoes which as a result or two inspection made in the flolil and two mhdo of tho crop uftor harvesting liava boon found to tnouurn up to tho standards jjot for certified noed uuwovor it had been found that from time to tlrno attempts have boon madn by dealer to copy tn part at least tlie certinca tlon tags issued by tho department this practice has rtd a misleading affect and has also boon- the causa of a good ilct 1 of compilation and ms- unders landing mo much no that tho joepawmont recently found it noccs sary to make application for some legal enactment in order that such practice might in future be dealt with ec cording to law tor tho information of all growors ileal ore shippers and buyer concern ed it la desired to give full publicity to a clause in the revlsod pestnjctlve insect and peat act regulation which will take affect from september i 1023 an in poet or shall have the power to inspect before export to any foreign country or shipment within the do- rnidlon any plant and t gnuit a certificate according to the require ment of any country demanding ueh or for domastjo purpowee ai1 cortlflcatc lasuod must bear a copy of ho offlctal aeaj under thl act in the caao of potatoes for which uch certiftcale ar required no person shall be allowed to oll or offer ad- vertlse expose or nold id poaelon i for sale for seed purpose any potatoes in any jmmner or form described orj designated as inspected registered selected or diseasetree seed pota toes unless such potatoes ore contain ed in sack barrels or other contain er to each of which shall be durably attached a certificate stating that any such potatoes contained therein have been inspected in the field and after harvest by an inspector under the destructive insect and pest act and have been found sufficiently vigorous and froe from serious d other pests foreign varieties mechanical in jury or other blemishes to warrant them being classed as extra no 1 certified seed potatoes all such cer uficates shall bear tbn giuweis name or number as well am a copy of the official seal of the plant disease in spectlon service of the department of agriculture canada it is recommended in this connection that all persons concerned in the rrowin purchasing- or distribution of certified seed potatoes make them selves thoroughly acquainted with the appearanbe of the official certifica tion tac a print ofthla tag is being published in the annual report of tbej division or botany for tho ycftrlb2x a copy of which may be obtained in the near future by application to the publications branch department agriculture ottawa it la also desired to emphasise tho to lowing condition which are prlnt- e on uae back of each and every certification tast from which it will be oven that the grower of certified seed potatoes in accepting certifica tion tags undertakes certain respon aibilltles which ho will lri future be required etrlotly to livo up tot thl ta ta issued for one container of potatoes and is to certify that satisfactory evidence has been klven that the contents have been grown by the person whose certificate number it bears and that they nave been in speetevl in the field and aftor harvest by an officer of the dominion depart ment of asrlonuure and have been found to be attfnclently vigorous and tree from serious diseases other pests and foreign varieties to warrant them betas classed as grade extra kb seed potatoka this tagt is issued on the express condition that the person to whom it is issued and whose certificate- number it bears undertakes to grade tha po tatoes for which it t to be used n that they shall be practically free frjsm rotted or otherwise seriously in jured or blemished tubers free from all foreign or offtype tubers and so that no more than five per cent by weight shall be below three ounces or above twelve ounoes jn weight and o the further condition that the said person assumes entire responsibility for the contents of any package ta which this tag- may be attached by our kit- h m hack hi nl placi that vvor a body why ovn the atnvn its rare anil own the kolu th caoltjo jur h nook tho floor was declare o kitchen hnd ovor look but that was when thure t kind food in the hand lent scrubbed white i friendly mot wnu our doorwuy buck homo wore u vine on ith hii 1 and h liow those rouom did blotml they fioddnd wi lcoiu to strjnircr and said come in folks there m plenty of rromt tim pathwny wnu worn hy our rollick ins fo t thn door had u thckonlng air nc house was so frlihdly no rostui so awihit hut that was whtui mother vnu there j hack liomp was thoro evrr so trlendly a plnce as that one it held us u fast bound close by tho lovo in no wel coming tart a love thal- belongs to tftq tnfl the past ho ui present that wel coming doqr stands open a ltd comforting care awaits us from ono who has journeyed before to moke it a home for us there helen cowles locron am i aald a week or so ago memories of other days crowdod upon me when i took that stroll up the now highway which runs across country parallel with tho canadian national railway through the farms from acton to crewsops corners one of the tragic incidents which tame bjck to mo with kreat vividness when i walked up the new road through tho cameron farm where tt runs close to the railway right-of- way was this one bright summer morning about fifty years ojro when the s 30 a m passenger train was coming down the grade from the old apple tree it struck a broken rail s few feet west of h houso of paddy powers oho of tho section men which was built on the aide of the track about ten feet from tho rails the engine tender and baggasre car passed the house on the rolls but the first passenger car ran off tho track plow ed up the earth several car lengths and then poked its corner square into door of paddys house mr and mrs powers and the children were ilttlnjr at breakfast and the corner of the car struck the breakfast table hut went no further they were j naturally a scared household when the passengers realised that no damage had been done to either tho i train crew or to tho molested family -the- ludicrnusness of the situation struck them und their amusement it was brest it was not long before a crowd of cltlsons hod assembled to see the peculiar accident whtnli ruthlessly entered an irishman cot tnge wthout saying by your lnao the other incident which cattle i roe occurred a few years lutur at die same home it was more trugio and had fatal results paddy and some ms cronleii wro having a jamborie one paynbrht in the home this was in the days when acton had four open barrooms and as many licensed liquor shops and liquor naturally flowed free ly there was a high old time at the despite the fact that mr hunloy is headed 6r tho eighty third milestone on life n highway hln eye la rrtlll i right his ml nil clear hln nensa of humor unute und ills whiskers in a remark uhlo sluti of prusitrmttliin itlthoiigh n i so blm k hoy wrre on u mi morabli day in bae ball hit tury july i ihri n twithsiiin llii iiih ytyim mr bun by jn sllll un i iithuslnnti follow r 1 uin garut iinfl a tlrnnlli rl wh t irluiiiutnncoa imrmlt im fs stlu fount in tho grand slnn i ut local uuinett un can talk banc mil ilk any luolplilti till tlie sands or the norl grow toll a nd ni a h 1 was iliu organiser of tho team un i is titltled ht mniitlon on that act o int uut i was ulll hutilny jim nlihols johnn loldlo fcph htv uuon ullly huiltli kenneth maclean nnt r hs i inn htoelo and i finrley muitdo k win made thenamn maple xautn a byword wherever ho great gumti wan play d sir hunloy suvs th most notablii game the muplf ioafh nvor pliy j n fir an big scor whs on crnu 1 w a gumo with il m win n on mu i imtfn dofmitod tb vultorn hy 10 ti h vv lift tho bull and run i uses till wi wrr tlr i ruinllng mr ftuiie tho wutih ytr wo j oyi i hamilton alxl mm by n n ori of 4 1 a vrry lioo guil humiuon wun not sailsfle i and sslort for a return matrli wu played uguln in hamilton a woek later and rollo 1 up it m re of 73 to 13 n innrglii f nn ovi n sitty runs a ycur or two nftir uils ho ifuplo ienfs plnytnl tho nil dsperandums of aoton rho storo won n t quite so rt m irk ublo as that ut i- loru hut pmlty jioiir no ii was 11c to 23 th hlukt crowd of ipiiotntorm who t vnr wllnisnnd u gunin in ouol i was on july 1 ih74 when tho unple icafs played tint famous iliston lluuu al though this was ions before the thno of regularly organise loaguus and words series contests for the chum phmship of the world the ilostpn itads ware recognised as tho champions f america authentic records prove that tho total attendance wus over id 000 it woujd be a small crowd for tho polo grounds in now york but it was mora than the tatftl imputation of ouolph at that time hundreds of paoplo came in from tho surrounding country unit nearby townc the local militia had just returned from their annual train i ihtf in camp and wore usod to guard the grounds to prevent too much en i croachlng on tho i laying field and deter too many ambitious small boys from vnterlng the grounds via u hole under tho fence unn thus deprive thu treasury of sundry ton cent plocos fe prlca of admission wus tw nty dvn cents ladles free and boys without whisker one dime it was a grout gome tim hattory for the loafs was hilly smith and jlih nichols smith was relieved bcfi tho gome was ove by sunley who feu t f- mo ig rft champions the leafs warn defeated but not disgraced tho score being fl to 7 charley maddock qf toronto harry steele of chatham kph stevenson of ouolph and myself are all that is left of the original tcn sale mr suntey as he oast his mind back ovar the past but they were certainly a good team y billy smith one of tho original play or namod was the fathr f mim kettle smith acton who resides with mrs it s holmes vlllunore llowor avpnuo ph stav nson referred to by mr sunley is rev 12 ii stevenson now a superannuated methodist hi in ister and living in ouolph now such a reralaisconcn of the early baseball days will show tho young feller that this gnmo was in vogue oven when i wua a lump of n boy flood night neighborhood news- town anrl country georgetown f thi been jio i int otion k tin saliuy f mis i llll h school utjtn hun 1 hflfl for th ar lio lliiln hla t i av contlnntd iut far un t f limit h street ili first luwtalmtnt if lux u lutlity th kite 11 ii lltartwell win fit tnl of orion niiihrno 10l i at tho tlrno or ttlu fleet nn hint w u mr an mrs h i f korrlht u of toronto inunt u duy or ho with frli ndu in iown br wlllongliby of mil it und mi j a willoiixhby of oeorgotown ur rlvnd honu from tho old country on buturduy icx wunlnih chtrl n roulhiul f n turn and john j lit i t mlllun wui in town nn monday u i lulliu hi fuiiuitil uf thi lift ii if flttitlwoll tho unuuitl buslius w tlntf of the cl n town mothidlst llull was lug i sfttir llm nguhtr w ekly nhiursal yn tliursday t venlng whim tho followlnit uhci rs wito elected hnnorary i rrsl dmit hv h caldwcll fitsldnl mip ii hurrleon vloo iresldunt mr a illick secretary miss it mudunuld treastirt r mjhm mae tltompson jown matron mvii a m cratuly vnltln commlttei miss 12 culilwol miss c hunk mr c huildy mr a itlucv solul commithu mini juan adums mrs t hminio miss ottwoll mrs a utiick miss ii mcdonuld mr h y howard mr p ii harrison organist mis u huck cholrrnuster mr w ii billy herald milton yestorday was tho last wednesday ilf holiday in milton busli tabllshmnnts for llilu year cochrane nrd dauuhto mlsii dorothy got homo on tuesday after pending u woek of hs vaoion at chicago ut ho homo of his eon runk i tuesday c c mcdowell of mil holghts undi rwent un operation fur appendicitis at bu jbseph haj pi lai ouolph hqji doing wall omagti irosbytorlan ohurch anni versary sorvlcts will be h id on hun- day octohor 4 on octolmr id u buncjuat will iwi held and a good pro gramme given the partnership of messrs morloy hutchinson barristers has boon dissolved mr morloy retaining tho torch to business of tho firm and mr hutchinson tho milton praatlco a deputation from thu high school boottf wglfffl rr fti i 11 the i air absorbing t farm era ilnxt wednrsday 1 the llr with cltlsoua and week and asked for a grant to provide extra accommodation which it was urged was badly needed tho rooms belns overcrowded the answer was that the ratepayers had voted against the proposod expenditure a prominent cltlxen compluln of the had manners or milton young people pot only in addressing thofr eiders disrespectfully but by falling to give half tho way und koep to tho right on tho sidewalks girl ha says are among the worst offender on tho walks going- abreast often with linked arms and crowding on other pedes trlan who do not like to shoulder girls ho remarked that the teaching of good mnnners wus neglected in our schools and should receive attention them champion oakville rri tt well tho old man coriolnly cu out of his shell last woak and i urn much obliged for all tho information he imparted ubout baseball and former princes of wales tve been doing a whola ht mor thinking tills week but its been u trifle too cold on the bank steps to sit very ions some of these nights i m just on ordinary young fellow my parents dldn t have and jiuva not now sufficient to put mo through a callego course besides i dldn t have the in clinatlon for that sort of thing any way and i va just sort of drifted from one job to another tho other duy i sort of took stock of myself i said supposing you were thrown out of your present job what are yout where would you- go und look far another und what line ure you experienced int by jingo argued the thing over for almost an hour and when t got through i came to the conclusion i was a nothing just u sort of hardly man i could do odd jobs but i wasnt sallied ut anything and then 1 got to thinking mom and i asked what will become of you when you get too old for this kind of work t now a lot of this stuff never him this dough wont stick the other day i saw ny aunt knead ins bread on w aloth covered bread board i had never seen this done before so asked her her reason for using the cloth the answer was that the cloth prevent the sort dough from stloklng and ftcan be worked up ntuch softer than on u floured board in tho ordinary way she said it wits else splendid when cutting doughnuts n they stick so easily to a flowered board andto bejfood should be very sift the idea is not original as shtf onite saw the do ugh boards covered with oloth in a big doughnut ruetory tho cloth cover is best niudu from u lure- slxe flower satk which is sewn into a lube to fit tho douithhourd or uw tapes to a suuar m little luigur thun the doughhuurd amid tin lliuso u th it the cloth will tw smooth and stay lo putos louise 10 ins fire lo the cook stove overheated the stpvo pipes and the place took fire mrs powers the children and the guests managed to get out of the burn ing building but poor paddy was i too overcome with the liquor to lelp himself and the other evidently had all they could do to help thumsclyc in any case the house burned down and paddy was burned to death with it all that was mortal of the poor fellow which remained whop daylight appeared war a few bono were tenderly gutherwd out of the ashes and a pitiful funeral was hold the next day as i walked farther through the cameron farm on the highway i came to rtie side of the flno old sprint in the cedar swamp rt water was clear as crystal and cold as ice many and many u mun and woman boy und girl climbed over the rail way fence gat to the spring to slake their i thirst on hot summer days but the pew highway obliterated thy splendid j old spring arid all that remains at tin spot is a small culvert 1 11 try and give more reminiscences along tho highway in nest issue if the young feller on the honk steps don t crowd me out ulieaklng of baseball of which tin young keller is so infatuated i eanit across a rmoiu interview by olio of the city papers with nty hi friend 1111 sun lo y of ouolph the other duy real interesting 1 copy part of tills story here because i urn sun- it will interest i young itei koul beauso william hunloy is still living powers house the participants werei w mi all more or less befuddled the tour m real hard lljck an old gantleman oardul it train in new york intending to lo to kun ida when ho hoard tbe flugman an nouooe all out tfor indianapolis he began to worry next he heurdj al out or st louis and ho began to weep but when ha hoard all out for kansas city he began to shriek a kindhearted drummer hail been poticlng tba increasing grluf of thu old gentleman and when tie begun to tear his hair ut thu announcement ah out for denver he thought it time for borneo no to take an interest whiits the trouble r he usked the old man replied despairingly tl am on the wrong train four days i already end sttll agotnal fjrst plteber fur the maple loafs well and huppy in ouelph wllllum hunloy wiw man who plth wd in the first basubull uupio pluyud lu ouolph is still ulivo and enjoys he added distinction ot being the oldest rtutlve ruslddiit of the hoy it 1 city ask any boy oil the struot to duy ho is hill sunley und ho may wear a puss led expression e4 say s dunno hut if that ijuery hud been made sixty years ago it would have elicited surprise that any pev should ask such u foolish question i it would ho tlktt asking uny of th fans of to duy if he ever heard of murray modonum the umpire or lot tie mason of iho aetuu ladles soft ball team for he it known that tn his day und generation hill sunley wus a giant and u hero ouolph has long boon recognlsod as tho urudlo of hunt- ball lit canada for willi it was lrt introduchl lit woodstock it wus in the jtoyul city that it was fostered und developed the home of thu famous map lb leaf muny tlru uluunplnus again unleau it hapiiens f le dull weather and noho of tho boy sju around but whllu i warn thl ing about it i just thought i would ask the old afuiis advl e on thu luhject lies been through the milt and seen about ull thuts to be seen and i thought rosy be ho coul i advlsi me what to do should i start to team a trade or go back to school and work myself through college just keep on pluggjng where i umt i know nobody will pay mo wliat i m getting to learh a trade und it would take a mighty lot of scrimping to squeeaw through ooljegu and i still havent the inclination for this college business d the old man doesnt need to thin if he will only be answering u personal problem there any amount of fl low in acton in the same predluimotit and i know his advice will maylm help us solve thl problem tub yottno lkxleh on tub hank bteih p b i was ut kltox church sunduy night wheq the fellows with the pit nls paretdei thvrn and i set up and listened jitl the tnn in case the proaoher would lot us in un sanjo uf tho myslerlo surrounding uios gi nt but he dldn t lot anything slip tbbt i thought ha might but if those men tlml ho was preaching to stand for ull th preacher suit they ought k stand for i made up my mind right thou and there whun 1 m u man i ii b a mason if x oatt the advertising display company wrote the council the ether duy oak ing ubout a site to locale s factory iii town they would employ from 30 to 30 hands tho urook compapy has written this town wonting to know if the town had a building with 55 000 square foot for a factory hero between three and four hundred oung people of toronto and hamilton attundod tho christian endeavor rally held hare on saturday last rev w w kettle well a former pastor of the oakvillo mothodlst church who for qulto a number of years- past has been living in toronto ind ongagvd us a field ncvrotary o thn dominion alliance is luavlng shortly to live in arizona thu anniversary services of tho methodist church bronte will be held on sunday morning ami evening on tober 14 t which rev ooorgo king of the wesley church brantford will preach in the evening of the follow ing monday the ladles aid i put ting on a fowl supper apd mrs j a pravar of tot ton ham unnounoe the engagement of their eldest daughter murjoro allan l lo dr w p jebb of oakvluo the marriage to toko place in october the central energy system has been adopted for the telephone exchange here by tho ball co the telephone company have just moved ipto u rtn new building i on tuesday the dominion oovern ment bought 11 boxes of wealthy apple rrom tho woodjund orchard merton to represent canada at the imperial kxblbltlon tn im held at london rng hind those apples ure winners of rjmt prise at the canadlannutiouu kxhl- bluon the community was ahocked on uturday morning to leurn of tho death of ktho bessie daughter of mr atul mrs wtt richardson ileynolds street v ho passed away at the ham 1 tun bos- pltal at five o clock after an illness of only a few days death being due lo tho effeots of blood poisoning now mm hughes of oknwn is visiting with her sinter mr wm pearson who o iii mr rto scott of mllloji is sihind lui his holldavit with hln parontfl mr and mrs r siott it- ii i hinnphriys preai hod hit fjn well si rmunu on hun lay at hills luirg at ii ii m frln at 3 1 m and ikllouuluux alj 30 p tn ithare were lurgn i ngregntknb mr james hurren won fourteen i rlka on bin poultry xhlblls ut or uugi vlllo bulr j- mr and mrs w cruich have moved btck to town from onprlngn und hav has 1 mm kotlirri house mihs martha smith loft last week for humlltuu whi ro she will attond normal school mlaa isinu oront uf toronto i i i milng hor vaoith n with it pironts mr and mr c h urant a social i veiling wua hold ut tb hunt tf mr junuii bolrd on ti i oday i voulng of lust w ok whet a iplsiil lumous shower was given to mies marguerite smith bride t be mr nndajra john robert smith icriny unnnuntn tho engagmeflt of their set otid daughter ilftrta marguer- ht to mr peter johnston sinclair win of mr and mrs donald p sli lulr erin tho marriage to take plao arfy in october tho krln township school lalr wua held on the farm uf mr w w ma tho son on monday it was u very in ton sting affair on krlday nvi nlng of lust weok mr nn i mr john beslle entertained abodt sevi uty gucmt tu a social evonlng a dainty lunch was served and all spent a very pleasant evonlng mr jucob burt has sold his farm j und chattel to mr burt bingham mr ninghum has also purchased from messrs john und i red hlngharn the rtrty acre farm across tho mad from the burt farm krln fair night concert is under the conjoint auspices of l2rin public lib rary and b o b a the best talent has been socured artists owen a snilloy toronto albert alyward vlo uniut mrs grainger contralto dan ci r from miss sternbergs studio ond n hopruno soloist advocate money in a book the romantic discovery of 11 odd in banknotes fijddon between tho pagi of tin old catalogue was made a tow itajn ago by an english bookseller tho widow of a well known iondnri coroner who dlid mi mi ihuo ug elded to sell soma uf her htpthuii i s books amongnt them wtyn arm id surgical inctruuiont auplluini on which appeared to be nothing more thun a catalogue and wnn lire r narked us useless a second exnm loatlon- h whowbd tlint lli page had i mi en removed itnd thal tho covent which were very stout hi i boon used as a ikix together with thu sldis of a cigar box the curious book bo wus mud with a strong lock and in order make certain that no trmisuro was t oncoaled within this lock wu forrt ed inside were several pieces of paper tightly screwed up which tnrnod out to tie t hank of england and trnus ury nhfes attogotlu r the box contained 4 1a which of course has boon sent to tin coroner s widow oems of thought if t had my way every prlsop would ixi sut n a flower garden and the prlmors would to surrounded by beautiful picture music and poems violet mcdougu ch n-y- umierninnil f a takt tiie worst measuro of human af fair of oil mankind that can write or read clarendon a gentleman is thm civilised type which has a certain sort of habit and education going vlth tome generations of comfort und leisure g tc cheater- ton 3 wo are working toward tho day when equal honor shall fall to equal endeavor whothnr it be exhibited in the office or in the shop calvin cool- idge insulin i probably the greatest con tribution yvt made id the study of diabetes sir thomas horder the reason some of our children are lucking in politeness 1 that too many woodshed hnvo been made into gar oses time hi tho only commodity in the rorld of which ovory individual has ho same amount gordon self rid go in private life my experience is that whenever you loud money you make on enemy stanley baldwin i was- weary onough when we came hut i preached till all my complaints wore gone john wesley war is a game which wore their subjects wise king wuld not play at cowps it is a man s duty to make u martyr of himself to pay hlsdabts judge snugge it i not love of beauty that makes men wear colored socks professor j mackonxle windows that jam sash windows arc apt to git stiff and difficult to open during a rainy period or after a house has been closed for a time a elmplo but help fill remedy los in tho application nf beeswax and turpentine the pcopur atlon should he samowhat thin in con sistency and a little of the mixture should be rubbed thoroughly with a piece of flannel preferably all along the groove and at nvery place ono can reach where tho window sashes fit into tholr frame then another cloth should be used and all the part where the polish has touejied should be vigorous ly rubbed just as ono polishes furnl turn so that a general smoothness is attained try this for drawers that jsrn oood thing for parson among those in charge of a church ltrln pennsylvania wore a number of young women when ono of theao was asked by a friend after tho event whether the fair had been a sucoess aho made reply yes indeed tho minister will have cause to be grateful how great were tho profits there were no profits the ex peose were more than the receipts hut ten of us got engaged and tho- minister is in for a good thing in wedding fees victory bond interest when your interest coupons become due or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds deposit them in a sav ings account in the bank of montreal the money you receive on your investment- in bonds will then earn interest for yoo acton branch l b shorey manager i bank of monttreal established ever iooyeara i have taught books and burning f windsor myself by writing them the dean morn folk worry about the rattle in their car thun the rattlu in their brain hmm40thmou t rwsmim smm stimulate your skin the skin with ha network of tiny pores and glands should never be allowed to be come sloggiah and inactive- dirt cold cream rouse and powder will clog tijc pores enlarge them nod produce black heads and blemishes unless the sldn it cleansed tho roughly with soap and water t least once every day this simple method of beautifying- was cleopatra s secret she knew thai to have a fresh fine sldn thorough cleanalno was necessary she used palm and olive oils the same rare oils which arc blended tn jalmuive if yog use fine mild soap there is no danger o irritation palmolire with its creamy lather is lotionbke la its action- ik fre revives and stimulates and leaves the skin delightfully fresh and rosy yon can buy paimouvc soap at sli first- cfaxs dealers made in frl prsjac 75fsmj 10c t help man can yield to infinite i tho man curly le we want health tu be a fashion tr jf u kayo the fooler fooled this story is told of the great urook- yn jreuuhor some wouldbe wag krnt henry ward heooher u letter con- tubilng on a sheet of paper only the words april foul mr jleeclior open- it and then a delightful smile beamed oyer ills face as he exclaimed wet i ve oft on heard of u mm writ ing n letter und forgetting to sign it hut thl 1 thi first esse of a man signing hh tiaiao anil forgetting to write a letter a masterpiece yolink entrance pupil writing on june examination in composition at u lor tn i n qnturlo centre contributed th following cholou hit of uturutur milt or is u uai who edits a tuper pouuii editors use u pei to write with but some use u scissor lot uf ndlfor get new from scribes home edltots are kulrlsee nearly ull editor he an editor that cunt he alti t no good fur on editor an editor should like gossip woman would make good editors only edltois must keep secret an otlitor nqwr has uny trionoy once an udltur sol 10 touts und it made hint entity an editor never want any pay for his paper and people never think of paying an editor whin an editor gets- a free ticket he has to give a dollar worth of free advertising lit udvanco mure piople know how to edit a pain r thun tho editor do if the editor ask foi his pay for hi pkper thu follow gets load it lu diouper to borrow soma i one else soniv odltors ure not af i aid of canada in the day of htrhllylf oe knew a woman that amateur ae ml amateur or professional j frightened an editor und made hlni theres nothing like piping hot dsuetooj oup to start ttio hearty meal here u s fins pot that will do u lot to help you wake good soup the smp enameled ware london kettle even after jht greasiest or stickiest eookias smp enameled wars clean as easily as china djgh ask for thi tuiuiwsi rmi war two eeset ef piibf mrft niwiil lasia sea ut dustaea wst thres ma us mad whits eauuw wkiu lislax crntsi wars tara seats sin whits tws 4 set rfk swal bhs m ht mctal pmuaivsmt msmntiai vtstenro whiss fr readers of the acton free press uubll and ulll auntey w uwl ruwl uniior u tublv jd ho 11v0 hujmii tli bag rlth honor a complete line of ju p products handled by ja8 symon hardware acton may be assured of exceptionally good service if they entrust us with their orders to exchangctheir 1923 victor ys or purchase bqnds of the new dominion of canada loan maturing october is 1928 i and october 15th 1943 i orders should be telegraphed or telephoned to us collect ipe make no charge for delivery of bonds either on exc flanges or on new orders 20 year bonds 0825 and interest yielding 514 5 year bonds qq and interes yielding 523 j we will pay the difference in cash to all v those who convert their 1923 vtctdrys through us this payment is at the rate of 175 per 100 for 1043 maturities and 100 per 100 for 1928 ma- t turities persons converting their 1923 bonds into either of the above bonds should detach the interest coupon due 1st november hext and cash iame when due as new bonds are dated october 15th there will be a bonus of 15 days interest to those converting w a mackenzie co limited 1kv1estmju4t 1unk10u0 328 transportation bldg montreal que 3 king street west ffibrontq

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