i- il n oi fflfjr acton 3frrgircbb timmihpay oftoiiiu 1h 1sj3 uk what arc we hetle fort r for s ti ml f ifui ihvm v y jug mi u hand phiml wlili ilvtluj ill flint until 1 horn r lumping r iu v fol hud iii t ui i i y u und n w to miikt to ulixu 111 lllm fllhful luld i thut l m1i hnh i luohhonih of irl tili u ig to glvt c- ur joy i fotnrtirr u up luaild wrlroim th tlit ihrukgllng wl glull for- null huuly if nr nfold ahull utlfoldi oho in lu und n l m montjjoi stilt walkers of france t hlldren who are iivon to niltlni ubout on nthtm would bo surprised t lourn uut there in a toat district li i- rune whom even tin grownups go nhout und transact their business on utill thlu dutrh l nailed l land u numo iv n immuuo it 1 unulod for cultivation mil nultn caiiablo of bearing grain in poln silo 1 1andui 1 tho thlnl dop men l us tho provlnros uri called in franco und it lion to tho north of the itlvor adour curiously ooough entire country to tho nouth of htream la fertile lou landes i- thinly populated and tho inhabitants who an urnonc the poorunt peasant in frno sain their subsistence by flahlng by uah little ugrioutturo us la losslble and by keep- ng cowi and beep the ihonhurdr mak uo of their tjllit for two pur jmmoi first decam wulklrfg l v ry difficult on account of the nulla and i ndorgrowth of bruh and lieoauae th tielbhlor uutlf iiuiu gives them t renter ran bo of elon krom their elevated iwslllon ihoy con watch their flock for many miles because the land is absolutely flat the lit lit have a head something like a crutch and vhoti fatigued the shepherds uw thl as a comfortable neat and while away their time in knitting th stilts generally are about or aovon feet high and near tho top there is a support for ibe foot that i as a strong stlrrjp and strap and huii nearer the top a band of leather fastens the stilt firmly to tllo leg jus below the knee home stilts especially those made for fancy walking and for tricks of which tho peasant are fond are even greater than seven foot in height and tho man who uso thouo and he must bo on export can accomp lish as speedy a gait oa ten tulles an hour the lower end of this kind of stilt hi coppad with a shop bone to prevent it spilt ting tho old shop- herds gaunt and warlra whaftzy sleeveless sheepskin coats and gaiters and the chcret a sort it lam o hom er pass their entlro days from dawn until uuk mounted on their pcrchos they are often accompanied by their wives and children and sometimes by their grandchildren who use a stilt about tnreo and a half foot in hetghl somo of thea landow shepherds uv most clever in the munogoment of their stilts thoy run races step or jump over brooks clear fences and they are able to keep their balance and equilibrium while stooping to the round to olck up pebbles or to gather wild flowers they fall prone upon their faces and assume their perpen dicular without an effort ant in a alnglo moment after they had thus prostrated themselves ejdwin tar- rle felix freemans span time l ii mil f4 j win n jl5 i ihlr i i iii i llx ill i in u l a k lothnl u uulur iiintry ii hi iilliouitn 1 ilnat 11 1 nil froir thr fur hlft futtu i uikii mtuiil thin hlmtuir i 1u i yuiji and uri in found a pli telephones plentiful there are more telephone in canada per 100 population than in any otcr country except tho tjnltoilptjtca till is shown in a repwffturued by the dominion bureau of statistics which the proportion of telephone users in canada per 100 population is i at loss british columbia comes first with 1519 telephone per 100 population ontario- 13 b0 saskatchewan d3 24 alberta 10 tf manitoba 10 78 jew brunswick 6 9a nova scotia 6 87 quebec 8 68 prince edwnrd island 6 bo compilation of t otophone statis tics began in 1911 and at the end of 1923 ah increase of sis per cent had been recorded in the number of tele phones in use during that period an increase of only 21 os took place in population saskatchewan has shown the greatest rate of increasa since 1914 and ontario oomev next compared with last year teleph revenue increased 7 per cent and with a reduction in operating expenses 4 per cent not revenues increased 12688 000 underestimating ability without doubt some young peoplo exaggerate tlulr nullity they nut only have u higher idea of themselves lhan unj uqe has of them but tlolr ldtia is higher than thi facts will justify hut this is not so tturlous us the more common mistake of tndnreailmathig youraulf k t teach ors vtio have the jjnldorirt of their pupils are of ion ustonlshtd to rind what a pour idea at uumml many of them tiave i mnt get tlut lesson it is impossible fur inu ti nemo r i no those rules i could n write a ileoent essay if i spout st mouths on it hucli statotnentv these are plainly unfair to the dtmn era but it is lniiolble tor their friends to hope very much from then while they cherish jtucli suiillmoiits to overestimate our cupurlty sunn tiroes hwkth us uppour rfdluuloun in that u ubout the worst tin i it tu do hut to underestimate ii us i many are tohig is tu moke rvul mui uess impossible qooo riddance jones was taking his iiinuul holi day motoring about tho tounlry at leuat ha told all his frlundji that wua what he was doing tho car had cost him exactly thirty pound and was quite a good old urewar veteran slowly and palhtaily it breasted thejillls reach ing tho top of each ascent just when it soemed that the rlakoty engine would give out altogether svery time th solitary brake was applied there were weti4 shrieks of protest from soma pun of the mqohatiuioi and al together jon wovyery edup v ht bargain presently he came to a gate whjir tolls ware oyj looted the ktttekoep ilrd be car teaming quiu a pill away and walked oat tu collect the toll h uif a crown cor the onr mir aam tttrxjtxgk uif ih jatvkmpar whon the gate wait veaesd y jopaa looked up with a patbetto wall of nltot ir t v nhtltrttiejaimwt thowtuluv him plululy ho il huvt o uhtft hud uono this for ruduil nmiihuriibly icu wh r ho codld m 1 lur i and lodging by looking uf t r the furnmit and making himself im rally usuful nnd rlothfinnd hooks iiml th like wro provldtd for by itolnu odd jobs horn und umro and wurmntf f r the nrnrnm during the munirairiii utlon itwt iwlfore the close of tlm mokmui yi ur i nil wretilhid hi ahotlldor hut ting a uh hv a scrub ball kam on tht ui hool rounde mid tho in mo in km p riilult d for noma vvnaus that put him in a iwd wav to tlo heavy work on u fnini ami aflir a littht drlny he ui i itnl n puwirton us hoy of all work in orlmnhys drug store thore was a deal of hwi ping ami duhting un 1 ur rubbing to lie ilnni which i iu did not greatly enjdy and which hurt ids uhouldnr as badly as han a hoi tint moat of the time he had rlmriro of the soduwater count erj or hhhmi out le rrmm for customere in a uhudy utile alcove at ho hark of the nton tlm hours worn long and ot llmflm he could not movit fast 4 nough to kiep up but thore were hu k tlmns too when he was lift to hlu own dn vlro for the first fortnight he paused hu luluurtt by reading ralf a doxen rather rrivolouft atorlns from a small circulat ing library next door but he did not ehjoy them us much as he had ex pected for his bom of mind oven t riy a sixteen hud forced him think of time us something too precious to be wasted h tried his school books next bnt hr know their con tents pretty thoroughly ul ready am hankered after something new am fresh this led him to dip into some big volumes whloh he had found over mm employers desk uno two or three of them wore fairly understandable tho older clerk a faultlensly dress- 1 young man poked fun at rollxs lnvon titration but mr grimsby sur prised him at his reading oho ufter- and commundch his atudlous habits lie gave tho lad soveral useful hint advising him among other things to foam to iden ttfy drugs by going to the bottles where the tinctures and extracts worn kept about which ho had been read ing und finding out as much of their properties appearance smell and as to us wus safe and convenient who knows but well muku a flrst- ilaiiu druggist of you somo day he aajd jovially clapping kollx on the shoulder if you take to something else what you learn won t do you a particle of harm i ve soon a lot of rail in my day for knowing too little but 1 never yet saw one got side tracked by knowing ot much that was one opinion but mr maur- a the trim little clerk had another lie wus reading a book with u fudad red cover und turned the last page an felix wus fumbling for a bottle on a top shelf just behind him what n the use of bothering your head with nil that truck freeman io interrogated you say you don t intend to study pharmacy so whores gain in loading up on a lot of lumber thatll unty bo in the way hotter read that book i ve just hnlsh- i it s a dandy book well ive picked up a good many things i never knew before and and its interesting raid follx on the evening of almost ho lost day of yeltx clerkship mr grimsby was out of town and mr maurice the senior clerk had taken it upon himself to attend to aama things out side leaving the store between eight and nine o clock lawrencavlllo waa a small village und except on satur day nuthts not much business was done after nine though the doors were operl an houf longer felix wosn t minding the wait he was devouring some reading matter which bad come in with a shlpnent of new drugs that morning and which mr mauricohad pushed over to the wastohasket tito names were unfamiliar some of hero but felix found a kind of fascina tion in polling thorn out und won dering how they were pronounced i remember that fell milsod fin der his breath 1heno ihono whew square bottle blggert tho bottom than it was at the top eht- ternul won t jo to taste that i guess nother bottle same funny ahupo where u grimsby t the door slummed to punctuate the excited iueutloii and fcollx jumped up to con front a tall man buruhoadod and in hb nhlrt sleeves whores orlmibyt where s maurice mr grimsby is in new york 1ellx informed mr maurice just went out half an hour ago i don t know wild the muii stood staring at veltx hi hulr wan rumplud u uw wa- uvldont- ly excited who are you hn demanded do you know unytlilng about the run of things in this pluce eh doctor coul ter left me a prescription when he euro ii to see he tioy to day und i hud it filled two hours ago here lies just tuktm the first dose and theres some thing wrong there ion t dm tor in the old town both qf thwm out if town i ve telephoned to hi b burly but hn may die before uhybody guts here h pose you could locate that maurice mo did the patting up mid mliiht know what wv rii up against gel to work youpg man und dun t etaiul thuwlng your nugurs unt rally full would be massed us ti rather nluw plodding bny ut for imot ho speeded up amusingly the proscription signed by dr coal tor wjis on the desk untj 1vu had uarned tu rtud tho technical signs whu h muko ihuiu 1rk to niuny people it w matter of i ootids to run down row of bottus find one with e big ikittom uomiufro the name on the pre scription und tle label then go bank around to the bottle just llku it cork druwn an ounce or so of the ooiituni gone heahas put in un an antisep tic preparation instead if the right thing pnllg panted take a juind ful ot this ground mustard und give him a teaspoon tut in a tumbler or water ha had read the antidotes not fifteen mluutaa before give him on i ik and and whit of egg dont walct 01 ve ote mostanl the minute ou et home ni brlrig lime water thats another thins felix wm racing after the meswger before the uur waa put of- light the barelieadsdrnoji tgrnedm at th on tho i ii in til i mo thu svrvitiile niov injf hciv und thiro sltutilly niutle tho thing oi m norn like a it run in to felix a woiiun wlur wu 1 1 ylng ookod huril at him and he heard it in an doubt lesn flruvu h hum if jclvlhg or dets ii boot tho niuxturd und wulof ii ml dlreollng that milk und eigri bi brouglrt tho hoy bomewhut older thah felix was huddled up nn u hugt high ponld tied in a high colllngfid room gr an jug and looking mo deathly whit that felix felt frightened i fllx- dl i not know that ho wnn convittemclng from a long lllmes nor renllxethat ho wus a deal more frlghtonod than ho wnn himnolf lie had not much idea us to how the nntldolo were to bo udmln lutered whethor the muetard and wall r wad to preuetla the k nd milk or the reverse but ho huw thbpi all bo down the tall mun with the rumiittd imlr imclng the floor il irltig tin oik ration complaining blltei ly itt dr coulter for being owuy and of nil the utlnrw for being so slow in getting there nobody paid the hllghtest attention to 1ellx and but for the cxcltument he would hava felt like a cat in a mfrnng garret nnd boon tempted in nllp uwuy unobserved as it wm ho wiih ulniont fovorlshly unxloua to uee huw hlu tllroctlonu wotkod wonderlnic all thu while whether the fellow on the bod waa really in aorloua danger and whether the omptlo ought to be repeated and how lung it was nnfo to wait that tost problem won enlv- od however before felix had time to debute it aerlously whuth he lakent x big portly man who came from no mow ho ro or othtr tired the iiucstlon ut the com pluining man who wum pacing the floor how long ago how much olven htm anytlilng7 mr a raws appoumrt too dlstraated to do anything but stare in tho course of his staring howover hln eyes lighted on felix and he evidently welcomed tho sight of the druggist clerk an a aallor adrlll would welcome the sight of un approaching vessel thin lud knows he blurtud out excitedly hoi hqs in the drug btore he put me on track uf the ntuff and told what to do 1 can tpronounca the word felix responded modestly but i hupam 1 pun upell it which he did and tho doc tor whlatlod under hjs breath tho preecrlptlon called for un ounco of the riant ingredient in a fourounce mix ture no 1 suppose 1hat m the amount of the wronc one i brought the pro scrlptlon along the dose was a tab ppoonful eo has got about a drachm the bottles were precisely alike i don t think theres another like them in the store the mustard and wuter avacuuitd the btnrrach pretty thor oughly x should say and thoy gavo milk and eicga quito right tho physician com mundod he wus ut the bedside be fore felix won half through hut kopt hl oars open no occasion worry over tills i think ho uad un a general announcement coulter telephoned mo that tho hoys- hud alcse of typhoid fevor otherwiuo- w woufdn t thlrk tnuoh ubout it dork did the right thing truukui ho poison down and advised the prlr antidotes and i judge he did it in time you ii he tolling all right by this time to morrow young man while felix had folt slightly t barrossod before bocatiae nobody paid any attention to him hn now felt im mensely timburraaaed because every body paid altogether too tnuoh man who had been pacing the m nearly wrung hlu hand off and woman who had been crying actually wont at it ojrjiln as she thanked felix what ho had done the patient did not take part tn thin demonstra tionhe wax too much deraorallxed for that but he went around to the store two days later and his gratltud warmed felix heart lies the right stuff follx said after his visitor had taken his de parture and felix stood looking- after him closely newcomer worth fol lowing up to err is human mr maurlci reminded the ones in the drugstore but i was ma deeply humiliated by his rious blunder that he resigned hla position und sought employment alne here it wus thut studious hummor it grimsby s drug store which determln ed follx to be a physician and mr graves scored thu innlne of hla gru tltudu by helping hira 4o curry out his ambition odd 010le errors althoiinh tno lllhu ponnihly ncih inon mm whon i i ink i rlntnl tli am inlniirliil in idl r ih i tut h in linvr in i llur fininm in fuhllnhml in 1 r77 lu unowo u irtul illhl lr iu ok n i tlx to it no tiuro hulm u fwtuh roidu tlitft iii no io m h in ijllhood a 111 lu oiih luhid in ic31 is kuewii uu lh wl u hlblo owing to mid mi inn ord i u ho illi n nt tho printi i und publlnl r wet i viti h diinil stou uu tin inliijitl wtui coiihuiiiilii lnl unllonut tin duvlln hlhln tin in hoyul ialaio 1 ihntry of htoiliholm hwiilm it in a hugo cuhy of tho hrlpturrf wrlttitn upon 3do propuriil unmit nkhiit nu tnidltloii deilaiun thut it toil ivi htimlriml yi uru tu maku th uiiy whl h lu no lurgu that it huu u tubh to i hi uolf another tradition itftlriuu thut thu work win ilonn in it ulnglo nlglit by u monk with the unnlnlunt o of hlu hutanlo mujiuty who when thu work uuu complrleil ri the mci k n ili turo of hliuself for tho frontlnplei i whom amid illuinlnuted t il lu utill to 1 norn heme the numo tills marvallouu muuuitcrlpl wnn tar ro i uft by the hwidaa during thu thlrfy yoim war from a tonvont in 1ruguo lu the vltmgiir llihle the hiudllne of the pit able of tho vineyard lu prliilbl thu iurablo of tho vlnugu tho edition known us the flacomuk- 1 1 h ulhlo 1 uo culkd bocuuno th hvutltude illeused are poucomuknrw is printod llleeacit arp tho plucomuk- ers it wan lu lsgl that the uug ltlblu vvun printed und it wum wo tiumed i mi cauuo the puasageii thou uhalt not im urrulil of tho error by night was glvi tl un thou shall not ho ufruld of the bugges by night ierhups tho most famous hlblo tt the ulood ulblo the work of ivod- rrlok von trenk confined itl ch tin by i rederiok thu great as puniahiuent fir making luvo to the klngm nlster tho irlnooim amelia trenk inucrlbui 00 blank lumen in his lllbte with love monnote in honor ut thu iriuesii wory wont being writton in his own blood comparatively fow of the ilrst edi tion ulblux ore now in existence for moat of them wore ohalnod in tho churchos und llturuily rud to alircdu oravow mxpalon1 recalling tjiat the houee h4 twtn ipjimi all unrnttr wall nuir inlllw z j fell pfmt wv k yw vnf tfttin dear aad lutrov toft ruw wtllori fairly hurled hbj ababbyaiog ijrfn t-reaoh- iitty essentials of church music music in the churches varies from ihuup trashy anthemv o the muuo o the gmut masters both with and with uecompunlntnnt muelo has romi noun so much in the dally life of the individual particularly lu recant yoi that there has develoiied u much la i if or gensru musical appreciation than m rocognlxed a poorly uttuudml church sone rally muuns poor music those in churau of auqh matters often not oonsldur the alandaruu of ubllo tuuto which mast of nocessliy bo high upfieul to the musical public it on ihu account hat thu uhuruh which has worthy music well protouted its services is generally well uup- portvd and attended for there l a plritual btauty unit uxaltaflon in sin h music which uutinot be measuiad and whloh exceeds greatly that of the spoken word ihu first uhhotitlul to good rhuro muslo is u chorus choir und if the rch tvh suniolont funds that lu pot dimcult to nu in tain this is a prlrury conslilurullon of muiii ttfof importance n u solo tuurteltt which is too limited to bo useful in producing fine horul offcuts if the ihuroh lutinct it flml pay lu singers a volunteer liorus choir muil bo ovghuilxed jn- tier tho prevailing conditions und sua tomu lu this country a boy choir is must diniuult to ruulntaln and in many plaou whnr t in moiutaliitd the soniu uiiuigy and nnunolal booking would protlucb infinitely greulvr und niuru itiyiot tunt results if uppliud t a mixed dhole checkinq up x colored man went into a drug uture the other day and i skvtl inn mission to use tho teluphcite after gutting his number hlu end uf l ho convursutlon run thus hollo u dlu you mrs hmlth he begun j seed youah a4 for a vooa man in d buuday lnpah two woeku ago is yuu- ultj gux- a good man yet is you pjorfectly nutlsfled wld dut mai yon bgott 1 seat is you coiflemplutlng a change wotint you is uotv tngnk you muam tolhng to bu frluiidly the drug tor clerk said too bod noinu out already hag the job dat all right repljod tlio colored mn yqu e i ae do man what johrw6 weeks ago all rlhl sane advice to farmers the burn is ho place for tho uutu mobile hulld a parage conuervo your water supply a ot inay huvt drought or oru und n d witter in largo iiuuntltles a plie clgur or cixuretto ban nn pin ix in the burn nnltlur have oily or grcutiy rugu ur old coats with dutches in tho pockotu join thu nuureut rural nru ltlljiu unit if thorn is tiotio omuuixti one ituy u fire uxtlngulnhor hut plum it hore you run get at it in lhh- of fire und keep it properly charged have two ladders long unough to reach the tuvun of your highest build jng the oil lantern lu a mono o uid a nuleance elootrlo torches n j chsup eafo and reliable kcup gavolliie uwuy from bulldlnga und preferably underground ttovldo plenty of lire palls unl illem for no other purpose than maintain are burrols in all burnt took out for apontaneous comb llonln wot grain food o hay 1 ontario 1 ire marshal departmunt halt publlyhfd a puniphlot on the subjoc which may be obtained freu of cout allow no woods or long grass to grow ubout thu bulldlnsf imi up no bmoklng nlgnu ubout ituy bur is und other bulldlugji thin department tlll nupply them frtc if jou will write for them keop mutchos in a mefal box uwuy from ihlldrvn fxumlno chimney h and utovcu fut- ciuently most losses on farm property urn due to the following causes given ulphunetlrally adjoining build in uahon defuctlvo hues incendlurinpi inmps lightning mutch s ovirhcu ud funiairs rubblnh spurks und iitooh und ulovu plpoj carelcmsui uu ivuieii in all hut uruon the passing of the tramp printer ituy ltnl un old iloqii wm k thl uiuiini out hiy hunii lown iiml 1 i j 1 l un nit i i i in u itguli i i illtu im i t tin willtf iii i uml i huvt i ably i t educating ourselves did you oyer top to think of tin fact that every real student ovury truly educated person in the world is nulfeducated sometime u wu am ucjined to suppose chut tho tusk of furnishing oducatlop belonga wholly to thu teacher yet how llttlo thi very beat loaclinr run accomplish with u student who baa uovor learned to think for himself speaking along thin line rcoitly wullacu ilqtterlck presldont of thu general kducutton uoard defined edu cation the discipline of your own towor by yourself thiytuhjulrlng of kuowledgu by and for yourself thut only is true uduuttlon con tinuea mr uutturick which u iwvii finished thu oducattd rnjp und thu oducutud woman is tho mun or thu woman who is able to say on thu 31st day of december of any yur i i avu lour nod more during theuo pait 366 days than during any other 3tl years of my life kver inurulhg o struggling toward the truth e struggling tuwurd thu uest in chur tcr ever fighting for the thing thut li a little hihhor u a little belter atjd a little inure worth while tluit lu what the wducatod pereup lu doing this one thnq i do it lu just as well thut everybody does nut huvu an uptltudo for evnr thing if you could do equally will us uu artist or un uuthor or u lawyvi or a business mun y6u would bu st u loss to know whut path to follow a variety uf gifts is more of a perplexity than uiiythlng eso slncu lire l not lung enough to permit tho development of muu tiun one or two at tho out hide you do hot huvu un uptlttldu foi everything but you have uptttmle tor something there lu somo kjinl of work in which you can muku a uut- ions and nnre hat if so focus your unurglit along the llnu v eomr fllflllty and do not worry ubout thu thingx otltur people can do onotutuut puophi havii no ruusun to vnvy tho ton tulupt urr for the lattor have un ulmont irresistible tumptutloii to scatter their energies this one thing 1 jo wuu thu motto of one ef the most suoousti ful men tif history und it helps you to mthk to uuu thing if you know ttieio u only one thing of which you un muku u huti ess a schewless corkscrew the oidlnary rurm of corksctew hlle bffsutlvu uiioukh for its purpast often destroys or rvhdoru uauluss tho cork on jyhlah it in uied fiutuontiy biuuklng it antl ouuslng purttules of cork to lw mixed up with the liquid in the bottle a new device rt oolilly tuiteuled lu knglund uvoldu these hlu advantugen in form it u not u straw ut ull but consists of two narrow trips or highly flexlblu spring uto1 titled into an ulumlnuin hnndle the i ripe ur2 imt uujtu uuuol lu lengili to remove a cork thu loiujer of the two strips u inserted betwuun the cotk and ihu nucl of thu bottle and in ptaihbd down until tho sliurtur und can alsii be inner ted then boh unds uri forced homo by gently rttshhig unit iking the bottle so us to upply- praesurn to euuli uti p alternately an upwur1 pull stxompuiiliid by u an i waa twist of the rovksnrvw remove the up on myaelf harper m oork in perfect ouudltton rady tor u again utul kill h mimhii rin i rmight llxli m in thu irlntltiw hlu wiuk h a n itlimi i ui prt iilhn t i loi 1 on u tytitlrix bnttlnk up th iliiiik imlli im mlu i txpoitttl io th oh fiuhl ii 1 drum i yllndor hut in l pli utun ih o moilrrii iiikii pet d lift rl ii bull ry i f lino ivi i hiv itplimi i tin olh ruhhloiiiil woo ti n f mini m with tin li cuucs of luiirktolw nml notiiuril an inotnoi y won km i biik tin yciiru full nwuy itnl th old iluyu cutno to me ho rlim mil iul thu i wotillii l huvi imiii uri i ikc1 if al x corln it or uuim olhr f th oil tlm trump 1 rlnt uiu i ulong looking foi in vi r lb u trump jilntir now a duyu 11 huu pitftki d in with tin dn ni pound in wn ui r woo h n ipuolm ami th honi mi i moliuutm roll ru hut imck hi th igbth i he wtui u will known fifiufiic r uml a vlutt froip a trump iiinltr wuu u looked for uvmit in a iliuutiy oflli i hn wait unltitwruntlng p noiiti- full of tub u of thu niul mil r tho vuilouu omuihihi wlihtj hi iuki witkil thut w oimil of ub or inu inli r t ilu usually arrived in tlm iutiy uprlng nhoil tho muiiih time uu ihu prut rob i u hud frohi then until winter- httuy u y k would mnm by without u vmt f r ui one or more of tin brotherhood ho uiiiorully winter id in bu t it y tiuhhiug on th dully iiwiiupru uml lu tho uprlng whin tlio ii now dhiupiiuril would tramp into thu country making u round of the vurlouu olhi mi i dot t think tlpy duaorvud thu munu of trump uu vory f w of thnui would du uny trumping win n ihuiu wuu it chance to rldu on tlm hruki biuuiu tr th un umply freight in r 1iu moraiu und bubltu w r ul wuyli ou a to ritlcum ilu uuldutn n mulmd long lu otm plucu u fow luyu u w uk pcrhuph und ho would tlritw bin pay and urocucd to got lit up a night lit tho houiikow unit tho ii xl morning uobt t but unropuntuul would mnku a tout h on tlie boys for u hulf dultur i r so and then bout ll out uf lown thouo wuru tlm duyu of hand com- lmnllm und tho ulmratit printer was nhvuyu sure of a fow dnyn work on tho uuwhpitpor ilu was purtlculnrly w lromo whon wo wort working on thu votoru hut th thu county mluutuu x wiitnlur how muny of tho prouont gipiiutlou full rtmull tho names of mliiiu of tho old tlmoru like hill hlcku ajoi corimtt orungo armstrong tjihirdln tyo goo uumpson alf bturuu or fbtndy modoi u thcue aro hut i fow of thu ninny nutans that woru familiar ut that tlmo tho coming of tho typenottlng muchiiuu meant hu panning of tho trump printer htrulght rnattur was unuully ubout ull hu wau capable of setting uml uu tin muchlnom woru tmprovud to hundlo tho uilvu und tubular work hu was gradually crowd ed out until he hu now dlmuppcurod rfu wuu u typo of character that en riched thu pructlcul aide of nuwspupur life forty youru uo to iluy wu know him not hla gloria trunalt canada- ink gems of thought od wrltou thu gospel not lu thu hlhlu nluilo but on tnou uml howoni und olouds uml mtaru luthor dooulou of churactur will often give to un inferior mnd command over u superior w wirt a tuition may louu ita uhurtlta lu u day utul not niluu thum in a cuiitury ltintuhuuluu nono pitlnu him thut a in thu umtro who wuruui bofuro would not buwuru hurriuk thu way to preserve tho peuoo uf thu chuich is to pruhorvo its purity m henry making m utu ken lu not ho bad uu bobig ho af ral 1 of inuclng thntu thut wo do nothing labor lu thu dlvlmi law of our t xlk- touce repouu itt dohottlou and uulcide maxsltil hoguuii tllffur llttlo vuith begun lirsl us a duubodleitt uuu chinese i roverb thort lit guuluit of n mill hell 1rucuduiit is uoi itui whun it lun t fouioi tio knliviu in llfu like norgy uiul iuduutry 1 tht lething wu rumeiri- uoru loiivi lilotit to rim onftiuuloil tif uvll wurku lu tho rim i giglnnlntf of good worka auguu- tlno mun lu unjubt but god lu just und flntily justice triumphs longfellow whut wtfuhl the uolollcil uf lullguuge bo without mhtulonu siux vullor t hullovu th ilui of u truly krtut mun lu hlu humility- huaklii cunt i it muy puff u muu up but can in v4ti piop hint tip huuklu win n uuu turnu nvoi lu b d it u tlmu to ttn n out wellington to think uud foul wo uftoii to im uo j huwud a ttmiiu 4iut frutiilu ilnguiu holw it collyui i uihhig tuuki u a time fm hjmuulf young hullgltmis ontutilum u huivtut fuutuhtu uvurylhlutf by uluttu i nig diydmi id upthlug evidence presented mtttri hud liidlgumtltui hwu you have puitlicr nuneunuiiil imiull 1iui m ut tin hunduy dtniur luhlo why whut multiu you think hoi iju ullomd hi itutiiiiuhid mothui iluiuuuii oui huulity hihuol ttucht mitil god guvu alouiu two tuhletu 1 ivory iwjdyu iniants delight ithletsuap the eaters tbo florida y lifter vitrente it inid miido four million dollaru b tutu ing mit bofthiia cbtnbllshmont into u inunlllon fautury ho rullotl hlu family togtithi r nnd hpokn to hi r hi khiu wo uro now about to hiitfufy our llfu long ambition wo urr guliiu to dinu in one of htm r stuiiiitiitm whim hit hill of fun lu ithity in ih ami lit put on lilu mow rlirfkeretl null ami lteitlnu urrnn i hori ir in lirr klitthtohl und th y hi 1 llinn i iv n i tho pa hi tin i cufi hlutti ry ullit w r uhown to u lablo by miuiuh itr lutt ry hluihi if i l urdor a 11 uuld o dee for tiny wnro imi ii unary not h living tuten iiluoi turn h uml it wu and h t ut jilu fuuiiluln it i t in t ked tho following itui i th tllunn hoe bouglo n ilolutn ch v uk blouu 1 m tiux do chlonn it lu hu ilolu niiagee sulu i mux puutrfcju lfitllnu roiihiik und voudnn d liaifi that oucht to bo homo fe ti h i lm rvi d throe quurti ri of un hour utttir the wultar set before tin m hollo 1 potultn u mashed potatoi ntewe i uml scaflopntl potutooh and iunimii ijo und hla wife highm rune gnuul ly swept out of tho nfo hlottoty uml took a tuxl rldu to anihromi mo pi hi h joint where they had u flnu time with 10 nuts worth of cornud b uf unit liihbuk milk in tea and coffee when tua was first introdui i 1 in huropo notody thought of mixing it with milk though it wan nuxlomury to sweoton it with udgur or uuur candy mme do hevlguo writing to hi r daughter in 1880 muutlunii uu an occontrlo proceeding on tho purt of mmo do la subllore that uhu driuku milk in her tea coffuo too wuk th n lrunk without milk hovotl yur lut tr howovoi mme do havlnr writt m thut u doctor much in vouuu humdls toverod tlo virtues of cufo uu hilt llouty of milk is obtalnublo and thli ht has tuught uh to mix with uugu hid coffee they muko a rnont llchtful compound which will hlp tu support mo through the rigors of lent five sounds in every bell hut one sound in up parent to thu asuul listener whan the nlupimr of u bull comes in contact with tho up but to tho trained ear there uro four other nounufl and before n boll ih hilii tnbo in tuno each of thouo aoundu must be u trie my true these tuitori nl uounds omanato from different partm of tho hjj and thoy are modified un don trod by chipping the bell ut tho up or by grinding away curtain purtw in a lathollko apparatus panda for tho purpose four or flvn pound of motnl takon away from a largo hell tnakos a great change in the sound always good wken you buy surprise you get a big bright solid bar of the highest grade household soap and it is always the same a pure hard soap iri free press job printing is always neatly done l bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery hns decided not to accept cream on satur day after twclvo oclock a m tho government is anxious to secure a hlghcrstandard for ontario butter and this is ono of tho methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us have your co operation in this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j oneil pjtop we are etill buying egkb open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto phone 5 mi mi mi mrt m im iw f mi m lymrwi ml ml ai im mi im at mttm im ui m miimimmi m m una ijj jlfil whq does the buying for your family there is someone in your family who has a big responsibility food to buy for the tabic clothes for the childrep and grownups new house hold utensils linen furniture books and all the hundred and one tilings for which the family income is spent in most families one person does the bulk of the buying and it is that per sons job to see that the moitey is well spent that you get full value for every cent that goes out the success of ii family depends on wise buying just as the success of a busi ness does wise buying means intelligent buy ing it is necessary to have knowledge of goods and stores the best way to get this knowledge is by reading advertisements they tell you what is new and good they tell you where and whento buy to advantage not oidy the person who does the x buying but every member of the family should read advertisements jt ih the duty of all die others to help the one who does die buying by pointing out advertise ments of new goods and giving all the in formation possible as to tabtes and styles and values t attvertisementa are published fdr your benefit make juaff of them by read ing thupu js i pr ili