qtljr artmt jtrrrprrag i j 1 lltflhay novhmiiih 2 hub a 0lace fok doys i im ho i i k down an ho aiiyx icru in yntil conn on a llht wo int mi kur i u big tunrmn to rut tim only jlik aunt loo luiyx ia sjuu nov doorl an mu i in- in my tlmt im uk woro peoph ilr goodll irrvy tiny jnt moll i tnulio tin tuuh hnj ujiihl lfcg3ffrtr jlrrfib iljort innj tin singing heart iimini h wottucnciv migggct shdi t ipulur nl on lindas to throw u tho wind und ttiu i do lomo intoning i ttjlky rim i iittin kill th uhudou hulliu in trn ii wlum yu huhiii v woninworea ay xuahl r mnkiii ullvol huhhl or wnnovnr i lt wquoak n chnlr ur make a little nolwo cue iuch u plnci- tin thiit would bo a nplondld place fur hoyii j w koloy or ioi hum 111 a con8idehate man now and thon remarked calob ioalee thoughtfully you run a genuine considerate tnun iio that junl naturally thinks of kindly things huhi grunted mr llyno i guaww they aint very plenty no lujcrofxl caleb readily thoy aint much a theyre iwodod hut this town of htlmouth unl in huvn ono ho died i guess bofiiroyoil movttd ovcr hem lvo boon thlnkln of him moren unco today mobl um be cause this la the nort of day ho usod to tike kind of warm uml ploawanl ilka a good deed dono kindly wilbur a ikon was lila nnmii you dont jo- tnembar hlrm ho your tyo hennl of bird mr llyno ad mitted guardedly woini hf kind of eaaygoln and dldntsalka uso to im pose on him 7 womo tlld acknowledged mr poas- loe theres folk thatll impose on their own mother hut mmnllmoi ha helped am do the imptwdn tako tho lime when that frenchman u family had acarlet fever and ho couldnt work out count of tho board or health they didnt have u namubln thing to cat in tbo house and ho went to sklr- mlshintf round nights to what ho could find layin round loose ho amo to wllbqr aikens htmso and got tho outside callur door open but it aquoaked bo loud it ncurod him wuy frald hed wuko up tho folk in tho houao you know what woidd you havo dono if youd known it name aa wilbur know ltt took a shotgun to him grunted mr hyno promptly wilbur didnt said mr 1eaateo placidly he took some gooso lie and groused tho hlngtta so they didnt squeak a mlto and then ho wot out ham and aome potato and a aack of flour and a round of pork right handy on u bench near tho door and li the morn in thoy wore bono of counw commented mr hyno pcsslmuucalty more fool bn for doln it- oh well obaervod caleb cheerful- y he dldnt roely loae vrn outright for tbo next haying tho frunchraun came and worked for him nnj would not take any pay for two duyi worked ao i guoav wilbur didnt loao by it and ho aavsd hurtln tho man feejinga thntja hla way and the ronultwaa wont on calob warmly that there wasnt u man in town that didnt think the world am ail of wilbur aikon even tho brut mntu manned to tako tp hltn luoran uiey did to moat of u i know hu com did bettor arm gave mom milk than any other in town and hli borae were alwaya oa fat nod ai allok aa ottera tho loat word that b ever epoka to mu waa about klndnea to horsoa you know what tho bill rood go in to the bury in ground in spring of tho yjnr mud clear to tho hubs and no more foot in for a bora than there would bo on a iuakln bog well a few dayn leforo wilbur paaaed away i went up there to noe him ho was lay in in the bed in tbo himrv room and ho looked no wornput und thin that when i went in i couldnt apeak a word he rmhod out und took my hand upd hold it whllu ho talked to me juat a whlaper wua all bo could manage dont look ao aurry caleb ho whlprod vouvo no ntuxl to foal any worno about it than i do und i dont feel bad at ull und thuii ho had to atop for breath jut want to imntf on till the tnlddlo of may bp uayu aftur ho got hid breath uguln till it got bottled travel ip and tbo mud drlna up aomu i hateo think of thu horana liuvln to haul me up that bill in tnudtuuu not much of a tweetmeat for aeverul aumnivrii wbilu i wo in high achool und rollfgu aayn u loii trlbutor to one of the hunday hiuga xlnca i wua winployud by u wboloaaje grocery cuncarti tlcatli4 aullliitf th uauul itno of grttcorlea tbu lb in inunu faoturod flavoring oiwottcom und tjillui preparation homatlmcm i truvelted un a wubnhtut for ono of the rugularoulommon while he took hla vucutiou on one nudh trip i entered a liltlo tountiy groc and announood uy buuhiuhu to thn proprietor the tnun auld oh yi i buvu b looking for yoik hut bofoi i buy anything i wunl you to tuko buuk aome dtuff your iiouhii putt up tlml i bought from mr a um no good i told him wo were nhvuyn willing to atund imhlnd anything wd wutt an aaked to ave tbo uintutlmfuddn yurtloli llo brought out u ouitii of pi utrohiin jelly iwtikml in tilghtounui gl tumblorm tllorfll tu auld thutm thn ilmt thlna i over ifougbt fioni your ho that wuiint up to tho murk llul that atun la no good wu wnr out of pi aurvua ut tbo iiouhk ao 1 timk u jur tit it homo but w couldnt do uny- tblntf with it w trlod it on hot broad und on uold bread but not one of u could uut it hirams alternative 111 ram bklffnuui wiu urn vlllugo tlghtwuil h walk d on hln nlgh- born front lawtm to ouv hh hiaa 1114 wf hud boon ulilnh fo yura und begun growing weakor thuro didnt aeem to bu uivitdiu wrong willi hor uxoept living with hi rum but aha ojik wo that at luat bo called the doc tor aftur long tulunilnuilon thu dotor told hlrum ubo noetla a change of jr jaand hot way ii tnun thought over the oxoonao twhllo und auld doc you auy ih taoeda a uhango of atr i cuut aftom tq und bar n iut ill toll yo wliut ill do iu gat liar an auwtcic tan night uhu niuriniik window unit milllpir in aijn room ihp grritt font pouter l bo plnkli u- kl riulll dritwiiloun iiimltir hot bin ulghid uudibly i uhant want mui li uuiixr dhlld n hll in il foobln vib hiii hu i junl cant at ob aunt halllol ilndu tarned u the bod whure hor uuut reaiod you know thut aunt llhblo umi annt mmy would be hourtbrokon it thuy hcurl you aay thitt i know rupllod aunt bulllo brok enly but if i cant j unl when 1 think of lt imiiis ull my fault that things are ho tbny are it nigh mukou mo loao my mind bllefoe4jiowod only thoaoft drip drip of tho rain wan board tbo mourn ful ntghlng of tbo wind thu iwlili of tbo poplar ijiavem liudaa eyea turnud to tho clock hho wiahod ita hundu would movo u llitlo foater for ut itla oclock aunt hull in woum huvo bur auppur und u bplfbour later would wlh to bo mudo roudy for the night then would comn tho plaakuiiteat part of tho day for atwtod in tbo dim dro ught undit woual nlnffto her until at luat tlin old ludy would fall auluep and tonight unda caught hor breath every time ho remembvrod for mu ry hudson tint fumoub aoprano wua to lng in thin natlvo town for u local charily apd unda win going to hear bur if her other aunta urrlvod homo in tlmo ljndua heart and oul woio in muwlu i had a awoot voice tho horttago hor dcud fat hor und her huppleut im were when to tho ucoompunt- ut of crackod tenor or tlmo worn m aha looaod it to thu old hymna in tho church choir her oarllaat momoriea were of b homo full of lovo and aong then camo the doath of her parontu and hor mothers luat roqucat thut thu llttlo girl who would thereafter ahuro the unceatrul homo of hor throe gruut- auntv aavn hor small inhitrltance if poaalblo for an education in mualc linda and tho aunta had llvod with thuught n mind though the mualcal educutlon would nocoaaurlly bo a limited one that will bo when you arn olght- toon promlaed her aunta looklntf into future with oyea which rofuncd to aoo tho hautonlng tlngora of time ad vantage in the borau town wor few education apellod uoiuiratlon to them undu aighod aa a llttlo later ho hold tho bread over the glowing t bvorytaing hud been uo pleaaant until u month before than aunt sal lie bod confesacd that allured by a glaring ad vertisement in a metropolitan paper and tho smooth talk of an agent alio had aunk lintuta jlttle ffortuno off which bhe aa eldoat alater hud full control in a worthleaa atock grave conaultatlon followed boroe- thlng mtut bo done at once to roatore aa much of tho money aa poaalblo for lindas birthday waa vary near i their own income waa ulbclont only for hiolr own noeda with no luxurlea in vain had linda argued that their lov ing care for her through ull the yearn mor than repaid for uny monetary loos with t gentle dignity born of groat love hor uunta i rials ted that oho waa ua their own child and thoro waa no quest ion or rocomenao in parental care dut quiet aunt mary had balpod aolvo tho problem and u week after the lout conaultutlon aho and ant ubblo had left for tbo homo of u wool thy relative tn an udjacauhtown the one aunt to eet her tiny tltchoa in the lingerie of a future bride tho other to fill empty aholvva with tho jama und jeluea for which aha wa juatly famous tbo remuneration tor tbue sorvlcoa would bo tho flrat atone in the reconstruction of llndaa luat heritage at their departure aunt balue beartulck with remorae had gone- to bed and xtayed there then llhdutf patience waa aeveroly taxed for aunt sallle conataittly engaged in aolf-an- cuaatlon and teara but though her own dlaappolntmont wu keen linda could atlll alng tho glory of the aunahlno the beauty of a moon lit avonluft tho ahadowa cant by danc ing leave all poke to hor joyoulv- uvalde alio fait that bapplneau luy not onjy in fulfilling hbr own doalroa anlf what waa one dlaappolntintuit when thu world wuu ao full of u number of thlngn7 if you three deufs would atop frot- tlng and ming aba auld to br uuhtw day before the depurturo of aunt llbble and aunt mary youd uooii find out that things urunt half mo bud ua you think the south wind howlod and wullud und thu wound of rain cliungod jnim u ft apluahliu to a heavy downmur theyll noyor gut homo tonight thought linda thinking or tho long llrlva hr aunts must tako to reach homo ubd the ahhnkitis of gentlu aunt mary from dumpiieas and she could not leave aunt hullle ulonn whllo who uttendod uie concert the toast was done delluuto und crispy aa her uunt loved it tbo to leaves were covered with frewhly boil ed wutur thu baked upple wiui nwlm- inliuf in its own syrup linda lifted the truy carefully und curried it up tho stulra hutnmliimt softly us wji writ aunt hultle must now know ho dls- upttolntinimit sh fult hutting tliu truy down wbn urfuiigttd ha old ludy comfortably tulklng to inr us she would to u child hut u new worry hud uttuaked aunt malllo tho ruin would diuy hr slstem nod kip llndu front hit cunom t hho nib bled thu towst ulpimtd thu luii uliil niudi u fitlill pltdiiho of out big thn upplf hut all the whib hor xhrowd old oyrt wale upon llndit and w uluk to imughiii u fort1 d tiliuurfill- iidhm when ut luwt two touis trloklud jown hor vhouka ubo puslid tho tiuy uwuy with u wob inslunily lliidus uims wore ubout iur neck imoase aunt uulllw who lhggil dont you know you ur hurtlutf mo ireadfullyt hhm put the tray buck uud after much persuasion aunt hullltt wm pro- vutlod iiup to tl ills h bur supiior thou llndu dortly nirtiln imr rnudy for the night und westud bewhlo hut oijo of o hands cluwped tightly in bur own ft cool ones mho oang the old songs that bar uunt lovod best robin adulr wu fuuuwod by lion holt und whw hud begun mon u third whan thoro was the sound of iiliug- c hugging outald followed ahnuai lui- mad lately by tho ratlai of the heavy knuoker llndaa heart nvs a happy laap llr aunu bad axrlrad ftbs ran ugbtly down the stairs alncliis aa ah a nut whan who itponad uia door and threw it wjdo ihrworua of rraiuig tfled aaforo bar atood a atranga lady aooompanud by inuwnu hi lyinlns draaa j i our iur will tuk xplulnod tho luiy i i ir you buve u hi o roudi town 7 r ilruii aliouk hm b furthur ilowu hn itlwiiun unl if tni finihnr i won juld 1iu otlltlg if your do or lie i ihi uud you inlitht i plnuite tim uix ull tlni- ultnttoi nlng my f inu in whlh 1 nil hn r ompiiulon hold uflir wlih if tht gontli ifipnurod foi a ninmunt re- xbortiy with tin- information hint uuut wlglnn ilowu lh roud and in tho inounwhllo thoy uauid ixi pletohixt to urcvpt thn young ludyii hospitality thu inhtlnotji of u bosunu udporuiost llnui offuroil thurn u uup of tua which tlfoy ghidly ucrplvd as oho baulonod into thn kllohoti to sot tho kuttlu furthur frout a tittle song bhbblod to hor lips after ull sho was having an advunturo and udventures cuirio seldom into her llfu uho measured tho tou und wlpod the dulniy hovroa oupa curefully alio curried tho tray of old silver und gleaming china with its fragrant bu don to tiio witting room whro hor guests waited uut uw she entered tho ludy too rose und cumn forwiird my deur she ould you will par don mo 1 urn uuro uut i um iultc churmiml by tho soni you urn slnglni can you tell mo what it lr llndu transferred tho tray to the i ro to rod bunds of tho guntlomun it is just u family song who wrall- od my father wuh a mmlrtnii wrto loth wordi and music v no copy und i sing it only from ory us ho uuod to sing it 1 mothur it is pretty isnt ut the lady clasped bur hands tightly together irottyl sho exclaimed my child it is worth u fortune it is the loviddwt thing i have heard in yarw kvronsky play 11 for ua hho turned to tho gentleman und ho bowing to linda us for permbtali opened tho llttlo old pluno upon which thn uunta had nrnctlrcd wo meny years ago und delicately struck tho yellowed keys llndu hud nover heard such musla h wus tho air of tbo aong h tiad boon bummlng but with variations und trills alio hud never imuglnod possible then tho ludy turnod to llndu ding it my dour sho commanded obedient from hublt llndu stood by tho old instrument und raised hor clour young voice brlngli wont with tho swoetnosa und pathos wlln which it wua full whan the last note had died uwuy the ludy noddod hor head sagoly and iuka in a low volco to tho plunlat hu pluyod tbo oiienlng chords again and thon llndu bold her breath all tho birds in tho world ull tho melody on eutth seumod fjoosed and floating ubout tho room tho very walla vlbrutod with it an dearer und sweet or the singers voice rose in song when she hud flnlshod sho turnod to linda und amllod what do you aak for it uho qhoa- tlonsd i moah i wu i buy 1 1 from you at once to night if you will we v have it published and there will bo quite a small fortune nothing like it hua boon heard in years the waited while tho oururlooj llndu ooujd only sturo wlda oynd at this strange person from u world of which lo knew little and who talked of buy ing a song with lows thought than she llndu would uxpend upon a pair of gloves hur mind flow ut onco to ivor aunts doarly beloved loillnf and mourning her lost inhurltunco would would ton dollars bo too much sho btammerod at last ugbust ut hor boldnosa whan tbo words wore spoken how bud sho dared luuno such a alimj tan dollars tho lady repeated tho words in as great ustujilshmont my dear ahlld thut la but a drop in the bucket i will pay you a hundred dollara for tho present uo of the song it is a gem and when it is published you will havo wo hope many hundred mv lawyer will woo you and mukq ur- mgomenu she paused ua tho sound of heavy pounding reached their ears linda with an apology ran to tbo stairs and mountod them quickly lut experience had tuught hor tho signal of aunt hal lies tmputlenco in a few rds who explained to thu wondering uw lady what wis trunsplrlng below und thon loft her uguln aa tho wound ofuiiothor uutuinobllo wiu hoard wiggins must buva found a our walil tho ludy who was writing uion narrow ploco of pupr turning to tula alio extended hor bund thu u my duar for u delightful ha hour and do not worry about your jlttlu uong hho bund ud tho pupei llndu au hor guusta rhuggud tholr down tbo muddy road in tho hired j car una- ran uptulr und rushed into aunt hulllos room oh aunt ualllo what do you think sho cried i wanted yoi see thorn wo i she iw wuth u ttu ludy and ha iw suub u goutlemuu uud didnt ho pluyr no hot tor titan you nung dour i never heard you slug hkt thut llndu it whs us th6ugh you wotu giving yourself uwuy to tho song hid you usk their iiamuwy lindas vye opened wide why i didnt think of thut uut the ludyjmu lioiight tho aong and uliu is going to give tno who thinks au much w one huiutiud dollars for it and oh it hoi- m ltd ow though my heart would just jump out of mo when who told mo that llndu with hor huudwjirvwwud olowo ovr her hi oust looked ut hur uunt with oyow thut tho dtur ludy woumod nuvoi to huva wooii bvforo tboto doui who wajd what is it thut you huvo in your humlm oh auld llndu it is u slip of paper thut sho gujjw mo utul uho imilhid forward ho hur uuut oould soo th hapor why dout it is u uluuik to- one hundred dolluiw und it la wlghod by your winger mary hudson and i sung before mary hudson lindas video loft her und hvr hands trembled with oxcltemont uw who reach ed for tbo oheak hi14 turnud tho papal over and examined tho utmr wide minutely thou who guvo it buck to hor aunt ki it dsur auld hor uunt it is yours and now vou must get roud to go to tho concert i huvo boon moaning uiid in touts thinking of what i hud don 1 with your ijinnuy but now yoil huvo put a wuug in my luurt llndu stooped utid lmplanud a klwu 1 hsr uuntw ulioek and just then the kkikir snunilml rrom bouw h is aunt mury and aunt llbble sh crlud turning and running down stairs lilows tho dour ohlld aunt hallle ild uh she turned br fuco to tbo pillow that the tsars might not lie noticed when tho othwts camo up it la the singing huurt that wins it auralyto a homemade trilmph j iphlni- wt iiir rim 11 itilgoll ih mi brer suy bofomi i iiibo if bo k llo 111 unit tbb iiivy yo ur rhm 1 i id xi unctlior ye ulhlni und i piomtuud futti 1 nit f do h lvi uto to login wuri a whin 11 y loi u onouglc they dont fuel like now irfita thpy unl ylrld ibi iumu batlnfiiotlon niiihn iivw lothon 1 in ulwnyi onnclouu 11 dluthxf uidiltuiil brui ligiii wl irbo cutllngit lubol is lmldo lollnr und ihilr hand modd lu my buck litit you fid tliut w liottyt i might if 1 could over u fiord a cutting lulmlttixl unity will luugh hut i dont morn inutm ivi i uhuuru iou lliio lu on- und llkn it if long wruji of aunt lupli loiuulnu of nolly pluld nult und mot 1 li ls in ity i tod thr j oil 1 uln id ihi uriiugo nluk um it h17 ortuinly uiini1 imphlnt i d nnvur buvu gumihixl it wuh a pro duction of homo talent r ilntty rccognlsntl tb fulnt tourh of condosuoiislon in tho t oniplliinnt tlmts uh o of you for you do know wliufh whul oven though soiiiollnirii you ira ulmout too superior to llvo alio remarked iboerfully i wlub iou could go to lrlco at cutting an uuuul llut roully since you cunt youll find thoraii latu of fun in mndu overs und thores no fun in 1rlcn a cutting whatever olao there iw ilualdos noth ing thut all professional run bo your own particular triumph let mo help you with tho brown dud it wuu u beauty and it cant lx hudly worn- anil by tbo tlmo wiv remodelled th front and changed rim collur und udd od a touch of color youll uudurhtuiid what i moan it will bo vlrtuully now und youll huvo dono it yoursolfl lrlco uud cjut ting may tnuko you hunorlur buldld thuy over make you want to wing and whoop und skip und dunot7 no7 thoughi not uut a thing like this o mliiu ovolvod out of turnod broadtli uml forgotten pieces uud old fur with tliu motbcath purth out out you still to lourii whut thut moans and its winter covcrinq for straw derrie8 hi ru wlmi ry pltutx limy bo lujiirm by ulteriiuto fringing und thawing vvbhh tondii n lirt tluin out of tl noil mid thmi intlik 01 hrouk hi rooln i liny inny loliikd iluriiuf thn old of wlilor bv tlii fii drylnj out til nvii of tl iiljilil uml i in i1mv11 iluuvlng of tbo iluiitu uiddoin oomr on u wo 1 1 drained noil i ik oil wolbi ihkirly drulnoil tho plniim nn llkoly 1 tiultor cinmidorably part leulurly during the vary curly uurlng uftor till snow hiia molten m dorm in ntiuutlnns tborw may bo llttlo limn fnmi 1 old us drying ffi 1 id the old tnuy lo monod tioiulioo of tho nuturul prol hon uffordl 1111 tln innw niiiy t the in ntittllo rilnr t r urrylng throui fully it wui a irrulch a 1 loiidu to hold of thn plun oil unlfoii lint fir mulch uml win 10 no 11 a nvolch li j iduntu uoll thu ultn 1 fro boltol ilntf ui nl thn prtng with toiulu if hu- injuiy lu g out whiib often hiilpn miih h ihhi tho old ohio lu irtb vbllo llrlng on your brown dud 1 liahold bow it becomes transformed prasontihl into a charming und original confection in tho latest mndu dono li shades of brunso ulid coppur i pro phesy that when you wvar it for the riret tlmo ill have to bung on ono arm und kitty on the other o keep you within tho bounds of decorum you root will just uotje to pranco und tlplo ull tbo way youre an utterly ridiculous girl declared dolphlno tossing ono wtyli tiook ucroiui to dotty und ougorly utioulng u not imr uut if you can hulp me muko my suit turn out us wll yours woll i wont promise not to prancol an incident of the fllfle pits an irish uoldior who had wlnglu- hundoil cu n lured two of tho enemy oxialnet his taut by saying hu go rru i surrounded them tho rnt- plunutlou would almost describe bu exploit of u young confederate soldier jn one of tbo virginia cumfrtilgns ho wuu on picket duly between tho linos of tho two irmlos and wua told to keep concealed among tho bushes luid if possible determine thepoaltlon of some riflo pits from which shurp- whootors wore firing upon the con- odnruto outposts keeping tvlmwelf hlddon as well us ho could ho cau tiously advanced towurd tho spot where ha supposed tho pits to be ho than threw hlmsotf on tho ground und begun to avutch after u vigil of ten minutes he aaw ie bead and shoaldors of a union idler rie up apparently out of tho ground not moru than thirty yards hi front of htw position tho man guxed bout for a luw tiiomeiits und then dlsupihurod into tho pit alarmed ut tbo poorness of tho imrny but desirous of wocurlug all tlu- informatluii ha could before returning to camp tbn confederate wo idler luy kirfoctty still and wutchod three limes bo saw tho kodoruj soldier riae look toward tho confodoruto uimy und thon disappear at luat bo nut do up hi mind to cbarga tbo pit und capture the lono occupant ho ha wolxod bis rlrld und silently crussed tho intorvou- i ing space ono look into tbo pit so un nerved him that be was on tho point of dropping hla gun and making u run for the nearest cover lustoad or 0110 sentry ha found tliut lio bud churged- a pit that contained three tnun each armed with a ririe tho federal sol diers howavur were equally astonish ed the confodoruto suddunly wuw thut he hud the udvuhtogo for bo had bis gun actually presumed whllu tho guns of the others wore lying on tho ground bealdo thorn hb ho oxebxlinod throw 411 your hands ut onco or i will kill tho lust una of you without stop ping to arguu tho impossibility of bh uccompllshlng such u ruuiilt with 1 nlng lo shot tho federal ooldlen immediately put up tholr hands tin captor then ordered 0110 of tbo prluon erw to tows tho guns out of tho pit a tbo iunm tlmo ho culbd out conn on boys lvo got throe of thorn in bore thinking that thuy wero bosut by overwhelming tiumbui s tbo 1 vdorutu sullenly passud uut tho guns uud wuiw thou ordered to coma out of tho pit und full in single single tile yiftooi minutes later a confodoruto captain wua sulutod by a prlvuto of his com pany who ruportod thut he hud cup- tared threu of thu enemy in u rifle pit butwoou the 11 now of tho two armies und requested thut u detail of soldiers bv sout to bring 111 throe rltto that would be found lying on tho ground bosldu tho pit nun dn old whidw rntcy iw pliloly drlod out unbr huh c rltllonw if thu ulr is dry a houvlvr niuh h may bo mri usury thu 11 wh thu ulmosphoru ih humid und thu 11 soipjout lotihfriun ovapoiutlon hiss in situations with u fairly mod or clhnuto a light mulch is ull that uocdssary us too houvy 11 mulch rr cuuso injury hocuusa of tho plants being kept damp und mould develop ing in thu colder woollens u good blanket of wnow curi usually bo 1 do- ikindod upon und undur such tor lions a hiuvy mulch with thn wr atiovn muv ulso produi o unsutlsfautory conditions for tho plants of ull mulch mutorlulu good cl htritw froo fi wnml wood iw best tills ih u uttornl evenly over the plunls ut tho ruto of 2 tons or wcrw a lovorlng thh k enough thut thu pluhth ur nboly hlddm from vlow in usually umplu uud curoful scutfirliuf giving uii nwn light cov lug u most satisfactory a light covering of cloun mursb hay may bo uuod but morn euro lu liaossury to glvu a light oovorlng than with straw um tho t buy muy hortl damp ness in thu spring und rusult in decay of tho plant hpruco boughs mak good covering hut it takes conslder- ublo time to gutbur and placo them the mulch should bo placed in no vember when tio ground is nicely froxuti und is removed in the spring during tho inst woek lu april or early in mayi it muy bo guthuroo when dry nnd used for bidding or may iw placet between tho roww to servo aa a num mur njuloh thus consrrvlng moisture and keeping tho rrult along tho edgi or tho rows clean from sand w u uluir yuporiiterdunt kxporlmontu statloiu kontvlllo n h vile slavery of ull survltudo that of tho borrower to tho lender is tho womt well might solomon suy thu borrower is lw snrvant to tho lender muny a 11 toduy knows tho bitterness of debt and this u an ugo or ull ugis wbm you run owo money und bo row pec labi and dvu religious 1ooplo tun b pillars of tho church uud preside ut missionary tnootlngs und tho butcher and baker not tie ublu to get u poi out of them thorn uro liooplo tlmt roll down in tholr carriages to church that havo not paid tholr charwoman for six weeks a glance ut tbo society news of tho local papers ortan affords food for thought it is a burning ituune that trad earn on find it hard to got enough money to juy their bills while those braxuu faced society duud- bouta aro clotliwd lu purplw and finu in upd faro sumptuously uvry day tho huckgroutid of ull this oxtru- vuganro und dubt bowwvvr is often who dmurvos tho ulncorost pity man of tlu house it is common me a man with two thousand dollars a your income going it ut u ten thous- utid dollars 11 your puco ho who would bo froo indued uvolds debt us u pest iso hotter llvo on u crust und plulu water und lie uu lean uu u grey hound thuii coinu into such a pluco solomon in fclhoo and leather journal whcre he was bbamelesd all horsemun know thut a hurso thut luulferosthut is hits tho uuklo of oho foot willi thu uboo of the uthnr foot surfers greatly whllu a immun bohig with uiu waiuii buhtt may uut suffer biuoh phywlchlly ynt thoro is llkuly to tto souultlvo ubout it iii011 twhnudgo hurt this unfoi tuniitu bubit aw ciduh 1oaslou 1 uhuii kod upon uiiu occasion lllon sounds tuoto like u procosalou thun hu dos like ono luuii wulklng and indeed whon you listened to tbo wturdy thumps of bu boos und tho untlro different sounds mmla wbuii ho hit his ankles caleb did it soon 1 so fur wiong uftor ull among hlw iiwlgbborw tbnii com- ontw did not rankle but whori ulou uu croswlng kunduskuug id idgo hi ltuiigor and an idler auw lit to lomurk upon his peculiar tty 1 lions rnwoiit- tuoiit was swift uiid pointed lllon hud pawsoj thu hlloi 1 lump- whucketyl cluuipwhackoly i when tho lutter callojl uftor him hoy mister you lutuifuru a llttlo dont you hoi turned and rtxd his uuostlouwr with an uiruty uya not with other folks hushless i lont hu leturiiod wucolnutly a bright qovs answer 1 ho suhoolmuslor wanted to know whothoi tho boyw luid uu undnrwtund- ing of tho woik of u llrituh coiisuh muitpojolprf ho begun rouioond took you up in un uoioplunu uiiduffur long flighty dropped you dowp thous- uuds of inllow from your horn in i un try quite foiolgn what place nuld you aouk out tlrwl of all aii eager hand was u pi if tod 1lwaae air tho hospital she remembered aunt jano is quite ubsoutmilided ml when who sturtod on a short jour- ey u fow weeks ugo ouch member f uie fuinlly luluirod to impruas on hor thut sho must not forget uny of bur parcels ur hotongluga when sho reached hur duutliiutlon sho wroto at nco of hoi waft urrlvul und closed with tho following pnwtcrlpt romum bored whut you said ubout forgottiug uud trlod to bo us thought ful us notydbla i icghctd though to huvo my trunk rochukod ut tbo june- 1 and think i mut huvo left my lunch ut tho window when i bought my tlokot i must liavo forgotten my umbtollu too when i changed curs but 1 cannot irfuitfluo whut could huvo bocouiu of uiy uhuwt i wupposit i hngluctod to put my comb und brush buck in tho bug- after uulug thoui but i foul con fident that uomo ono stole my jot brooch aij i do not sue how i oould powslbly huvo mislaid it i got uu quite uicoly though and had u roul pluusuiit jourivey ample reason he thought tho old hcoltish milliliter was uro loon in looking up mombopi of his floik and wua nnvnr wo buipy bu wbnn bo wuu visiting thorn in their houmm ho had noltied that for mi rim tlin punt ono hllburto rrcuhir churihgnoi had gut very nlnck in bis atlennaurit anil b od li for lbb u hn wu go uml find out neglect donald ho an id us so in sooted in thn purlor i tiavoi at tho kjrk for woma lime no slrropllod tho man and 1 wad llko to know tbi rounon wool nlr raplled ionald i bur thise decided objection firstly 1 dinnu bollovo in tho mucklo iilngln secondly i dluna bollovo tn lfin whour yu do u tho tulkln an thirdly nn in conclusion twiis thoro i got my wife what practice will accom plish throughout the rhrlsliilng r hinny tbo buby smllod up bouutiruliy into tb avmun fm o wtdl mudum nuld ho to youiii wife i must rongrutulatu you on youi llttlo iinuu behavior i huvo ihrutoi- ul more thair two tluiusuud bubloti but i novnr before christened oilo unit txdiavod so well a yours tbo young mother umllod demurely und answered his futhitr und i with u pull of wider bavo boon pruitlnhig on him fin tho last ten days trie qion slowed him down mui iiyor sovotity vliiu old wull intlio fiom bin limn d t ruljoliltm town 1 wiiku he mui bobbin di ir hulli h won gnntil -wh- hht loiliinlidiiii nt liy hlu frloinlh wlo livid dinr- ynii ivnlkid ull tl- wi 1 in of u11111 x lulimd i did ropllol iho obi mini houiivir did yini in t whiiig wuu tbo linxt quiutlnn oh first ruto nidld in p-lrn- trhin thul is i did until i mu- in u slun hlow down to tlfliu mlli f un hour that ltpt mo bui k u bit lelph business college 1 llp19 rtuto clorliul lliiilrn hloiiography nnd mo il ui lol courrcu by oxpirt x- i 1 ltm od to horn htudoutu mui outer any day whitis 1oit iniohmatitn v i hpiiott principal o dreco the wonder kidney livpr x- stomach tonic as nationally adverl isoj sold by a t prtown acton and by fjood drupoist evaryyvhsra the wandering mind if some of you should wet down 011 jmpsr the number of things you ijuvo thought of in a half hour whuii you supposed yourself to bo writing u lotto or reading u book or working u prob lom in algebra ydll will liuvw uu ex planation of how you full short sor times of auccuws you wished to gain if when you uro writing out y oquatluus you uro thinking of what you uro going lu do with your huturduy holiday or mentally lovlowllig some trugody dosi ilhod in bo mm n lug papor or womlutliig whut your friend meant by uu oxprusulon in u lotto 1 which urrivvd in thu morning mull you will l thru full to solve your prob lem council or you will tukn mhcti longer lu ilo it tlum hi noconsiiry perhaps to ooiili this will uooiii uu iixnggorutlon but tas 11 liuilior of fuut thoro mo fuw whoso lulmls do not tuko u fui groutoi uumboi of jumps thuii thowu suggosted iii the cogrsu of itntmui mluutos whon thoy aro supposed to bo giving ulrlct uttoutlou tu uomo opo subject coin ilitrutton is not tho lulo of tho pouont day hut tho raw oxcoptlon and wu numtul fow lu- utoud of accomplishing tho tusk as- ulguod it wuhtos ithidf duwhhig now in mm dlrvutidti now in u not her thu mind thut wumlois is tbo mind thut aocompllwhos only u frsotion uf whut is possible tb it says let the pores of your skin breathe freely like a childs nli hemrtvily use it infants delight toilet soap mimimimimiinhimriririr you pay for it any way the nlamifacturer or the dealer who does notadvertise pays for the advertising of iis enterprising competitor business is drawn away from the nonadvertiser profits he might have se cured go to the competitor business dwin dles the store closes another store added to the total of failures from poor business judgment instead of paying for your competi tors increased business why not jiay for your own good quality merchandise bought from a manufacturer who- believes suffi ciently in his goods to advertise theiiji worth and help you sell a well-balanced- stock a wellarranged store intelligent clerks service a square deal and com mon sense thats the foundation coupled with the proper- use of newspaper space and local publicity the l public will soon learn where to eonie for the things they waiitor rather the tilings you make them want through advertis- ing you cant afford not to advertise your own business m myivmvwnwfwym 1i nfrsa ai i tod