r tfn ctt ft i r fortyninth year no 23 thursday morning december fl 102j acton ontario canada thursday morning december 0 1023 sfnglo copies five cents the methodist cuuhch acton rev ckas hackett pastor- panonao willow st minister subject 230 p m sundity s hool 1100 u m tin minister subject helling the ilirthilght eveuyiigdv wdlcomu presjbfiterian 1 knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a manaowlllow street 1100 u mltov o lltllo ii a of ouelph 3 00 j m sunday school 700 i m itov o little ii a stranger leaving address with thn ushers will bo called upon by the pastor js all are coroialxy invtthid special notices mil in ihli roluipn c the furniture repairer picture framing and uplmls taring heitt kknyon 332 phono 10 or acton auction sale wm markow hi 17 conmlfii 1 erin will hold u sale of his tu acr fnrm stock and implements etc on monday december 10 roy hindlby auctioneer for sale heautiful pur bred perslattkltlenh 8 wook old c anil is u kknvon 232 acton strayed to thn premises at tho undornlrnod about nnvnmlwr 1 inn oxford down lamb owner may have soma by pro vine property und paying uxpenso john hennbtt 221 lot 32 coil 7 niuumfdwayu 10000 head of poultry wanted r mllllgun poultry buyer and pur veyor ta in the- market for all kinds of good plump poultry alive or dress ed light or aklnny bird not wanted h milligan z3fi telephone lr3 hor 241 acton for sale laurg residential homo solld rd bricx all convenience hot water heavting 3 ploc hath j wired for eloo- trla tove fixtures oood lot a bar gain for quick aula box 37 214 acton ont agents wanted manufacturer wanta one affunt in each town only responsible party with good references can secure this exclusive ugenry a sale in every home profitable and pleasing work ua nufactu ker j j gibbons ltd toronto card of thanks el t thetford presents bis oomph- tnents to the electors of acton and asks their kind acceptance of his ap preciation for thn very loyal support given him at the oloctlon and assures theca of his best endeavors to merit this confidence farms for bale 4s rnm in the counties or halton and wellington varying from 40 to 100 acrajs let us awnd yoa oar list a number of home and u pis oss in anton for amis fir and life insurance money to j a smith reaj estate agant phono 106 acton onl auction sale in esqtncsino horses cattle and poultry the undersigned lias received in structions from h e scott lot is 3rd line eaqueslng near spoy- alde to sell by puhllo auction on thursday december 20 1sz3 at one oclock sharp the following horses 1 brawn horse 0 years heavy draft sound 1 bay mare 6 years haary draft sound this team wilt welsh 3000 lbs 1 black mare 9 years heavy draft wound 1 bay mare s years heavy draft sound these horses are all sound and in good condition cattle 1 rod cow 1 years fresh 1 jersey cow fresh 1 durham cow due time of sale 1 jureey cow duo in january 1 blue cow due in spring s holsleln heifers due in april 3 holgtoln heifers 3 years old 3 dur ham steers 3 years old 4 rod dur ham heifer 2 year 1 rod cow 4 years due lost december piqs 14 york pigs 214 months old pure bred 4 york pis 3 months old harness 1 sat of heavy team harness crotch breaching ma heal chains almost new 1 pair of extra heavy collars pearly new fowl puyo bred rhode island roosters 16 choice turkeysv implements 1 good plow ver ity t set heavy sloop sleighs nearly new about 400 bushels turnips terms si0 0o and under cash over thai amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved jo pi notes 8 uff fur cash turnips and fowl cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 3b acton cj o plank clark wonderland frfday december 7 a blind bargain a ooldwyn picture featuring lon chancy a doctor a mute servant tin apeman slid a brnvn girl are mysterious figures in this absorbing drama comedy pest of the sturm country featuring louise pasenda saturday december b tho love hker a cosmopolitan production with anita htowurl and wllllum norrla a play hat scales thu heights of stirring- arnutlons and sweep on to allium of breath less intensity comedy the- oydlst mutliice u 3 00 ad mission loo und 3tc tuesday december 11 boaton blackie with william hussolt one of the strongest crook nielsdxamns to bo offered ho pubtlcrlu some time thrills lovft and romanra ure inleiwoyeit comedy hold to it wednesday december 12 tbo man of might starring wllllum duncan a blcturtt overflowing with uttlon and daring foals comedy kly coil a lorry hantuit serlp kploodo 1 white imundvr with pearl x a mcclure son at macdonalds guetiwffxeadlno and largest store r i a igreat saving for men all the menh felt hats re duced soft or stiff black or col- on at the main or branch store no dxccpiion to this rule of reduction ndoptcd for quick clearance 700 hots for 5j0 650 hats for 495 000 hats for 40 450 hats for 365 400 hats for 25 350 hats for 275 all the mens work shirts reduced these price reductions holding rood this week at both stores and on entire stocks 175 work shirts 139 185 work shirts 149 200 work shirts 165 250 work shirts 195 mens all wool sweater coats shawl collars good colors sizes 34 to 44 regular 750 value for 485 mens sweater coats in plain khaki color heavy weight all sizes special sale value at 285 mens sweater coats black with orango trimmings re gular sizes special sale value at 229 merratrraf caps a clearance of broken lines at the branch stqrc only 59c boys sweater coats brown with sand color trimmings sizes 28 30 and 32 worth 150 a rcat bargain for 69c boys sweater coats in a good assortment of colors sizes 28 to 32 special sale price at 95c boys sweaters in another special bargain gjoup great choice of colors 195 an offering of mens suits at the branch store only 1000 and 1675 mostly young mens models sizes 34 to 37 plain two- button effects and sport styles neat looking tweeds values up to 2500 mens suits and 100 mens and young mens suits in ne medium color and dark patterns for winter wear good service able cloths in single and double breasted models sizes 34 to 42 not all sizes in every individual pattern wherefore a substantially lowered prico for a quick clearance 1950 overcoats 1950 mens winter overcoats in plain and fancy models re gular and raglan sleeves belt- cdand without belts full lin ing or half lining of leather or polo cloth a timely spec ial just at a timo when most men will bo looking for a serviceable garment at a moderate price christmas candies we expect to have tho best assortment of christmas candies this year wo have ever had including fancy mixtures nut rolls french caramels nut and clear taffy chocolates in bulk and packages weekend specials brazil taffy the finest taffy we havo ever sold clcar vanilla toffy with large brazil nuts through it regular 40c lb weekend special 34c lb weekend special chocolates with a large assortment of both hard and soft centres regularly 40c and 50c lb special price 29c seal op approval chocolates a few boxes of seal ofapproval chocolates a beautiful lino of handrolled centres regularly goc a box weekend special price 49c box o mill street acton h wiles useful christmas gifts santac7aus is e7ts7e any article listed below wilt bo appreciated by your friends or relatives men women or children for their comfort wear and style llootri mllolctl oxkoimu pumph ttvhnlnu hlipllctth wool hlippklt hol1h uu111w3uh oolohhtth ovlsuttllokh 1iockuy tiooth hil1c hohitiky lootkazkuh 1olihiiino out1tth kullumt 1iooth lijmiicumknh uuh- hlclth thavbllino hauh huit cahud no old stock latest stylet lowest frioes best service all sizes for everybody will make you u friend of this store to our mutual advantage t h l harrison the shoe man whir quality counts w win desl hers it will pay yd thetford holmes nicol and bell 1924 councillors acton machine co bylaw carried by about hit to one the municipal elections arc now over for another year tito munlgltml elections on monday were unununlly quiet though thn vote cast wua ahout as usubt the coun cillors were elected in the following order tho t ford holmes nlcol anil hoi tis was quite a surprise as in the past councillor dell on several uncus 1 una jed the polls mr nlcol pier t inn is manifestly a result of tho st rune imtnllum ho took la favor of urn scheme for imrptuol cure of tho plots in kalrvlew cemetery his election mny therefore be taken as a mandate from tho peunia of aolun to the ooui ell of 1034 to fnrmulato mid ut into effect a plan to accomplish this end exemption of taxation to the proposed iow hulldlnjr of tho acton machine company is aratlfylna it shows that tho people of acton ere interested in the extension and progress of n factoring industries hero and are ready to give reosonahle encouragement to the enterprises which can show a sub ttontlnl buiilnors standing this fact goes far to perpetuate and maintain a kindly feeling between our citizen bonrrallv and our manufacturing in due trim tho oto whs us follows for council lore t ii 1 h total k t thetronl ids iso 333 krunk holmes 109 104 213 john nlcol b7 113 j e rem in h llnll br 83 john a hmlth 4ft co tho council for tho coming yor will beicompoeod un follows reeve aeoiioi haniibu councillors e t thetfollp phank e holmes john nicol jkiiemiah iikxl with tho reelection of mr harbor ub iloeve at acton he is almost abso lutely sure of the wardenshlp for 1s24 thoro were three in the running last year- itevo irving of nelson who was elected hoove hlllmer at oakvllle who has since been elected member of th legtslatur for halton and will therefore have no aspirations for the wardenshlp and ileeve rather of acton in all fairness mr harbor should receive the covet tod position in january by acclamation the ikwdof school trustees will bn us follows- oegho- mann pltafcjc oamule amos mabon iioheut x maphuitson n v moohe uwhencb williams the hydro commissioners for 1034 uro us follows okoltokuahueh e ulllclo a t hrown oeoitae kino the vote on the bylaw to encour age the acton machine cq to erect a fine pew building extend their busi ness and employ more hands by ex emption of the building from taxation was carried by a significant majority nearly slit to one the vote was us follows t ii pwr tho iiylaw iss against the hyluw 31 h fct total 134 26s 34 46 majority for the hvlaw 311 mr hlow and bis associates will bo doubt take immediate steps looking to the erection of the now- plant now thnt the confidence and support of the people of thn town t have been so strongly manifested acton band electa officers ntartalned by bandmaatsr and mrs mason at their home on bower avenue t tbo annual meeting and election of omoors of acton citixens hand was held last wednesday evening the bund has had an exceptionally good year and is showing marked improve ment new instruments and repairs to to amount of 40300 have been ex pended during the year and the band 1n fair shape all around he notion of ameers resulted us follows ifandmsster ajnos mssun assistant hand mas terh osbes honorary praafdent j c hill president o a dllle vicepresident a b jcvo bocrelurytreasurer n v moons llhrarlan thus bavage property cuetodlan ueo it a- now huiidmustei- masons position is not un luotlve iosltlon but the band weru loud in their praise of his conduct of the band und his manner of bring ing the ixiys together un masons keen interest is all the mora commend- i bio in the fuct that he hats as band master and devotes his time to the band without salary a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mr mason for his leadership by the bsmd immediately following the election the bund went to the home of lund- inukter und mrs mason whore they wero royally cntertuliirsvlth muslo und un oystr supper a yule of thanks to mr und mrs musoii jind wasior oeorge was tunder- mi by lundsman oeorge h agnew und seconded by lundsman huhop und uio its rid gave their upp singing heartily pvtr they u hood follows val by jolly geneert the hit of the season lets ull get mat hod twoact comedy drama presented by t young peoples oulld of mt fleorgos qhurch fleorgetou will be held in the town hull acton on monday beoembef 1 tickets koo ud 36o news of local import bsnnookburn behool concert llunnorkhurn hchool will hold their annuul christina concert on wmlnos- itiiy nvnnlng december 1ft ul eight oclock a progrummfc connlstiitg of drills choruses und u play by the young poonla of the community will b given heltons ft per cent brlnq 10o14 tho klnuacn committee of halton county council mbt in milton lust week to open lenders for 30yeur dnlmintures to thn amount of tlllcoo thorn were 14 hide the highest was that t nnsbllt thompson it co ltd of toronto 1001 4 this offer wus accepted hockey club orgsnlxlna l meeting of ul interested in hockey will b hold in tie council chamber this thursday evening ut ft oclock iviiryune lntrrostixl in tho promotion of hot key in acton should make an eitort to attend this meeting and par- foot un organisation i hut will plaoe canadian wheal winn fifteen out of twentyflvs prlxoa at thechloedo oraln shew chicago d i canadians have won id cut of ek prises awarded in thu hard red spring wheat dlvleloii of the international oraln und huy hhow hiru the show is being held in con nection with the international live htock kxhlbltlon major h i- orange of fvini al- horiu won first prise for uio best oshthlt the winner of this class in past shows hss almost invariably par ried away the gran prise fur the best exhibit of whas in uw woful auto smsahup on the second line about 1030 on hundjiy night a sedun owniml and driven by l k plock of tleorgotowi and u rntipo owned und drlvon by j hendorson of acton wore badly wrecked and tho occu pants somewhat injured when both cars crushed headon into each other about hair u mile from milton th accident was caused by the cars skid ding on the slippery road little lsd painfully so aided last wodmtaduy afternoon mrs hul- llvan of cameron avenue was pro- paring to scrub the floor and hud lifted a pun of boiling water from the stove to tho kltahon floor when her back wus turned her little throe -year- old son walking across tho floor stumbled over the pan und foil in he was terribly scalded from the ankle to the hip ho is alowly recovering injured foot it recovering a couple of weeks ago prank cream er sustained a pulnfut accident while chopping wood in the hush he was in the act of felling a tree when his foot slipped and tho sharp uxo sunk into tho instep to tho bone cutting through tendons nerves and flesh after rlrst aid ut his homo his mate qeorgn ml no drove him in to dr nelsonguulce whore tho tendons and nerves were jolnod und the wound sewed up the injured foot is doing wo i and prank will be ready for work again by christmas the early munlotpal election best acton hui now hud the experience of two years in succession in i laving tho municipal elections early in december instoad of concurrent with the christmas and now years holidays it is u distinct advantage we now have thu election over und the re mainder of the month is free to dovotod to the usual activities of the holiday wesson without tho oldtime interruption of nominations und ul no tions the people of acton urv decid edly pleased with their experience of the eurllir election and have no desire to revert to the old plan bandits rob baaohville llm woeks on monday afternoon two armed men visited the orion of the standard lime co at ileachvlllo and ordered the secretary and stenographer to step usldu without uny noise and save trouble they took about 1100 from the sufe und thon observed tho months pay envelope with the cash made up for each employee lying on a table they gut about 3ooa und left in a highpowered car which was stand ing outside with the angina running the standard lima co is owned by messrs christie henderaon 4k co ar1 john kennedy of ouelph u p o monthly meeting tho monthly meeting of the u p und u p w o was held at the home of mr and mrs il l davidson second una on tuaaday evening when a large number of people were present polio whig the bustnoss part of thn mop ting a good programme consist ing of musical numbers given by missus mccutchoon and alkons and mr oeorge amlarson of ospriugo were vory much enjoyed x splendid pupr on the ideal touchor glvou by miss evelyn wilkinson uannock- burn proved very interesting a bountiful lunch was served ut the conclusion at the programme by the ludles uftor which muslo und dancing were indulged in for tho rest of thn evening greatly enjoys th horn ne mrs jennie it wood of ouolph writes us follows tits pax passs of 1033 has oertulnlyj been u credit to your staff und to artuu i take great pleasure in tho rewthilacunces of the old mun of the hlg clock tower uiul ull thn other horns of information from old home in auton i huve been critically 1111 hi summer but um very for tub if und happy- i see thut cupt bhuw is like myself anxious to huvu soma urruhgomoiit matiu fur tho porietual cure of pulrview cemetery i do hoive the hew council will make u move in that dlreutlon especially when so many who own plot thuro ure utixloua to huv the mutter ut- tvtided to while we uru hi the land of tho living pleusu rind enclosed 8 00 for three copies of tnw ptuot perns to be sent to the persuns whose haines ure enclosed pretty wedding in toronto at the home of the hrluvs parnth 3tb hrunudler houd toronto the hiar- rluge was solemnised last wednesday of dorothy murgarul daughter of mr und mrs hxiiry t lepage to mr u douglu ciightoii sun mr und mrs w crlghlon all of tnrontcj the ror- mouy wus tnii furraed by he v t albert monro d d usulmtud by hav charles t hoot i d d the hrldn was given hi murrluge by her father und her gown wus of log cabin brown goorguttu plulted ultd ut either side of the glrdlu u cuhouchuii of suiitlshuda ribbon hh worp a hat of brown velvet ami van led u shower bouquet of yulldw roses und lilies of the vulloy llltl miss jui wood her niece whs flower girl hi pink urgiunlu with a basket i pink rosos mrs leluge looked huiul- some hi a dross of uuyy jiltl cunton crepe with steel baud trimming and mis w crlghlon mother of the groom woio 10410u brown canton crops with brown hut miss noryia mooro a c m cousin of thu bride played the wddlng ulurch aftsr u reuaptii the immedfutn friends und relatives mr and mrs cilghtun left foru hoi moon in thu bitalos the bride wearing a blue twill dt v hruwu inarvella cloth cput with beaver cuuul and emurt brown hut to mutch oji their ruturii they will live at 9 uuwvnore ituad public library building now a positive need acton rjaa an excellent ubrary but totally inadetjuate accommodatlo rw library board appoints a committee jo con8iqer newhjildinq a nutating of tho prt lihrury ilourd wus held in the omvo of tho chulrman on ividay afternoon it wus u full meeting of the board meiisrs iohn cameron- a k nlcklln lnv a c htewuri ilev h u i ihiugh h p moore chairman und ii n kurmor secretary being present thuj ilourd urrungod to expend up to tlao in now lftoks to ho soloctnd by the hook committee which is roril- prised of the chairman miss lottie scott llluurlun and huvu htewnrt und huugh t t cnmmlt will v thn nub- uses on friday 7th inst in the meantime if the readers of tho library have any hats of books they desire to have considered for addition to tho library they will blouse hwnd them to the librarian nt once the fact stares the hoard in the fac that the shelving accommodation in the library hoam in the town hall is taxed now with tho books bolonglng to the library the space allotted to the publlo is very inadequate need for u readjng room is growing more und more imperative acton has one of tho best selected libraries o betwoen 4000 unit 6000 volumes h the province hut nur library accom modations uro not uptodate those mutters were all under con sideration ut the mettlng various suggestions wore made a commit composed of the chitlrmun hoc rotary heevo harbor mr cameron unit itov mr htewart was appointed to cons id o the whole matter confer with the pro vlnclul superintendent of publlo li hrarles prepare a report covering thi result of their investigations for sub mission to the hoard and then confer with- the council in ho matter all the members felt that some ac tion should bo taken and takon promptly news of local import womans inatjtut masting thorogular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held at mrs john mowutn on friday december 7 ut 3 oclock tho report of the conven tion will bo given k vory body wel- ronlol mrs social and personal mr r e iturr of cult wus hero ver sunday miss iluby clark was homo from toronto over hundays mr jordan luwson of toronto wus ome for tho weekend mrs ci uru hoomer of toronto spent thursday at moorecroft miss hertle hmlth of toronto wus home over the weekend miss prances hurst of toronto was homo over tho woekond mr elmer honderson was homo from toronto ovor the wvekend mr hoy drown was homn from hamilton for a few days this week miss itena porbes of ouelph spent the weekend with acton friends miss murguarlto htewart of tor- into visited acton friends this week- mr david k- polster of nluguri palls spent tho weekond ut his homo here mr and mrs linton kenney spout tho weekend ut the parental homo here hev h h pry of zephyr visited his sister mrs li v kouyun this week mrs john a mowat returiiod op monday after spending u wook in toronto mr duncan sharp of to sunday at tho homo of speight miss dorr is irving of nluguru pulls spent saturday with mrs d pols i or und miss pols tor miss hsxol young or quelpll visit ed her frend miss mary mcpherson fur u fsw duys lost weak mlas oludys huffman of toronto who hua been in poor heallhaor- some time is convalescing at her hoiie hor mr w j preethy was in colling wood last week uttoiuling tho funeral of his grandfathur who passed uwoy lu his 100th year mrs o k thurston of littleton n it mado aotou relatives u brief visit during the week her mother mrs john thomas returned home with her to attend the wintur mrs h it wansbmugh un j mrs hmlth griffin uttended the wedding ut thjr niece elsie auguata liarnas only tluughter of mrs augusta humes ut toronto yosturduy miss jean mcdonald of hastings who wus opuruted on in potorborough hospital a fuw duys ago fur uprhmil- ittls cum through the opurutlon sue- fully und is doing well a mlscalutieouu shuwer iii the form of u surprise tarty wus tndurel to miss hassle muudonuld a brlde-to- beofthe month m tueaduy evonlng at her home on thu no ootid line mr and mrs it p johnstuno of quit und mr und mrs it j mualeod of saskatoon husk visited ut the lomo of mr wllllum johpstoue und ther frloiids in town over tlm week end mrs john cliupmuh and sou and laughter urrlved from london eng land on buturduy evening to join mr chupmsiv who ruturned to canada some months ago it wus u joyful ynunlon golden anniversary volume por flfty years polo u bats select nuu on thu inturnuuunul sunday school lessons hue been in the hands if the sunday school leach ors of amerh s its practical chuructor tried und proven is dmwu from the authors long experlunco in sumluy school work its suggestive unit wis urrungement for the great muss of material covered lu thu lessons euuh successive vaar is sat before touchers so that u cuti he appropriated moat readily and uaud moat affeotlvely ther is everything in a nutshell for th busy eachur vor the studuut uhd teacher with uinple time trem- dous avenues for personal rosouroli ure oihined up it contains chruitologloul charts hlbllogruph mups cull imgo tlluatrutlons and 136 txt lltustiutlom price 1 flu poetimlu 13 00 muthn dtst hook and publlmhlng house 3vu quorn street west toronto st albana bsxasr tho womens auxiliary of st al- bans church will liold a busuur und sale of home cooking lu tho parish hull orj saturday december h after noon und evening tea served everybody weloomo 8 oe social evening the weekly sociul gatherings which are hefd every thursday evening ut the htutlon hotel are proving very hipiiur u wus evident from th large niimlter who nttendod the one held last thursday von log they urn un der the uiisplrom of the sons of eng land cenarsta completadon oskvlmrbrtttos all tho concrete work on thn big oukvllln highway bridge has been com plated this weak both side railings warn poured and the contractor were favored with ideal woutbar for this important work tho wooden forms will not bo taken off untu the concrete has hud umple time to sot star prove it theres no doubt about it and once again we remind you thi this i a good town h live in a good i la co in which to trade and a good one to keep your money in- but in time it will otbm to bo either unless you are us loyul to tho town as it is to you see thn merchants who are ad vertising in this puper and tell them whut you wunt 1 accepted invitation to fourth year at tho nnvomber mooting of the quurtorly offlclul hoard of norfolk street mnthodlst church ouelph with thirty innmberu present if very hourly invitation wus extended in the pastor hnv it irvine to continue in this relationship for a fourth year begin ning with july 1 1034 tho pastor accepted and thanked thoso present for this sincere expression of their confidence mercury a latter from home every weak have you a friend at a distance who would like to hour from the old homo or neighborhood regularly of course you huvol hut to write a letter every wook would cost you three cents in postage besides paper and envelope and time you can have tii piua puao nent every week for loss thar four cants u week only s3 00 for a whole year witbj far more news con tributing u really bettor letter than vou could poxslbly write this is un hluul chrlutmxs gift and inexpensive th ownerless motor car the provincial police have found the owner of the automoblln which wus ubandonod in the middle of the c n it trucks hour hramptona couple of wews ago when it was necessary for the engineer to stop tho train in four thut there wus about to be a fatal accident when the engineer examined the cor h found it unoccupied the number of the cur was taken and tho owner nuld to be u goo rg down man will pioluihly fuco u charge in the police court must put in ropes for fire escapee thu stutidurd hotels must comply with laws for tire prevention and pro vide tlr escapes lu order to secure iicoiihb for next your instructions have been neiit out to license inspectors who will issue the license and there muat be u rope plucod irc every room uhovo tho ground floor and secured to thi inside of the window frame so that tho occupants may oecape in event of a tro it is stated that in muny hotels such a ropu is not pro vided but no hotel will receive a license thut is not equipped with ropes th new aregory at oawvllle at- the opanlnr of the now qrgory picture show tasr week ex- mayor w h davis addressed the uudlenoe and praised k l gregory for building so flttw a theatre in fact there is no theatre belter equipped for mile around mr davis stated that mr gregory comos to oakvllle highly re commended as u theatre manager just before closing his address he ex pressed the hope that tho people of oakvllle would encourage mr gregory in his splendid efforts by patronising his theatre mayor korster welcomed mr und mrs gregory to the urge uudtenru he was proud of huving ih u theatre in our beautiful town und uskd the people to patronise tho picture shows there this theatre is a splendid ust to oakvllle und is u long wuut roullxed us it cap bo used for tmtetinge uf different kinds in hh iloslug remarks he wished mr gregory ovary success oak viltn star a rural editor ucioss thu line unuu printed in his persunu column this uuiinu item miss mabnl murclh un albuny hlle of twenty summers is visiting her twin brother uged thirty- twu encourajhjio tae children on the farm v how onm farmer la taaohlntf his children thrift and self- rallanoa thuru is a farmer whose hmnu- stoud li vllhln sight of acton who in his wisdom is solving the problem of keophig thu children of tho home in to res tod in the furm und its autlvltlus in u euno unjj ugreeuble maimer last spring ut potato planting tlmo ho sald to them now if you wunt a shuro in this crop und will muke up your minds to jtlunt and oultlvuto u putcli for yourvujy own pit giv you u plot of land and potatoes to plant it with thu two little girls und their brother who is younger willingly uocuptud tholi futhura proposal they planted thu pututoas howl them picked off the potato bugs and lu thu furl hud u patuii of potutoos uf whluh any up plight justly bo proud their father plowed them out whan ho plowed his own hul thu uhlldrun picked theiii upd storud them ill tho collar they hud live bags of us flnu potatoes us wore grown in thu county these they huvo marketed ttiem- hulvus und received the best niutkul prlcu the money they received they divided equally and uro greatly pleased with tho porno it ul exprhmoadf farm tug on thlr own accounts lhyimii during the seusod in other wuys these children uio glvun u lust or responsibility in uu lug thmr own spundlug moimy i thy uro unjoylng it all very keenly this reusnpuhlo common he rnothod is hotonly oreutlnga hoalthy idrlt of solfohrnco and lndpiiu- uice in the children but it is also letting them accustomed to proper uuthods of work and inculcating in- liistry mid responsibility honor roll for the pupils of public school name of those who took stand ing at the examinations lost month in theseven departments of the acton schools the following hutu show tho numos of the puplla who took hlgtioistuud- ig ut tho lust examination ben for fourth gladys scarrowb30 adu mills did prunk hollowuy 470 junior fourth jluymoiid lumhart 471 muo htow- urt 431 v murray 410 total oto m uunnolt touchor senior third iluxol coxo 0h phyllis hownrd 401 meryl irlndoll 3d3 juck hymon 383 totul d00 ik wlntor tj iroiatflr tnnnmtrr junior third a i bin murnhull 533 lauru mac- mullen clfl marjory gurdon 613 total c0 m h moore tuuchor senior second lorna mccomb 404 pru 412 gordon currio 40u junior second isubal lirucn 443 katharine htew uri 387 tommy coolo 3flh total mo t anderson teach or junior second lois atkinson 303 mary gibbons 37h nora waterhouse 384 senior first tommy nlcol 418 ford hlumuii 40fl ethol hmlth 40b junior first may uruoe 3s4 ella woods 373 marlon day 1s7 totul t0 puss 330 olla 11 armstrong touchor junior first marguerite ilosxol 190 george mol- oxsl ibo doris hollo way 104 nor man little 104 total 360 senior primary harvey ilassurd 170 teddy hunnon 183 hubert kerr 134 total 200 n anderson toucher junior primary a ho ion campbell 18 marvin held ib juck smith 1c ilerblo price 16 urgeorga bwltxor 10 jertio kerr lsj kussoll maudo 17 c lily- drown 17 cooll olbbons 1 mary llyder ig total 20 b gardiner teacher obituary mahbhall uolmes a good mun and true passod uwuy on monday afternoon in ouelph when marshall holmes for many year an esteemed resident of nasaawageya passed suddenly a way the result of a stroke slnco tho death of his be loved pert nor five yours ugo mr holmes has resided with his daughters lutoly ho bus boon with mrs dredge at her homo ut norwich street ouelph from whence tho funeral nroeeodod yes terday aflorqoon for aorvlcd in tho presbyterian church nusaagawaya and interment in the comotery there mr holmes was a man hold in highest esteem for his sterling character he was a resident of nussuguweyu from his young mun hood a successful farmer he continued on the homestead mil the death of his only son in 1918 is was in his seventy- fourth year and was born in ksqucslng but most of his life was spent on lornohlll farm nussuguweyu tho past few years his home has suffered repeated and heavy bereavement the death o his wife his son the husbands of two duughturs mrs oalbruith untl mrs dredge und a few weeks ago ut lltnehouse his daughter mrs wm oowdy mrs james iiwrle nassu- gaweya is also a daughter mr holmes was a brother of mr joseph holmes ho war avenue and an uncle to coun cillor holmes und mrs minnie h mooro- nr tt aelon fuhllo school teaching staff 34 accounts for 9966 pataad at th meeting of naessgs- weya township last wk nassugswoya council mot un mori- day november w and tho following accounts wum pussod h ailbortuon approachos to culvert i 2c 00 wm panton advertising 3 00 contract hocord udvortlsliig k 80 j a kerr bridgu approaches- 36 00 oou mlch1umpreudliig gruvul- 30 00 h mcdonald gruvulliug lot 3c h meiixies gtuvol it 3s albert curglll uproudlug gruvt h 7t d llobortsou co crushud stone 08 60 d campbell bridge timber 25 44 m j carton repair culvert 3 00 11 davenport blunting rook 37 oh k elluiilou rupulrluu culvurt t 10 1l hlttcklook gruldig- 11 00 j allison gravel 34 08 c eurlygiavelllng 03 0b j pluyar sproudhig giuvel 12 10 w johnson spreading gruvel 3 so d puuoook uuttllig hll hi 76 jhowurd nuuuib till 80 80 jr johnson blasting rock 1h 40 g mitchell grading a 76 c a elsley feuco wlru 2k 31 it j anderson buluno on bridgu contracts 4u 00 h davenport curetukor of sol- dlur anomoriar so 00 allison gravel 37 80 j hlmpmi wood for engine crushing stonu 20 00 a ulllles slipup killed 1h 00 wulter elliot hhep killed 11 00 colin hitching sheep killed u 00 d irving mhooit ipspuctor 7 00 k gurrutt hull for court sug- yhms 30 00 w musou bulllrf uttondlng court 20 of n vrusor clork uf dlvlaluu court an 00 vlo co tim treusurdi wan luutructud to invest cluigy hosurvo puuds on huml oovotinilutlt imjllllk council udjouruod tu niuot on sutur- duy douembor 16 ut 10 uclock john murshull clork clieer up h 1034 wul be leap t have you seen thu wild goeso southward hyt huvu you soon their long hues uurons thu sky7 lluvu you huurd among thu clouds untlr furnrf cryvl huvu wutuhud thu wild gumiu southward go 1 huvu hoard tlmlr ullvur tiorns from fur hulow but wimtiro hoy omu and whuiu thuy ily i do not know no cataloguo nun give you u buttur ur cheaper muluctluil of uuttuhu glfu to choose fntntv than you wllltfliid lu tho stores of acton- you tun horo suo the goods know thut thuy uio juut oxactty whut you wunt und you dont have thu umiortuhity uiul wnny of dealing with un uutshhi iuiii uot thu batbll huy ut huuw s 1 jiwiiwvlm