Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1923, p. 3

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k he acton 3frwlr0a tiuihhimv iffl mill it 0 1l23 ma and the auto iu ri wi now jllhl 1 ii 1 11 i ltb r uhi to i might ur i hlrr tit your in ur frlutl want l no rlt rings good in without nug willi then ml u podtur auyn and pa rt plu k ut hlrn my th ur vml thnu tin add nomn duy some auy will mnhn ti lit r dough ly juiltlni horns on tonui ull acuta for womenfolks to blow a little further on ma c nlgnolbd for u turn and pa says dul hor in u hoi i nuush to burn oh thorns a boy fin rol cries rnu now do go i m mum ho doesu t h i u u aaya i dun rm l think 1 don t need uihhm roally it may in thai i am blind and onniml right in front of tun llu ur u bit if ill should upend tho rigs to hurry luuit ma whlspera do lm curt fill i your driving mudi too fust and all thn ilmo kiioh pointing tho dangers of tho afreet a l fcr hlirr an old sweetheart of mine hn it rftar whem trolloy last night when wn got oafi ly home pa nlghnd and nald my tit ur i m aura we all enjoyed tho drive you kivo us from the edgur uuosl honey and some of its uses llunoy consist of sugar about 76 and watt 1r uml rnnull tjuuntltlas or mineral mutter and othor substances such qi pro loin acid und volutllo oil iructlaliy till honey produced in canada grunuluteu soon aftfr extract ing but this dueg pot a front ith quality but raskos tt naalnr to handle ornnu lutdd honty nan bo brought buk to it lljuar form by healing it lowly in a double boll or to u tomporutum of ls dngreos fahrenheit u higher tern- porature oinn this darkens tlm honey and injure ita flavor homy must bt alorod in a dry place ax it absorbs moisture yolto readily whli h cause rt to torment and decompose i stored under suitublo ctinrtitions well ripened honey will keep for a long timo oven from ono year to another honey ha a claim to bo uaod regu larly in every homo both on account of its awmlntm which la delicately flavored according to the source from jrhlch it la gathered and also because of it high food value h being con centrated and eaally assimilated heat and energy producing food tho hulk of canadian honey is of unsurpassed quality being light in color and delicately flavored therefore ita usas in the homo are practically limitless the common way of using honey la u a spread upon toast or bread it readily tk the place of either jam or preserves in the making of eakob and cookies it has a decided advantage especially for cakes that are meant to be kept for some time on it keepa thexn moist and improves the flavor with age when honey is used cooking it must be remembered that overy cup of honey contains about one quarter liquid therefore th amount of liquid that tho recipe calls for must be cut down in proportion as honey contains acid a small amount of soda should be used about quarter of a level teaspoon lo every cup of honey and the baking powder reduced honey should not bobolled as boiling ives it a burnt flavor honey also readily takes the place nf augur canning or preserving fruits especially plums peaches pears etc it also gives thorn a richer flavor honoyoun also be used instead of sugar in mak ing jama a a swoetenlng or sum mer drinks honey gives refreshing results the kinds of candy that can be made of all or part honey aro num erous candy made of honey is much better than that made from ordinary sugar as honey is far easier lo as slmllato and does not tax tho diges tion jclng made from honey will remain fresh and moist for months without being impaired in flavor or consistency c ii good or ham do minion apiarist ho conn at ov i ull ulniie u on the facts ir lias known 1 tin leaves nf tl mills nf tho nlllng cant afford it jgua mother i never reallaed what a courageous little person ada weston is till today sold julia weavor earn estly mrs weaver looked into her daugh ters eyes and smiled did ada per form a heroic feat of some sort t she askad she isn t very largo tiur very strong but she has wonderful courugu replied ada co urn ire of the sort that does not require strong muscles but which dots require more atrensth of principle than home of us havo if ada has auch couruke shi in od not worry about her dlmliuillvv alzo aald mm weaver well you see mother aeverul of us girls had planned to make tho trip to tedenbunr with our aocloty cup tain who is to be honurvd in ele- bratlon of her election as district pre sldent it is not necessary that wt go but we knew we wuuld huva u pluassnl time llut it developed that the ex pense would imj more thun we thought it is to lie quite a social affair and that means things thut will lost money borne of the girls wanted tu go anyhow and some of us did not hut when 0 matter was dlsausad theru were few of us who hud tho courage admit that we could not u fiord tho trip but adu frankly acknowledged out and out that although she would like to go it would ooat a little more than what qhe felt ahe could urford to spand and do you know mother that strengthened the rest of us who wore lit the sajnu bo utid we just spoke uli and said we dldu t fool that we ouuld afford it cither well salt hor mother thought fully none uf us need to bo tiahamvd to say that wa cannot urford u thing whn we knw wc utimt but a tip uh you aay we ur and it do titku couragu tu apouk up in lh way adu did aald jullu und i mhull al ways think more of hor for dotng so demits u htovall thn lamplight immi to glimmer with u fllckei of surprlsi as i turn it low tu nut tnu the daaxln in my eyes and 1 light my pijhi in slh nte uuvu a high that unoms to yok its fate with my tolwtco und to vanish in tho smoke tis a fru grunt rutroapectlon t r the biylpg thoughts that mart into bt ing are llkn perfumes from tho bloasoms of h hoart and to dreum the old droums over is a luxury dlvlno who n my truant fanoy wnmlerh with that old mwnathoart of mine through 1 hour bonouth my utudy ilka a fluttering of wings tho voices of my children hd tho moth r as aho sings i foci no twlngo of conhclence to deny mo any theme when care hns cost hor anchor in tho harbor of a dream fact to speak in earnest i believe it adds a charm to spice tho good a trifle with a llttlo dust of harm for i find an extra flavor in memory s mellow vine that makes mo drink tho doopor to that old aw net heart of mine fuco of illy beauty and u form of airy grace floats out of my tobacco as thn gen from tho vase and i thrill benoath the glances o pair of a sure eyes as glowing as the summer und as tender as tho skies i can seo tho pink sunbonnet und thn llttlo checkered dress hhe wore when first 1 kissed her and she answered thn caress with the written declaration that aa surely as the vino grew around the stump she lovod mo that old sweetheart or mine and again i feel the pressure of her nlonder little hand as we used to talk together of the future we had planned when i should be a poet und with nothing else to do rut to write tho tender verses that sha sot the music to when wo ahould live together in a cosy little cot lid in a nnst of roses with a tiny garden spot where the vines were ever fruitful and tho weather ever fine and the birds were ever singing for that old swoothoart of mine when i should bo her lover forever und a day and she my faithful sweetheart till the guidon hair was gray and wo should bo so happy that when cithers tips were dumb they should not smile in heaven till the others kiss had coma no i euii than half u do cop qualified p itilh iiehoot teachers ulwnyn found ida wty to thn nrlioo nirn tings and to tin nomlnullon imttlnus for tin munlilpul count ii i nminilr illn tlm tly- tioolug handy quietly und iti lili trulilv lis lo 111 fml and hi lilt wll ruiumliorod hrottuih uiron say lis foi trur i no urn am tilt uut lordl ooorgo wuii tlino hid inu iy u i think m muii ililv lloun for ut iiibl t tu hool ted thut many u ilim iuiii huvi but it ut hunt ti fi yi won oloctod to tho f ouri ii iir u number of ycum lm wan u outirlllor und tin n ho wnu oh led t tho lteove it cluilr und wlillo lu vn wna idrctod warden of llnltori loiiiuy if my old ir mem borer m rvru me correctly luorgii ilynda was itnovo of actoti for night yours in suaon then ho retired nuljujtoft xilv hydro urtulrs of the town wniu put under n ommlosion th loorgn wul tloi or cnmmluslotf and hi ctllltil ilut ah i my dream is broken by a step upon the stair and the door la softly opened and my wife is standing thero yet with eagornaas and rupture all my visions 1 resign to meet the living presence of that old sweetheart of mine james whlicomb klloy then thuts pretty good stuff isn t t that takes me back a good many years when i look at my mary n hlnk of the good times we had fifty years ago and all down through yoars james whlicomb tllley had both a heart and u head he could see uugh things oil right and put his thoughts into worth whllo verse have u kind of an idea that tin old poem of his will uwakun many a tender thought in the jieurts of the idar folk who reud it well why nott it does any of u good to vnfluct upon tho days gone by if worv not asham ed uf thoin i foel llku saying thank on to jjmmu uwry timu i road his where uahtninq strikes aooordlng to utt otuotrliul t xpert who has mjidn a upoalal study of light nlng people 111 the hotisu ulii jut about us bate in ono plucu us uuothor itolllng up in u feather bxl ur under u blanket is senseless and ineffectual however thero aru a fow uputs tiyiro dangerous thun o thorn or lnthjioe if you am in direct una wtwijnii two good slsod metal ohjsutx aucl as u radiator an i a ramsioul running by tho side uf the huusf you muy bo struck by dlrrft or indlroot flsshos of lightning in seeking un outlet to the ground lightning h a tvndonuy to jump between wo u li diotajjir bodlos rsther than to tuko a dlreqi course through noil- conducting mod liuru a plnoe or spec lul danger is directly beneath a tianglng lump or globe suspended from thu u lllng by 1 chain lightning ttmy follow tho chain to its and and then jump off hay i got quite a uhock thursday when i read the rvort uf the luiml na tions in my fas wkss i couldnt lltxi the name of my friend ueurgo hynds any place ho has boon so long u public servant lutlilg town in some cu pacify or othul thut 1 tonfess thut i was rut hor nonplussed luf u tlmu whcit i could not rttnl his name among the notnl lines for hydro commissioners whero ho uf sorved so fulthfullv for a numbur of yours 1 wasn t at tha nomination hiautlug und i could only coiuludo thut oeojg i wettlill old like myself and fobj that ho bus served the town long enough and quietly dropped out qoorjo husn t boon on joy ing vary good health utoly and i don t blame him u bit for saying goodbye to public omoe buy when i cumo to think of it irorge hynds is really ono of our old rtibldimts i 1uvj just tut on m thinking tai and i cuii ramnmber quliu dbnlm tly wlun ho uuma to anton from uuolph wkth his futhor und mother und tho rast of tha family lot me uai that was just about nfty- flvo yuont ago lust summer i rvmutn- btr quit well when tho family moved into thu huuuo on the ijlll ojuwmlln kulrvlew avimud wheru mr und mrs uourgo wilds huvu iivmi for a good many yours why lotnt to think of it they usid to tall thut hill hyndi hill my the toasting with big slsjahu und llttlo them usd to hu down that hill it then when leorau got through his schooling utth mr lutu ho want orungevlllu to lourn the watch making trade that sms to me now long tlmo ugo and it 1 why bloas u oeorgu t unto tiuok home from or ungevlllu in 1h7 and commsncod busmeas 111 the west sldi of jfrnmlu matthews store and that s forty- ovsti yurs ugo well it wasnt many yours utter that when lm hud got hi buslnos on u good footing and had married annie agimw daughter of oui old friend hubert thf lunkooper that leorge began taking un lnlntmt in mutters of lot hi governiiient in hh udoptod town lrst ho imuiiiis u school trustee utld it cuinss to till quite vhldb liv nivt tlmo ooorga was elwt ted to thu trustee hoard hqulm irani who wui ur years a truster htmsslf and whose family supplied of tlm munlclpnt yeur and riutit hr i fee it in my hurtlupuy this vorthy cltliii this well deai rvntl ronipllmanf no othor cltuon of at ton has glvi n as frtnly of his ilinu talents und experience to the careful vimfi mcal overnight of thn uffalrs of thn niunlcl pallry for so long continued u petiotl him sorvlcom luivt btti given with a mlf sarrlnco and un earntiunas which havo mount much to acton from a municipal htan ipolnl i huvn not alwuys boon able tu so uyr to yn with ueorgo ifyutls in hu iplnlonu und methotls in fact i havo frtmuonily iliftemtl from him un 1 liavi frankly told him ao but i tuk on my old hat to u man in his honest oarnest effort to do his level tost for tho town which nntruutod him with tha pry jtl ii i i a4 ya uftcr year reiterated its con rid onto i him during many of ihoso years tieorgn has glveri of his limn und personal in tortst in other dlmitons ho was th ahlo auporintondt nt ot our hunduy school for many yars was a member of thn ilonrd of munugi moot und now un omtoomod elder whmi at tun kali i air wna organised uocrgo hynds was anlooted as horotary trnasuror this posltlo hui continued iu hold through yours und although ho tendered his resignation from that omc last kuns or he was persuaded to continue and 111 holds tho position krom my position as a uort of patriarch or the town x wish that wi had more cltlxens who would as un selfishly give their lima lnfluonrn ax porlnnco und judgment in the intorostit 1 thn community amt with equully isomsh motives i regret that my friend is just now such poor health but t hope will bo spared for many years to at to enjoy a wnlleurnod rest from tits very uctlvo life which he has spent fur more than ha century in acton a brave qirl mi8bionarv roveral decades ago gear oap in tho heart at th appalachians had an unfortunate reputation or drunken ness and crlmo murder was not in frequent among its wild inhabitants bo when adella pox a hunday he hool teacher from a congregational church in ohio appeared one day us tha ap pointed missionary to the qap every one was astounded the previous mis slonary had narrowly escaped with hh4 ufa ad alia fox held hor una meeting h the school house tho room was crowd od and the men who camo carriod pistols and drank from bottles they made loud threats about what thoy should do to the preacher hut tho sight of ue slim fearless girl stepped out gn the platform startled them and while she played and sang and apoko a spark uf chivalry kindled in their hearts at tho first mooting there was groat rivalry for the honor of entertaining her the choice aho made was typical of her spirit 8 wo want into the cabin of the moat notorious man lt tbe place a distiller and all such tha cause of most of tho trouble in tho neighbor hood her care of his sick baby touch ed his heart and he became hor faith ful friend whan her own cabin was built und furnished she held classes there und tho men gradually grsw more order 1 in hor presenoe then coma an exciting sflaodo thero was an election tu decide wheth or tho state ahould go dry pr not adella fox carted a temperance meet ing and urged har hearers to vote against the curse of drink hor friond the distiller sat in the front row frowning heavily wtn she spoka of tha mortality among little children caused by their parents indulgence in drink ho rose with lushed face do ye mean to say i killed mv children miss dollar ho cried anglly he was a dangerous man ut that moment and adelfu kox swiftly pray ed for ood s help t do sho replied steadily the man stood us if wtunnvd u moment lutor he flung his hat ort thn ground ttten hiydealarod 1 ii drink no more liquor well nu mora liquor make no more liquor ho help mo ood uy a large majority hear gup voted dry neighborhood news- town xind country oakville off to slr tho n w fjregory nturt with th uuiiiduiu at ahows of vr coo pei pe on night tol and mrs ii cox luncheon last week to thn htates nrniy offliers utt 1 tli who are attending the 1 loyal wlntni i air while loworlng it largn gaaollnn tnnt at tho whin htur ofl co servlco atu tlon on dundas htrnat on tuesday lw molt w ford and j 1uimlster lotli ol toronto received painful injuries at tho annual banquet tf the ontarh ice association hold in the itoyul con naught hotol hamilton oti thursday o vi nlng last week arthur illirmer oakvlllo was oloctod president uf thn asbocibiioii for tho your 10j4 tho muijnu milhodlst chui celnbrats tho zlth niiiiivot aury of tho nrectlon of their church on huuduy itcomlnr a thn iakvr urn nl ham uhv llr htiglisun of first mothodlst churdi hamilton und at 7 30 ev it d hamilton of hurling ton chairman of i ho district a farmer near ltnmtn juut flnlslind harvustlng hlu crop of pours ulxiul tho and uf lust wouk and we are toll sumo furmurs arc stul plcklpg i p pies thei will b in oakvilln on wilt ha an u t xiectotl that blnls will ho o a ilgoon hhiw hu now year a day ti muat ovi nt slid it ver 3u hundred fun hown uncord burlimqton arrungomonts aro under way for forming thn llurllngtondlstrlct huckny inague again thin season mr lloyd dingle m a son of mr and mrs it w dingl klixaboth hirt hns lieon called to thn liar ut osgood o hall five und u half ncrm on tho uuelpt line owned by a j j itmnnan form nrly u lurt of thu w v hopklna harm hns been sold to ur wm hmlth mlas nellie ilurnn left last week for huth rland florida whom she will hpi nd the winter j itov f dyson of huntavlllo napust church lias accepted a call to tho pumtoruta horn and will tuko up thu work on december f on friday nvcnlng mini lurry guvo u handki rchlof atiowor in honor of mlas nellie hums who left for klorldu if fnw days later the teachers and pupils of tlm uubllc hchool are making i reparation for tholr annual christmas entertainment i he hold on tuesday december ix the children of hurl ing ton and dis trlct aro having a real treat afforded thnra by the two exhibitions of pottery und painting ono ut thn high school und the other at it h thompson s store on water htreet special mooting of the town council was hold last week when it was decldod to build an extension to ine present tiro hall in oritur to house hie new truck knox church ofticlals lid thcil best to make arrangements to sell tan foot to the town but tha trfsbyter would not consent to th sale luxoltn ultlou in thn milton mr churlca tuyur of ilrantfortl has tuxn cnbiirt 1 an orrutifht and choir lendi r in he m thodlst church here und nrd on hlu dulls ut monday the high hchool omninnrnmont will tm hcld on krlday lhwnw 7 mr it 1 oollliih who has been on it trip lciiblulnl rnltirnnd home last wo k in reforoiki to ijuirhu rtguydlng a newerugo syjitem for tho town whllo plans und spot irtratlonu huvn boon outi milled to tin town t aphara to iki nomo dllth wuy thut will imvt lo i und adjust d lief urn uny d niiltontep cnu bn tuken lo u on with the project whllo r turning honm from oak villi inapicjorj m ienyi uf milton inol with un uiil lent on the imw pni vlnrlal hlghwuy on dundas tit rent whnu ills nr turned turtle hut in wuu not injured mr und mm w h i 11 milton unuollnro tho ngugeuient of jholr daughter vlolu inuhol u mr ionald huffman eldeut sou uf mr und mm fl w huffman of milton thn woddlna to tako place isrlyln iwomlior itofoimer georgetown a wonderful oprofttunity tho amaxlng mlory entitled tho wonderful heroine which uppeured in tho umlly htruld utld weekly btar of montreal has uuuhi widespread ejaculation as to tho identity of this young and beautiful woman who by her heroism so if- sacrifice and ubuuud trust and fultb in ood by et purity and uhtounding couragu in the fact of unspeakable hurrorm in tu ba regarded us a living saint arid 4hu wonder woman of a great lmpirv headers uf th rumlly hr weekly htur uro indeed fortun a it is now uiuuiunm that the publishers havit souured a beautiful painting of th wonderful heroins i ut eeproductluit in the original colors shut 1mxj4 inchps will lie seat fro to jill subscribers tiew newul who remit in time with ibis beautiful and inspiring pi turn aidd ts tho exlrttortllnun value of that grout national farm und home journal it la tho burgal lifetime th ub rlptlun of thu lumlly herald and weekly mtui montr si is only 3 00 a year mr m curkson late of urampton has purihaael the general grocery bualneas from mr d uvlngstone and now in charge during his visit to town but w grand muster w j dropa was a guest ut tho homo of mr und mrs t y ihhtbjclottgh glonwiulams mr wpa camoron of crunbrook i sited his brother itov it comer on who is conn nod to his bed at present hist weak t- mr ooorgo hitlmer m 1 1 and mrs lllllmer of oakvlllo wer iu town and attended the dod i cation ier vico at tho oddfellows new lodge roem last week hev w m- mckay formerly mltton oocuplikl the pulpit in knox church at both services last hunday ilov mr mckuy has very kindly con sented to tuka charge of the services until such lima as itov mr cumorun can resume his duties one of tho most pleasant social events hold in georgetown tor some time was tha banquet tendered to mr and mrs j a wlltoughby by george town golfers one evening last week in the oddfellows assembly rooms in tho arena building over one hundred and fifty gulfera sat down to artls tlcally arranged tables bountifully laden with roast ohlckon and all the necessary ut tributes that go to make a delicious repast a long toast list followed during which mr j d thompson riuil un address while major a rant und mr wm mckay two of our oldest and mwt revered golfer presented mr wllloughby with pursu uf gold und mrs wlltoughby with a beautiful bouqtfet haruld erin increase in farms whllo tho average also of farms in llritlsh columbia diminished some what during the iterlod between lit 11 and 121 u vry tonnldurnblu lucmusn in tho nuiiiboi of farms was registered thu number uf occupied farms of one acre or uvr in lirltiah columbia in 1031 was 11 913 as compared with u 06s tu 1u11 and o tol in 1801 larin urvwge in 1931 was xffbo mis as ugulnst 3 640 011 in 1b11 and 1497 411 1b01 retirosentlng u gain of cthfl r cent over tho twenty year period tho value of ull farm property in the provlnck incmised fnm uh- a3iy34 111 1b11 to i01379tul or 8 per jent isnt jt the trlith the ducoitibor mooting of tht north triu ufo und u 1 w o will lm held on iriduy jvoulng ocmbor 14 t tho homo mr und mrs gourgo h 1letcher col crulg of i ergu made jilg fe ular lusiicotlou of the school last woou and found everything in good order hector ilukney has loosed from mr w t hlnctalr 10th line krln hu arm uf iso acres und will got posses ilon in december mr and mrs hin lair intend moving to georgetown tho wellington county uv htoek udglng team ut the iloyu winter fair did excaptlonully woll capturing four tli plate with 34 counties in thn contest ictl moore from jcrln town ship stood seventh place as an individ ual with its liolnts out of j uoo geo wright of jclora 4k1 ninth with 7s4 iwtnu while john mult lain twontyrlrst with 71b points ths itasaar hold ut hums church under the uusiiioos of thu muplo 1osf mission llund was u decided sucooss tho sum uf 76 was realised from the total proceeds hums lresbyturlali churdi is cola brt ing the seventy fifth anniversary of the founding of the church i impressive and memorable ma last huiulay annlvorsary wornionu wem pn ached by usv h farluy a colllngwootl on monday evening u week of spoclul aervlces comiiu ntod wliaddrusavs each ovuiilng by tho if jftot lowing till nut era monday itov walter tattersoii m a of norvul tuiwlay hev j c uobertsoii h i of toronto wednesday itov a c htewart m a of acton thursday itev e h 100k hurt ruleduii kast friday hev 1 w hiiehd ill h ol cluude on hunday next a sporlut communion hervlto will be held a iu the pallor will be uaslstotl by ltuv j muthnsou m a moderator of tho ttynod at 3 p m itov mr mathioon will conduct u ganllo seivlce at 7 3 1 tn u special thanksgiving servlco will h etinduotetl by itov i ma hafty of orangevllle on mon day evening u gotitl old limn hioot ing followed by an viitertklnmnnu will j loshtg fouture a brief history uf thu church will bo read hev captulu thomas dtidds of cltel tonham jtov oeq komlell of duit- dklk with othoru will give add advocate tito wiltir of thut popular drlvnt yes wo havo no lluimnus collect tl a rqyulty or 160 000 fur his inann song while the widow of one of ilrltallis war heroes was recently fon id to uell her husliatid rneduts devorotlons to save herself from destitution th imiu is mightier than sword the root of gambling tht rtxit of gupibllng is the dnalrn to git nomnthlng fpr nothing it is prvclsnly tho samo thing as thn rout or thru nmbnxxlornenl rubbery und t urglury there um mllllouu of dollurs lost every your in upooulutlon hut it la safn to say that not u dollar is lost by unyono who is not expecting tl get something for nothing th awlinll r and cun h man is utuguf bul ho ffouia nuvonrncflaflg except for tho fact that hl victims are also rogues tho dlfforenco is that ho knows that he is a rascal whllo thoy think thoy aro not rascals they do not mull so that every man who nxtmcts to got something for nothing is ul ready u thh t in his hoart thu first itason every boy ought to iki la lig lit in school und in tho ramily is that he haw no right- to call buy penny ho may huvn honest unless ho hus given u lonny s worth for it nu dollar that over camo to man whether by gift or luck or treasure trove was evr a blessing and a strength to him except the dollar ths cost him commansurato effort whoever will tako for his motto li life that he will never focnlvo oonv ng fiy nothing will not only b aufo from iming choutod but will auw to prnanrvntl many a time from making l fool of hlmanlf honesty u so extraordinarily simply hut it ts extrnmely difficult to under- tand while fraud is so complex that tt is very plauslhle it is u curious commentary on human iture that a man often pities himself iiecuuso ho has to work hard tor every cent he gets while the swindler is as tly satisfied with himself as u rule and in the long run a sort of rough justice is worked out in the world and a man who is of service to fellows usually gels paid for it lo aw a rule ulthuugh thero art rndny ox options and in tho long run although very many got tired and do not run long enough the man who complains that ho hus boon iii treated and ts unlucky is one who t is dlsap- liolntod becauso ho did not gat some thing for nothing you do not always got your just puy for the work you do and some mon get pay for work they did not do it is an uneven world but it la certain thero is one satisfaction that a man has that no one can lake from him ono treasuro he possesses which moth cannot corrupt nor thieves break through and steal and that is tho con sciousness that he has never tried to get something for nothing and that will give him a faith in human nature that tho other kind of man can never have a certain frenchman aald that the honest mull has at ieas4 one advantage over the rascal ho knows there is at least ono honest man ir frank crane in bhoe und leather journal reversing the reverses a vermont- man recently vlnltid hlu hrottp r thn owner of a rant h in ono of iho nrl i regions of tho went au ilia gunsl was shown over thn plai e jin owner lold him nf tho dlmrullles mil nhatat le 4hat he had ovnrcomn hi making tho desert bloom and ho uln i touched upon his plans fnf thn fuuiri you umaxo mo iii1l aald tin vlnlt or la it possible lo msko u living- un such land as tills ami in tun h a climatnt it aurnly u 1 liavn had a grtut dml mom out ut it than a inert living i um glad tu her hul for you muat have laid by aomothlut for n rainy day the owner ami led i vo done tint tor than that ha explalmd willi thn help of an occuaionpl rulny duy i have contrived lo lay by soim thing for iho dry days the reason why how to damn with faint prulnn tn cha racier u tlcally hcottlsh fashion is told in the following story am it runs u certain politician was playing golf on a hcottlsh course when ho re marked iu his caddie ty thn way tho ifist time i was here i played with tom mcgregor hns a grand player ay aald tho caddie but y could bout tmm mcgregor noo knowing what a skillful plnyw mi gregor had showp hlmsalf to hi tht politician was immensely pleaml ut thrt caddies rontpllmeitt to hlu hwi improved play ix you think sot ho exclaimed ay came tho slow reply tiuil mcgregors doldl w 1am p 9 cent aih some bumper crops homo of tho record crops of wheat harvested in southern alberta thl year are tho following messrs o y mnlmberv of ulaoklo dlatrlct had 470 acres of wheat tluxi avoraged 47 bushels per aero 630 aires which buf fered a 6 per oont hall loss averaged 41 buahals 100 acre suffered a e0 per cent loss yielded 26 bushels per acre w h fletcher urant alberta had 160 ucres yield his 1 bushels to the ucre he had altogether 1 800 acres which yielded very high thomas murgftttsjr ilrantj liad 110 acres wheat that averaged ts bushels per acre sll c hoak cayley alliemo hi 140 acros under marquis wheat from which ho threshed 8 000 bushels which i un averago of 67 1 bushels per acre c coote cayley threshed 1 us bushels of wheat from 36 acres ji obsop or vulcan hud a 46 acm field of wheat avorugb 68 bushels per o and around vulcan that uvamg was not so unusual furmora of the con district will ship upwards of 3 000 o00 hushals of wheat this year und hlatklo und itruitt will tome near t murk thoy havo had remark h crttw this year x c lioomer nantou albettu who farms a half octlon of and had 430 acres of wheat ummvrfullow land that uveragud 0 lushels par ncrv of wheat that graded jo i hard und weighed 64 lbs to tlm buahwl moasurti a little child shall stlon world little uhlld old mysturles as many um ultoat lx uao uf unit myaliribus origin und tlnuiiswerublu uuttire their unawers are startling hi their accuracy und utx qulto pullng to know whero uiy gullied uio knowledgo thoy auem lo txiasess huuh an incident i will try tp relate this truiisillred in a rotnlly of worllly imoplo vnry much so in deed compiising the uiront two girls lit early liens ahd u small boy uf three upon whom my story la cntrd tho family considered thorns ives very motisni kept ull tha stylos tried to first iti uvurythlng but guvs no thought lp churuh or hunduy hchool they wnro thortipgh jussers klnt ly pardon this modern word thi hlhu thu homo potoeod wm uad only to hold clipped ret ipes uhd preas duinu favors und prosorva locks ot hulr of departed friends but th contents wore iiavor dtsoussod in thu home an ull frlundly nelghbirs tlu they uxchuiiged tha lutist rvcords for their talking muchlned whllo untertulnlng one o veiling tlto records wera run through just as taken from tho lablnot whllo waiting for tours juk tho com pany wt re almost startled tu hear u splendid rich liurltono in actants sweet ittl tumlir sltlgliuf j us lover of iy attul the soleutioii though a nlirprjae wss greatly enjoyed by ull so mat h so thu absence from thn room of tho lilllo uoii wus not noticed until time htuggurlug tn t lip room carry ing a liihlo und tossed it on tha floor saying there all utr mystery ed tonpervatle tho parents louk- t ouih othr then at tholt duugh- tors tho daughters looked ut each ther thou ut their parents tholr lips forming tho unspoken woids how did ho unowr after thn hourtruui hlng ooug wu ttulshttl tho rumlly said they did not w how hu gained tha knowlodgn of ntrrjng jeaiis name with iho ultde which ho hud found in die bookiasa untler viul arth lus ut various kinds jits answer lo all tbstr quoations wr fhdnu baats electric gas a now all lamp that gives un untax ingly brilliant soft white light ovou bettor than gas or electricity has lon tested by the xj h government und 3s leadjng universities and found to bo superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps it burns without odor smoke or nolso no plumping up is simple clean aufo hums 04 air and 6 common knrosono coal oil the inventor v n johnson 346 craig bc w montreal is offering to send a lamp on 10 days hkis trial or even to give one fitee to tho first user in each locality who will help him introduce tt wrllo him to day ror full particulars also ask him to explain how you can get th agency and wlthuut experience or money make s360 to j6o0 per month we want 300 hen right now for big paying cnechan- paj jobs ir you are mechanically inclined and ilka working around automobiles and tractors don t do lay never was there auch a do tnand for trained mon a few week timo invested now will give you a trade that will moan inde pendencq for life learn automo bile and tractor operating and re pairing tire vulcanbtlng- battory building and oxy acetylene welding by tbe hemphill practical system free employment aervloe la at your disposal freo catalogue got big pay and steady work- xk it now hemphill auto tractor school 16s king sl west toronto to school dy automobile llolriiiuh in rjiiimih hm adopli d i novi i plan foi sot urlng iho niton i nil i f lill irwin at at hool tin town barely morn limn u hum in hii wilaf is aold io 1 thn lr t and llix at onsoll lutt 1 grul u d high hool iti nil kunan tt sirvtu n n h i tllntrltt urea or 136 square mlli with in lurtilliiunt this your or cru puiilln lloltomh im just now lulmlnu ii- utlrdlutl of weattrn uluuh i tiiinu if its tmlnnntiy emi m u iwxil hi hii iii a tont r lo road n ntly t hi utrtictod hus tneu un lmirtuut tudor r 1h wo pupil onrolht 3h0 un tuken to inttl rrom school by bun 1 h vi u of llinne urn in unn daily und u twelfth is i ti id in reuervn tht burnti n trnvtl ulxiiit 3i0 miles a day mwklm in uvniiit of a little over twenty m vi ii nilh n duy fur oath one or loa thnu fourteen miles for iho afternoon ill thus the t hlldron aro carrlid quh kly tomfortuhly uud aufoly two f th burnt h aro driven by older high nt hool txiys ami ttio otlu r ulmi uro ilrlv ii hy thn womon tencheru in this wuy tin ox pi nan for drlvem la hold to about lu p r month iiat ynur only ihlrtnon duys worn lout ilinlng iho en tiro nchool ymr be cuuue of road condtthma this year with improved hlkhways it net ma probul lo thai mtjli loss i line will ho ve6 of course i 111 j enn had just flnlthntl er tlrl firm at achno nnd ht r futhn wus qiustlontng bar to a what aim toarm tt wt ii jean ho uald as you iiavo ilug tho ulphubet perhaps yrntgflrrfrh too h iter at jean thought for a mominl and thei tjust out internal and external pains r aro promptly relieved i ob thomas eclectrjc ano is tooav a oftcater acixeft 1 ib a tteatimomiai that 8pcak8 for itb nuuerous curatfvc quaimcs ial pains i for long winter evenings lanterns and oil cans a ilooh lantern is your host frtonot on a dark winters night at chore time a well made lantern holding two pints of oil and having a handy lift that makes lighting a matter of only a few seconds la priced nt 113s and ubs oil canh thoro arn so many things uround tho house that run smoother and with less nolso when they art given a little oil often thoy uro nog lee tod because it is loo much bother to apply the oil without un oil cun a handy oil can la waiting for you at talbot b w d talbot main street phone 76 acton onurio iiuiiiiuiu tell the world joluiwanamaker said to discon tinue advertising is like taking down your sign if you want to do business you must let people know it i would as soon think of doing business without clerks as with out advertising and wanamaker knew what he was talking about the enormous business he has built up is ample evidence of the correctness of his principles it is jusl as important for you to ad vertise as it is for him size lias nothing to do with it the mere fact that you may lie a neighborhood retailer of no great size does not signify you have not something in the way of service or convenience or price that your neighborhood should be told abcut in fact such a location makes ad vertising of some sort all the more es- i sential no big business was ever built hy hiding its ligtyt under a bushel your competition is keen you may not have a newspaper in which to tell your story then you will have to devise some other means to keep your btory going tho rounds no set rule or method am be set down youve got to work it out to meet your own particular competition letters circulars telephone calls pergonal visits movie slides sutnple distribution store newspapers art hut u few of the mediums n possible you may he able to think up something much betuir and dont think you have nothing in teresting to talk ubout look around und you will find any number of things you do that your competitor does not let us help you with your advertising problems imwwwwwmmw

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