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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1923, p. 4

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ml ppwhsp out artnn tst rygb thiihhday ihcpmui ii 0 1823 light 1 pr i iirul cliilsl h fur ti liilimt k for ik trln vr tluih i wih i u chbibtmaq lliut nut whlht wnndni hint lvhlll h la for htoi kings lillxi up i tho hr 1 ur inw und hi nicholas a forgui htm t u tor ili tucky und tii for irwo m a for mm h imrilniss for yiu i a i- foi ull if uo the days i would 4ke to live over thuro j mi tlmu in my lift- j would rathsr 11 v ovr thiin bjy school days it may intorom l and gtl know how i lllty vburii uml ii having had ulj f uxprlui would rel a unit going lit n howl if i worti young again would inioly go to school hocuuso it u tho butt plo uarth in which to luss onu youth no matter how ureal c uhanco lo m money a biy oxuy iv hu will m mora money in tho long run if ho ha good schooling no matter how great an opportunity a iilrl may havo to gat married she will make a butler wlfu and mother und 1 happier if she ti tn education them i diort and hotter fun tn be had in school thun any w horn lw d ing tho ago between six and iwonty- an vou arw much morn likely to mht the bast kind of people v whom to form a lifelong frlondihlp til school than eaewhera schoou are not perfect but tbftv axe the bast institution that uflst for boy and girls they are the finest prodilo of civilisation the beat rasull or evolu tion time pnt in school l not wasted you loss nothing by takli pains to aharpan yhur ax v in school vou got in touch with tho past the human race has uxtstod a ion while at school you get the benefit of it ureitmiiiiitfrd t you stand on your forefather shoul- ders and do not have to lry oxporl- mentm they have tried over and over at school you acquire inheritance from the wisdom of tho past which is totter than inheriting a million dollars from your father at school you learn to love and to use books and from books have conae the boat efficiency and enjoyment of any life at school you learn what is best of all to form good taste the moat marked difference between a cultured person and a vulgar una is the kind of things they like at school you learn to use your riches so as to get real satisfaction if you are rich and if you are poor how to have a full and happy life in spite of it at school you rub off the sharp corners of your personality you learn how to be agreeable bow to get along with folks and how to play the game of life with the most enjoyment of oil the men and women i havo known not one of them was ever sorry for going to school and everyone who for any reason had missed education regretted it if yon havo parents that wiu send you to school you oro fortunate and thrice if you have to work your way through school by your own exertions to aoy that you would like to go to school if iou were able is non any boy cart get an education if he desires it any girl can get schooling if she is determined of all the fools that roam the earth the one that wears the blue ribbon us the biggest fool of all is the boy who will not go to school because he wants to go into busl noes his only competitor for first prise is the girl who leaves school to gel married by xr w crane in the in d us trial journal a leaky law the hanltoba xjquor act wan sup poaed to be the veryiasttrord in ilqaor legialauon prohibition does not pro hibit it incites to law breaking aahj the moderation is t therefore we de mand a law that will establish the respectability of liquor selling and liquor selling a reasonable law which will secure the right of every man to have enough liquor but binder anyone from having too much will be respected tho witness urged that tho more latitude there is given to liquor the more it will take that the enforcement of any aort of law permit tlngr the sale of liquor is always much more difficult than that of a law pro hibiting it altogether one clause in tho manitoba act provides that liquor will not bo sold indiscriminately us wo have it in quebec orders must be placed at the uovorntitant depots gnd tho goods will be delivered at residence of the customer or if he uvea out of town it will be consigned to hint at his express utile exception is made for customers living in placea not served by the express companies these on stilling their place of resid ence on a proscribed form are served with their liquor in the depot as it is done in montreal and other liquor centres in quebecv thuw provision were supposed to promote temperance and to eliminate the abuse with which montreal is familiar but alaal a des patch to the montreal htar talla us that tn spite of the law hundreds of win nipeg oltlsens have been getting ttaslr liquor at the oqlclal warehouse load ing ll in their cars and taking it home or else w hero u proceed to tell how an lnvestlgatl6n on behalf of a winni peg paper visited a liquor warehouse outside he found a long una of motors inside he found the motorists also in a long line preceding from the ofnc to their car with cases tucked under their arms the procedure wus that the customer filled out the form giving as his address some suburban town ouulde the ordinary commission de livery limit but having no express office everybodys wls to it sold one customer whats the use of wultlng a couple or tfuys fur u dull very when you can glvu one of these towns as your rasuiunct und get it on the potr an official admitted unit the commission was being victimised tuitl said that steps were bslng tukon lo effect a remedy that olerks had been told to hiake the people piovo they were really from the duioo tn which they ulalmed to reside that in sus picious csjhmi the permit holders wu being warned that their statement would be investigated and their par jnlta canoe led if their assertions as to residence ware not correct i a 51 to k fls5flbsl sassasahsrsh christmas again i u1hh me it christina lonvui obulnt how many times iuin it torn to ra- wtll that would he tilling hut its u long time ilnas i llrnt in b to hanp up my blockings for hanlii lu nil and iigend myth or houx whuttivnr you modarnlats may fire t good old hunitt clv he m mluoo my stoi- kings on chrinimaw jeve whn 1 wm llttlo or when i got hlg and im glad for the klditlvs will luyitf up their stockings on christ mas ive this yoar for theni won t ho nurry a one of them but will re ceive prts und good clxjnr christmas time i auppikna i ought to ho haipy at this approach of christmuatldo und i am hut i inl h ll thinking of thw many wlmo cbrlounus will hov i row in it tills yenr kllxwbuth ktijart phelps chrlstmah prayer pojneu to very vividly lonlght oly heart irtl for tho lo i pray opart now for llio son of sorrow whom this tomorrow hejolceth not o lord lltmr my weak word i for lives too bitter to be borm voc the tempted and tho torn for the prisoner lp tho cull for the shame up doth not loll tor the haggurd hommd peace ponce this chrlstmustldw into the desert trod by the long iek o oodt into tho patient gloom of that small room where lies tlm child of puln of all neglected most bo fuln to enter healing and remain now at tho fall of day i bow and pray or thiwo who cannot ioej a watch 1 keep oh let th starving bruin i in fad and fed again at thy behest the tortured nerve find rest i see the vucant chair father of souls prepare my poor thoughts fteblo power to plead this hour for the empty aching home whore the silent footsteps come whore the unseen face looks on whore the handclasp is not felt where uui dearest eyes are goin where the portrait on the wall rtlrs and struggles as to spuk where tho light breath from tho hall calls the color to tho cheek where tho voice brtaks in tho hymn when the sunsot burnetii dim where tho lata largo tear will stsxt vroxsn by the broken heart wbfru tho lesson is to learn how lo live to grieve to yearn how to- hour und how to lww oh the christmas tliut is find ijn1 of living and of d6ud comfort thou but one there is more kind thun uny olhtir whose presence nils i the silent houso with light the prince of ieaco our gracious elder urother came to his birthday feast with us tonight thou who was-bern- and cm died in a manger hast gladdened our poor earth wjth hope und rest o best belovod come not us a stranger hut tarry lord our friend and christmas guest coming back again to tlo christmas stockings isnt this a pictum of win weve seen in muny un oldfuahloiiod happy home im christmas eve a christmas morning x dainty little stockings hanging in u row hiue and grey und scarlet in tho rl re light glow curly patod sleepers bufoly ttuknd in bed dreams of wondrous toy shops dancing through each huud futhbr christ man creeping plans with tender care how to give each dreamer just an equal shure vunny little storklnga hanging in u row uturfvd with sweat surprised down front lop to toe bkntes and hulls and trumpol dishes lops und drums llook und dolls und candles nuts and sugurplunu little sleeper waklt uu in case of bmehqbncv one saturday a small boy arrived with an importunt air at the penny savings bonk of ucbllego ssttlamant and withdraw twuuunts from his ao- oount monday moralog its promptly ra- turnml the money so you didnt spend your twooent obaerved the worker in charge oh no the lad rspllad but fallow llkm to havs a little cash hand oysr uodgy wish you merry christmas happy girls and boys i rrool italy ooiueu the lugnhd from which wd uru supposod to got thu lime honored custom of huliglitg uk tin christ mas slocking flood old tit nicholas of padua used i throw long knitted purses tied both ends into the open windows thu vary poor people these purses wro muds of yum hot unlike a fool less took lug finally it be tame the custom of thx people to hang them outside of their window pit tho night before christmas so that st nicholas uld put a gift into them as he passed b ijy and by wlion loiii became i toy wore put in for the child druii and useful jirtmtiil is for growi people in thu north country whore it wus ruthur chilly at christum tlmu ths purses were hung on th nnnlel ploce und 1 1 was believed thai i in good uld saint would cuniu down ths chimney un till them when these purses wore out of use stockings substituted and have boenfused ever sines heres one practical youngster who has do use for the faithless philosophy which declares santa cluus is u myth i i i ootta blibvh in banta claufcl im needuf satates an need a sled w got u 1sgv tham seems to me lut lat night ajl tucked up in bed i got to thuoasv i would be as ohaorful if thay aldnt oom becauaa alne mtm hy jnoved away and santg ajwmya gnla om h might mtag mi a day tharaj alnl gs flada c4h h on fhfc wdjl uuttiakk imr if tlioyydont hunli tho more i do keep my faith strong through good hnllovhi hiiiilii lium lit trim the mom iii lie a hulpln dud f hrliitiuus u a tlmn fr homu-oin- g homo 1u like nowhere el no in tin wo id travel where nil will in distant lands ono ji tianighlm um oiiwlousl tlrlft liuik to th land of on birth uml to if i plu o ailed i ho mo tills u notli bl at riirlsinian time par ticularly bocuunn ll is tin limn for re n n ut n for tho n ihiwiiik of uciuulnt- anonshlps to in again th loved faces of thu old folks lliero in some in ward uig that has thu form nf a drive and it mutlnrs not hi w faraway one ha to turn th thought home ward r til actual preaoiica canllut trtuko thojoumuy a trip hack to tho old fatm home- stfud is like a renuwul of youth i hare is the old horse or th old dog that buom to havo retained soma meusur of urteclion for tin- long absent boy and girl i hern is the trystlng placo llllod with aucred ijiemorlum of youthful idvus and dreams tho corner in tho old garret that was tlm ptuyhoime of child hood a row of thu old toys and p ay- thing that buvu buorl tkousiirv i by pthor hands while you roamed llfo s devious jourhays nhutlng enreors jif tlnro s hardened jif i nl in nt in tho tbats touched by th lruitmi in it visit back liunn thorn ii u feeling of uulufnctlnn juflt u sit down ugnln in tlm old familiar cor livts to imagine jiguln thu old srono now uyna foreyor whuther its in th city or tho country christmas tlm calls insistently to every one to runuv ugaln ns long us thu old folks un living the associations or the past und bring out to the old place tho youngor generation just to thu plnco whom their fathers nnd mothers hud their upbringings it s a rent to the soul i body becauee its a part of your own self theru s a patrlotlum in the horn visit thuts to be found nowhere olsc he it over so humble it is ever welouma and it a the welcome that makes i home when u man or woman cn e nuwhsro else tho homo doors alway swing open to them nnd that makes it always a sacred shrine that nothing idas can replace thats what mnves ahrlatmns th joyful season it always is in our hearts the handclasp of the family tho pat on thn wok that expresses mora feeling than words can convey abe glistening eye that is not too dim to e l the grown man and woman the utile lnd and lassies that used t romp about so carelessly and noisily theme all mftki til ths older generation have gone or ever we would not m1s the christ mas reunions for they always mk the heart young and hopeful and strong to fulfil the ambitions that ware first awakened there home is always sweet wol home und especially at christmas time our hearts are all nfluuortour face all aglow v the weather doesnt mattov it may rain or it may snow dud und mummy lad and lassie and wo bablos laugh in gles at tho bustle of the students hasten ing to thu old roof trt all golntf home for christmas and tho old folks in the homo nest be it cot or mansion wide through open door aandlnir welaome on the flood of gtirllmiistlrt to kith and kin and snmettmus hlrillltf or for this day of mrry chosr kopt in hope and faith and loving for this oho day ovory year aj welcome homo for christmas tts ths blrthllma o tho chrigjfahlltl w have kept two thousand years tls ths glory of hi iksnhlnlng hnygh a mist of tsars tla the fragrance of tha llllo thgl i coma across the sea tls the love wo boar our brother that brings peace tn you and me till we all go home for christmas one of the southern fireside torhl told at christmas time by the colored oiks runs in rhyme like this lltur handy cluus i liccrd him jmy iio ktinwnd dn rhlllun fom do fur uwav lu nil dim htockius by do dhlmlilj oh tin knowod yi dud ly f he mum yo fnrot he ii tell you ol tin ilmr handy cluus say i hit w he is i loan like lo ui ship an hiinkmobeell my reindeer iiiiuilu t r d chruti day an i nil dom titixkln in way dal what im ml mo an dut what i know- ax him bout ll an he i tall you sol tho miry seusou of chiiutmus with its tender iiiomnrlos and bl moil fiss clatlous is always huru of a hearty wohnmo averywhuru wo toiild not do without tlm softening humanising hi- nuutico of that feutlval of glorluod mot in rhooil itmitifluil liifaix y bmuli- flwl poverty thu liny hands stretohed out from the h waddling rags in thu mangur havo laid strong bold upon thu hearts of men the puthos or the birth among the beusts of thu ntuhh of ilpn who having mudo tho world in wisdom now came to romuko it in lovu und splendid furglvonoss awuumim an an swering tenderness and lovn in nvnry conscious soul not u homo in christ endom but flings whin upnn its floors to thn christmas splilt to tnuko some amends for all thu loimd daois in llothlehittn that tlrt christmas uvul it is thu richer mun s opportunity thu poor munu rejoicing tlmu and the children s morrymuklug time bocaueo in their innoconco they stand so much nearer to tho spiritual meaning und blossoduoes of thn ilcthluhem monsugo than do thn rest of us hut all can bt least dlnplny upon their fut on and express with their up the wish that will tx u prayer with aomo and is sent us a speciul niussugu to ull of my readers for a uiqht meiuhc chiubtmahi that christmas may bring you and yours unparalleled pleasure in the du- llght of those dour to you that you mny nnrt an opportunity to help one nf humble state that you may really fool tho gruutor glory of tho giver that you may reoelvu a multitude of loving remembrance hat your hearth and board may sea again u circle of nnmptetn j n th wuh of a marvel or condensation for threo days u luwyer had nrgued anil pleaded his ollontsxaso ills brief was a momtarplooe of claim leal learn ing upd erudition but it wus tiresome to say the least cotonal parker said the weary judge at inst without wishing in any wy to intimate that the court would hot be delighted to listen to your whalo argument 1 must suggest that thn riprkpt is somewhat crowded and that it might help your clients cause if yoi oould condense a little your honor exclaimed the at torney the thought wus in my mind when i prepared my argumonil bir for the next four days my brief is perfect marvel of condensation easily convinced a story in london opinion bears witness tu hie faot that from tin preachers point of viow a harm tit nay occasionally bo too eloquent und too persuasive kh siild handy to thu minister ynn was a lkwrful dnescoqrso tir thrift yo prenchtid his sabbath ahm glad yo were able to prartt protll why mcjn x would havo stashed ipy apmsv into the platu wlout ll thpught if it had pot bean for your providential words they fuviid nit fourfoncn there- and thonl pemnock8 old blind mule it was my third day on tha ruuth at daybroak w started a herd of lultln towuid hun la ltonu at tho end of an hour wu piissed u in mo ma who wits loading a dim uloor upon ti low ruik a wu w nl by ho stnp- i in 1 his work long t nuih t wuvu it friendly hand ut thu boyn und shout ii cheerful gooil morning whim ihutt i naked that s iunuoitk tin- uitlvugo man youll soon omu to know him no onii rhlis mar blu plant without stop ping whnil tho tattle uro grilling pn gruotl ulfulfu a ull rum h cattle do at sdtnn hum while thoy uru being fultoned ll is inovltubla that uume of thoni idckuu uihl dlu hudi animal ion noou sought out um removed to hla ualvagu plant there hu took olt tho kins and treated tho bodies for tallow tim tallow plant was u burn llko ntruoiurn isolutod and lonely tim ulr for k long dulaiili umild it wui nulodorouu nuvurthultius lnuioclt lived out his llfo theru at hist his job could nut hr ulloil attractive yet never have i met u man inoro wholuomly hour fill und vim happy in his fate it was u plods urn to just muni and talk with him so winning ww his quiet und frlundly personality its dluiigieuublo work und hard work ns well how do you stun it- it uo hearfullyt m suld to him onco thn great tullowm uldruns worn tum- ihirurlly itnpty for the inomunt puu- nuok hud nothing to do come round t im ausworud und ut his limping gult lu d tho way llmmiith thu shade of a solitary ug- troo stood a rove i ml tank a fow paces p way an old gray muln hltdmd tu a lover walked nlowly round und round pumping tho precious water up into the tank r htone blind 1 1 on nook suld i got her from tho horao pasture them nothing to muku hor pump if shu doesnt want to but you nnu uhu koopi at it ponnook llftnd thn tank rover und handed mo a dipper of thu coldest mwnotost water i over drunk pure nectar in comparison with thu tepid drlnx wo got ut the hunk housv one could holp liking januock i now it was doubly easy to sen why none of tho boys ovor passed tho pluoo without stopping thomulo is oul und blind hut sh does what work she can do willingly ponriuck explained homo tlm us i und watch hor and navor while my tierape guides her does ilia pause hesitate in her circuit its work that worth doing tha water in that tank i reckon is worth whllu thut s what i had in mind ho went on t wus still young when x was shot up so thnt i could no longer work in the saddle oradually 1 leu d the lesson that that old blind muto touches me job is not altogether ngreouhlo but its work somoone tnubt do and its worth doing i salvage over six thousand dollars worth a year and so doing thn work im able to do im wise onough to bo content ed they all do it johnny said tho teacher if coal is soiling at s3 a ton and you puy the dealer 8 how muny tons will hu bring yout a llttlo ovor three tons maam said johnny promptly why that s not right said thu teacher no maam i know it aint right said johnny but thoy all do it some provider is yourj husband much of n pro vider mllandt lie jos aint nolhln else maam ho gwnlo to git some now furnlturn providln he git de moimy hu gwine to git de money providln h go to work he go to work providln do job suits him i never soe such a pro vidln mail ln ul man days a valorous and valid reljaion r tinder this iitptlon thn twenty flral nnital i upon of thn dopartmutil of ivungnllnm und fiodul hi rvli n of tlm muthoillal cliurib has just hunn 1 mi uml its 111 pum h is given a iiunprehwn- nd ery inn tlm sting 1 ilurloi viirdnim ilupurtni in oloslnnthul year omprlmis reports of i ilia meetings on udmlulmlrullon thurliood llvungullsm prohibition publlo morals und social ritorguiilui ion tuporls of thn immvul him rntiiry nd tlm six field hmmturhu uml of is various institutions and so jul workers the broad dominion wide nrforts f this dcpurtmont are morn varied and nomprehenslvo than most of thn member of the unm h are ut all uwuru of thewu ui uvltloh comprise the iluthany hoiieu ut montr- al u riiue homn for gh is icurlucourt cplldroiis homo toronto where scoru of little folks uro vury happy man it obit united hoc hi i borvko homo ut kudouuii man where wayward girls urn given hotnu- lovlng surrounding tho muln homo for girls ut truro n h whom nighty girl und young women urn cured for thn mnlohnunmnlpu memorial for llrltlsh emigrant ut tor onto thn hydnay hot lal hervlco ilonm ut hydny n b und tho wpoclul horlul workor ut toronto and vun- couvor mu lleutty und miss hunter itov dr t albert moore ih len- ii hi hnrrolury in ronnludlng his very interesting and informational report suyu tlm bist thing growing out of thu churches functioning in thlii he id is tlu growing conviction that ull tha furc of goodwlu in tlm community can ho bound into un effective group to work out plan und purposu for tlm establishment nf thn kingdom of lod on earth it i not something thut may or muy not be done ut discretion challenge to sarvlcu is inherent in the vory nature and essonco of christianity itself tlm truth is that though hu manity must huva bruad ir cannot live- by bread ulona nor can it mivu its if momly by its own ufforts hi un ugn of increasing socularlxutlou uvop in tho field of human service it is essen tial to remember ulwuys tho goal- perfected individuals in u perfected socioty under a perfecting ood a wonderful cloctf a levnr tjiirnffiun nw tal win ki r is leaving till otintry to hiiow round thn vorld a i lock hu huu in on nuiklng for 3 yours him in onm of its auuikliigly varl d fiuturur- it uu elglitom dlul lilnleu uliowliig the tlmti in jim many ills of furopo aula and atnerh a it has u ihlinu of slxtmi hi iu a lr reiilrlul ulolm lhaf uinm in zt hour mul ll tolls tin- dut hour nil nut unj u i nd lvury hulf jiopi ii loot opens and blllwm i ho pb inn of i in iniin who made thn lo k hu wintry ho ulno opi ii und mo 1 ill r uppnur ut their loiiiu icvery hour und a half a rull wuy train run on u mountain uncnnt past tin old lustlo the sun und moon uru uhoyvn as tlmy rise and sot livery hour two iiuiiiohs uru run out on thn tlinuts of tlm until and ovary mili um two wooden flguri n i niergu mu to play and tlm othui toiobhle shoes op tb lop of tlm dm k stands dmtb nwliiglng his siylbe tlm clock 1 made- cumroly of wood its contriver nxp a to nrnko u nil little forlunu out of the world curi osity xv 1ml hot hi huu wisely uluut hu tlmu or not may hu pi sllonxl hut bis levorimsh cunnof ba dntilud his fistic prophecy ah uluiuli pity you mild u olorel pugilist to his opponent us tlmy iuur- d off ai wim born ivltb boxing gloves oil muybu you was rutort d thu othor and ah reckon you u goln to dlu do name way and why not a llttlo hlrl who wim just in ginning rfiid imr rimer was nnkerl i npell how do y shop early a word to the wise if yoll havtnt ulraudy started your hrlhtiuiim hiij tig you are lute dont put ll off uriotlmr week hturt bow und don i fall to vull tlm reul hanta claus 11 aluuattru for acton toys galore fnncy ohlna jewellery of all kinda kojrers silverware everything for christmas vou can duv oiftb for jhewhole family here george hynds mill sirmt t ton ontario the re f ore lo no mul glory in mun for ull things are i ours whntho juul o r ape llos or cophu or th world t r life or death or things pros out or ihitigs to come all urn yours und ye uro christs and christ 1 ood s qos8ip lllood und tiro are but u in ull sr vuuts of destruction in compariso with gossip ooaslp has caused more heart nchn and has dona more dam ago than all tho oil speculations sinco tltusvlllo wu u farm to gdkslp is always a clear con- fokslon tlltt you either harbor malice or tliat you urn downright ignorant of thu wishes of respectable poonln who do not caro to hear it through gossip business organisa tions uru frequently upset nolghbors uro mudo enemies for life reputations ruined gossip would stop before well start nd if wo would always remember this quotation it is only beforo those who are glad tu hear it und anxious to spraud it that wo find it oas to spuak 111 of others tho silent part ner some fatheri throe freshmen at collogo wore dis cussing thu incomes of their fathers one suld my father writes a uong in un evening and sells it for 2fi the next countered iy father writes a story in un evening and take it down town the next morning ami soli it for iso thats nothing declared tho third my fathur gots up in a pulpit on bund ay and talks for half an hour and it takes twolvo man to curry tho money up to him rank of montreal established over ioo years summary of assets and liabilities 31st october 1923 assets cou dominion notes and slhv colo deposit with central gold reserve balances das by banks sad be corra- pondenu elsewhere than tn c call and short toons on beads debentures and stocks dominion sad provincial goavnnwt secur- tss and other bonds debentui railway stocks canadian masviclpal securities and british foreign and colonial public securities other then canadian no and cheques of other banks united slates and other foreign currencies loins knd discounts and other assets bank prsml liabilities to iuumr- under utter ol credl so p- font a 8lsao68l so 17000000 oo 142597489 120dft4917t0 ksiaso3oas 22805122 37601788 88 1 44911os9lo 3g1s93o0 z8ts858174 b800000 oo 047169001 s69z382100 42 liabilities to public notes ha circulation let tar of credit outstanding other hshiliuae 4160z73550 683391l623 s 047169001 w 13462814 63saao249m excess ol aaseu over uabtutses to public 5653185954 useful christmas gifts g b ryan co department stores guelph and owen sound knitted ties many ymurt stripes olor comblustlons imllvuk s6 2 for 1 mns bilk dsrfay tu a itw lot just in handsome iwttems and tailorings xl quality silk and boxed jfet 65e z for 2 bruih wool in tolors groy hrown uml hiulhu a lomfortuulu urtltln infurtahlu prloe b6c 200 dozen handkerchiefs bought at lab minute clearing priced ladles lilian handkcrchlofb plain white each 10c ladies embroidered handkerchiefs plain while each i2c ladles linen embroidered handkerchiefs plain while each 15c ladles linen handkerchiefs good quality plain white each 16c ladles embroidered handkerchiefs assorted colors each j5c ollcf ppejlpi he i life wc and ilighef ladies gift umbrellas silk mixture topsboxed 289 gifts in lingerie christmas umbrellas for ladies each in a holly box good quality silk mixture tops taped edtes tuncy assorted handles mostly with wrist straps of braid or leather v fllcte pre very special ut the price of each 289 bath robes or kimonos good quality blanket cloth in pretty shades of dove and rose blue and sand blue and white roso and while roy and rod groy and white mauve ahdvhltc satin or silk cord trimming silk cord girdles prices s30 w50 j760 8j and 87s lliiilygwiti i ladies handbags ono special lot ut 179 hand bags in pouch or envelope style colors black grey slate und brown good frames mirrors und fuuey lining very special vuluo ut 179 othor special lines various styles sizes and colors of hutid bugs ut 119 j145 195 and up to 550 centres runners truy cloths oval doylies 20a and 2so each hound centres 60c 03c 125 and 1 50 each iray cloths 18x27 inches 75c cuch litlnnerb 05c 1 25 1 50 luncheon cloths 1 75 uhd 2 25 womens nd musnou coutb sweeping reduction averaging mare uuui onethird our entlnmook price t 5 2750 190 hith 11093 regular 152 10 to 00 como now jo regular 35 tqij407s cot now 7 60 regular 24 50 to 3480 coals now 110 50 regular 21 to 24 50 coats now 1405 kogular 18 50 coats for 11 os regular 1350 and 14 50 coats now 10 05 silk crepe dresses pia puiul lot of vvvnfds utitl msheiin tlrtiscb piudc of vuriouh indif of billf grcpo in usorteif wlor- 1hk4 uuvl tihumiiiu sue tt u 13 hft vfilupi 3o to ifi yuur hot for 2250 silk bloomers and ve6ts habutal bilk b loo mars jeavy weight with gu bitot und double cult colors laily tungorlnu cnrlso purple navy porl- wiuklu and black slics s7 and 30 hpocluj pries ej5 bilk trlcolutts bleomers with gusset las- to ut wulst ulifl kmu colors whit rtomli orchid tomotu mauu 1uddy anil navy biveolul prlco 2 79 silk trloolulu vu oiwra top with sirups nf aolf in colors wliltu rtosh rnulsu and orchid upuclul price 1178 envelope chemise silk and bstin gttirylt trim m mi with rlhhnns hihortlon luce tucks und mo- iiuihoiih cnlurii wliltu ft al uiul palu gruun ls 3h lo 44 tliod 3q philippine gowns all luuid luaile uiul huud umhitjliltirtil with drawn woi k uud huniutltchlng hcal- tnpud around nocks mul hlunvis dainty uud uttruotivu in rlvu dlrfurnit stylss- r uu ml hjuuru or v uwu tlnu nuullty of nuluiiook hlsuu ui null m ml i inn uud lurgo tlpuclul prloti k39 and 4 96 cainisoles ollk and satin csmuoud in wliltu pink nuyy und bluck llnmutlti hod with htm inuditlnii und gutiiguttti trimming uluo llngurv rusau hints 3 tu 43 imcs 1 tu to 424 silk for underwear boxpo slk trmutl 1or mmjsrv cflo in 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