Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1923, p. 5

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quir artmt jfrpi jlmm tlltjiihuay rtltritmiii 11 0 ll3 a handle traoepv a llltli lektr on hriiil ah ivi i willi toy llll ill i tim room wmi iliut llll t hrhitn uld but joke lhy hs tlu lr dlamuy fortyolgl left worry whut u my hungry in uiii tin in vur littui leklrr twenty years aqo the sundayschool lesson for sunday dcccmder 23 iwiyi lhal hlion iirliitnuiii 1 turn luii 110 i im 1 1 j t parte of tl i ul i t expljnd fi iu nl j fiunlly us like tli n1 iluu l diiyu of tin guiding dm hii finvoilo illmlghl to 111 hplilt of nimwli hiill ilm lln hii it mi1 mlnlh i guhkihig tlm intel rt im it nl lf iwd liuplr lii mpltlt ahull fwriilili i jiv i ci iniuiotk pi in in tin i tiu lo mini them y til i mil rlghtjnis j jullv fot ah illlvlh ahull llll o lellght ly it lnru lion und lw ublu to ucnx nlu tho rib from the leau thursday of tit free prea leesmbar 24 1903 the u t il wutir umk iwcumo baulky on bu turd ay 1 hrvulvo failed to work and 30 000 gulloua or guol spring water wim wnuttd a coupla of burglars tnada u deter- mined attempt lusi rlduy nlvlit to train on t ran ro to wlllluma hlioo 8tor they tried to pry up throe ditto rout windows with il crowbar a wutih dog evidently frightened tliem off mr jamus e hnydor und family churchill hiivo r moved to iholr rn- oontly purchuuud realfoiioo at tin corner oflmill und wellington htreot at the annual moo i in if of aoton cumji no 62 w o v hi i following ulllcurs were ule4lt d fur thuuiisulng year i c c a a hnrord c c ooorg vincent a l w 11 konnoy llanker ld uydr clurk uoorgi agnow laiort j it 1 or boa wutuh- nun jos wilson hentry jumon hall manager it jeans a rumor ho ruuahod tus llur tasaa that plana are out for u now atullon lo be built horo that the building will be creditable to thu town and that it will be in all respeots modem and up to ditto with convenient office for the agent and stuff and commodious goneral and ladles waiting room citizens generally will hope the rumor la authentic and will much appreciate much a christmas box from the qrond trunk railway at the cloaa of tho chrlslroas ex amination exercises at the public school which worn huld on tuesday interval centred in the principal room where a largo company had gathered to aay goodbye to mr t t mooi who for twentyfive yearn haa been the c toe mod and successful principal of the school mlaa haul matt h own a pupil of mr mooro read a compli mentary oddreaa during thu reading of which revmun coleman presented mr moore with u very handaome leather covered chair on behalf of tho puplla teachers and frlanda short addresses were made by mr d lion deraon m i tr j h deacon ox reeve nlcklln and mr thomtu eas tori complimentary to mr moore i work und hia character us a public iaatructor born uokeaoue on sunday december a 1b03 to dr ami mrs mctceaguo a daughter died robertson at tho ijalaam nassagaweya on friday december 18 1903 janet daughter of the late donald robertson aged at years 1 li uld ha ul hold n i uwy klrdle the ghdlu u tlm klugu utlv ruudy to work u ho til whilll ll glvlfl intiiimh and faithful uk und louucloritlou ida thr lla lability ahull part loud nf thu vun talililiully tty h wo tlmht and tli hlnmuir lt rgl in a tlm htrmiuoum- und purnult nf jtmilc on ll wua rounded und by tbli guuriintund uuluilyoti voro 1 a llttlti tblld ttilm 1 iiim phruan u u btialitlful ph turn of p urn reaultlng from the rlghtuim mln of tlm m- atiih a nymbol from tlm puuturul llfi in uuoit animulm thut ordinarily urt h poo i a i unumlia havn bum mo hpuclul frlnnda und dwell puiiri fully togttthur und ttiuxu aball 1 1i by u httlu child vorau 10 lnti ulm ahull thu na tions ok to luulub thu mualon of thu mukhiuii wun hroudur thuti tbu national llfo of iuruu in tho on lab llahmunt of thu miihiio kingdom ilng und pruhpurlty ahull umi to ull utlom im tlu hume iluvd them mind your own business these aro jaat tho words four in number and refer directly to tlm rumbling growling faultfinding mla- ejrtof mukora people who never mind their own business are like the street whiffet dogs that are ulway barking biting nipping and nabbing somebody con we presume the great creator made you especially to superintend his universe and to bo eternally pry- log meddling and socking to control and direct overybody s affairs it is enough to make one indignant to see what pains soma people go to to ferrst out the plans of others and to start a tjlt of gossip they leave their own gardens to grow full of weeds while tboy aro trying to hold up before everybody the few they pull from their neighbors oh how tbey tol to rob them of their reputations tbelr peace their prosperity und their pleasure they do everything but mind their own business and bring more misery into families societies and churches than anything else they turn the pleasant peaceful stream of good trill into u loathsome pool they intrude on grournl where angels would fear to tread now minding onos own business is the best remedy for itching ears that are never satisfied with hearing and the busy tongue that hurries to apeak cruel words minding your own business will turn your attention to self and you will forget u wutch so closely the short comings of others will make peaceful homes linppy neighbors and yulot con sciences and ypu will bti able to real ise and more fully comprvhend thu truth apokwti in holy writ uleaeed are the peacemakers hows this one7 wliun it was decided that the wife and daughter of a toronto tnun should visit a while in the country the daugh ter u slxyeur old made u protest which wan so surprisingly vehement that her father usked why she ob jected mamma says vuryhody goes to bed with the chicken down thorn uob bed the little rebel hut you donjt wunt to nluy u lulu do you dear unksd the uatonintiud parents no leplled tlii chill but im no going to nfjop in uny old hutihousu hltf didnt understand a tiootamutiwus being shown a battleahlp thu iliat tltttt 1 lus avni bormtkutnily iuturuwled all he aaw ho pllud his guldu with ull sorts of questions the marines huamud to uiterest him and going up tu one he polutud to thu greiutde hi tho murines cap und uakml what it was the murine loukud ut him in sur- prue dont you know whut hut ut he aaked why thats u tlltnlp of oourso aoh i n on replied the mootanuui impatiently i was no unking about yr houd a regular christmas feeling o mr soulful ly fllpporty hiiu axalulmed yuu vur foil a dim t oppression us if thu mare weight of life wuru u huufnn oo heavy to be borne by thu uhulned spirit panting with psyoiiu lunging to be free 1 invariably have such u fouling ut christmas time wun the l41ouj responsu but hitherto i huve attri buted ll tu the pudding i 3 k tim p iroail conception of tho tlncdom it u lo u cu tli munklnd leaean themes uut light hung iwiiluh poop that wulkbd in durknonu u- great llglit upo tlio light hlnodv there are iiul of chrlstlun church rqom- bers in our onllghtenod la nil who do realise on what vast scale the prophooy of laalah is being fulfilled nor do they underetand what christ s reign means to the world the light is great indeed and never did it ehlne so broadly as in tho last half century writing in the london christian world f a mackensiu tho woll known foreign correspondent of tho london mall said a stranger stop pud mo one day j cannot urular aland said he why you a newspaper man should advocate inlsnlonary work ll is not your business why do you meddle with ut t do ho because i tin a chrlntlnn imperialist i replied thi white mnni civilisation is thu bout the world has soon und the white mans civilisation is rooted in chrlstlunliy i know that uvnry missionary is an active oumpalgner not merely for u new theology but uuo for a new llfu based on the founduilonaiono of our civilisation thu cross i want the white mans idrus to triumph not for oio glory of tho whites but for tho bt torment of womojillfu uitd child- life throughout thu world the people of the hope israel has been cullod the iooplu o the hope because of their marvellous udheronoe even in their darkest hours to iha hope of tholr coming messiah they sinned and suffered enough to have drowned out all tholr hopes us it would seem but nothing ever quench ed the one bright hope of mossluh true they were not clear oncoming him ahd whut wonder our tosson today is one of the brightest of tho messlanlo prophoclos but it u figura tive ratber than litorul and general rather than particular it does not mention the itethlehem nativity nor ie parables nor the baptism nor thu mpcatlon nor the miracles nor the iranansurutlon nor the crucifixion nor tho resurrection tho doctrines hut rudder vital to the goope are not set in tho pruphotla order there things in this prophecy i an ideal kingdom 3 a reign of peace and 3 the return of the exiles it is not strange that the jewu found it tllrtlcult to understand their phecles tvmi whun they wara ful fil tod in j onus of naxareth nor thut they should ctffig so tenaciously to n temporal king wbo should glories of tho ancient jew ish kingdom hut we are able to see n the propheoy a larger and truer islon that of thu kingdom of god idth joeus christ as its king and lord thjp reign of christ if isaiaji with hbi preconceptions qf the kingdom of christ should enter the world now he might have some momentary disap pointment because wolves still devoul lambs und leopards jeap ravenously on kids but the d border prevalent rid today comes from the fact that chrlat s reign is us yut only purtlul there is fur more reality of hupplness in tlio goepul than wu are hiulnly itiollnod to give it credit for doctor arnold in aim of his sermon taiiulatus the advantages of tho gos pel 1 in hiuklng a tuuii industrious sober und careful of his time j in furnlshmg the strongust of ull bases to ovurctitiia tomptatlonth jim i and the hope of reward 3 hi changing him mom und more into cbrlat s imuge until he loses his relish for whut is bud u in teaching him to cure us much us ha ought und mure for the things of this llfu- fur world ci or sorrows gulmi or losses honor or disgrace ho who goos through life us ti christian looking at the world from thu beginning with a christians ey will rind himself strum hi tho troii a th of clnlac uble to bear whut- ovr is luld upon him und ublu to suy with tin upo 1 1 in ul thuuk things wo uru liioru thuii cutiluutors throng hi in that loved us far study und duousslon whut dou thu reign of chrut mun ln tho realm of urt 7 in the world of niuiilor in the fluid of nuloluor in thu ptoduttlon of uturutuitt tn tho formu- tlun of luwt in tlm udtuiiilslmtloii ofjutle how bus it iittuoted the hi id of t thu duvulnpiiiimi und pructlte of mudkul siiiue7 the ruutlonu betwueii man und thu uulmul kingdom uow does it dignify lulmtr how dons it huiiiiilute exploration und uiulgruthmt whut erfutit bus it re cently hud upott relatione itetween na tions contrast conditions hi land- wliqiii chrlet lelgns und thoau si 111 without ills influuin how cuti we help to luuka his kingdom universal dally reedlnuo 1ar nsxt week- monday doiemluraj uihis mis- sloiiury message ti a brum uoii 17 1 hi luestiuy ducuuibar 2b clods mis- slonury mossiigti to urael iho tli ij identified w thu bank 1 hi r lit iniiny wuy iinrluj now you mu1 tn thu wotmiii won li 1 linuld mid ili uol cl heiuli i in i inlhlito hli uuld ob yn y n 1 1 1 ii iih i unyom io id titlfw in im tb ml hi ud ud lion in xl th t r ti oii whonu limn of imyn ui nlwnjm rtiiinlng in rune your furdrii win n you start ii bt n innui 1 ut k thin ii ii tvif iu nil iltil bin boiiu on t hrlntlu h leurii llrro n your i hitorupu tin paying toiler viv fiiliilly again tho christmas season approaohos with all its joys and problems why not bavo a real holiday this christmas have each member of tho family bring out his snows hoes skates and skis pack up his warm sports togs and all hio away to algonquin park for thu festive season t this will ollmlnutu tho problem of the christmas party and overyono will havo a rollicking good time tho park lies up in tho- ontario hlichlandn at an aliltudo of 3 000 foot above boa level and in wlnlfr is a vorltablo fairyland thu very air ik a tonlo and tho climate is idoal for alt out ofloor sports the chief attractions aro snowshooing skating skiing tobogganing and sleighing whllo thnra aro a loo pic nics in tho woods fishing through tho ico and othor delights innumerable j a special christmas dinner is sorvod at highland inn thoro la a christmas troo and fosttvttlos in kooplng with tho season any aont of canadian national lull ways will supply you with doscrlptlvtj booklet winter in ontario highlands hygienic crumbles mh che who in in ardent theorist in tho matter of hygiitnlr living con cluded liur kornowut tedious remurks by dsbcepdlng from lunritliiim concrete inatatkux it she lilbjilthl ut u wafer you nay she duclun d with talni and patronising pity in hur tonus you uy that popitur and other rondlmenth ure not injurious if usimi in mode ration my frlnjit that hi u mlidnku tim lining of tho ututmuh us you know im compound of u dullcittu iiicimbrun almost xactly like tho lining of tlm eye now candidly would you put pepper or mtieturd into your eyo you woufil not ami why t aum it would cuun ludihcribiiblu uuffurlng and no jii though you mity not im uwiire of the fuel the cotidltni tits thut you tukn into your etcunuch cuumi in flammation a nd muffuilug whhli you ii indigestion do i make my point clear parmer orant tnovid tirmuiiily in his hair he hud unjuyoil the corned bmtf dinner unit tho onlydruwmck to his enjoyment hud boon tho sight of his guest nibbling crack urn in lvrofnront a to his own mora sublutitlul meal t m pomc you vc got thu rights of ho uiot ho udmlttud grudging hut i junt coul in t htaiid it to live on thomhard bukid wufur things thut uln t got u eputk of tiuito to em try otio urged ta advocate of a simple llfu armor orant took thu tiff or oil edible gingerly then u suddi n thought smote him turn about is air play ho uuld bluntly i ii give in thut pppr und mustard und vluigar und hlchuke ure ull bud for the utomuch und 111 quit eating of em wf i find they realty do hurt the ye ami iii try m on my oye uf you 11 try the off not first on r ey of oruinhlln this ore eruckor und rubbin ll round on that doll- rate until thut you uimiko of kf tln hyglnlo crumbles don t hurt your uyo hy 111 know tliuy 11 im jiood for my stomuch nndlf tlmy do irrituto und inflame thut do lieu to organ why thuii i ii know hy glnlo crumbhw ulnt good ill stick to un hyglulu iatln whlub i wan t man i kin enjoy irmur clrant is utlll eutlng unhy gienic food parti no doubt because ml cloo declined to rub hyglnlc mbles hi her oyes ubor jfl the im- vlnlon ulnuh 4 wednesduy duce phut m mimelouary 17 ihuisday iwcemlter 3 the woid ut lod muilu irtfih john 1 11i ktlduy december lit tlio last command of jwsurt mutt sh 10 3d saturday iecemoer 3d missions in le lutrly church a its 13 1 t sunduy december 3d halvutloiv fur all men tuus 3 1114 no mors aklhini dr j d lcflloggs asthma remedy sounds tho dual h knelt f ttils trying trouble u stops uia awful clinking und puiiiful bliittli- ihg it guards ugnhiht night uttucku und gives ronewwl ability to sluup und est the wbolu night long mllh is ui lined for tlilm remedy hut nothing hut what cup bu duiuoimtrutod by u trial if you surf r from ukthtnu tiy it and convince youistlf of 1 tu grout value why youths are fired rhn uvoruga boy jauntily uturtlrg on hlh first job little ruullxes thut tho odds ire ulna to ouu ugulnat his hold ing it yet such is tho fart ut cord- lug to mr a d swift htutiscluu foi swift co wtiu prtsonts uuiilyitlu of tho rviuuna for thu fuel nut only the fuut itself but ids uuswurs thu ruuboiis uro flv mul boy who has u job or exjm tu to liuvo o hhould check off these tlvw iuidut whllh of thorn uppty to hlinadf 1 luck of ytuniii of hdltonulblllty iiu lieglecls woik utiil uu uo else do nil thu worry lug j uiiwllllugiuhs to work hard 1i uirlv lutu and luuvus iiuly title h ox- tru time ut thh tuiuh bom und wuutin his niuployui s thpu hi in lul und t lo- phono loiivirhiitluiih he hhiiks huil oi timiltiiihuiit tuuku 3 lai u of thoroiighnuuu iiu is unwilling lo muster oiu thing well bvfoiu going mi to uiiuthur 4- tutsu tiotlons nf suluiy und pro- hintloii ho doesn t luullsu the ttuth thut u key to prouiellon im to do inure than hi is puld to do inuuml he expuol to bu paid foi morn thuii im doia which would iuju any worker ii iack of principle ibis is uliown by voiicualmeiit of mlstukeii untiilth- fuhiuem und conutunt making it ux- nusos the youth wlu will uvuld the error here indicated will kuup his hrst job until im is uakud lo take u buttet one minors worm 1 aloinuih und bowel 1 1 1 1 child svlli no by their ruvugnt deru will it ar tho of woitns so that mini be troubled 1 ho powdure swit to the tuste uiid no child will object to taking them thuy uiu nun injurious in ttialr oomimisltloii uiu while in soipe ages ttiny may un u sign that tljey ui luiuatlltlng hutj vomiting that mutt nut he lakn un us an indication of ihulr effective woik obligation if i chooue to go to thu devil it my own iiuhiukiimt the young man de- luud to his mliilidur dofluntly my llfu im my own ivldmitly dm tor lfrown hud expect ml morn ourtt ny from his young flip nd whom he wuntod to 1ml p but courtuay or lie our tony thorn wus inure to bu hdid li t niu tell you of u young fellow i know mien im imswoi ud qulotly hhi fitth i wiim u kurd working uhou- nuikui hi narrow i lr imistuiileu all tlm huppln a the futlur or motbir knew ontibitftd in their hop a for their nun thuy wuntid him to luvo thu iidvantiikiis thut linil btnil dunlod them thuy weiu godly penplu and wanted the mito bu ublu to do flod s work on rurth on that md they gludly dn n led thomaiilvum every luxury thoy hcrupod und pinched year after year in ordii- thut their imy might have a i ollcgo oduratlon at last the boy on ton d cn11go thu motmy no tab- orloualy saved und ennnecrutod by his parents long aucrlricus hu spent in burrnoms und other ovlt places hi tingluctod his work he acquired vic ious hubltu innti ad what is your opinion of the iwiyv ha uakml 11m young munu up curled there is only onu thing to nay ho replied fin wum u tlopelnsm curl no doubt itl said doctor drown then he turned mqlluroly on the young tnun hut wherein esaontlully does dlrfur rrim your i uo your llfu wdid with ull thu hloaulllga of tho i where did they oonie from thuy tuttiu from tlm uiisulaah tollers of the pustl thuy cume from self- dunylng auluts und martyrs of every day llfu in every ago we shauldn t huve tho civlhxutloii w know if men und women hail not denied themselves mutrlmctd themselves and fought und bled und died tholr eugerness to kuup thu lump of truth and good- s tlghtid uuck in the ugas i sou one bung ing upon li emus iown through the ukus i uio tho long lliiu of thoao who iturully huvu given themaelves to tho ork of milking this u better world ithough thuy worn cruabed tn the proems lluciiuuu of their devotion ahirtliu toduy is dlrfuront from chlnu and ludlu i see your own fatlmr and nothor who like jill real father uhd not burn want more than uny thing uo thut you hhould become u sturdy und rlghtixius muii though thoy never du tbo suniu sueririous that the etnukt re mmlo they would have dunu so gladly if us u result you would u riuu und bettor tnun atl you you iiiu himiiuse of others ll you huvu has tieou given to you fotul purpose us dutlnot us thu ptirpoeo ror hlch thut boy went to college you pronoun ed judgment on him quickly whui moro tun you any for yourself mho young muii s fuoo wus burning in houut nliuimi only thlm he ati- nwoihi i ruulsu uuw that my v is not viy own hy tlu obllgutlnmi that otlitru huve luld me under i am bound in bouoi tu fultlll tlwlr jjui posu haft rornu aru dllncult to eradtcuti but holliiways corn remover will draw tliem out pululi suly t was travelling light at thu diiuct mull adv rtlslng cuu- yinnlon hu utoiy wuu told of uu ud vurllwlng uuidmiiiuii who upon icfrlvlng ut uu akron hotol wus m by the portm who wunted to knowiow mini titinuu tin can lid i uua no trunks the uulpauuin re piled oh i thought you wuu onu uf these ti avellltiu iiuiihiiiuii uuld thu luportur i uui but i would llku yuu to know thut i sull biulns s woll you uiu thu furat tiuvulllu fullu hooll thin uusoil who hill t cuiryln no uuinpliu for sprains and druuwthbro in nothing buttui foi apialus und con fusions thuii dr ihomus lccu trlu oil it will luil u no thu swelling thut folluwu a spiuln will tud hu tntlumud tlush ui 1 druw tlio puln it will tuku thu uuhu uut of u billue by counteracting tlio hirliimiiiiitluii x trial will oou- vlticn any who doubt itu owui quality counts thats tlio onfy rensoti wc can nccount for the demand for excelsior brand i lour und wo will ulwayt maintain that futility there arc nlf kinds of pastry llouri on tho market to day but just ask nny viouhawifc- with good baking what brand she uses and you will usually mud it is cxcclsior brand 41 lxcelbloh bhand flour is thl v choick 01 all good cooks d h lindsay mhx street acton ontario t railway time tables at acton going west nadian natiqnairailways no 8 1 a om no i 10 3c a m nil 3 3 j9 p m no b ti 00 pm no 3d 8 id p m no jt htinduy 10 30aro going cut ni 0 1 7pbam no 0 11 ibaro no 34 3 85pm no 3d 117 pm no 1h 8 11pm no a 4 sunday 7 08 pm ubtfrbsn cleotrle railway going woit b 17o m 3 32 p in 8 09 p m 1102 s m hid p m 0 lo p m dully except sunday dully i x opt sunday dlly uxcipl huuilaj munday only sunday only sunday only golhg eaat 7 40 u m 3 0j p m 0 ib p m n is a m e 48 p m b g0 p m dally except sunday dally except sunday dally exoept htlnday sunday only v sunday only sunday only freight delivered by apodal express i freight itrelght ticked up at an ad- iss in toronto si t tjd3tford agent aoton tolling st pauls bell ifh thu orekt hell of ht pauls is only tolled on thu death of of thu hoy a i pumlly in descent from uny lnihh sovereign rim honor is paid only to u member of thu itoyul 1 upilly who rould undor uny com nlvublu t ircumstiuicos suo- oeeil to thu throne though it may bu doubted whether thu boll would toll for u itoyul infunt not hi the direct line of smcimalon 1 his rule does not apply to tlm lonaort uf the sovereign of the- lfeh- upimroiit or of u prince oi prim on thu steps of thu tlirono 1 ho booming of tlm groat hull of st paul s wus tho first lutlmatloi which tho citizens of london rucelvi of the doalh of thu prluon consort which occurred ut ul von o clock on the plght of saturday decuinber 14 1s6i outside tho itoyul kumlly the only persons for whom thu ball is tolled ucu the archblahop uf canterbury the hlshop of london the deun of st puul i und tlm lord muyor of london dying in bis ynr of olu e thu bell lolud lu not grout 1aul but tlm old grtut bull on which the hours uro struck on the occurrence uf u death in the itnyu puinlly the hn mo secretary ut om u conimunlcuteri with the lord muyor dealrlng him to convey uews the dealt of st pauls with u re- quuat thut tlm grut hll itiuy be tolled hi boll im then to lod ut inturvau u minute for an hour uiiiuhs worms bu t xpelled from the lystem no child cull be hnulthy motln r oruvus worm lxtormlnator is utv ex ellent mudlcltie to destroy worms cleanliness was not a vir tue then in the thirteenth und fourteenth cuiiturlis fcltguuce hud scarcely uny oxlsuiuu und even cluunllness wus lardly coiihld rod luudublo the us4 f unrii was not known und the muat delhatu of thu fulr uox wore woollaii shirts in purls thuy hud niout only aa limes u woek utut one hundred llvms ubout 130 wuu u largo pofton for u young lady thu bettor sort uf xt ni until mplliitirrs of wood und rugs dipped la oil instead of candles hlch hi thmtu days were u rarity to i mot with wlho was only to be hud ut shops of thu upolliucurlos whurti it wus sold us a cordial uiulto ride in u twowheelad cur along thu dirty rugged struuts wum rotuqnod it gvand- our of ho viivtubld u nuturu that ihlllp thu 1alr prohibited thu wivus of oltl- kituu fuim uiijoylug it in the tlm of hunry viii of lnglund the peers of the reulm utrrlud their wives be- hhd thm on horstibauk when they went tu london und in the hui muniuii look tlmm buck to- th country seats with hoods of wuxed htiuii over hit ir in udu und wnippqd iii niantlos of cloth to houure t rvoin tlm cold wat is giving up folnty at co noah wubetur buguii his study uf suvllt un luuguugi s at 67 voltaire did his greut think in aftor 70 vumlerbllt davulopwl th idlhuuds uf america at ho nhtitutomi mtido his way it thi htud of his tlovuinitiint for tlm fourth tlutu at md loin jytalt boguu his study of hubr w at vu iltun tlululmil u famous pulut ing- at 103 chuvruil tho famous ivoiiuh st idntulu was going his buxt huiuly thou i men provd thut u mun is nivi down until hu doubts iiuver out until bus uuil acton creamery pays highest market price for churning cream kkksh milk daily 8 cents per quart ar1hc crcnmory sundays from 8 to 0 a m x no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creamery co quality our motlo t j oneil prop phone 53 see avage and ee better writ or phon for appolntmn lor whn you wlh to com a d savage optomtrlt ov mo optician bav0 optical building right at th pact ofnea quelph personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs arilsilcally lithographed your nomo ncauy imnted in text or scripts fine plats card with envelopes to match good choice of dealgnu and greeting inscription j no 1 no 2 no 3 i doz 2 doz s17s 300 200 30 2i5 375 3 doz 4 doz 400 500 4j0 50 475 575 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone llw t gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to order left t e gibbons main 8tiuset acton the modern oihl he hsd duly propeeed end been uo- ouplul nnd the iiiihkguinont sealed with u ku u nun bo r of them in faot tnun uu tlmy out on thu sofa ho iturtit tu illsuuss mute proaulu hmt ten one little i ilea thu i iliuieat yts7 she ri tilled nxpectalltly fail yotl iuok7 he usked eul neatly why no then inw wlllwil st oji oeorgu un l you going to uitlnuu in tiling hu bonboust f t mleasino papa mothur wuu tin i itilltllng a fuw filumls und young imp ful was being ipilssud who do you uuo bottr uskod one friend mother wuu the toply who uixf uskol uuuthur utile sister who tuiglt aunt i utlie who wuu tutd ut thu buok ti puned his tnouth uiut said ami whun ilu i toiiiu hi at ii o link in the morning was tlu renly bar heal oulouly huvu you u pniaiatuiit uoiu unit lifnaes to hiul j lieu try di 1 humus lu oh hi thu drvaslilg it will stop slopghlug curry uwuy tho proud ilnsh draw uu the puh und pn puru u t lean wuy foi the new skin ijlft ii jigiilsed huuh i among ills uul mtmbi r of people in tertlfy thut it healed where pioprly applied castoria moth er j fletchers gulorn 11 1 liomicia substitute for castor oil paregoric ttcthini diopn und sootlimi syrup prepared to relieve infimu in anui ami children all ufics of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowel aids in the ui 11ml ition of i ood promoting cheerfulness kent and v natural sltep without opiates to avoid iniltllimn olwuy im i r n 1y11 hur of 6wsb rnrli 1 11 11 1 ivioiuirv rmiiiiuueud it acton monument works dfclvteh and imioutlcith of monumicnth op all kinuu ordoni tor lettering oo stones already erected promptly at tended to expert worknanjhlp und reasonable prices j n1col box 167 mill st acton acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8trv rolled oat3 oat chop oats oilcake hay and orain grain bought and retailed alex l hoble henry awr manager free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goodi ex actly us to their quulity to pell to thoe who know grid to thoao who dont kuoy at uniform fair price to eulhll nil gubintecs nnd cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your ujtihdonco by always giving you satiufbctlon savage co jewelled gublph 0ntaki0

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