Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1924, p. 6

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feflsss 5w births lcsrrunfc tad dastha ars sew charged tor at the folio j us rataat birth jocj klarriagaa 50c i dcmlhi 50c 1 memorial card toe to par llna esira for eoctna died ki nnklln lnrbl hi ptvtnhii n him tjotti cam1 hi liv al hamilton on tlur uy slmtmr 4 1334 colin camp ball of kjtiiuhitilc ugofl 80 year husk on lti4 ilov in hlm 67th wilhon at wnyhurn humlny mflptpmber 7 jm wtuaii n a year noiunhon in nnlson township mi nrtny september 1 1b4 berth- a lowland beloved wlfa of wllfriil a itohlnaon in her 59th year i athah suildrnly at her residenr iturllnglon on bulurtlsy august 30 1b24 jnriet florence iloyes latham imjiovwi wife of luchard u latham ikihhman al the homo of her parents mill street acton on tues day hept ember t 124 margaret union daughter of mr and mr john lolahman aged 2 years and 8 months nohton on bumlav september 7 1924 at hr intf home so howlun t avenue toronto sarah kllsn lies kath widow or the lata uev w k norton d d for several years juui tor of tha hapttst church acton n qnr arum 3tor ftaaa thursday september m brief local items brighten up tor the fall fair oakvllle fair tomorrow and sat urday tho local fall fairs season is now at hand ulchy weather for pic rather dies now prepare your exhibit for acton fall fair acton fall fair opena week from next tuesday morning invite your friend to vull you when acton fall fair la on if you have something to oell try a wmitll adv in till notes on editors overs trfo canadian created favorable dnprss ion upon old country people the cumuli worn iiv mow mudo u fuvi to thu iiuop 11 11 tbln tiiiini mil m hill september 12 and 12 will be the twn in oakvtuea annual l read the attractive uat of special ottered at action fall fair in another column the bowers at the homes have been looking their prettiest during the week remember acton fall fair dat4 tuesday and wednesday september 21 and 24 major kennedy and his men went to georgetown camp for annual drill an saturday apply to secretary aklna or pre sident woodhall for a prue list for acton fall falr there la a long mat of special prizes to attract exhibitors to acton fall fair this year the floral decorations at the churches the past few weeks have been very- attractive there should be some unusually floe grain and root exhibited at the fall fairs this season wheat sold on winnipeg market uat week at u1 and ontario weat brought si 1 at toronto there are still a few held of oats with the grain in tha stook here and there through tha country a dangerous waabont on the eaat side of the bridge at the electric mill la a menace to mill street traffic at that point temperatures got down close to tho frost line- a few nights during the week in tact there was a white frost saturday night aoton bsquamlng nasaogaweyn erin and eramoea are al interested in making acton fail fair r success this year a few loads of gravel on knox avenue before the fall fair would favorably impress the numerous visit ors who will be here those days i like to see a man proud of the 0taoe in which he uvea i like to see a man who uv in it act so that his llaee will ha proud of hlsav abraham iscoln there are a few places about town where noxious weeds have been per mit ted to grow unmolested atacythe or sickle for an hour would do good execution descendants or the pioneers waterloo county propose to erect monument near doon in honor of the pioneers the cost is placed at 910 040 jo 1s 000 reeve barber has greatly improv ed the appearance of his residence on mill street painting nd general fur bishing up have made quite a trans formation burlington fair on friday and saturday ifth and 20th insta has a fins programme an outline is aivsn in our advarwslng columns which is worthy of perusal there vras quite contrast in tho temperature of the churches last bun day and the previous sunday therj was a variation of 40 degrees tn the shade these two days did you ever stop to think what lc would mean if every oltlson within the purchasing area of ac ion would brat give their local merebaata on oppor tunity to supply their needs there have been fine showings of superior varieties of gladioli bars of gardens in town this week too wet weather has injured the blooms considerably however three members ofaeton citizens band messrs john allan x y mooru and uoyd forbes are ut georgetown military camp playing with the net tallon band there this week pfcly iwdltors who vi lonllv 11 1 mtvc f iliu old iinl ni lilt ilf lun iihiiiim lint jiravallu thtoiiklk ut thoii l mini tim lurinli bin tn 1 1 u t t h will known provincial put urn ul tin td in an liulusirliil contri in 1111 od turlal sulri in npltu of th tulk f the amorlrrti ism of the dominion of cunuilu it is gratifying to ropnrt that there w very little if thi vunk ubout tho hun dred odd cunuillun nnwapupwr mei who toured hhukrmiinru n uountry just recently throuithuut thu duy not n say hot or 11 unity 1100i wan heurd and even ut tho birthplace not a tnun was heard dosrlblliic h km a bully little hole warwickshire n ietjudlun visitors in uhort were tiitto uutlufy ingly english their points of ox cltunatlun- ut tho hlutorlcul und sconli wonder that hluiknnpeuru n country had to aliaw wore of the rtntinlped native typo hinging fiom lino great lvon the fow c itnullnna had fallen victims to thu yankee fashkin of hortrrlmmd upoctaclcn had no real yankee touch 1 or u tentative hullo guy only met with 11 hollo lnddlet how dot in other wonlu canada is still with us hjmrt mid enul and everything- except jiorn rlmmo 1 spectacle the visiting canadlunn with wives and their d uuhtorti mailo up a party numbering nearly 20t they orrlyed in this rountry on j hut at once inpurtod ttjaln for a to mr of belgium und kriinoe they return od to england 011 the 20th ult llevehencino the soldiers monuments while on tho european tour with tho canadian editors this nfimmer many customs were encountered that were new and strange wo wero impressed with one namely tho respect paid to the soldiers ricmorlalu nowhere did them rushed past as wa do in canada on tha contrary they are revered and by the males or tho popu latlon from the stroot urchin to tho citizen of the highest social and busl nesa standing they are saluted by doff lng or toucblng the hat h is on no knowlodgmont of tho heroic dead und of an obligation to thorn that can never bo repaid this was especially strlk ing and pleasing und tho thought was why is this not done at home it is not because of indifference or any desire to bo disrespectful it must be attributed to something olso but whatever is the uxplanutlun thora is no good reason why thiro cannot be a ohsnge from our present canadian practice and that of oversea taken up it is but a llttlo mark of respect th u can be given as we pass the patriotic societies the schools and the parents might toko the matter to heurt col llngwood bulletin rack again to canada in his closing letter respecting tho canadian editors trip overseas mr r- mcintosh b a4 editor of tho north battlerord news says bock again to canada those are pleasant words und huve wrupped up in them pleasing memories und sentl ments the old poem entitled form er john in the school readers of 1 quarter century ago put tho mutter correctly when its author gave ox presslon to th following lines for after all says furmer john the beet of a journey is getting home canadians should tulto a greater pride in their priceless heritage j greater lovn ror canada u greuter in terest in her peculiar problems refer red to during the trip by many world leaders in stirring language and greater determination to make canada worthy of tho sacrifices mada for her on the battlonelu of emplro in recent great war are but u few the sentiments kjndlcd in the breasts of every canadian who had the good fortune to participate in what has been considered oip of the greatest newspaper undertakings in the history of the continent home from another world europe and all its conflicting problums of cbu thought and currents of continental diplomacy i home from belgium with a national history written large in blood and sacrifice home from frunce re cuperatlng heroically from the great est military struggle in tho history of mankind france great in art history and intellectual achievement t homo from the british isles i washed by tho waves of the seven aoasl tho mother land a bit of forest rock and soil set in the midst of fho misty atlantic and peopled by a race of men ad women struggling upward mid the gloom of high taxation and industrial depression the result of post war con dt lions struggling we say but strug gllng 4ndomitubly forward to tlie at talnment of ideals greutor far tho 1 any u yet attained home vrom tho tra deep tho ocean tho wnve of which wash the shores of lands old and new uome to canada ad van tagoausly situated on the shoulder of earth potentially greatest oontlnent canada wittered by tho great st lawrence and other mighty rivers and as grant balfour hue so well stated news of local import getting ready for tho plebiscite vote a convmitlon of tint tnmpornni n workorrf of ho loiinty whs hold ii milton yi htrr la ufu rn ou a ntroim rhiinlxiiliiui f r ih timing pi t liirllo utnpalvn nun 1 iti i t iliu k y ih i of tho myelinic w i vlrti ry mid t i ucroml huh thin tin iftirt will i mu 1 to kut out tjvi rj imm v lur in t very polling muhdlvlriloii oeorostown hortloult the uorond minimi i 1 tho ooorgntown llorlltu took place 011 hutunluy al show if hliow 1 f ml society 1 uptlonully exhibits woro liifmla ly local thunlastn tim 1 irsur dlnplnya of duhllan unturu an i l idioll who mud by c w iupal h icilk j uuiiv j h jackson and iruf llutt tho chll dren a aecllon was well lllltd ind theh display was highly t- nunoitdublo a a wholii the nil iw w n a mucl turgor hcumt than thu yonr prcviotin aoton fall fair n mutvilnlty lielp iii i it ttic 1 ulr with sti prolucod i lsdusl help itdles you iti up evury corner of thu artlclos yui iruult f ypur mi mlinilllni your dresaos your ot oklng und buklntf am nlng und pirkllng iour fijney work your proiluct of tho idjlr momenta of a busy life in tho shape of needlework painting of chlnu decoration all point to the capable bruins and thu nlmblo angers of our woman rvery exhibit you make will uualst to mulw the talr more attractive sawmills must now obtain llcani all sawmlllm in ontirlo both urge und small must ti w have iiloiimch from u10 provincial dopurtm- lun tin und koreslx tho jovrnmcnt is taking stops to chock up sawmill owners and boo thul they comply with tho new law which went into force july 1 cost of tho licenses is from 91 to s the newut htt u two fold purpose llrnt to koop check on the output of mill and uncertain ing the sourco of supply und general class of lumber timtl und socoiid to protect ugltlmula owners agalnat spurious operators a good grain crop hereabouts now thut threshing lias become general farmers uro indlnljn jium- bera of coses ttfut thu tropls turning out bettor than wun expected ono farmer on tho second lino who had his threshing- donu during thq wuvk rreoly statod that his was u burapw crop und that ho hus more wruln this harvest than over buforu during tho ton years ho 1ms boon on lilu iricnl farm with tho batter rrlies for grain und tha good avvrago yuld and ulso the higher prlcon for pork and b u conditions urn grutifylnuly improving with our furmir fulends to our local advertisers you know in your business whit it would be if all your duy a cuatomcr waited tilt ton minutes of rloalng tlmw and then aquoexed in und demanded jnsutnt and perfect attention it u exactly like thut when advert liters squeeso tholr copy into our office nt the lust minute and then expect tho same results us if they d given tin composing room chaps enough tlmo to turn tho udv into snappy layouts you do your best by t ur uuvurtlalng only when you glvo us tlmo to do our best byjt tho ubovo applies eijuully as well to correspondents lot us have your copy early dominion of the north how vast unequalled in the distant pust by proud imperial rome the sister zones o er threa unrolled two giant belts of white und gold fair canada my homo i the going is hot very good on the actun crossroad between tho fifth and seventh jlites just now the pruvln qlal highway conductors have a couplo of guiigs uuwork on thut seoilun in the mualo competition at tor onto exhibition hist week in which there were numerous entries mr john lxwls aoton won third place in the vocal competition finals for tenor aololsja tha out lowers at the soldiers monument the past week have been very attractive it would be a gracious act if oovntra werej supplied regularly during ths season by those whoa supply la abundant a number 0 oluaens bave done good wwk in cutting back tha grass fronri tha adgas ot their oement wmlks for six or eight inches this will kaap tha walks ouar of sluah in wlaur and make it easier to clear oflc tha now noumlaaa bwtorqyajaa ba bn introduced into bnuandvtajr air a auooaas and a oomfort wa tetattm got that kind over hart yf jwwjinf from the way in whjot bolnf motor oyolita ran tewstsv elderly bronu sisters burled togethar two sisters mrs pcrmenua os borne aged h und mjss ukelton ugd if who lived logntluir ut llrunle died on tuesday and thursday morning rn spec lively they worn burlud ividuy afternoon- ut ilurllugton 1 he former was stricken suddenly and tho latter had been bedfast for sovorul months death of colin csmpbell esqueslng the death took place in ilnnith ueneral hospital last thursday t1 colin campbell one of esqueslng township well known und highly r spected residents deceased who wua in his eightieth your hud been in poor health for the pust rive years ti politics he was a llberul 41ml in roll glon a presbyterian one sun am three daughters survive william campbell of edmonton altn mri a anderson of nussuguweyu town shift mr a barry of markdale and mrs a caldar of helseker alttl a smsrt aloxa trick some tnlscrount who is ulthur dovold of tho nuturnl supply of bra inn or who is maliciously incllni t bus boon amusing himself lutely by itmuahliirf bottles 011 the pavemunts in town tin highway truitla act provides for people of thl typo it omiclinonl which says no ponton hull throw 01 deposit or leorvo on u highway any glass nulla lacks ncxui b of mutul or other material which may he injurious to the tiros of motor vehicles undr u penalty of 15 to 10 for first uffence 10 to 2s for a second offonce and 1 to 160 for third offouoe with im prlsonment in dafault of payment rr fine thq habit of break in gloss bottles on the street may cause per manent injury to kiddles who go barefoot its well as to motor tires september masting of womans insthut the regular meeting of the women institute was held at the homo uf mrs g it swltxer on lrlflay utter noon with tho president mrs wallace leahy in the chair the muutlog opened by singing tha inntltuto carol after general business there followed discussions on various eubjocu u was decided to have a booth at acton fall fair mr mowut gave a splendid paper on influenco of the homo which was very much on joyed miss marjorle swltxer fuvortxl the guthurlug with a piano solo whrh all uppreciut ed at this point a shuaf of gliullolui was presonted to- thu rutlrlng i rcl dent mrs duvinu i olslor urn i ol nter thanked the 1 dies foi thuh thoughtful klndnesh a soutul half houi was spent when tho souul commit tee served a dainty luncheon stop look listen values for everyoneladies men girls boys the peoples store arc having a sale or girls coats which will be a surprise to anyone knowing the value of coats these must be seen to be appreciated your qp ff choice of any coat in the window for a p3jw boys suits we also have ten only boys fall suits tweed and worsted sizes 4 and s years at 50 each six boys suits sizes 31 to34 at 150 and 475 just arrtvod boys two bloorncr sulln sizes 27 to 34 750 to 1000 a phemtom for the boys a iountaln pon will bo given away with each of these boys two bloom suits i mens twopant sulk at wo have also just received anumbcr of mens two pant suits to sell for 2100 a present for the men a 1 00 razor hone will be given with each suit purchased sweater coats sweater coats and pullovers both ladies and gents 98c to 500 fall dress flannels new flannels for fall dress goods in a variety of colors 32 inches wide at 125 per yard laclies raincoats regular 0 00 value for 23a ladies plush coats only 10 of these which we are offering at 1000 eacl the regular value of these coats range in price from 20 to 25 try the cash way of doing your buying and save money alterations to ladjes readytoweak promptly attended to mux street acton milhiwirtilulll mrs a reesor phone 9 a crook caught in quelph willi the am si i t eukwh ci nsanoit who was taken into cuslodj by lou stable teavetin out iph on monday the pullcv hevo tiny liuv thu man who has been defrauding mere hunts in various places in wuaterp ontario tor soma months past in thi cunsunou tolephonud w ixillory s butcher shop uiul naked t five iwund roust of pork delivirod ut a certain number on wool with hlreet at the some time usklng that the dull very boy take along change ror u 10 bill as he wished to pay for the purchase ml doliery hecumo suspicious and advjsed the polio of the muttur constable teevens was assigned to follow the delivery boy to- the uddress wen and reported that he took con sanou into custody as the latter c- ortted u boy on the street mexican bill worth ss later found in tha vicinity of where con- sjuiou was utmted the pplloe say the authohuea olaltn that the prisoner ittteadlm to taadsm nne of them a payqwnufqr tha jjurcnaae whan ar raigned berfors maglatrat- watt afttw hlgrrsrti wm remanded to ths in whjcb sotn motor- county mut for a weak pending ln- thah- machines on owflulr tntahj la aotlvituv ip s 1519000 attended toronto exhibition the success of this great annual fair reflect an optimistic spirit in canada the objective of a million and a tiulf utleodanso ut the catiuduui national exhibition which closed on saturday was reached with lbdooovori this is the now record wet up by tha eihlbjtuin v l34 tho mst nuimss rul ymr in the history of the big fair one million live hun ired and in teen thousand visitors ait at tendance uit hod on the american continent jiuld tribute to tho fulr during thi 13 duys vwenty six thousand la thu figure which records thu ifurouae over iuhi a jlguro unliiuu in more ways than one the globe eayn atf u burometur uf thu national llfo it has reilooted a hculthy spirit of uptlmtam and oc cqnndoiilu in the future not only in tho rcuord utlondunco did the big fair bi ink u lesson tor years it hoa borne tho title of thv show window of the nation and n million mid a half popple peerlbg into thut show window caught a new glimpse of the spirit of cunadu kroitl farm anil from factory there hud beon bjought concrete nzahiplls of the pro of tho past twelve monthsand tsffliulians hfilinldlng tnpk u new pride in their country and so thu pxhlhltlon wf 121 ha tutssed into history two wouk of pel feet woutlu r contrlbuld mu u llul more thuti anything else wlilili hi ought tie trutiion louw uuiccutd w tu thu iiplrlt of thu anidluti peoplu many vys wero timiiul upon the 1- hlbitloii fri m within und without aud us though this wnu wall raultxed more lliaii u tiiitllou 1 uuudlitns put tholr shoulder to thtr whol und loilwl up for tlte c j is uti itierutuble unswor to the cry uf dositouilunoy this uxhlbltlou can no lougur bo refersed to as lorunto inhibition it lius begun to really hvu up to it num the canuduu national loxhtbl- tlon year after yeui its exhibits ounm from a wider area your after year ui tors ujn uttiuoletl in largar num ben from rotnolo taints mi lite ton tlneut a number of the provinces now haw buildings on tha grounds for their respective exhibits il is prob able that other pruvluues for tbolr own advantage will follow utid erect new provlnolul buildings a mlllloi uiul a b ill people ikiu gragate at thls great fulr and theru art no arrests for drunkenness what potter evldenae oauld be presented to how the effectiveness of on tar 1m a law racsinst tha sale otlmoxloaung liquors police court news boven days in the county jail was tha sontonca imposed by mayor win biophono of ouolph on john dona hue of toronto last week win n hi ploaded guilty to driving an nulomu bllo while under the influence of lluur alike kruso arrested the week bj foro for bailing liquor at milton heights was re leased wednesday by j m moore on 400 ball cash put up by a ham ii ton man he will bo tried on the lath insl wm lottrldgo the man arrested at godertch on the charge of stoullni goods from lieuumont s woollen mills olonwllllams wo trledbefaro polloi magistrate moore ut milton last wed nosday mr llaynton of uuynton rnos who havo a wool business 01 itlyth swore ho thought tha socio produced tn court were the same he hud bought from lottrldgo and they hud been seised mr lienumant lden tiaod soma of thorn as his ior thd ilufonce loltrldtfo hlmsolf swora he had ixiughl 1h iloxon pairs uf socks m mitchell from a man named hurry hill of carloton plaoo who offero 1 ibum for sale to whom bo guvo iso 00 cash and u note fur 6350 also that ho ha i arrungt d lo opi n u woollcii mill ut mitchell und that u by law had been curried there to give him u bona of 116 000 lottrldges son and son in law swore thut tho man who sold the socks had offorod them lo them on a street at stratford and thqy had referred htm to tho prisoner the wore present at the ole and delivery of the socks erfiltridgo was acquitted the appeat of henry mcdermot pro prlofor of the murphy house at fergus with regard to a fine of 9800 which was imposed on him by musis t rate lleltyer in connection with a cuss in which mcdermot wua charged with keeping liquor for solo was allowed by judge spotton ut tho court house lust week and the fine waji reduced lo one of 200 and coats the appeal wua allowed on the grounds thut no evidence was taken whan the case was tried at police court the defendant ding guilty to the charge we had an idea that no evidence was noc canary when a plou of guilty was entered but were not up in law fergus nowsflocord 1omlo u agin train moore was 4t uuurgetows on tuesday afternoon to hear three charges two of thnm were on informations laid by chief juaksou for ulleged assault and violation uf the ontario tcmiwnnco act ugulnst c talon a krenchmun who has re- hiiii d in georgetown the pasj your the other was a choree against a young man for indecent exposure laid by u detoctlve of the canadian nation ul itullway the three charges were lemanded for a week cloorge beam or aged is years a hamilton was taken to tho county jail at milton from burlington on monday mughstrute burr having imposed a son ten co of nbt months on a charge of vu grant tlearaer was seen on the roof of the urgnt house acting in u strunge manner a miaoouaneous col luotlon of juak was found in thy nc kels of his clothing ii wore thrns pulr of trousers two shirts and various uther unities of extra appurat 1500 in gash prizes how many words aan you makafrotn tha letters in tho thren words sluf- tluld hkln kop j s00 nni prlso judge ura danker hlucutor an 1 ttlergymnn send stamp for circular mi 1 rules mhorrteld luboratorlw tmpt to aurora illinois i j free railroad fan la n saxes qrsnoh a job for vou 20 s5 per week wo want fifty men we will train you tof auto tructor lurage mechu us hundreds of job vuwnt quullfy now write qukkly hls is u aiclwl offor good tlon ud lt qukkly this is u aicl i only fur ntmd uys mei hi ml him auto e7tlat tiai itia king ht v linom tor tj hoot good glasses if you need them good advice if yoo dont our uxamlnailn yuui neod is a lass lit ouisses t tell whethur i or a chunifu a d savage optometrist to canadian peolflo railway co flavaqc builoinq luirhl at ihe lost omco quelph ontario tastes like more som camifl sold in town by crop and con so invtting yotrll just naturally want more dduaot and with ail wholesome h wlles ask for the handy 25c package l stoves and ranges these chilly rail days make one think about hloves and i lunge a why wait when it is tnoro convenient to have it installed now and you got the uso of it through a longer season we handle the beat which include happy tbouglti mccurys good cheer banner empire stove and furnace cowppyfl piodugta repairs for alu makes of otoveb pbpmpty purnishpd see our window pibplay w d talbot we deliver milton fair friday and saturday september 26 and ot changes in prize ust 1 muss 41 hit d ahoul i fml lurgest nuinl t r f i rl in luus x 3 grafton hpsttj i wm b given as an addo 1 pi lac ftf tii- orul 1 tin no horses 3 mulvlii uuymati s lrle will be giv u in lion of hotlely a irlae for akih ultmul tuin a fine prize uat throughout many special attractions a l menabb secretary milton ontario schooldays mean school supplies wo haw a good lino of school supplies including scribblers note i looks drawing books crayons ialnts pencils ien ink itubbar etc jn fact moil everything needed or these school days and ay vary reason able prices too stationery a gpotf line of btutiouury fcpyelopes eip novpiripa we also havu tt wide rjngo uf small goods womens small purses in different styles hh t sisos untall boys hport cupa i to esch jk yoii pont hlh whaf yol want ahh toll 1t e w masters mill bthkbt aoton mclean co roil holeproof silk hose 6th annual oakville fair horse show fkiday and saturday sept 12th and 3th qrand csmivsl each evening big attractive midway merryqo round dsnclna oakville concert band afternoon and evening l ii tollnwalu hoc trees burlington fair under ausplees of th nelson ov buhlnoton agheultural so elety will be held en th fair grounds burlington friday and saturday septemheu 19 and 20 friday september ib young uuuil lh hty llur llngtiiii h h on i tfi ban u tiool lll hpell ttlt f i hlllhil o hwta ljtru sp rl- llrls huflball llutii a 1 p m itoiurttr ion vs 1aleruit vlnlintk piny on with ririiylli saturday september so trials uf hpood ijli class trot ur pace 1300 00 green ui ititt nt pure b0 do cannrthlt nlhinul trulllpg and 1aclng rujes to govern uuinijng ru- sb oo ltsiby hliow jrtxo fuf prettiest olrl oti the grounda high jumping horses mldwav lady ortvera and other features writs tor prix li at entries close september 1 nlth pre r ci in vie pre stanley dynes seetiaes holeproof fjaoty when wc sell our customer a pair of holeproof hose she kths the best fitttpg and the best wenrmp hose on thq market to day after one of the best season i sching of hokproof hose in the his tory of this store wc oro going to give a bargain for 10 dozen tot of our regular 1 50 per pair of pure silk hose 10 dozen only holeproof hose ht black and airdale sizes 0 oli and 10 regular price 1 50 for 100 pair see uiwnny f 41 special prices in mens socks and merino underwear mens fancy socks at 50c 75c and 1 00 pair mens wool socks at 35c 40c goc and 65c pair jrlcns merino underwear penman s fr fnll wear special at 125 each mclean co mux street acton ont n shaws business schools toronto sttll kad in high grade courses and successful graduates that s why they have grown from i to 1 1 in number all located in toronto where records are yearly proven and nearly all graduates arc employed free calendar on request w h shaw isident depl o 46 bloor west toronto millinery openings thursday and friday sept 18 and 19 you are cordially invited to- come and inspect the display of tins fall moduls miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street saturday treat wo have very large assortment of packages of chocolates in kit sizes from half pound to three pounds all strictly fresh and in whatever assortment you prefer ask for ncilsons tarty box the best yet fig caramels 29c lb this a wonderful tastyconicction consisting of fresh chopped rgs mixed with ribbon cocoanut and rolled in a ncfi smooth caramel try a pound you will like them regularly 35c and 40c lb saturday treat 29c tb- week end chocolates 32c lb just a real good gsiortmht of real good chocolates 111 assorted hard and soft centres fresh from the factory to you each week if better chocolates could be had we would have them regularly 50c and boo tb saturday special 32c lb light lunches yes tho evenings urc chilly again and you feel like some thing hot and nourishing perhaps instead of ice cream drop in and try a cup of bovril or hot chocolate etc our motto quality and cleanliness noilson s ice cream in bricks und bulk in stock at til times v rumley phone 66 acton ontario cooler weather more meat with the coolet wcuthcr your body needs more meat and who can bupply your requirements hotter than w j patterson weve been at the business long enough to know how to veep and cut meats so thut they will he the most economical and yet appear to best udvantage when served o the table we do our own kilting which gives you ujded assurance of tlit finest of incuts always a complete stock of lliast pork beef lamb veal and cookod und cured meats on hand from which to ciioosl the nit best suited for yom tubk if you dont sec the puee you want usk for jt canned coods the finest brands of cu micd goods are curried in tock for tho convenience of our customers when ordering their nieui needs canned vegetables canned meats pickles tte phonl iti wi deliver promptly r watch our windows friday and saturday for species w- xiiatters6n

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