0 j5 stij t stv wt- iwn- acton 3tr jrtbb thuhhday dfecembelt ib 1116 christmas shopping ithomselve tin y nearly emptied the gift shp halves a ifi fur toucher a gift for dad a sift fur ovoiy good friend they had a ball fur hid dog a bll for the cat a brund now ribbon for dollys tiat than in the loveliest store or all then mcnrched ouch iihow coxa an 1 ncanned each srull nothing loo good tor mothers hare they told each othev with kiiowlnrc air and after tit present was safely bought it looked exactly the way it ought wrapped in unuo ami hound in rod we saved thq beet for tbo laet thus oahl vlrainla wandurd twenty years ago frota the leeqe of th free press of thursday december 29 1wm tu tho nod wm liter ha a delayed opening of tho kins tdwnrd lupk moiiar c v quodeve a co re- monihnred the fan iasui etsly with a g bua of ton chocolate oi clirlhfmaa nvo the sleighing disappeared last ft day about uh rapidly u it came tho mild weather replenished the clstsrns iiuwovor jjf and mrs n k moortj and master john have returned to acton from eden mm 1b th sunday school entertainment of tho uethodlat church waa held on christmas nlzht the programme con- autod of choruses by the ochool reci tation by th girls andhoys twa dia logues a fan drfll and a scarf drill presentation of diplomas to the prim ary graduates and number by the sunday school orchestra as usual messrs uearamora co and tho acton tannine co supplied all their employees with an plfcmp turkeys for christmas the christmas examinations at the public school- last thursday were of an intercaung character and were largely attended by the parents and friends of the scholar every room was beautifully decorated a very creditable programme of songs dia logues etc was presented in eaclucf the ave rooms the municipal no proceed ings were held on monday and when concluded it was found that the only contest was for the reevesblp reeve swackhamer and mr george uynds are the contestants born stewart in nassagaweys on fri day december is ltoi to mr and mrs arthur stewart a son died marchmbnt in acton on tuesday pecerober st iwt mary ana well- burn wife of diehard morohment in her 4tth year a bit tough no said mrs brewer thoughtful ly you wouldnt call him absent- mtoded all the time to fee sure he la forgetful but i dont like to think of john as absentminded that iooes sound as if be hadn t any mind at all yqu know t know chimed in her friend hr roger my oldest boy is that way sometimes r remember onoe when there was company he ate a do0y a new hondembroldered dolly that jennie made herself ate a dairy i exclaimed mrs brw- tsnt it dreadful to think of it happened juar as easy though you see lfr herbert white the lecturer on negro education came to our house to dinner b he used to go to school with my husband years- ago it was just before the lecture so we bad to hurry a rood deal although we did sit down early of comae 1 had all my best things on and got down those thin gloss fingerbowls i keep for company they ore pretty said mrs brewer think so well as i was saying we bad strawberries and cream for dessert and i badthe fingerbowls on my pink and blue saucers with the dollies aunt jennie made now what do you suppose roger did hf took off tha nogerbowl with out the dolly and put bis berries and cream right on the plate just th same i was anxious seeing that mr white shouldnt be lata that j never notloed a bit what a boy exclaimed mrs brejnr t know it answered her friend ttqu see the dolly was- so sort of lacelike that it all hunched up wllb the cream and tho berries and the powdered sugar and ho chewed l right dawn talking all the time to mr white tdldnt he realise it at it in- quired her oompanion not a mite till he got nearly don then he said those were good ber ries mother only a little tough may i have some more pleasot bad habits to break on bad habits understand the reason and all the reasons why th hablf ts injurious avoid the places the parsons ana the thoughts that lead to th temptation frequent the places associate with tb persons indulge tho thoughts that lead away from temptation kep buoy idhv nesa is the strength of nod habits do not give up the struggle when you have broken your resolution- onos twice or a thousand times that only shows how much need there is for you to strive do not think it an easy thing that you have undertaken it la folly to expect to brak on a habit in a day which may have been gathering strength in you for years great thouohu the sunday school lesson for sunday ocx em bur they bask in midwinter sunshine rhuriiaij ieiaiai or cuitibr ministry review ooldcn test he that hath seen m halh an thhe father john 14 a review fay lsaeon themes the hung period or jeeus mlnlsto covered by tho lessons for the imbi three months is tiled wltfi incidents of practical helpfulness and exalted tmchlng the mare outstanding and important of these may be briefly re en hod 4ty noting in succession the les son tuples and themes the latter arc heie listed for convenience lesson themes of the fourth quarter octobers christ s confidence men the value or he ti illy three fundamental facta october 13 the uagna citsrta of the kingdom the challenge of thi lord pmyer huggestloitii concern ing prayer october 19 tho qood boll of jut honat ileceptlve ueort sowpmt nr act of faith the jlaw of the har- vefl s october 2 ilwentvtbout doing good the hlfflscef lqwoc the heart of the iison abeolute trust in ood november 2 thviroed of the kid er brother the prodigality of the younger rfon the fathers forgiving heart prevention better than cure november many men of many minds the humble source of an adequate supply tho bountiful ways of providence jesus the jsread of life november u the approaching crista the disciples jrepored not peter but his faith november tho u canine of the transfiguration the tranalururatlon of the christian believer the voloe from the clouds november 30 the neauireawnt of eternal ufa the failure of ceremon ial itetlglon the redemptive vsluo compassion to whom am x neighbor t december 7 the meaning of mira cles the sabbath for man a pas- ton for fact- a falt that worships december 14 a qroup of themes verse topics verse tb presence of jesus gives safety verse si jesus friendship with men verse 87 the logta of good deeds verse 44 tho liberated ufe december 81 thp pleasing person ality of john the purpose of johns gospel johns doctrine of the lagos the greatest gift dally rsadlnas for monday 1 8 tuesday dsosmber 17 john wednesday december 24 matthew it uso thursday december 16 luke b- 20 8a1e8man8hip whether you are taking orders for threshing machines or life insurance or drawing a salary of ten dollars a week you are a salesman in the first- instance you are selling somebody elses product in tho last you are selling your own you will sell threshing machines or life insurance taster if you know something about them and believe in them ton will sen your own services for price if you believe in youx- 3s- frlday december sc luke ae saturday december 27 john 11 si 44 sunday december ss matthew 15 su4k canadian winners at chicago wen 25 out of 30 premium for wheat and z4 out of 90 for oats chicago bl at the international uts stock exposition and may and groin show held bare from november 2 to december i farmers from canada competing with farmers from the united btatea won many champion ships and blue ribbons what la re garded in canada as so outstanding honor wm the winning of he wheat championship and awsepstaae by j c mitchell of pahlnda saskatch ewan his exhibit of marquis wbear was declared the finest among the hundreds of entrma this waa the thirteenth time in fourteen inter national competition that the honor has gone to canada dinsfla also won sit out of the jo premiums for bard red spring wheat and 14 out of coin oats the first prbte for flax went to j w broatch of moose jaw saskatchewan who won in a field of 44 entries on of the surprises of the grain show was canadas showing in corn toll one was the first tun that th dominion carried off prises at um international show in alfalfa seed nick chejelte of brooks alberto won first prls mor than threelbrd of the prises for sheep wont to th canadian ex hibitors and the dominion experi mental farm at fcaeoosbe- tb univers ity of alberta edmonton and other canadian exhibitors won hspdsomeur wuh horse and cattlc kx7lh tb prince of wale with a7tortnorncttl from his ranch us psklago near high river alberts won a first with princeton rosewood l yearling heifer and a fourth with king of the farles a buu keep moving it isnt so much where you are but where sre you going t which wsy ro you travelling downward it thought and deed or upward in as plrnlion and effort t are you satis fled with your present accomplish xnsnts or are you responding to that ihward urge that makes a nun dis- contented with what he ut olive weadeu holmes ypji know eold that be found th great th in this world is not so much whr we sre a landing os la what direction we are moving to reach th port or liavon we must ssji sometime with the wind and sometimes against it but we must sail- and hot drift nor ho at anchor ap you drifting or sre you anchor ed t thjnk it over farmers and merchants messenger do not count on luck few observers will attempt to deny that uvea are helped or mssred by lucky accidents many a man has got his start by bappoalng to be on the jpot at the payehologlcm momenu vrer we have mad due auowance for foresight and intuition w must ad mit the elsment of luck and if not good luck then bad to talk of luck re if k were permanent ts foolish to call one person lucky and another un lucky u senseless for the distinguish ing characteristic of luck l its caprlc lousness- the person who is con stantly lucky has some quality which accounts for his getting what he wants one who is constantly unlucky lacks something even though the lack not apparent to his closest trtenda therefore while we may admit in debtedness to lucky chance the allu est thing in jb world is to trust to it tor the future for if you can trust ll it u wot lues christmas port of opsin trinidad below light lunch after the open deck of th flip in wmmino pool on th mentreysl insert you ye wsy tom hesh why pick on met iys tho little fellow there ore many other things which can interest and hold your at tentton and so there or bu after all the nallva lire of tho islen of the blest is worth a little study is it not take thl llllla jamnlclnn far tnstsnee if you took away his shirt and his broom handle you would not leave him much other than a full tum my yet he is a british subject and is such bss an opportunity of becemln well of doing pretty well for hlm- oolf ml of inhrlng enough of this world h substance to give him corn fort at least in his later years he will grow up in a rsroshackfe old hut un the edge of th town maybe and team to be jealous of hi rights as n cltlsen and when he comes to pn ago of understanding he will be more en glish thsn the english as a matter of fact he will in all probability hpikk at leaat two languages in one of these he might implore you to buy his fruit or his lace bark souvenirs nr direct you over the flnsf roads that form a network over th island and in the other he will converse with hla mad this language sounds as foreign as any- you will meet with in your tour of the west indies but if you will listen intently enough you will oatob an i and sn sh a yea then gradually your sir will be able to dis tinguish all the words and you will wonder that you could not understand the dlaleou they are interesting thsse people watch them as they swarm around your cruising vessel docked in king ston hsrbor in their tub llko canoes and dlyo deep into the witter for your copers they arc a different people in every aense of the word participant in the cruises of the west indie by tho canadian paclua 88 mont royal in january and feb ruary next will be afforded every op portunity to study4he various people with whom they come in contact and will return with at least a few im pressions and a better understanding of them no matter how different they may be they are never foreign this in especially true of the british protectorates if one would really get to the heart of thiee people lie dare not patronise them if he does this ha only finds the type that he expects to find merchandise you offer is not price you ask for it you cant be sincere in youi efforts to dls- ms of il and if you do not absolutely know that your ser are worth more than you are getting for them you will never bo able to get more all salesmanship that ts worth any thing is based on confidence- you will find it hard work to con vince people of anything you do not believe in yourself before you make any effort to raise your own salary be sure that it ought to be raised compare yourself with other people doing the same work for tho same time tor the same wages if they are better than you are at um job dbn t oak for a raise until you have made yourself better than they are tour hands or your brains are the commodity you have to dispose ol make thm just ae efficient just as productive as you can discqver and eliminate the faults that keep them from domg their best work study practise bring yourself up to a higher point of usefulness thsn when you begin to talk about getting more money you will have an argument believe in yourself thoroughly and other people will believe in you but remember that you cannot sin cerely believe in yourself unless you are really convinced tha you can really produce- more than the other men who are doing the same kind of work tbatasters there- ore thousands of people who have sipped tsa from common porce lain or dainty cup of china all aronnd- the world but these ore not the tea tastera we have in mind by tea- tast ers we mean the men who gather at th tea plantations of china japan cey lon and java when the crop is being prepared for he market these men usually coma from sngland and have pnt all their uvea in this kind of work- much of the satisfaction that we got from a cup of tea depettdon tha care ful testing and wise judgment of these trained lea tastera for weeks be fore they are to begin their work on the plantations tssose men ore careful not to use any wghljr- season ed food or anything that might impair iheir dsuccy of taste they are paid high salaries because of their pro ficiency aid work only a few hourr every day the work is done at table on which or placed samples of tea from dif ferent lot that are in the great ware houses to be later packed for ship ment a small quantity of tea from a given sample is put into a cup and hot water poured over it after it is allowed to steep a short tune he tea taster takes somw of the liquid in his mouth note its flavor and grade it accordingly he is careful not to swallow the tea yet after being en gaged n this work for several years b finds it has an injurious effect on his physical constitution the uniform quality of tha different brands of tea we purchase from our grocer is the result of the careful work don by the men bo trying t the irishman was away on his holt days one morning he came dawn to breakfast with a very worried frowu on his faoe and an open letter in his hand he looked so glum and ate no little that tufeeniiy one of his fellow fhotidaymaksrs asked him what was he matter ho replied that he had just had a letter from hhi sister to say that ah bad an addition to her fnmlly you donf look very pleased about it answered the other i it a boy ora gjrtr- thats just what is hotbaring m wasmjio rtbiy xhsydtdnt tellm in tha letter and now bejabers i dawt know whether rot n unci or an chrutmaa again with its peace and good will and wonder i how friends increase sod multiply in value as th day of days draws near how the touch of human hands thrills us and tha look in human eye i to our aur prls w are not ashamed to b good to be kind to be loving for this utile pace out of tha long selfish year w are glad to be ourselves we give freely of our love we offer our labor without price and we speak kindly words that are rarer than rubles one muro wi take courage and let our hearts have tbelr way and- life hugh and is glad when chrlstmss come the world suddenly grows better sin issw lovely and heaven nearer all because a uttls boy was born in datbjebent pertifp- who knows tf we might carry with us throughout the year the joy of this chrlstmai living phillips brooks not idlers a man slipped on a banana peel and executed a rail not being burl as it turned out but having but dignity somewhat ruffled when be recovered s moment lajer a friend was holding hla hat end a number of people had formed a elreje about him what do the idlers want he inarled thay are not idlers ejrplalned bis friend soothingly mxar a dof who want to loov you over ready to brings an action cor yon proqqoer ofeoado alma whp would tom to mas toevjgjv ian justice oriental j parallel in lawyers eee s finds a where judges and difficulty to making eccentric decisions and taking the meat or the nut for themselves leaving the shell for plaintiff and defendant one day st a village market a shoe- th date of christ birth from the first it was of course de signed to commemorate the birth of christ and wss celebrated on the 25th of december thai this was the true date of our saviours advent is by no means certain the bible gives one day st a village market a s positive information as to the season maker bought a calf skin off a former when he entered fnlexthe world and th fact that the shepherds were then for two and a half roubles and having money with bun went horn to procure lu the farmer meanwhile sold tha skin to a second buyer for throe roubles then the original buyer returned and when be discovered th trick tbat bad been played waa so indignant that a quarrel ensued and the matter waa brought before a justice you bought the skin first said the latter to tha shoemaker after listening to the evidence yea for how much 7 two and a half roubles have you the money 7 tea put it on the table then turning to the second buyer tho justice asked you bought the akin afterwards and paid for ltt yes how much did you pay three roubles youhave the sktnt yes put it under the table the man obeyd and theh farmer was next addressed you agreed to sell tor two and a if roubles and as the buyer did not return promptly with th money you sold to another for three roubles t yes have you tho three roublest yes put them on tha table when this had been done the judge delivered bis decision the shoemak er is to blame for bargaining without money and thereby endangering the peace of the town the second buyer blame for outbidding another and tha seller for dealing wttbpeople without money now all threo of you go march i and they went perforce leaving the skin and money behind them soft corns are difficult to eradicate but houowaya corn remover wuj draw them out painlessly the also rans there or people who ore uk th cows tall always behind they get to the railway station just as th train is pulluig out and blame it on their watch they moke hay whan tbe sun has slopped shining and blame pro vidence tor their musty fodder there la a time for everything ainderfathe be as his lord tbe sun says solomon and these laggards turn the old proverb upside down and insist on putting ot to morrow what they should day they talk hopefully abodoltha sweet jyeandbye forgetting that th sweetness depends upon tbe real nowandnow when ycttf u man talk about crossing the bridg btorejte oomea to 1 make up your mjpdthat he is going to get tb duck ing before lit la through with him tbe fellow who keeps expecting things to turn up and never doe any glng is going to be sadly disappointed la the end keep your eye on tbe race oct in right at the start and run fx win tbo road is strewn with dere licts who have kidded themselves that they were trying when they werer only bluffing even if you do not get th prise you seteut to wiii real effort will be more than worth while solomon in shoe and leather journal in the fields with their hocks seems to totbad the supposition that tha event could have occurred in midwinter john milton in bis nativity hymn accepts the traditional view and says it was tbe winter wild while the heavenlyborn child all meanly wrapt in the rude manger ues nature in awe to him had doffed bar gaudy trim with her great master so to sympa thise it was now nineteen centuries nlnce jesus was born in tbe manger in beth lehem what mighty changes 4iave since been wrought by the power of his life and death i though spending a little more than thirty years on the earth he touched humanity to its core one else has ever done and to day he wletes an ever widening do minion his own prediction has been amply fulfilled and i if i bo titled will draw as men unto me it is wonderful wonderful let us thank god for this great apocal ypse of hjs son in human form an vow him esoh one of us a ufe of un broken obedience in return he loved and gave himself tor us shofl we not therefore love him with all pur heart and mind and strength and yield him the glad and grateful obedience of our hvest to fall to do no ts to ahow ourselves incapable of being reached and stirred by tho highest and holiest of motives the heart that does not respond to the appeal of the infinite compassion is made of stone it is eminently proper rtlso that in remembrance of the amasing love which prompted our xorct to lay aside tbe glory he had with the father be fore the world- was snd to tako upon himself the form of a servant for us men and for our salvation we should give ourselves with new diligence to th service of our fallowcreatures standing in the shadow of that strange uplifting and quickening life which is bounded at one extreme to a lowly manger and at th other by bilker cross we shall utterly foil to read its supremo lesson aright if we do not see in it a gospel of self- sacrificing devotion to tbe good of others th disciple is not above his master nor the servant above his lord enough for tbe disciple that he he as bis master and for the servant for house snd stsble there i good deal of imllnrity yhyalculty speaking between the humwn beings and the lower animals i loth are sub lect to many ailment arising from in flammation and to all manner of outs and bruises dr thomas edeotrlo oh is an entirely reliable remedy tor auoh ailments and mishap in both human beings and the lower nulmals please and thank you finding the well a french explorer th first whit man to cross the libyan desert tells a suggestive story of two of his guide who came to him on evening as they were setting up their primitive camp in such journeys of course 111 do ponded upon finding th ijirella along tbe rout they had coma to the par ticular wvll near which they wore camping u short time before a little mound without any curb and so clo to the ground ut t would have been easy to pass it without seeing jl one of the guides said solemnly wo have come straight upon tbe well we have not passed it we did not have search for it it is because your heart is white on this road only those wbo have white hearts can and the wvu that might bav been a superstit ion as applied to this well in the desert but many fancies bold good in life there are many fountains of ro- frestunant which multitudes pass with cut eyen knowing they are neur when we reflect upon tho fact that we were redeemed from our own sins by a leas precious ransom than the blood of jesus christ bow can we ever again be hard and selfish cither in our way of thinking or in our way of acting if god so loved us we ought also to love one another on th supposition that we correctly ap preciate our place and standing in the kingdom of god we shall not allow this christmas to pass without trying to make somebody better or happier norshall we eutter our children to suppose that it is a season designed solely to secure their persons gratl ftcatlon tha savory food that crowds our boards ought to be a stench in our nostrils unless we have divided with the poof snd ths light in our homes ought to pe a thick as darkness un less- we have kindled a fire on soma desolate hearth twnllits readers the ftcssi pi sends a chrlstmss greeting wishing them health and happiness long ufe and abundant usefulness and pray ing above all things that the lord god may lift up his countenance upon them and give th4ra peace even though you are merely demand ing your rights and not really asking favor a thank you is in order you us tbe one use the other whenever a please is in order a is thank you in many sections of the country motorists entering the units of a township are asked to ob serve the local regulation in regard in the speed limit often on leaving the town th driver la confronted by a sign bearing the words thank you tbat is the rujht idea if you are ash- m ing something that calls for n pleestc- fhr cynical and sneering and unbe- provbflbs about the home travel east and travel west a man m own nurw is still the beat dutch a hearth of your own in worth gold eastland west homes best liwhb is fur from liuno is near harm danish dry bread at home la better than roast meat abroad qerman kvry erlekel knows us own hearth rlusslsn in my awn hous i am king spen- having go their way their apftits perched and suffering while springs of good will tnd generous faith sis close at band the wells or thsro whatever the doubter may say hut only those with white heart can find tbem for rhsumatlo palns ttve pains and aches of aclatlea and rheuma tism should be treated with pr thomas eejeotrto oh the soothing and healing properties of this famous remedy have been demonstrated tor fifty years use it also for lafium tnatory pat us outs sent tehee bruises and sprains either in human beings or tbe lower animals friends count if you want to get ahead in busi ness make friends look back over the stretches if ufa behind you look back at the elruggles of successful buplness men the success you have hsd and tha success or the other men u nothing lees than friendship the influence of friends did the things you succeeded in if you have the right kind of friends you are bound to suo ceed friends never look for flaws thay are th ones who recognise he good lu you only friendship oai bring you to the plnnanla of eurc conquer aw to be relieved from tho terrible eunocuhg due to asthma is a great thing but to be sfeguurdsd for the future is even greater not ouly does dr j fo kel- loggr asthma remedy bring prompt relief but it introduces a hw life tor th afflicted systematic inhal ing of smoke or fumes from the rm edy prevents reaftaeka and effeeta permanent pure millers worm powders will fi the olomsch end bowels of worms that tb child will no merit be troubled by their ravages tha powdera are sweet io the taste and no child will object to taking them they are non- of- dnjurious in their composition and wlqle in some oases they may cause vomiting that must not be taken as a sign that they r nauseatlnk but as t wwlo of t4r fffftrur work v may tins christmas brim you a caro j blessings ana the new tfear carry you safely on your way railway tinn- laltl- at acton 41 was no si no ii 21 no ss bunday going east no 2 no 10 r0r24 no 24 no 21 no 24 sunday l os am 1015 an ss0 pjn c 0t n m 5 3j 1 in too am 11 if sm xlb pm 6 17pm h13 pm 7 on pm cjasxvnvvvx castoria mother fletchers gastoria fa a liarniless substitute for castor oil paregoric texabifig drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arras and children all ages of constipation wind colic ftotulehcy to sweeten stomacri diarrhea regulate bowels ajds in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural leep without opiates to avoid imdahonij alwstocjrfot the rignstore of csttvcxll pmvm di nn trsch packag plrrsajsnseycfywbcre recommend it canadiaftatvational electric railways westbound dally except hun day 7 43am dolly dally dally pally dally dally daily dally 11 i a m 143 p m su p m c 43 p m 7 43 pm 9 43 pm 1232 a to dally dally kxcept sunday dally dally daily dally daily dally 7 43 a tn 0 48 a m il 43 am 1 43 pnu 3 43 p m 43 prn 7 43 pjn 9 43 pm ll upm dally freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress to toronto t e gibbons stxtffrjrr bhoe repairing prompt attention tot orders left te e gibbons sfaxn street actow notice to creditors in the estate op robert wat son lets of th villas of acton in th county of halton retired notice u hereby given that all per me having t against the estate of tb above named ttobert watson deceased who died on or ulul inn fifteenth day ol rtu tm tii- village of acton in the county of llal- ton ore required to send by poet pro- paid or otherwise deuver to the under signed bollcftot- for the etecutore at the said deceased on or before the fifth day of january 102s their namos addresses full particulars of their claims and th nature olthe accurlty if any held by them all duly erillod by statutory declaration and notice is further given thai utter the said lost mentioned date the sola executor wul proceed totmstritoute tho assets of tb said deceased amongst the parties enuued thereto hnvlnb re gard only to the clalmsof which they shall then have notice and the will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or twrsons of who claim notlc has not been received at the time of such dlatrl bration dated this fifteenth day of decern berx d lilt mchardbon co i p o box m georgetown ont 1bs solicitor for the executors did he leave any insurance the first question asjtcd by george l friends when they heard of his tragic death tn an automobile accident was quite natural one a grtefetficken young widow two wideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for here eere proper enough reasons for tho solicitous query of true friends and george castle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in this position would she after tho first paroxysci of grief had passed face long years of wnnt with dulj despair crowding lov ing memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy the attached coupon will bring you complete information on now best to do it north american life assurance company soud wi the amunent head office toronto canada k c walls district mngor 504 bank ol hamilton btdg hamilton ontario ffend u your ilookuit tho wlirtlo uf lnlloy tiino addrcju ago oi ouimuon diamonds of quality h like most other things dia moods may be either good bad or indifferent v a fine diamond is distin gnished by purity of color freedom from haws and quality of cutting ltheso characterlatlcs com bine to produce tho 8re and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of every true gem h k wovhandle diamonds of bne quality only these wo buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash it savage co jewtdsors guklph ontario sb was test secic to try eaatrmak exsuns jeanne was f dren in new oatarlf i mh day to sea- to travel tnll dr weather 01 th rough cauoo possible far them buteeu years bad posias slae jeannes blith and she had never s4yd the beat during that time six of or health during- that get your job printing at the free press rears she bad spent in going to school aelaiaa avoaad the bouse and at odd usee working here and th to earn a little taeney one day she was caught tn a uot atom be her way heat from school uefor losjr a terrlhl cough set tn which easily ended in cenaunumon of course it waltiseaule tor br t try the ee treses santinatlon an other tear mr saps bat certainly not now said the sector now eh te resting at th htuskowm ueapliel for ooaeans uvea toer pls lag shyness suuressalbs her curly fslr hair refuses ia behave while her lts eyas with oesaid of her up raauta osr and abare jeanne tarn gotag i bfth nebool why notr and w eeho wby not and the doeter aaya why notr be cause jean la on th rood t w vs- robhtlaoavr ommfctttlna to llvo bosattal fusdst te llo