tiik hoalk oi ijj artott 3hw jlmsa till actos illll iltlss nuliiiinl rvrry lliurtiur rvcmiii il 1 lir i rrr wcm iiiiiiiiiiik xi i it slurt altm hn 1 lit- ul riplnn price il joo ir vwr in aiivjn r inalaic li rlmrnl mllitinal tr olttrr in ihr unitrl sfatn the illr in wlui li iitiknrillmi orr pa ij imlirahl llir amrcm uhrl advkutisin haths i r imall mclani fifl ilvrrlurnc li ami in xlicr column tlie rjlr will he nun at lirai of rnlumn ili pta l ulti oii ai c a dills mllor giil proprietor tllllllonis hliirul butt llmina oflict- lteilunce a year of steady work it ha hccn u mutter of jrii uuliiifaction to manufacture employees and the community jener- nlly unit the factories of acton have with only one exception operated continuously throughout the yenr nt full time unci in iniiny cnei overtime has been the rule this liui resulted in n utelldy income for llic employee mid a very satisfactory condition of affairs in the town generally such a hnppy condition was not- always pieviilent with the factories located in acton hut the heads of these concerns seem to have so arranged their output and distribution tlntt the usual slack period which most often came in the vmterrdoesnot occur in tliis beginning of the year 1120 actanian may well pause to appreciate this condition thb sunday school lesson vou nunikay jfanuaity fl hmo ouil iikav1cnly path kit golden text like mi a father plucui i children 10 jehovah pltlelh uiom unit fear htm im 103 13 inirtn kx 3 47 im 103 1tj 10- i isa 0 3731 matt fl 24u john 3b a 3034 11 4047 rom a an 1417 1 john 4 7tfl hutiday ivcljntlitjtry consider the subject of uiu quarters studies gome orcat ohrlsuan teach ings wn arc to range over tlie en- illhle and think about some or the bibles central themes decide why the lenron committee mndut koticw o umj canadian muej amktlm money for health at tliu mumui of tlie- yar in many eenuvh the budget of tlui various muni cipal and county urvicrn ure being cou- wod health tervlorij togeuier wlu uie others the public money which- u devoted to health work represent an investment illwmui prevention and healui pro- molum it la a wfdisubluiied fact uiat the proper xpiulllure or ceruui sums of luonny wlfl brliitf about m rcducuon in the amount of tllnnaj wid ui iium- imt of katlim tluro u of oourw a limit to tlui reduclkwi and uiat limit la tet by tlu knowldii which wd po- bcb we can deal sueeaarully willi manydkcam becauxa w know tmouah about tlwni to combat uim uccfuuy wlui regard to auihm wo ur not as yet ublfl to do aa imchum we have not tlie knowledtin which would enable ua to conquer them when the miration of lirilui exintll- turp u coafllovred every cluxeti alioutd realise clearly tlut if rvaionably auf- ti rii i vi it cikjm our jtavrly vatlier aa the hie hdltorinl itnclf tlirmc of the onenlnb lejicon the boston traveller which liar seen many in no- ucni1 n11 tlia nillfl paahe uelected i- i i trn of ll from rcven dlrfercnt book vations bucoinu established successes in the 104 years r the bible anil an you read note of it existence recently discontinued the publication w1bt u nboufour fattier in heaven encn lknb0 contributes or editorials devoting the space to letters from its monday ma davu laauh readers in a few days the editorials rciumfcd their 153 3 ll ia wonderful to rtndilclcnt fund aro provded lie u ncluaily ih i tk i c tit ii i thin cnrly ln ll10 blbl brocloun and throuifli hla tawa buylntf community old plncc the christian science monitor called it lovinn picture or qod an account of lualui ituuraneee for hu owprolic- o brief but audacious experiment it wasa success llm cone to tnntjf tlie new teata- tton rid foruiut of hu family hu ipattntf ln many way tlie friends arid his fellowel uwtim if f ood in cirut tlie father roaonable amount of money ta nbt apciit nn essential b n llero shown he la merclon health work then the rvrw occunt 1 vntninlntr b to nmjer abundant nnd caci rjcruoij adult and child will in explaining m lovlnbklndnem apd truui fc inbe nemimiiy expol to uur danfcrrt of iqulty abio tlio fauhora juauo lie will iuevcnuble dbusaa tlwi burden uid not clear the eullty and h- will vult expense of dueose tloea not fall evenly highest prices paid for butter fat filvk uh a tlmarlilonli jit hatton cream butter co milton and acton h wither manager of acton branch blending red rose teaia an art toobtnin the fine flavor and fullbodied richivesa required years of ejeperi encei- eyerjf package guaranteed i time tables at acton nadian nationalrailways i dlmday only 1041 aon dally exceinl uutiday ijhpxn dally rtxcrpt uuiliuy 1043 l4u dally except uundfiy 3jopjn dally hxrpt uundy kovtal dally except uunday llva ility only 708 tin dally ixcept uunday jt 705 luo dally except uunday lls7lai dally exempt uunday 347t4tl dally except uunday 017 pin dally oxcept uunday ims pin i hint anticipating inv tc the extent that it convinced the publi3liors of the vwntinn r thursday evening january 3 1029 cauauvh area sown to crops every reader will be interested in the progress being made in the expansion of the agriculture areas cfcanada and particularly in the northwest the principal fltild crops of canada in 1928 occupied nn trca more than 3000000 acres larger than in 1027 us in llic wli qv traveller that editorial comment feature of an allround newspaper the- rerult the traveller says in terms of sincerity void of lattery many of our readers have told us that they missed these efforts of ours to interpret the worlds dbings to start trains of thought nnd to push for human progress the testimony tlint these brief comments of the editors were so generally read and valued by the great traveller family the testimony aod kvlnli father ia sein auo tt jn ttilo old testament dauuibe that they were a constructive force in the community i 0 3 leitvewm add to vas nn argument which admitted but one answer the answer is given in the return of thetrmvcllers editorials the nullt of falhern on tlielr children but only to uie third and foulh eenern tlon id 103 15 1014 more about ooda fornlvcncmi addlnn his aaturylnff alfts and hb pity for hla weak and errlnff children tlie nev teatament portrait comment from the nortli the account or ood luj surposslnb power and the fact that im make it available for hla children bo that uiey run and fly and do not brow woary tuesday servltir matl c 24 wo come now to our lords disclosure of the father ln his- rjermon on the rcqulres wliolelieartcd lie will bo master we are to bo ccrvnntn slaves there is no higher n j 11 1 honor uuin to be uie slave of audi a read the following extract carefully the opening moatcr ood would not be uie uaater whose slaves wo could be if he were content in the bracebndgc gnzcttc of recent date editor maunl tlie father i nomas has the following to say regarding the open- tcrvlce ing of general motors big new plant at regina acres there was also an increase of nearly 100000 acreg in rye and a corresponding decrease in flaxseed the total area estimated as sown to tho principal field crops in canada in 1028 was 57790220 acres ns cbm- pared with 54072310 acres reported for field crops in 1028 wheat occupied 24119 mo acres ns comparod with 22460154 acrcs in 1027 oats occupied 13130- 510 acres as against 13239063 acres in 1027 barloy 880740 acres as against 3505713 rye 830505 acres n3 against 74331 l and flaxseed 378081 as ngoinst 475852 acres for the remaining crops the acreages for 1028 are estimated as follows peas 154409 beans 70270 buckwheat 502730 mired grains 1107130 corn for husking 130192 potatoes 00003 turnips mangolds etc 202447 hay and clover 10 320803 alfalfa 853818 todder corn 440808 sugar beets 51205 of an automobile factory in regina with a capacity next yenr of over 30000 cars annually is one more indication of the rapid growth of manufacturing in western canada only a few years ago it was almost exclusively a whcot growing country but today the term prnirie provinces docs not give an adequate with leu than all or our hearts mammon worldllncsa does not de serve any part of our service for it has nothing to alve us in return ood lias cvcrythlnff for us wednesday traun matt 0 2530 v 35 all anxiety oomeonc may feel lliat lie lias saved a 4ollar or two and escaped sickness but some individual some family will liave that burden and expense tip com munity may have to pay out for more in tlie care of orphans or tn hoaplui bills uian tlie health department costs ne epidemic costs many times uie up keep of an adequate lieallh deportment money sliould not be wasted it tdiould bo properly spent every city town and county aliould liave sufficient money for lieallh work and sliould see to it uiat it is properly spent questions concemlds health addressed to uie canadian uedlcsl association 1r4 college fltreet toronto will be answer- d personally by letter canadian national eucctbio staklwayh wuoanj dally except ffundoy 7jisw twenty y1ulub ago prom lite luiu thursday f the free pku january 7 lmo in full owlna again is good tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good true citizens the formation a couple of weeks ngo of the on tario memorial company to take over and operate the plant recently run by the creber bros but nssignod must have caused general satisfaction to all the citizenry the practical faith in this industry b the citizens who mnde this company possible is another reiteration of the fact that there arc still irnny citizens who have faith in their community and jire willing to back it up practically the factory tjnder its former management was undoubtedly an impossibility the building and equipment for the manufacture of memorials are the finest of any fac tory in the province with the practical business men who have been appointed to head the concern nnd the arrangement that has been completed for its operation the plant bids fair to become the asset tc acton it had been intended and its operation on a steady business basis is eagerly looked forward to early this ycirr to add to another of actons busy industries these results hnve however only been secured by the steady persistent efforts of a group of what we would term true citizens of acton for their efforts in actons welfare thus far completed we believe all citizens will join us in expressing their npprcriation and the wish for them of splendid suc cess in the successful operation of this new company wc appreciate tlie worda of encouragement this is the month that many of our subscribers take the opportunity to write us u letter and of course enclose the money for rcnewel all year we get many nice letters and then others that well arent just so nice but the nice ones overbalance the other kind by u big majority and wo certainly do appreciate them if we hnd time wc would like to sit down and write a personal letter thanking you nil for your kindly rcmnrks but thnt pleasure is forbid den with most of them wc would like to add a little personal item in the reply touching on our in- tiunte acquaintanceship each week we endenvor to inculcate in the columns ot tin fitir pin ss all the local incidents tlmt are happening we try to make till fit i i pkiss a true synopsis of the weekly doings r ac ilc vicinity including hulton county rnd irin and eramosa townships we endeavor to do our best letter writing each week so undoubtedly n personal letter to these letters which you us sub- senbers write yearly would he repetitions we just vnnt you to know that we do appreciate these expres- l tins may we be forgiven if we use un example or two from this mornings mail am forwarding 2 s r tin fun pm sb for h wc receive more value for the money expended tl in any jvuy i know tin yitn pm ss grows rtore viilunhle ouch year and our home could not i lul to be wihout it and another more brier 1 tit just nppicciitive enclosed tind post office c nlcr for rcncwill to your valuable paper and yet mother which says your paper is both ntfwsy nnd jist full or good inorul tone that should be and no doubt is uplifting to iis renders undio on we iink you all who send these words of encourage ment with your icnewnl nnd they stimulutc us to fldcuvor to make 1 in fun pans nil even greater vulue in the newspaper field of this section which we endeavor to represent prod turn will supply those farms with many of their needs an nutomobile factory on the scale of that in regina would not have been established if the company were not certain of an immediate demand with still greater confidence in the future read it carefully because it- is quoted from the mail and empire read it cnrefully because the company re ferred to the compnny starting the huge branch factory at regina is the same compnny that closed down in such dramatic fashion for a few hours when the liberal government reduced the duty on auto mobiles read it carefully because rt is an editorial in one of the papers that assured us all that the liberal government hnd killed the automobile in dustry well the motor industry of that compnny is very much grenter now than it then was and is grow ing fast is it not reasonable to suppose that other 1 ighly protected industries would make similar gains under tariffs that would enable people to buy from them now a ucnl asset the foundation has been laid for a great and useful transportation structure to which those who follow must add yenr by year the result is assured it we adhere to the principles which thus far have governed the policy of the company in its declarations fc the notiop the public nnd those in its scrvico this was one ot the striking statements made by sir henry thornton chairman and president of the can adian national railways during an address which last thursday night was broadcast throughout the continent by means of a gignntic radio hookup which tied in 15 stations from halifax to vancouver the greatest fent achieved in canadian chain broad casting history f arc within a few days of the end of the most successful year experienced by the canadian national railways from every point of vie the railway will meet the fixed charges on its funded debt in the hands of the public and in addi tion will have a substantial surplus this result has in no sense been at the expense of the property be cause the property itself is in materially better con dition than it was six years ago the company is paying highcr wages to its employees than at that time and this is good not only for the nation itself but also for every citizen of canndn irrespective of geographical location or any affiliation indeed wc have reached the point when i think the canadian national railways may be fairly regarded as a national asset that then represents the gift which those in the employ or the canadian national rail ways through six years of hard and anxious work pre uble to present to the people of the dominion and it is ii record of which you may all be proud canadians may well feel proud that their railways under government ownership have been made to ap pear on the proper side of the balance sheet business li another vcm the january uiaw made connections very promptly uiia time there is talk of an anutrcatlnff society betna organised in town it la to be reoretted uiat uie compact really treason entered into by uie merchants for dos- ibijhajjlgja conducted in bt albans plainly cares for uie church lost ounday by uie ilev joseph hjrds and uiey do not worry ood has pcnncll ix a of rfamilton lavlstied much more care and pains- mr harold o nlcklln wlui lias been takinc on man uie summit- of his crca- the of uie uercliants bank here tlon why should we be anxious several years lias been transferred v 37 what cood docs anxiety do to thc branch at umdon and wt acton and as it can accomplish nouilns why on monday marnlns mr prank ilavlll lndubje br it has been promoted to uie position or v 3d tlie illy of palestine la a bril- icdoer keeper and ur lleber wllusms llant crimean flower lookbiff like a poppy can of escounclllor wuuams lias token v 20 solomons olory la pictured in position on uie staff i klnsn 10 the expectations of mr r o brown v 30 because or uie scarcity of f opcrauna um chopptnc mill by water wood ln palestine dried eraso in often u week have been frustrated uioufih burned to heat ovens only temporarily it is hoped when on w w turned tnto uie new thursday seeklnf matt 8 3134 flumc fmmd ulflt v 31 be not anxious is christs eure wab t for command an urgent niand iron bandfl 1 at intervals of two the heathen wor d ocnules fecu icur began to snap nnd cause but it doea not know ood ptanki to rive wy it was accessary anu nu low to immediately hut u water and r 7 wc una proceed to operate uie null by steam that arc unit and lonssr uungs will cflme po to us without our seeking wr and ure w w neardmore re- mnr tt j to turned lost week from their honeymoon j t h tv havtnb u lt britain and uie continent day e have it twicel wm up tmidmeb friday from john j m the liouse on church btreet john 3 30 ood in ins blessed per- ono or uie most keenly contested clec- konallty of uie holy spirit uie com- on contests acton lias ever had hi rorter tfachcr incplrcr and director municipal matters was uie election an la least known to the average christian i monday between il bwackhamer and br to our sreat lass qray for uie ileeveshlp a heavy vote john 4 3034 ood u not worshipped w polled and mr bwackhamer was re- by externals but by the spirit and all elected by uie small majority lit lave if wc would know ood must jove saturday pram paul bom 3- 3fl god la justice as well a love and he la just because lie loves bom 3- 011 all men are oods crea tion uiercfore he loves alt men nnd is as ready to receive one as anouier who ever cocks lilm bom b 14 a fauier implies children children arc like their fauier and if he la a noble fauier uio cliudrcns best inheritance is the inheritance of ills character by this slinll we know uiat we arc oods cons if we are ilka him rom 8 1517 there u no greater blessedness than to be a child of ood and no greater riches uian to be an heir of ood but with all our ceelcinff of wealth how utue we seek uie true riclieal editorial notes and now to settle down to husincss in the new year that is now just undl5rwuy time was when the toronto telegrums candi date for the mayoralty was almost u sure thing but of late years conditions seem to hnve changed in the queen city sn henry draytons new years message to his customers had a lot of good common sense packed nto it and seemed to bo given rugurdless of business i was keep sober- nnd drink plenty of wuter pretence of worship la on offence to uie ood of truth john s 4047 if we want to know what ood is like we are to look on jcsua christ the image of ood 1 john 4 710 oods highest name councillors for uie year a bell geo ilynds j ii denny and one to be elected the concert on christmas night in tlie methodist church under uie super vision and training of ills amy i doty london was uie fourth undertaken the only really national farm journal li uie family herald and weekly star montreal it lias as many readers in nova scotia as in saskatchewan and is in its new form the talk of uie do minion enormous lohsea fuom wheat bust hvck uuother weekly of this vicinity is decision to boconie a 200 per year jour- i nl the hnn advocate has decided that it is neccs- y to secure this amount for subscriptions in order to meet costs in the newswpaper publishing busipess l stem rust is regarded today as uio most serious problem ln wheat produc tion in manitoba and saskatchewan it la believed to have caused an average annual loss during tlie past twcntyflvo years of at least 3 6000000 in uie one season uf 1010 the esumatod loss to uie wheat crop of tlie prairie province due to nut la believed to liave been 200000- 000 runt is caused by a fungus para- glte the life history of which is ex plained in a new bulletin numbered 100 turned by uie department of agriculture at ottawa this publication by d l llulley hcnlor plant pauioiogut at uie dominion bust research labratory win nipeg bears the uuo stem bust in western canada the field surveys which have been carried out to determine uie origin and spread of stem ruiit in dicate uiat uie earliest invasions each year arc due tn rust spares uiat arc brought by winds to uie prahia pro vinces from uie wheat fields qf uie united ututca according to uus bulleuu pub lished by tlie division of botany uio ixpcrlmcutal forms are acuvely cat a plant breeding programme by which it is hoped u build up strains qf lieavy yielding and early varieties of good mill ing wheat rcatstant to uie mast dls- tructlvc varieties of rust about twenty different crousoa ure now being carried on some at which liave reached uie fourth- generation as relief by thin procedure cannot be expocted for several yruia uc department has been working u i mm hratnicnta of the crop that ollrr hnpr- in controlling rust pu wc byher ln acton the programme brcauied forth uie christmas spirit from beginning to end seventyfive scholars and uie sunday ocltool oftliestra took part all classes of uie celiool ware rep resented from uie little tots to uie young ladles in uie senior classes every feature of uie entertainment was marvellous on new years night uie presbyterian sunday school held uiolr entertainment and uie programme was provided by uie cchool relnforced by uie uaneliester male quartette of a alt tile solos recl- tauons and quartettes by members of uie school were rendered and uie plag drill by sixteen young ladles was well executed and very pretty mr geo hynds superintendent occupied uio chair masuied milislcpomevin at toronto on wednesday december 33 by rev cliarlea darling m a william t mills of toronto to oertrude lc- povldcvln or llmehouss holmesoardiner at grace metho dist church winnipeg on wednesday december 33 by rev dr cparlliie mr robert e holmes formerly of acton to bcruia daughter of john oardlncr of lucknow dennibtounliard at uie ueuu- dlst- parsonage willow street acton on wednesday january 6 by rev o w barker mr alexander m den- nlatoun of redwood palls minn to sara daughter of mr samuel uard for both i loose and stable there la a good deal of similarity physically speaking between human beings and lower animals boui aro subject to many ailments arising from inflammation and to all manner of cuts and bruises dr thomas eclrctrlc oil in an en u rely reliable remedy for such ailments and muthnii ln boui human beings and the lower orders of animals mlljlct bacon iiogh lust wek another weekly of this in uperauon spread- j lull sulphur ncnwa a wheat field aa mcann uf dcrcallng the niut attack ln its de structive work this bulletin which la uvallable at urn publlcauona branch or h- department of agriculture ottawa recommends to tliosc wlio find that uiry run no longer grow some of uie older varieties of wheat wlui profit because of clinndiuil wheat pool in the rust is make a trial of some earlier nti 1 i vurlitus uiat may be recommended u iop yenr 10272h wus exported to 18 ports in 20 n by their nrarcst experimental harm piflyone per cent hint handled by the of the 200871373 bushels of countries of tlie total exported 107 per cent went europe of which 11 5 per cent wus juk by the li n i ted kingdom the lemnindcr going to several other countries chum and japan took 02 per cent ir agricultural college mother onives worm icxtermliiutor ulll urlvtt warinsfrom uie syatein vlth- tml injury to tlui child biiaule lln action while fully cflocuvc b mild money talks quite aa loudly to uie former aalo any other class today l tic fanner la fully conversant with uie trend of the market prevailing prices and supply and demand he is just as keen as uie manufacturer and wlurn lie knows he has produced an article of uie slse typnd quality that ja in demand he hoi a perfect right to expect and to get his abate of uy price premium tlui consumer pays for uiat arucle there ure came engaged in uie hog hulncaa who do not see or appreclua the full value of grading tlie ques- ilun must be considered in a hroad sense berauie the actual market requirements dunicntlc and export arc uia basis for nil standards covered liy the regulations under uie live stock and l4ve stock tlie bulletin j products act in the producuon of bacon hugs uie urtutt objective is selects because that grade u in demand and commands he highest price there u no dnidit n the producers mind as to uie value if urudlng liogs but uicre is occasional y some uluc difficulty ln getting a irlcc back to uie producer comensurate villi un quality or ling marketed tills i belug oveicoine however and today he compuuory graduig or marking for d iitltlnulon and grading on arrival at lit yjiu is working well and uibi com- blmd with uie producers knowledge of market conditions la making for 1m- niovciiiiiit hi the quality of uie bacon lun muiketed uxperlnuntal farm nutu j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will db at a v browns dbuo btob1d acton monday january 7 anyone buffering from icye- ntrafn defective vision or ilcadacho aliould not minu the opportunity of consulting this eyentirht- npnclallst appolnt- mnnte may bo made- with mr a t brown druggist consultation prise x offica hours 0 a m till 4 p m dally dally dally dally dolly dully dully dally daily- dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally kastbsurij except sunday w 1 svbkcha ubuaf lsprd sslipjat sjlsvml 1354 aja p jo 0j7aja llstaj 1j7pai sj7tu0 8f pjfl f7frja dj7pm- 11 j5 pd tmauu ifmrmlaal kceele street auj bt clair avuda freight delivered by fcpeclal axpra freight weight picked up at any ad dress hi toronto travel leave acton for uie west 10 10 a m 410 p m 700 p m and on saturdays sundays and holidays 1100 p m leave acton for oeorgetown norval brampton toronto bm a- m 1u5 a m 735 p m and on baturdays sundays and holi days i0j5 p m i ivtjaw w b browne 8c co millers nnd grain merchants narva ontario national norval f rutrr kings choiuk canadian wonder far itmd bran shorts middlings ciwpimni wheat barley and chicken feed at uui uiu agcnta for wheat pool brinjr your wheat oats barley here take feed back wc will truck if preferred look for prizes in our flour did santa claiis forget to bring you a radio for christmas if so we hnve two left from our christmas sale which wc will sell out at attractive prices and term make that christmas cheque or bonus the payment on your new year set batteries recharged and fxtll radio service jtx jrm s chryuler and plymoilli cam main street acton castor i a mothkk castoria is a pleasant luirmless substi- tute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrufts prepared for infants in arms and qiildren all ajjea to avoid imitations always look for tlie lifmature of cyctwyv ux proven directions on tjrli pjctfjt- iliyiiciiaj cvdrywlicre rezorjuiueiid it painting and house decoration graining a speciality ryuat atufitlul 8aufeuii giurmua vmthim gimu teucmiohe n richard il blanch box s5d asian and here it is tlie greatest throat cough and tonsil remedy known it works wander and is guaranteed oood results or money back try it mrs oybilla upalirs ton- sllltls il j uassanl dry french cleaning for uie convenience of our many customers ln acton who liave been tending uielr work to us in oeoigp- town wt liave opened a aliop ln acton in uie store next to uia baptist church hours from u p m unul 0 p m goods left in other hours may bo handed to mrs j m savage f b marcellus cleanlnjr pretsftbig repairing savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndhaa sl vborib 571 guelph lloid and rduua granite and marua worfca we are manufacturers and direct lot- porters of all kinds ofuonumanuu and headstone work we jtdlrect to our customers at who piicas uiua saving our customers 40 per cant we hav uu best apfmances and uie only rasfihaalo in uie dominion wlio can operatg pneu matic tools properly we can give infer ences from hundreds of our cuitotaar in toronto and ouier places wlur olhars liave to liave law suits in ardr to ealuet we have uie largest and bast stock of aranlte in uie dominion or more than any uirce dealers hi uia west we ur trglumate dcalens and employ no ascitis and tia not annoy or psst customara by sending out ignorant agents naibtiin orders we employ only meclianlea ajd defy comiwullon hamilton sons atieui out