stn ftxz i ify fourth year no 2 bliurdj muitt thursday aihthnoon january 17 1020 acton ontattlo canada thursday arjrnoon january 17 1020 four homo print patffcs fiva cenla aluitrb dljmrir uf smmhii acton mluuur uatf c iolr il u parsonagt wulov olivet 1 1 00 u m llin mint iter bubjerl the prophrt tn the wlldrrneji 3 30 p m sunday scliool lcrjion christ thr tlavtour 7 00 p m thr mini irr subject joicph tn thr hi line f potlplmr third in u wrlrn on 1 hr 1 llr of j i jpli monday 0 00 p in young people n lragu mlrjilanary meeting in chargo or the beaver group thursday 7 30 n in rruuo mid pruytr service lrihnjteriu knox church acton mlnuter iter a c suwart m a monso willow street 1100 a m tho mlnuter subject the value of companionship 3 00 p m sunday scliool lesson chrtpt tlui saviour 7 00 p in tlie- minister subject a scries on tlie uvea of outrtandlng men and women of uic bible no 2 monday boo p m young people a oulld meeung in cliarac ol lducouonal commllu- airanger leaving address with the usher will bo called upon by uia pastor unclassified small advertisements fob kfnt brick house on prcdcrlek street session february 1 apply mr jamefl mcmillan icnox avenue oruwplumlc vic l for quick wile apply j dobie brock avenue dressmaking all kinds of dreaamaklnc ordcro given prompt and skilful attention ptlccc reasonable mru a reesor 37 tf church street acton fob salt arey perchcron horec weight about i 450 rluht every way or will trade on litlit home suitable for mall route apply uanbel taylor 20 3 mofjat cabd of thanks tlie members of uie family of uic lftte l west desire to express their sincere uianks to their friends and neighbors for iwlprul deeds and kind sympauiy duri a uic illness and passing of thclr bclaved fauicr auction sale junics q easterbrook lot 31 canccs blon 3 nosnahaweyo near ebencxcr church wilt linld an unreserved auc tion bale of dairy cowg pot cotllc veal calves oxford qhccp horcoo and implements on thursday january 31 at i 30 p m kt3 kerr auction eeir- credit auction sale of houses p j teeter will liold an aueuon sale or 30 ilorsoa at james a thompsons farm lot 17 conccsnlon 10 erin on l7ui sulcroad half mile from erin vu lane on saturday january 10 at 2 30 o clock tlie ilorsea arc all quiet ucll- brolccn farm liorocs w p orey aucuaneer life insurance also aula aeehual blektu ad vb xusurattee in uiooe daya of numerous car oceldrnls auto insurance lias ho- conio a necessity da not leave yourself liable by neglecting to liaveane of uiesa policies vox particulars soe a e nickxin raver avedh aeua ool money to loon on plrst mortgage footwear sale of winter footweau no old stock bargain pkices come in wa day aiul ll tat asb gooj foolwtar at laweat rosallila harrisons wonderland friday jatuaky 18 uic student prince a prlncl and u maid- id c uuro and romance woytn into a play uiat prlpa startlnir ramon no varro and norma bhearcr com cdy a home modl man ilubblt caruxui prlcts lie and 3c upvclal miulc satuuiay january 10 good morning judue a kmart comedy drama wlui rfllnald ixniv camody wlvui won l weaken pok n tllsday january 2s tlie actrfeh auupud from hit tali irclatf nry of the wi 1l flurrlng norma hluartr mlifbty 14uf turwui uie conudy cnutlon ho coming the coiwflckh with j tin 011lmru xl l curlcoily u ron mllyrnauwslwm announcing guelphs two annual dollar -days- to be held on friday and saturday jan is and 19 a magnificent feast of bargains has been prepared neahly ivcry store in guelph taking part the biggst bargain list of all at macdonalds nothinf like ha opporlumueh for savinjr your money in all the rent of uic yeir those wlio hnve attended such dollar day evcnte in the pnut will nel no urging to he on hand early tina tunc lurt fl papers pictures yaro goods and home staples a big bargain budget from every department in this big store gullph nlwspnpers will tell you all about the mysterious mr dollar and the detailed news of your dollars mighty buying powlr for those two days if you don t get a cpoy in your mail ask to sec your neighbors e macdonald bros ltd guelph inaugural ssbion of utilities commission i mr geo upcmn elcctwl cluiir- mtm mrv it j kerr new lvkmbcr welcomed i llio rirnt ceulon of the new 1d20 public utllitlca cummlulon waa held on tues day ivonlnif wltli communloner ictirr and klna and neeve mokoii prtment the old memberk of the commbulon welcomed mr kerr the new menuwr of tlui hoard and mr kerr took liu dflclara- tlon of office j moved by a masarg necontlfd by r j kerr uiat mr deonj i klnff be ap pointed chairman for the yaar 1030 carried accoiinln were orderrd to be paid folic vn hydro account bell telephone co lervlcen corporation of acton debenture i j c matuiowa rent u geo cowlf eupplleii jon bymon cupplles jonen sc moore electric co uup plica j o mattliows postage departmjent of hlshwayn truck j il smith president general interest news of acton fall fair peeialsfoitliisweet granulated sugar 10 lbs for pcanut butter toy pnils tor dates 2 lbs for choice black tea per lb small oranges 2 dozen tor truit cake 1 lb for mincemeat 1 lb for handy ammonia 4 packets for sriivus baking powder i lb for bhell i d walnuts i lb for shredded cocoanu1 i lb for individual tea balls 2 packets for 57c 21e 22c 58c 38c 19c i5c 25c 25c 45c 20c 35c chatn red white store j w jone phone 26 acton ont 0tnisfafc bent of uie commuflloif wlio can will attend uie annual convention of the ontario plectrle awoeuulon and audclny lion of municipal klectrle uuutle at uie klmrldward hotel in toronto on january 33 and 3 a letter from mr j w precious of the pennsylvania oil co cave a tender on uic supply of 300 trallons of gasoline to be purchased by uie town the secretary won instructed to inform him that uie supply had already been pul- chajied by uie council mr r m mcdonald president or the ontario memorial company was prccen to ducuca with uip oammlaelon uic aupplylns of power to operate uie fac tory plana arc belnff made and it u expected uie faelory will start to operate about february 1 tlie advisability of lnatalllns a flood light to ibjlit uie boldiers memorial was brounht to the attention of uie com- mlalon tlie becretary was inntructed to communicate wlui uie council relative lo uila inatallauon and sen what ui ranjremcntb could be made for tin carrying of it into effect the secretary reported uiat when uie final payment of uie quarter came in uie commission would have anojicr tt00u to alipiybii vutcrworkii debentures by uie town the matter of repalni or replacement of uic ruck was discussed by uie com mission but no definite action was decided upon highest prices paid for butter fat give os a triaiphone 53 halton cream butter co milton and acton ii witmer manager of acton branch furniture specials c 1iisti rhell suiirs sum bile for hid springs am a1a11 rss for kitchen chairs for congoi him rugs 712 1 for oilcloth rugs 7 for oval mais jlixb i ihliics 140 00 14 00 s125 j7g5 jcgt 4g5 hardware savings si i 1giis at toboggans 5 lee iiocm sucks 50c 90c 110 375 g el swackhamer wiu ow s1hllt acton ontario 1 i1ahowarli urn1tukk attuunl mcourus ycfllnlay aftcx- khn elccui ohicern lac set for srpieniler 17 awd is thk year tim annual tneunu of aeton full pair was held in uie town hall venter- day afternoon wlui a good repn-tfusnta- tlve attendance president kerr occupied the chair and conducted uwi meutia in hu prrshlanta addrttt m lorr cnokc of uie proffrtui uie fafr whs bttk- inu more new niembers went secured lant year uiun any previous year ttiere had been many permanent improvement carried out at uie pork uiat wire rel ossein to uie flock ty and park proprfly he expressed hi appreciation of the assistance ueardmore ju co always so wlillnfily tendered uie pair in it ac- uvlues and hu irlsli blarney wa auo bestowed on tkk witx puiuia for it old in b3otlnf uie pair tlie prbt4 llt had been increased last yr and wore prize money liad been expended u well as more money for special attraction in upltc of una uie slvow of 1mb liad a commchdible balance lo its credit mr kerr also expressed hu appreciation of tlie work of becretary aklns and uie cooiicrauon of all officer and directors in making uie event so succmsful the auditors report by auditor k deswlck and a t drown was read by mr drown he also complimented the secretary treasurer mr aklns on uie manner in which uia books of uia society were kopl tlie admission fees weru moved by r j lien seconded bycu o i5 ulll v w uie r etm mason that a cliarae b made aitalnst ccstonn and stalls was 1125 00 hou i 4ac 083 01 30 00 7 b0 700 100 10 00 ilcciu waterworks account acton public utilltleii hydro de partment power and heauna at spring jordan roberta bales ltd alcmltc gun 34 00 7g7 3d uic corporation of acton for an amount of 30 00 to offset uie expense in con nccuon with uie col lee tin a of uie taxes to bo credited as follows hydro de partment 37 00 waterworks to 00 total 30 00 carried moved by a mason seconded by h j kerr uiat uia waterworks depart inent be charned wlui 100 00 to offet the expense in operating uie truck for 1030 carried moved by a mason seconded by il j acton and district dublin school coueert tlie postponod dublin bchool concert will be held on friday january 25 an excellent programme will he presented c tu penfou appointed division court clerk appointment of charle r penfold as clerk of uie plrst division court of uie county of welllnton was announced on tuesday he succeeds mk margaret day wlio reslffned from uie post in december ur penfald lias been hand- llnir uir dutlfis or jho ofllco olnco uia first of uie year but uia official appoint ment was only madit monday w a orrali keslfni as customs coueetor the reslcnatlon u announced of w a perrah wlio for uia past twelve years lias occupied uie post of customs collec tor at oalcvllle ur pwrrali wlio b a native of oakvllle and has been an acuve fururc in public ufa hew for many years states he u desirous of dfivotlns more time to his buslnaa and to the work of uie water and light commis sion of wlilch lie is a member military funeral at oakvllle harold k u perlnchler wlio died in uie toronto oeneral hospital saturday was burled hi ol judes cemetery oak vllle with full military honors tuesday afternoon tlie service in bt judes anglican church which was conducted by canon d nusscll bmlui was larbaly attended tlie firing party composed of members of uio oakvllle veil canadi an legion was under uie charge of captain tliomas jarvu president of tlie post the casket was borne to tbe brave by six intimate friends of uia deceased fi d vauglian edward p mayor n beaumont c n ireon a juchmond and w j kirk the late mr piirlnchlof was born in herniuds und la survived by his widow wlio before lur marriage was miss violet kene of oakvllle and his parents mr and mrs walter pcrinchicf of olcn haven bom cru t cngland sliaw fauu in puslnich an attack on mrs kennawoy of pus- llnch townslilp by two dlslievelutd and uiwhaven men lias rcvlvod uie bollcffuiat orval oliaw and his pal trusty dick hicunan are still at large in uia bush couth nf auelph provincial police were informed of uie attack on mrs kenna- uuy who was found bound tq a stove ut her liomc a fsw miles from haspeler fruvluclal constable walker of kitch ener has spoken wlui uie woman and states uiat a uarch will bo tasutuud immediately for uie men tlio two men went to uie womans liouss and asked if she sold lunctiray olio replied in uia nigatlvc but statedf uiat tilic could pro cure litem someuilng to lal wlwn uic nun n ached her kltclisn uiey selscd lur slic alleges and bound ur wlui a sheet after stealing food uiey lefl tlie ducripuuns fumlslied by mrs kennaway ore somuwliat vague apart from uie fact uiat tliti- were dirty unsliavcn and roughly dresnd uoui wore peak caps and windbreak era i officers scout uia theory uuit mrs kennaway ucd herself t ui uio stove and are reuccnt about declaring the pulblllty or chaw sull b ina in pusllnrlr bouio time ago lie i wus riporud to be acuvj n ortllla i an 1 tlml was shortly after uieflu in pus llliuh vlre attrlbulld to hltn ouelpu ulrcury cessions and stalls was 1125 00 boui uieso items were uia largest in uie history of uie pair tlie total receipts were 3 04452 and prlxc money of ft 014 05 in cash was paid out and 301 40 in foods for prices the grant to trie society amounted to 413 00 in cluding ui g grant bccreury4dkjjnjc in ills report allowed that wlille uiu years pair did not have a cash balance equal to last year a rrcatcr anpount had been realised and appropriated to permanent improvement inuiffrtmnrtyfifuinrnlr ft halincc yabdkkanlhk tarty tlie call and uie tiixlfl uoyn of uie united church hold a toboggan nlng party on tuesday evening riw party were entertained by mr and mr k il vincent and dainty refreshments were servett uiem before tluy dbjwinded for uielr luutimi akk1 haltonuh passes away following an illness of four monuis mr william kdwards pawxd away at iter liome in uibi county on monday in tier 01st year clin was um daughter of uie late hugli hunim was bom near cimrchvllle and was the last surviving member of lier family her husband died 33 years ago und she u survived by utree sons dr ii o ldwords urunp ton hugh edwurde walden n y kenhrahn at home and uuts carrie also at luinw blie was a devoted member of bl uteptiena church hornby nw clrk er ifaltou second division court major jolut ii cluunbero duddas blreet a well known ciuxen of oakvllle lias been appointed clerk of uio second division court of halton county to ah uie vacancy made by uie recent resig nation of w o savage major oluun- bers wlio u a nauve of engbuid and wlio lias been a resident of oakvllle for about twenty years went overseas uie canadian kxpodluonary force wlui uie ltwui battalion he lion been acuvely associated wlui uio peace- tune organisation of uie halton rifles hu predecessor ur savage was a nauve of oakvllle and lield uie position for many years tn-nio-savlnes-ac- enun tvnyiqn fff is w vffl at coo and uio total assets of uia pair at 1 478 00 tlie pair uus year allows an actual increase or 204 00 but this lias nearly all been expended in additional prbte money attractions and park improve ments so uiat an actual gain in cash amount is not nhown hi uie bank balance the fair dates acre set as september 17 and 10 uie uiird tuesday and wed nesday in september as lias been uie custom of the fair since its inception decided to enter uio field crop seed grain and potato compeutlon mr o t beardmore in a brief speech expressed the wllllngneco of hunself or uic company to arlst wherever possible wlui uic fair work to make uia event a continued success the matter of improving uia race track will be dealt wlui by a committee composed of ur deardmaro and mem bers of uie fair hoard in conjunction wlui uie council the officers for uie year were elected 03 follows president john ii oinlui first vice president j it icennedy second vice president duncan wal- dle directors it j kerr wm kenney icrjtihimhaw w icaiuhamroa dills c woodhall w j patterson a t drown mac mcdonald c il harrison b if lindsay j p robertson o w murray jos a mann w o moffat o mckcown w 11 hortop l o john- eton k pearen d mcdougall honorary directors dr anderson m a co hlltmer m p p w a storey p moore dr cox w j l hamp shire a o t ueardmore c b swack hamer d campbell w a lasby qbruj mclean arch mchabb a t mann reeve mason a icannawhi il w lowrle n u black letter of condolence was requested to be cent to uie family of uie late alex ander waldle wlio was a life number of acton fall pair and expressive of uie inspiration this honored member liad glveji uie pair by his continued acuve interest right up until uie last year tlie new president mr qmlul then took uic clialr- a vote of uianks was tendered uie reurinjr president h- j kerr for uie unprecedented suedes uiat liad crowned uie efforts of uia 10u pair mr kerr in tils reply stated uiat uia aim of uic pair must ever be lor a bigger and better fair each year and all must work with uiat object in view he gave uie information uiat in a latter to him t d j farmer liad made an offer of a prise ot 10 each year for uia beat poem written by a boy or girl under is years of age tlie allotment of uils amount wilt be at uie discretion of the fair board the directors meeting followed im mediately after uio general meeting w j aklns was reelected secretary for 1030 and his efficiency acknowledged and appreciated by uie board ur r j kerr and j ii smlui wlui ur j il kennedy and duncan waldle as alter nates were elected as delegates to uie palm association tlie board will meet again on wednesday march 7 the passlug ol a village excepting tlie scliool house and the old stone stable at brisbane corner uiu one time hive or industry is oh uia map on sunday james brown raluxu- cd from auelph and undercook to warm up uia old home when uia chimney took fire and uie names fanned by uie high wind soon enveloped uie frame building and in a few muiutes uicre was nouilng loft but uic smoldering embers erin advocate nurse dies in gatlpu haslul 1 he dcuui occurred hi uie aencful hospital ouelph of miss margaret d hume douahttr of mr and mrs pa or mum or milton olr saturday january ulsn hume wlio was just 10 y ur agi had been in training as a nurse for iiiul moiiuia at tlio liluluuon when jtn- lccamo iii with influenza and later pneumonia developed causing tier deaul ihr funeral took place from uie liaini of tier parents in mulon yesterday after- ti1e evening heal iiigestlu a small buy had bean taught to rle uheiu ver his parmts entered a room wli re tic was one afternoon lie liad a playmate t to tea and when hu mouier came into uie room robert immediately rote hu playmate made no move to robert asked him to stand up a few mtnuus later his mouier again iiitrred uio room and robert and his xrlind both jumped to uielr feel but a third entrance was too much r 111 uu ul ore wlilzl lie exclaimed as soon as mil wui i ut of randiot wliat do you think your mouior 1a the national ail hum r accidental deaui uie verdict accidental deaul was the verdict re turned b uie coroners jury wlui re gard to uie death of robert stuart killed while walking on uio lake shorn highway opposite uie cox estate near oakvllle on christmas eve stuart was struck by a sedan driven by edward isard trafalgar township when the utter turned out to pass anouier car mr nellson who rfos with stuart was george ii hall was elected chairman the communitys social side of life at oil inaugural sawion of the vhtunta to and from town during school trufltectf mfcrnbcrs uio pout week gleaned by were ah lvihjeit tke vr vrtm better conveniences iovpedctui wo addcdulhe vcrdlctuut tjiot wherd the accident occurred being wluftmt llghung isard against wliom a cluirge of man slaughter luul been laid was represented by counsel aelen l t b off lee re at uie last mccung of acton loyal true blue lodge no 300 the following officers were elected for uie year 1030 and installed by sister e gamble d d a m or halton w m sister e lappln reclcctcd d u bister u smith r s buter r browne p 0 buter e- dunbar treasurer buter l wllda cliapuui quter l collier d of o ouler a collier conductor guter b johnson l t outer e roney o t outer m foutt audltorc suter collier buter smlui a number from aienwllluuna paid acton lodge a vuit and a very pleasant evening was spent 1 father mckeavy betfeleeled chairman at uie inaugural meoung of acton prte library board at ten oclock on- monday rooming there were present rev father mcreavy chairman il n partner m a flocrctary rev a g stewart u a jolin cameron and police uagutrate h p moore the secretory presented reports and stated uiat uie qovcmment and municipal a rants for uie year luul been paid in uio election of officers rev father mcreavy was reelected chairman for a second year and mr harold farmer secretarytreas urer various matters or interest were discussed and uie board adjourned to meet on march lsui next when uie book committee will be appointed and uie delegates to uic ontario library as sociation convention which meets at easier acton clusens visit oakvui ur ll p moore was at oakvllle last friday evening addressing tho lions club on the formation of character and attaining gucognb in life he was liven a nattering reception and was accorded a very complimentary vote of uianks introduced by exmayor robin son reeve mason accompanied him and was also ijlvcn a rousing reception and replied in very fltung and felicitous terma the liana olub is on energetic organisation having for their object uic betterment of uie community by render ing assistance to underprivileged and wayward children supervising uie aui- letlc sports and in other worthy ocuvl- tles thu winter both uie senior and uia junior hockey teams ore being man aged by uie lions acton would turn much to gain from a similar organl tallon cueted far fifth term at uie clghtieui annual session or uic grand dlvulon of uie sons or temper ance of ontario mr b d jan in of tanslcy was elected for uio llfdi term as grand woruiy patriarch of the order this u uie first tune in uie tilujry of uie organisation uiat such un lienor lias been conlirii upon any member tlie report of tlie grand oerlue indicat ed progress wlui an incrnic of 13t in membership during uie year follow ing an increase of 100 v in uie previous year in welcoming uie membra to uie banquet lie id la wlllard hall toronto mr jarvu gave a brief picture of the future of uie order in saying we will continue to increase until our numbers are such uiat we will demand from uie government at ottawa and uie govern ment at toronto what no wont and we will get it usui organisation ot knox church at a meeting or men held in knox church ccliool roam on wednesday evening the men of uic church organ ised into a elub a name for which will be ctiaen later it was 4iroposed that uie organization meet at least once cwiy uirce wee and prjigranimea of exceptional merit ik made with prominent speakers anl musical talent of men tlie first mccung will be held on wed nesday january 30 at 8 p m tlio following alflccrs were elected honorary president rev a c utcwart m a president mr louu brownlow vice president mr albert milli secretary treasurer ur john don- tfduw exrcuuve mr w bracken convener mr phalmeni hr ur clarence hlii dersaii mr ooo mcltiall programme committee mr alex kannawui convener mrsrs ale mann v b itumley reg fcnner harold wiles oeo uomcrvlllc punuls messrs c w la ndfcbo rough f bait j black vlllgonoe committee mr k chalmers jr cumuier ulii robl hall wullam uluo melvln joe stanley uorruun the inaugural session of thin year s school board was held on wednniday evening trustees were nil present mr ii o wilson mrs oeorgo havlll messrs a r agnow oro hall k beswlck and l w masters the new members mrs b m wilson mrs a f havlll and mr k w martcr took uielr declarauon of office before taking their place at the board meeting moved by geo it agnow seconded by geo hall that k beswlck be chairman of the board far 1030 moved by mrs b m wilson seconded by e w master uiat george h hall be chairman of uic board for 1030 on vote mr hall wan elected and assumed the chair and conducted uio mccung tlio board in committee of uie whole selected uio following committees id ciiatroicn for uia year finance committee a r ag- new chairman mm b m wilson profutty oommtttee e bes wlck chairman e w masters oupply committel mrs a f havlll chairman geo il hall the first report of uio plnonee com mittee recommenced uiat uio following accounts be paid public dulluen commission light and water 35 05 j b mackenzie repairs 1 00 30x5 tho xecurlng of supplies for uic high bchool was delegated to uic oupply committee to deal wlui mm havlll brought up uie question that a detailed statement of uie board a xpcndlturco woo more sauafactory to uie general public uiarj the brief report now printed in uie auditore report moved by mrs a f havlll sceojided by e w masters uiat uie decretory u hereby instructed to forward a roqucst to the municipal council asking uiat they instruct the municipal auditors tp give a detailed report of uie proceedings ijooxtu wlipn ninlflny seconded by mrs a uie ccliool board be held on uie uilrd wed nesday of each and every monui at 730 o clock carried tho secretary was instructed to ar range with a quelph studio for uie securing af uie photograph of uie iriem- bers or the board wlio were in office at the time uio now high school woo erected uie pliotograph to be framed and hung in tho new scliool a committee was appointed to inter view uie parents or scholars wlio were attending ouelph collegiate wlio could take uie same subjects hi uie acton scliool the report or inspector denycs on the public school was read by uie secretary and ordered to bo filed tin reportf was very favorable on uie con ditions and conduct of uic ccliool and was very gratifying to uie board i acton and district jndun chief to entertain here owlns to the prevalence of so much nlcknrcie the january meeting of uie united church mens olub lias been withdrawn for uie february meeting c rjlfhratefl in enter talncr has been engaged to supply uia profftcmme assisted by local talent tin meeting will be lie id on wednesday february 0 further particular will be announced later fur post thuvea two men and a woman wlio walked off wlui a 335 tut coat in anderson a limited ol thomas last week arc al leged to have worked uie same game at foster a womens apparel store ouolph on wednesday except for uio fact that their loot was twice as valu able tlie woman took up uie atten- uon of tlio clcrkn by looking at gowns and uie men calmly picked up a 600 coat marked down to a sale price of 350 and walked oul tho woman du- appcarcd shortly afterwards police state uiat uie same scheme has been worked successfully in other places factory lo start operations february 1 tlie directors or uio ontario memorial company are busy uiesc days getting matters arranged for uie operation of uie factory here at an early date tho detalu are now fairly well arranged and it u expected uiat uio plant will com mence to operate about february 1 tlie stock or monumento already completed when taken over by uia new company ore being quickly dupoced or and new granite u arriving to be ready whan uia plant starts to operate thu early start in uio season will glvo uie company a fine stock on hand when uio dealers are ready to lay in their stocks to laurge hydro sub btallaii the ontario hydro electric commu- slun u ut present considering piano or uie extension of uio present substation on edinburgh road auelph which has not the required capacity to dulrlbute uie increased power which u being used throughout uic district wlien uie sub station was erected it was laid out- to handle about 3 500 h p whereas to day over 10 000 lip li being distributed it u understood uiat tf the commission goes ahead wlui its plans the aid plant will bo considerably enlarged and will be capable of taking care of uie load for some time to come tlie re is a possibility uiat power now being sup plied the rural district surrounding ouelph will be provided by uie new atauon it u also said uiat hi uia event uicso extensive alterauons are car ried out uie axed cliargos would be higher and would indirectly bo paid by uir consumers guclph mercury geargolowu business un a assoeuuatt the georgetown buslncaji men s as sociation luild uiolr annual masting on tuesuay evening january 15 mr j u mackenzie as president for uu past year ouutnod uic work accomplished during uio yoar showing a very acuvo yoar on uie part or uio association tlie report of uie secretary treasurer m l u wraggalte ahowed recoplu of 1 101 30 and expenditures of 0d3 74 leaving a balance of funds in uio treasury of lug 75 rovoallng a splendid condition hi uu association s finances tlio final uteri in uio establishing of a credt bureau were taken and uie radio nroad- canung committee reported uio arrange ments were being completed for a broad cou or georgetown talent uirough utuuon cfca un january 10 tlie fol lowing ufflceni for 1020 were elected post president j b mackcnslc president a j o ncu vice prcudent ii kcnuicr secretary- treasurer w t evans directors l h wraggotto p sinclair a cordlntily o il uoxkart ii c uc clurc e c ilmmpson an cxprcikm of appreciation of uielr work durhig tho post year was extended by uia association to uio re ur trig pro- allien t mr j u mackenzie and uie milling lccrctary treasurer mr l ii wroggette i mrs parrot or manitoba vulled at mr lane mr o a duu spent sunday with toronto friend mrs e p collier v lulled friend in toronto over sunday miss lena buck u spending a motiui or so at lier luune in owen sound mr j p macplierson of toronto visited wlui acton friend uil week mr and mrs harry mainprise visited wlui friend in toronto over sunday ur crewson melaughlui u vultblg with friends in toronto during uie winter monuis mrs a e uedcalf of st thomas spent uie weekend with her auter mrs p e mccleary mr angus kennedy of merriuon was home for uie weekend hu friend ur uakeplece accompanied him mr l w atkinson has been attending tlie motor oliow and convention and banquet of the durant motor co at toronto miss jean kennedy of toronto wa liome for uie weekend she was ac companied by lier cousin mu ho bt uie university mlts pom brown deputy postuutresa wlio was confined to uic liouse uirough thr prevailing epidemic was at ber pott again on monday miss bertie speight secretary of uia hydro commission wlio was incapacitat ed by uie influenxa for about a week re turned to lier duties on thursday mr a e nlcklui wlio has been rather indisposed alnoo ha returned from his trip tn uiun i hi n iiiinhiii iwt um mlsn lorua icennedy was called hohu from uie city last week owing to the illness or lier fauier and mother both of whom have been afiflicled wlui uia flu ttiey tin recovering nicely now rev c l poole b d was at llme- liouso on tuesday attending the funeral o mrs plioebe klrkpatrlek for her pastor rev ur caldwell who was in capacitated uirough on attack of uia prevailing epidemic ur win stalker underwent another operation on hu leg which was injured by a falling tree at toronto oeaeral hospital last week hu friend will wish turn a speedy recovery of hu long lh following jiu accident esquesing township council first bessloo ol lls cdtu lleu a uftuaay wleh all tlie councllelecr for 10j0 bavins tak en uielr declarations of office took their sent o tallows- t u leslie ttaaest oeo cleave dtmilyreev oeo cwtw w o appelbe and wnl a wluofl councillor tlie minute of last aieetlns were read and confirmed tlio treasurer was ordered to pay ha following accounts mountain sanatorium lutnuloa care of e and k pryde for december flum mrs kule ulllar december msl hm ol josephs hospital oualph care or clias biadbear april 5t to uay 13 ibm 3lm oeo cleave removing indigent to old peoplas hoaie 5m robl darling election expense lsjo 110 1500 1s4s 1ub xua isio 1560 i um 5m tlio hobb ttlecuon expense andtww ucclure election expense o mcdowell election expense n thompson election expense joseph fiynn election expense m campbell election expense andrew mlno election expense robl addy election expense oam blnklay posting buu sam huikley posting buu and nomlnauon meeting municipal world bl tbotnaa elocuon luppliea j u moore pruiting account to december si 1 h c mcclure funeral or r ull- llgan oam blnklay account for mippuaa and wiring cyril ulddlebrook wbra fenoa bortus 5 rod i alex joe wire fence bonus 33 rods w a uarsjuui wire fence bonus 35 rods ii r ulmms treasuwr bond premium for 1030 bell teloplione account to data georgetown hydro oonunualon street lighting to dec 31 refund to andrew dewhurst olen error in dog tax b l squire treasurer ontario good roods memberalilp fee to association hume curtie re equalisation j r lindsay re oquallxauon m campbell re oqualuauon brown re equalisation 700 1b35 50 bis 1800 iflftd m00 400 m lcroy dale re oqualuauon awlm t l leslie re equalisation uae m j carton re equaluauon 33jw moved by oeo currie fcoonded hy oeo cleave that uie treasurer pay road stioats as printed by road ouperin tendenl 3 osi s3 carried tlie by law for auditors was pasicd and il il mtmnu and m h treknor appointed to audit uie 1031 occounu mr e y barraclough was appolnud a member of uie board of healui and ut j smith as uanltary inspoctor assessors were appointed by bylaw norman tliompson far wards 1 3aod 3 and uoruuso campbell for ward 4 b and tlie usual borrowing byiuw for money uave uie reeve and treasurer authority to borrow amounts up to 53 000 to moot current expenditures ur isaac bennett was appointed hy bylaw to uie position m townslup clerk duuea will eanunent uvch 13 moved by w g appelbe ctmxided by oeo currie uiat uiu coucil do hot receive for payment any furuier aooount for weed cutting owing to uia impos sibility of inspecting work at uu urn of year carried moved by oeo currla aocoshted by w a wilson uiat uiu oouneu now ad journ to meet again february 11 it 1 36 p m carried tlie international harvester ooiti- pany have appointed uirough uiau m- rclcntauvc c j o banung uiiuv mr jos k ollmour as uulr local rpc eentauvo for actoa and vicinity bd vtll carry a complete itock of rtblr porta and nmrlilnii