Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1929, p. 2

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3hjr retail 3urr imus iiilhuiday january u 1uj a honfl oi- hnow iim- ulllkfll m11u of inowttimi now hi puu lim by million llllli- liicy lukffl pulllnit from thr tky wl 11 uh round li rovrrrtl and ihr licflur and trrn hurt ulll im u nay unir v r lit rhlrkailrt i hoy nn in thr jfhool liouir urawlim on their nlaten plrturtn of the ronntliitf place and lilnklnu of thrlr rknten olrl i arc not lliiu knowingly jmlllniely alimit ihlnklnu of a day time whin tin rhoof in out lc jfer ipmiss iyatt jghuy 1kh anniversary mauy i miiciilii ct thren ii clock four o clock i liana torn the bell gi t your hatn and coow and wraps p jlurry qff pell mel drliir alnnu the coon tern all if you want tome fun up tlir hill top jump nllrt and run health hervle of iu canadian mdla4 auoellhm you yourself cd tuly ilituuh nil lie it john while lajit week it won pointed out uiat the beelnnlnff of thr year ilj according to custom a natural time for stock- taklnu and uiat it aould be a good idea for each family to devota the time necea- nary foe a health slock taking of jta members thljj week wo apeak to ourselvcn what we aay 13 meant for tlio person wlio la reading uiim article not for same one else in the family do you know in what condition your body tn dur ing the pact year dij you co to your doctor and auk him to fftve you a health examination or aro you one of tliaco who watt until they aro nick before they think of their doctor how many of your friends died during tho past year who thought until a chart time before they were n trie ken uiat thore was noth ing wrong with them 7 we do not wlnli to cause you to worry about yourccir but wc do wlih to make you realize you are not able to say that jiut because you feel well there la nothing wrong with you or with any part of your body it is rood and de sirable to feel well uuttf you want to keep right on feeling so the thing to do is to have yourself examined and co make sure that there is not some thing gradually developing which will temporarily put an end to your feeling well tfocsnr den dbftwm but btktuse you feci wed and- becatt- you wantto keep well rcqulnm tlie skill of a physician the knowledge gained by years of experti and training to detect the change which are the earliest signs of disease it la at uus early stage uiat treatment so effective and that good results arc tecured but treatment cannot be sccur ed unlets the doctor is given the op portunity to judge of its need bo a health client of your family physician not a patient start the year with a health examination which j the best insurance for a years health and a years well being questions addressed to the canadian uedlcal association 104 college street toronto concerning health will be an swered personally by letter ill it in hli iniu nn hut i he h of nn t xcrplloimll hi u yror old ma tun mid lovely character yi u can r pl iihoiil hln lift lmnlni our grl f nt piirtlng wlih hrr u particularly eiiny hut wr tnirt she will lie bnppy in her i iy wwlnrrdajl jethnw we your vi ry nlncerrty j ii tluixur mrn ullln ryefi llled with ti am it wan for thin she had grieved all day for thin tu r unnlvcrrary had been sacrl fieri i oomellow the humor of the rltua tlon did not rlrlke- her her 4t unhand put hln arm about tier never mind dear lie raid our good time in only pontponcd the bride groom has been moat genrrouo i i thr way of a fee and wo will take our joumry to morrow and stay three dayn instead of two oiiy ho added here after i think wn keep baby out ol tlir nludy when thr mall coihen in hln next bmulny a nrrmon wan flnhhed ny tin calls of duty disturbed mind hbi purlnh wan in a iirorpernun condition and hln family rejoiced in the bent of health l very thin j seemed in tune with the bright day especially the tact that it was hln wedding anniver sary and itn celebration wail lo be a pleanant one qlmplr perhaps in the lyra of ihc world but an event in the hvct of two busy people whae mrann did not much overlap tho tlrm limits of iilcccnlty a linrra and carrlagi had been engaged and the minister ami ills who were to ride thirty miles lunching in tmo picnic fashion to the former home of mrs qllln the uoxt afternoon they would mtum in the came delightful manner it uould be their first real lioltday taken by thctncclvcn since the- little trip eight years before at the end of which nile young hwuand had brought his bride to her new liome mr qllls dreamed in happy antlclpa tlon on he arranged his deck sorting and tearing up letters and throwing hand- fuls of scraps into his waste basket ilahy rmllcd with him as she tipped over that receptacle and scattered the torn bits far and wide o naughty baby i said her father john come here a minute i called mrn 0111s from somewhere and the min ister left the roam while he was gone young jack came in with tho mall not finding hln father he laid a letter and a paper on the table nd with coven yearold haste ran out o hln play tho tetter balanced a moment on the rdgc of the tabic then lid to the floor and baby pounced upon t there was a dellcloua tear and the lnvclopc was in two when mr oljla returned ho sat down pened the paper jack had brought and as soon lost in its contents it was almost time for tho carriage to appear when glancing up he cplrd among the debris of baby s riotous hand a con- fquflflllqg neighborhood jnews fit in we are sorry to report that mr thos f barbour in quite seriously 111 mr wcnley may spent tho weekend with rclatlvrn in albion township mrs kenneth lcttch of detroit mich is vinltlngwlth her parents mr and mrn james ualrd the frlendc of mrs diorgi ilamcn- battom wlio has been ill will be pleased to know thnt she in improving mr wcnloy araham has leased his farm to mr edward murray mr murray will get possession in the spring mr and mm ycarnley of london and mm fcxclcntonc sr wero recent vlnltoru with mr and mrs ited ecclentnne mr a eo anthony left for hln homt ut calgary alberta on thursday last after spending ten days with relatives here mun maggie mcmillan returned to north iluy last week after spending a few days with bcr sister and brother mien mary and mr prank mcmillan advocate yftur hau uduln chest among the standard liousehoul remedies uiat should always be on hand in your home medicine chest none la more important uioh r thomas ecimutic oil its manifold usefulness in rellavlng pain and luallrur sickness is known by man uiou- sands uirougluhlt uu land always use dr thomas- eclectrlc oil for relieving rlieuttuuta and sciatic pains treating sore uiroau and cheat coughs bums scald ouu brutsm andapraln bahy where did you impolite guests tlie irish reformer pauier mathew used to tell of a remarkable visit made to his grandfather by dan qwlft mr mauiew lived near dublin and invited uu eccentric dean to dine and spend uie night at hli house a large party of uie neighboring gentry were bidden to meet htm the dean drove up to the house and summoning uie butler asked uie names of uie guests tell your master lie slioutcd will meet no such people and drove away in a ftiry before lie raaclied uie lodge gates however he cjuuiged hla mind returned alighted and demanded to be shown to his room when his halt came to lum bwift said i tim willing to accept your hos pitality but i will not meet your guests lie was told uiat hu meau should be served in his room as if ho were at home lie remained uius isolated for two days then came down in high good humor joined tho party and extended his visit for four monui our ancestors wert more indulgent and rccpcuul to uie eccentricities of men of genius uian are the present generation byron was accented and patiently toler ated when ho chose to sit in moody silence uiroughout a dinner party given in his honor scowling contemptuously at uie dalicloub plates before him while he sipped vinegar and munched a cracker many of uie leading pmls in english society regarded thomas carlyle with a feeling- almost akin to reverent delight wtun he cliose to bcliave like an ignor ant boor in uielr drawingroams even taking his seat it is said unbidden in tlie pruence of uie queen this generation however has iltue patience wlui such eccentricities it was an english bishop that u buu living who when uie historian freeman liad worn nut his patience with his rudeness in troduced him to a walung audience as uie duungulslied sciiolar uiat so ad mirably describes and illustrates- the aavagery of our ancstqrs another english historian visiting america was tendered a reception by a literary club in new york and formally received in a speech of welcome by a venerable nlerfcyman finding uie speech too long uie guest yawned hi uie buliops face tumsd his back on him and walked to a window there waa a ujck interchange of amaxed glances uien uie men fell 10 to groups and uie underbred visitor was left to uie care of one man for uie rrst of uie evening tlie rebuke was silent but keen and keenly fdl unopened jettcr bet it hut baby did not commit herself jack was summoned and questioned i put uie letter right on uie table papa it must have fallen off the whole family brgnh a search for the rest of uie missive all but baby she sat by and laughed and gurgled nothing could be found perhaps you can makclt out tram what you have suggested mm 8111s mr sills opened uie mutilated cpbuc wlui lis jagged tear indenung uie edge the sheet read hillside ju rev john bills dear sir in the abence of our past i write to ask you to perform uie services of our only daughter sarah edith takes places at my house wednesday at t henry will meet you at uie arrival of uie was suddenly called away this morning to you you perhaps remember our dau only eighteen years of age young lo lea exceptionally mature and lovely cliara rlcl at parting with her but wc trust she life youro very sincerely l j d thoxle this letter has evldenuy been delay ed remarked mr sills looking grave i must go to hillside an uiat twclve- thirly trflba to attondaf uneraj im afraid well have to give up our trip 6 john can t tamtr one else go no dear mr thaxter has appcallcd me and i cannot fall him in his grief his only daughter is dead that pretty girl i what was me matter he docsn t say unless in uie missing part im co tony dear i know john i was only selfish for a moment when i uiought of our holiday i you must cat some of our picnic lunch ofougetown grave of uirjxjauilchoolmate edna ljirinn today judge moore of acton was in town on monday and made uie herald a pleasant call mr harold mcclure wlio has been quite ill during uie past three weeks is improving nicely mr dave dick of cleveland ohio spent last week at uie home of his brother mr clayton dick esiueslng mrs w c ucsscy who has been con flrild to her bed for some weeks with pneumonia li now improving nicely u tho domlnloafitorc have leased the premises now occupied and owned by mx a itenuvo and will move uierc the first of february mr recuvo will move liis fruit store next door the firemen had a run last friday evening to georgetown lumber co a mill but uierc woo no fire the steam from the boiler caused some one to turn in an alarm herald having mid hud piulud hu htldrm on in thi world lohn hh only mid hud m n lo rolli u mil the ulrln to n lwuirdluif srhool mid tiny w r ui imprnvid that they niiud l hutting lo iiulti mintlirr r f jtli lr mrillur limy jmd iitimiit illh hi lr futlur ut hi iiilfln lo link for tin in it time at tin wnjiiiiu who iny ihirr your niothi r wiiii k pretty woman ulim i he wui yi ling tin fanm r hud ruld it had startled him to we how thin nnd withered her fare wai under the whit i marahn only fifty he continued uhe i in tin t nuglit to link m old he said hi hnd not thought of hi r look when iiik wan allvr thrn wukti crrtnln sullen rrsrntmrnt itndir his grief that nho wan drad how watt hr to do without her uhe wan n iiinrtrr hand at cooking and butter making and laundrywnrk and sewing he had never thought to ask her if she needed help flhe had never complained and to complete her work she had risen nt five and had gone to lied late at nluflit things always ran smoothly dhe never spoke of being 111 it stunned him when rh took this cold and bank under it in two days the doctor said that all her filrcngui was b oaroli had uio strength of ten women the huibund said where liad it gone hr was amoxed and indignant wan thin uie justice of ood to take away a woman so uieful in tl world it wan not just hrr daughters sobbed veliemently one had always been to tendcrl lilie did so much for them they did not it is true feel well acquainted with lior since thry grew up nut between uielr music nnd uielr studies and uielr young com panlons and other social occupations uu lr lives had been filled they smooui ed the folds or her merino gown a little nshamid that the neighbors slwuld nee thnt she had no silk dress oho had insisted uiat each of them nliould have nllk gownn and had helped to make them jack her ran like his fauier wan nliockrd to sec how tired and wavn hln mother looked lie had talked for a year or two of taking her for a week to new york j3he had never jeen a great city nut he alwayn had come engage ment he remembered now uiat she lind made enough in uio dairy to keep him in his spending money at college hi wl tied he liad contrived uiat little ixauty as perfect i holiday for her they all felt now how good nnd unselfish rhe had been and how dear to uicm why should she be token trom ua thr old man moaned bitterly it is cruel why hai god done this thing and the dead woman lying uiere her up closed forever could make no an rurr save uiat which toll bod u tamped upon the th worn- foco uiat seemed itt y i rjhntwwm niarh till inl woman come artl t with pencil nnd color reveal chi tlir eiurl thy dream or the uomun ideal 0ec o cr the pale canvas there monues a blush at the uhlrparing low or thu magical bniah and out of tlie multo tint cloud grown a face d tho falrcnt thr n wettest or ull uie fair race itomuncer li till thy ideal at wcll7 no beauty and pa lion together must dwell in uil perfect conception that fore head so fair i mrnnlnglen1 rrlvc it a shade of des- pnlr it a lr i i dy lurn in uil drplli of thine now tranquil mul blu fair cummer uzlnt m ult i what w or lilp ihn inuiclitcr no blushes nut no dlropli are ctn 1l the mu of tin w imnn lliumlnuj uie foci and glies my idi al unmatcliabk gruco man man unlvcrsul humanltjls- voice lit tl n ndi r dtclslon conn utter thy voice nay oivi r tin picture no marvel of ol uu hrlpj ninnt near to the pauier in purity entli ne pity nnd ovi all wrinkled in radiant oakviixfc her facl tho wlui truui and hoi an expn youth her form uio us bent more real than roman c ideal tlw bini divine the idlal wc mliil ion more lovely than i beauty poets or painters gitodiics a halo w brngougn e m payntcr attended the ilank of commerce dance in toronto on wednes day night mr and mra thomas icilgour with their son arthur and the mbxes mar jory joan and nom ktlgour left town last saturday to reside in toronto for uio remainder of uie whiter ex mayor and mrs w e fcauiyco of hamilton and jos coote of montreal were among tiiose attended uie funeral of w h tuck on tuesday mr jas uyrle and miss christine ilyric sailed frum new york last week for california where uiey will spend balance of the winter on uio cruise thry will pass through uio panama canal ator and start right off i tlie ckaung rink was being made an mr gills sat in uie train during rcad f opening an saturday evening his hair hour a journey hla thoughts were j du it rained instead of uie bereaved family and uie words j m denycs of milton public school uiat he woa to speak to uiem what inspector for hal ton was in town on he to say to uioe parents sorrowing over uio low of their only daughter ills own disappointment seemed too petty a uiing to think of in uio face of such grief a ally and awkward boy af fourteen came up to mr sills when he stepped off uie train and inquired are yau uie minister i am and you arc henry thoxtcr yes sir here a the waeon lr sills clambered in followed by henry wlio seemed stiff and bashful hi his best clouiea the minister was em barrassed himself ho hardly knew how to speak to uie lad wlio had jut lost his only sister they drove in silence for some time then mr sills turned to tlie oby henry he said uili muu be a great grief to you i am cry ijorry for you henry flicked a fly from uie horses blck then he answered with the shy lruffneso of youth yes sir a glrln handy to have round nut pa nayn what a our loss l her gain mr sills was not prepared for no phllo- ujphlcal an answer from uie llpa of ouui but ho replied gravely that is true we must remember what it means to her and forget our own aching hearts when mrs sills heard uie six o clock train whistle she went out an tlie porch to meet her husband she had worked alf day with a sense of dreary monotony dcsldo uie green fields pine woods and the open air that had comprised her inward vision for wieks the dull reality rf dally rouunc hourcwork and noisy children seemed unendurable and john meartiiyiv needed a vacation not alo me uiought i7v m of the saddened houcrliold oppressed the flrat tuesday to attend the funeral or friend and coworker in the oakvlhc united church w ii tuck record buiujngton the wril and mother on the farm i norm tlmci wander when i nouce uiat th wito nnd mother on ihc farm is called to her rlemal ret when she is between hfty and nlxty yearn of age if her hob eliold and family duties arc as trying now n uiey vcro half a century ago i recall o cnt which occurred in uils community back in the seventies which made mc think seriously then and often since and it seems to me uiat wlui all ihc modem improvements to lighten labor the mother of the home on uie average farm har just about an hard a time as wan experienced by her mother or her gnuidmouicr in thr case i refer to the wire and mother hnd passed away the undertaker hod performed hi rlmple duties of unit day in preparation ror burial and the hour set for the funeral liad conje the hearse with its old fa hloned block feather iumen stood at tlie farmliousc door it jccmcd a strange and foreign thing among the bright colored loy hlcks the common place fiunahlno le lowing of cows in the barnyard and uie chickens uiat moved about upon uie green lawn before uie houie the buggies and wagons of the neighboring farmers filled uie rood for thr browns were much respected mrs groun who had just died was a home body and saw but iltue of her neighbors but hi r hu band had grown well todo by his lndtrtry and close mifl joan molllwrallh and niece miss marjorle mcillwroiui arrived at savan noli georgia where they intend spend ing uie winter months james kccdwcll of detroit boa bcrn renewing acquaintances hi town during the post few days mica mabel reckon r n wlio has spending tho festive seaman at her homo here has rotunild to st lukes hospital new york city magistrate uarr la confined to hla home with the flu his many friends will hope far a djicedy recovery mus gertrude robb chief occupa tional therapy aide at the military hos pital ste anne de bcllevuc quebec was a guest of mrs rhynas during uie holiday season judge moore of acton vox in town on tuesday presiding ot tho juvenile court and was a guest at yo editors mr moo was formerly proprietor of til actom faxx patau and stul retains his warm friendship wlui uio newspaper men of uie county by favoring uicm with a brotherly call while in uie discharge of lib duucs qaxctte fcauicruumc or toronto former ly of milton has been spending a few eeks here with his daughter mrs c her lown council will meet for tlmo this year on monday nest presently nhe caught tight or john jrl u f ior or purposes coming up tho street his step wis jnrvl fr t iwn oluk and he milled and waved hli hand l v f wu rccvc cheerily as hi entered the gale then x p ted down an thu step and took off tit amity physician the good doctor u always worth his fee hut it li not always possible to get a doctor just whan you wont him in such cases common sense suggests uie use of re liable- liome remedies such u or thomas lclectrlc oh which u wonder fully effective in casinff liiflammatory pahut aiul luuillng cuts scratcluwi lruwi and snralns the presence of uils remedy in uie faintly medicine chest saves many a fee his hat 1 red dear asked mm hifir b puthi tlcally oh a little these thlnga are a bll urlng i wish you had lii there ii mrs sills gasped jolly yr i don t know much fun j thu olllnl are you croxy mrs ullls fun at a funeral i inuur ironed back ogaliut tlje i j jn whe and j uruah nucceceu councillor nixon reformer miss vera hrookn of canboro formerly of milton visited friends hero last week mr and mm clarence riddle of mil tori visited friends at itockhm last wick when i ve had so cried j iiaqhii i1ut tkue tiu friendly guoj t wlio sayitjov never mind uie naiius seldom if ever seen anir on his table at liome rhe hllh brhool olarted ou monday decrltc o fact that two toacbtrs were absent mla iuu white of oshawa spent part of last wrk with her aunt mm a waldk john wullar it ft on monday for i orch pillar and burst taito laugw i l v wi ld wiur i ronit he- said come into the f 0r haltor couhty jiudy and make one more search for uie ji t j mwiiday m missing part of the letter that will m r i v i mr i i hartley mr and mrs chan l ii you better than t the r nialiidcr of babyu murhlcuwos f un1 ut la t blown under uie big ung mr shu fitted uu two parts i itfluwr and mrs sills n ad uie whuli i one wlio aceepu uie uiowy square but i rev john jills liulsts ujion folding it again afer uie i deur sir in uie alisenci of our laslor maal is over knows little of table ctl quette nevi r laugh at uie cliap wlio tucks his napkin under hla chin if you fold your own after using you can im judjiml by your napkin knowledge mare quickly uian you may suppose fwms silly to make uuw statements but wuteh uie guests at urn next large banquet yon attend and tee how ncces- muy it la mr smith i write to ask you to iierto mil hervlccn attrudlug uio marriage a our only daughter uirah edith the bidding takto plucc at my home wrd in day at two o clock henry will iiirct you at tile arrival of tlir noon train mr hinllh waa miitdi uly i ailed aiuiy ihii u in ruing mid i upp ui ui you you ieiliiit rrmrmber ur daughter ilho tu fu miiy ll1i tee n years ut ace young to o hartlty uiut mis john ilurch of trli pa vlriud fritmls in milton on uatur day inorning lust jhry were returning hi nu rmin corunna mich where tiny attended th funeral or itev eustace d hartley form rly or nelson township who ui 1 i n january 1 aged h7 years ohhiiuili n a lurviy or ruirciit publlcauoim placia thr family hi mid and weekly star or m unreal in tin u uil for variety and qu iluy i i n litliii alw iyi reci gtilxet leaily luiil und tountellor to the n r tin survey proclaims it alnieot juully popular hi urban iiium inr case ftiils community over cier again in uir past sixty yearn have home- been similarly bereft of wife and mother whrn she wu just post iter prime in life- was ood unjust and cruel in such cases would it not liave been more jurt and reasonable ror uidte who thus complained to have made a utuc uaulnsli inward rcflecuon an to who had really been unjust in uie case i have always been thankful uiat early in life my mary and i came to learn the comfort and benefit of carrying llfcs basket together and sharing each other n hard umes when i found it desirable to reduce my hard work with come- labor saving device i am glad to cay i was aluayn able to find some improvement by wlilch mary waa relieved of some of the drudgery of her share of uie work as a result or this thoughtfulnecs ue have been spared to one another in our declining yearn and now that wc arc living on borrowed time lire suu ban a large amount or joy ond cutlnfocuon tor ua d 9 jivary careful and observant mother knows when her child surfers from y worms f she alo knows uiat if come remedy be not speedily applied much harm will result to uie infant an ex ccllent preparation for uils purpose is miller a worm powders they drive worms from the system and set up ctlm ulatlng and coouilng effects to uiat the child s progress thereafter s painless j and satisfying j marriage rotftrond i went with my sweotio u dinner thinking perhaps a good feed woi win tier it did she consented nut my bankroll was dented the price of the wedding was in her every tiny leaf is a i storehouse oe flavour fresh erouta the gardens w b c o milk nnil rim mircluinlji norval ontario national nokval tar pastry kinijs ciioiee canadian wonder i- or it read ii ran shorts middlings chopped wheat rnrlcy and chicken tccd at the mill onsiil1 our nlahlst dlalllt ihisinihq direrlory il j a mcnivi n ijijijrliii mid htirccon oilli mid ui ui nt drntr uow r i i i ij in ltnt t i i oai i i n n i o llox 33j 1 i oi i nasi i akmi u m a itjrrhtrr snllrlir olury iublle r onryancer i te ilhuvmtn ivmh it aftom ont mohlv un j on moutaaaico lluiirr u ill a in li 00 p m ij ilurduy j 00 cluck i j siaumam urrltter snllrltnr notary iublln oi h t mil i htiiiit acton nixt to itipllit cliurnh lltiiin 0 00 a m to 5 00 p m now you can get delivery on the famous fourtwenty rogers battery les radio only 165 complete except speaker the biggest value in the whole field of electric radio tt would hac been nice of course to have liad i rogers in time for die holidays but len some of the folls who ordered sets e irly were d 111 pjwiin ted thib yljr the flood of orders from those who winttd haltcrylcsb utdio was more than the roficrb factory ten with ils enlarged facilities could cope with temponfilj ar however you can get delivery on practically any of the new 1929 models including the famous lour twenty model shown above this model i our twenty roli rs is just as our headline states the biggest value in the whole field of electric radio the model that preceded it wis first introduced to the public in 1926 nnd outsold ill other electric sets in 1927 at jz25 1 the present price of 165 n onlj passible because of rogers greatly mere ised production mil ou 1 in rest insured tint if any other eompir ihle tlntiu r nlio toitld be sold it tins price you would soon heir ibnut it ask us to show you dfstai dr j m bcll d d s l d s intal surtcon oki ic- mill and rrrdirlclc directs i 0 dl j ii johnson ddslds dental hurr ton oillct 1111 et in tho cooper dloclc tclcphonc 5 miscluamou3 i kancis nunan roali binder account books of nil idndi made tc order i rrl ullcul of every description carefully bound itullmi neatly and promptly donr winflhmn street cluelph ont over williams btorc r j kerr auctioneer and real estate ijff gwpa iitp ynrrq- nrjnqnim- witir me atrrov est tills f inioiii moil i qu ihty m wi mi jf t dcuu t rl ui 11 jf it due ui it ill main stkii71 l sitetivit volume tone 1 own li nie it our expense r s tiisf tetion send it b icl it esy fur you to keep it garage acton ont es- guaranteed ifourhtodruback ifytotsatlsfkd yjupcatts poulnaf dookbt har sale by v ii titllot acton ontahio are you losing money every day carroll m wrappa bread mate n cr meal cut i rulkd f r hi fur ju tit lemurc and cei 3 iiii1 luor krc- 1 9c ilujiii tnir 1 obtiimiif tlic lie lug higher ihni llic most for 1 1 intitic c0111111 1 carroll s store ijualit that sin carroll creamery butter 1m1 46c i ii l trai june tlrer infant dslight soap 1 2sc most men past 40 break down easy seven out or ten are victim of bladder or irostrato wraknru irlta how lr houthuortli traul ltrln quick amailliff itellcf overwirktd tilum lli lcldm i llluddtr weukni 1 uut liultiltu ollulillruuulc hi nu on o nnuy tllitrelu und olten tiii tllmcnt i thnt cuiy nuffcttr iilui uiueiieii i jiiu hi uuu und uuan i null uroini t cutty but ireouent and nlnt urlnitl u oituiiuup nltfhu hirvou irrllalilllly or weukneu unj luck i r viu1 1 i rn- th tlld tent the tnmii vulu uf dr hmithuurth h ulta- a1u it ue amutun u itiiiniy if rtivlelani und i r j ui cimlnelut prikif of tho re- i nirkjju p ner il uijvralu u apcclal irecrliitlon mirce ntully uaed jor jnuu hui 10 yeiu in tli pi u a to iiractlci of 1 lr ii c u tnvi rlli alter inly o f w i 1 n- li i turtllnu lniprovrmeut 1a tl n n lr tj u u multitude of ulnrm- luir i j npuinu b k t duuppiur i ihiouuh ii elil urrunu imnta und ui bin 11 1 i tt r inn it rnunully cull th ilmlr til alalli uui now im n i in in uny i tl 1 cul itruuul t on n ltlv j um unit i ui uu in y liui k tn fir t lox purcluimd if ml fully wuiuj if y u iurd a imdltln of lhu kind i try ultalaiu loeluy carroll fin teas i ail i ickinc hi it it a ii us garden hi miring f nt crop t 1c i n if ite enmerve a fuicr jiul ty inr imrtuitamtr- leiu9llcd e value- spsctal aylmar fancy quality oralis marmalade b icmbsrg lttuc haad 9c and 13c cabbag ptr pound 3 r k u i 60c 6sc 75c sartngbanst club dry ginger ale iatl tint you eel in uie 1 j li rued git rct alc i tfl spstiat patmraon frch critp sodas slb phg 13 s i 0 ink club i rn lrr ami 1 llr llry r i burford pia 2 2 tin 21c aytmer potato 2 2 tin 25c 25c special upton ftnttt quality purm strawberry 4fi sliced btakfat bacon b4miv cora syrup 2 lyfs goldtn syrup lb fin lb cr ml campbell soup 2 tins 25c shrimp palm uj fancy tin 21 c 1 ull enjoy llit very u llacnti ihc i vtapeii 32r lenlrr sin ilc i collage knlli per lb xlt rlaa goo aatu oranges jrejenetl lor tfwir luis aiiearance weight ul ju ce aiul extra iwttt no ulue nuie navel orangci duteh 27c 33c 40c two smjis grapefruit a larger ton lent of juu no titugli cojc f nett ul ierd a hit rantruil railer to pieiijie utllunimc 4fors larger tu j lor h spscial excunc bd golden dat iig apricots psr pound 33c 29c smyrna fig fancy 2 lbs 19c spttqf ttgtr braty tomato catsu1 tapfoca atacahom uajy cat 3 lie ihoe polish nugg4t hal 2tiiu33a 2 card co cleaners and dyer tucuh ontario remember i debtor la n knocker kelly aiken collectoiuj perautent suoceufull uraneille owen sound ouelpb liilabllihcd 1b00 stabdard noyalties i- u fate in i umcnt paying divtdtnili of on i er cent per month ichicli 1 ued eicry miinth on hi preferred shares ior information urlte phone or call eui ii w dvwson p o bo ss noamtton dltrl i i ipru ntauvc of mid continent ttand corparatlao underwriters a lhe locul agent u anted life insurance exclusively mcmtur ijfc llndenvritcru essucintiun iujltcsumtativu imilui u ui e or t anada frederick l wright itcmriince main street ihone loil insurance li p iys k mjrtiic since the apj t u ice ol 01 r lilbt udvtt imiikiii eoiibielcriible htisiiuss im- iieen placed willi lis hi ink you very- iimeh t g ramshaw milton and acton jas icamshaw ataialanl oitomktry it valiid lo the public a d swaci iurljh lnitrlu 111 i is n 1 vi si itji 1 ii u 1 iluni ti ucomlni f rn rn f il i n ilnl h ui imuln of hi utrtl ui to fund n i li th ur i did not ull ul pill nt l nr 1 n ii 111 i i u pit i n lii hi il atiuti a uil ulj i e utiinud ut tur iii l ultui lo lie luiiiitiucj neit wceit

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