bb arfam iffrrg 1jiuiu1ijav januaktv 31 idttj a jmotfh motiiku a filliiwd ninlhnr ruld lrnd uu wlw with lilr may chukii and his tncrry yui kritwi wlmt in do if fclluw guts hurt jly u thump or tt hruljui or u fall in thr- dirt a fellow a mother han bags and ulrlngfi ilugn and hulloim and lots of thlngii no mutu r how busy nhi ls uliell atop to me how vt 11 you can f pin your top dim docn not en re not much i mean if u fellow n face li not nlwuys clntui and li your trouirni am lorn at tlio knee jim can put in a patch that youd never a fellow n mother in never mad uut only tuirry if you aro bad and i tell you uiln it youre only true ohc ii ulwnyn foralvo what erf you do im euro of thin raid ifwl th wuh a munly look in his laughing eyes i ii mind my mother quick evory day a fellow a a bnhy that dont olmy 3hp 3fitev glrrm lfriri fiptnrg maisie and meg a mivirrf n51tai ov love it would imi vol i if inord youuui wliose romantic liiibgiiiutlvuufui and eonmlt hud jul uiciti into tuch u dulualon us contkabt two funlllrri llvnd in i uncock ikunly tfititifuunf named tolllver ward tol llver won a etcuay iiwtd working hiilw luoivrilud cogkfculxv an ad mit in i1iuxd1nq fob high lit iqg yirvai httcrn uhout iitockh and bond und rail road inveatmenu in which ohe had no sort of interest in her state it ccpmoil un if the click clack of bor machine had got into li head for it repealed luuilf over a m laitostcr ovcr i ur hae tlngnrn had loft the koya not even the march wind could mite jin monotonous sound out of her brain though h whistled shrilly and u1lw uwuy tlie cifrla from her cam well after all thouaht malnlc the u cluck means a cony room a warm jptu lire ft nleo r upper and better tlmn buccpjm in breeding for increased can uj tllcu dear meg waiting for mo with production dtpendn to a very lore en- utudy books open and her toiiguu unt on the cuccuon of the proper male i to elialter ilfeod character constitutional vigor oq malnlo cheerfully climbed the lorig malo characteristic and proner develop- flights of ntalrn and stood at her own ment are all very ncceutary when making door ttlonk dkappolnunnt confronted this selection but tlia most important f nq tmy warm room no letup tins factor of all is the brooding of the uippej awaited her in the mkist of the bird himself ho must be bred from chilly desolation sat meg liar liat and a mull produclna dam and also from coat on and a pair or skates nlung a tiro which han blood lines tracina dl- over her arm oho looked up with danc- roct to high production paronu on both lll8 e from a letter alio was reading sulci litems are important faclont to mbiaic sank in a disconsolate litue heap be found in regular cookcrela m ti kull old louiilto and was i i had ihhiii txifore irty hdvoilt apotidlnif tlin greater part of liu ullowancd on tlu llieutre whlchr of course 1 soon bcgoii to frequent hi hi company ho confi ded to nm uie sacra t uiat lie was deeply li love with miss ii the inudlntf yountf lady they luul tibvor met lie wj nurit uhe fully reciprocated ills totlinu iirtlu fllghu of ntalrn to climb hufch of the uiwlngmachlne at night did but there was a difficulty about the after a 0n wulk limnn in the not mako it uny letter meeting us her fatiier was a member bltlnif cold i mai c wan tired when at lat however the ion-talk- of liia connwiiy ilia leading old man oho had been sitting at a typ- of bvcnl she arrayed nnd b hv wiul hl urllcr all day in a dingy office writing ln lvr rxar crepe she felt re- l kaw ul p r uio first time in to which mr j v millers friend on olluch hlvrr im vakcd night boys fell u victim could be shown uist uie lolllvnc told his htuu uiat nghllntf u grouiiill for ttielr conrldoiuco yore m hard ui old cwllwis at its best ut its nllght au uiosjj ln the following story worst it meant hiunler widow brpltans it happrued in lioutluunplon wliere und tnidlnui tragedy tolllvor saw and mr fuller says in omilbuia my chumjhbi loys mw with him uiat tndat of c uoublm in uie llkwwly unvenui as uie section of uie country in which uiey lived was called wore due to whiskey so uie hoys grvw up as temperate men ono of uim jake tolllver is now a leading wliolcxale grocer in ilantiock county and an lionored and respited cluscii tnvm of uie boy own ood farms and una comfortsbu luippy and prosperous one of uuttn oliarles wotit to uio university of opleabo took his doelor of ihllompby degree and is now hod of uie mathamauc department ui what then is a registered cockerel what guarantee has uie breeder s to uie bird a breeding- registered cockerel is uie son and grandson- or registered females boui of jmd time to make uie are and get sup which linve laid 300 eggs or over ln pjjr one of the canadian national hgg lay- jjaulo slid down from uie lounge wlth- lng contests as no female is eligible out a word and went about building for registration unless her es average the fire in uie grate while meg rattled 34 ounces to uie dosen during uie con- on tent year and as registered cockerels o malslo ive got the most beauwul can be brod only from daughters or newo to tell you i have a letter from registered hens which have uiemcelves carlina and she wants us oh you will qualified uiccd male birds have at least jq as excited as i when i tell you two successive generations of 3 ounce j malslo and meg were orphan sisters eggn or better as well as 300 eggs uruimjcc father and mauier dying uiroc bolter for annual production these oroly before had left uiom to uie caro two very desirablo characters of on uncle who luul seven girls of his on uie nlro aide uie greatest care u own ho was kind but uicye seemed exercised in celccuon the male used j u bo really od room for malslo and to head a pen of registered female u meg in ills crowded little house paid for alt heriaboip adorliiu ha which uiiy played lokuilu a souuiem unlvrndty the rost of uie eycu meg wunlhu lovellcnt qf visions ophulla i sat by my chum wlio sen are living and doing well in ouier nlwnys occupied llie tuuiifl wat tl rid oceupatloiim cmct o nor nmciuo uu u- s h oul lma o 1ruu y brollur md lie luul tin ouk 11011- hcad or it jepculod itolf ovcr and w pj old14lilimd nd loo drm taiiumuly lor ui win not in- biek tolmvur lievr wnt out klllioul jrsissfld nli h wouldit itfnk 1 to wtl bl iuuji mud round him or con- ir if j5 ii 7 zl i tow u rmr onoii u wa klwy 11- coud ln uu tokt ii ulkl sun or it miy lonecr it n iiood onouall i tcua towaril ll0 nlul kluln bw uaa u- nuljacu eyed tlio atlrly nutrched rklrt a umt and aubsequcnt ohstrvatljn lhay wtr hg finough to undoratand ftny- a uttla timidly irom tlicr uimo position cmodlully to uiinir until ujy vinre erowit yountf men why mauile any ono would uilnk you warrant my rlonda interference dut meanwhile llullback luul all aorta or were tliu hlue nlater your ttown la ao it occurred to me one evenlnir to kuaaeat trouble will hla nelahliora he waa twice nliortl i look like tlia younb lady or tile in lllni that wo allould try uio oppoalto rhnt at from ambuall lie tirled three family aide of the dreaa circle i tlmca attliouali uiuuceeaafully to kill bee uiat you nil tlio place willi du- u ollow jo- alj it men akaliut whom lit bore tnldaoi nlty then lauahed uaule i b y almng avulence in your in uibi unoapliere it waa only natural favor uiat uie boya of hla aecond family aliould it was a chanrilng nartycartlnj with lt wm oweaberly bet into ue whisked busings meg by her swe received her- friend ndfl which in many port- of uut wounujn very prettily itvery one admired hj ilut it djtl oplielus look waaseetton ha alwaytbeen and lt some t if p clustered arouml her to um lfift m t wun fmw cftwa hmmilxm unu u day uie baek- rodlont itue face made doubly winsome ulfl ttutlun6e w seldom and bone of local enterprise bladi and uteve by happiness the girls all pronounced then wi0l drooplne lldl want ton ran a moonshine suh eventually her too sweet for anything- i wiuj mei ofcuponoent but not liopeless were cught by ralden sent to jail no ono nouccd malsle much carlmas cupposo we try uie front row of uio lieavily fined and uleir sull deatroyed brother paid her a llttlo attention and pit iomnrrow nutht x buggested ijeem killed a- man and was sent to uie then she was left alone carlna wa y did so aull uie gaa of uie be- penitentiary for life uaylus tolllver too busy to notice tho lonely irue figure lved one wan to uie lef u but i made murdered a man wo tried convicted in the comer an important dbsoovery which x hod to and aentenced to be lianged he appeal- at first malsle forgot lier own inslu break to him after uie performance jed uie ease geulnx out on bond and nlflconco ln lier pride for ueg dut it isnt love my dear boy x sold j while awaiting action of uie state after all malsle was human it was its a squint miss ii a cost in supreme court engaued in a drunken hard to look like a shabby little erl her right oyo uiats why i brawl one night at uie crotsroajs store when she was almost twnty hard to oubsequent closer observation confirm- and was slabbed to deaui the lost of nit neglected in a corner when all uie ed uio statement and lie was cured uie brouier was found dead in uie strulglilway embraced by meg you dear darllnff old uihigl dont lcoldl it was audi lovely ckauns co xvo just got home myself i havent usually a tried and provon cock bird urbttwtnaf tirevjttpitt iltr7tafiif iu imjll m j00 cgs in their pullet year and hnv j rnn pmilnrj uryatt xt1 be sc uicse mglstcrod cockerels possess breeding of very choic est quality the guarantee of breeding uiat noes ujui cacli regffitered cockerel u uie reg- lstrauon ceruflcate which is uie seal or quality given birds by any government the medium of qualification for regis tration of poultry is uie canadian ha- tlonal egg laying contest tlio work of inspection of registered mating uie banding of chicks the product of such maungs and uie recording approving and marklnff of eaeh registered cockerel after he is she months old is carried on by the department of aerlculture of flclals wlio assist ln making this guar antee authentic no ouier system of recording produc tion and following up uie work of scien tific breeding of poultry is so carefully guarded as uiat known as canadas nauonal poultry iteglstrauon policy ixporlmental farm note wet chickens come houe to boost goon after uie eighteenth amend meat of uie u s become the law of uie law of uie land prohibiting intaxl eating liquor and uie volstead law was adopted defining an intoxicant as any liquor containing more than oneualf of one pe r wr hgan- a vigorous protest insisting that the per cent should be hlglier of course they wanted a drink uiat luul a kick in it even if lt would scad a man to kick his wife and children all over the place well uie liquor business is always en couraging klckera the liquor inter ests as a class have defiled and broken practically all uie laws ever enacted to curtail or regulate uie sale of liquor xi was uie same in uie day of the lloens- od saloon wlieuier the regulation was by low license lilgh license or local option it probably always will bo uie tome lct us examine uie ticking against uie prick of uie volstead uw defining an intoxicant as any liquor containing more uion onoliolf of one per cent of alcohol where did uie idea come from anyway it came from uie weu them selves 1 away back in uie eighteen clghues uie distillers and uie brower of uie united states mode a vlgefroiu protest to uie government claiming uiat tlie tears camo into megs dark eyes as she uirew iter skates in one direction and lier hat in anouicr maule please cant we liovc eome new gowns just this once please mflixie i want to go so much i malsle never could boar to deny her young slater anything attainable olio laid down uie loaf of bread went over to uie bureau took out lier worn leauier wallet umt hod been uiclr father and uofld drinks free from all taxes uiat con tained quite a large per cent of alaalio and uiat uils was cutting into uie of liquor manufactured by uie distillers and uie brewers for uie saloon trader- complying wlui their insistent reqiisi uie revenue department of uie govern ment made a ruling uiat all liquor con taining more uion onelialf of ono per cent of alcohol should be taxed from that tlroo to the present uils lias been uie standard of intoxicating liquor recognised by uus united otates revenue department as well as by uio liquor dealers uirmsclvcs wlio demanded pro- ectlon from uie soft drink business prior to uie sdopuon of uie mgtiteenui amend ment the- wets of uie old saloon days de manded uils standard when it worked to uiolr advantage but thoy now pro test against lt and insist uiat uie alco holic content of drlnts shall be raised tliewet chickens have simply drunk on bootleg liquor and have coma ulag- goring homo to roost ihelr friends now insist that uiey be reorganised as per- fecuy sober chickens by ciiauguig uia uw in a way uiat will make umal uie sale of intoxicating liquor w il drown what ib education education cap only develop and un fold it cannot create anyuilng new ed ucation gives men nouilng which could not have developed from within himself therefore education may be defined as uie liarmonloun development of our fa cilities it biglris ln the nursery and oanunuea uirough life it means someuung more than uiioriiifllkrsoiruiuilng iww-uian- small uitclllgenee man needs education not merely as a means of livelihood bat as a means of life every parson says gibbons has two educations one which lie receives from ouiers and one more important which lie gives himself all uiat any school or couege con do fur a fcludoilt ts to help him lay uie foundation upon which ha con build uiroughout life tlie school can lay uie t foundation only veil education must irmt uie structure kjjucauon emancipates lt frees uie fcoul of sensuous environment and carries it into uie realm of true knowledge a toaolier wlio sees only uie busliiau value of education lias a very low idea of uie aims and ends of life contact stop tlie ocumki i was not going thirty itillns an hour not twinty not even um in fact wli n thi oiflctr came up i was ahikwt at a ilaiiuhull lbd uagbtlralo i must stop this or youll be barking into souieuitiig wirty tlilllln loudon tur via judge c rsu fil c nil mrlit yiiib ti ftntau innlf- a imm n uioso eyes of junujos uioiiglisalland rest were having such a jolly ume malsle could not tell what waa uie matter wlui her head it felt so stupid and heavy and dlxsy too ohe did not wonder that her partners had been glad taken in road one night after a terrific itorra wui hi skull crushed by a limb lying beside him tliough accounted an acci dent uien were many to whisper uiat m when d l moody went to heuiany it was anyuilng but an accident to thmtislcj dlnff his travels ln th hit he was j tliese two famllle sliow a dranuu of uie piano failed to drive uie click i vj eofthoarted over all uie mulutudes contrast there was just one basic dlf- clack of uie typewriter out of lier head i ot beggars uiere not only because uie terence between ward tolllver and bull- m hir iitti ah w p wnu but because he wm back tolllver tliat wa whiskey ohe she shook herself ji uulo aha was d b u beauuful trauitions he believed in temperance and m taught his t qnou of bakshish and then boys wlui uielf s uieytcvme meg had looked forward to it so eager- if any or uie children had uw useful cltbtens the ouier kept a jug of y the team were not far from her of mflrtlul ycs m hlskey where anyone rsght drink who u i tnnitiimlibrtnnii fbnrnnnn r- bin la o- hhd luriidniiriheut huvt no one- mlimv fluo kj ouiottcroafl 0wl lialf midimw sojsacjkrough- uievwajreaml new 4bur m tlistoryspei i ncpeakx- far ik s uioiigiiofuand uoor ttcroao um jian bnasaw mmeuaroughuie viiiaatraml jw tuuraonts ryhkevtovyuig did uot lockt tu while ulieimn a stand uiere by thet until hi visit seemed likely to j decision and flfmness window olio went to look at uw flow- rcb in a fight for existence the case one day she left uio sleepy country and urns regain control of herself j wnj getting desperate and lie told uio i am daemt wear off aleae do town and came to uie city and to uiat it was a pretty lltuc tltungroom full j dragoman to call for silence while lie y jnist of walung for machine of liers which clicked outxlally of bookv pictures and dellcatp brlcamade an address then he sold asujma to wear away by liaelf while bread for lier and meg che look lodg- brae there face to face malsle metl x have come six uiouxond miles to y br0 waiting uie disease is surely jig on a quiet street and placed meg uie most wonderfullooking lady she had see uitu lltue village of deuiany j gftuierlnff a stronger foouiold mid you at school cvor scon this lady who sat in an was a place my master loved to visit j danger of stronner and yet strong- 3 hey cooked their simple meals over casychalr in uie sittingroom hod hair and i have come to see it because lie br attacks dr j d kelloga asthma the small grate and ate uicm from a which was of o snowy white and lay loved it i am very glad to meet you nemedy taken early will prevent lnclnl- rickoty table near by hut what of uiat in soft waves on clthor side of her all but now i want to be alone i have condition from becomiog chronic and the plain dishes were seasoned with girl- face nut her eyes were so dark and no more bakshisli and i bid you all hourn of awful suffering lsh fun and sweetened with affection cu young such tender restful eyes that goodby malsle and meg untouched by uio great it did one good just to look in uicm a finelooking boy of sixteen replied j citys strife lived happy and innocent the old lady wore a pale gray gown to uie address he spoke fluenuy and lives j touched dalnuly wlui pink here and with uie grace of an orator mr moody malde was nearly twenty years old there she made malsle uilnk of a soft i was delighted wlui tho beginning of his now and six teen year old meg was uie i rose tmncct jufit mclung into gray twi- orution but not wtui his conclusion idol of her life by uie aide of pretty light we arc glad to sec uie gentleman meg malsle was a plain lltuc person she on her side noted malslo sweet and hl frlrrjds who have come too far but she had soft eyes and a sweet mouth tremulous up and uio shabby unbocom- hut uie gcnuman miut not uilnk uiat she was smaller ulan meg and looked ing dress j lor quick mind put two and his actions arc equal to uie importance lhln and overworked j tuo togothcr malsle was about to wlui- j of hla visit six thousand mile is a well meg out wlui your newsl said draw but uio ladys smile restrained her long way to come and uie genueman uaisle i am carllnaa aunt hester my dear i must have sacrificed much to make uie 111 read you what carlina eaysl meg i tho lady sold wont you sit down and j visit in consequence lt is patural for how to muffle a mule exclaimed and road uius from a ltter i talk wlui an old lady a while dearest meg x am going to have a i malsle did bit down and somehow b blruiday next week thursday my fore olio quite knew what alio was do uvcnteeiiui you know and mamma says x may have a litue party of my young aunt of carllnaa all about uus friends to celebrate it there wul be just a few of uie boys and girls ln our set at school mamma will play for us to dance bo i want you and uaule to be sure to come x cant take no for an answer andshallsend uie earrtalfe for you at halfpast seven sharp your loving friend carlina klaus meg dear a party just uilnk of lt cried malsle co breauiless wlui pleas ing nlm had told uils wonderful old lltue room at uio top of uiree flights uie small suppers laid for two uie click clack of uie typewriter uiat earned dolly bread for meg and lier but wouldnt come out of lier head when office hours were over and all about megs beauty and rod crepe gown the lady had drawn lt all from her in spite of herself and all uie ume those beautiful strange old eyes gaaed ure uiat she almost sat down in the down down into uie troubled depths of coalhod olie hadnt been to a party j maisles soft sad gray ones and all since die was mags age when her fauier uio while malsle felt on if the lady had and mouier were living such a long just spoken when she waa only listening ume ago it seemed to malsle i but doing uiat perfectly o meg liow perfectly delight when at last alio did answer malsle tlmn her face foil suddenly hut we involuntary confidences her speech was cant got weve nothing to wear ln a strange ono uio evening do you want to know my dearwbat logs far monuu dearie uiuts all uie money wo have every bit wo must have same more coal soon and we might one of us fall ill you know pet- hut meg went on sobbing malsle look ed tliouahtfully at her small hoard while slio spoke dont cry any mono meg i think theres enough for one gown and uiat shall be for you a scarlet crepe darl ing just what wo have always wanted for you dont cry dear you are go ing to look so nice in itl there s just ume to get it made if x work hard on it evenings blie touclied megs curly head safuy and went back to her work meg wiped liar drowned eyen slowly no malsle slie said you are uie older you ought to have uie new gown and go to tho party i will stay at home that will be better than having us both disappointed malsle set uur teapot down on uie hob rather emphatically you arc carllnaa friend dear sho said her invitation is for you x am only asked to go wlui you it wouldn t x uilnk of you x am an old woman so you will pardon my franknosi uilnk my child uiat your living a very selfish llfol am i gasped malslo a painful flush spreading over lier pale face yea went on carlmas aunt hester you want to go to licavon where your dear father and mother are waiting for you nut you absolutely refuse- day by day tojjive your sister meg a chance to win her way uiere too you axe trying to get to heaven without iter for you arc making her selfish and vain in order uiat you may gratify your own dcnlre to be unselfish do you not see child uiat there is celflshness on your part ln this snatclilng of every oppor tunity to be unselfish do you over let you sister give up to you or deny her self for loves sake op try to moke her spirit sweet and pure as you try to make yours you are a brave lltue woman be braver sull and even though it hurts you to see her suffer teach your yailngcr utter to walk wlui you uie thorny path to paradise the path of roses docs not lead uiere my dear no matter who walks it malslo opened her lips to speak but the words would not come the room too kept going round and round before lier dim eyes tho next moment she had folntod la uio arms of oarllna aunt poor llttlo dove murmured uie lady remorsefully i was too harsh wlui her how pale and ihtn alio 1st wlien malsle camo out of uie faint she was delirious and uio doctor pro- us to expect uiat he would be mumlfic- ent in bak tills he has not been and wc now expect uiat he will give us a great deal more mr moody waa ao disgusted uiat he abandoned uie situation enurely and hurried away wlui his friends i did uilnk sold lie uiat boy luul a soul bove bakshish and did you uilnk too uiat same of uie children were named maruuv and mary lie was asked certainly why not nothing only uiey were all boya it tsufli for itself dr thomas eclcctrlc ou needs no tesumonlal of its power oumr uion itself whoever tries it for coughs or colds for cuts or con tusions for sprains or bums for pains in uu limbs or body welt know uiat the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee tills shows why uils oil is in general me ha doing right by carlina if x went and nounced lier illness brain fever ohe you did not you must lot me decide j could not be moved and carlina aunt these matters slog you ate not old shared wlui meg uio labors of nursing enough yet malsle flnudied wlui her ior days malslo lay between life and most eldersisterly ajj daath meg hung over her in agony x wont go without you malsle meg i but malslo did not know lier far over nald stoutly do you suppose i could i and over she would call pltcously enjoy myself a bit at uiat party when meg darling oame to liaavsn wlui you were poked up here in this dull met oh my dear i didnt nlcan to go utuo room all by yourtclrv i suppose without you indeed i didnt i coma meg we must give it all up oh dear im come to hoaven wlui mo i they are all co disappointed i in white then npt scarlet no meg meg hung up her wraps stormlly and dear dont cry don t cry not scarlet but utan fell tociryurgtqpiln i whltel thus tlio would talk on un- wili go wiui you uien on condl- ceaslngly for hours unul poor mej was uon uiat you have uie now gown car- almost broken- licar ted una will want you to look nice when uut maude did not die one day you meet her friends you owe fit to cur unas aunt sat watching by maines her to look aloe it doosn t matter much hedsldo when uio gray eye opened wlui about ins im old old ill wear my white muslin it happens by good luck to be trash and claon now ho uiey compromised and megs dark ryes grew bright again tliey discussed uie party joyously over uielr cold ham and tea it was a great event even in uielr quiet llvs carlina klaus belonged to a wdaluiy family wlio llvtid in one of uie liand same suburbs of uie city qlie was a sctioolniate of megs and uie two glru liad funned a close inunmcy tlio next lay uie material for uia new gown was bought and every ev uielr old clear sweet expression dear lie art you ore belter now go to sleep again uio lady told malslo reached out one weak utile liand ahouv fuze 1hucitb ho chateller and uagitrh have bun engaged for some time hi researches upon fire brick and uie best makeup to ha employed ouch fire brick u composed of granulated silica wlui various oxides ciilim ualsle sat at work overwlielmed in powder used as a binding material it in billows of scarlet cixpe mug was i la round that the ixuit binding substance unable to give her much ojut4uice her ui extremely hue quarts powdur whkii examinations wire coming ou and she u produced in tpoclal crutthjng mills the ut htudy luui of tlitd powder ooiuddcrobly hilnuuru u ultimo makln would uot own evoii tin urtinjth of uw bricks at a hlli herself uiat slut was ibvd but uw i umparaturif of lboo doevvo cuutdr click dark of uie typewritur hcmd w1luii 1 ofie of uie most buportant quail- wurw than uver hi hor head and um uas of ohj brick abk yourself questions a jaiiusxr tb by richard b ronh the man who innoccnuy believes everything he reads is as gullible as uie sunflah uiat attempts to digest any uilng offered lilm from a piece of red flannel to a juicy worm without uie slightest care for a possible hidden lioolc knowledge may bo acquired through reading mora rapidly uion ln any ouier manner there is no doubt of this qui the wise reader stoptr a moment when some unusual statement appears to ask himself whether or not he is grasping for brum food or wheuier uiere may not be hidden hook ln the state ment recently we have been reading ad vertisements advocating uie use of ciga rettes in uie place of sweets coma of us poahbooted uie idea and forgot il others may jiave actually followed uie suggestion far be it from me to decide such a case for you who also read but x give it as ono of thousands of coses where a lltua selfquestioning seems fitting here arc a few questions which i fiuisvit for the man or woman really interested in uie desirability or unde- slrablllty of such a subautqtloa am tjiom to yourselves and to your friends honcoty before you swallow uie state- mmt did your first cigarette agroa with you as well as your first nibble of candy a plcco of candy may weigh sdvoral times as much as- a cigarette but could you today lmoke a cigarette for each piece of candy eaten by your candy aaung friend nearby do mars uion runners snatch a cigarette or a bar of candy when uie race is half over did commander dyrd toko a half ton of candy with him on his last trip be cause it was injurious would ger trude edcrle have gotten across uie lng- llah channel rporo rapidly if alia had smoked a cigarette or two en route rauier uian sustaining tier atrengui by ektlng sugar lumps would you suggest a carton of clgarattas upon each sun- ograplierli deak rauier uian uie pres ent box of bonbons if candy is fatten ing why unt it possible for a few mil lion of our living skebitanfl to become more tfjwi easily if cigarette are so desirable why not start tho baby ln on uiem rauier uian wait ing unul he has gotten beyond our con trol i ask yourselves question youll be surprised at uie answers uiat your in telligent lltue brain wlu give anyone n be a sunfuh but uuy build statues to uilnkerg if we are to credit uie declaration of experts in uie matter uie rebounding heehaw of u american mule- can be prevented in a very simple way it ap pears uiat a lltue bag or sand attach ed at night to uie tall of a mule will prevent his braying tho man who devised uils means states that it dates back to uie early days of oregon when muleteam drivers uiought of a similar plan to keep uielr slumbers from being disturbed in order to bray successfully a mule nnds necessary to stretch his neck and ele vate his toll to uie horbiontaj denied uiat privilege by weight of a small rock or a sack of sand fastened to his tall uie beast liowever eager ha may be to import his emotions to the moon is denied uie utterance it usually wotttts do you know how to make a peach cordial bute send tier some candy bladder weakness troublesome nights swiftly relieved if you are troubled wlui a burritng senxauon bladder weakness frequent daily annoyance geulnaupnlghta dull pain in back lower plidortien and down uirough groin you aliould try uie amax- lng value of dr uouuiworufs uratabs and see what a wonderful difference uiey make i if uus grand old formula of a well known physician brings you uie swut and satisfying comfort it has brought to dozens of ouiers you surely will be uiankful and very well pleased if lt does not satisfy uie druggist that cupr idled you is auuiorbted to return your money on uie first box purchased this gives you a ten day test or uratabs with out risk of ofikt unless pleased with re sults if you would know uie joys of peaceful restful sleep and a nojiiioi healuiy plodder start the test today any good druggist can supply you mother value thin oil mothers wlio know how kuddsnly croup may sebie ttuilr children and liow necessary prompt action is in applying rullaf always keep at liand a supply of dr ttioitiiui ca- unleic ou bttcause experience lias taught uuuu uiat uils is on excellent prepara tion for uie trcauueiil of uils ailment and uiay are wba for its various iuu rhuvr it a valuale hwdlclue unrksekved auction sale townbiitp op eramosa choice jersey and iiolstein cows clydk hoktsls yoklt- siiioe hogs and hjvgisttluu oxw1ud down siieu tlie undersigned lias received instruc tions from hugh black to sell by public auction at his farm lot 7 on town line of erin and kro- moca 4 miles west of- acton 3 mile aft no 7 highway s miles naruwait itockwoad on tuesday feimuatty 6 1029 at ono oclock sharp uie following hoiulej heglsterd clyde mare years no 7b supposed to be in foal to pyvla iasr ilay jvilly 4 years sup- liosed to be in foal bay horse 3 years this team is well broken weight about 3 000 lbs uorrel adding d yean gen eral purpose xwtvlfig mare rising ymn sired by qwiot a real driver 17 cows and 1ikipeiuj 3 jersey cows milking well and bred again a jersey cows fresh with toiler calvea at foot 4 jersey helfara fresh with calves at foot jersey cow due april 1 hol- ateln cow 6 year due march ao hoi- stein lulfcr due march 16 holsleln cow 7 years due april 6 hobileln heifer fresh wlui calf at foot holslaln heifer bred december 10 lllark cow v yfars fresh calf at foot hlack palled angus cow due pvbruary 30 lied ohoruiorn cow due march aa lud cow wlui fat calf at foot white cow hereford esif at foot bred november 1 orey cow fat calf at foot brad october 3 3 qood uliorukeep tlteere a haliera 3 jry ilttlfors rbdrig i ykr 10 colvoo 1ioos yoiik8 youna bows bred november 1 i liow second litter bred november 16 liow wlui pigs at faat qow due march 7 oxford down nilkkp 33 pure bred llrtwklkiff ttws all supposed to be in lamb o ewe lamb all eligible far registration property of j p uoiuiam uon and will positively be sold wluiout rvurve ttilmbt24 00 and under cash over uiat amount 10 tiumuia credit will be givin on furtiuhlng approved joint notes acceptable to uie hank of montreal 6 j off forf caxli 1c 3 kluta aueueaam phono 3d acton o o plank cleric waute jknkudy a biialncjul tnati lull uald umt he in hrvrji iniim tiu ry is iunt in pultiiic ourimilf on uut bark than n uny til hi r human rutclprlmt uiat itppllcu to lluwc of mi win arrt younanr un wrll tut to tliout wlut uro oldnr vwrluuu ujl uy umt wins a prise lu iicouruuing to un aiiibltlouii hlghtclukl sludriit but oin wlio wins tih mumy prlu mil forthwith lruardil himself on un uuuior who han arrived is unlikely to do anything blg- gcr or ixi iter the uiergy we siiend patting oursflf on uie back is not ex pended in improving ur output ku- copt for the uallsfdcllon derived from se if compute v n cy we may uit down the cnaray bivolvrd tit patting ourwlvos on the iwck its slitter waste and your own sense oe taste will convince yotn ualauii tea fresh earom the gardens ffa- vvn ysfr it 3 t4ii our ocfodsjjre guanemtead hiv- scribbler free witb each tin of dsy mshhs siwm iobth ik im 2 tin 25c a ue sc scnljiier vret on account ut our inrrhsni btui price 4 unix it vilify law tt ii quii niufl for cttl ioccsiianally to sik i d ll isnie at i uvf kcglting cluwliere l imwrh lilglier pnrr e reply you ukiwj clisice in itiiymg a iniftlv a ijat carroll wc guaranue ihr ijiulity it rrstify you perfecily or you return u ami our n n low price on household sundries 10 ammmu 2 lr lit wahinn skij i cl lie colj lii 2 kch vu iuarlinf 2 bt is carroll cltmtrr jl ilk ll lliruo h-na- j phir 9c lmior iln lit tu i klra gooil llfontfi liact m he 1u laiut soap 4 calf 23c candies special clocoiat pouiul xxtainc auseirts itr pouiul gum drofm 2 iwjuiwu traul djjbt special aylmmf ffo 3 slmtlm peas 2ns27 jbattmr carrjfm crammry lb 4sc egbi graded fir tit do 36c lr pound 1s skf patlry flour guaranteed to give 24lli big- ifuc silver star psairy 24lb bag 5e old huiicilesd flour blended 24 lbs me selfruing flour jcaoy wren pl ik ie cereals special aylmmr ai choice pumpkim o brtueelm sprwls tin 17c tiny carrot imparted tin 16c special qvakem oatsk btguur pk j s hi he ilrg emwuc stu4 2 ike wwt 4 1u mo c mmi belt cao eouea baua swuwu laaue uu pa 2- ua ctow fuw carrall own 13 tltmi 2se syrapm h lur cvr no 5 paj cla m sjiml backiv 21a tin 14c cm- sr lyltl 2 lb un un uusr pare ptr bottle tie 3 dutri fruit tiraa raaaule sliced ho 2 lb 11a ataata del uoau no i tin u c kuoswatt no 1 lui ua jam sk t nmm l pures 40oz jar seedlemm grapefruit 4 for 3sc bread carroll wrapptd 9c special korffe finest jotttch cocoa v 19 i u smyrna figs i cholcedxresnn u1ncemeat did you ever stop lo i nmk liy ldson r wa1tc sltawncc oklnltonui thai i lie town that fails to encourage the bushier concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress that when business concerns fail to use every effort to increase their business in the bodie town ajid its trade territory they are liohling bark its progress thai merchants should show the people of their community- by news paper advertising that they can supply their every want that people appreciate the true merit of the home town as a trading centre when the local concerns take interest enough to fell them what i hey have througgh the recognized shopper guideti ie mews- papers that newspaper ads draw shoppers from other localities shoppers do not come to a tow 11 to huy just onearticle thev usually huj many articles that ouloftown shoppers as well as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quality and price are the attractions that bring them to trade blmwh wllhu