till luiuy ov lt artott stoif fuj l ruilirr analjan wrli aonrlalion y 4rw ppr mit r omar 0 lc divi in a w n a till tlmn mill acton ay ever rcl a hie m a lull phjss the j oiimrio tl umi iminu 1 bliliii the i iniicl rr y mal m ar i l lo office o which the tm n 1 criict ililiel united aovfcutllwg ratkfifor iu ilvfrtltirtii and in othtr nlti wilt he found at lirad l t imy llvrrllliliff ralra un opplici n a dills editor n tblkphones- ncv market for canadian cattle twvjityjicutlofriiitwiuliiolijoiii cattle- selected from ii number of herein on funun in alhortn were imulcd nt cnljiny und edmonton recently for ship ment to yokuhuijut for delivery to tho jiipiiticsui gov ernment it is expected unit these cuttle which will form the husiii of improved dniryjierds in japan will prove a forerunner of further similar shipments fronr alberta to the orient simodinjr up our trmuallnnlie mail service grcnter speed for canadas transatlantic mail rervcie will be achieved by tho jnuiifturation of a row nirmnij route to io into operation very shortly tho new service will connect ottawa montreal sifmt john and halifax mail from eastbound transcon tinental trains will leave ottawa at six oclock in the morning mil will arrive in saint john new bruns wick and halifax nova scotia in time for afternoon delivcricr at the outset the schedule will be limited biweekly flights over the entire route while a daily service will be maintained between saint john and halifax the schedule for the return westward trip is to be arranged according to the movement of mail carrying ocean ships no sunday fuiierabi there is strong feeling in brampton in opposition to sunday funerals excepting in extreme cases of lotfm necessity as there is in many other places last week the brampton ministerial association wait- neighborhood news kttln mr luti lllacif luu mlumed home wfiir vlnitlilg for u likmitil wlui frlciul ut durham mr j a utephfann attended uia fun- tiralnf the lain win muoraid ut ullu- wirg imit vtulay mls liva ulnelalr of atmabiavix is upending a couple of wceka wjul tjllzh marjorle utrowger wn r pleased to report unit mru liobt mekiitiry is convalescing fallowing mtver ulhmk of uie mil mr uml mm i ii lyur town linn trin und culodon quietly celebrated uie flflloui anniversary of uielr wadding ut uiolr i mine on tueuy january 32nd ur j y iwur left for uuenlojie lduik mi tuesday morning after spend ing u inonlli wlui friends liere and lulling o car load of luiroe mr tvouir plan to settle in um tvce luvrr dis trict alberta wliere lie haaa large form untieur intend visiting with friend hero or come time advocate luumngtom thursday evening january 31 1020 ed0brjl 3 canada power dcvclopmeiit with world interest centred upon the offprt3 being put forth in almost every country to secure additional supplies of lowpriced power for the deeds of in dustry the recent official review of hydroelectric progress in canada is of particular int indicat- 1 tz ytt fr 4v jm r jtsctivrijp rovfft ess i n fi fotilfsvtstrrntt commercial and domestic use the advantageously j situated and ample waterpower resources of the country duporrhceotitnrairunptnionedthat body to pass a bylaw forbidding sunday funerals several argu men ra -were- presented to show tlio undcsirabillty of continuing the practice or sunday funerals such as they interfere with sunday as n day of rest they create a serious problem for all clergymen on that day when their church work needs them most it was stated that sunday funerals have been abandoned in nil the large centres the council gave the deputa tion a very sympathetic bearing and promised to act up to the limit of their legal power all over the country the feeling is strong against funerals being held on sunday unnecessarily enjoy earning a living anybody with the average allotment of brains and with reasonable health can make a success at some thing so there is no reason for any of the young people to onticipato fnjnrp thr ipr to uf yonrlwaihm to ic o tuelta feed lon twj bulldln wan one of uio landmark of tho town havlnff bmn erocld by uut lau leur zimmerman the inaugural mmunxr of the ihiblld ilehool hoard wan lield on wediuuuuy dvnlnir lost whtti he w a nodkln wo mlecled elmjrmwi for uie enaubur year the varloiu ootiunltt were itruelc and beneraj buainftjia tranwiclfid tlifl many rrlemu of ciutoms oftlce jd rlcliardiion wul regret to uam that ha won removed to ol joxephx luutpltal on uuridy to undertra treatment ur itlchordton lion not been feeling well of jate and it la lioped a rent will coon re- ntore lifih to hln tuual hajui asaln aautto geooqbtowu worldrwldc prohibition jn an interview of dr munro professor in har vard university cambridge by r e knowles of the toronto star on friday the professor said the vote in the recent presidential election shows that the people of the united states want prohibition and listen if we hold on tp it well make the world dry yet well beat them x6 it the economic ad vantages of the thing the clearheaded industrial monday morning for one thing will compel other nations to fall into line now it la tho judgeship of tlic county last week the wardenship appointment was sett tied and now it would seem that the next contention en appointments would be the county judgeship and possibly the appointment of a crown attorney in spite of the fact that the milton reformer thought several weeks ago- that we were- premature in our comments regarding the judgeship the question is now very much discussed by the county press and in many circles crown attorney dick and mr- d o cameron barrister of oakville are applicants for the judgeship and with a possibility of a vacancy by the elevation 6t the crown attorney there are several applicants for this position judging from tho papers in the county town crown attorney dick seems to have the edge on the judgeship appointment the milton champion says last week learning that judge elliot of milton has reached the age when he is eligible for superannuation and that the appointment of his successor is only a matter of time the many friends of county crown attorney dick of milton have sent a largely signed petition to the dominion government recommending his appoint ment tljc petition we understand was signed by practically every barrister in halton county and another appointment is mentioned for the crown at torney from milton and one from burlington and of these the milton reformer sagely remarks in connec tion with its comments on the judgeship appoint ment it is not likely however that both appoint ments will go to milton for reasons not necessary to state here tloiusty will pay the developments of the past week on the inquiry into the affairs of the jacksonmanion mines have brought out many startling revolutions in regard to the operation and manipulation of mining specula -tors- the reports upoirwliicirthepublic bought the stock were apparently unfounded and undependable und undoubtedly given out to boost tho price of the stock attorneygeneral pvice is quoted as saying that the government intcndsuo keep a closer check en mines promotion and to provide investors with all possible safeguards it has a very special interest in this mutter as regards ontario mineral develop ment but its authority before the damage is done is limited undoubtedly it can prevent an interested mining engineer from acting also as a salesman or tock manipulator it might be able to provide more complete information on prospects by which intend- ingiri vectors orrspeculutorsculnheck up promo tion literature the government xan and is doing much to prevent the frauds in connection with mining investment and will wisry safeguard an investing public in every possible manner to jussure theiii that the funds arc being used to develop t lie properties the biggest responsibility however rests with the brokerage house and promoters themselves if the riiuiug industry of canada is to develop and the future of their own business is to bo assured it is up to them to see that the fraudulent promoter is rusted from business and properly exposed if his is not done the public will come to view all with suspicion and a hampering of their business and the development of the country will result it is a case where the honest promoter should give the govern ment the closest of cooperation for a survival of their own business md the good of the country life- tastes and liking should be considered of- coursc bur do not confuse your enjoyment of tho rewards of success withyour liking of thework itself many u girl thinks she wants to be a writer who will not even take the trouble to learn to spell many a boy thinks he wants to be an engineer because the outdoor work appeals to him yet he is a perfect dunce when mathematics arc concerned every year creates brand new occupations think how many people today are making a living out of the radio it stands to reason that everybody except the in corrigibly inzy who arc miserable if they have to do any kind of work should be able to enjoy the busi ness of earning a living community helpfuinttb the community spirit that 1ms made so many municipal improvements possible in acton the past few years was again exemplified last week by the lakeside chapter of the i o d e- when they offered jo ossist the council in carrying out further im provements at the town hall nearly all the im provements at the town hall havd been possible through the help of the local organizations the decoration of the auditorium was undertaken by the duke of devonshire chapter of the i o d e the council received assistance in laying the hardwood floor from the same organization that now offers to help with the improvements to the town hall stage the park improvements have been carried on and paid for by the community efforts of various organ izations with little or no outlay from the municipal treasury the drinking fountains about town were installed by the womens institute and many other improvements- have been implemented about town which have meant much to acton ah these local organizations arc to be commended and the council deserves commendation also for its willingness to assist in these cooperative movements editorial notes few seasons of late years have been so lacking in local entertainments and dances possibly the flu epidemic has been accountable for much of the in activity in local circles the minister of highways issued a warning this we6k that after february i all motorists wtbaut 1029 license plates are to be picked up and febru ary 1 will be tomorrow and now the motor shows arc developing in the rural centres and the local showing of the new models and the pointing out in the local advertise ments of the improvements inaugurated and prices quoted is quite on item of local interest these days in a recent decision handed out by judge elliot he ruled thnt a ninemonths old child was of no financial value but the judge will agree with other parents and child lovers that the best things of this life arc not all reckoned in terms of dollars and cents sirce november i a total of 203038 permits were hsucd to residents of the province from june 1 to october 31102720440 permits weveissued to residents of the province it doesnt appear that the liquor control act is lessening the number of iriukersjnlthe province- it is the school boards which spend the money und who arc held least responsible by the ratepayers witness brucehridges plight the general tax rate there lias increased njiio mills since 1025 and educa tion is responsible for it all and more the school nte jumping from 2100 to 3150 mills in the same period barrie examiner the stratford beaconherald quotes a texan sign- writer as arguing that- our danger signs are based on the wrong psychology tell a man he says to stop look listen and he is impelled to do none of the three so be suggests the following at railway crossings come ahead youre unimportant try oqr engines they satisfy dont stop no body will miss you take a chance you can- got hit by a train only once we are norry to learn that councillor bcsey in on the sick list and all wlh lilm n needy recovery mr and mrs il h wullama and and mr albert ilauall of ortoit vlalled with mr and mr a ii oayers durhuf uuivcefc dr e v phillips ph d pmfeusar of affriculture of cornell dnlvenuty itlnca n y was a bust of mr and mus petti t hut week mr t j gpelfiht was one or uie thousand duron t dealers who attended the convention in toronto last week and the banquet in tho crystal ball jloont at the idnff edward hotel rev h d cameron son of the late rev lachlan cameron who for many years was minister of knox church acton took the service in knox cburcli ooorcetown on dunday moraine lie spoke on the work of the lords day alliance mr e huffman of touonto was a visitor in town on monday mr and urn harold cleave spent fri day with friends in toronto rev dr dickie attended a meetintf of tho quelnh presbytery on tuesday uk went on tiik thaw all atnnricttjl indy wlu fcookit very lllut vtviich wall uotuiiff inui n train for lmciti ut paru la i uummar tlluj hud u llttlj wltltii tbttf under ur urn oiio of um railway uuaivu uunpod up to her and touchulb hid cap laid ionlu- whuttointbujily mudaine you tun not uko your dotf on uie tmln hut i take my dott uie ituly bo son brokenly madame the rules admit of no ux- cetiuoii you mutt put your dog in hauk nt laid iy hu turn hut my tlou is different idi your iian muht no an all oilier doi dor tlio american lady was beeomlntf ex cited hut my iiaa is is is u oh i cant think of uie word ill iwit him in my valkol imihuulhlel o ulr take uie doc youralf tlio lady tutclalnied i cannot take llie doe tnadamd it la contrary to reuhtuon a crent crowd lad eauttrtid by tills time the american lady was heuln- ninif to cry but suddenly die uirust lier dan wlllyiillly into tlu fcuarda hands and then lie discovered to ida jntetue astonlaluneiit uiat uie animal was bluffed tlio crowd roared wlui laughter the guard uave uie itotf to uie trtumnliont american lady wlu liad all uie urns been trying vainly to remember uie word etunallle and slut took it on board ourtlianks are due lo judtfe moore of acton for a copy of uip family hulory which makes very lnlereauinf reading mlu vera parsons left on eiaturday for rochrnter where llc will be uie guest nl tivr cjiislns mr tud mrs david ai- loway mr and mrs miner isnatry tuid daughter marralne of liolnnd man- are vuluilff councillor and ki j fcnl- crcon locust direct during uie pat week un hamilton down the old bam on pine ellreet next occasion tlie landlord is king realm where exactitude is not only en couraged but enforced an englishman soys uiat lie once went to se a land lord about tome matter connected with uie lioustf lie had hired the french man proved to lw 1 very ausplius and nqulaluve old gentleman who had inatu ids fortune in uie candle trade the englishman acknowledged uiat lur made hi bread by writing far um mgaxlnea the landlord slirugged hu slioulders i am afraid said he lihoi you will not be exact wlui your rent on uie flfteenui of uie manuv he evidently had- oldfashioned nouonj of literature as well as uie other arot and preferred uiat ids tenants sliould be liko ivlmself comfortable n trade bo in order to vindicate hi vocation the kngludiman went to call upon lum in person on uie fourteenui rent in hand i told you col exclaimed uie precise old mercliant i knew you wouldnt be exact at uw day and uio hour nxed yo lltpj tqqm0tf highest prices paid for butter fat bivk us a limai tilone 53 halton cream batter co nirjlton and acton h wither manager of acton branch business directory muntcati dr j a mcniven tfiyajaul him hargmom office ami ltejtlrinuce 6anior tjw avadlia dili tdifln fjlrmtl ixaat j cadesky- op tohonto eyestght specialist wilt 1113 at a t imownta dltuo tltouk acton monday- february 4 anyone aurferhlg from icyo- utrnln defoctlva vlalon or 1 1 on ri actio uliouhl not intou uie opportunity of coimultlng tit is nyealglit apflctullut appoint ment may lie mado with mr at brown druggist conooltation ifjuelfl offioa ho u 0 a m till 4 p m plume no 33 p o mox 3sa harold nash farmer m a jurrutrr kauciur notary fiild cenveyaneer fcle ikuuvman iitocu acton on monby lent on uoittoaofca hour 0 jo a m to d00 p m uaturdays 1300 oclock f j sparham hanbier sellelter notary publie ovylcvrwwl btuxx acton next to uaptlst church iloure ooo a m to c00 p m- dkntal or j m dell d d s l d s dental rirf orpicb mill and itflderlck glnsftu piionk 3g dr j h johnson ddslds dnui sursvod office mill otreel in uie cooper woek teucwionb sunday at uie home of her mother mrs pinley herald oakville diegufbed some or uie most popular mystery stories of recent years are written by an auuior wlio hides- his idenuty under uie pen name 0d van dine lie is a rich man and lie owes his wealui to an attack of nervous prostration this kept him in bed for over two years and incapacitated him for work consider ably longer his physician refused to allow him to read uie books which really interested him and in desperation be fell back on detecuve stories to occupy his mind when at length uie doctor allowed him to begin writing he started ida aeries of detecuve stories uiat have mado lilm a fortune tills experience is one of innumerable cues which go to show how hard it is for us to dlsunguish goadfartuna from bad we should not choose nervous nns- trauon an uie high road to fame in deed such an experience would cocm to un n iiuttt o tonmto pit zjt 5 tzzsz sensible way when meeting that which seems to be dlsaiter uien is to keep up our splriu and wait or uie revela tion of uie bleaalng which has come to us in disguise about thirtyfive men from bl johns united church attended uie mans ban quot held at uunns cliureh on tues day evening tliero were one hundred and nfty present and a splendid evening woo enjoyed by all tho heavy rain on friday washed port of uie bridge at uie detour away now all traffic is stopped from using uie detour and uie buxes cars and trucks imvo to go up to the idgti level bridge around uie sixth line and kerr olreet news pdltor harris of uie auette lias been elected president of uie burlington pair itev j a jewel has been confined to his bed at uie parsonage at poitvllle for a few days mr and mrs w o davis and master edward left yesterday on a trip to bon diego col wtuwthey will spend the balance of the winter following uio snow storm of tuesday evening motoring was difficult and not a few cars were tlllolied because of ley condluona on uie dundas highway otar major a drock clilsholm m of oakville lias been promoted to uie rank of lleutooloncl to command uie halton riflea students of uie oakville high school held a social evening on friday last about two hundred percohs being pres ent dancing was uio big item of the program and all present had a thorough ly enjoyable time neoard milton rev cannon naftels many friends are pleased to see him out again after a tovero attack of the prevailing influenza mr and ura it u clements and daughter eleanor have gone to ala bama to spend a few weeks wlui mrs clements sister mrs denholm mlu mabel aiken of hamilton came up last friday evening and took tea wlui lier uncle and aunt mr and mrs r j hare amnnji uiawluarotaklng the modi- tcrranean trip ore col and mrs p ii deacon or toronto and mr and mrs coune strcctsvllle they expect to be away until next april mrs j p naruem of timmlns who has been spending a few weeks here with her parents mr and mra a a ilem- rcot returned home last friday- ite- mks e ackcrt and donald wilton of chaumm are vlaiting uie tatters par ents hore for a few days miu itachcl malum campbdllvlllc is teaching in uie milton public ocliool until mks qcmninll has recovered from her tllne- miss awondolyn gliorey u n lias rinlahcd her post graduate oourso at at mlcliacls hospital toronto iuilrc- turnedhomeyejterday on uulr return from ulslr honey moon mr and mrs ii cttvell of milton were uio guests of lionor at a dance held at uie liome of uie brides par ents mr and mrs il pell uumealng tuesday evening lasl tlie music provided by uie wuknowa mounuun- meculium ovclicstra was greatly enjoyed by about one hundred and nfty friends of uie nswlyinarrled couple who are wellknown and wry popular on be half of uie merry makers a hearty vote of uionka moved by m j carton of kbquectng and ceoondd by j a ilose of milton was undered mr and ura rvil for uio use ofuulr home cliampl- whats the use uuyliig cheap tnedleinos oet mrs uybllla utmdus iuuliltls for luad ooids catarrh wltoopnig oouglt cough cruup tliuiichlurf ictibugad and dicd ton- jju and all 11uuit 1ioublvs aboluuly buaratllmd kc j uatisantt practice haying good uoeniko apparently uiere is need of pracujng such a simple act as saying good morn ing same people mumble it to you are not sure wlicuier they are greeting yau or repeating uie multiplication table ouiers growl it out eq uiat far a mo ment you have an uneasy feeling uiat you are being accused of something bonis people say good morning in a way that expresses uielr certainty uiat life is a failure ouiers seem u imply by uielr greeting resentment of uie fact uiat you are on earth your good morning sliould express cheer klndnas and good wlll if it falls to do uiat it might better be left unsaid some of you may need to start practicing saying good morning properly bank of montreal established 1817 tool asieu in exceu of j87o0ooooo acton branch l- b shorey m plymouth iawrf im v a1vi vrwalm allium finilfliih jerer emphasizing iu vkrf uuwtmklv it plainer tlmi evr arc piyaoutha tvew lamer ptici rejweititiifcg mtaja cf 1 to fmo aa hjuuwith qualify haf iva lai cfcduigfij ia tk lut it mnoinj tlie same co quliiy wbkb hs pven tus cat an iauiftftiftnal repuia fog ftood- ny of cpctvuvui mad ulaacp iti tlia loveuptued fold ihyolautls is will tt- outstaiuling fullix car fcwag amja room tax five grownups if u atilttha only ax tiar fa pi wjuipfwd wid wlifeipo t taaf wliel uraloes walik csl coupe 820 roadster 4a wmilfiwae 850 ldoor sedan 860 touring ayo oeiuxe coupe vuk mmlu m 870 4door sedan 80 411 firiw f9 t wiitjiot oatsri iarlujiug ujrj w ywomit awra ryfucal ctivjtf wiimuaw lji clirlf aiijjmf irrl aoj uvcuidiiur suck mmum iiopownnu os wailiwwvkf lwklkduvld vfl4 itiahcuwpiauion lhcidi 43 h p engine rubbar awgmw tumtaiuufs al alloy pjoaj totu rwaflioii hmtiroiiur fall pam- ami lubricalio it is still tit one big buy st iu pwio l luntlerni engineering inpovittiil mad pfxeonfl anos widi nuhurti styl and luiuuy see tlu ihyitiouih comdi if try tm equal u aniong cars scllim untkr j1000 aiw utrvlttllf yon will rmk it first and fogimait its vy fig ment that determines trtxa mircm vlu uj if you have money to invest standard royalties offers one of uie tafoit and btst divided paying iuwiiaaiita dividends are paid regularly every monui if you wont to know about it enquire of ix w dawson p o box u itftaacraoh district luprescntauve of muclbil bia cpgiun underwriters i have openrngs for fw local agents life insurance exclusively member lite vndorvndltfa associaiion representative imperial life of canada frederick l wright residence main street phono i02j insurance it pay to advertise sinco tho appearance of our last advertisement considerable business has been placed with us thank you very much t g ramshaw bolton amd adom jas ramshaw aaafeunl m mm a m iliotltr oud plyuumiui uos and scrvlr liuiitc cg aciou oulrio optometry iva value to tjte public dv a d savaou gaelph oataru ac1iino buknino eves no ono necda lo be told uiat uils condition is not natural yet many oenunuo to be afflicted wlui eye conditions uiat re at least unpleasant if not harm ful when relief can be secured by an examination here dont be handicapped by abnormal vis ion wlien it can bo so promptly overcome a us cuiuiuid nxt ujt