Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1929, p. 1

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cbm t lifryroui hi van tiiuksday aftfknoon fenruary 7 1020 acton ontario canada thursday aftfnnoon february 7 1020 st jlomcprint pones five cents the books must soon lo closed on winter fashions and to make sure that every last winter -foelt- uoes into tiik closet of home fortunate fuiiuuaky shopper for another winters economy every last one has been reduced to half price 4iqmcvc carpentering and repairing furniture ropalrn and odd carpenter ing jobs promptly attended to apply n p moore main street girl wanted over 20 years or age general hou- cirrlc no washing a houses for uale team good drood marcs and colt pur particulars phono 05r31 georgetown b vannatter balllnolad card of thanks mr and mrs p e- rowlings extend their sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the many acta of kindness and enquiries during the recent serious illness of tlic orracr dressmaking all kinds of dressmaking orders given prompt and skilful attention i rices reasonable urts a reesor 27tf church street acton card of thanks mm albert mciceown and family desire to express their appreciation of the kind deeds and words of sympathy of friends and neighbors during the tunc illness and at the time of the death of the beloved husband and father of the home these many kindnesses and the beautiful floral tributes sent to thj- funeral were indeed creaky appreciated and the thought uiat prompted uicm will ever be gratefully remembered dairy farm for rent farm 105 acres brick house bank bam silo water bowls milk house school across road radial stop wiuiln 75 yards of barn pleasant place to live churches sunday school 1 mile ilrampton 5 miles act quick if you want this farm for a term of years apply to herb burns on provincial highway 322 mount pleasant saturday valentine tea homemade baking pretty aprons st aldans iauish hall saturday wonderland friday feilituaky uuiuh clown ijiuk tin- ftuiry u u romance of the theatre tin- uiimiu aide with lou chancy an the truglc clown cutii- uiy llusnunuji muit hay uib- blt durum ii saturday hhltlallv jumimhir to iove wlui the popular tnr chu illuddyi i tin it ml of third collegium tllsday hiiuuauy 12 tiil womui from miwcow slurring iolu negri and norman kerry no 3 the mylrry rider comedy all parti coming four koiw l i ueoity son liexo i think ot iuclunu it winters half price snvinj the shrewd buyer will hove in mind the weeks of winter wenther still in jtorc for it right now ns well as the lonj siege of cold weather that tardy spring seasons have brought us during recent years half price savings arc therefore doubly good luck ilalvcdivirt clearance figures range thus mhk s19kh 2250 2175 2750 2975 3250 3975 1250 on up to 0250 with many other stopn in the scale coats less than half price at s3 5 and 10 hosts of the siijajtestdrcsses half price v jxiuwr at frlflft sfiih sojfi 1218 wlaj svjm s217s crepes sntins geotgcttes velvet- velvet com binations sports woollens and wool twills even ex clusive frenchlioorti styles included new spring hats 179 new felts with straw trimmings and nllfclt lints nil in the new spring colors read to freshen up winter- weary wardrobes and bringing a very affordably low price 179 d e macdonald bros ltd guelpii ontario clulng hours wednesday 1230 noan saturday 330 p m other days 5j0 n m msamm poll tax evasion a criminal offence i cmiiici pahjci bylaw making a maximum fine of 50 or 21 i dayo in jail for evadcrw at the council meeting on tuesday evening councillors harrison theuord 1 hnuen and nelson were present and reeve mason presided mr duval was granted a half fee of 52 50 for dog tax uin dog having beeh dlposcd of under ilx monuui j thr plnunce committee in their second report recommended uiat the following nccouuts be pald acton public utilities commls- rlon iilrect mifhtlns j alcn public uulltlm coinmln- n t- n hall llahink auin l line utllltlea commla- liton power at pump house acton public utilities commla- i olon power at pump housr hell teleplinne co cervleen a ii illiliop labor lnjvlnclal treasurer ro younc 15360 330 1d31 1j3 1000 543 fiioul lenttrtb jutfbavta i j bell town hall re floor 3300 1072005 the report was adopted a letter from n l martin trustee or g he creber estate pointed out uiat bus- i ncm tait and water and llent accounts aere preferred claims and could be no claimed if the council desired to precs the matter the council decided the claim muct be met according to the proper procedure and wanted the item met in full prior to wage clalmn several he ma of un collectable taxes including overchartrcfl and errors and re funds of dofl tax en were ordered to be written oft a letter from tlic balvatlon army requested a grant of 50 for their iicscuc home in hamilton the letter was ordered to be filed a bylaw making the evasion of pdll tax a criminal offence was passed by the council the penalties for non payment are fines and casts up to 50 for each o hence and in default qf pay- ni la jal f diys the news or the sudden death of w ii stewart ouperln undent or the childrens aid society for the counties or hal ion nnd pec came 10 acton an tueeday morning with heartrending buddcnncxs mr btowart had been persuing his work with his characteristic faithfulness over his large jurisdiction until a weak prior to his death little inspecting any fatal illness mrs stewart had gone to chicago to visit a slater who was seriously 111 mr stewart was to attend a sitting of the juvenile court hero in acton yoster- dny and feeling quite unwell last satur day had called up judge moore person ally to rny he feared ho would not be ahlo to at ten lf anil rcqiuwtcd uiat the cane be remilnded for a week on monday tnomlng miss elsie phoned uiat her rather was seriously 111 and uiat the doctors were about to diagnose uie cose they decided upon on operation and had him conveyed to toronto general hospital a few minutes after arrival uicre he erplred the ailment was dis covered to be an ulcer on the bowel resminltrtntfrrolsqnrtari tfu mi u dfia bin in uic legislature recanllorhe validat ing ol uic rink bylaw clerk parmer said all the required documents luui been forwarded and notice would likely be received when the hearing was to be given bcrorc the private bills commit tee as in ouicr previous cases for the present therefore nothing more needed attention until such noucc was received had been filnmnnnedrrnm ctliffiki tutlved i ij general interest news county council dmbmdusda crown attorney dick at the january session or ualton county ccuncll which ended last tues day a rcsoluuon was passed urging that hon ernest uipolnta minister or jusuce appoint william l dick crown attorney ol milton to succeed judge elliot on lib honori coming retirement specials for this week quakfr cokn flakes t packets tor hakvest jam raspberry or strawberry 10 oz for castile soap 8 liars for ivory soap flakes 1 packets for post bkan flakes 2 packers for cooking bkan 2 packets tor harvest peas is 2 tins for campbells tomato soup 2 tins for 25c 37c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 23c extra special i lb 75c black tea 10 lbs granulated suga ai plzb chain red white store j w jones phone 2g acton ont ca wl sparton amazes the radio world fbi a nek spabt0s7 equasonne ran ontv couputb pa the second tiii within a pear sfdfttwi laaaty ijrit ii v die introduction of tba i tkwuy ijquasonntl clrcnic the mow i frct lasjrumcut tor rcltpiion i lie world limmymtm mow it is with the icmitiful toiiplctc ciclitul aabiavmlel 950 at a price wiihiji ilu- reich of mti nbcueiliibio be die greatest value j all radio uctf ia cki with any radio at anywhere am ij- sparton radio tl patbfiuder of tie ail ii at ton breeders club officers hnlton cccderb club elected uic fol- lowing onicera tor uic year president j walter dennis plrst vicepresident i thomas bird second vteepresldent m 1 j brouu secretary treasurer f o stark dlrcctoro esqucslng john comp- bell and l dcvlcs trafalgar m decrlng and john wllsan nelson m watson and john ehcppard nassagawcya p khlnchart and j icltchlng i improvcnunu at town ilall tlie new hardwood floor on the stage of the town hall is completed and is 1 indeed a credit to the junior l o d e- uic council and mr j bell who did uic i work the flooring has been carried right to uic front and uu looutghta liavc been removed new lighting in uie celling of the stage la a very decided improvement and new base plugs have been installed at convenient points at uic front or uic stage the wainscoting around uic front of the stage has also been put in new and the whole work adds a decided improvement to uua mun icipal building farmer editor still appreciates the local paper a letter from dr t albert uoore a former editor of ttik pcsk puss and now general secretary of uic united church of canada in renewing his sub scription saya rns fara pscufl is always a welcome weekly vlfutor you arc moving us a most excellent paper keeping up the tradition of tux fia pdsss ip news editorials the old man good sialics and other good features i trust your subscribers ore increasing your advertising getting larg er and in every way tin pkeb pokes outre aching all its former achievements xbs kind expression from one who knows uic workings or 1is fakh pihcuo rum the inside as docs dr moore arc indeed appreciated and very helpful aird ac ionian guest at anniversary celebration mr w hawthorne who is vtslung his daughter in toronto received on hi vi la tum to attend uic 60th anniversary of the it s williams music store on january 30 to all old pioneers of so years of age each man received a louvenlr gift of a uccrchaum pipe in case a iiaekugl of matches and a packig of tobacco all ladles over do years of ago received a bouquet of flowers all were entertained to lunch olso panoramic pictures takcu for tlic movies and a grand toncert a taxi called for each one and brought tium home again mr iuu limine uho is hi his 83nd year enjojed bjlug among lo many of his own age nnd uie klndnes and courtesy sliown ui thcvc who attended by this concern their uimlvcruary occasion dukr of devonshire chapter 1 o i off leers at thr annual mecung of the di til dovmujilru chapter of uic i o tuesday evening at uic home wilxram iikhrv gtkwa11t anot iietprtnce in nmn half ntllentt jml trjo irilnlttt a fe a iii n before her beloved jiortncr passed away william henrystewart was one of qt most csmplary chrlsuan men wlio over resided in uiln county upright honest kind consistent helpful and- systems uc he possessed and exercised ail the attri butes which go to moke a man helpful to ilk fcllowman and a faluiful follower of his lord mr stewart came to acton twentynve years ago to the position or principal nf acton schools for eighteen years he hrld this onerous position with success uic impress of his able teaching id his noble life being feltjjy hundreds or pupils who were enrolled in his classes seven years ago he was called to a uldcr sphere of usefulness uiat of laical superintendent or tlic childrens aid society for the cnunucs of ilaltan and i for this iiosillon he was peculiarly qualified ills scholastic training his pauerr or discernment his general gifts end graces and his keen love lor chil dren and uicir uplift nttcd him in a unique manner for his duties the seven yeurs and more pciil in u1i3 ood- honor ing work of eating for uic under privileg ed children was a happy climax to hlo or usefulness and influence mr stcuart was a dodly man and was ever ready to use ills talents in chlisuan activities during his residence in acton au1kht edward nichxtk with unexpected and nauiauc eudden- nctswiij passing of a lc nlcklln j p took place at tlic family residence bower avenue last tlmrsday evening mr nlcklln had spent uie tall in u10 province of alberta in uie interests or the storey llovo co returning home shortly be fore christmas he had raiftercd from a rauicr serious cold hir scverokwccks nnd this continued through tlic holidays and into uic new year following uua he had an attack or angina pcctork aid heart seizures were experienced qulto frequently it was when undergoing one of uicse spasms that ho passed away mra nlcklln being alone wlui lum at uic time mr nlcklln was the son of out or actons early residents mr edwurd nlcklln and spent his lire in the town in which ho was born about rortyflve years ago he married minerva storey a daughter of tlic late mr and mrs w ii storey mrs nlcklln and uiclr three mnilua hw january public school report tlifwe who won the ttlahwt imiicen nnd the promotions lit some ucpurtinttnoi keillor fourth clara bauer 3fls catherine mackle 3c0 marguerite itosmll 3s2 amelia kvann wi murray bmltli 340 johnnie joluuitone 330 total 50 junior fourth harvey hasrard 33d ocorge moloude 3u1 lilleen kowalski 2m jack wau-r- hoiuie 3c karl cole 303 dorouiy coxe 302 total 50 4 ut z bennett principal knulor third mary dennis 530 harold skllling 513 margaret arnold 480 irene plnwera ijio oeorge dwfbter 458 roderick ilydor 447 klleon brcen 444 total 000 d lilnter teacher junior third ellen dunn 437 kauiloeir iluard 407 bobby marshall 400 hector lambert bfifi harvp mccuteheon 3flfl frank of calgary- mrs tluunaa mccollum of o snonffidoeslnnaysv i orsffisni cltyhcinorr ogmhll- all ofwlwin wtfo premrntat theuncral an morulay mr nlcklln took an active interest and a leading position in- the affair of uic town in church in municipal and in social matters he was a member of uic session of uic united church was for years itccardlng hteward ol uic church for a ume secrctury treasurer ot th trustee board and was associate super intendent of the sunday school for a number or years for a considerable term he was a member or uic municipal council and for tuo years was reeve 01 the municipality and a member of the county council twenty years ago he wait commissioned as a justice of uic peace and sat a number of times on uie bench with lik lifelong friend police magistrate ii p moore he was for years an efficient member of acton citi zens band and also a member of uir choir of the methodist church in jan uary 1070 he tine initiated a member of acton lodge i o o p no 204 and was to have been presented wlui a vet erans jubilee medal on tuesday evening of thla week mr ijlcklino business activities were confined to the flour and grain and baking business of u st e nlcklln in uie early days and then for llian half hu llfdnc he was h jjarp smith leo close dornfld ttyllyum5iyut viiwliw mrc6 e ftuddyr teacliert flnit class france dllb 320 ralph hansen jack dunn 105 frances mcdowell chris ncllson 1 67 margaret icccnan 150 b blhle stewart 103 doris wilson 140 frank vanwyck 130 allan lclnh- man 139 mary levers 114 elva mc dowell 111 total 350 n anderson teacher senior primary promoted to l class william buch anan murray bauer kathleen sweeney jean evans catherine bclhune elmer losby bruce porgcter norman wright francis paplllon jack sweeney dorothy bayllss jean mcmillan primer class lino marso icauilccn olbbcns paul laval lec bllllc eccleshall bllllo field donoido bethune a w mocmluan teacher primary ctats tommy waliin beatrice taylor ruby smith mary turkosx helen icccnan dorothy king mrs m ii moore teacher was an active worker in uie methodist o wlul ulc b busuicss of uic church and sunday school and in all btorcv nnn ic waa ft man of sterlbia moral issues current in uie community ch uprtht and honest in ail his specially in uic advancement ot the ndcrtaklnga and was always associated temperance cause wherever ho tow an wiul thaae i which were col- opportunlty tor service that opportunity y r wua promptly embraced his residence m in milton has been similarly charuclcrls- iir years he as superintendent of uic sunday school a member of uie official board and session of st pauls united church and an acuve exponent high ideals or lire mr stewarts home life has been a most happy one ills congenial and beloved partner lo life seconded all his efforts three cons and three daughters comprise the family i hoy brown toronto miss fl of uie public sclioal teaching stoft wil liam on uic stall of jlpper canada col lege robert a principal on toronto public school staff mary at normal school toronto and oeorge at home the funeral is being held at milton this afternoon a brief private service at the residence on court street and a public memorial service in st pauls united church rev mr hurlburt the pastor uie humc will have charge of the service very sincere sympathy lias been cxnnvcd by hundreds of friends la acton wlui uic sorely bereft wife and family ity and the betterment or his fellow men he liad uic satisfaction of visiting both ills daughters in the west during his recent trip tlic funeral was held on monday after noon aith a private wrrvice at uic res i j cucc and a memorial service hi un united church rev c l poole b d his pastor conducted uic services with feeling interest three farmer pas tors ilev a w barker toronto rev l m moycr port cdlbame and rev r s e large d a b d and rev a c stew art m a of knox church assisted in uie service revo barker and moycr paid high tribute tp the interest and ability of uic departed as a consistent christian and a worthy citlxcn h p moore police magistrate who was a life long friend and associate in church and community acuvlucs contributed n feel ing tribute to his sterling worth and valued influence miss berue bmiui sang very sweetly uic solo only a lltue way the independent order of odd fellows attended uic funeral and con ducted uiclr bcauuful memorial service at uie grave in palrvlew cemetery the pall bearers were messrs r j kerr n p mclam j c matuicws 11 n tiiurtell b o arnold john kenrtey and messrs h i moore and james symon honorary bearcra the floral tributes were numerous and were contributed as follows mrs nlcklln pillow harold nhm edlui and tom wrcaui mr and mrs p bel wood spray dr and mrs mercer spray mrs it e nelson pillow dr and mrs e j nelson albert mclceown after a lingering illness of nearly two yean albert mciceown slept peacefully ivvuy on saturday at ids home lot g cunccilijn 3 irm township all uirough his long illncvh he cheerfully bore his rutiitiiin und was always optimistic of tils ultimate recovery just a few days prior u his death he walked to uic bam and hoped with uic return or uic warm ueuuier to be able to resume his farm npray mr and mrs h s holmes mjss dutle but uu friday morning he was holmes and mr wm storey wreath unuble to leave hu bed and from uiat mrs jennie drydeu spray acton united ume he quieuy slept away until uie end church pillow acton oddfellows pillow came on saturday toward evening al- storey olove company wrcaui oujlph bert mciceown uos lh son of u10 late city public works dejiarunenl wreath mr und mrs duvld mciceown and wai mayor and council city of ouclph born on the homestead lot fl concession urcath ouclph city hall sihjl bosket 1 lirtn township fortylive years ago acton cltlzeuv hand wruatli dr and on april id 1005 he was joined hi holy mrs priest man tpray dr and mrs wedlock to miss jennie klrby of the peterson pray mr mid mn campbell sci ti ti block who with his family of and mrs corey spruy mr und mrs scmii children mm mil ton watson of hosier spruy saskatoon woim110 cana- hiunuton joile katlilecn lloyd oor- dlan club spray jn wm arnold the lollowlng officers j pa- iiie elected tor the year 1 serle honorary regent mrs wm john- ltalph ut home are cu to mourn the uaslng or a loving hus band and fauicr three brothers also leiuiiln charles in erin township wil liam at chilru b c und robert at p-uili- 11 c the deceased was jf a quiet ilium loving dbposluou und wds lum in ill- highest esteem by his lielh- tnn und tii circle of friends who knvv him lnt he wus a member of uic j d actiu united church und the funeral on i of tu end ay afteinihu was conducted by ills 1 a t brown acton ontario poole b d a blcf t the home wus followed by u tru in the united church here which itimc i uj largely itttended by u wide circle of lteieul nlii auius mason uie tnnih und relative- of mr mj- i rtnl vlrelugrnt miss j oalbrullh k- 1 iwi unl th- family the pallbearers i iuind vlccuegcnt mrs f mccleary in menrn win thunpion edwaid mcritaiy miss m j macdonald b a muiu jk1 lxslle f o johnsuin basil lieiisurei mrs p h blow jiitiniuti upd oeorge elliott interment erin screuiry mas m 7 bcnnctl j w 1 nudj in the family plot at palrvtew j iitaudartl hearer mrs w arnold 1 ct metery the following friends from a cou 11c illora mrs idr e j nelson i dltunce attended the funeral mr jaa 1 mis jos lijmon mrs j m mcdonald tiulnger milton mr william ovens mn o h buhop mrs ada near mrs i mount n rest mr and mra icrcy wil- j it kennedy mrs a b mclrau mrs on humllton mr und mrs wm sliarp j o a dilb mrs it m mcdonald mrs i mi and mrs as shan ir prank 1 w j gould mrs c a conway mra pi ter mr und mra charles campbell c it knapp mrs it it arnold and mr und mm bert harris and xlr itusel miss 11 wullace the iiport of uie years work of uie uruui illation allowed a most uccckiful liur tlic charity work occupied much of the allenuon and christmas haskats were provided lor needy iamlliej dona- tloiv were given to uic mrs uurkludddr minorlal the navy league and tho tour of knglish school airls fund liilliwlug the hulucaa iiart of uie meet ing refrehhuient were servld and u unn lialf hour spent cheltenham ulu lily itaiiin und miss martha piuuir toronto mr alex uud miss suru jackmm of rock- slue mr jan stringer terro oilta c a i t or acum united li ur- iiuldlng a puucuke uupiier uic- r baktuu in the tliool room eliiinh on fbrjiary 1j at u30 kviryihly uelcopic a itkcokd anai1ian nrvsiaikk atllltvimnknt lul weekend noted the iudvihi u thu- toronto suir to its line new building at ho king street wrtt the occupjlug of this new building with its fine equipment and facilities murks another milestone tn the pngrehs of torontos youngest and run we nut say beat newspaper to its prehldeiit mr jomph atkin- miii uiuioiibtedly much ut the credit for ihk latent achievement can bo uttrlliuteii ir have been many of the ueoinpllshmeiits of the past the growth of this neighboring city dull to uie highest plure in cunudlun newspaiht circles has been phenomenal und hua been iolldly bulll n the principle of giving of il- bet us u ncwipapr and a link in 111- btilldlnu of canada on thl- nusplcloui occasion ilit pan pacta t ndera its congratulatlima to the toronto htur and it oulcrs and stuit from president atkinson down muy lis gmwth und accomplishment long continue jones 301 nell mcnobb 340 total 500 m orr teacher junior third roy hansen 340 wllma hansen 341 freddie turner 327 vera coxc ubs jean lambert 277 annie evans 370 total 4 so ken lor second frances jennings 334 oraco stewart 310 jack araham 200 jack mcaill 304 margaret icelly 300 bui nicolak 355 total 450 i anderson teacher junior beeaiul eileen brundlc 300 merna rawcan 303 dorln blow 340 ada elliott 335 cyril jocquc 214 doris mann 310 total 400 eileen brundlc promoted to uie senior second senior first euiel porgcter 234 annie anderson 13 donald ryder 311 donald brown 200 helen withers 10d helen brown 170 total 300 euiel porgcter annie anderson d011- memoraule i o o f night ibtallatlon of officers visit of d d g m and presentation of veterans jeweu tuesday evening was a memorable oc casion in uie hlstoryaf acton lodge o p no 204 d d o is bra jaa mclennan of milton and his stall officers visited uic local lodge and installdd the following officers for uie year j p a bro jaa dobble n o bro it r p watson v o bro alfred fryer rec sec bro e f kennedy fin sec and trcas bro r m mc donald warden bro ray agncw conductor bros jas b smiui 0 o bro jos wilds 1 q bro ii w hlnton r s n o bro ii l ritchie l b n o bro john mcarthur r s v o bro chas londsborough l s v o bro peter griffin r b s bro oordon bmith l s s bro francis wilds chaplain bro r speilvogcl the evening was also uie occasion or several presentations which were unique and appreciated by uie recipients p p d d o m bro ii l ritchie was presented by d d o m mclelleji wlui uic post district deputys collar the n o of acton lodge bro r p watson had bro ii l ritchie present mr william williams with a fiftyyear veterans jewel and a life membership in uic lodge mr williams has been a member of uic order for fiftythree cun in his sjiccch of apprcclauon for the honor conferred upon him he spoke very interestingly of uie early days of the order and recalled many ramlnla- ccnccs mr lawrence williams son of mr wm williams was on uilo same even ing presented by d d o m mc- trfiinnn with the twentyfive year veter an jewel of uie order in his reply he uiaukcd uic lodge for uils recognition conferred upon him a feeling of sorrow during this moetuig was fell ut uic sudden death of bro a e nlcklln who was to have been presented ut ulls meeting with uic fifty year veterans mcdal expressions o regret were heard on all aides from his brethren at his death and coming at uils time when uils honor from the order was to have been bestowed following the lodge mocung a social timewas epent wlui a toast to tlic order proposed by bro n p mclam and re sponded to by d d o m mclcllun other pecches were given by uic visiting brethren and others the attendance at this meeting was cxcepuonaily large and one of uu- best funcuons held fur mjnie time is the geuerul report the communitys social side of life vbihohi tii iuul from town during tlie pout week tut gleaned by tlic free prw miss bertie bmltli of toronto spent the weekend here mr chan klrkness of toronto was homo for uir weekend minn olive cooper of pusllnch was linmc over the weekend mr eugene mcpherson was lionie from toronto over the weekend mrs wm johnstone spent uie week- nd with friends in burlington mr o a dills spent bundoy vlslunk his fnther and sister in toronto mr and mrs wm landsborougli spnt sunday with relatives in milton mr w robertson of toronto spent the weekend wlui friends liere mr willroiic rejd of toronto visited friends in acton over tho weekend mrs w ii walker who lias been 111 orrnverlweeksrl tmprovlnj mr burton wiggins or port oolbome ipent uie weekend at his home lure mr john thomson of bracebrldgt is vlnlung mr peter a drrilut for a jew days mlsn icauileen kelly has gone to bl josephs hospital ouclph to train for nurse mrs mcdonald of maple liss been the guest of mr and mrs oeorga cowls uils week mrs prank e williams of toronto is visiting her parents mr and mrs jos holmes mr b s russell and mr wm me- pherson of oakvllle visited acton friends on tuesday mr d n mctavlsh spent sunday with his brouicr at onprlnge who has been icrlausly 111 lately mrs wesley nell or toronto has been 1 pen ding a week or so wlui her friend mrs maud mcbaln mr p a smith liad uie misfortune c- and mrs n p mclam at the parental liomo herc-aivjstuuiay- j mr and mrs bay and family of toronto visited at mr and mm john jccnnoya over sunday mr and mrs chas mclam of tor- 1 to visited mrs robert oarvln and miss oarvln over sunday mrs thomas morris of toronto has been visiting her sister mm j p bear- row uie past week or so mr and mrs percy wilson of hamil ton attendod the funeral of uie lata albert mciceown on tuesday mr and mrs j linton kcnney and barbara of toronto spent uie weekend i the homo of mr and mrs john ken ney mr f e rowlings who has been so jerlously ill for the past month 1 now improving and will soon be able to be about again mr and mrs beruand canovsr and mls3 conover of erlndale visited wlui mrs robert bennett and miss mlnnlo bennett over sunday mr wm ovens of mount forest spent couple of days uils week wlui mr and mrs thomas elliott and also atundsd the funeral a the late albert mckeowo- mr r n brown was taken to olulph hospital on monday tor on operation far uppcndlclus ills condition u reported as very crlucal following uie operation which was performed mr and mrs samuel roszell- of sas katchewan were guests ol mr and airs oeorge roszell uils week mr roasell was a resident ol acton in his boyhood days about a nuarter century ago messrs r j kerr past president j smith president and w j aldns becrctoryttcacurcr of acton pall pair attending uie annual meeung of uu pahs association in toronto today i it bluke llumr villi luild a credit vleurlng ue at tils farm lot 11 conces sion j usquetltiit on thursday febru ary h nl our 0clihk nu reserve us l ho funn la sold young man robbed on ilojhway on sunday evening mr gordon john ston and mr burton wiggins who were proocodlng to hamilton found u young man lying insensible on uic highway jast west or john wulkins home they immediately notined chief mcpherson who summoned medical aid and brought the young man into town when he lcgalned consciousness he gave ids story to uie chief his namn was wllllo benson he had been in u10 hospital in toronto for treatment and liad prior to uiat worked for a mr a b murray on a farm just outside of stratford upuii dlsctiurge from uiu hospital lie had i 5 00 left after paying for meals and j visiting at woodbridge ho had 20 left j in order to have sufficient money to get i back to stratford ho walked from tor onto to acton on sunday wlicn about 200 feet west of mr 1ljl johnstons farm lie met a inan walking who inquired how far it was to acton when uie lad gave uie answer lie was hit by uie btrangrr and rendered uiiconscloiiu when he came to at uic town hall his muicy was gone he was cured far here and gueii l ticket tor btrutfom urn fouowliik morning a fair description of hit unuilhuit luls been secured acton and district lllxh school county a reals a rants were made as follows by the county council at its session hut tues day burlington and oakvlhs juh schools 3500 each mil ion and george town 2000 each and acton m00 on account hal ton educational association was granted 25- q rants of 50 each were made to canadian national insu- lutc for uic blind and the balvatlon army childrens home luimllton ncw bakery machinery ins 1114 m edwards co have just computed the installation or a new pendrlth five- bag capacity bread mixer the machine af uie latest type with individual geared motor and is proving a great con venience tn this local bakery added to their new electric panner and elsctrlc provcr which were installed last summer this makes uils bakery very efficient and uptodate in uie matter of equipment and producuon of uiclr bakery products attended mr nick tins funeral in oddluon to uie members of uu family u10 following friends from a dis tance attended uic funeral of mr a e nlcklln j p on monday mrs r e nelson mrs james plrstbrook mr clara e humbcrstone miss bertie smith mr c o henderson and mr c a o matthews toronto mr r n thurtou ingcrsoll mra ii c bchrelter kitch ener mrs alice floury lansing mr warner bro ley elora mr robert occat kitchener major lacluan v qrtnt and mr mitchell cooper and mr and mrs mcdermtd georgetown miss kliujnan mrs dr lowry and mr and mrs mcarthur oueiph mr victor coleman montreal mr w oowdy lime house and the following employees of uic city of uullph associates of mr h b nlcklln city engineer messrs william stephens o a scroggtc d heron o d hastings h j b leadlay robert dyson russell stephens a rcptke c ii barber t k nlcol and m robertson the llhjb uelioal literary haeuty in form i on january 35 uie acton continuation school literary society hrld their mccupff after a short address by uiu chairman ivan klrkness uu minutes were rad and adopted the piagramme was supplied by form h- so uie vicepresident isabel fimlul occupi ed the chair and delivered a very inter esting address which was followed by a humorous play by kauiorlne uie wart jack skllling and herbert hlnton ullbui lerry favored the audience with a piano solo which was- followed by a dsllghtful reading by isabel smith anouier piano selecuon was given by icauiarlnesuiwart which was followed by four talks on comparison of artists by oral chal mers kauialecn maloxxle isabel iiruca and barbara ouuirlc a number of second form puplb very ably gave a pantomime en u lied pish and kit tho critic 1 rev a c stewart u a save a very lfclpful and interesting ad- rcss a vole of uianks was forwarded in l lie critic and tlic meeting woj brought to u close wlui uui national antiu 3 1

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