Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 2

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i r artim jni jlrwfi inun m alto ai na monh oy hrukng molhrni liiixiilinu pncki in fliutrrti trylnu ui ww laut the uwu and ulsmui thromjii thn romrni ko nwiirmliitf nil tin rildnwulkn ulir roiirnt imnnw drrp whnn thi rolllnii marbles hwlft to rover crwp uulr hlvcdup dollies out to lakr the air mrrry lumps undlliif lti hrrr ami thrro children niiyinjf pepper lail ni ropr canj nwlna ily tluil rtjinn of aprlnelltnn yowmav know tin rprlnir anna ll ilryuiit wiuili chumhllll klioukj liign ill- ili uilicic wan handed tu in by un neon luuitr with the re cju hl tii nnd wt did and we llki cl it tin i ll that we are qolns to pass ll on lur the i nrx iikm rcadrrn flu nit know ulu tho author in but ll c in a rutin un paijefl of the ooutli wcriui ilncn published by and lor the- lnipluypca or the illinois otocl company here is the clary lliilrn ram i am saying thin tn at you he asleep one ii i tie paw crumpled under your cheek and uui blond curls oticklly wot on your damp forelicad havu stolen into your bedroom alom jitet a rcut minutes aijo as i sat readlntf my paper in tho library a hot utlrllna wave of remorse swept over me i could not resist it guiltily i cams to your bedside theu aro the things i wan thinking con i liad been cross ui you i scold ed you as you were drenslnff lor ecliool because you aava your lace merely dab with a towel i took you to tack for not cteanlns your chocs i called out ansrlly whonx found you hid thrown mmtaf jqurltulnei oatlicjloor at breakfast i found fault too you spilled thine you gulped down your food you put your elbows on the table you unread butter too tliick on your bread and as you aurted off to play and i made for my train you turned and wsvod a little hand and called goodbye daddy i and i frowned and said in reply hold your shoulders bac then it began ah over again in the late afternoon an i camo up uu hill rood i spied you down on your knoeji playing marbles there were liojoo in your stockings i humiliated you before your boy friends by making you march head of me bock to uie house block ing were expensive and if you had to jmartne thjtt- son fnini jfguiey f ttjntrttierfbmi amy kgmra do yatr remeiiibtf later vmsxi whs reading in the library how you came in toftly timidly with a sort of hurt hunt ed look in your eyea when i cjlanccd up over my paper impatient at tils in terruption you hesitated at uie door what li it you want i snapped you said nolhinjr but ran across in one tempestuous plunge and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me again and again and your small arms tightened with an affection that clod had sent blooming in your heart and which even ntglecet could not wither and liven you were gone pattering up the stairs well son it was shortly arterwards uiat my paper slipped from my lianas and a terrible sickening fear came over me ouddenly i saw myself as x really was in all my liorrlble selfishness and i felt sick at heart what has habit been doing to me 7 the liablt of complaining of finding fault of reprimanding all of these were my rewards to you for being a bay it was not that i did not love you it was that i expected so much of youtn it was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years and there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character you did not deserve my treatment of you son ttie little heart of you was as big as uie dawn itself over uia wide hills all tills was shown by your spon taneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night nothing else matters tonight son i have come to your bed side in uie darkness and i have knelt there choking with emotion and so ashamed it is a feeble atonement i know you would not understand these things if i told them to you during your waking liounf yet i must say what x am saying x must bum sacrificial fires alone liere in your bedroam and make free con fession and i tiave prayed ood to strenguun me in my new resolve to morrow x wu ba a real daddy i i will chum with you and suffer when you suffer and laugh when you laugh j will hit my tongue wban impatient words came i will keep saying as if it were a ritual lie u nothing but a boy a little hoy i i am arrald i luvd visualised you as a man yet as i see you now oon crumpled and weary in your cot x see uiat you are still a bahy yesterday you were in your mothers arms your head on iter shoulder x have asked too much too much dear boyl dear utue saro a peni tent kneels at your infant shrine here in uie moonlight i kiss uie little fing ers and uie damp forehead and uie yellow curl and if it ware not for waking you x would snatch you up and crush you to my heart tears came and heartache and rc- taorse andi- uilnk agreater -deeper- love when you ran uirough uie library door and wanted to kiss me i i do not know of a better shrine be fore which a father or mother may icnocl or stand uian that of a ileeplog child x do not know of a holler place a temple wliere uia is more likely to come into closer touch wlui all uiat is infinitely good wliere one may come nearer to seeing and feeling god prom uiat slirlno come matins of love and laughter at trust and cheer to bless uie new day and before uiat shrine should fall our soft vespcra our grateful benedictions for uie night at uie cot of a sleeping babe all manmade ranks and inequali ties are ironed out and all mankind kneels reverently before uie living image of uie creator to understand a chllijj to go back and grow up sympathetical ly with it to hold its love and confi dence to bo accepted by it wluiout fear or restraint as a companion and play- male is just about the greatest good fortune uiat can came to any man or woman in iuil world and perhaps in any other world for all we know and 1 am passing this confession along to the fauicra and mothers who may bo privileged to rrad it and for ui benefit of all uie little fellers uie growing ear ui blessing little jim mies and dlllys and uaxys and janes of this very good world of ours s mlfv jffrirr jjitha ginut stnrjj last change iduu hli i ffl ll anilhunfl inol vip at the tall thin yoiinit man ntandlng rrnprctfully ruppltunt bcloir him mr ortblilni wan clmrt and ntneky- mi ntully an well nil in figure lj dont believe you v quid imj much if n to me an uio place ho nald liccn iii you say yen nnnwerrd jtoccr down nnd i u witli pnrumonlli a few wrrkt aco i m well rnniigh to work now though a tllnff rtronccr every day a faint n 1 lput shourd in hln hollow cheek h was painfully eager to land tho job h- had just silked for varm labor hard k but hard work where uio doctor ntrd him out of doom it would help i in repairing he ravages that lllnnrji 1 made upon bin financed gimt nf wind miit leavra nnd dunt whirl ing mndly down thr nlrru would mr arllibonn enmr back with lhr htoriu advancing no font or would he find nxiinn onr elw to take uio job if only itoijer had rented longer and been there when mr arlbblns calltd then nho would have none of uila woiry over the job and uie ntonn a doner roll of thunder and ft daili of rain on uio windows ntarund tier iloiefrl he couldnt get liomo now un til tho ntorm won over duroly ho would find nhnlter though but her heart conk within her wlui fear and doubt as a vivid flanh blinded her in uie attempt to peer up the street for a sight 0 him then uio ntorm broke furiously a tumult of runhing rain luiuuv winds there had been a modest little mm i tcrrlfylnir flanh and cranli of thunder in the honk fiavd by uie mutual t-con- oinlcsof rtoijer and pauline- who had changed her name to dnicc at itogert eamrat invitation not so long ago they hud ben co happy co hopeful then came die illnerfl uiat had taken almost their lmt cent and whlcli had made a return to orflco work for a time at least unwise lie is going to offer mo a job but beat mo down on uie pay thought roger watching mr qrtbulna weauier toughened countenance no i dont need you now camo uie chilling verdict i may after a while though x wont make any prom- ise ifjjlllgantontlonigctinoro work out of a day uton he han been doing im going to fire him dont you come bothering here again uiough ive got no ume to ntand round talking for noui- ing if i want you i will let you know lie turned away and strode toward the barn wluiout further farewell roger looked after him ruefully then walked out uie long lane and turned dispirit edly homeward co i am to sit at home and wait for him eh ho murmured hardly he squared hhi nhouldcra and quick ened his gtep there are other farm ers about here mr orlbblnn ill try uicm all unless i land something before i jjot to uie lost one your job i hope iotnylaatvhage iu jlt 1 y hack u tli village thla won a cw volw farmhe had puuiod by going out to jn hbr doaslcd eyes seemed uie try uie larger landowner first ho found vwon flf ft wjna bcbt ur now uiat uie small farmer did all his toamd boau ft terrlned crotfi u ca own work wjui uie help or his son faco of 0ne who hnd btlucd vmt y ire woa kindly in his monnor but could pcat o nbo who wan maatar of wind give roger no cmploymenl qn wav0i of all uungn olwayn and mcut formem have uielr help hired whose love never failed htt own by uils time he said i dont know the lituo crouching tenorstricken any likely place for you you may figure in uie big choir slipped down dtrlke someuilng uiough good luck to down pauline was on her knees pray- you he added with friendly interest j as she had not prayed since that in uie young stronger i awful night when uiey had uiought that was one handicap itogec was i roger was going away a stranger to most of the country people roger where i she knew not but going to town every day to an office no now never never beyond uie love vcr sjnee they had come to the village bnd power and keeping of uielr heavcn- x live had not brought him into con- 1 i father act wlui uie farmers borne he bad she did not know when uie storm met at church or course these had passed over and ended dhc only knew no idea any more uian their village that tho storm of rebellion and bitter- neighbors and acquaintances of theness and falling faith had been stilled jtraitcned finances of uie pranperoun m her soul by a power not of earth lodklng young people roger too pt she knelt still her face hidden against hem last on his mental list of possible j the padded arm of rogers chair draw- mployers call it foolish young pride m a long catching lituoghi breath or sturdy independence as you will now and uicn aftermath of the sobs roger and pauline were careful to give i that had ured her so the world out- hint of any difficulties in uiat dli grew still blessed peace after uie rectlon not even to older frtonda ond nolic of storm the nun gleamd out relauvea i lowering in uie west and a wideflung and lightning what if rogi r were out in the oneu country too rar from shelter to ctape a drcnchlng7 pauline shrank rrori window nnd the night of uie temp st she half felt her way through uie oudden gloom to a big cany chair iwhgero chair where ho had spent so many weary houro of convalclccnce in the weeks just passed were all her care and the dmtoro skill to be net at naught now she won dered dumb wiu misery roger would never stand uia cold a relapse now weakened an he was by long iun6sn why did it all have to happen so juiucrrchclllqdwcllcd up la hcrtroubku heart she cast aside ute thought of mr qrlbblns and bin offer he would not return ihat chalice was gone this no longer mattered if only roger were wlui her nafaly sheltered from uie storm nothing else would matter not the last chanoo in uio world she thought des pcrately it dldn t seem it wasnt fair roger won trying no hard they had both tried to bo no brave and cheerful to make the bent of a bad business to help themselves to keep fast hold of uielr faith and hope and now she gripped her amall hands together and sobbed aloud there alone in uio storm dis tracted halfdarkncsn myjijjiiiug fnhifi iujjuufluuii thci w a i hook bin lirad at w buppoic li trli i it with mr7 mr 1 wliuiuiud piikimid us ho fiutight ui i wont overwork him wut jn i nvcr ttt liln ihiuih to tiftt r job put in mr arlliblmi hut i wmil it nil worker 1 11 uvii him u f hitnre bow would ion like to drive and cant for my rur for a while dr giman bid riifht tlun thorn was a iwlnkln in hid uood old eyrn i wan going to hunt a new man to morrow i didnt know how lo rpare the time but my man in off on a bigger job that wouldnt yilt about the book keeping too you can look after mine if you will when i am in for ortice hiiiirn odd mm fa cvrnlngn it will keep you ut nf mluchlnf ill add the puy for hint to your other salary of con awful nulnnnoe inennlng over those books inynuir been wlnhlng for somebody to do them for mnhr nald jo pauline glr you know whrre i go to work tomorrow i thanked mr wlnntead and mr orlbblnn for uielr of rn i felt like thanking old mr grlb- b fur breaking hin nrm and meeung the doctor and getting me n job my init uml only chancu at it too far otherwise dr carcon would never have thought of me an u driver for his ear he would hnve found some one else to morrow an it iioa turned out i am going to be on tho road a lot uilff suiii- mer with one of uie finest doctors ever 1 will lie getting uie nun and uie air i need and earning uie salary that ulll make old bad luck take to uie woodn bad luck i piltdlno repeated tho words softly there nevvr was any nucli uilng roger ijefii iny tlinnk you leather for uio best love nnd care his children could nnk and two young heads bowed rever ently side by side in glad thanksgiving where one had bent in deepest despair such a htuc while before uldainroar- tud btormraullnc almost and httlc rhrcfc hv- growth renult or wit rapid dryhi uirnw arveral palls of tattcji b m ft q aoo iiiaf fi u lahalz ysebixliexcwgmiwtwtfc proacliful volcuwhy are ye fearful and the planu set us trttrpen ground ti parm note arch af rainbow coloni spanned the still clouded eastern sky then faded its glory all unseen by her roger wan safe go me where nouilng cculd do him real harm whllp ood reign we will get uirough on our own they assured each ouier bravely yet lib troubled eyes met paulines anxious rauicr folomly uiat noontime over uie dainty if none too sumptuous lunch i ho told or the long frulucso tnpod lie know he would not hurt roger the morning nor let anything hurt him it would i am going to rent tfti hour he tt come right if only they held fast planned as they fin tailed then ill to the faith that knows no fear hike out in uie opposite direction it i and then ft step on uio porch a may be that good luck is just waiting buoyant step like rogers before he was for me out uicrc l mi a lltuo gay whisue two utue im sure it is pauline tried to say mgnal notes like no other whistle in it briefly anyway mr grlbblna work the world she rained her head to and would be awfully hard ive heard that him ntoncung in the livingroom door lie drives his men so dreadfully that cafe sound dry with a smile on his none of them stay long lips and a light in his eyas uiat after sm facth about canada the 1030 million of uiat popular an nual so00 pacts about canada edited by prank yelgh uie wellknown can adian auuior and publicist b now efff uie prs and contains a wealth of material thatx pteunts uie surrlng story of our national pnigress in crisp con- creta turin many new features mart this 1mu0 sucji as uie striking expan sion during tlie ten yearn since uie armis tice as wnll as uie numarkabte advance tuada hi uie but 13 monuis period of ca ret year t1u booklet tells canada mot ehvelively and u widely jlatrtbutad for uiat purpose while it is invaluable to any canadian wiio whiles to know hbi owu country tlie w chapter of conunu laua tho all-doniln- um fctory hi a nuuhcll oouli may lw liad at 35 cenu iroiu wdlng naws- iwauni or fnuu tlie rjonaduui vaeib iub- luhtng co fl8 huron turotiu toronto i i am not lookfcig for a softsnap a dazod second brought her to her feet 111 soon be equal to anyuilng lie boost- 1 what i were you scared most out of cd yet he was glad to lie down and your senccs at uie storm gauier suengui for uieftemoons auost i nu arm drew tier close x thought an liour later lie struck out wlui a of you busy as i was but listen i cheery goodbye toward uie unexplored have a great story to tell you farm lands on uie ouier side of uie u drew her down into uie big easy vutjge j clialr beside him he hod not been gone an hour when j i was a mile or more out an the mr grlbbltis drove up to uie front gate mill road when i saw uiat big cloud he hitched his team to paulines pet really meant business it was no use tree stalked in heavily and demanded trying to make it back home much as to sec roger pauline explained his i wished uiat i could instead x made absence and invited uie old man in tracks far uio nearest farmhouse as no ho refused gruff ly i cant waste it liappencd uila was mr winsteada umd here i fired uiat loafer sanson place you know those nlco people who i wonted your man to go right back go to our church they were scurrying with me and get to work i cant wait about gctung things closed up for uio nor traipse round hunun for him he storni i helped round up half a doaon pulled out a big watch and frowned at hens with their chickens then mr ute umc x was coming to tho elation winstead and bob and i liad to mako after come freight or i wouldnt have u dajih for uio bam just before uio wind bothered to came after him to offer him and deluge struck us uie chance ive got to go load up and just as we reached shelter there get home- as fast as i can he- turn- came a clatter and rattle and hang cd to go looks to me like a uiunder- and a lot or shouung and down uie starm coming and my teams young and jano tore a team of frightened horses nervous 1 want to get them back in the uith old mr qrlbblns cawing on the bam before the storm breaks lines in an effort to stop ulem beared pauline thought fast what would at uio thunder they were running blind roger do u he were there accept the and crasy straight away from home job she decided it might be hard i tlie wagon pole struck uie barn made harder by a driving employer one of tho horses went down in a- but it would mean an income what heap though not hurt a mite an wr could she say or do to hold it for him found arterwards the ouier stood there ui keep uie olfer open until he come to tnmbliug poor beaat claim it mr qrlbblns wasnt so lucky he desirable annual flowerinq plants annual flowering plants sliould be em- ployodmorahugolyuaaauiaynow are- to improve home nurroundings onu sup- ply cut flowers for lnalda decorauon ihoy are easy af culture and will do well in almost any garden coll wlui few exception uiey may be seeded to the open ground in the early spring as soon as the ground can be prepared ix a good stand rcnulu thinning to about nix inches npart should be done if started under gloss or in a hotbed in order to get earlier bloom uie seed in sown in rows in ahollow boxes gen crally termed flats when the plants an aufllclently advanced uiey are trans planted to other flats in these they aro spaced two inches apart so that cccuon of noil may be cut out with each nlnnlglmn and the planu set tcj lhtripcii ground when fairly woll developed wluiout uie necessity of transpianung into ouier flats there ore many varieties listed undor the various kinds and unless for- special work mixed sorts are advised prom time to time many of uio varleucs offer ed have been tested at the experimental station icentvllle and it is largely a matter of choice on uie part of uie in dividual as to what may be considered ho best group planung in borders or at uie base of shrubbery ruuier uian formal bedding is advised as requiring less work and uiuitlly giving a more pleasing effect those carts suitable for cut flowers should also be planted in rows in uie back gurden so that an ample supply tor this purpose nny be available for edcng sweet alysnum utue dar- rlt and cindytuft whlte tagetcs blg- nata pumllo yellow and lobelia crystal palace gem and dwarf ager- atum blu star blue are very satis factory or thj cverlamlngs ilallchrycum buawluwcr acrocllnium alabe am aranth gomphrcna and btatlce ore uio bmt ptr cut flowcm as well as for gencr- plantlng the snapgragon anur- rhnum u one of uie bcol it is usually slarlcd bisidc there aro many kinds and sorts intermediate in height ore probably tho most satisfactory tlie an nual single chrysanthcnum and uie double vurloty bridal robe arc both good they arc usually started inside corcopnln drummondll and c tinctoria e two uf tho best uicso may be seed ed outside counoo should be more ex tensively grown and uie planu should be started inildo tlie annual larkspur may be seeded outside as well as gynso- phlla qalllardlo lavatcra bcahlous qwcet sultan bachelors button bhlr- ley or other popples bchlionuius ncmesla nlgolla sunflowers in variety mignonette hasturuum bwan juver daisy african daisy dlmorpliouieca calendula cdna and indian xhnks dlonuius lupine lchschaltxla and balplglossls the tender annuals such as balsam and zinnia had better be torted inside and planted out after danger from frost u past phlox drum mondll petunia verbena nicouana ax- nnls and ten weeks stock should also bo started inside tho owoot pea sown outside as early as possible should be included in all planungs of annuals because of uie dlscou whlchjulacks the aster we have not mentioned this ex ceptionally flno flower experimental farm note it won good or you to come for him vuit out uf the wagon as if he had mr grlbbon she said smiling into the been ured from lt uio polo struck pun old race i m mire ho would bt- h- mnnagfd to break an arm when he 3 lad to have uie work if he were only liindtd hrc to nay so would you could you we gathered him up and got him ocbly atop here again on your way into the barn bob got the fallen lioi back froni the ntfttionl he might ho fire of the liamcia and up and stabled home tlicn if he nnu the ltorm com- j hum both until the storm was over ing he may turn back he oughtn t to wrapped in a horho blanket i ran to get wet you know the houut and telephoned for dr cation huh poor help on a farm if lw to conn right cut as soon as uie storm cant stand u wetting he grunted lulled a little he came prompuyhu 4cvcruielcu he paused he hnd a pro- cm lin i afraid of storms it scams jlc liable bargain in mind he wasnt fixed up tho win and uiey got uie old ive txc to making another try at seeing man all in good shape for bob to drive linger he was careful not to let paul- lum homo the doctor went to run his no see this howover lie stood silent cur out or uie wagon shed when he i moment then nald ungraciously vas ready to laavc and found uiat it i suppose i might do tnut a u wouldnt budg ho is no mechanlcon bit out of my way but 1 ii see if i can und the wlnsteads dont have a car irive through here and give him a last it wan me to the rencuo then i was luuicc run- glud that i had tinkered a lot oh thank youl i know he will up- irtuud i he old family bus at liomc i predate umt cried pauline i do nope round the trouble ond in a utue whilo got him n ady to go right then the real run began paul ine di caroon pulled out his wallet und wanted to know how much lis owed me i laughed at the uioilght or him owing mo i with uiat bill of his stand ing for pulling me through bo lie put he comes back in umc ho docs need the work ruuier badly you know inntunuy bhe was sorry nhe had said that uhc saw the flicker of greed in the biuull ryes uiat watched her wul no trace of sympathy or kindness in ulem tlllrc ive blunder ud i have made j hit money away and glared at me ben it harder for poor roger if lie does go tvulcntly work for that awful old man she i hank you roger he said if uiat bought as he departed h all thu pay you wont for a clrvcr iur several minutes she stood on uie piece af work who taught you uiat porch looking aiixloujily up uie street i trick i uiouglit yau were a book- tor roger would he come in ume to i keeper grasp thr chance her pretty face grow i explained my practice in tinkering strained anil oldar looking under uie uie family gocart nervous tension a rumble jof uiumur drive too7 lie shofc at mo next i lent her hurrying lu close doors and admitted the charge windotts her uioughu and fears tlcw v what were you doing away out foiuflr uian her nimble fiiel now qulb- it ta lit oukwl abruptly i confessed tlan after qulklum towi hi bur mind to i jul what you ordered you know toriomt and to add to iwr alarm wlura i oddod in fulfddfenco irt roger now had he unn the storm outomlooro work yes uie owned mlng und turned back in ume loii dldu t nay or think farm work uiough do not boast of radical changes improvamcnu to durant cars are addi tions to ilub quality features atieayeibelhiiej durant cars in uie new series do not boast of any radical changes but ad here strictly to uie principles of quality which have aiwayn distinguished dur- it products true uioughuul changes liavo been made refinements to the red seal continental ihcad motor add to thxir power pickup and speed and in ad dltlon make possible an even flow of tremendous power tlie new flushtype steering li proving exceedingly popular and in uiis connec tion it may bo said that the now durant ccrn nicy be controlled wlui even greater i tluui previous models tills is duo o raflncments in the steering gear whlcli provide far the full ute nf the complete steerbig radius this year it is the policy of each durant dealer to place a car at uio dlunonal uf every pruipcct in order uiat he may judge tho car for himself and make ills own comparisons this cour is bfllng extended wluiout any obit gdtlori whatsoever and simply as a means of making the public more familiar wlui tho quality features of durant cars wtato kffi treatment tljuktf- tionh ankwk1iu in pri purbig for lljo spring uctlviuea in oiiuwtloii with trikttiiftit of mul uiiuuuu it lu wi 11 to rnvlnw wmio or the qiuutloim whlrli wnrn pijatirtui n d lu the runhuf ulfnlrn lust ymr having doubt and confuiilun an to tho method iifi and iu ttecuvneu aulltorlueji agree tllut ued treauncht is iwiieflclui and while thu operutlnn in occasionally overlooked the calufuclory experience of a few in so doing must not bo acreplcd an a guide to the majority it in ad visable tlieroforo to treat your seed po tatoes in treating feed potatoes we have any one of lhreo chemicals from which to select for thin purpose namely hot formalin oraunlc mercury compounda and corrosive sublimate t4urtlrv nam ed given rxcelhnt cauareclloii when uhed ut the rale of 1 pint of commercial formitllu to 13 gallons of water the tubem are dipped in this solution for two mlnulen whrn the temperature is held at 118124 degrees v tills is a con venient method where large quantities of potatoes arc to be treated an accurate dairy uiennometerbi resentful it is often convenient to liuul uio potatoes to a nearby creamery where steam is avail able to keep the temperature even organic mercury compounds liave much to recommend them as seed po tato disinfectants they ore being im proved each year and it is expected uiat uielr use will render seed treatment less troublesome the corrosive sublime meuiod consists in soaking the seed potatoes l hours ut a solution composed of 4 ounces af comudvn sublimate in 35 gallons of water onehalf an ounce of uie chemical u added after each treatment of 1 4 hours invcnugatlons extending over a period of four years at uie dominion laboratory of plant pauiolagy chariot- tctawn have demonstrated umt uie solu tion la lneffecuve after uie third took the extra half ounce added after uils period li wasted and sliould be proflubly used in preparing a new solution furth ermore it has been learned uiat uie strcngui of uie solution weakens rapidly jnieprexcnceofhrnken ulberajjidpo tato juice therefore uils eource of trouble is to be avoided if success is pcld general precautions include uie following i dissolve uie corrosive sub- umcate in not less uian one gallon of very hot water a treat only tubers free from dirt throwing viur on uie pile will help to avoid uils difficulty 3 use two clean casks alternately plugs made of long suckn make it easy to drain uie casks after each treatment 4 prepare new solution alter uiree treatments 5 do not treat in bags 0 use no ft water if possible hard water weakens uio solution 7 put trailed seed in a clean place to dry quickly do not leave them in uie bate mrnffliwllsr he did it an american lawyer was sitting at ids desk one day when a chinaman entered you lawyer he asked yes what con i do for you7 you good lawyer i hope so how much you charge if ane china man klllum nothcr chinaman to get him off oh about woo to defend a person accused of murder borne days later uie chinaman return ed and banged down t5oo on uie lawyers desk albright he said i klllum this is your luck if you treat sore throats bronchitis croup cough branchial asuima head colds cotarrh and tonsil ills with mro cybllla bpsliars tonallltls good re- nults or money back e j hansard piles m fwwl by tllmliullna iks inuraalnimnatuluxoriluuljfedv ll a hsnalm lfrlksl truabt tkat for ovtr twenty year kas bun succmtfully ciuinff cvwry fww cj pile evr mllrt otiicr rcaiuic v luuliulled at nil ood druggus natures kile remedy nm aaumm mtlboul haw a w um1 a t brown druirfrist i1uving tiik uochy mountains tony dccapfllo was one of several hundred americans and near- americans who at one time or another liad been afltred uie itocky mountains the wash ington monument ur uio woolworth hiilldlng at a ridiculously low price some hud fallen by uie wayside and purchesud tony lirsltaud and savad hlmtieir bj tarrybig why yuu no buy da rocky uounm linked a frintid you wc remarked tony uieres too nine ha da bunk in dla america ue- fnre i buy i plcka up da beeg magaslno to rtad ull about uie blga mountain on t no iage da words say for me to reaolia for a clgarettu and no eata da sweel dat maka inckinny hoi hoi uy wifa varie she eata moocha sweet and she skinny like spukhct me i smoke all da tiiiio and i weigh two hundra pretty mur luo niucha da hunk dose itocky mluntuln imned by man named denver- ulieudy no can loal luny lak dal no sir oca america girls tat man if nuioto und most times day skinny over in italy cundy too i xpeuslve for most and cveroiil but my uarlo look like clearing auction sale in atln township farm stock implements etc the undersigned has received uutruc- uann from uie executors of uie estate of uie late j w burt to sell by auction an uie premises lot 17 concceiuon 0 situated on uie 17 ui slderoad erin township on ituday march s3 1d2s at one oclock sharp the following horses roan marc registered 11 years drown mare 10 years this la a ffnrki t teamot bay qcldlnga 7 and 8 years ray marc 7 years cllglblo for registration cattle spotted coflf fresh jeisc cow milking well black jersey milking uell red durham cov due hi apill wldle cow milking dlack houteln cow freali jersey cow registered dur- hiim cow fresh durham cow milking ucll these cows are nearly all young and are goad milkers 3 durham heifers jersey llclfcr black bteer yearling 3 steers 10 monuis old 2 calves six monuis old i young calves 3 pat steers piag york sow with pigs 13 pat hogs bheep 0 good breeding ewls bred 3 ewe lam hi bred oxford lamb fowl 40 pullets guilds bredtoluy 3 roasurs iutlumuntu mccoanlck dcerlng dump rake 10 foot mccormlckdecring hay tedder mccormtckdccring mower i foot cut uccormlckdeerlng culuvat- or 15 tooth uccarmlckdccrlim 10 disc harrow wlui tongue truck uccormlck- dcrlng hinder 8 foot bet sloop slclglu 3 truck wagons democrat peter mm uton cutting uux cutu r spraying muclilne jack and engine watjon uot- tam inuirow disc mccorralckdccruur osoctlon harrow 3sectlon tlarrowr potato splitter turnip drill half share 3 no 31 phury plows 3furrow plow mckeiiale ijtato planter 13 share tlie above implements are nearly new scut- at sleigh tongue wlieclbarrow gravol box hand spray barrel grind stone chicken crate pig crate 3 oak barrels set log bunks j otecl drums ctin planter 3 canuioofca bolster tim ber porks and shoveb siyuic log tongs block pulley hay pork double trees ncckyokoo and whloictrces quanuty of lumber stowart power clippers quanuty prult uaskeu and craus apple itoss attachment potato unroyer pick and grub axe duuitr iill grain bags harnkils 3 sots team harness hay and grain quanuty of hay quanuty of seed barley quanuty of wit at sweet clover quanuty of pota- teiuuu hay grain sweet clover pal cuttle fat hogs veal calves fowl and bums ut 10 00 and under cosh ovtr umt amount 13 monuis credit an approved joint notes acceptable at the royal bank lrln off for cash no roacillnc hit hud ijwjud it qnbkluiuli bur ip- itatlh- u hunk und uuu lnlhf iifllmt dilnlilu wh n an old frtrild iiiim uloni filing food bu im ji lukul tin frh ml yfius a jjli ndld lit hi r jiihi in front or the bunk youre right vun tlie hnppy an- r on hie uvirui i upio 1 make aluiut lir a day hlu frlmd nordid him xnvlnu ily fur u u ennd then jm rhapi you could li nd mi js he ai ked lorry wn the brujc retort but i nnt do that ivi got an arrnngemi nt dth tho bank acnii tbo ny ihiy wnpm rill any lunclun und i b nil no i money tt and all you have to do is try its flavour once salada tea fresh trom the garden old chaste june mnkc rich sjwaf nd tty lb 28c brand glrei carrolls own wrap- n cwrtr ped p loaf 9o a bcon fancy mild cured ijjcil aliocd per lb 29c cuartul to cottaeo rolls smoked projuc raaulta boneleaa per pound 27c irtnr rcipprtd herrins macono- chios 1lb tin 2zc qc kippc srsaxlu 5 tins 25c rdravan pitted q dates z 27c special puffed seeded raisins 2 21c in bullc special groceries rinso eclair 3t sor i5c ks for 3sc special jacobs pure carroll own creamery butter raspherry jam rrteat ihstiit- 40oz special per lb fancy- fiwdwsd salted peanuts as britiiri choice loganberries l i9c b uy them at pttmplfirt aylmer clioice carrolls 2v tia 3 tin 25r spmcb aylmer fancy no quality 2 tw isc tfa s wc bn spring valley 1ijt clioice 2a 2 tlbs 35c greater atronsth com aylmer golden ban- j fi tara fancy tin icc er poun budc cbemes aylmer 60c 65c trand 2s tin 19c m pricou per pound 23c aylmer tomato catsup 15c 1 2az bottle special choice bulk pure cocoa 2 23c specin i umulumlliiltuulijlejxifiilukjl j r t jiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiaiijlrriuiiui i iwjjq nm uel luiiuo before it trtjjcej a rljim that jyould he too btrnnuqus for you my tuh too mucha da bunk w f gttay hoy iklnulbv aurtloncra iauuknck i1uut annik it uoveltian ooldwuj uuiir fcucculora penny wise cni aved i not alway- a peiinv earned somel ine it is two jiennies lot tlie iiltmllillll ll hmllds lltllillr oil atl- ertisn i ii lining false economy lii i es in iiles far cvcccd the pennies ax ed tin ne eiitfor plate flas win- lo- is loolctl on a- lost nor is tlie iuic spent mi lietter interior lighting ii v tliiiu that increases faor thai cis to 1 s ihat multilies customers i- i es p- i crh njrdel as a ool nuc-l- ninil derti- in is a ood in e-tineiil- jus a- nl ii ji las- windows are dertis- ina is le plate llas wini low the merchant i an sciul into eer home advertisinf rlls moie i lo more persons than shoow iixlows do a wokci to the public dojpit utiit luiviinr n merclutnl addnh hit mihstki to jmi nt i lie fonn of an athertiiememt in our ctjlmunn on the rtnilrnr u not our iinpulc tu resiwiiul to lili friendly oer- tures vertisements are store windows h mwnieiiiiiimfflaieflnfflmi iip uiiw iwiriwuiiiiiamiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiaiiii i

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