Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1929, p. 6

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ill llk ur mar itt sr iw tlu fllwlu rtr iiirm lsaili w w lr it rlra it an an mown mwiski ik on sunday april 30 i0jd to mr 11 ml mm outrun ii wuujiln tire rrtiite woodhull a baby toy mm mitchhi in nrlon tnunrhlp fin monday april 2d 1030 sarah flln- beth i uhrnjlll widow nt lllchnrd mitchell aged 131 yearn vvjn at her home at coiiipbellvllle on wednesday may 1 1030 kllerr jane moor widow of thr late tluimas weir tlie funeral will ur lietd with service at nt david a pnrbyteruin church csmphellvhie on friday at 3 30 p in interment at thr neu cemetery in mtmottlam auufpk in loving memory of my di ar wife who died may 3 1038 we cannot lord thy purpose see but all la well that a done by thee ever remembered b jiughand and pamily foster in loving memory of ileitiy w poster who uos killed april 2d 1038 a tad yr has flown mill e remember a loved one known who is rent inn i his heavenly home sadly missed by mr and mltb w o coleman and son qjhr adott 3far ilrtfiw thursday uay 3 td3p tlilj u may uie fifth month of mayday arrived the gladsome yesterday tlie music of uie lawn motfer la with us again dolly love your neighbor yet dun t pull down your liedge daylight caving time went into effect hi toronto on sunday yesterday woo the day ao eagerly looked forward to by fishermen tub bed of tulips on he soldiers monument plot wllj soon be in full bloom neighborhood news liaivlnak a ihr vmim peoples society of h united clmrrli lit it their last mcrtlug of tin imron on wrdnuduy vfnhig for tin rummer tnnntlm mr and mm jnuleji fif cn wmnn corn- i v vpllcd tin sunday ut tlu htnnr of ml t annli mhortlll mr m greuron anil mrjc melmigh- lln iif aclon were visitors on uuuilay nt thr luun of mr a soper mr rn ada and plhrl swlndlnhurst of aeoruf touii fpuil the urfk end at their hninr hem mr ilurlt ihitrlirr of george loan ntnrtrd hit week on lili vieikly roiiiitbi for uie nu miner month 1 nprrlnii find pulntllic unci gardening are un order of th tiny duulin dublin llranch of the women j instt- lut ti hi tbrir annual meeting in april ni ihr sneaker from thr department la going tf addrcin thr branch tn may thu meeting uni held at tin home of mm j btuart two delegate- arc bring sent to the girh conffrliicc in opclph on may 0 0 id the rkctlon of offlcn n milted oj follottb prerldcnt mm john utlwart 1st vice president mro aoottfa uomrrvillc 3nd vlccpredldent mrn wcboter oecrctory treasurer mlna min nie gomcrvillc dlrectora mra d mc- dotiirall mm wm ilrackrn mra tlioa btorcy and mm j jllack proerammc cammluuv mliu plora ssyeru minn marffarct waldlc itcprcbcntatlven to the district annual mm j otunrt mian minnie somcrvlllc mm d mcdousall and mm wm nrncken audltont mra a bomcrvllle and mm aklrui ofjpbingf feller len t lhlnkln uouwr2wy contliitf auiiduy 7v4ray 13 act jeady to make the moat of it for lier aalce home of u early summer cnthuai- au liave already placed ui lawn mowem into vymmutilon yea fialitna ootnnunoed ilope youll get toriie good ones boys opeckjed heautlea are one the baavy frosts and enow flurries di4 i1u1 damaffe otlusr uian dampen the ardor of uie aorly hardener police uafiutrate moore 1 learn about ten case per week of infraction of the iuehwsy traffic act theae days ur william middlemen jr hau pur- cluued uie new brick liouae on mill otreet cast from tlie aeorgetown lumber co ffvry man wlio la aeen dursing the carden indiutrloualy for a lialf liour or mo uieu days cannot be branded as a sardan entliuauut aent you eud wm gunltn time and uiat wlntera cone away aren t you eud ita time for dlfifllnff and for plant ing adj today soon ur gardener youll be hoeing waeda nunuiuj nojea for beans to climb sae the daffodil aflutter arent you ulad its srardan uma7 tuo regular maetlng of lakeside cliapter i o d k was held on tuesday evcnlnff at ute liome of uiu prmncca hurst churcli qtxeet messrs archie qlnclolr and david robertson were buslncui vtnltoii to detroit recently and mm archie campbell of hamilton spent ho vceknnd with mr and mm d ii wilson mrn w o morley ouelph epent a few days wltli licr nlccc mm d q itobertson mrn geo ilobcrtcon held a qulltlr u bec one day loot week mr elgin sinclair gait visited lib liome over the weekend mt and mra fred mccutchcon tor onto opent the weekend wilh mr aqd lira albert mccutchcon mm c ijaldic and mr j klrkwood are both come what unproved kuttfrirft jltitn krwf unclaoomicd small advertisements mkij wm iiamiiion mn wm ihunllton died at her lyimo in lrufnljiii jiownnhlp rurly prway morulnil a pi ii ij nifcd thlrlythrrfl yuarn bin wun tin younucit flnilchter of julnri joliiiifin drnyton nnd ihr latn cnrollm jfilinron fonmrly of mllum ulio wai very hluily rmptrled by hrr many frlendi untt nilfthborii 01 it uili on artlat and author and nil ncllvc member of uio omnah i id rary uocluty ejho wtuj i jv r of flimrni and linr home wan beau tiful ulth navcru tlm work of her own linudi oho in im vivid by in r husband six minn nnd twi5 dautfhteni all at jionii- i ilno lur filth r jumm johnson of dray- ion tun nloterii mra ft dlrnburff belle itiver mrn l johlinon of west lonin and thn i brothem harry mid ira jolm- ron of drnyton and hutiioll johnaon of acton rhu fuucrnl took place from hur lull r nldcncn on sunday afternoon in c vein re n cemetery mikon thn iet ulcen belnij conducted by itev j w icitchlng pastor lr hornby ullltctt church the floral trlbuten were many nnd beautiful milton champion lr and ursmac- underlilll omt baby jean hamilton visited the webb family on saturday nassaqaweva between tlie opening ball game and tlie opening of the trout fiablng aeawn yesterday there was many a buglncao man reported nj out of town tlie office inurior flttlngs at uio publk dtultles oftloe liave been altered this vek and tlie new arrangement give quite an unproved appearance a rather serious case of obtaining money on fab pretences by ute use of fargtd clieouea is being beard by magis trate uoora at georgetown this after- lioon ur tony restlvo wlio ha been la tlie fruit buslneas here for several years has opened a fruit store in milton he will continue to deliver fruit in acton two or thrm days per week uay is building her house die using blooms from her secret looms petals and blades and moases and clover yea out of the winters flying sleet alie u hiking all the summer sweet ur and sirs bert mowat have purcliased the one new residence on lrederlck otreet just being completed by contractor cordlner it is a tjl- flnuhdd liouae and will make an attrac tive home on sunday night last mr ivan harris of lot 24 concession 3 naasagawcya had his house take arc from his chlinney burning out and snarka dropping down in the old fireplace and burning through into the room about one o clock at night he woo awakened fortunately he had two barrels of rain water handy which he and his neighbors ued in putting out the arc he had a xery narrow escape from having his house urncd down meairo george lamb and thomas diamond were elected eldcra of eben- czcr united church for three ycara and u1 bo inducted into office next sunday morning after which the quarterly com munion and sacramental service will be held mrs a t wilson of icnatchbull visited relatives and friends in milton over uio week end mr harland wluum of ouelph itoad nacsagoweya has a twoyearold colt utricken with lock jaw tlie nasaagaweyn presbyterian chuch young peoples society put on a play in the township hall brookvluc last tuesday evening which wafi greeted ulth a full house till iati jam a w lit all am prom the tltiinville herald we copy the following extract from an ortlclr concerning the late- jamrs w gralinm who died here on april 10 it will b rend with intercut by the many friends liaro of this esteemed gentleman wlio npent the last years of hut life in acton mr graham was nn expert account ant and ho came to tltiinville hi 1010 the year following uio establishment of the herald with the exception of few yearti a pent with other business concerns his entire residence in titus- vllle was spent with the herald and tor a number of years he directed uie business affairs of the puper of quiet and unassuming manner mr grsham spent mast of but time at the herald office ho flfnljated wit uie vltusvtlld masonic arganluuohj early ul uie seventies and was one of uie oldest mcihbcra both in point of years of life and in ycara of membership he has served as uie leading officer of all of the tllusvllld masonic bodies and an ac quaintance stated to the herald lost ilng that ho made a special trip to scotland to finish his work in rea masonry mr araham wan past worshipful master of oil creek lodge no 303 p at a m past high priast of aaron chap ter no 307 ttoyal arch masons past illustrious master of occident cnim it la said thnt his knowledge of prets masonry was greater than any member ever artlliated with uie titusvihe branches mr oraham was never married was of dignified presence courteous to all wlui whom he came in contact strict integrity and held in high esteem by all who knew him he was bom on tebruary 13 and celebrated bla 04th birthday this year continued finm pn toh haft f mldntnehul udld hrlrk live roomed iltnme klrctrlc iluht nnd watir bar- gi in for fiufrk inlr agiply miu1 alick muepiuciujon prfih rlrk hlrn t caud ov niankh r john allen and reutlven of tli if 3 mrri nellli allen wish to ciiprcns tl r deep gratitude for all thn acts of kinilntiis and thounhtful helpfulneu anil u preasinnn of sympathy so bountifully shown by ilev i a nawyer ot albans ciinlr and y p a acton llaptlht church mil y p u llewelnorib bluw co iloy sci its dear m l friendn and neighbor du ng the lllnrnn and at the unn or th i sudden ben nvement tin iimory of these and of thn hfnullrul floral tributes and thr m rvlc by the clioir will ever rcrnnlll 0 twlaoo ti ndelty wantkd tenders for drawing gravel will ue rrcctved by the undersigned until may m at 5 p m particulars of require ments may be secured from municipal officer mcphercon the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted h n parmkr clerk jl w lvi 4 m 1 ft rrtii zw notice noueo is hereby giver tat uie bvlaw quiring tiat all logo bq prohibited from running a large between may 15 and ecptcmbcr 16 will be strictly en forced owners of dogn will see uuu uie animals are kepi tied up during this period nnd avoid penalties mcphebson phief of pyi1lrr- bonationb to national sanitarium the treasurer of the muskoka hos pital for conaumpuvcs desires gratefully to acknowledge the following contrlbu tlons received in acton by the field secretary of the national sanitarium association fcveuton mr am lnteretung window exhibit by uiu bulldog troop of boy bcouts in a t brawns allow window this week has drawn much attention and favorabc- eoniment on the work of the boy ocatit outanuauon toronto has had a reduction hi milk pride 15 pjgtt tickets are now procur- sbls for m in acton one dollar buys m pinu of milk and has always just another argument of uie clieaper living in uie smaller conununltlea and mra e m awrey ivan and elgin of clifford were sunday visitors with mr and mra w usherwood mlsn lucy usherwood returned home an saturday after spending several weeks wim mr and mrs w robertson and family ouelph itoad mrs w plctclier and son joseph and mr charlie head of ouelph spent uie tteckend wiui col and mm head mr and mm fred murray were also visitors at uie some homo on flundaj gordon herron accompanied by his boy friend motored from toronto on saturday and spent uie weekend at his home itev mr culp relumed home- on satur day after spending a week at syracuse and bridge burg mrs henry hortop and charlie of ouelph and mr and mrs c w jlortop of rtocfcwdod were sunday visitors at uie home of mr and mra w h hortop mr john fielding teacher at 8 b no 7 spent uie weekend with mr and mrs j a benham near fergus mr and mra c macdonald or to ronto were visitors at the home of uie thompson family over uio weekend mrs g g robertson and pearl spent monday in acton nelson t co mclean al co miss m z bennett rev a c stewart carroll bros a friend c matuicws r lelslunan norton motors h a cose v s mm m moore miss macdonald miss nephew miss hurst miss mcmillan miss lawcon miss orr miss anderson sunday contributions 3 00 3 00 3 00 150 i so 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 two or a klni jnurs rullid to liv hu friend unlit mid while wultlng in came llttln mu tlmlfh johhh ml dowuut dm phiuo and played konlf thing he thought would unpen o thn child when lie flnulied lie turned round and fuld well whut do ynii think of hint i nun i piny ellher wai tlu nn- pxfierled reply not mutll uihkmiiiinfu iln teacher wan doing hrr very leil to instil thn nidinienu of natural history into her young oamrgrn nhn held up before them a picture of u deer bill no one loiild tell her what it wun now tommy she suld pointing to one sniull iwiy nuu ly you know whut thu anlmu is called come now think what fines yoiir mother sniui times call your fattier thr child eyes beamed with in tell uliice well mum he said halunflly it don i took much like a jackass to hiltvinfl aij1 ll km d i l hil i niu iiui ticit all lninmiiiiv 111 nimllyr will ui initkiiig your in ul a mi your gikiili lu iih wild in- ton tr dinner isven mi evfry fl iy li in n r i ei inn to i up intn iln ulun an i xlro frill uk hi it lu mn hut ii k ii in exlreliuly plen bill i lur nnnll pirns of gni fnilf itiiji i t fin u i iiinottiit of kiiik pulji i wltli u lllllf nwiltnid jute ti friilhi lu frimll rorktult uln n thn refrlut rutor to ooi in 1 rrrvlng odd u hi iiplnu i n whipped f rf nm mid n h ny tin rn mn nnd fruit t niihlu l a jluvor hunl to nurpu one irrret u l n ii if d ii tin ol inrllnnti n u fluty uie in rr uikki th hue llfl vi pimeioijsti prnyi r iii whld lnilillir tlu inselvls n i wniiii special bargains spring is here garden seeds government inspected at per pnekef r oil window slindc specials plain and duplex colors ic l 2t wnllpapcr specials 2 rolls for 21c he io r toilet paper huron special 0 for 25c for r kdt our full poica ilceto uai ilmikw tuch rluueru itiirtfiiiwi base bulls nt 10c 25c k sloo baseball bats 30 inch at 2l soft balls at h5c and i1 00 tennis balls nt 15c rubttcr play bolls at 5c 10c 15c 20c jlc c h w hinton sport gooda etc acton on i m brighten the horic with spring comes housecleaning time iaiua fool vaiifl s in i mt mm lit y fhrr ill lu hi uum oiuuvruk u i i tclic r i nnd bulrooms llll io 111 lttll i inftl i i i mil m is in i m is nn i i i i- f itt a tdni rinij ilua sim iai- in 1101 uicofll i j mr silk nnd i t ll n all hi n i i 10 ififuf ir pne ll hh ir l il i r i uliirdi inly jtr fur court of revision the municipal council of uie village of acton wllj meet as a court of re- vslon in the council chamber acton out on tuesday tlie twentyeighth day of may 1029 at eight o clock p m ad prrnana having appeals against the assessment roll for the said village for the year 1030 will take nouoe and govern themselves accordingly notice of an appeals must be received bj me on or before uil fourteen ui jay if may j 020 dated thin second day of may 1030 h n pahmbr 43 clerk geo a re id secretary treasurer may issue ot rod and gun the may issue of rod and gun and canadian silver fox news uie well known outdoor magazine contains a very interesting selection ofi stories and articles among these are uie regular contributions or bannycasue dale robert james and j w winson of established nvrit while in addition touieaa uicre ere several splendid hunting ashing and outdoor stories by other auuiors rod and gun and canadian silver fox news u published monthly by w j taylor limited woodstock oni encouraging t1ic minihtlb rock wood ummiu j ix mcdonald o t luardmore c hansen dr if a cose il j kerr and reeve mason as members of uie rink advisory committee are on a tour of inspection to view links at ilsaverton andfltlierplaccs uday friends ln uiu world of hurry and work and sudden end if a thought comes quick of doing a kindness to a friend ifc it uiat very momeutl don t put it off dont wait whate uie use of doing a kindness if you do it a day too late acton will have quite a quota of visitors at the york bible class mothci day and closing service on sunday may i2ui mr denton uoxcey whose nibte lasons are broadcasted sunday will ad dress this great gauiering on ills sous uouier giiu guide nkws last meeting was a rauier momentous one for uie ouldes lure and a splendid crowd tunud out tlie attraction at uie evening vas a group oi georgetown quid wiu offered uielr iinip in uu carryhig on of uie meeting- ho every quids from acton says a vuit from our neighbor pays why uierea nouilng id lute more to bit than an evening full of fun like uiu on saturday afternoon uie iris patrol wrvad tea from uiree to rive o clock ttxlm ws uie find attempt of uie odldes al taulna money and it rnijltd so wll uit liicie will iw lots more such doings hi th future tlie tiia patrol appreciated uie patron- tw arfurdod and uw tielp of uia otlur guided and boouta who fcltid so mucli hi m n a huocvrnd last niureday evening hortop s mills of um village and evcrloii who arc handl ing a certain line of stock foods put four act play entitled the lay of a hen which drew a largo crowd at a meeting in uio united church last wednesday evening the congrega tion chose as their new pastor rev mr taylor of bclmore last sunday rev l e gosscjln prcaclicd his farewell sermon to large congrcgauons morning and lvmhig at the morning servlco a baptismal cere mony look place when uio infant of mr and mm malcolm mcnabb of ash- grave was baptised at uie close of the evening service mr altx munro of hamilton song a solo which was much nnnrcclatcd- byume present revmr oussuln left on monday lor his new charge with a iwrtlon of his ho wu hold tffrcts as mm aossclin iu remaining or a aw weeks wlui members of uie unilly francis who la contlnuuig his ludirs at ouelph c v i uli the end of uie spring trrm and harwoou of the royal bank staff who will conunue his duties here a few who inert here during the week nd and sunday mr and mrs alex munro and daughter of hamilton mr and mrs kenneth mclrod of ouelph mr and mm john peach of elora mr nd mm malcom mcnabb and babt of asligrove mr johnston hcwat of slmcoe mr and mrs prank moore spent limday and monday at bramsvulc mr and mrs angus carter and family motored to orand volley sunday arter- noon um a j mcalear who has been spending uie winter wlui members of her family ln toronto came up oundfly in company wlui dr and mm taylor mrs mcalear is making preparatlonil to close up uie lions after disposing of a few household effects and pack up what she will take ta fctnn jtapids mich whore she will jolif mr mcaldar we are sorry to lake uiee people as they am high ly resected and liavo made tluir lionm here lor a number of yoara mr norruh if black who was r fliwd to his imilui ului a luiiuiy lllue aunt myra took her handu from uie dishwater wiped them on her apron and gave her visitor a chair her hus band had gone to a neighbor s and uhllc they waited for him to came back sht talked about her home uie school and the church that she attended two mllca away its hard to get there sometimes she said but i manage to go almost every sunday sometimes it rains and i think i can t but generally a little clearing spell comes just before church unit- and we get tn between showers and sometimes it gets hot only lost bunday i uiought i couldn t go it was rultry and the morning a work was hard and by churchtime i was urcd out but i went to uie sink and pumped the big basin full of cold water and i washed my face and i rolled up my sleeves and washed my arms and i splashed the cold water over my wrists and 1 felt a lot better and when i looked in uie gloss my face wasn t so red as you itilcht expect so i thought j d go after all well when my husband saw mo act ing nody he washed moo and put on his clean clothes and i said i declare you look real ulccl and he said well to think ofj lnokrcal nloa too or course in a pnrtlal but it does u body ijood to lilar 11 said anyway sci mn as if our minister always i m w jin t what i needed and x ujouoit i rmon lut sunday was niejiilt or il was practical and gave you lou of comfort too you know the fclfld i crinon i mean don t you when church was out and i was tandlnu in tlie vestibule waiting for my i ui j bund to bring the buggy round the nilnlsttr conn out and what do you think lie said to me ill mrs radford i want to uu you how much you encourage mo preach lug in the summer is hard work bt many people go owuy so many find it easy to stay at home church work reurliin a low ebb but every sunday ruin or shine i know you and your husband will bt here i know how hard you work and when i sie you sitting there reverent and prayerful and atten- livi you arc a rtnl hilp and inspiration and i want to tell you so wlii sir i dldn t know what to say i stooj ihere looking fooluh i gucu but waau t it good of him to say uult i knew all the time my going to churcn was doing me good but who d havo thought uiat i was tncouroglng the min ister busiiesschance for sale as a going concern the ouelph furniture exchange trad ing in all kinds of used furniture and new also household goods and antiques of all kinds the present owner commenced tho business in 1018 but continued ill health forces him to make a change to any one interested ample proof will be given of its moneymaking charac ter the only business of its kind in ouelph and nanconipcuuve will sacrifice also house for sale all conveniences apply o j patrick 00 macdonnell st guelh weekend specials it lbs for zj9c j bars for i thistle brand bak ing powder for mixed cakes 1 lb for maple syrup i bottle for 3 rice lbs for tiger catsup i large bottle for 20c 25c 50c 25c 20c 3cxti bolt cxtracts les for 3 corn flakls packages for grape nuts i packlt for 3 sago lbs for clark s pork and beans 1 large tin c 23c 25c 15c 25c 23c 70 yards green reversible matting ham nelson co mill street acton phone si j i iiim nnd a trv ir mu prims u rj d f i t color od vlllk j ff wlvs i vihkmi 4 in black i irjpon inim tl 20c ii 50c 30c 150 specials in grocery depl 31 nrjjc gripe fruit for smai i oka nci s i dozen for l f smith- pure riispherry jam jar 25c 18c 49c j 1 il r u i r 25c 20c 25c r hoif f cich pinfapf i fs 25 mclean co bargains in used farm equipment 111 hoc champion drill 313 hoe champion drill 3 deerino manure spreader t tudhopeandejison manurs spreader 5 cocicshutt 13 plate disc bur row with pole truck 0 no 4 frost i wood bhiuer 7 foot cut 7 no 13 de laval cream separ ator 500 lbs capacity 0 no ib de laval cream separ ator 7s0 lbs capacity 0 no 1 london continuous batch concrete mixer 1 0 tudhoplt- anderson quebec sulky plow 1 11 h p oilbon johnny-on- uic spot engine 130 ii p stover engine good as new pioneer equipment company telephone 1931 id woolwich strait goelpb ontario quality and service -always- cleaa fresh footwear tfcr v fy best tfo orders c j p os wc arr a thi p vitxmmt rf pnr i3r la is- ltii trr esceptler illll to crlttf ol a r fnr rhr irr qi3 ilri a j hzgms a much hitfhir tlun w- j- tii bem proved o ui ifal t i t- f j- t is daja our suxll u r a l tn oi pii j a- us f r wrmr j a reijui r harrisons ur iluy and srll for cult gtunl rootwear at lowest passible prit highway grocer eekeml sj lak from ilic day of the opening of our meat murker in alton quality nnd service ha betn our motto tins plan will ncur bo sncrliod to pnct pr our counters liut taking the qui ij ahd atrvlcc wc offtr into consideration our prices will nlus b found right ovr fncfhtlcb for securing our htocj from the nuuhbunnj country rnd dolltj our own killing ennblet us to scrvt you with the choicest quality frenh killed and tervcd to you when tin meat is n its bt3t you know tie difference in rhc home killed product and will rcalizo what this means tu uu m baunni choice cuts of menta aliforiim seedlcsb kuisin 2 lbs for i g u bilking pow der 12 dz tin for tm benton corned betf 12 oz tin for i els napthu or life boo soap 3 bars puiierbon b camp offee per bottle s iliiion i anc pink c ibliide brand lb trn 21c c u in s ake i in for use anill i or 25c pink p pleket mapi l iui1tfr 5c h oz il iss jar for 22c quitk shuit siov varnish unh 28c hrush for hct lliu or crow 19c orn s nip ltj lin for 14c 22c fipt 22c 4r ind 14c 2 in 1 ok nuggrt bhol 2 tuii for 25c highway grocer w nimuitt iroiuiltoi iijuiik street acton phone 10 parker bros phone 16 quality and service butchers wc deliver promptly f hull j mi ncirr observed how tree the lord i prayi r it oi any material that can ti nipt to subtil si if lnnptctum in tin art of tlmiuou it ii full last year iuj auui his farm tlit outflowinb f thought and of emotion leventh 111 to mr robert k johnston lawarits uriat objn li ul dralre ifrat and sou mr and mm black will reside njiwuli and great pirns ausua in itockwtukl ui uw hear lutum liuuw this weeks specials imroutantf or thinning vegfrablth beginners in vice table gardening arc ligilst suxe tn make uu wlclalo not only of sowing seed much too thlcko but ala tjf having the plants too uilck in he row a iyy jlarnc amount of lccj l wasted rooih feyf because of thin and failure to have planty d4np op erly is auothur result of more culiw quencc to tht iowcr o uio seeds uup the uastl qf w0 tlii lining of all vtgdohlra is lulribli us noon qi uie plants are lugt cuaugh to catch hold of that b quilo aiuah ltttico can be used even though uie planta are thick but to have btjfoxy uiduldu ul planu ot lejif letuise he ulvjr should be thinned to five o ulm mjchas upart and the plants of head lettyco should be thinned to eight ujcjies er mure apart iluy will not develop al- lafactory heads if much closer ulan uiu it has been found in uie horuculluralf dlvlslon lcptrlui ntal pnmr ottawa uiat the larger vurlrtles of head lettuce lllve the must satisfactory results when uie heads arc luarly one loot apart carrots should bt uiinned to about an inch and one half apart ileeu to two inches apart parsnips to iwo luetics apart onions to ana inch apart -spln- rh four to sfx lnchra apart radish sown rather thinly are ullnnad s3 ady for uie often lot many kernels of corn are left in a hill plva plants qiilti suftlctrnt to uavb after uio tirmi und bint liuvt taken uielr toll hi uu planln t lunild in- trim two four liulni upart und euj about one ell upurt veutuhhtt will ii l uvtlip tultuifact- orliy if tin planu are llilek helicc i jiutu loan thinning in v ry imiuirtant j i uaeouii lvuiihiluii liorueultuilx s s we sell the best for less and deliver canned tomato week 2 for 25c aylmcr choicr toma roib larje 1 in iimst ldat clilisf- 35c 29c uqlta k tj lor 25g durham corn starch 2 ror 17c i nday ai sajurday maill s i kill- 33 m itullli 59t bran i- uses i gtnjtffn aivl 9 calcw plcarl soap for 25c 3 delicti lollies 1tga iud i lixut f white phjuirs mil i zh i iln ou 23c 25c 25c at pattersons- sidi macon b illy iiccc per lb i oiiacr holls illulc r half per lb u ki fi i i atr uni i s lilui mulf pti lt i l m i i sidi iokk h uil i lltl i ii w 29c 32c 31c 27c our price on lard ikimi ul ndi kli i am ft inil tin 55t westons english quamty biscuits we hnve n ijirive vriot v immwu f ronvalwayh 1 rwli t 35c mill strllt 1limie your onlr tu hills acton imiijiu- 117 i oop mfllls the rkjiit ctjrs and the rioiil ikires ahe alwah klandarw that ari adiiereii to at j pattersons meat shop 1hone 178 youk order 1homitlv deuvlrld

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