rhrartnti jnvwffrrrib ifluiuinav mavjfl 1010 nn om ati st haiti v niar iviu was mhhjht 1 1 in rt nlrit lialll that tvct won feiuuht hull i li 11 you whim nnd when on tin mti of tin world ymi will hnil it not it won u iiutil by mil mothi ni of men not with ruminn r buttle nhnt with sword or nobler wn fjot with f i aurnt unrd or thought irom the wonderful mlndn of infti ilut deep in a walled up uomous heart a woman thai would not yield ilut bravely and patiently bore her part lnl there in thiit battlenijld no ttutrshulluu t mini no bivouac song no banner to glram and wave ilut oli thrwi huttlrn they act no long vroni bubyhuod to the ravel hut faithful an a bridge of ntars fllu tights hi her walled up town fittht on and nn in endless warn llieii client u uracil torn down hot ye with banners and battle shot with soldiers to nhout and praise i tell you the kindliest victories fought ara fought in tltrse nt lent ways eworld service n wn r 1 ruif ii mf zsikvs mr ii p uoorc police magistrate rrtrntly recelfed a gift from mum ada oomcrvllle and wldcli ho prlxeo highly which lie has given ma tils privilege of f mmlnlnff it la a welt preserved copy of the provincial justice or magistrate a uanuci aild wu used by her grand father the lato squire alexander brown j p- when he was an acting magistrate for this community apart from the value of the volume ax a digest of the criminal law of can ado and the fact that it was used an a guide hi tlie administration of justice by goulrc brown between ceventy and eighty years ago in oils section the associations render it a peculiarly inter esting volume to judjo uoorc and here are tame facta which help my readers to understand why jkr uoorc ca highly esteems the book alexander drown was one of the early settlers of this community having ob tahuht uie farm on hie acton crossroad at thj fourth lino now owned and oc cupled by n p llndy esq and hla family nearly if not quite an hundred veori ago he wu probably the unit justice of tlie peace appointed for part or halton county but later tut had three otlvcr early settlers associated willi him and available for hearing and de- 1 trmlnlns cases which in uioso early times coma up from time to time these were aaa ball archibald campbell and alexander grant tlie term gqillre aaa always used as a prefix to their rsne they were all friendly with each other friends of squire brown and enjoyad tlie esteem of the country side i think squire campbell was tlie last of this quartette to pass away and it must liavc been more than a quarter of a century since lie passed away during the life time of these four two other magistrates were appointed acton both or wjiom cave excellent mr- vice in 11 ic presentation of the peace w ii storey and col william allan at the death of mr storey in uarcli lfios h p uoorc was appointed to fill the vacancy and it la a coincidence that col allan swore in mr uoorc a justice of the peace come time be fore his death later john cameron a e nlcklln and w ii iccnney were appointed to this coveted offlee to valu ed both in the old country and in can aula fllnce the death of mr storey thirtyone years ago mr il f moore has been the acting magistrate in the liearlng of nearly all the cases in tills part of the county and as the readers of tlus column now very ccncrally know devotes all his time to the admlnlstra tlon of justice tn the police court in the counties of halton peel and wei llngton and tlie holding of juvenile court cases in the come territory well that may cecm like a depression but it all gibes in so well in my story for tills week that i could not resist the temptation of lurrlng up tlie pure minds of those who knew all these men and giving the information to those of the younger generations at the present time i think there are fewer justices of the peace in this part of the county than ever be ore since alexander browns early days lierc mr cameron resigned from tlie office a number of yearn ago tlie death early in tlie year removed mr a e nlcklln from the list only mr uoorc and mr iccnney remain mr william dowdy has been a magistrate at lirachousc for several years but he ls liow removing to muton i understand mr moore informs me that another life incidence touching mr llrown and himself renders the associations nf erred to rcdjrctliig this heirloom is tlie fact that mr brown was hu first sunday school buprrlnu ml nt h itabllshcd lif mcthodlt uuncl ly school in act ii 111 hmi un i f t lutitrtn ytarn hld that i dun ti i arkid mccia in the jim i f tlni u lib tofuna nay mr htmr uns lii i up of this iitn t th dul unliy jchot 1 i think th f r hill iini years he sun rin ten 1 i it d tin i bli v- ho coin mane d htj 1 ng imn if fitrvlct- in the iar uf 180 1 an til r link in this chain of associations u ijil co inrlldcncc that x hen mr uoori rtllrcd from this ullltc ills iuccc4jr was none other than a t llrown the grandson of the founder tlqiilrp blown and he luui continued in tlie office very faithfully unit with teal olid good world uirohgh the years unit to this day and now i think you will appreciate b brief n ferelicr to what thjs old law book hctrl mini is utid what it contains it was wrltun itllu d and complkd by v c kith 1j attorney ut law to run to and wan published by if liow sell king titnet roronto ju the y ar 1851 it wiu uiiuounoi tr us a roinpliid unix uiul gimrul vltw of ttu proviurlal law t f upm r cat i ml ii with practlrul i forms for tin tint if uic mugulracy it was dcdirutid by tlu author wllh llnirn n siiec t u tlu lurly latruns uf tlu work tiic mugtj trucy of canada in his introduction the author says i cannot omit rtcurrlng with pride and batufactloii ui tin ixunslve iiatrunugu and circualtlon which uic work has ob tained ojiit i trust that um purpaso for whlrli it wuii 4 rlulimlly dm igned lijb iwii uteri ufully uixnnplbhid lliln inlrrhllnif old law hook kivpj u t it the civil dpmttiwnt of cunudu froiii tlu lov rfcur aliilrid down unil lu r llu limn t of tlllrt of canada ti govi nmr ch m rut iu vinty t ight y u ugo hi i uxnllinry the ululit ifdiiiiraliln jamlol kaiu ov kloin and icinoaudinf i j governor qinirul or british north amrricn and cnpuiln clenrrul and flnvcmnr in chief in and nvi r tlie i r vlnco of canada ni vn firotul ni w llnimiwlrk and tlie inlanil or prince icdward nnd vice admiral of tha flqlllr by the way it wrii durlifg the term cf uovtnmr qenerul iarl 1 igln that the adam in rubdlvl led paru of their pictlvi farnn oid laid out tlie town u of acum and named klgln utreet thlch him rrom bower avenue to queen tnet- in honnr of the governor cen tra at that time ruiliert baldwin hoil i runcln hicus hon w h merrltt and hon jutncii lcnlie were mcmliers of tl xi rutivo council of canada tlie hon mr icnllo woo provincial oecrutary kuttcol donald amtrnflcld macdonold aaa ijiputy adjutant oenfiral of mlutla went hon olr jamen stuart uart afaji chief justice of cannda kast and hon john beverly ttobinnon of canada winu ilonvwiuiani hume ulake wan clmnccllory of the court of chancery nnd hon it e caron wan speaker of the legislative assembly the member of purl lament for halton was caleb hop kins peel and wellington had not yet been formulated an separated counties ihc member for hamilton wan qlr allen napier mcnub and toronto hon henry sierwood and william ii boulton riils old volume wan certainly up to date for its time and will naturally be held in high esteem by its possessor as an important history of the admlnutra tlon of justice thrcc quartern of a century ago as well as for its persona associa tions within un pages of tlila old volume f find the following items of old time history tvldcntly in places as maikors of paragraphs 13 70 lucclved acton nov 3th 1807 from w ii storey the cum of thirteen dol lara and seventy nine cents being my uccount in full against the wenleyan methodist church for stove pipes chan wleger undersigned are now receiving sto of goods consisting of which will be sold for cash or i camtda went jc nuleoleiled th clock o te la largo and ann a page ut j young georgetown april 30 1004 you ceo the boasting of merchants uares and the low prices at which they arc offered la not a now feature present day salesmanship the j young teferrvd to in the above is jamcu young who purchased ihc sec tion of property east of the grand trunk railway station premises about iflflo subdivided it into town lots named the long street after himself and tho other wellington for the duke of wellington arthur street for prince arthur and i cli street for sir robert peel tha youngest prima minister ever elected in he british parliament there the old law book heirloom has ijcred me a real hours enjoyment and nurest and i liopc you who rend my tory of it will enjoy it as i have while engaged in writing it slats diary by boss panquiian tonlto at the super table and i dant beleavc she ha saw tlie point ol it yet neither she was astlng why sum of the linn ik al shows yllch shows broad way s noo york stays for suchy long run sum times and pa answered and re plyed they run so long on acct they have so mini lalgfl cat e r d a y i over herd a canvir- sashun of 3 men lawklng today and they both was nil bandlgcd up like tliey hod ben in a cupple rojui or sum uilng 1 man sed to the utlicr man what happened to you and the uther man bed i ben icmlng my wife to drive the ottomo- bcel what happened to you and the uther man rcplyed in answer and sed well i refused to lorn my wife to drove the ottomobcel and so i that of are tecchcra tawk on cos en effect sunday pa dusscnt no weather he will have his job tomorro or not becus tn tlie paper the other day he puts the rang headline over the peace about the wimens lltery society and tt red museum of antlckltles opened sum imen is pretty sore at tlu edltcr and the later is sore at pa mundayma and pa has been invited to go to the makerado ball and pa was a saying he dlddent no what make up as ua sed well you have ben adlng about them ttuthcrn kernels and t why dont you impersonate a gentu man and pa got about j sore at no oanoru iomilut staina to prrvodo ttunday i am ofrude that if the cctu r dont uiki back what sin red to mr today i will dl kwitting skool she d if i dldcut lin prove in rlthmltle why id uni d going to send im home tor iw d lvui at that i dont supose it wood vi ry pin ant al homo if that uood lappin to occur win dij jaki got kept in tonlte lie urrhir was trying to show what hi ulrcl dlgiilrldl mint su she stlcki il lur hid nnd walki ucronc the room ml nit jnkc how he walked and hn d 1 u irguld ihlnday after skix i i i hi uiu m i t hh nia wn lot kliui f hlin and own your own home our nw hou c on yoitnf street i literally one wlilfe you enn wnlk in nnd liimj up your hut nnd he nt home there ii he no house- clcniniif in the home the linolcumt will he imd on the hjorajajicrc hardwood floors rrrctrrvt laid the electric switches and hase plua nro ninny nnd convenient the wnlh jire unithej in colored plmtcr rtquirinf mo pnpenni it will lie n fini lied home in every liic of th word modern in every respect nnd unique m many ways you ark invited lo v this homk and insprr it jtb mackenzie used car parts wo stock and con promptly supply used parts for all makes of cnrs you snvc 00 per cent of the cost of new parts and jjet prnclically ti3 rood value radiators we have on hand nil kinds of new and used car radiators at reasonable prices h wolfond sons 129watr street guclph phone gucjph 2531 i he ill iu- j here wihi mrts in aetuti on so and july 1 id club mifc ukit im hdtn mr and mrs c hilly and graham mr and mm y j a o matthews toronto ilrowninir toronto a pleasure to cook on these fast dependable ranges v70men who own perfection ranges w really enjy cooking becaujt tliere u no waiting around for a slowpoke fire perfect ion cooking u ai fast an gas far faster than cool and wood it given a tootless flame no blackened pots to wash it is sife and always dependable perfection ranges are good looking a nice assortment to choose from and moderate prices from 900 to 22500 300 perfection n oil burning ttanges mail today owl l 1 y v y lon distance rate is so convenient y w 11 1 iv ll h h cum iii 1 1 in 111 tif found him whit i it tin l a uiul lh curkt s i utlru why do a the mountain wtl u ntund up so hijh it i unit it cunnot sit down q whin unity well la plicl of cftki- li dry q wliy did hi brum 1 whittled whit lurd- huvi f nir ft nnd ycl rd f live kttcrs li j uihid iliht wn nif why is u imkrr 11 nuut iniprovld iilcdi hliusilf ho m hi ulmt hu kneads nmvlcon call hef owl jo imtftrthevvmituf evening ratea on station to station calls nowuegw at 7 p m with about 25 off the day rates a convenience in two ways you can place a call at the re duced rate before you go out for the evening and you are more ipt to citch the called party at home between 7 and 8 30 pm after h 30 pro and continuing till a 30 a m there is a fu tiler reduction which is about 50 of the d ly rate charge can now be reversed on btation to ut ition chills when the rate m 25 ccntti or hlll tr li phone company oi canada free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you lr and mrs uuuiiey mtuuwd and don rid toronto mlos lnma kennedy toronto miss fttlc dills toronto mra jciinla matthews toronto mr and mm k a black mary and dorln toronto mr and mrs o t mclam toronto mr and mrs w d prick toronto mr robert ailibons toronto mr and mrs dolman and torlc tor onto mr janits jones dtroll mr archie jones detroit mr oeorce aenew jr dctroll mr and mm tl x wanshroufth tor onto mus icatlc clialmers owen bound mr and mrs harry nifiby quelnlt mr and mrs harry 0uhca ouclnli mr d m itcntferaon a alt- mr tom mochrle aurora- mr l d porhcs windsor 1 mrs m orcbb toronto mrs w oalbrajui hamilton mrs ir pickard hamilton mr jolin prccloua and family tor onto mr mel win dron aylmcr mr and mrs lome hewitt stratford mus clara d lontxf aal mr and mra h a nlcklln duelph mus murui mccomb duelph mus lois malone auelpli miss icatlilmn kelly ouolpli mr and mrs wm mcnabb toronto mr clias oymon toronto mr edwin hoadknlaht hamilton mr and mra harold reed oaliawa mr and mrs 0 0 ituxaell and family oakvllle mr and mrs alex trotter dudrji mr and mrs clias deoiute toronto- mr and mra hell mcdonald mksj hatel and jean ot hastlnea mr and mra w k hamlin messrs toronto mra jcnnlr mrtviiibrall- anrt fjatrrv dornnnllnjncyriojonto mr nrf sfra yf j rolduxamlly noidjhuxamii morris uhd mr r 1 aajnu- pro or toronto mr and mrs t morris or toronto lire c cullcn newcastle mr and mrs wm mccalnsh palmer- ston mr and mrs b iccnyon vlnclond mr fred word toronto mr j v coleman montreal mr and mrs chaa o o amble of kenmore n v mbm o claxrldar ii ramp ton lln mary smith toronto mr teirord kcnncy hamilton mr ansus iccnncdy mcrritton mr ed- huffman ponuac mich mr and mrs j l kcnney toronto mr lloyd icenncy montreal mies olive oooper puslinch mr earl cooper toronto mr robert cloce ouelph mr chas elliott hamilton wl3 bessie elliott toronto mr albert pujral toronto mr and mrs c c ilcndcrcon messrs ralph and arthur and mica edna of toronto mr and mrs john kennedy detroit mr mcrvln iccnncdy owen bound mr harold kennedy dctroll dr w a c kcnney wclland mies nora kenney ouelph mr chaa klrkncss toronto mr and mrs ii s nlcklln ouelph mr stanley mocklc toronto mr and mrs j b lake powacxan ontario eufcnc mcphcrson toronto james abraham and mls hilda abraham barrte onl james newman red lake on tarlo mr and mrs mitchell cobban win nines man mr edwin maddock toronto mr james lawson geneva h v mr w il epctfiht toronto mrs a maddock misses owcndolyn and doris maddock toronto mr and mrs w ii lard mcveigh buf falo n y mr and mra lawrence kins nu saaweya mrs prudence cook mr prank coolc and miss icauilccn cook of toronto mils edna mcarthur toronto mrs nianche brooks toronto 1 li r i in rah- 1 luhlj hlih lylni 1 n ly ihf ld nnunutloii lntit twit kup a urn t till 1 j ilidlvjdiiul uoniidi li uh in id ik fan j of c ur v 1 in wl hoi in provi how will tlciilur run ki rji u en 1 li not ut iuiy to do will um rxumijvj um ucr it 1i11 kpt hit wlirn tho urpr 1 111 i tlirown up 11 tlii ux in knur j ore plinty of cunc which inny b nildiii ed tn dlrnroof in onr lllirary fniilly at lrast tlirre in handid ilmn th trn h hon of a wcrrt whlcli un kept ill rrt 1 uy by a very little lrl it wan tin rrcrtt of ihc pi 1 aiam under which in a day uht11 h men write ni were few nnd inciijiiny ci ft cplcuous tlie mother durltift llu early part of hpr career r uncorded lu hltdliif lltrself frnu publicity tllie confided fully in her uttl dauji liter but enjolnrd upon iilt ntit only that she mui t not ttl hint her mottier was a writer ijqt by way of rurhcr precaution to peak of her to mere acquaintances aa little a jk iblc already she knew a few clutr bu y bodies wlu ruxpectcd hrr identity had aaktkl prylnc queuona f lur fritndr and they wduld not be nboc txyliifi to extract information from il child tlio little woman uan proud of lh trust reposed in her nnd uird d u loyally one day it hnppned that a lady vlumi ehe havlni never real her but one before failed to recognize o- an old and dear friend of her mother slopped lier on licr way lo rxliool and liow ut the uuu nlrj to day site cried cordially and wojt cordially answered for her face and voice uirt wlnnlntf and how la mama she ad- dwl at once tlio child chubby face cloud ed with dark suspicion hhc drew hrr email rrton erect and replud in tonta of dulling dignity tlionk yoq but my mother docs not allow mo to talk upon family matters it was never known throurli whom th- cecret of that cherished peudonim wn- at loot revealed hut there um ut lcut one person in the cecret and clic th younirest whom nobody ventured to fus pect constant fault aniline is like tand in uic auffur it letters uic nv cuilj of life and sets uic teetli on edfir for clesstthinksisg and quickaclinji shredded heat with tji the bfati 0 ttte whou whuat fullsize crisp ovenbalced slireds o wliolo wlieat light nourktilnp and btrcnctltcnlnc delicious with milk for breakfast or luncheon jflcajy cooked reajytocat save tlu uiter inserts in each fcacknt t let me give you the delcolight facts itkrop in next lime youre in town and ill dckiiokifllralc dclcoliglil f- oi youll lie highly inlereatcd in learning the vca factn nliout delco light youll prohnhly get u riirprirc when you hear tlie mom y and work it knvca how little it costs and lion cany general atotora liave made the payment tcrnih ii kaijntyni ilutrilfutor lot deles- he lit produru guflpii ovt itio c c fcv 1g c -a-w- hu dvrast ifloal fqum doom sedan the durant 40 a lack in ouii education a cashier knows at a glance that the bank note handed htm is a counter felt because he is educated in the mat ter of bank notes the merchant who accepts it without question did so be cause there was r serious lack in his education luckily tlie public is protect ed from counterfeits by a host of experts but there arc many other cases where we are left to dlitinsulsh for ourselves the renulne from the spurious take such an obvious matter as humor how many of us are laushlna at hap pcnlnss or jokes that arc vulfiar or irreverent uutiarl at those that are funny take beauty tlie girl wllh red dened lips and plucked eyebrows has been trying to make hcrsrlf beautiful though h docs not know what beauty bo thousands of us bo throuah life blundering falling because our cducs tlon is imperfect it lias not taught j us a sense of values -foo- manyofus accepting spurious bank ntors be cause hie do not knoa enough to sec they aro counterfeit suj scaj coat meat al motor brodix tout it bed ttrtei alone si ira i timing clxtit full force frrj ltilrtrjlioa pattthgtr cars fours and sixes from 67 lo 025 foj leaitje oat slzadjirj factory ftjutpateas taxes extra f the durantw boaus of nothing more ilian tlie quality features iliac accounted for us phenomenal sales records ol 1928 wlnlc containing additional rcinuncnts it adheres absolute iy4o the fundamental principles of t aluc thai commend all dtiram products co careful buyers complete detailed information and an opportunity 10 drive and judge die durant for yourself await you at your dealers blilx by dopant motors canada ltauted toaontq canada durant b529 11uciiy ti1ucks in ton to i ji ton capacities l e atkinson acton ontario it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint and varnishes jfspedapmfocf for every purpose- for every surface ooxpune paiht or umttv marblerre for hardwood floors 1 neutone dbfa paint forsalehy w d talbot acton