til lllls iott1uy 1 ti world in i ki u up uw nnvrr lial mind fur u tiny ymir 1 alary it alwayi low jurt when ynu tn i ti tl pay u ilnw t tli indter n top to hlni nil kit ry tu while tl fi unw nl tlir imtuim li ihr ftllnw no niu known no i will lire all ihr hnvr hern tor in country nnd in town m mif will i in how hl 011 to hem win 11 1 iir ymi havr cnni down idi 011 wf 1 ink nhntit you fur yon never uill he 11 ial 1 d lin null wll only rtrlnd for you whllr you ntiiply tin trliit one day jou n worth a penny nest day you an u iii a pound on day you rr 1 the ladder a lop n day you rr mi the around i ifr li niithirik hut a inltrry each day wr clearly ree buch in tin way the wurld wbhti on leant lor ytm and rar tlic ill be tlicre club wlilrli mrtu in arun on juno 2 30 and july i 1020 mr ana mm c a o matthews hilly and qrahum toronto mr and mrs f j drowning toronto mr and mm gordon hayuatu tar do 1 mta mr and mm stanley matthews ild toronto and of j mien loma kennedy toronto minn etuc dllln toronto mm jennie matthews toronto mr and mm e q 13 lack mary ajid dorui toronto mr and mm o t mclm toronto mr and mra w d irlclt toronto mr robert cllbbond toronto mr and mtu bulmati and iorle tor unto mr jamei junes detroit mr archie jtinci detroit mr george au w jr detroit mr and mra it u wanbroubh tor i fun ui rnjoyi fl uliut prrn nlr rnnn ln uu from lhr chrlt timi ln 1 r i liny i inn i my lu art my j tlniilil un 1111 in nl un all uwny hmk ill 111 njll tlllll uiitl i know lb did 1 iwiyii 11111i 1 irl ulioumii id ai lou tin old 111 un f i 1 jlimli 1 lim liavi tin ut null i nth ull twy u 1 111 iiin thd 1 happy d or th loni to n you all w ii mica icauc clmlmcn owen bound i mr and mm harry oahes guclnh- mr d u henderson oalt jdrrtu7njaocliric xurortft ur l d forbes windsor mrs m or con toronto mrs w aalbrojth hamilton uoiiuih pnnpid ii ww mr john precious and family tor onto mr melvln dron aylmer mr and mm lcrne hewitt btratford misj clara d uuilx dolt mr and mm h b nlcldln auelph mu muriel mccomb ouelph mlsa lots malanc ouelph muu icathleen kelly ouelph mx and mrs wm mcnabb toronto mr chan symon toronto mr idwln itoadlcnlaht hamilton mr and mrs harold heed oahawa mr and mrn s 8 i taste 11 and family oaltvule ur and mrs alex trotter quelph mr and mrn ciuul dcolule toronto ur and mra nell mcdonald misses haxcl and jean of hacungs mr and mrs w el ihunlln messrs id well lome howard and ulso evelyn toronto mra jennie mcdougau and messrs donald gordon and jack of toronto mr and mrs w j held and family of toronto mr and urn t morris and mr r morris of inaronto mra c cullcn newcastle mr and mrs wm mccalnsh palmer sum ur and mra ii kenyan v in eland mr krcd word toronto mr j v colt man montreal mr and lira ctiaa b gambia ul ltcnmorc n y miss o clarrldgc dmmplao mua mary bailui toronto mr telford kcnncy hamilton mr angus iccnncdy uerrltton ur ld huffman panluc mich- mr and mrs j l iccnney toronto mr uoyd iccnney montreal miss olive cooper punllnch mr earl cooper toronto mr robert close ouelph mr chaa elliott hamilton miss lleulc elliott toronto mr albert pugol toronto mr and mrs c c henderson messrs ralph and arthur and uus edna of toronto mr and mm jolin kennedy detroit mr mcrvln kennedy owen bound mr harold kennedy detroit dr w o c iconncy welland mla nora kcnncy ouelph mr clios klrtcncss toronto mr and mm u b nlckltn ouclpll mr htanlcy macklc toronto mr and mrs j ii lake powasson ontario mr eugene mcphcnton toronto 1 mr james abraham and mua hilda 1 abraham uarrle onl i mr james newman red lake on tar to i mr and mm mitchell cobban win nlpeic man mr ldwln mad dock toronto mr james lawwn geneva n y mr w 11 bpcljjht toronto mrs a maddock mlnes gwendolyn and doris maddock toronto mr and mrs wlllard ucvclah buf falo n v mr and mrs ljiwrcnc iclng nis cagbwcya mra iradriict caok mr frank uiuk and uli kathleen cook of toronto mlsa ldna mcarthur toronto mra illanchc hrooku toronto mr and mra leonard armstrong mil vlrton ontario mr and mn duncan mcdonald brace bridge dr mid mrs forrester of btratford mr and mm wlnurbum toronto mr and mrs krcd itydcr arkcll i mm airs runuiliaw and miss jcsile ltuiiiiitiuw 1urunui mr and mm wm haackhanicr tor onto mr j w a 1uiby montreal quebec mr arid mrs harley llrlgnall and family of toronto li mlsius jessie and marie mowat of n 1 oronlo mr ajid mrn larle uruwi kltctieiier mr jrorire andcraoii delrolt mr aubrty allan detroit j n uvlimnuinc lit catluu lncn out mrs cathertnc cullcn ncwcasllr onl a 11 matuicwt llrolitford out mlv kuthlreil qalbraltll ruroulo mr and mrs w j vninurmari uuelpli mr and mrs win millar hornby mr win davli torunlo mr wm itulleugc port crcdll 1 mr and urn jos mccalg toronto mr and mrn dl jones ooderlch mrs ucaltle hamilton mra alllon llurlhuitoii mr and mra wm mitchell parts i mr leu btmmons aurora attain thoai brlijlit diiy of winn i lft tin dnr old mothir ilt ic thut jmrtlnii 10 rad i will nivir rurfitt win tl i r on the 1 urth i may roam win 11 1 in happy to ulitlit by my n ildi so brljiht 1 will lliluk of uiv niuthi r at houil horu whrn if 01 r un 1 m 111 i 111 iy roam oln aalchid 1111 will can inuy god hit in r uruy hair 1 ii think ul my moth r ut liuiin wh rtrvt iiin m tij- hi fill 11 hii i111 of hi nillvi i 1110li011 no hiiiiiiu uor watiu hint drink pit nty if untir mid milk inn- uiil ujid iid tin ullh plmty of lemon iiti in ii y viii in il tia will he it iilthful ixiinuti uli tl it il wrll 1 1 mllli ii 111011 i if nty n in h urei 11 veuetaltlen h lip tmll ran in unhid form i l 1 up in unlit tli n rts or any ii ulmh th y may b n i lulled lie 1 irtlikl to oinnifir i hey irve the ullh un- ahuudaiiluof lltjuld and t 1 n 1 in 1 or pn vi nt urlillty that 1 0 ui nun tin ovi natlnu nf heavy lirodui 1 mi h d lat pit nty of ber- j mil nnd lunir it nttirr it ttllcr iilb u tinotj rtrlni hi ann and all kind 1 nty of t li 1 have jour windows a hit it nillit tnvf tlslly bath general interest news n n till 1 hall form t tin lt a 1 ll 1 fl h r unit fond wi 1 1 tood bytl in rilnl my j at 011 my lift a race ii you ltuvi mi in iriou in dk rvtn il wiiuh o r ullh caru lho pour althi n d ijiiiy huh kvhili tin f n in your tnollitr ou r nun i may tin jod up itbou in iii nitrcy mid lovi ilinii ou back to your motlii r at homi ynd i in longlnij to 11c you again mur father is dead and he lluca neath lioht wlig1it a motorlm niktbiu a nriiro trudtflnu along tin tlu ly rtiurt kinrnmsly oflered him a lift no thank yvu inh ajd un old nun ah nikon mah old lalg- will takt me lonj font rtiouuh arm t afraid arc you unuc7 haw jou rvir been hi an automobile nrvah but once sail and drn ah dldn t let all mah weight down whlre jou in your childhood did roam a to ulc you njaln lt would free me from puln ihni curm bacli to your mother ut home i in vltu of tin broudcuit invitation to the homi commit event slutcd or batur- dn bunday and monday june ju und 3d und july 1 himdn d or lormtr rt 1 titiits itrl irlously coiiildtrlug the vltlt to thi old honit town i hey an thinklnn or mother und duo und un frlliidi i their childhood and youth tlily art bcuulllnit tin melve with lhoughla of visiting old cuui and iiiltt lull former companlonn and talking about boyhood huunu jjerhaji- having day a llshlng 011 the old trout streami id last but not host taking n toui mer thi old tlun lovxri wilk- moot of thee lattir liavi loat their popularity liici thl new lututlelh cm tury cume 111 i lu old walk up tin roll way truck to the appli i ri u viu lonu slnct di3i rted mrjtly bt cause iiil old appk trt fthlili gu this niulirvoui 1u nanil biguii to dt euj und u good muny yur- ago the c cllon men rut the dead old tni tkiun uxjk iiouil the trunk or hrc uiid and burnt d tin lliubj on the mmu lt nally nimbhd 11 funeral pjri uluii tin lu t vt tlgt of tlil llmbi und twlgj and liuvt wen touunitil in thi i cuiul plat liil opt nliig of iiil new cro cotuitrj highway fium aluih to crt u jim conic r lli yi ars tgo rmis r- ed lh 1 jd uptih lnt loratkiu loo publle a pot for tin i v rs p lilng iiuiuc liie old unit ihipular wulk aioutid the railway traek it the eulert lj ulq de rtttl ui u iiri promt mid 1 hi talk lug doun of tin uirnptl lekt to the u vlni pairs thi nit cool lou muui chair high for n linn f the tlrt lap of the ualk and of eoure the churn uf thl point wiw lliiil i hen too there an uirt l or four llnicj a muny trains puulim the ptaee iu tllett uert when ut ued to uulk out that vvuy i he uttructloiii have nally depurud i hrn un re was the old alk dou 11 through icunom aduius carrot held to the ijivcr lolnt down nt the mill ponti the carrot patch b now our civic park and athletic young folk hold games hen and tin re and tvt rywht rt it 1 years miic any lultiala uirt carved in the bark of llie hlu birch s or tulililiu ik arts umplm out utllltarlun luuh clllurs huvt no thuugiit fur the aesthetic u lovi lorn and have permitted ashea hid other debrli to be dumped right ivt r tin put lei ui ued to trull to lover u ulut its glory truth departed a good uiaiiy of thoil uhi intend cimhig will liiliik of mutliir whtji he mil at honit in aetun but mother will not txi hen to ui iroine tin in on th 1 visit 1 tie dear muii has gunt to her n ward but itioui hts ol old dayn uill cling to tht tuimuii hrurt wiilch ulll b riikuid ami iiiplia u d by th vlilt and tuthi 1 too ulll t missed by many hou w vmiiau ur uiiilih in 11 tiny ati gi in from 11 t i think mo t r 111 tall tl to ttilly apprt elau futhi 1 aljiii in was living und the hrud nt lin- fuuilly uul in v hou much ui upprntati all ituir kind tern in t rt 1 in in mill ur 1 ur hi ttt rment uh un rutin r- uhul a billing when liny muili liutiit of u und lotk u- fir lliu wulk- ut niu un touutry or jrliu up ui tittk foi tin trnr tmou r ui inning ii hlng uil bit s i ur dud and 111 ith r muny will mu tin uutliir uhu hud u in hund durtnjt our adult mil yiun ii10l itiuhfiil old t ithtis and tvtry la i n f uu prim 1mm un gout u it tlnlr it ward uul i plii their n ward vtlll l llutu than ui oitlvt it muit i o uhtu ui ton id 1 ui li tulthful in tin t in u- und uirli itti 11li011 to iu mid in gi tlliig uo dtuutliii uom ckl i ay yi gout rob rt lltllt john ro ihiiiuu- i m or uiu w ii blew url liuh t i un tn will be nun mben d li 01111 of th home eouu ri und the minniry of t v ry on f limn will bi vtiiiiuttd during thu nil n ting vlil and tin 11 then uu dt ui old mln i ids hou malij if th 111 huvt u to thi ir long happy h mi j inn u sueti u lot if tin m mr dun nil mr i hlllpt mr i dg mi mil in r 11 mi look mi urtiui rth mr cahut mr wllvni mr cl 1 cot kt mr llobb anil u lot of lluri how we ii li lit d ti hum uordfl fnim tin mtt ml hot k whut it tiiij of truth und ib nil tin taught ut with whut tt iidn uu- ig of lovt und hul lowed iikiiiuij tiny ii rforiiu t th lant utl rlt l foi 1111 tl p trli il la t oma utn lultl uuu wial i und autl help lul 1 11111 il thtv gavt in when we wire liuvlng h uu ui try 1 ur lortuiua hi pus tuiii new oh th 1 dear uu 11 of uod tiny tm lu to u un bnud of lift and ptiun d forth un go pi i as u lump lu our frrt und u guide along life 1 pathway piuti to tlnlr soul how otu thouijit it buk l tht tttur oltl unduy 1 h mil of thive t arllt r viiyi liu ul ti if ui tlhtlnt- upi ilnl nil nt uu faithful lutll hi it iittt 1 hrurtt d tiitluin th 11 iiiiiitiloun who nit with ii iiiul who m n or it ntudltd the lii und laitiid by ik art tlu guhlni ti a la and taltthl ui tiutatluib and thi 11 thoi oh fahluud ilirl unas trtti iuui ti a mtitliigt what ft us is uu laid whut extka miles bceuhhe of the eitra htrngtli end ur mice rii1 outstanding huperiority f kirehtone tir oiihtructiou firat the heientifi twisting of cotton cordw for grcatent strength und clastirity then rumlipping the extra fire stone patented process whieh saturateb and insulates every fiber and strand of every cord with pun rubber only 111 firestone tires do you receive ull the advantages of these extra features of inbuilt nub age plus the security und hufety of riding on the deep rugged fire stone nonskid i read i he firestone oeuler saves you money und serves you better see him today made lit ilium i ton cuiwmiii by riiiksroimi rirk iuhbih company oi- canada limited irftfbitf most miles per dollar 0 dullu tk only i irtiloiattircb are sld in acum by noilon motors main slivrt lli lulue gray wedubif fjt pauln uultid church ilrninptoii wan the jtcene of 11 pretty ui ddliilt on wrdnrrday afternoon juni llflh win n oiirlriulo mary lnughur ol mr uml mrn wm ii cirny wui unltt tl in mnrriage with mr ollvir htwion rulne ron of mr and mm roht ralm ii ramp ton the nilnbiter hi v mr rawsou nf- unluud thn brldn eiitemd uin church on the arm of hi r fathi r hi a gown of white romslrle creie and wearing a veil nf embroidered nllk 111 l held in plarc with a cornit of orange bliknsmnn am nlir carried a ihiuqurt nf rorcn orchid and illy ofthc valley mlwi flva peuren of acton was bridesmaid and wnrt a pirls gown of blue genrgctte and erru larc with picture hat to match and tied a bouquet of butterfly ronep miss wllma orny mnajl rthur of the bride made a dainty flower girl gowned in jwa- oteen organdy and carrhd a banket nf nweet peas tlie groom wan assisted by hla counln mr john heath and the ush- t ro were mr allan andrewn and mr wellington fenwlck mrs fulton played the wedding murcli and during tho rlgn- ing jf tic reglnter ml in ilratrlcc pi n- wlck rang o promt ie me i he fl room n gift to the bride wai a wardrobe cu e u the bridesmaid and nololt compacts and to the best man a tie nip follow ing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride a tier which the happy couple left by motor for a honeymoon trip to the thousand ilandi tin the btaten the bride wearing a i rench beige and blue ensemble with hat and alines to match they will rnldl on the groom n farm in chtnguacouy golden wedding anniversary the btratford beaconherald given thi following in teres ting account of the golden wedding of mr ant mm jarnen armstrong of brussels the parents of mrs oeorgc oomctvllle acton tuecday afternoon a very happy evcjit was celebrated at tho home of mr and mrs james armstrong plora street it being their golden wedding anniversary on may 30 1870 miss amelia v clarke third daughter of the late john and amelia clarke and james armstrong eldest ton of william arts fa lichee arm strong were united in marriage by rev mr davy nt the parsonage dungunnon they made their linnn at auburn until thay moved to the ninth conccislon of orey and ten yeans ago retired to their present home the children and grand children were all home to enjoy this happy occasion with their parents as well as a rcunlon among themselves there were ten children two of whom are deceased hilda dying in infancy and chester ln mrs john a campbell of london mr anil lire goorge n eomervllle margaret al at ann strong and lorecn of hyde pfirv miss may at home mr and mrs j w arm strong joyce and olanna of toronto mr and mrs joseph armstrong of tor onto bldncy armstrong and mlvi audrey of cnperol and mr and mrs j runes armstrong of ingersoll other guests were mr and mm j c clarke and mr ond mrs w j thompson of auburn ond mra mlna clarke of tor onto after the wedding dinner an ad dress was read by loreen armstrong ond audrey armstrong presented the grandparents with a purse well filled with l old and margaret somervllle and joyce armstrong a bosket of 50 golden roses many letters and telegram were received of happy congratulations to the bride and bridegroom qlfln of money gold nnd flowers were received from neigh bora and frlcndi among them a bouijui t of 50 tulllm from uie ladle aid of the united church ki yi yi with whom was your wlfi ijuarn ling in it night oh er she was molding tin dug loor beast 1 hi urd lu r tlinaten to take the front dixr kt y uwny from hint lindon iasslng show woyn bunttay ant ilmni u it ulut m v ui luti u hrn urn tiling sin lu nil uuy thol that i n i uu 11 linn nhun for tl 1 it it photu nut iligri cumpnyi but tht iiiaggitirltu li 1 k linn tin paper today lid hi r to bilim wai rum think to xplodi and blou thin up munthiy tin ny l tin rlil aim 1 in i l 1 ifi 1 iiil ti r antut red and r plyed th it it was crluiftr coluiiibu lo 1 11 whin hi tn r ted out ui t on hi t covtrliik trl to grow up a ith tin inguu 1 tilday at tin party toulti i u t i 1 y if ilu 1 vi r lit f lle kl lur and he td to mi no ft lla will 1 w r fit u ku 1111 un tit i rant n hhu comi ing ami all uu rt t ol uu tvulni vhitt i war ettlnr hh in r lu nt thin with her iyi- hut i cant nuike out uhat htr idi wo lu tlli with lur iyt fhut i wood or thut hi wood of inn afradi wen day ma wn a bulllui pu 1 ul for 1 atlni liens and nun ulhi r 1 u thing with hi nlft and hi n tl and tmuldnt not only u it bud niuaiiun but it vtry danginiui u pa it will i will j 11 t tiavi you ui untie r land tht i alnl 110 itouurdy kalf 1hlrduy pa wa on 1 jury irll it tiny and uluii he iiiui hmin toulti in told ii that tin jury had dl uiitid nntl cutitlent mnke no v rdlck ma a t him how cum they dlddenl utn 1 and mulct no vrrdlck and p 1 rt pled and 1 d that he dlddrnl no un li it mi bin of a ml take tin lau y er had madi w in n every packafjc of red rose tea is prepared with the amc care ait if our reputation were to btand or fall upon that single package s redrose tteiss tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good axnaxm they jiul 11 inrbi nd and liu wilt on irmn mdcntnurrnnnc i- uin mr and mr n w hull nnd ihlldril pi nt tin wik did with n llvi ut milvrton mr and mr f r w ilk r of i onto pent tin uu k t nd with mr 1 mn ciul ovtrlund mr and mr l hum 11 and i 1111 pt nl bunday ulili mi uu mr mrdonultl al victor 1 mr und mp ii plukn i havi riu id fropi a vl it with irli nd in utvih ohh mr tutl mrs w r ntu r f ail und mi uml mr w it bin him p sunday with mr mil mr w ij lul mr liobbli rutin r uuadl111 t 11 li liuiitaitiui iglil h tinpi f sun und mi j u man of sti ill nl w sunday vkllor with mr j i chi extra crisp and oven- fresh the patented waxtite inner- sealed wrapper protct the goodness of kelloggs corn flakes e veil after you open the package another reason for saying kelloggvm corn flakes jl jumt try thmm wtth honny rjjggjftgt rman j f ih ah cllul lit tur 11ii1 1 thing th 1 lltli ml pilnfiil acrli plujlug with o itcrltlinlly li 1hl1 1 11 mail 111111 r hi hind the door 11 but i vi ring it iti v nnd mrs i h w mi i km and ilaught 1 in higiis ilritk 11 ui uu mi ni nil ft lliu nl th i let delcolight transform your home give owny yonr dnngerous inmph und lunterah tlinl odd their flhnrc to the hurden of daily toil onrush the mennce of open ilnmea inslend with delcolight flood your homo or farm wilt eafc hhght electric light the cost of brinpnng delrolight ndvanbiacs to yonr home in low uud the general motors payment term a earner still let me give you41 demonstration k ham ninl hutrlbutor fur helen 1 l innluets gullih on i altlo child cry rert for castoria lent y thdtf assiiiul to a mother- fit- t jicrs cistona is pccnlly prqitrctl to re lieve infiitb trr arms and children ill apes of constipation flatu- wiiu oh tin hnrrljcii iimiyn ic ribhucs arising ix in unl l n jmil itui the sioinuh hid huwt k lids the lition tf iukxi llvinj hoilthy mil n i til nil sleep ot l erywherc rccoiiuncrtd it nut itu hr always 1otk lor the ii lutuic c ino hputm iliyueuu ylymouth chrysler quality has the tarnp of not the look of low price tub txjil4 mo0ui fulltlxm i i l a 1 i pi iv uifj ll r all i tl r i i b luu 1 i v cx ill hnn i in hit i inli mile bialct lilt hull pi tin at nrtl i pi for ill us si il in mil is mi iwrlcitlv lil in i ills i pills i i you can lie proud to on n i v o 1 im u i uisr iunnniili a plymoulli ihcchrlr 1 j zjj s l motors cur in he lowest n f imimt i swill in priced field j i u ffn r 1 i ik s in ilvn i i irntitiitirl ii it ill t line qu tlic u i yrmi ui uf li vv ii c ill tlfull i ii my smfd il- i wut i t in luest t i hit 11 il i li u t hits pin the mil proud because pi nit nit li is a jull jizs car not u niitiiiture u comfortable ear in hlih uii ami your funnl and fncndi tan relax tt the fullest instead pf fccliny lrtmded and cramped proud localise pl mouth lias a distinctively c hrj lcr like tlc uid manner a nchncst and dignity nut to be found in other low priced c irs ti in utnt nun nt niiiiik tt p -ri- m u u in in miittlil pnrd in i uitli ut i ll 1 1 llmiutli ih ji f in 1 lull ipuil lt in cei y uili pirtitulir in aldltiui t u jull it t huh it- full sie iliiimi it full i i- miklrrn engine it jh e t vlt s in mini tli yic tni tlitt iv iintitilol i iiilci jull itc w l ithcrprouf internal ipilmiinrii h a coxe hrhlcr mul ilyninuth salm uml simtt- imiunr id vi tin ontario