Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1929, p. 7

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rrin jrnn dfirtrtytcm i huh a kin 0 hllt nmnii it t ik thlltll h tun hi s the mum ill lin t ultl lull i lui iiulil imrndirj torn i in i ii r liuol l j ivy i hi r iii f ml ipmvi ilug nidi i miii inuiir lift iuwi li n i i ml ift lii r loving i ii t ii in ay if jr iinuld 1 i in r i rulli l from th 111 ill nhnn t i i nrl kind lh g nti fact hi lingt ring i mill in air an 1 i hu vui no trimm und fur off mnitv iodic in 1111 miadi uiifl mid al xln uimthk on tin uf th it n l it liotl it h zlna il mini i jelalne rum the hmnnioi nmind u of tt it wi were tryliil i forgi i mr to think about 11 rnud mnr- 11 ut why 1 dy what i don i dc intend to mpi rhly indlfttrcnl lo it wi uri n iilvid l xunpllfy the imiui r it llu mind ovi r zliui imiglud provolclugly nti juu liui i cull in ut mutter and it lni i vi n ii thing that docrn t matter tltiur judging by your generally wilted iiipirt you look ju it about as happy iu tin young li ttucc i vl been trafm- plinitliil btfurt i got newspapers be latin thun and ihr un yuur mighty ndnd hiui fulkn down on lis job it ha i nut i in hot but how much hotur i ibuuld hal bem if i hndn i concentrated my thought on everything nice and cool unit i could think n dldarcd murjolulnt wc v ull bun dt ing it jet en am and let bergs and polar bi ar nnd snou cappi d mountains mid ivalaiiclus mid uurura all wruim naiil ina briskly not lilt lciut comfort in any of tlilin well id hkt to know ir there anything colder juu can tlilnk of rpok up unity lor i m about ready to mill into a urea npot 1 he emalleit ihlvin thankfully received letn ill think about hot thin us sug- fauimiiontkk 0k uv ttjsjdlojuli during lh pout lllly yearn the nu llum iihnlt not iipt rt thy mlnli ler in prt mi in luff luoi luiitowrl utoii thn ln- a pirfrl mmi if he wire p rh ct i imbituiitji or thbtiinn iiul ipot jii iilo hi would not limit n land hln pnrli hlon- j unlviru mor wisdom umu wn imvn eve wi ii i nnugh hi mlnti tt r to thrlr net iu lw en bleued with in a like period t 11111 limit iint un iimi thy inlnltter of lime trying tn run thr tliurrh if purinlilnnen j ihr li lephone arrived and uc hiatal tl nipnbli cif rondurttng rhurrh ll our in thr homo tin airship wui per- unultl bi ftuillih to fiuploy un exjiert to fertrd and wn literally toared u tile j cloud i ihr auuiinobllfl chuumd chcrr mavcino illuakkaht httttu i htm ilmlt nut mpi rt th mini ut nl- miyn to rrr with ihrr ilr in nnplnyrtl to tenrh tin mid lo rorrrrt any fair- idi n ihiiu hint ion ft rplrllunl llnrn nlialt not watch fur niqiiiilr- irmn or t rrorn nf picrh fir nlyli in th pulpit lliy nilnltrr h not rmployrd t tt ach lit i art nr rlirtorlr but to ni fully moving plcturr wan invrntvd and a nrw prnfrrjilon whs found for lluiw with laulful furrn and urncoful fiirtnii the radio appeared antl the v arid be fore you llfrt at it ant it nccma in nm that my par- c llcular radio frequently prevarlcatm it the no pi 1 lo tin l rnrt tell mf nix times id one evrnlnu ih it i lull iut all hi prt tut to thy tnl tnr rholceiit uowiifi may 1m pur- inlnlfler liny luiurpn li ihtu hoi t in n chnm d at nu different plncen in alx rervi or him win n hi inrrtii thj u dlffrnnt clllrn it telln me thin iuid it ptclallon he tlecervi the comfort nf i h lb me that until ay bi if u turmtlftiinulrri wrro to iwi titt h every family hvinu in u rtxmtry uijiua how inuuy reullv iujiyd brrukftujt wlml proportion if nrmwrrn would 1m in hit alflnuutlvti in mi many hoiiivchnld hreakfuiil u a scramble with every one in a hurry and at leant one pernon havliut not out of the wroim side of bed tlif atnianphitr of the breakfiutt table may affect the whole day ami tvtrttrv i rrllmporuucu 1 irjul l thn opportunity of a well wrvetl lebinrcly j am the goodnesa of the wheat in a tasty digestible form shredded tttvit tawks at acton yjltiitiamipnmg i uuliiy fmlv folue i ant highway cow hltle wan a dunky brc n and her neck other turn- wtu li tilrcdf very hot thlngn there wiui a moan of protect rin hottest possible thlrfet t3ont you tet conlrunt utc your lnuuiucucl clrla hay heat to your imagination ud en wliat pictures it con- jurei up and tlrn uc 11 compare notea one two three 1 ilcutl marjolnlnu what did you think of ciuiubt r plhd murjolalnc a lonn itrliil of canit l- with their necks bob- blnn cro inn mi i ndku burning deocrt lindtr 11 bruy hut rlcy and with hot yellow and brlttli bhiichtd bone under foot und no wuur mid a fur away mlr- ii1l of palm unlly i lu itol hold of a uomnhlp in u h t pic tea jtnollu rliiu clo tiili oiid itlurluu furniict doori und half dead men cndlcmly hovclliik coal am lvltj tlilnu movuis in a lunn slou roll nancy i havtn t much imuybiauon just an uplund pasture in auffu t with the smell o pennyroyal and awtel fern in the air itil nound of locusts whlrrlnn and a flood of bun thine a ihtllurtlia otrtct in tin filums of a riat city iokl up katharine iale children und ufllllni bubhj and i jii i in bur of li h r b jtly llm oik bom turner up and tin t d tiown fall wm keen of vb ion and lauu of limb with a itomnn nor ull ami rlbi like hoop dill many a ninrk did her body bt ar bin had bun u tiirnt t for nil lhluirit known on many a rar tin dirk hair would urow no mart ahi n it ouct had crown many a pan lomilt purtlun i li had hit upon her a la linn nnd a nhort i lump on a imnn made don t know where allowed a sentence pennnylvanla dutch how it auks me u retain my nlender inure by reachlnn or a rlnari tte inrlcad or a piece rnndy tlr ciifinr or wortla in rinw isucli t tret i nmokr and i m fal ceveral nitmbern of my family do not smoke rat plenty of sweetn and tjiry are tktnnlny to an extreme too much smoking dives mr hearlbum and even a little glvca m a foul breath it takes a lot of vl t nturr to have either of these effect lnti ihr mn tcr with uils radio of in i v 7 am i to take everything l -a- liluusly or am i to sucpeet uiat it ti no prone to utter an ur ruth a 1 1 ihe average human7 in other words docs my ro 1 occa- nlonally he when it des should thy secular life ihy joy of thy blve it a spanking by turnlrifl lie dial n hnloui lid will he in esacl proportion uln i da know nnd uiat to uiat to thy contribution thereto i nm too oldfaahioned and i sjtiokr i hu rhnlt not demand of thy mlnlnter w wc to believe that another clear- oi thy brethren more exemplary conduct rite cigar or pipeful of tobacco no than thine own it is as a irailcr in matter what the make or brand may tighten uinrwi rather than a follower la b to be of a much benefit that thou shall inont honor thy lord and w mo as a handful of raisins a lump bur it thou rhnlt un to all the church ner vins prt pan i to be plearetl nnd hl wed thus iimnll thou help thlfn in later and tin nrvir niul thycelf carry away a bit wiltil 1 bou hail not fret thyrlf when thy brt thrtn are choun before hire for oi flclal hnnom office rnrrit n lalwu and tipoiinlblllty nnd a rlfdit attitude may muke the more ie fill than thy official brothel ihnu dhalt nlwayn rpeak well or not at all of thy mlnlnter thy church nni brt tlicrn it in tint always easy to speak favorably hut not tt nneak unfavorably n qui res only n hence thou ithnlt contribute as cheerfully of thy time nnd means to thy religious life many id many a u mini a brlrk bat ii ninny n cttdip i had brought hi ii i it d torn if letxidly iwlftlj thrown earn to htr bovlm ma du ik i id in the pound j if to in r rulghbora hi ipluic hi corn many a cowardly cur nnd hound had bt tn tnininxld on lur cnimpkd horn many a teapot and old tin pall line the vlllaijc boy thd tu lur time- worn tall be honorrd of htm selected faot and lohmint what a man k dependn larirtly on wlint in dotji ulini he hun nothing to do ac t fir t thtn tell of mountains cleft asunder i hi i ightnlnn strikes beoro we hear the 1 bunder ruaar or a candy unlets my radio lias something mare than words from nn unnecn announcer inspired by an un- iecn ndverttatnff man to bolster up its rininir i m o to diblou extreni t ly dubious perhapa my radio lies 1 an editorial by richard 0 band et and palatable mother omvei i exterminator h acoepublfl to ollll- ane it tloe lu work rarely and thourh tempted sometime to be pro lone whim mniiji a wbayywillahftil rn- l to driu her out df hln growlnii train sharp were thevnrunks rht used to piny to get her mjjiiid jet away bin km whei uie dli i m ver pied her v111 and an evil irltam in it would crack hi v wuy and drive ulnnu in hi lst ad hor his bar with hi in a wily ho1 8hay lovid u call crumplco nimbly jumplnu lib nurdlii wull helplnu herelf to hbi rumdlnn com liitlnj hl cabbagi n oin by one hurrj uik holm whtn lu r work wan l human pujiiloiio were nulclt to rise and striding forth with a wwngc cry with fury blazing from both hla cyls an lightning s fliuh in u summer okj ittddtr and redder hb face would grow and after the creature he would go r the nt of a phalt and old orange peel and tr onions und unalrcd houj and nwaruu of big buzzing hlj and a bruken down pushcaxt a ktcamlnfi swamp in the jungle full of fcver und orchid- und hlppopolamiuea and thlngr oncred uen mine announced ina lu clrciii day in the big tent with a niell of saw iuh and wild animals with u thousand people aiming and peraptrlui and tin pink linionude jiet coniini around antl no extra dune to buy any a tragedy of early youth murjolalne it up it wont bt pink hiil nald but there an plmty of lemons and iii mnk zlna yuu nly wretch i believe that a whnt you wire leudlng up t ull thl tlmd well i couldn t oak outright could i laughed zlnn sliamelenly it unit my houe hut in htlp you qucczc n ui tin giumitl uniing his hivei of bn ltuviiik him angry and butl jtung wkhini tin oltl town tierk was wrung illl tim yi up piny he boyti of the village lull and iiil uny liuln d nt by i n w strong und fitberi iakd by ui hut the highway cow mitllw i all candy forulaii with stars a stage and tcreen bt nutlet dtpeud ukin lhelr aces tin ir urms their ubll lly nd their clothing for continued iuc ct they ure constantly being aled tu their vicwt ujkhi looel- clothing autumoblh und u forth quite recently twiiityoin of the pret tlut sllninioil youni wouilii of the stage and creen were u ked to lxjuiji their vilw upon capfiy an mi urtlcle o food twenty u lhem unawtred promptly u j hu that tiny were very und of candy ejl plenty uf it and do not regard it u futti uliil llghteen said they mate 11 u pructlli to illp candy un tlnlr uuifilng tablij at all tinier and oj ull coilewd tliut they ncelved many gifts uf candy it is nut dllllcult tu believe that the driving l ibh i were well leud blxty din ugo md bifore and alter it the highway cow wilt u familiar an mul on the blreets of acton in thow days as ntuny of you will remember it vas the ambition or every householder to twn a cow ihe family larder won nut complete without its pans of milk unc ciock of cream lvery occupied lot in town wan eneed necessarily in the endeavor to keep the highway cows out und in act to keep the garden products safely whtn the villager a cowa were be lug luktn ui and from home nnd hu pultun lit id ihe boys and girls were no nearer being perft ct in tho days thun thry me now and quite frenutntly tliey would loiter win n in charge of the cows to hue a giiu of marblt- r pluy ball or iklp iiil rope ur gosnip jj girls did tin n the unherded eos would inemieer along crojiphie the rojtuldt gruvi and l einctlm ntcrlni the neighboring uliert the gate iui curt llanly hit bou pint choice of eundy iwtcla quiu thoroughly chocolulca i boni u id mn iiurd emidli were the village cow j via n eurid at o much per tuoiilh or or the leuaou on nelglibtnlng farms then wan pasture ui bldmy bmltlia ut asu hall i jinn time ut jumcs canuroua generally on ue r another of ituuinun adams fields i fit u accummodntluni found at ab utuuiriri or jumei uell s and or red thi held tnoa oeyond the railway ntatlon out at l11 tinytbrs but mot fnvi it bi interesting lo lay tilt least that tin opinions of hum ntugi- und bcieen i lura should be o n irly allkt oin uut i 1 twenty one iigurdrd emidy ou a or li sllnini s wblh hi nitii r twenty ugitid li in til y that thin o not i o a all win slim und ullrurllvt and ull but out t li randy regularly it looks u though our local uu rt haiid may uo on with tht di pen big of their huccts with our hearty approval lb uvtrait american now ealn twelve ptiiind of candy ytarlv nnd liiropean leok upon us us ii mihtr lull and nlinder met tit wi may an well cuter ui our switl lotjlh smtalt mmonii- st iujlaus si nlch ilus i i xii m 1 land lot lung ugu xpluluid tliut lit i nry tith without uslii btgliiulug til ily 1th surah blin nits m tight noun huutluy itlktil st holurs btiiolurs w lilum nit still mild tin ii nni sekttiti six strulghtfor wurtl nobt r nteutl nt rlous nave bulhi b lark i muni nlstt r huian buian un m cd stiihbirn sullen tituihi startee seuld lug fining ntn nt titled wirn it imkiii ntoppt d said awt 1 1 soothing joseph collin ull ut duvt llydtr a in thov day a the highway cuw wan u cliuraeti r to in burgalm d with she ins giuerulty ihe prtrrty of sonit hu p t unluus clttzi n who m ver dclgntd to i nguge pultun- for his boviiit po session but lilt ln1 to mn liif stri i l erup seeli gru i us hi could find and not ri u ij iiiieermd if she fiiugtd for u unlly fiani in somt m igliborllood garth n wlur hu luculiiit vig wen nilh li sly attack d and eoniuiiu d i uty lx tuis iifcu acton uiu lnttir p iitud us a village und uuturully tht ntuly flodgit t oiiiilllmtti looked nbont to it t w hat llu y ci uld do to give our i tlnu town llkt nurrtiiludlnja om of ihi hist linproveiiienln nuggtstttt wiu hit 1 as hie of u by law requiring ct w hories i tc to l kept in pantun or ht rded at taut there went up u howl about tin luilmtnlllou on hie mhr mail und hit tiw it utok wvrul years lo have tlu bj law levlmil und mud fairly pi pidar 1 or a hint the jiound wivfl in almot dully ri qu lilt ion fur stray cown finally louiur tht by law b cunn hi u rally in ignlci tl us a good thuh milk routcn bi gun to lie t sublbihed by t utrrprltlinj dab ynu u until uiiuoit thre w n few ii any imlvltliiully ownttl ro s within tin iiiuuulpulity lo duy tlu re an very ew fillers no highway iiuwi and acton la u community of beuuty with a hospitable aspect mark ing hit liuium u in rally within her bordt ra iim di khimd sullltd s nut bt j rf do mi llu spun some nturtllng storlin hlle i 7 j i t- luld nhi saw nun ahijut nullhig suulh i as j l wnrtl huinlny i fill ml ny tiudunly she aw onic bhlps ilowly j linking bhr riiuiued aevtral seconds liain ly llu miw six sullorn awlm wlftlj j i hi ri u uril st king mh i or ud nrt ne ilx aolt survivtirnl hht imply suld i tiabbath lirtaklligl buian sighed iiomi- townii rs wspuiwr urn do a lot of good wn do lot i1n iiiaism i- ytitid lttttr ink olflihtr jut hit my uld ovi r tlu hi ud with a i luh dltl yt u kill tur don t ihlnliho i hu di why i waul tu bt lot knl up auk ili ui i junior loot or u in w pah r a bu lilt s tun do u lot of good for u town a town can tin a lit of ikk for u buslufu a community t an do u li t of good ur a elthm a illhuii run do a lot of i inki or u community nilthir o th h ihoultl wait nr tin tthir llnlh h- ii id uirt dnlug at nt and kitp vt rla tlngly ut it if mn wulls both may unit und m thlni would ui doju et oldest merchants 53 years in business in acton it muy not seem possible to many of ihe old boys and curls that kenncy bros are actons oldest merchants but such is the fact yes we have moved our stand from main street nnd occupy n new one on mill street but the welcome home will be just as cordinl in the new premises as it was m the old stand our standards of reliability in footwear of all kinds are just the iame as they have been through nil these business years in the old home town only the best at the most reasonable prices our stock is new find up to date our methods of kcpatrinjj call for tho upio date miiehines tfiiit ure modern in every respect kenney bros mill stoeet acton ontario a welcome to all the old boys and girls not inimnj the oldest business places in acton but its neiirlv twenty years sinee wc first opened up shop in the old i lome own we ii be glad to have you come in and shake hands und meet you during the celebration days we serve dinner and lunches ice cream and fine confectionery harold wiles mill street where the arrow kimed stop not many of iho old bos and girls will place us among the old business p luces in ac ion but il is ihir ty yeflrs biite wc irst sturted in the old home town the premises will not be iecoinued by many they have been modern ied and enlai ged but you are just as welcome in the new tjiiiirlers us you would have been in the old fashioncraft clothes and all the i ulesi jjrnishiiiis for men comprise our stock whoopee ha t and furnishings for the young men as well us the more conservative styles in clothes and wearing appurel will be found in our complete showing w m cooper on the mill anil main slreeln corner ac ton optnrio break font to memlwra of thn family thn flrot precaution to takr in to ad people out of bed in plenty of llmr easier aid than dour the wcqnd tu in havo brrnkfail ready when they come to the dining room and the third bi to hoe food prepared an i cerved in an appeal ins maimer a runtnmary breakfast includes fruit cereal bread in some form and a drink to thin may lie added eggs ot meat depending upon uie tired or derlro for nubitanual meal in the family with out a maid fruit with the exception of orangi jillre and hananan can he pre pared the night before orange juice mint he frenhly niuccced to retain lib bet flavor nanoiian will darken if peel- td and t xptwed to the air otewcd fruit i rven improved by ntandlng in ita own julre ornpefnilt in delicious when cut flection separated honey loured on ft md placed in the refrigerator over night herrlo enn be looked over hulled if nrccusnry and chilled hendv to cat cereals aro particularly conv iilenl to have on hand they per- i lug to varied preferrncm and no additional work corn rye wheat cerenbi are on thn market ready for use the moct popular break font drlnkn for ndulu are coffee and tea the chil dren usually have milk a caffeine free coffee can be bought if a nonsumulat- ing hot drink 1a desired the following breakfast menus ore well balanced and cugcut a variety of fiulln and cereal stewed prunes or aprlcoes coinflnken milk or cream bacon ilran mufflna coffee or caffeine free coffee or ullk oriiptdult tiweclenrd with honey bhrrdd d whole wheat uiuiui milk or cream bcr mbled euna toast ctiftw lor cnuelnc free coffee or milk canned peaches oatmeal milk or cream drolled 11am hot ho la coffee or caffeine free ooflw or milk weat with all the bran of the whole wheat i illy daily dully diily i illy crlnp ic in the oven cat it crumbled up or in htictiic form cover it with coolmj ercam or milk rich in all tin foui ele ments yem reed- vitaminn and baltn dclictoua for any 111c1l save ttte jhiwt inserts in each fuxcuaac pt iiiliulai- xif pt iiriti n fi jit hmulaj t xn pt i uiuluy xt pi i uiuluy lne wen t uiuluy only dully t tt pt fund ty i ill xt t pt fluidity 1 ij i pt e iintlay i ally t c pt i unt t ilally i rt pt mntl ly mop olil if pa nil i 7 12 pin fl t3 a m u 01 p m j i p m fl n p m ll 1 ll p m 10 41 nm mo n m 10 43 am j ji p m i 09 p m 111pm tin botrd canaixan nationai i i i ctitlc iiaii ways wesllinuinl i iii illy galvanized shingles nhl ywf tumuiunl 1tuia tcl akkvma unauui or cjrmaur sheirr steel cpiungs urtp uulaa pljutar a1 jinauililly crsekil cll intra vnuy ii yut up quickly iul oncaup tliy lay no ilast or illur vou wjj nvr hchi it rhirciuu of atewed pljpi cornflakes mtlk or cream graham toast boiled eggs coffee or caffeine free coffee or milk bcrrle- wheat cereal ready to cat rolls codtc lor enffclni milk or cream cod 1lflh cakeo free coffee or milk oranges and prunes bran waffles with bacon coffee or caffeine free coffee or for spnijna and lira uem there ta nothing better tor up ruins and contusion than or thomas eclcctrtc ou it will itduce the swelling that follows a sprain will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain it will take the ache out of a b rubic by counteracting the lnruunma tlon a trial will convince any whti doubt its power much too helpful how nice these are remarked marl an croas as she helped heme if to a econd coofcy do you or iiubve ever rruilce nut wafers mrs benson no we dont answered louise ben with a curtnets that her guest did uut appear to observe well then i must make you come while i am here for my nut wafers are really quite famous i 11 make them this afternoon it seems too bad or you lu work in the kltehcn this hot afternoon marlon objected mrs benson gently oh i shall not mtnd that in the least i 11 stir lhem up and your nice little be una can bake them but i hardly think we need them just now oh they keep beautifully and i llc to make them while im in the mood an hour later when louue had a- tablbihed morion in uie kitchen with uie numerous tnfnedlcjilb and uie various utensllj she found lptluncnglble she went to her mothers room be i ma after baking cookies all tills morning urn t enthusiastic about baking those famous nut wafers she said wlui a droll gravity uiat made mrs benson laugh and as she ha some cleaning to do i suppose i aliall have uie pleasure of spending this warm afternoon at uie n myself isn t morton annoying i she is a little trying sympathized b benson but she means to be kind of cuurse she docs but her kindness not uie sort uiat takes uiougbt of others her desire seems to be to show how much better she can do things thun wc can tlus morning after i had arranged the flowers hi uie parlor and diningroom she asked me if i had ever studied uie japanese method of making bou que to when i admitted i hadn t she said ahe would give a lesson she gathered up all uie vases brought uicm out u uie porch and began to snip stems and discard leaves and ferns til she had remodeled all my pretty bouquet in a maimer i uiought no im provement of course ahe left a utter of talks and leaves behind her 1 uoudcred why you were sweeping uie porch in the middle of the morning ild mrs jiciison smiling by the way mother marlon said uiat hlle i baked uie wafers she would show iu huvy to tear rags for uiosc new art rugs uiat she thinks wc ought to make for the veranda and louise fled laugh ing a hlle her mother tig tied tlic day after morion crocs ended iter tall louise took up o dozen napkins that murlau had impulsively offered to embroider and pointed to the large letter uiat she blamied in uie centre of each rortunalcly only tuo are done the said and i think 1 can carefully ftp those uut and wash out uie stamping on n all i detest napkins marked in the corner but marian wild it was the very latest nay and that uhc d just love to help i wltli uiem mother if i had ihe privilege of add a lie i it ion lo the litany i should beg be delivered from the visits of the irlptul friend i t or hums an j kcalds ur thorn ft il ire trie ou will take the fire out of a burn or ncald ii should be at- hand ui every kitchen so that it may be a vail ubl at any tlmr 1 lierr is no pre para tlon rrmilrid just apply uie oil to uie burn nr scald and the pain will abate and in u short time cease altogcuicr dim ipline ntcfshaky vou iiappinksh nobody is silly enough ut supixisc uiat 11 ir floppies i children arc uuise wliu are ullnwid to n i xactly as they please 1 hry have to bi disciplined and control- it d in ordtr to enjoy themselves the saint ut trui of uwrouter young people exit pt that in their rac are ueedrd it if dulpllnr and t- if control ihe mo t inline ruble people tui earth are tlrnw- wlio iilvtr huvt learned to my no to tlieui it he unci m art at tlu nuuy of tlu h uhliiui get the facts and save your money imiautitul rathpuoof quuteiml oiliagauak wll rut gr ttct- fvlv aiui ltrlulilna to halls storoa cliurcliss elumiia bileluuia ami bathroom un nntliln till you not ul prlcm and full ptuticiuara galvanized siding tar omtljtwtu papsr r dry see your local tinsmith carpenter fl 17am 10 17 a ni ij 1 1 pm up m 4 17 pm fi 1 7 p m i n urn 10 17 pm ip mi dally t 15 illy billy dilly i j illy i ily pilly tilly ill u illy md houtl m ii tu ut ll jo n nt 0 17 p m i as t bou lid it huudny buiidiyn nnd ir nt ut oou ul 7 17 p m only a car li und urrlvea 0 00 a m 7 3d ajii 0 34 am 1 1 34 jnx 1 31 pm 3 34 pm 5 34 p m 7 34 p m 0 34 p m 1131pm holioavtillp with coiiif oii and safety equip with tlio totighcul 1oiih t- wcnriog tiret on eurth untt know tliut wlit-r- evcr yon go your tirt h ill curry you through with prutr hiilvty uml econ omy thun any othrrn ytm csn huy xln cstru ilreulone pnutflh f tviiin- uippnik winch nutunitts oirv fibre of cv ry cord with rubbi r liiiiiniiting inlt runl friction onihim 1 with the ruigrtl i irrhliiur hiifctj trcud piveb you not only long miltu hut long umn orruptod nilh age iv rx ducing tin trouble to tin mutmhing hint sc jour urn rent i irtntonc oeulcr pliltstytni- 1iiil kuhllfcjtco ol- canada itu hamilton ootario most miles per dollar r biluutoaly pins tone tires are sold in acton in norton motot main strrrt lancy wind colu tnd diarrhci tlicrcfrtiiii ajitl by rifju itui ilie asiiiiubtion of lotxj gmni hcdllii toronto terminal krelr street and st culr avenue freight di livt n tl by pedal c sprees rclght ittlght picked up at any ad- lrcni in toronto jbfbps- ro3tm i ui plirir3sprn daily rxct pt saturday bundays nntl 1inhlnr nl in 05 ii mnnd- baturdnys sundays nnd holidayu ut 12 05 p m lislbound dm ul arton daily nt 1135 a m 3 05 p in 7 05 p m 10 05 p in 7 05 i m daily ictpt jn- uuj- and hullday and 0 35 a in tn sunday- unt holiday only ffcctive 1 allrr lil years experience we still iad the held in ilesulu and ilvsulta count kelly mltin colli ctolts no c olleclion no t luric 0tlce- urangrvllle owen sound quelpji qtudren cry f or castoria m cliers castorii c pccully prqnrcd t re- licc jnfuit- in tniu and children ill ifcs of ronstipituin ilatu- llliyinf reerisliiiebb afiiinp stunnili nni hiwel ml the protection unit is i hi nurd thai bert lyplllt viliil uft in ut mice means to tho man t uml diariit to i u i vi ll hi 1 ui u i xpluln ui any in un lii j btot ulud ui give tin pruttitliiii jim rtnllxc you should hu vi i hi prlct at which you i in tun thl v iii unirlst you i fallf ializl in i ii l inbur- anc1 1 xci ufalvli y frederick l wright itepr rw n li u v o imperial i ifc auuntnce co of a nad j i hone 103j main st acton mark lvery grave liti stot k ol- uonu i nts to t iloobl i- itom iiitiuory of loud niu i wliu havt lioiii tn li n ttiun in auttful ruiilu ull carvd with our iircirnt iqulpmtnt und fulilitli j no plant ls twtttr prrpur ul lo olli r txttir valma or a better illicit in in from thiui run be ii und ul mn plant you uwt 11 n vourmlf to it our sttwk and gt i tin luillniii on mouuiiiiiil markers i i t tilui i tittiini ik fun placing e1 alton monumlnt works lstabbihed 1020 j nl ol 1iionl 111 to avoid n alrtohllely always look or tile sim and natural icco i ituieof cctcdu uia everywlirre rccunuilcixt it mi old established hrm ue in a lunltloii tu lve you the moit inirlriil servirr savage co louiil un1iiam stiu1t 1111 ill diamonds wlicn iu itniulrr one itrmriuber ur lute only one ljullt itll- llr m watches unit ut- un llul luu an itrimnd un 1 rt muderilrly irlrrd h i i iiuin s vn1 1mtkhls vi nn and it n 11 s lhimirni and kcmodillnij lhiiii- in our uorkmoiihi

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