Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1929, p. 4

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r nil numr op jkjsffn artmt 3mtma haitian c w n a tin acton 1 tliiiriila cvruin uill street a 11 i ill ss u m the irrc pruc ii tj ic ctnmr1 bi iiii slitci tlie di rear inalv al to affiiei le to which paul ii lixi ltd 1 on iii al ire apvhltimnc lid ivcilrmr hat is lor 1 nil in tl rilti will lie o iini al licil i play aclvcrluinii ralr in app a dm us alitor tn rriionis cilltnnal ami luimot jm welcome ah acton citienvwiii over the- weekend tie hoils to tliouiiiihli ot vimtors many ot them will he old hoys find gul of former yi nrs mttny more will he idmugeis wio iimy not have ever visited actnrj pre viously most people who villi us ftrjnway with the iiupii on of hoini hospitably entertained und made 1 to fet i welcome they lire usually ready to return i nin when the opportunity present itelft we know c uie pcnkuig the mind of the citizen of acton i hen wl say wclc o al f to ull on the celebration ti tie over this weekend everyone will enjoy w uj nil the visitors we iropc they all carry away i i i m pre vi on of our hospitality again and the eii ii n will nlso bespeak tlie regard for property and orderliness thnt tins charactcrircd all other eclcbraj t on in acton a flood time with plenty of fun is hoped nil and a welcome assured thursday evening june 27 1020 more preventions from a costly sacrifice the jury enquiring into the accidental death of japics mcvicar at limchousc in n level crpssing a year jujii clofliittf in this the- lost issue of the fiftyfourth year of publication of tin im v pmsi and ere we enter upon another yenr of our newtpapcr history in acton may ac pause to express our appreciation of the loyalty and appreciation and the coopcrattoq given of all in the work of publishing for acton a newspaper befitting n community of such importance as our home town is to all of us of the fiftyfour years the present editor has been in charge for only two but ii is twenty yenrs since his first association began with tin fni i pm ss like the town tnr frr porss has had continual and steady growth and we hope has kept pace with the growth of the community it strives to represent the future will hold exactly that same mm ot growth with its community as has character izcd the past and an earnest endeavor to work for actons best interests in alt things may we bespeak for the future a continuance of the attributes thnt have conributcd so much to whatever success may have been achieved in the past tjnckoteventyitvernet in order that a clearer view the wealth of canada the national wealth of canada exclusive of un developed natural resources la placed at 27087000- 000 for the year 1027 in an estimate made public at j a rata of 05 mite dr uccall reminded ui dominion bureau of statistics last week this fe j v i merman dmlttd tuk umkhoosti fatality ar idmlul ttii was jury verdict tuot mended tli trm fclid hliruu b cul duwii fw 75 w accidental death wm tlie vortllcl brought in liy the coroneri jury at the udjourimhl ulqiuult chi illllrmdy evenlllb 1 3th at aenrgetown on tint diaui of john mcvlrar toronto killed on may 14 ut tljn crossing conefcjdwi 32 ljiue- iwuju ami tlie radial railway by a indinl car proceeding rtutt a rider was atlatched lo tlie verdict ilcommeudlng that the trees nnd shrub lr cut down along ii lo conclusion for o iliutance of 70 feet fnnii tlio track south and for tlie some distance along uu track from the crossing and uiat the road be widened at thin point ii mccoll milton oorouer pra- nldrd crown attorney w a dick was in charge tor the crown if a richard son toronto represented james mc- clurea iiitcreau and a o ucdotiald appeared on ttchalt of uuj o n ix john ucvlcar district uprlnundent c roaxu far pel i fa ton dutferin and qlmcoc accompanied by janics ucclure oeorbctown was proceed i titf nortltward acroaa tlio radial croulnff on way 14 when the car waa thrown violently atraiiut a encc mr mcvuar bilnff uuuuiuy kill ed the inquest wajj lield on may 23nd i when evidence wan utvn by the train c v and wan ndjounird until ttl 13th meijluii to appear mcciurc who waa uie ouur tccupant of uie fatal car wr 1 uie only wltncjia examined at this alt g of tlio jury i mr mtclurc declared tint lie had i heard neither whuue nor ft na fllxty feet from uie track lie looked to uie rlaiil uie direction fjom wlilcli tlv car was approaching uien to uie left and the track wan clear in both direction mcvlcar wlio had also turned to look continued to drive toward the track mcdure looked to uie rlht sealn and thu time saw tlie raxlial car about ave feet went of tlie cat lie guard or about 10 feet west of the motor car between tide altmpae of uie radial and uie im pact lie heard a uny bloat of uie wliuue iteooverlns for a moment after lie crashed on uie aide of uie track lie crawled toward ucvlcar and raised uie lattefa head immediately becoming un conscious ftffln tlie motor car wu only txavclllfte at 3ft mllea per hour ucoluro said dr mccoll reviewed uie evidence taken at uie inquest on may 33 and atrexaed uie statement by the motorman oeo dohxon that uie radial was coins at whkn tuv catrrainf tottriavj cupuiln hurt hud iropited in cnjfliuiuh irhoiilrouui to iwar uie libs- inry u umn wtinrltiu u- uruiul army btituin and with u fund of mmori tlrnw from tie wan ulwayn a welcome yullljrr uijui carle ton uakttd him to bpeal to hut puplu and he eoiibenbd uood-natur- edly i huve uild a ood many of my ex periences lo you crut and lioys he bean laid prhapj k ve given the tm- prciuloii that i always bumw my around but onre ua yon mlffht lay i lteat an inulorlous retreat i believe i ii tell you about that it isnt an army atory tlioufth it hnpiiened when i was a boy id uoliitf to scliual when uie jahitui of july came some of us older boya utotiifht we would have a little celebra tion and we raised about ttvr dollars ninnnff ouraelvea they cava me uie money to take care of when the day came to spend it i went cims lots from my liome to tlie bclioalliouse and just as i was aklrtlnif a pond a playful little newfoundland doc uiat betaiibed to- nelshbor joined me j and wanted to have same fun i was carrying the money all in silver and i coppers tied uv in pocket luuidker- 1 ejilef and toweer suddenly jumped and grabbed it and ran off with it tn his mduui in spite of all i could io lie kept dodiflnn out of my way and nnjlly he swam out into uie pond tlten twenty feet from the aliore uie knot in uie handkerchief untied and uie cele- b in hon money went to die bottom 1 f it pretty sober when i had to meet the boys i was afraid utey would the finest tea you can buy 1ed rose orarlrje pekoe made from juicy flavor filled leaves three daya in bud everypackage guaranteed redrose red rose orange pekoe i extra good dangerous varicose veins reduced or money back this simple home treatment lu giving amazirtk ruultii ttub geiiuy and upward yevrarj uie strength and apply an directed nlflht heart as nfoed in veins flewa and morn inn ui the rwoii n cnlorflcd tliat war veins coon you will notice hint they arr brow in nmallcr and llir trratmrnt if you or any relative or friend is should be continued until the veins are worried brcause of varicose velnn or of normal sire do nenetrattnn and blame me for careleasness but i never bunches uie best advice uiat anyane powerful in firld oil that even pllrn dream rd of wtiat did lioppen tom mor i fni tua the wealth was divided among the pr ifaaglaunacwaury fohwohftrrio tf that a life be sacrificed at every crossing to secure j the total quebec 6852279000 or 2475 per cent s 2008055000 or 1083 per ceot british columbia 23isg5l0o0 or 838 per cent alberta 22582 1 0tuoo or 8 10 per cent manitoba 1925350000 or 6 05 per cent nova scotia 875- 129000 or 3 10 per cent new brunswick 751818- 000 or 2 71 per cent prince edward island m8- 493000 or 0 53 per cent and yukon 10830000 or 0 00 per cent while ontario and quebec lead in absolute wealth the western provinces came first in per capita wealth as follows british columbia 4032 alberta 3000 saskatchewan 3586 on tnrio 30o0 manitoba 2 076 quebec 2031 new brunswjck 1829 prince edward island 17137 nova scotia 1578 and yukon doubtful this recomntendotion there are innumerable such deathtraps all over the country such as the one at limehousc following this accident would it not be the part of wisdom to see that the brush is cut back from all the crossings for this distance it is well that some prevention may be given this crossing but the costly experience on this one crossing should be sufficient to apply preventative means to all others with similar surroundings in this instance it is interesting to note that during april which is prior to tlie beginning of the heavy uuto traffic there were eight deaths in canada from trains and automobiles colliding in that month there were 20 level crossing ticctdcilts and 31 were injured besides those that were jcijled n ontario six automobiles ran into the sides of trains twenty of the accidents happened during daylight hour every crossing requires all the pro tection it is possible to afford for it if the toll is to be lowered and why can the protection not be given every spot without toll being exacted trains being lnuu hand of ha driver ontario outute which requires motor ists to slow down to 10 mllei an hour when approaching a track where uiere la obstruction to uie view confidence in public business tlie question is being asked by citizens of acton where is the- school board business transacted apparently not all of it nt the meetings regular and special of that body the report of the special meet ing tins week following upon the remarks of one of the members at the previous regular meeting is con elusive proof of this the business that passed over the board table was carried out nt the instruction of the board by the secretary the applicant for the position would have hnd no knowledge unless sup plied from other sources of who the chairman of acton school board was he applied in the firt instance to the secretary the letter offering him engagement was sent and signed by the secretary why was the telegram of refusal of cngemerrt ad dressed to the chairman why did one member of tlie board have personal knowledge that mr ward would not accept less than 2500 when his applica tion to the board stated clearly he would accept 2400 what ground have any of the board mem bers to assume that the secretary should not receive the reply when he was instructed to write the ncceptnncc for the bourd these are the questions that will be turned over in the ratepayers minds today let us have t answer in a right about face method of conducting the public business everyone is tired of these methods that ereate suspicion in the public in i ud und accomplish no good such pro cedurc is only aggravating and agitating public cen sure developing uie country that those towns und the countryside which arc situated not loo fur from the cities or larger centres have an excellent mid immediate future before them hes ahvnys been the contention of this journal head what the editor of the st alnr s journal has to say along this line in an editorial in a recent issue of thut splendid weekly paper we noticed in a new york slate paper the othei day a heading stating that a supreme court justice had been the speaker at a local fiumcrs banquet and we were curious to see hit practical subject the eminent judge chose to help the fiumcrs whui he said in part was that in a few yeais the population of new york would be coi i in th i way and land values would rise to a very great height he also said thai the people of the cities were seeking tlie letrcats of the country for the hustle und bustle of the cities wiib breaking down their health in no biiiull measure while driving n trill out of ioioiilo out dalait week the writer as impressed with the tuci hat what the icurnel4- judge suid rcgaiditig new york state has some ap plication too in regard to ontario farms that lie cose to the larger cities toronto now extends twice as fui up yonge street as it did u generation ago in fret the highway is built up with residences gas intuuis and stores most of the way to richmond hill on this highway mid others in that same dis- iier many farms belonging to urban ites are in evid ence and no doubt u good deal of the surplus profits of our present industrial development will ind its uuy into gentleman farming this trend will no doubt result in an mueuse i farm values in certain favoied districts during the next few years a higher peak a cause for optimism and thankfulness is found in the business summary for the month of the bank of montreal any dark spots of the picture painted of canadas standing arc overshadowed by the con ditions that have existed during the first half of the present year the summary says in the halfyear drawing to a close canadian commerce in nearly every branch has reached a higher peak foreign trade railway traffic manufactures mining building operations and agriculture in the large have been of greater volume and value than ever before em ployment has never been more brisk nor balance sheets better diffused prosperity the rising tide of which set in five years ago continues a relatively large programme of railway construction has been entered upon development of water power and mineral resources is unabated new manufacturing industries are being planted in the prairie provinces factory facilities are being enlarged in the central provinces and a distinct improvement in business has been brought about in the martimes by prefer ential railway rates large expenditures of public money on highways have given employment to labor and impetus to busmes bringing in their train a great intlux of tourists whose disbursements are estimated to reach 300000000 this year and so aid ir redressing canadas adverse trade balance with the united states the dark spotsot the picture number stock market recession decline in the price of wheat nnd coarse grains congestion of grain at terminal points with consequent loss to lake shipping and business mortality occasioned by competition of departmental and chain stores editorial notes golden wedding anni versary r and mrs thomas tvrryuaa cali brated flftutli aanlreroary last week were married in aolen fifty tears ago i was no fool 60 yens ofio chuckled mr thomas ferryman as he cost an affectionate cuuice at his bride of half a century on tuesd of hut week he and uxa perrymon of 100 charles direct west celebrated their golden weddinir anni versary the couple went to toronto 30 years oao from acton and lived there for 14 years then moved to broug ham and only returned ajraln a year and a half ago to toronto when they took up residence next door to uwir duufl liter mrs a p love a son rtobuid perrynuui came all uie way from luclian near winnipeg for the occasion there he met his brother edwin perryman whom lie had not seen far 14 years friends of 3040 years ajpj including many from out of the city joined in the jubilee two houses of large proportion their own and uiat of their daughter were required to acconv module uie truest- and no wonder for bulhoush mr ferryman is so and his wife 70 they arc as jolly and enthuil asuc as a younjr couple i always make uie best of everything sold mrs perryman and uiat probably explains it mrs ferryman ware her mothers wed dhiff shawl a hanckomc black crepe rich ly embroidered and with soft tine fringe over her black georgette dress ilcr daughter mrs a f love received with her during the afternoon and evening at uie evening dinner just for uie family their daughter and two sons were present with uicufamlllea includ ing seven grondcliildren on thursday mr and mra perrynutn and their son mr roland perryman called on friends in the old home town where they had been married fifty year previously and visited his sisters misses agnes and sarah perryman and other relatives and friends rill was first to apeak after i told my story cant you make tip a more likely story uian uiat says he wlui m sort of sneer for an instant jswas uiunderstruek and uien i was balling wlui wraui tom was uie biggest boy in school but meant to make him cab hi words or know the reason why k lake uiat back l i says walking right up to htm dont you dare to tell me i llel but tom dldn t cat his words o pshaw i he cays just as if you couldnt vou vc lied ume and again you lied to uie teacher yesterday and whats to hinder your lying today well at uiat every mite of strengui seemed to go out of my arms i looked at the ouier boys but no one took my part and i just backed away and final ly marched off lylme it wasnt uie sight of tom s ist uiat drove me it was what he hod said tlie trouble was twos true i had only done as a good many ouiera did in school 1uidi liadnt in uils world can give you is to ask arc quickly rellei your druggist for on original twoounce lots of it bottle of munti fmerau oil full iloiicard i business directory dk j a mcniven iliystnbm slid kurjooit r and lrnldi nee comer llowf and riilti lltrrrt ii uai no 2j i o ilox 335 iiahoi i nabll i akmrk m a llarrklrr solicitor notary rublle convryanerr i le lfcltltyman illicit at ton ont momky mrr on mouroaorca hours 0 30 a in uioo p m futurdays 13 00 o clock dfntai l d s shhr-ii-trmrkjt-utttrtr- trstdeja6thifjj as myself in regard to anyuilna lmpor- taauotlptth rhy tended to tell uie truui and expected to be believed but you see when uie pinch came uie very boys i liad lielped out in a wrong way wouldnt stand up for me and what was worse i couldnt stand up for myself as it happened mr dmlth towaert owner was up in his pasture uiat after- arid had seen what happened ko he afterwards bore me out in my story dut i insisted on making up uiat money out of my own pocket and to do it i had to sell my gun i had teamed a lesson and i determined uiat in uie future id try to make my word good enough to stand alone boys uie old captain concluded to be called a liar is considered uie world er about uie worst of insults old ui i am i wouldfi t stand it from any one today buthow u a fellow gotnilj to have uie face lo resent it if lie knows down in his heart uiat it is true our new and complete storage vaults are ready imimcnse and spacious are these new vaults which provide ample room for trom i 500 to 2 000 coats hung separate 1 y on individual hanpers currents of cold nir circulate con- staqtly around them nil 3timrneiqrtfl s rothitruotedtor the preservation of fine skins kecpyour furs inviolate from fire theft heat and di j m belx d d s dental kurrn office mill and froderlck otreeu piionk 30 n j h johnson d ds l d s dental burrm 1111 street in un niock telephone 45 miscellaneous francis nunan haakbhider account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and prompuy done wyndliam street ouelph oat over williams htore thr depredation of the destructive moth lafontalnes for store phone 122 guelph quebec sl e r j kerr auctioneer and real estate twenty years experience list yotm pnopettty wmi me acton ont40io if you arc 1 he festive appearance is being taken on by the home town with the co operation of all the greet ing is extended und shown m every direction and now the detroit rum runners have been devoting their iitteiltion to the photographers and employees of newspapers who would expose their ac- mm ml tivitics surely canada will not allow of the methods one filnlt to cover territory within t- mmablc tcurlng distance they are amonr border i he time to stop it is tllc vcry mbd3 av uiat show not after a foothold is gamed darly ihe main highway aystcms xud their com it c lions between the two coun- trks without unnecessary detail by hon w 5 ridding a statesman who was honor llcl iu the round trip may be selected details cd by all hua passed on to his great rcwurd as a 1 1 which may be obtained from local statesman orator great canadian and patriot hia xrovinciaa tir tat tijahwajr mpse in addluon to uie scries mcntloncc uicmeiy will live on through the generations his a general map covering the whole of can- abil ties and his service to his country have made oil f t muth ot pracrlsed aeios at us hrsl appe the mine that summeb vacation now uiat bummer is here a favorite leisure hour topic with a large number of is the annual vacauon memories of glorious days spent an the roads and unlls trough forest or mountain and by lake or stream lure our thoughts to plans for uie future the delights of onuclpauon ore ours as we pore over mails or pluunphlets and think of uie days to come canada oilers attractions which ore insuriiasscd in their diversity east west or north uie roads lead to oppor tunity and adventure in order to assist the tourist m planning his trip uie can adian government through its deport ment of the interior issues a series of maps sliowlng uie main automobile roada in canada and uie northern btates tlie iliecu which make up uie series are uie auontlc cjrcat lake middle west and pacific tlie sketch map repro duced un uils page indicates uie area covered by one of uiac maps which lie w ever contains much more detail than can be shown here presenting a sufficiently large area on reu- vne thoughtless beutb it was her birthday and her husband had gone oil to the office without so much as wishing her many happy re turns of uie day when he returned uiat evening how ever she was overjoyed to notice that ho carried a small parcel under his arm at lie put the little package down on uie hall table and kissed her more tenderly than usual she realised uiat she had done him on lnjusucc i uiought youd forgotten all about it she sold her husband was busy unwrapping the small parcel pipe cleaners 1 gasped the unman peerliiff over- his shoulder my stars pipe cleaner i yes pet was the virtuous answer i knew youd be pleased you never did like me using your hairpins dd you v there may be other com removers but you will not be completely sat isfied until you have used holloways com itemovcr you are looking for any in vestment for your money the mldcontinknt bbnp cor poration offers oecond standaiid romlues one of the safest cecurlucs to bo had gafe as afiank and piys good dividends bexy month information- elndly given for the asking without obligation to iou 1 h vvtdawson 1 o box 34 duampton district representative have opemnes for a few local 4 supreme building advantages when building a new home or mak ing over an old one use this greatest of ail wallboartls vou will get these four supreme building advantages puji jjj tbtcknesi giving greater struc tural strength nnd rigidity basitr application goes up quickly without muss saving time labor and money fgreproof nonwarping gyproc walls are fire barriers cannot crack warp or shrink takes auy decoration including ala- iwane wajjpapcr paint and panels iv r tor sal by j b mckenzio acton ont chrysum 75- royal sudan 1985 w that atone rnefins a hen you see the nurn- ber of chryslers in the hands of bankers lawyers doctors manufacturer j engineers notice who own chrysleis lot spring anchored in moulded bloclcs of hvo rubber instead of ordinary metal shackles supplemented by hydraulic shock ahsorlicrs means an entirely new and delightful comfort in riding take a demonstrat i sivo cars arc now driving chrysler by preference today there is a general recognition of the fact that chrysler lias obsolctcd long canu unj at the loss of one of her greatest sons says the kingston whigstandard the toronto globe has struck a popular note in its suggestion that another tune than the hot nunimcr weather should be chosen for examinations fancy young children hav ing to swelter in hot stuffy rooms at this season of the year and later when it should be just as easy as not to have the examinations in early fall or spring speaking of the celebration of fathers day the hhiuebeck n y gazette says there 13 a new mammy sung about every week but a little praise once in u while for the dear old governor wouldnt be more than a million miles wrong and might cheer up lie heart of one who bus for years patiently carried a load that would have put atlas out of the running with fallen arches united btates to issued this map tlio u td prove useful to transcontinental tourists and ouiera planning routes cov- rrlnix lurge areas we undcnauid that iiipleu of any of i lie maps may be ob tained fric of cliorffc upon request u the natural rr sources intelligence tier- vice of uie department of uie iiiterlar at ottawa canada sponge cakk 3 rim yolks j cup sugar tabicspoan lemon juice mi flour luiiiu alh pan und buko o minute i 3 oven 310 degree f iomrauj chemists judaea and other established standards leader throughout the dominion you realize more chan ever tliat you travel in the best of company when youowa and drive a chrysler it means something defi nite when thousands of vople who formerly owued en 4 drove far more expciv by scientific distribution of car weight by new utilt- zatinn of fuel by advanced carburetlon and correctly applied thcrmodynamlcs chrysler engineering has created a new performance a iter fee tlylialuncrd chas sis with buoyant vanadium learn for yourself the dif ference between chrysler iicrforniancc und tlio others chrysler 7i i u soio li li llodf sol cllrvsulb 65 j1321 lo f uoo sj bodr sale ilfiil via j omur mwu 2 0 0 chkyslek gp ciikyblull motors riuuuct acton monument works not ine of arion i oldest caub- llshld concrrn but oni that has i hown good pnimcu durhnj the years o lea establishment l3ti aulibhud in acton in luio air deallnx and goad workman bbip arc meriting kach year larjrr business for us john nicol fashions for the smart woman 4 8io lol ilm ii id viic t 111 uic ml tic optomktky itti value lo the public uy a u havauu uuelph ontario llllmil n 1iclll hl strain h a coxe ibryuler and ljymoutli saleii and service phone fio acton ontario lhiy dun t cluliklt ix loillltlnira xulrt their apply uuy i iciui know whut l wrong ixjmitrd to know iilllltrd hltin i studh i never rt ally uu nicclvc liny dldikc books and this j ual because uielr eye do not fuiulloii as thry uhould interiuited paniiu shuuld inter view us

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