t1ik houk op ffilfif artmt 3tor tesa i lion c w n a ti1l akn i ki i illlss ii mlhlrl i m rvmli 1i1ii street att price ii lion irr cltaracl subllucm llaui til lal pail it inlkalr advehttsin iiatis ontario tlic c a dhls editm we thank you urethral on tliu occiriion of the hfty-foiiah- herthtluy of tin run phi v lust week we upprociute very much the many knu rctnarlcn ot our coutcmporunei com- inf from editor with ycurn of newipflper oiperlenco tlit- l ljvc renewed cournri and fnitli in our coure jnivl tieujrheii the desire lo jivc acton the jcind of puper we hiivc so jjcncrouilybbcn nccredicd witli in hin wc thnnk you brethren the welcome nt london it wa our privilege inst week to attend the con vention of the canndmn weekly newipnpcra asso ciation nt london it is customary to hold thia kutheriiir at larger centres and along with many we wdndcrcd at romp to london someone who had the arrangement of the affair in hand knew london nppnrcntly the gathering tins been conceded one of the finest of the annunl conventions of ttie a230- cmtioji before wc went to london the repented mvrtntwns and asiuranccb of the chamber of com merce of a welcome to their city rather had us flunking that preparation was being nude for an enjoyable time in the forest city the city council j h fnllpwlnu art tlut promotion hi dunvrln uclionl fl fi no 10 kmiuidiu jv iv u llr iv rac mlnloft honors vrma jim jr iv kniwilo lohtilll or iii to jr iv jack mclean jr iii to or hi malwd pairr lumont flla oalchy lionorn angela tonelll jman mrlrati hilly mnrrltt jr iilr- mary ilyder jr ii to jr ii melvlllo uonus aimrlaa mills laura iloniui joun wall amrlla tonelll 1 or i ifl jr ii brfttrtc uarrttt nr i john druk or pr w jr i qtilnta tonhll jr pr to ur ir charles wall carnry hon us clare nc llonus jr pr tommy ilonun ilobblo tontdll m k hall teacher thursday evening july ii 1020 acton puljlic school again achieves splendid results the remarkable results obtained by miss m v- nnut standing at the entrance examinations in afond alt wnc nrc announced thatcr represented delegates coming from the church thfl who tried stfwcre successful thnt cnl tlic weather ic arrangements carried ou of egrcc orficiency the ppic cnjoyi tlie itiefj lt ts a that sixteen ly jlio bond arrived by 4 and was met by a eomml standing the achieve cltlaciu band and escorted teachers and dulhs alite dlst bchoal room where a nuoited them after ten ngrbtulations on the cxcel- ed on miu street and n brought to acton public march to main street whoi and rendered a couple of bci endeavors nroowdlns to the park tlie tlia evenlnc oeffrctratcd at tain acton onuiecmen had a very ful demonstration on tho r twelfth aluiouah the wnathcjvt removed threatenlne throuahout the dy crowd oauwrd for u bamcaw last week says all a special train from oakvlua a fore noon and brounht a lar governed advertis- that town and points alonr tti funeral service as the parade formed nt lb 1 tha- a follows m away with and undertakers are now advised by the association to get in touch wuh their local newspapers arjd arrange for suitable advertising the ban has not yet been lifted from dentists but it is bound to come and why not the foolishness and inability to enforce the regulation have trom the outset been a handicap to the effectiveness of the act governing the associa tion why any legitimate business institution that has as truly great o service to render to humanity as the ontario funeral service association has should place a ban on enlightening the public of thra service through advertising is a conundrum that was almost impossible of answer the regulation be clouded the standing of the association and aroused n suspicion entirely unfounded its abolition on this and other business professions is a step forward toward idvanced business methods 1 like mothfft uspjo to makk mlm ell orenoutfli lived in half of her own hoiuie in aldendala tlie oilier half hud lona been occupied by olios james and his old mother who had recently died the flowers on her grave had hardly withered before ullas cams to hbi landlady to reslsn his lialf of tlie hounr iie must mavft up his mind to boardat tlie inn he said i am very sorry aald mhui kllsf with a tilali it will seem lonesome without your mother alter her next door for go the chamber of commerce the newspapers the lon x mu iwr ill i i an a line woman and a food manufactories the railways and business men and ncinuujr assented olios and what nstitutions co operated in a splendid manner to con pnocai aim could maker t 1 i ol10 b mc hcr rule rem irked uus iumnte the enjoyable tune prophesied by the chamell ber of commerce the welcome and entertainment ho im rru i i uwmirht motlier wouldn t bvc her cook- were splendid and back of it all we could not help me rules to anyone gome women wont feeling a true nnft sin thnt may be occasion- you know 11 1 iwt tl i ves i know tsid uia lua bdt ally foundnacking in n larger centre the pride or i b her pancake receipt londoners in the forest city was exemplified in their i an waj1 j eood at sjiorteake on at pancaken remarked the bereaved bankb that it ould never occur to hnr courtesy and kindnesa and in the home and business oon with a alali her aliortcakes would ndt to co- tavor till ahed found urroundinpa of the city it was a deliphtful nnd ln v mouui did you ever taste out whether or not a person wanted u j any mlsa elbai conferred interrupted uarjolalne you instructive gathering and the delight wns intensified yes i did many times was the i w wonderlna just what id do by the warmth of the welcome that was shown by rcni a t remind mc i am ao- i very likely youns atwood knew who i was ins to have shortcake for suppci tonlnht u he did i could of course charge it the citizens of london we will always have very bm 1 w nrmk ft pt i to you out it was quite possible also ttiat he pleasant recollections of that welcome that was relf you boo ld ouas i dldnt and i wished not to embarrass do miss mothers cooking iiow ahall i eur h myxelf oo as miss and shown on every side during our two days visit stand h at uw inn i dont know 1 uarchbanka turned away with her parcel there inst week i t1 w the cook there u a real cood x tolfr him that i found myself a little one remarked mlsd kllsa i aliort of money but i wished to make 1 yen but he o a man aald cuaa sure of that velvet i would take give mo a womans cooklna every time wlul trie and chare it u ills rules ner- ah city dallies view the weekly newspapers f mother spoiled me and aaln the canadian weekly newspaper convention at i at nipper ume ulss ellxa carried a london was hc ubee of tb fohown cry ncr- i tlsll7sls ly tlie nelabbors were all at supper or a avm lnftioncn well tllct you match itv nlly ik- rd up turry an uarjouinn- rwiui in you l17 you rully did ileui you my rhildt h wuh too hud of me to int you under ink i it hut i did want to have my tltmm in tluv for hrtty h weddliik and i runt bo nhoppliitf y t with my dam nurd nliklt- what did you have to pay v i uore tliaii you eifihcted i m afraid 1 raid majoulnr kiht dollarn well don t look iu downhrarlcd if it wosl kveryllilnu a more than anybody exrwcu nowadays and itn 11 economy to maktf tlie drrn over at all i don t crudtfr a dorlur or two extra on the new material im dellahtedl im rlod you are said uarjolalne and if i dont look entirely happy my self u unt becaui of the ruiey or yes it is hut for a different reason i hate to be done favors to don t you consldrrlnit uist youve just do me one and i liave scarcely finished thank ins you for it remarked nelly you can hardly expect me to agree tliats different i really knew what you wanted and you could have declln ed if you d been unwilling to accept what i lute u to have favors inflicted analnst my will whoa been inflicting favors and how are uiey concerned with my shopping demanded nelly this way x had to ecour tlie town before i found anything that woud do and wlien i did find it lt was at atwoods i rarely trade uiere and was sure you don t well wlien i prlc- d tlie velvet i realised i hadnt enough in my purse to pay for it young at wood wob waiting on miss marchbanks oil said nelly with a look of en lightenment ulss uarchbankal ghaa just about the loveliest tiling ever and as kind as kind but but she lsco concclously the ulss marchbanks tile gracious ulss march- otflee hours 0 a m ull p j cadesky ov louonfo kyekiht simsciamkt will nk at a t 11iiown a duua ijloitl acton monday aug 3 2 our knurl day for july will he oldlmj to that moulh omihe to holiday anynnr- atirfcrlng from isyentmln defective vision or ilesduche should not mun thn opportunity of consultlnic this ey night hpccultst appolnttnrntn may lio made with mr a t ijrowii dnikglst condultation vmak business directory tlie subject of the following very inter esting comment in an editorial in the london adver- largest ineas50iojiors history r mothers receipt lt couldnt have tasted every province morb liko milted but i had no account with the arm and i would be perfectly satisfied to leave my name and address and have it reserved tor me to call for later well before uie poor man hod more uuui opened his mouth to amwer and wax cure by his expression lie dldnt jfeystam luff w wr fttr it was answered ulss eluut calmly i whatl che dldnt give you uw re- west london has not in years entertained a more eelpt lor ahorteake tool he esclaimed influential body and the mayor and city council yes she did ellxa assured him l 1 well im beat was all bllaa could are to be commended for their public spirit in acting cay t he continued theres one as hosts last evening london is honored by being nils though that i know the never gave to a soul and that is her fruitcake cjiosen as the convention place this year and it is to ncei u btxn ta our tamuy for be hoped the visitors will carry away pleasant im- generation her grandmouura wed- s w i tl i ding cake was made from that rule and pressions or the city the publishers of weekly her mothe and so was hers vnds newspapers are representative men in their common- her sisters mather cherished that ai j j i if it wan a gold mine if she had stone tcs and lenders in all public activities as a cross- bmln of mma 5j section of canadian life and opinion it would be it it would have been a gold mine too i ir t n j i iv l that reminds me said ulss ellxa difficult to find the equal of such a company as is that x ft fnilt mkt l assembled at the hotel london ume ago if it wll not call up too and the london free press of las friday also jjj jjss had the following very kindly comment london olios eating fits cake fropi a chma welcomes h week he members ot the canadian gfj j llv weekly newspaper association who qre oriortnc it tfl nearly iuj good as mothers but this cty with their annual co reprasenlinc sds u mor jutt u as it does all the weekly- newapapers of canada jut th taste of hers here s perhaps no more influent organisation n m jsj tn sss2 canada for the weekly newspaper gets close to the i made it and you detected lti you hear of he rwal communities and the small towns juirt m trom and after all they arc the backbone of the dominion i it wosl sold alias well i am 1 is nn ha he e should mee n london tnttjf iti because western ontario has more weekly news- me hi good hands theres only one papers and good weeklies hun any oher d of saaf x fls canada the simcoe reformer the st marys journ- have some fruit coke in the house it alarcus he fer newsrecord and tho chesey j g jssjsmlsjsl fnterprise to name but a few are models of good but eliza i hare always toujiit a good cekly papers times have changed regard to the ffl uvcs kl county counctla not popular with taxpayers the resentment that is continually cropping up in numerous counties und brings on periodically the question of certain towns separating from the county must be justified by some misunderstanding or fiult in the general administration ot this body through out the country and not individual bodies of this administrative section last year the town of oak ville was considering separation trom hoi ton county this year the town of brampton isnt very much pleased over the increase in its county assessment down at port colbornc that town council is discuss ing separation from wclland county there is scarcely a municipality that docsn t feel the burden of county expenditure aod is enquiring as to why the increase and what is being received tor the money in halion the amount required has been sicadily increasing uh year this year it takes ten mills of acton s forty seven to raise money for county purposes the question that would appear to be asked judging from the reports of these last two mentioned municipalities is what arc wc getting for the money equalizations and the shifting of the burden from one municipality to the other are ithout avail when a new improvement is inaugur nled in a town such as new pavements and the like there is little criticism of the expenditure thus made the ratepayer is seeing something for his money hc can enjoy the article he has paid for or can sec others enjoy it with county council work it would seem different the icviti for good roads arc distributed fl r the county usually with the section with the bucket vi representation getting the biggest share tlll llt log rangey rac ls sponsible for an everincreasing kiitii in uactoox uihount bus we believe almost l the past live years the solution tor jing of the county council would seem to 1 towns separating from the county body but creasing the expend u es of this body and re vesting the control of more expenditure to the hands of he local councils to be udministcrcd by them huch of the fault is lot with the county council but with the legislation thnt is adding more and more each year to the expenditure being controlled by that body and in some ciists shifting the responsibility of i rising funds to the county council rather than assuming the duties itself by this plan the provin cial budget is helped in its balancing act and the county council is made the goat a little tcadjust- ment and curtailment of expenditure by thce bodies uill lighten tlic burden that eventually pinches the taxpayer weeklies as well as the small dailies there are few towns left where there are two papers iiqononic pressure has forced amalgamation the partisan paper has disappeared in its plage too often ho come the milk and water neutral publication a paper afraid to express opinions oh anything hovqver there are weeklies such as we hnve mentioned which are real moulders of pubho opinion in their comfll un ities as welt as purveyors of news tho association you hi marry you bilas aald jus guxa but there a no need of such ujuenly haste i can make anjtlier caka you know for i have your motuero rule uogueina the seed hiot to con teoli mosaic of potatoes the seedplot la comnarauvely an old idea but durum recent years it has been applied more generally as an aid in the which is mooting in london this week is doing much contro1 of mabalc which la lawwn to effect scrloua reductions in yield the to improve ihc character standing and prestige of division of botany central experimental the weekly newspapers of canada editorial notes congratulations to all the pupils who have been successful in their examinations and congratulations to the teachers too who have by their painstaking efforts encouraged and coached the pupils toward this success the work of cleaning up after the celebration was as much a work of efficiency as were the consum mation of the three days of entertainment tidi ness was restored immediately without straggling decorations being left about wood will choree it for you ulu grant she announced impressively hell be dellehled to wont you ur atwood this youno lady is a friend of mine uus uarjolalne grant of 330 rldse rtoad im cure youll consider her a valued customer and i con vouch for her to any extent tm very much imeas- ed to have the opportunity oh poor liorjalolnel i know just how you fell i dldnt feel i i was left dosed and helpless and so was poor ur atwood ulss uarchbanka breezed out in an over powering gale of sweetness and i came away with the velvet seething- inwardly i dldnt want to be vouched fori and i shant be a valued customer never expect to bo to atwood a attain wc always trade with con ley theres only one comfort marjoialno eyes danced when i itopped in today on my way here and paid the hill young atwqod assured m apologetically that he hadnt plaoed me at first but that ho knew rae as soon as he heard my name but i dont know the other lady he added would you mind telllna nw who she was he dldn t know ulan uarchbanto when she was vouchlno or you oh if that unt rich he did nol but he does now and l have personally vouched for her credit- if only ulss uarchbanka knewl cried nelly as aho fuhe lauahlns in her purse for eight dollars to pay uarjolalne one never wull uarjolalne replied with n aieeful algale but we know i highest prices paid for butter fat give us a trial phone c3 halton cream batter co milton and acton chas thompson manager acton branch du j a mcniven iliyidrluu and kurgtau oitire ami hmldrucc comer ilowos airuik and riln utrcet li gal ihpnn ho 23 p o iiok ssk iiauoli nash rahmck m a ilsniutfr hollruor notary futile conveyancer lt piuuyman miock acton ontt money lfnt on momqaoko hourd 30 a m to a 00 p m outurdayb 13 00 o clock dental riluihcvilon sujeier- is to tire iarrn ottawa have demonstrated that tills dlseace is kept under control by careful and consistent roguelns of the seedplot a method which is accepted as on established practice by the moat oucceuiful producers of certified beed itoauclns should be done by individuals capable of detecting diseases the symp toms of mosaic are greatly influenced by seasonal and climatic conditions they are obscured by bright sunlght by nun and by deposits from spray malerlau rosuems should therefore be timed to overcome such objection the removal of diseased plants is rend- aied leu effective by ignorance ot the symptoms haste poor eyslght by leav ing part of tlie diseased hill in the around and by not carrying the infected plants from tlie field for aphid may be present and became they duuke the flavor of dying plant will go to liealthy oncs to which they will carry tlie duease diseased plant ahould be removed as soon a tlie symptoms appear which may be very soon after uu plants come through tlie ground glumld llieos plants the announcement by premier ferguson of the not be taken out inimedlauly uu symp- eh of name of tb h from pnl tlssz ztz highway to the rings highway speaks a note plants nwt result can be axpooud only of brodcnng ou d ll e wdcr 3 ft v3l s w to these splendid thoroughfares that cross the pro roguclng late tubers from diseased plant vmcc i arc liable to be left in the ground thu u to be avoided as such tubers will b harvested with the crop and will be an 1 aid in the tranamuilon of moaale from ranks throughout the empire on ne crop to the next tlmoiro fn i v in aocd plou where potatoes are plant- i giving thanks to god for the according ui the tuber unit mothod u recovery of their sovereign from his serious illness l qulto cosy to detect all plants trom i k clnh of prayers of hk zlltfl ssfcs giving thut the proverb of many weeks have been malntng members may bo removed with j d k george re hclth 2 szjsszvz nqto yurfh justified one dark and stormy nlghv uncle ell podgersb haby was taken ajek with the colic and hl wife eruslut uu5tld him off to town in uia cud tord to get ib cents wortl of ipecac twenty eventtul year nasaed the baby got over the ooiiq and at ttlfl age of 10 had married a travelling man from pltlaburg aunt jerusha hi all those 20 years had never lost faith in her hus band he would return some day and be able to explain lt all she told every one finolly that day came ell breeaed ln ln the same old ford not out and hand ed the bottle of ipecac to hts wife what kept you so long she asked ui her usual calm manner ell replied i was lookln for parkin space protect the child from the ravages oi worms by using mother oravcs worm exterminator it is a standard remedy and year of use hove enhanced its repu tation tune in tiu vote oj btrxjiont etxry monday night i 9pjn luurn standard time sbc network as the film of oil pre vents friction of metal parts so does the film of rubber surrounding every fibre and strand of fire stone cord protect it against heat and friction within the cord due to continued flexing gum dipping assures you most mileage for lcist money with great est safety comfort and sa tisf action w hen you equip your car with fires tones see your local firestone dealer made in hamilton canada dy firestone tire sz rubber company of canada limited most miles pea doluut fw0t0m jr 8illb tb osily firestone tires are sold in acton by norton motors main street dh j m bcll d d s l d 3 dental durgeon qfpipu mill and frederick otreeu phonk 30 tr j h johnson d dslds dental burgeon office mill direct in tlie cooper block telephone miscellaneous francis nunan bock binder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ilullna veatly and promptly done wyndham direct ouelph oat over williams store card co cleaners and dyers guelph ontario it you arc looking for any in- vcitmcnt for your money the midcontinent bond cor poration oftcro second standard hoyalti s one of the safest securities to be had safe as a bank and pays good dividends every month information eladly clven for tlie aalcjic without obllaatlon to you h w dawson i o box 38 brampton district representative openlnn for u lew local acton monument works not one of acton a oldest eotau ltahcd conccnui hut one that lion bikiwu kuod proatxsaa durlna the ytnra of its establishment eaiaulished in acton in 1020 i air dealinx and goou workman hip arc mcritlnr kach year a larger ilualncks for us john nicol people of ull sunday joined n today micuosynchilonolis victor radio the week enct toll of accidents q bo mount iuj thcwflters arc exacting their amount and ndduik to the fflialltic3 of the motors the appeal of the minister of highways for care courtesy and common sense ipay well be remembered and followed during the entire outing even after the road journey bus been uafcly negotiated the picton gaxotte issued a very fine water works extension special the number gives com plete details of the achievement of that town in completing pictons pure water installation the number is splendidly printed on book paper and is a credit to the publishers mesra a e and l b calnau and the community they 10 ably riprcicut really inteslksted mr oliarpe returned from tlie whist rive in rather a bad frame of mind really i toby lie said to his wife oa she filled the hot- water bottle really ituhy you were most ajzsntvat liur this cvcnlna you mutt have asked mc what wrro trumps at least a doaen utiles his wife put down the kettle and uruwrd in tlie ntoppcr yes drar she explained shnply i know but i dldn t really want to i just did it to sliow you i was taking an intercut in u10 name j1iht icnouuii uhould a husband keep anything from hln wife asks a writer unough for lunch and carfare ui kliould uiy lkutou rransciut with kijsctkola today whether or not you own u rudio or a tulkmi machine or both su aside fifteen minutes for the muical thrill of your life lt will be the mo- uniuiwh demon trutiou you have ever heard come now 7 outstanding victor features child can lime ui balanced new 11ca ower buprr automatic full vulon radio tun in a imnrovrd victor circuit wnsluvr selectu iush pull ampllflcstloii tor lirmt tlm tw uddlutrons no t5 marvelous ntw elrctro dynamic reproducer absolute icallaiw with rtitlm scale ihrt duuiict unlls all lntrchanjable accclble thr nrw tlntrola unparhl eleelrlcal rrproducllon of rwordril iuukic amiiliil drplh soft or laud at turn of 11 knob cablmln kit jtwu nnest borne funibblnt a t brown taits uegisxeued optometrists wui ixnmlne yoar eyea rc uul malta glasses any make 650 any style at just taits 110 wyndliam stnwt guelph next to loblawb fashions for the smart woman w dfm rl ni 1 i 3829 lll e b twopii ll utility 1 nrnl for inui iticsi the nr there 11 business klt l trilii and ityle m tlun lll crmty lor utility ji1 coiufnrt i im twopiccc jiihu ikiiihiiu- simplicity ol iicsirii ami liur with the miiartet clctaih of the mode uuii in ih worn with kiuki taste friini cjrly iinirmim tlirouuli tlif ifterikhil and mtoniul cvciuiik ytuc effect l aelucvrd liy tiitjtii uf inverted links over the i11 in 10 as in bli use the waiit nvcr the lilpi und lilt tic eink jrc nuilc 111 one with tlir tollur