Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1929, p. 5

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i huhjim y iuiy 1j 1020 it lii ami 1111 nln t mummy iii in mill t 1 iak ui howy i rp r bllukln i lil wltikln ittlity funny d day i t hit r wuyl the lunday scl00i lesson votc hunoay jcj1v h 1uz0 biding on tlie roof of the rockies a i 1 ii 11 r i de ha j i i ici1 l itaciikj il iioonal ill nionuiiiiriiy gol n text ach fine of mi shall i vf account of hlmre if to god ih m irad 1th ii 1 nltrpy j d y i r bird up 1 mi i rjl i i r if ikdi nt nrtcr crow i ii ii in jubbrrln 7 what dcy iay7 uilu jlutdoy cftllln nniiic 111 mln may d i in eyo rhlnln peart en npry oil humbler iwc gone liuxiln by whur want tcr know rf iii mlrs may aln never ijwltio comn outierdayt what ole biiki bci want w you t k you trk yn mammy tool i ny ncmmlnr bout you i i ray i najp he tuk an hewed erwayl uiul eye wiiudrr win a r y m lnl i y lid hofe nhrt up llglit mil r inn em in di nlghtl mitnimy i pre ilnt huecoin lis iii i hit n 1 ud 1 u by chile i le cl c nmnn jnlill l cct you ntnlirl 13 lesson kirk in 1 33 33 sunday i rellmlnary hrad both parnagra fn 1 20 i r un cherk plnl ia nppl liloasom vlin a r denf dlmplri lal dar cyyl ul her chili beep qlyln pariuml loil hrr mammy cv vy day i an when she put cr out cr breff wlf laffln nt tcr kill hrrsc f flhc kiss no o i wrct nhi blrrntcr cay dcy nlm no chile like ii 1 mui may nannie camm gut ton lxcklcl consider the alrruot tin icr on to in cieasc u r sen c f individual rcrponsl lilllty time capture of jcru nlcm d o eon i luce ijuktrl prophesied at tel ablli jii ualylf nlu monday kour grapes lxek 10 1 3 this common proverb mean that children mlfcr for the sins i their futhcrn x ida in a matter ol c mint u observation children inherit tin ir alluro diseases or tendency to din inu the fathers poverty puli uic child ul a disadvantage mental and spiritual characteristics arc often passed down to children vn 3 4 lvery man la responsible for hlii own 6 fa and the vqiai of aln u ueath vs 5 33 dy a number of examples the lirophct makes it perfectly clear liat u any coul docs well lit rhall live it iil does 111 lie shall die lie nliall not me for his father a or hla sons wicked i cs nor live for hla fattier ji or conn uoodncaa hut tliall stand or fall accord ma to hbiown deeds tuesday gad m waya are el lit cask id 33 united christ came uic h ca that a juit qod must take pleasure in the punishment of rebels against his will pcraltcd in tlie best religion in the world in spite of iu best teachers v 35 qod gave man hla sense of jus tlce and surely god a waya when under stood cannot offend that sense vo 30 33 the dinner la old in aln hla only remedy is to net a new heart a nc spirit he must be born again wednesday warn and itud kick 33 3 exeklcl like our lord calls himself most frequently sou of tbc roof of tlie drill shed in the park man ho was representing hla people haa been rcahlnglcd and otlicr repairs before god as he was representing qo i will bo mode which will render it more to his people- comfortable for the purposes for which va 3 fl exeklcl applies the principles it is used capt gamble thinks next of personal responsibility which he haa mmcr he will succeed in having a been dlcusslng to the watchman of tw1nty vi aiis ago ham the luui of the i rrc tress of thursday july 15 1009 i iil fnrmcra arc in the mldct of hay 11 k mr j hn cameron is building another brick hoiuc on the site of the old plan inn mill i he fall wheal is beginning to color contractor j d mciccnxtp has been awarded the contract for the erection of a fine now brick residence for mr john mcdcrmld merchant georgetown more of tho wooden buildings of a ion tart nln a co arc being replaced with per monent iron and cement structures mr alex crlppn l the aonstructlon superin ten lent liardwood floor put in the glove factory of mr w oumcy at wlngham and the glove leather tan nery of w prlnglc in the aunc building yl dpiuqymnynrn- l wiu ilbh1 city wall it is his duty to watch for die approach of the enemy and sound the alarm having done this hla re nonslblllty ends no matter vhat havoc to da tided a magnificent programme of choice i people begins where hlo ends ii they music at tlu cardn party given in the do not heed ills warning and spring to park on uw bth of july by the ladles arms then tlwlr blood u on their own aid and epworth league of tho methodist heads church there vre about 1 mo pres i thorsd eaekul uu wauhman ent the weather wan perfect and the arrangemcntii carrlod out successfully and f e 33 7 by child of god is uic people enjoyed the event exceeding i cet to be a watchman just crtklel ly the hand arrlrod by the dju train wajl ta nla mlem duty lo mtcn and was met by a committee of actonl wnhigs and pass them on to citizens hand and escorted to the mctho- a11 ror whom l e lut school room where a dainty supper poacher every sunday school tcachsr awaited them after tea the band form p cvcry cvcnf frlcnd mill street and played on the march to main street where thay halted and rendered a couple of selections before proceeding to tho park the proceeds of the evening aggregated at t340oo acton orangemen had a very success ful demonstration on uic glorious twelfth although the weather was very threatening throughout the day a large every church member is appointed watchman on uie walls ot zlon v b we must have a keen cense of the terrible danger of sin tt is surely latal if persisted in and we must not in any way palliate it- v b the sinful ore responsible wheuier warned or not and will die spiritually if they continue to ilu but you will derive fat more satisfaction srora salaoa than yon will from cheap tea salada fresh front the gardena suadova laifo umdcr ttic shadow qf m8u aimib uo moat npocucular of the iho ulntnya vntlcy paat watcrfol likon trail rldco ever attempted in the can- lo u north basliatchewan nlver ulcn nttlan itacldea will be the one propae s s fry rtjseuhhv fts to take in a long distance ride to the 4 i i ti iron itlders holding at least uie silver rx 52 zgrtips sr rtrj al ice lert on uo northern american i f continent covcrtan 150 uar mllee antf join the expedition ince 11 lakln part surrounded by peaks from ten to twelve thousand leet in hehjht th ride will n bur to lhc be fromjlakc louise up uie bow valley to now lake over oov past and by thoc who aannot snare the time uic t will b a four day ride lurtlng from danff atuni t 1 nd ondluff at oastl mounu in dunrj do camp it will take in the egypt lake d strict which will bo c ctnslbie for the first time this summer so n 11 i that tllnse particlnaung in this ride may 0 squaro miles and j fs hi 5u f0ard thcnwlve d plnneera deautlful frem ten to twelve u y hf c l r j n shadow lake under mount ball will be h i not prove a burden to the rest of the qj thj tiden m wcond 1 day out and in all seven b tcd lakea n r less experience trail riders or will be on the route of h trull crtiwdgatheredrltrubainetandrlt- afrfva are a special train from oakvllle arrived be ii pu1tuiu deaths are fore noon and brought a large crowd from lal a j uiftt town and points along the route the parade formed at tlu town i lull the lino as follows wm hall and wm walker mounted bronte dand bronte lodge bronte indians hornby lodge hornby plfe and prum band doltvlllo band oakvilid lodue oakvllle base ball team aoorgctown band georgetown lodge glenwllllama band a km willlams lodge acton sand acton lodge caniogca containing uie older mem btrs of uie lodges how ma14y woek a business mar was approached by a bore anxious to make conversation how many people work in your officer he asked after a reflective pause uie bushiifis i replied at a rough guess j should wc are not to uarn sinners merely to deliver out coul though that motive inevitably enters n but wc are to warn them because wc love them and fear for them friday turn ye hick 33 10 tho jews even in exile arc nut to forgot that they are the house ol israel gods cliosen people heirs of uic covenant v 10 the jews in exile must have been sorely stricken by the fall of jeru salcm especially after ezcklel pressed home to their consciences uic fact thai this ruin waa uic just penally far thclr alns they were in despair realising their slno as never before v 11 there is always hope sold exc klel so long as utere is repentance turn from your sins to ood and he will turn from hla infliction of punishment and meet you more ulan llalf way he does not want lo punish but docs it only for your good saturday i will judge estlt 33 13 let no sinner rely on his past good dee is let no repentant sinner despair because of his past wicked i leas v 13 let no righteous man feel safe in his righteousness and think to say about two uilrdfl of them this answer while intended to alltice mil evil wlui impunity ills post goodness a bore lias as much truth as humor is no olxet to his present sinfulness the employer who feels that two thirds i vs 14 ifl let no wicked man how of his employees ore really working con i ivcr sinful give up uie flghl lie can gratulatcs himself tho teacher who is certain that lwouilrda of hlfi students are doing uiat which deserves to be called work asks himself how long such good fortune will lost too many men and women on the pay roll arc out to do as little as they can and keep their jons too many young people in school are slipping turn from his sins with determination and if he docs he is definitely rid of them he shall live he shall not die close atazlnq of paste res a long ago as 1803 uie importance or ihrogh uie years without learning any wide varlatlnna in uie protein content of more than they can help and without grosses at dlfforont stages of growth waa giving uieir bralna exercise to keep them recognised about uiat time uie dlvls healthy as a matter of fact there arc ion of chemistry in coopcratlon with plenty of human beings who live and i uie division of botany insututed a re die wltiiout ever working to uie umlt of search which had fpr its object uie dc their ability termination of uic stage or growth at how la it in the place where you work which grasses should be cut for hay i e achool factory store or office would uio period at which uie greatest amount you soy uiat two thirds of your associates really work and do you class yourself with the two thirds or the one third fallm home comfolith of digestible protein is available of late years a new application of uic results of uils investigation has been found hi the socalled close graxlng system of pasturage in several court tries notably germany and england this system of pasturage haa recently been tried out lly uils plant it was ex prcled uiat gross hinds could be made to furnish a fairly high protein con ccntrale in the form of very young gras in continuous supplies hits is lone by esse cropping uie area fairly close moving the animals heavily fertilising wlui nl troglnous fertilisers c g nitrate of soda farm homes tvrrywherc can have elec trlrlty without delay und con begin to imiiiedi itrly enjoy the benefits of city lift- us n printed by electric lights and luiinlng wutrr taya u recent city news pader editorial under the caption for parm life lo hi aviraoc city dweller accustom ed to the ipuny conveniences of this and allowing the grass to grow say modem day suya uic editorial u aecma ten days or a fortnight before again jncrrdlble uiat li the 1 rovlncc of tlas ciopplng an experiment conducted by katchowwn for instance tut of a total the division of chemistry experimental cl 117111 farms nly 3 330 have the i arm ottawa during the summers or wiia 0l ell or ut f u 1u2t 30 to obtain canadian data on this ii ti in alb only l4i arc subject haa given some interesting fc electrified au or four p unj culwce one you mr and mrs city dweller would fortnightly one every third week and clinplbln aloud if you had to work or ne as hay the plot cut every uurd week read by uie meager eye impairing light furnished the largest amount of dlgesublc of a coal oil lamp carry water by the dry matter and of protein during uie bucket from an outside pump cook in summer of ion fn xeta wairvse i i kettle wl the kitchen tovo f t hut ul and mr parmer in uie p r roceelhi main hao unuihlktagly uks thai llte v pr u horunlna harmhlp and m totlur l ul ul a the penalty of firm life traateu amount ot dlsctlblc protein thrrv la nn mrnn t n cqmm irum unuji or aay 4 lncluy in jm prlod of growu re ih ii rii a- l ulrd will vary wlui climatic conditions i noubly heat and rainfall than his city cousin and uterc are in dlcatluns that uie day of enlightenment j 1030 picnic oakdwich try to get away from ordinary picnic foods take a few of uie old clandbys of coulee but always have come tiling novel vary the cheese and ham sandwich with something lighter leave the hard boiled eggs at homo arid take come fresh ruga to fry over your camp fire embers here is a tasty sandwich for uie next picnic j spread a thin piece or bread with cad baked beans spread another slice with flnetynllnced stuffc i olives make a sandwich out of uie two graham rye or even white bread will do bakld spiling delicacy 3 large oranges 3 cupa dice rhubarb 3 cupa sugar teaspoon mace teaspoon cinnamon 13 whole cloven place all ingredlcnta together in a casserole using grated rind jljlrc and sliced pulp of oranges coyer and lali unul rhubarb ia tender boston cheam pb3 with oranab pilling cup butter a cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup milk 3 cupa flour 3 teoapoona baking powder teaspoon salt nichols centennial cele bration between 3 000 and 3 000 persons ac cepted the invltauon of the ennolvllle women s ins ut lite to attend uie centen nial of the settlement of nlchol town ship en wednesday afternoon the celebration was held at uie homo of mr hugh cook on the seventh ccn cession near ennolvllle a homestead admirably adapted to the purpose it was a great undertaking for the loyal uomen of the institute to indcrtakc but entered into the enterprise heartily po ordinntcd their plana with consummate skill accomplished a memorable succs mid established historical data whlca will cidr be associated with nlchol town ship the ln n and orchard were artistically decoratcd our canadian flag occupying the premier position throughout the inblla bore abundance of the viands s bstantial und appetising for which the ladles of nlchcl have a for reaching re pu lotion after uic splendid banquet which by tho way terminated with cutting of nichols hundred lh blruiday cake bearing 100 candles and weighing 100 pounds i the programme of literary and musical i numbcra waa presented rev pccr scott ol me 11 la manitoba a native or yi township waa the iftpiy and reminls cent chairman addrcscfl were dellverod by hon lui coin goldlc and hon hugh quuirle on i our empire by p scan ian nlchol und h p moore acton on our pio necru and to our guests by councillor itlrby and ex mayor george hostlngn tlicbc were interspersed with timely and rendetctt solos and readings the smoltxntj chimneys time tables i inday only 7 13 p dully ritcept f unday 0 03 tun dally exrpt sunday 1301 p m dully enrept s uiday 3 47pm dally rvrrpt r undny i 17 pill dully xrrpt sunday fmbpm ooliie wl sunday only 10 41 m dally rxrept sunday v 7 40am daily except lunday 10 43 am dally rxcept sunday 3 20 p jn dally except sunday 5 00pm dally exrept sundny c 17 pjn ntoik only if pasflngrra on hoard from toronto canadian nationai fijfctiiio uairwxyt weslbaund j address of welcome was nl in cardial cream butter and sugar and eloquent words by mrs w j cun beat until light and fluffy a id ml lit j and fold in flour sifted wlui baking powder and salt dake in deep cake pan in a moderate oven 373 degrees 35 mln ulcs when ready to serve cut in halves crosswise and fill ulth filling made as follows a cup sugar 3 tablespoons flour t teaspoon grated orange rind u cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice yolks of 3 egga 1 teaspoon butter mix sugar flour and grated rnd add orange and lemon juice and beaten egg j oiks cook in double boiler surrlng constantly unul thick add butter aur ring until tt is melted and cool corn soup 1 medium con cam 1 cup boiling water 1 slice onion 1 teaspoon salt pew grains pepper 3 cups milk 3 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons butter rinse can with boiling water and add to com and onion simmer 30 mln ulcs rub through a sieve add mixture lo 3 cups thin cream sauce 3 cup milk 3 tablespoons hour 3 tablespoons butter season on i serve hot camp prjle apples try this on your next picnic wrap a nice juicy apple leaves like sasafra encase both leaves and apple in a layer of wet clay de poilt uic wlwle in the embers of your fire and leave there for about twenty five muiutes when you lake it out uie clay will break away and you will iiave a cilclous roaated apple the juice of which hui been retained by uic leaves candied oilanoe peel i ut peel fruiu 0 oranges in cold water heul to boiling point and cook gently unul very tender drain put in cold water mil wl en cold remove membranr und ujfl imrt itoll 1 cup sugar and j cup water until syrup spins u uircad put in prd and cook gfrilly unul syrup is cvuptiruud and peel 1 toks clear drain on wire cake cooler an i leave in pen air until lliuroughly dried ingham president of uic institute the weather was bright and pleasant ond the function a highly interesting and very enjoyable one mr and mrs ii p moore mr and mrs n p moore miss gumming and mr ii harrison were present from aoton mr ii p monro k father was one of the firnt children born ul nlcol ninety six years ago llsil robcrbon arlkxstld the cheque artut arrested while mas queraduif as a salvation army offlocr no joke qtt in tilt country said the docti r long walks in uie oicn air no alco hoi in any form and one cigar a day llut d ctor one clgur u day reiterated the doc tor firmly weeks later the patient re turned to town how do you fcclt asked uie doctor lplcndldl yll as a fiddle i anc you liked it all yes everyullng except uie one cigar job as will and proper sanitation i cwver a wgume oi nign protein the doctor unllrd the tobacco habit running water light that will hot im- wuit my drur sir- pilr the eyesight un electric refrigerator close graslng lias 11 practical dim iui l blv j put in ihc patient i preserve his foodj in fact all of uie culuiji an i tlie adoption of a scheme i nicfully hart ror a man at my health preserving ant laooraaving con falling for uie systematic crnppuig of i w oi lle uutc un wnoklnb viulencos that prolong life and make it i areft wltl attendant expenditure happier are hu iforferulhur ubor and fencliig would not an awmil m14takk iw inorally economic in canada never i live lets uu principle la sound and adap- f urorga if i d known that the tunnel if tint be trouble with c run tie will i tlon of uie sclieme may be found which was golnh to be so long i d have klsed llnd in hollowayu drn iu mover an j would mt local condlttana and at uic you lilleatl ii thut will entirely relieve nufsame time increase uie focdhig value of slia oood houvensl wasn t that viiiig our luuturca ifxucrluinila ftrtii note lyou elsie sutton alias elsie itobcrson aontca in georgetown acton pawassau una wlarton for uttering worthless cheques in payment for automobile se curing money and also for theft u in county jail at banie awaiting transfer to powasson where she will first ouu d trial the woman who is 3s years of age and the mother of two children was rccenuy released from kingston pc ii tentlary where she served a term of two and a half yean blnoe her escapade in buying a car with worth legs cheques and rnulng munfy by similar means at george own she has been driving over the province if uie uniform of a salvation army of fleer hi autoa secured by issuing worth less clioquea she purchased her first car in george some aromatic f traded it hi at powassan traded second car in at wlarton all were new cars and hi each case worthless cheques were lsucd in payment or part payment tho provincial police have been search in 0 for her for six weeks and on at least ne occasion she was stopped and qurstluncd but succeeded in convincing uie i fl leers t f her innocence a n tilth ago she drove up in front of the residence of chlrf stewart of barrlc hi a brand new cur at u red in a sal vul on army officer a unlf inn asked for the chu i who bad arrested her two jluia ujji had a chat and informed hln si c had ref rmed and had j liird 0 uic salvation army i jj on thursday chief stewart of iurylr 1 1 reived u telephone message from orll 11a to upprchetid tlie button woman who u travelling li a 1 t c bus she wus wanted for tt c theft of a watch in orlllu ihc bus had passed through liarrte and the chief gave a chose tak li if the woman frum utojjus at palna wick lii n ute to llarrle in the police cur bh thr w a watch ut of a window but ed noahuna aboutf- wlmen t ting and etc ant emmy ced she did dent wont to con terdlck him but it wassent no new fongeld noahun tall she sed alie had ben reeding if his try about a ot of fokes whom hv ed on n dyet of wlrms along time airo satorday pa sed today that he dlddent used to think that there waa enny good hi chewing gum but he lias dlsslded uiat it furnishes xcrctse for a lot of pepcl who don t got no other kind of xerclse sunday pa was a looking at the paper this morning lo see wood it be nice to play golf uils afternoon and ant rmmy says nhe dl tdep lake no stock in he wathcr prcdlcters pa sed wm luu predjeter se0 t woqd rain in qtklay apd t did to he muiii 110 wh 1 b talking about ant emmy sed well i bet ft it wood of rained enny how wether ho predicted it or not but i gen thats all you can xpeck of wlmen nowdaya sunday ma puts on her new drej today and pa thot h was to short to be bec mlng then m got to wlrrylng about she needed a hah cut oflle bad pa sed don t wlrry about yure hall cut 11 you wear thai dross nobuddy wont notice yure hair a tall munday mrs be i ton waa in today to towk about uie new house otic la a going to build since her unklc left her scvcrul thousand i i ma aot her what kind of heat she was a going to have en stalled and she sed she dldrent rlily know v ether to uc parrenhllc or cenu grade heat she herd they was both very good and relyablc tcuday pa dlddent get in very good with ma today when they got to lawk ing about a ole cupplo down town witch lias veen a going to gather for over 20 yrs and lias n4tw got lngagcd tfl ouch ai other ma thot u wm rmud and etc but pa ced tic new the old fellow wood woeken if she hung on long enuft they all do pracktlckally wcnsday i walked home wlui jane tn- nlte and she got to taw kin a about uils un that and she sed it seemed like all honsomr men was conscated but i give her to understand that i wassent 1 bit conscated she give me a funny look for sum reason or other thlrsday moce ash by la a very un happy colored man sencc he went to a fortune teller she told him he wood die on the thirteenth of uic month qhe d ddent say what year it wood be but mose is grcavln because he thlults it wood be unlucky to die on uie 13th ant emmy says she alnt supcrsushus and dont think it wood make enny dlffercnts unless it happened to be on friday wlic and cxpcruosed mothers know wh n their children are iroubt- 1 with u una and lose no time tn applying mil icr a worm powders a moat cffccuvo vermifuge it it absolute hi clearing the lyatcm of worms and restoring those con dltlona without which uie re can be no comfort for the child or hope of robust growth it is u moot trustworthy worm exterminator lit 11lin school uiportt wluu li tile i near the fanner need not 11 near i t ouo j a war line to rave electricity in hu dc that onunued crapping home an individual farm plant doe c i iwrt fi r dublin of standing fur month of june sr iv rachucl kelly lawrence web u r henry kelly wlhiicr ityer walter kier bliwurt huddlck slgnu webster hilly mel hrdran annie block wilfred wuldlc sr hi to jr iv vina robertson ueatric kelly lr iii u or iu willie waldlc el iiirr ruddlcx sr ii iraiicla mullhi alex waldlc wus r covered orillla h lice have robertson dorothy prank ivalv th theft charge hi favor jr n clifford webster f fraud and forgery in george jr i to sr i annie kelly ida fryer i wlllla itltrhle sr it to jr i alex prank uuly tit bertson jr pr vcrna webster haclmcl mul llu ldna prycr thru marked with asterisk intoscd txumhiutl us e e yo ma iiacher of ttlom assan and wlarton aecurd la nald by tho iwllcc to have admitted everything i giiisa its back t uu iioostgow for mine slie said flip lonlly an lllfal kisiiino okoiini an in ml r uakid u fell w iporl inuu if he i uld tell him of u really good fishing ground 1 s he npuid iiolntlng to a path fi louqucrurs asditna to be relieved i m th t rrlble ruff calliig due to inuik l i rlvuti of along thirc- until asthinu is a gnut thing but to b safe- v u utile tu a fie 1 murkid n rial guurdid for uu future la rvrn ureal cross it and on thr othrr side y u will n i t nly tsves dr j d kellogg a asthma find u c pie where uu rt is a board remedy bring prompt relief but it hi which says ire iiusseru will be prowcut lrod ur a new eror of ufa for uie al rd in the middle of that you will find dieted systematic inhaling of smoke or u i nd ii ii r let n it hit g ull urd hums fr in the rim dy jrevenl it at 1 1 at th bim t ucks and often clleeu u iieiiuuiienl cure we cant have both over onchnlfof nil cnnndn s industries depend on wood as n raw matennl when the forests are destroyed mills mustcloscdown rnilwnyenming5mustsuittr trudemust stagnate t tl prosperity rnust vanish iumdlv ul v i hcxiouram outfit slruurt m n iter at uic t nitric dully dally ijilly dally dully dilly dully dally diily 6 17 sum 10 i toon 13 1 pm 3 wpni 4 17 pjn fl 17 pjn d 17 pjn 10 17 pjn 13 17 nan pu ly except saturdays sundays and ho lday a car haven toronto at 000 p m arriving in acton d 117 p m oiturdaia and holidays only a car a n toninto ut 0 00 p m and arrives in acun nt 0 17 p m dally except sunday 0 00 aon diily 7 3d aun dilly 0 j4 owm ljlly 11 aiam daily 1 34 pjn dally 3 34 pju dally 34 pjn dilly 734 pjn tally 0 34 pjn dully uj4pjn tisnuata tenstutial etc stret and 6l clair aviui prelght delivered by xpecial exprwu freight prelght picked up at any ad- iress in toronto favoiite no wonder kelloggs corn flakes are preferred to all others kelloggs have a flavor that cant be imitated always extra fresh and crisp the worlds most popular ready-to- eat cereal order a package today enjoy icallogg corn flalea for lunch aod dinoar aa wall aa breakfast fin for tit childran a awning maal so aay to digt smrq with milk or crun fruits or kona avddatl it pays to iut on icsliogg th ortsinul cam flakoa look for iha rtland rain packaia at all rocart sarvad by hotala raitauranb on dining can mada by icallogg la lodciob ontario corn flakes castoria mothft fletchers gistom is a pleasant liarmless suhsh tute for caitor oil ptregorn teetlnnj drops mil ywtlnnt syrups prepared for infants in arms and children alf arjes every vu here fecouiroenj il to awwj imilahoni always look for the ngnjitore ptmven di m n rirli j iliyucuiu cvcryvwll weatbund due at acton dall at bj a rn lalba- sastifa 4udysndstyf and holiday at 10 05 p m and saturdays gun days and holidays bt 13 05 p m eastbound due at acton dally at 11 33 a m 3 05 p m 7 05 p m i 05 p m 7 05 a m dally cccpt on days and holidays and 0 35 a m on sunday and holidays only effective after 3 years exjmrunm w su1i lead uu field la recall and ucaului cauat kelly aiken collectors no caueeuoa no chart orantyrvtlle owah bosbj goelh an investment ufc inurance la an investment every young man and older people too should make protection is provided at no additional cost there arc a number of policies to au t various purposes there la one uiat will cult your needs and as hiieclallsu in life insurance only it will be gladly explained to you call us any thue- no obligation of course frederick l wright iupnusuur imperial idle aasaraxuw co at canada phone 103j ifecldence main btrcet acton savage superior service during july examinations daily 0 u m lo h p m ex cept wednesday clobinf at noon 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