cljtm stu tt fifty lifih 1 tin nn 7 thursday evening august is 1020 acton ontario canada thursday evening august 1020 six home print pakcsrive cctita lesirive fllurd swufera ihtltrii ollinrrlj nf flmwiiu action mhililmvlrv i vmle ii i punum i willow street 10 00 n m allien y brhnol lesson tin rriurn nun ciptlvt 1100 ii m iliv i w iih ionmtn 7 00 p in u j w itiir thurndny 7 jo p in itftlr and vraer hvrvlci fvi rybody wi lcomi jrrnliiirnuit kno cliuitch acton minister itev a c stewart m a maine willow street 10 00 ii m sunday hthntil lc nan i ii turn fr m giptlvltj 1100 it m h ii n cam i ran m oidnilli 7 00 p m iti i ii d cntiirron m a otinrjcm iciwlnn adiln in with the mil win bo called upon by the pastor arlmi 5iitilint ajljiirrl pastor a roiihytii wellington street 10 00 a in bible bchool 1100 n m subject the missionary power 7 00 p m subji b home bwect 1 thursday 7 do p in prnycr meeting lverydody welcome family otory unclapoificd small advertisements 85shcro ixfcaw all kinua of grovel for road building and cement wort orders promptly de livered b 3 o ii lantz tor nrnt by september 1 sevenroamed house with all conveniences on mill street apply jl c matthews wood for sale mixed wood 7 00 truck load t 00 half load orders may be left at i i pnica oftlce or robert airdrds ii ii no 3 milton eggs and foul tr y corrcrpandtncc solicited i lantern tanii products co 117 m paul street last montr august clearances bring money savings galore clarks pork and 09j beans large for tutjc esquesing township various news items council meeting accounts panned j sanford ap pointed weed itmjvcctor meet again sept 10 fit albatm garilmi party the annual garden party of ut albans church will ho held at beverly iiou r grounds on wednerday augur t 21 after noon and evening games booltui and amusement for young and old jllnpy dancing in the evening another week to recollect llir recollection content fur the old the communitys general interest jmews oocial blole ol liltc mayor naire i tile statemrnt riven oul yesterday ut n v ijgl joseph a horpltal gurlph rrnpecung viflitora to mid from town during j uir aion 0 mayor dale of aeorge- the pttflt week oh glumcd by the ivce prcflu mayor town is an follows he rtlll remains about the same and filibws no great lm provement oration in acton has just a little over another week for entries it clorcn on oaturdny august 31 be ruro to have your entry in by that time juit a list of the changes you noticed in tlic old home town wjicn you returned and an opportunity of being acton n champion rtcallcctor for 1030 the rulea arc simplicity itself let the entries be num- aucuit is a montli of clearances the clearance of summer merchandise before the commencement of a new season and the clearance of broken lines and odd lots left after inventory and to assure the clear nnce of these lines prices arc drastically reduced every summer dress must be cleared every summer coat must go tremendous savings in the appare section a complete clearance with cood still reduced to cost and less than cost 5 cnty of occasions when youll want wear summery frocks and lightweight coats and of course its only being smart and thrifty to buy now tor next seasons wear dress groups jis8 298 3j8 498 595 7 95 995 up to 1995 coat groups 995 1255 h95 1995 up to 2995 j d macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario our motto quality and service mibibimiww mwhhmm iwmianroffie i ilurflarn inter five georgetown homes lust i humtlay mornlnn nve houaen were broken into at qcamctown the council met pursuant to ad j joummcnt on monday august 13 the itcevc in tlie choir membera were all prccent tlie mlnuten of thp last nicetlntr trijoyn anj airb who attended tlii were read and conflnmflil upon motion the treasurer winprdcr- rd to pay the fallowing accounts riioman andenujn l ahcop killed by dogs 30 00 ic c llndiay valuator 1 trip 3 00 p o mcaibbon 3 lambs killed by ilotfn 34 00 a n atutk valuator 1 trip 3 00 w n urownridn 3 h mbtf and 1 jcroun t i p lit lu uy uoiii 30 00 i a n ouu valuatnr j trips 0 00 j municipal world ltd supplies 3 0 llell telephone account 0d- 1 july 15 to auffufit is 3 16 i m dennett auppllcs 3 45 llafipllal for sick children or maintenance of ituby ttii- i nant july 0 lb 31 1030 43c0 mountain gnnntorlum hamilton itfor maintenance of edith i pjydc june 1 to july 31 1030 01 50 mrs elulo miller june 1 to july 31 1030 01 50 1 moved by w o apnelbe ctcontled by w a witoon that the treasurer pay the road dliccu ua presented by tlie itoad superintendent up to date i w 125 48 caniod moved by oeoree cleave xeconded by acarcfl currlc that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint a oonllary inspector or the township of ecqucbuic and that said by law be now read the nrct time carried moved by w a wilson seconded by w a appelbc uiat by law to appoint a sanitary inspector havlnn been read a first time be now read a second and third limes and passed and that tlie blank be nilcd in with the name of j oantord and the seal of the carpoxatldh bo attached ujjjtfllo tcarrled moved by george cleave seconded by wilson q wlll mlrj helen ilynds of wlndwir is home i en holldayn injurej in nniihlnc ftlaelitna while oprratlnff a bnuihlns machine at mlfji a race lanu in nwnainff holidays j thr plant of the acton tannine co on with friends in call rucsday rudolph ilaslljerac had the misfortune to bt iiib left arm in the catharine cullen of newcastle in mac xii akin and flesh were badly vliltlng relauvc in acton teraped and tlie artri bones were broken bruuxd but no mlma marie lants ami vera hurntj are visiting frlendn in detroit mr h k sutcllffc detroit spent tlie kcnd with friends here tlifi cliniplsn tueef war team i the heardmore at co tugofwar tram i holdcni or the industrial and dominion mm robert oprowl is spcndlnb the championships are pultlnff in full train rrk with friends in hamilton ff preparatory to the contort at uic canadian national exhibition offoln ttili mr stanley mockle of toronto tpent year trainer eecleahall lias a fine team the the week end at his homo lure aualn tills year and believes they can mm jennie mcdoufiall of toronto visited frlcndn hi acton this week i jack stewart cleaner dyer rcgulnr oil nnd deliver service to acton tuxsdnyr thursdny and saturday mornings pott prompt and efficient t1 uv1cc batuitllay aixust 11 man wumnn und wife a dramatic story with thr uiidi r world thl war mid hitfh political oocli ty uppi ariim iui buckuraundi uturrlnit nuriiuui 1c rry iaulliio slatlc und marl n nu n uuiry no 0 of ltfth colli irlni ix newa tui may aikjiist z0 lorioiw iliuiy with d1 r co u ii u thl ualtlim rr b lh ttl willi tlu heart and h mt i t j r mu br thrr of th 1 inpir r nii li n n 10 ut jtu 1 liml hdkdiliu conitdy crrutlun it u cltlxolty a son this weeks specials mutfets packets for corn tlakes 97- packets for ltic shaker salt per packet 25c lie 9c jelly powders 4 pkts 25c custard powder is for sodas 1 lb for orange marmalade 40 oz for 25c 16c 29c pure clover cf c 5s odc wax beans large basket for jc 10c 3 tomatoes oe lbs for cioc cabbage 1 ach cain red white soe phone 2g acton ont alexander for drainage on iolb 11 and 13 and roadway no 3 tsvenui line uiu council would ask u cimltli county engineer to lnvcstlsate and havo an award made carried moved by w a wilson aecondej by george currlc uiat uilst council now adjourn to meet again september 10 at 7 o clock p m carried houaen were entered in the early hourn ol the morning while occupants ilcpt in two small sums of money were taken in two othero the burglar was frlulucntd away in tlie fifth tlie only plunder wun a bit of cake and pic eaten on the spot the places entered were the homes ol victor klnc on ouelph street a e thr pnlt week with acton friends farnell on durham street a ii pellcm on merry street and l riiompson on mesrrs maxwell and ciarlen llell weru queen bircct mr icllera and mr pamcll home from toronto tor the weekend each frightened uw- invaders away tlie hold the honorn already won it is ex mr wm robertson of toronto spent pecurd uiat the team will rive an eitlilbl the week end wlui acton friends llan at acton pall pair tills year miss doris mason of toronto spent the report was adopted ten further applications for the prln- clpalclilp were received only one was read by the decretory from an applicant in tlie united states it won not deemed necessary to read the others as it wan ald they had been read to the members tlie chairman of supplies mrs ilavtll read tlie lint or requisitions uiat were required for tho public ocliool ii uas decided to instal a basin and tap i the public ocliool for washing purpose tho janitor to make tlie installation ink towel rack pencil sharpeners and supplies for the primary rooms were to be secured from the hendry co oilier supplies could be secured locally tho case for tlie troplilca was to be made bj mr n p moore mr akatch made an offer throujh trustee agncw for the old brick at tlib on friday alurnoon of last week the v mm t5s3l overlall coup i t m the offer was accepted nir hi pauls united church and note nllnlte coupe with at least four youn mer ceeretory reported a long distance us picnicked at h bcailful mr nekon aardh and family j to rtctwx from ff e holidaying at port oydrtey muskoka avcnuc on tuesday noon the car had i j j jlfz passed over the bridge on brock avenue when it backed down the hill again landing near the creek bottom wlui rev mr poole and george and miss i dp or iran ro1way trn nf ttn rirplinihlil immilup u iff- cake and pie was sampled in the home ol mr king while mr wilson and mr ihomion i moll sums of money presentation ut mlsa lule fate wart on choir tlielr f summer cottage of mr and mrs clements at rattlesnake point dcautl ful artificial ponds and waterfalls lockerlcs flowers and fruit trees adorn thui lovely spott after sightseeing lunch a bay of so with a lltjuor permit at the trial or a number of infraction for violation of the liquor control act at georgetown on tuesday it was du covered that a lad of barely twenty years was in possession of a permit issued to him by tlie local imuer blnce june five mrs davtn of port huron visited her bottles of whiskey 34 quarts of uer and uncle mr james sprowl last week seven gallons of wine have been purchas ed on uils boys permit there la culp crown attorney davis of drampuih able laxity somewhere in the acunuilstra- ruia guest at moorecroft on tuesday lion of tills boasted control act j mrs m r moore and mum nellie anderson arc holidaying at drurf reach monthly session of school board account vanned supnlica order ed aruiikcttieiit of tcachen kubjectk imiur criticized at the reguorly monthly n ilon or tho school hoard on wednesday ivmlng truntees mm r m wtlwin mrs a i llavlll mcjira e re wick and a r ague w were present and chairman ao hall presided rhr eighth retiort of the finance cam mlttce rccommcndld that uil folluwlng accounts be paid mall and empire advcrtlsllig j 00 olobe advertising 5 so w d tulbot cuppllca 4 30 acton public uullucs cuppllei 3 13 mclean ac co supplies us til 7 wax served on the spacious vcrpndah hev mr poole and george and miss i 7t tthv the occasion was in w nature of a toole are holidaying at kawarth lakes 1 this year it lier former subjects were not to be given her she was not prepared to return to her position she desired to know the decision that evcnlntr the scare tar vu instructed to telephone principal lawrence for bin decision an the arrangement of nipjurti thtt wrui tir to miss stewah ho been n and faithful member or uie uf a uula bpcnt th weekend cerloualy damaged clioir of st roula church lor ten yciri wrh frcndfl ln hamilton and port and will be greatly missed by all the rjovcr i iihtei trustee choir wlsli licr the best of success ln i the queen city milton champion mr and sirs jos renliam visited over the weekend lontan u pheasants a cltlxcn of acton who endeavors mr r p johnstone of london visited always to conserve gome and increase tho his parcnti mr and mrs wm johnstone the ball games saturday stock of such last spring secured some this week pheasant egga from the government he i tannery team defeat town nine and successful in hatching six birds and miss uly dobble of kitchener is aeton idk win from tlu they are now large enough to leave his vhltlng friends ln acton and vicinity mqjldry thcy came p toronto girls property and are to be been about town this week magistrate moore and pleaded guilty to various places the animals belong ur nnnfc nf t opcnt chargca laid against them of having last week with liquor and coiuumlng it in a place other cloning of the continuation school was uic some in the latest edition of tlie act as in that of 1010 from which alia ctly jamboree i had quoted previously everton a couple of guelph sports went lo mra hmvlll bod several copies of tmc mr q ii i edlcwood park on saturday night with a i fr paxsc and took exception to c iuoea supply of liquor they were having what j of the editorials therein it w cold they called a good time until provincial that they had been put up with until constable cooltman and county con- the teacher engagement had been settled stable mcphcrcon quietly arrived on the she characterized the statements made eecne one of the pair vos arrested and i s slanderous and vllutylng the board pent the night in the cells at acton i the men on the board were not going the other was arrested in guelph on to take action it would be necessitated the first computed game of the aeries i to tho government and mu be let run j lm acton rrlends at large the- law protects them and ulll prosecute anjmnc who is apprehended molesting or icullng uic birds rut it ur william coleman of the ore would only seem necessary to call atten tne s g- uagog la home for a fi lion to tlie matter and all sportsmen holiday and children will see that the pheasants i arc protected and given every opporlun mr donald robertson and miss of hard ball gomes which is being play cd was won by the beardmore jtt ca acton tanning co team by the ccore of 1413 the majority or the fans were of the opinion uiat very poor umpiring by ii mccomb had a great deal to do with the result and il mccomb hlnuelf admits that saturday was on off day insofar as his work was concerned as a general rule his work has alwaya been good acttlng hack to the game luelr ln re old cnough the early part tlie winning team held the upper hand ohlefly due to sain- uaar is controlled under the heavy hitting and a few error but the l c a town team after tho fourth lnlng took i v or a new lease of life and tied up the th v t wc scon in uie firth nnd in thr hlf nf i brou bcr ullrate moore ln the than their residence and costs ico 10 for ones by the lady members tlie editor replied if he had mode libellous or slanderous statements the board o recourse would bo found ln the 1 bel courts but denied making state- la of that nature r bcswlck took issue that all the business was not done with the know uam octroyed by ft ledae q anouicr farmer of this vicinity lct secretly explanation of this was given hli bam by are last thursday momui dy trustee agnew that it was done r tty to dcvllop this cltlxcn expects u xt robertson of toronto visited friends ln when the bam and contents of mr emct uith the knowledge of nve of tho six year to cccure anotlicr supply of cgli town this week umpire aaa endeavor to raise more birds lo be allowed their freedom as soon ui lhl tcoro in uic firui and ln their half of the sixth added another run making them one up in the last of uie sixth with twojowr joe kentner hit what the umpire thought a as a fair ball chiefly due to the faulty position of tlie third base bag and thl bad decision had the effect of throwing cam lelshman and his hoys off uieh stride and the winning team put acrui two runs to win tho gome oood baseball was played and the scries with lo special prixes for hitting and fielding is having the desired effect of producing otherwise unknown abilities hi new as well as old players tho second game will be played next saturday and a real honestto goodness struggle is being looked forward to and an outside umpire u being stecurcd this game will be part or a double- header the second game to be a ladles eoltball one between tho acton girls and uie quaker airls leaders in tho toronto industrial group this gome will show u uie acton girls are re gaining their past form and a real struggle is expected the box scare is as follows tanneries wheeler at the comer or uic fourth and members and could not include ail the town jim were completely destroyed members without becoming public know- miss margaret baucrs or clevehuid t nre wan not discovered by mr ledge the situation had reached a stage ohio is spending a week or so with whecur untn bbout 13 nnd at that hc mam where uic negotlauons friends in acton ume lhc roof n ittllcn a u cqald aal carried on miss frances kelly is vlslung at the bulldln enveloped in uamea there the most lobjecuonable editorial was hrmo of her friend muu marion toron v ubout f ol apparently tho one written after the acau at aldershot ulc ln number of chickens meeting or uie board wlui uie inspector deployed wlui uie bam the iocs on mrs havul wanted to know where tno mrs bailey and miss a palement of toe building is partly covered by lmur- editor secured his information as stated detroit visited with mrs george hynds mr und un wheeler purchascd in the editorial the editor informed her over the weekend ulla iarm ndolt a alid u that matter was his business coming at u1i3 time when a building is no understandable report of the lo miss douglas of shclbournc is spend so necessary to harvest the crop la very cldent can be given inasmuch an ro lng a few days at the home of mr and unfortunate fortunately there uas no marks on various phases came trom nil mro a icannawln wind and none or the ouier buildings angles and many umcs oil together wo ignited the cause ol the fire is recollect however of the secretary men- tlonlng uiat tn his rccouecuon lie had georgetown spent sunday et the matter of handling cases where lulclt j to not seen such a meeting the last question the editor oruwued directed by the chairman alien ho ollco court here by provincial constahli oookman one dav last week on a charge of consuming liquor hi on illegal place hit young fellows were chums and have i passed the lr majority only two or uine years they are all working for a living ai laborers wages their liquor permits win sui rendered to tho magistrate who coniuuted them and forwarded them as required by law to uie o a ices or uic liquor control commission hlncc january when they secured their permits tho aggregate purchases of beer whiskey gin and wine up to august 3 amounted to f 43ii 00 the uirce permits cot them 16 00 more and the fines and costs paid lnu court welled thl booablll m t ui home of tar pjrcnu mr mm um m vm u h iouor concro will i j a nmux ur tho gordon ud ju o a bosrxl s s t toaix i windsor re vulltol t tta luunjot ta i uojguor control kt both or tta wmten aa mr andn w j oould returned on lo one month at qeoraelown to the s 1 priory from a two weelu vklt t strain atlemoon wllhthe council chamber ma e ro rtth u and un j c cutrl coded with pectau au chane were j c i htard in one a fine of 35 00 and costs i- mr and mrs john graff had a very onknown enjoyable motor trip to buffalo and niagara falls last week gctthu after the boole mr and mrs will huffman and soia tuesday was quite a odd day in uic j ql j home of mrs e ilurfman i t rattle in bootlegging at georgetown concerned two cases those of roy and our reply was thai uic school board was public body wlui uiclr wr colin ucnte ol deuu u ultln i ziaitz erev s i v j at the court house milton because uie accused had been arrested by uie officers public as ctialrtnan of the property com- i onact pastor suddenly blrlckcn itev harold carr pastor of ridley i park baptist church pennsylvania and a teacher ln ridley park high school ana mnu t w1m m v hat w aled suddenly whue ln bathing at lake wul tt hljlrd to on nn ot w5 00 and cost cotimttto number of nw usgar monday morning he won accom- i ur gordon and mlss oladya iluflmon tt imposed in another a one of s100 00 i fh probable to bo ln attendance at panled by his wife three children and or toronto attended the funeral of the ond ouu was uie penalty pour other c school was dlcuscd charges were before uic court but uie icalcy as chew 2 and 3tl tyler lb b watcrhousc if n aiboons p orcer rf salmon 3b 3b watcrhuuse cf j kcutncr 3b c iwo sistera at uic time of the sclxureiujtc uiss margaret pishcr on wednesdaj one pf uio children was on hs bock ad r ii po a kf and as hc sank uie child s uie was caved mr john daunt and miu euxabcji by two young school students jack moffat of richmond hill attended uie mitchell and ray jones who mvcd out funeral of the late miss p yesterday of a canoe and also brought thl body of i mr carr to shore in less uian two mutc3 frothy and lucy macarthur minutes pour doctors responded but relumed home after two weeks resuscitation mcoaurca proved unavailing holiday with their aunt mro nlckic of coroner dr weston pruuiiuunccd death i conn due to heart failure and dunnd hi quest unnecessary rev mr carr wan 32 14 14 in n a rown ab it ii ik a f lelntutian rf if 5 3 4 1 w llolloway lb 4 4 l masaics 3b 4 1 i 0 0 i nelson 2b 3 0 1 n 1 dron cf 3b 4 0 3 i 0 0 p llolloway as 3 1 1 n n chalmers p 4 1 1 n 0 anderson c 4 0 1 ii 0 0 g masaics if 0 1 1 3 n patrick rf 3 1 1 n 0 scrlvcn cf 1 1 1 0 0 0 mlas nellie e hail lias been successful lr pacing her examinations hi element pator ol the llatlt church her several years agu and will be well ruiilmbcrcd by the congregation and many frlcndn ht made during tits stay ln acton school mr and mrs arthur plant and daugh tcr of ii rant ford are holidaying at tlie home of his parents mr and mrs jas plant 30 13 18 17 1 3 lummary struck out by gibbons 4 by chalmers n walks off gibbons 3 off chalmers 3 left on bases tan no lie 6 town 8 lost saturday the jlgga nine the board adjourned at 0 45 p m in the swim evidence given in several or them was co diametrically opposite to uic signed blatcments given uie officers a week ago i that uio court woo obliged to dismiss f two hani asian tnlerrd in the the cases crown attorney davis btamptun who was acting for crown attorney dick who la on his holldayn declared that perjury a as manifest in an alarming volume mrs bmllh and daughter miss eva amlui miss helen boyd and mr ralph marklc ot toronto spent uic weekend at mr and mrs cliaa mason a mr and mru r ulaxej and master dickie of long island n y arc holi daying at the home ol tier parents ur and mrs fhoa i turn ley pork avenue morrulan young man taces man slaughter charge in palta court at guelph last week uestrlce smlui of toronto larlgregor ut morris ton was committed hojnc ending two weeks ror trial on a charge o maiudaughter ulc h of m wld un cllar arising out or uie accident which resulted u in the dcaui or ruscll moddaugh of puslluch omctrs oond and memilo 11 nina and master dcuglas stewart j arc visiting mr and mrs p gave details of uic car a movements of ter of kitchener returned homo alter spend- and lamlly tt left uie road staung uiat it ran jm lng two weeks at mr and mrs chas w yards ln uie dttch from uio point wlicre it mason s left the highway to where uic wreckage mr and mm samuel wiggins and miss annie and mr and mrs l o johnston spent sunday wlui friends hi toronto professor it ii smlui ot uic institute of technology boston maui with mrs smith and sons waldan and proscou omlth dont count your dol- lars till they are catched aufruiit clearing sale to make way for new fall stock september 1st save money thw month on your shoe hill for uie year we nur and sell far cub aaj faotwaor at lowea rawlu pruxi harrisons was found the car turned over end over end uicy stated crown attorney kcanis read extracts from a statement made by grcgor to invlnclaj constable menolc the man told the officer that robtrt hlniiwoii c nf toronto played lc reimmbtrcd nothing of the bnaali tht acum ladlds in uie park here the and dld iot kllow twjw game wan very exclung and clever ball auc ic had liad no liquor he declared wan played though all the acton cllrls i ttld llw car was n u 6lu olflctr ior hit and nclded w uio vultora and ucmle wl uiat he could detect the spectators picked jean smith the local amcl1 oi quor on uic man a brroui ball niat backer a the most outstanding i waa nxed nt player on uie flcld lot mason mary chalmers and ret tost supplied the a mquii mu htavy hltlng for uic locala while mjj w ur carl hlurwc 0 ui luver tucc hit well for the visitors tlie flnal a lnatar mu p w forluuauly l vu u u h me of mr and mrs acre was 10 a in favor of the home i rcoulud tml damage to uit cars c u j kcrr ma wlth mr wld ur8 j c team eurrcd on the hlgliwuy on tuesday ula mat lhc ws i his saturday uic quaker airls ot i qcncvicvc claxrldgc turned onui uie i tomnui mrnibcm uf the roronto in ll wlul their car and judged nhc mr harry malnprux billy helen and thibtrlal lcogue and tho most travelled i lmd p unc to cilar p ltu i jttck unu m1m mamie mainprise loft team in ontario will play tlie local team ot a c tllc tl i1 u m nilng tur a holiday at midland in uio park here driver or tlie i i e ilcwlu klcury and miss muriel itobertaon mlva genevieve clarrldge- auccctafully and did unowtiowheiptlilotlio i tilc eniinattona in elenieiitory vocal muilcal ut uic normal bchool mr and mrs sinclair and uiclr daugh ur mlsn agnes ebboge of kitchener npent a tew days at mr and mrs c w flliuaii i car frinn the driver or the ouier car was mr yubtand i und orlllla i jujcn bticnsma a buyer of flax from holland mls clarrldge g t her car over u mr and mrs jcd church and mi i nd mrs ooffln and miss en a motored lo acton and belfouiitahi hut week and were the guests or mrs church a brother ur frank mooney dundaa star mr and mrs geo puttcran or ui amptoji and mr and mrs garfield patterson and madge and jack or cal gary alta acre vlltors to day wlui councillor and urx c ii harrison i mr and mrs jolui harvey acton an i nuunce the engagement ol uiclr youngest daughter vera qmlui to mr franklin a rcrd m e of buffalo n y uie i marriage to tokr place early in ueptcm ber mlu ijaruarct uruun of mialh and mr iiioa i luge n of detroit and miss i ogera if wuida r and mrs lilxabcui cuiinliigliani and min allcen i f lvtruit at mr and mrs ii amber ulver swim at toronto last saturday andy buchanan and itudolph icow ahki tuo acton lads murctl ui uic ilumbcr hlvcr swim on laturduy and mode a very creditable showum andy buchanan was in uic claa for thoc ovlt nrtccn years of age and was against ery hard comncttuon lit finished the course of two ml lea in alxtmntli place and received a bnuixc medal uuardld to oil who finished the course itudolph uowalski was ui the boys rim he was sclxcd wlui cramps wlien about fifty yards tram uie flnuhtng line und voj unable lo complete uie course tlicrc were about 130 awhnmeni in tlie twu rlasscs andy says he will tn buck u4m11 next year and try again on friday artcmoon hu flllow- employccs at the ilewcton shoe i actory got togeuicr and presented him with a cum of money to help dlfruy i1l1 ex peases tlie coins wen mntk lnu uie furm of a horseshoe and wert iirxjciitcd ui andy by mr e coles who r ud uil following address c dear andrew your workmaui dln lo kund to you uiclr howa of vicl ry uiu horcuhuc uio emblem of yood luck wltli a few silver coins am luuthit to 110 05 wlui uil extra copper for extra luck will tielp you on our way because it a going to ciul you bomeuung if you win ui uiull uelconic you uixui your return with rcjolchig swim for all yuu an lrth jwtm right on until yuu urrlvt ut the wrlgley marauum at uie lx good luck laddie the kvtfjind meal uiqestilb tarih trftmar monday murnlns iltue who stiil ixmalmj ulwtf ut tl j a m on muuday munilng got tp euilli and mm u j hewitt messra it quake thrill uiat wcnicd ui tj deprived ud and mclvtn uioc alio were at work ur had url e 1 ii a of winnipeg i tlie realism speaking a onc win to the right side of the road and headed ury of lansing returned home on i muu who arc touring tastem canada 1 secured uie thrill was inu t tl qulu east mr steensina evidently was trying i bunday afur spending a few days at v at uic liome of uiclr cousin mrs bufflclent for uils section uf the r untry ui pass on the wrong side and avoid a i moorecroft h i johnston wjiarc luch tremon alice applied his brake for a an was making out tickets and hundred feet to atop hu cat 1 h curs mr a ura u anixlng thrm to uie garments hi a hu head on and mr uucuuiuia car wa ot u uul why mewlianl to write an advertlwent wt to ltave bome- liajr to tell about hurt u why i pays t yliuly ut ichitajea which contain ilsiuh uf thuuciol inuruit to yuu second hand clothiers most of uiem i uirown into the ditch on the touui aid were more or lexa conventional such asjol uiu road and alnitut ceunpletcly munt not claimed tailor a wrecked tlie clarrldge cur woo not so sample and to forth but ana effort urloujiiy damaged neither or uic x cu certainly claimed orhinallty pants wcie itijurrd beyond a bad shaking tho central display in tlu window up both parui a inutuully agreed to was a pau- 11i trousers of staruhig cut lipulr thi damages to uielr on ears and and even nun itartlh g cokir tt uuxllht mattt 1 was mltltd mr hunama garinriil was ahlxed card bearing the had thr wnjcki d rar bi ought into aeton statement thrm irouitra were un mul pinrhastd a 111 w tar in order l ejjleu 1vr proceed on hh journey to ntw ymk juimlton and mr itev harold w avum or toronto f wtta ulc r of ont ul ttj m u and mrs m c uie of calgary and rormervnhil3tcr ucllvery wago being drltui v loverholt opeiit uie weekend with friends of the m uiodut church acton made i f b and uie huki l o lh i iloimu lrff lif i1i in lu kincardine mr and mrs f e mcclrary arc hull laying at uic home of mr mcclcary a suitrr mrs j w itussrll llouaygeon lurgeoii lake i lllli mhi margaret adanu a brief stay ui acton on monday while e 1 route for gurlpu pwo bright young daughters arcomiiaiiicd htm r liouieii left the ulndow punr- would a january gale ji aceount for uie occurn nci uhtn u hla r coal wagon or january gnl am 11 th difficult until tht txiirtmt lunl mrn norman tun lth and mla liiiith of st ihtanaa mr hamilton 1 wo check rtl up with t tin r ul hid 1 f wlarton and mr murs jmlth iui f the tr mor cjuukt 1 mt 111 1 iiji h fir f chuwu wrr guriu for three or four 1 thbi eountry and tht llu n uu out ut holidaying at tlie luiinr of mr i day at denny blanc tlu home of mr j nduy gavj- ulfultnt itallrtl 11 t and mra u o joluuuui und mr and und mri j 11 ivimj hi y uui vllld 11 ukr tin utli that th nil ulwajj 01 wit s wemuis uus acek other rlend- in town jlght