l ffifyruiti 3xn jlmijti tmu1uiuay auclljiir j j 111 jo f oijihi i- lit cobbled mill w tile m1i1b of centurlr of uuwly mreiui that hiivi lm indliui in oct thr tramp of rlvul urn and shod ulth rllltiy feon on op tiny lid rtorlid lml dreaming i iiw in in the glurlnuit pti lint ul nirllowul hy i xn the runllhy mi through the ul cai uafek twain anl tjik uftfrkiuul l iftm flmi ljort tury the gkanny knot aliiult w lolman m i ik i it vi nn win o itrom avilin wlrwuin in i oiiest-houm- i hull the breath caugltf in imn nn nt y l thr loo buck dimmed not tlie pun lmu prln or and denth ilelow the cltnd i i iuilrlnil he fill the widening m r of hi lo ntrriim and an i plrtured paridllnic oyagurr and thr old hoyul william u quay owlt as a gull ii mi silent rioj icr steamed to open olty of age and youth hanci a new worktn niroiiithii romance could chiimplnln ov y twould rem ills dreams rulill iicnt i drrnni hllli molly devan chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free trs by judy ogitadv its come it a hire at lust or rather it was here but it has gone imuy now by it of course i mean the ruin or days past there has been ruin rain to uie left of os rain to the right of ui everywhere except oir bend or ui ha- it volleyed and thundered ror thal perliapn we should be truly thankful a i dont suppose ll- is in the nature of man to welcome ouch tcmpeituous stornu nj t as there liave been in many districts much aa wc needed ruin i mmt confcsi n a hot day in july thad drrcn- eaigh innurance clerk with uurtlcll t wllley wan returning from ida curly lunrhrnn hlack i angry thu n tier louuii hung over tho city und big dropi wru already npatuting on the pavcrrlonui thud did not care to rl ik a welting so he left the main ilrnt unil look n short cut through narrow chancery lone- ftoundlng a corner he came tuddrnly on unautoniobllo truck thai wan luadod with lljtil- il woo backed up against tin rear uf a partly completed brjck i iti i building liefildc it a iihort ntout inlclf jit iiucd man in rhlrt sleeves wan talking exclu dly a broken brimmed lojmldid straw hat covered bin gray hair and lib umjiavcn gee wan read and per- i plrlng a lime conk lay on its bilge lni a rape idlng hooked to a fall running ctralgllt up to a block swung below a girder end unit projected from tho roof eight maries above the other end of tho fall was held by a bareheaded young man with a heavy nhock of black hair lie uus i tar inn down from the g lossless opining of a window on the fourth floor whln thad- appeared an expression of relief came to the stout mans face hey lad hold up a minute will you he aid 7 had stopped i m aowcu uio plasterer and ive contracted to finish come extra partition uii that fourth floor tliose cloud bel li mi arc wearing pretty thin and arc llublc to drop out any minute and i dont want this lime to act wet youre luikj 1 11 give you half a dollar if youll hud a hand to tqrcnce up there i thad thought of hla cpotlctn serge ult and hcnltatcd urrrury of the unlteil atati imhauy there ki iui intereillnir uc- i rniml of hnw he pnunted mr cu mi uf imim ror kruna jiv4 ph mr cbinnii uun u untnl ilta worried i tituul what he rhouhl ray to thr km- kir he udd iietor hrrkluka that he fcurlii he mliiht lw u ovtrcoinn ni to forurt liln little rpeech never mind replied the ucrotary ri l k w k wliat you intend ioi u rav y lbvc lo cnd your apcech u the palace several uuyb liefora you are the knot hud utn hut at the lower pfcn led tlien if ills majesty doesnt end of the all had occurred a rlnar vb yu ntcjifoina ui say lie need that mliiht mran u him iho dlfferewu i receive you wo shall find uie iwtuecn life and death krptqjfrtainllnb in llw centre of uil i he lime liad been hooked on in the laiccy ceptlon luill in the palace and trurkmiow the truck wan not there the u aether c oliall crorji tlie floor to him cak uould imvo at irart thirty inch nt s l wordu or prccen- farther ui lro hi fiirc it itruck th ul wliro tho linperor has replied iiniiind nnd hint cktra dlrtance woulil ttl11 kav vour iinalls addren- inevitably rnatch tlto rope uid throuflh i mc and i ulll rriieal it lo the the block tlindd linaern would be 1 airman l wajecty will drawn uitn the ohcavc cruslmd trokon p to gorman and i will ntrlppcd from the rojie he wouw on inmolau hu reply to you hurled eighty feet rtralkht down to uic uit all there will be to it clmnt brlrk pavlincnt of chancery lane vc any vltlt oioxed tlie humoiat all that flitted thrmurh thwla brain wlln visible disappointment an he nwuno rapidly up the red wall niat will be oil and dont offtr u midway bcturen two lines of windows le hniida tliat would be on un- drudblnir lilo biicbs alanfl uin brlclo lanionbto breach of court etiquette as ho tried to catch hla toej between the n as we liave exclmneod crectlnc wc courses rha11 wiuulraw at ul- ww past the flfuifloor windows 0l ipilnted day mr clemens he flunff him elf violently to the left in nn doctor ilerdlulca appeared at the an effort to thrust hla toe under tin pi between double linen or guards frame but he mlucd it by the fraction two americans were ushered throuffh of an inch exclamations or lurror room ftrter room or uic palace until uicy roe from below die umlirellon wen- rcaclieu the uirealiold of uie audience scaturlnu in panht ix tlicre were only c some way or topplna that barrel before door ot reception hall tvuntt i 11 reached uc ground open and humorist and eccretan- ad- i htvat liund at ci1axjutt- town the lulur illnetun l twain ijmii1 time with hbi ftfttilly in 1 ur n vtnil iii unit piul tin iut r fnn- i- ilr churlu vhuent 11 idlbku i 1 exp rlmilltji ut the churlntteulwil peihik nlul utittlim hnve in ui rjl iiillnj uf a ituily uf llu- nimpiirutlvc i blowli iiult of 111 una vuliii of rutuhuiiu or iwidijof tho tuuuc a ctuanfii auvkntijiu lunilpi und mil pototuei hi kuinuit m lilimititto luiluitry ullhln the pnivlnri iuuui uvullitlilc i itch yi ur large ihiuh- litlu uf cullimmlbii i lullable for fndlnu purjmurji and it seemed dnlrnblo to coiuparc hid value of lhir with what has been for many ymru the standard succulent feid namely swede ibrnlnn jji 1du7 iwentycliiut steers vera fed for a period of vjjl fsaya in 10311 twenty otclrn vvsc fed for 70 days and in 1030 twentyfour stcirn were fed for a period uf 107 dayii the following tcrui wero comparable durlnu the tlirce seasons lot i uvrdcs were fed at tin rate ol 40 pounds iicr ntrcr er day at the liar i of the period the amount bclna i educed ut the rale of one pound iwr utik until the completion of the fccdlus period lot ii uwcden were fed ut the rate of 20 younds per day reduced by rncluiir i minn d iter week until uio end ol the feeding period lot iii wan fed lib cwcdci at tho rate of 10 pounds per day per steer throughout the dura tion or the test lot iv received cull llotaloca at the rate of 35 pounds per i slccr per day throughout the fledlng period lot v won uxed as a check pen and received neither roots nor potatoes i the hay and meal ration hi every cane was at a uniform rate for all pens tlu roots or notatocif bclntf tlie only variable i litrlklng an avcrace of the figures ol- hirhjird cn kiin u tiiuurlworki r oi ji p4y city bud un i xprrli nrit uhleh lur prubnhly nivir in i n dupllrati d by any nllu r mini since tlnui iritah lie wan ulrlrxk in ule front in uhlch hi uiii wirkhiu up throuiih tlir mud and itruvi 1 throuifh v lilch in had lurn illuuluic throiiuli i uvljiabli rlvrr on uhbh ituuncnt were ninnlnii uud iomi- dlilanre inlo tin ulr fromwhlrh he fell buck uuiiln into the rher ui he picked up uppureutly un harmed a new subway was in proreui of coji- stnicllon under the liuit itlver u con nect mow york and hrooklyn prom the urooklyn side the workmen had firo- arcssed alxiut two hundred feet from the dock the jerc bar inn throuiih mud with an immense tube or shield the open end of thin wa filled with compressed air at a prcvure of abouti thiruen jwiuncli to the square inch tills held the miyl of the rivi rln d back nnd nalied tin four mm who worked out there u do so in i ompuratlvc naff ty hack of wicin uiu unutlisr alrcliamlwr where other men uotked undi r pressure eomctlmcn fuiltti developid in the riverbed and air eeaw jjvvhcn a bud leak develops the air in apt to cicnpe with a ruih and the mud to overwhelm thr wo r kern before they can net out ono day in march while craan nnd threo others were 111 thu advance chnm- lltcrally in n bubble at the end of the jbttincl they henrd the crnckle or ejcnjlnir air cresan lunied qulctiy and sawia bud break devcloplnn quicjt loyrl the baipil he called inck of buy from a ah come on now i it wont hurt jour clothes any and it wont raise a blister you may nenfd to be helped out tight place yourself same time ill dollar a rain flurry sprinkled uio lime casks i ii help you sold thad but keep uur money with uio clcmentr fur proving n n- well ncvauout uic monci miit ir x i i was really frlshtenid uhun the storm started la ther on tq compan imentrt mhli incjr ill hook ir but on earthquake is worse und i suppose due in at least three othc placeo tills tliero arc few who ttuuld welcume u very mlnyto reruuon or our recent experience thnd wa3 aoon m thc fourul floor gtnmbo to soy ve knew nothina about nc q llia coat j nal ralcd up tin earthquake until wc saw an account hh uccvd j j hoid oi u of h in uw paper no o were not hi ttltn tcrcncc who wan already holstlnff bd and asleep but very much up and flrat dartc out and for tliat reason i suppose wlt foiled to notice it there not belnir any swayed down on the dishes to ratue outside or rurniture to p t nui over thenlntjlc r of slort excursions on 1u own we very well l tbc ltqac co 0n runcmber thc last quake in 1q35 se lfllned for uie three yoarn test nwede j and plddnc up lumlpo as fed to lot l uovo a return pile kept for tho purpone attempted lo value of so 30 per tun bailng hay and j block the blowout with it meal at local market cost prices lot ii ileforc the others could understanj for the conic period returned a value af i what was happenlha the blast of uut- and throuah the per ton over the check lot receiving no vent ills hnnds were above his htaa ivlna potatoes return- as he went in and he stuck fast when ti a value of 10 33 per ton for the only his feet remained in slcht of bn fed or approximately 33 cents l mates they were at a loss what lo do per bushcl they could not pull creitan back nnd j from tho above it would appear uiat to do no would cost tlum all their llvn ould have tried to sentence or two when uic emperor vcry prontablc returns arc to be obtained they murt act uirouith the airlock and ko brlnb cnoko rcw wd acrmiinto doctor for rooui or cull potatoes when fed to luckily uio men in the rear chumbr shortkeep steers i felt the reduction in prcisure openld it is noticeable uiat arcater returns tho door and let uicm hi head unit bottom was cccm in this respect that a modem to battered and bruised by the pebble- amount given uniformly uirouahout uic i which slid past him with the cscnplnu fccdlna period is superior to approxjm- air he retain d his wits and knowlna atcly uic some total tonnaac fed hi thc only possible wuy out was stnvltjht rradually decrcaslnti amounts until the i thead thc uay the air uan rushlna he beijan lo pull with his hands he was heres stomachjoy for- you light flavory easily digested shredded eat with all thc hran of the whole wheat wliea funny oppctlwi are hard to plcaac thctc crinp oven- baked flavory ehredn of whole wheat rive rent to the meal and energy for work or play dcllcloun with whole milk and fruits n reaenca uio grounui i umorwi ana secretary ad- j g 35 pf tlie amount of roots rush in a air had caught creaan thad china mechanically to thc rope vanccd toward uie coilury ncurc of the u 1il cttv a return of 10codilven him head first up throua ii seemed frightfully uliort for uiere a monarch all uireo bowed and t ovr ih rir it r mere only a few inches of it danglum dwtor ixefdlbka spoke uic formal woidnroot jl below his handa a moment later ho ot presentation thc emperor replied i c n vb rose post uie windows of uic alxui floor c far evcryuiing liad cone according to potatoes beside him thc other part of uw fall i tcliedule ur clemens then began his was running down had it not been pccli but luul not repeated more than movlns so fast he krobp h with one hand himself and thc barrel toa clopbut lie herullcjca and turning on his heel atart- knew that uie sudden wrench uiat would cl serosa uic floor toward a distant door come would inevitably tear his hold away tlie secretary started to follow but mr tq wcn obtained from oweden wlicn creaan suddenly driven even on it was he had all he could do to clemens who understood oerman only f i moderate fluontlueo and it would uirounh uic crumbling rive keep his grip lmncrfecuy clutching his arm whisper- 1 overhead the girder end and its bus- tf- aid an doctor tills isnt accard- pended pulley loomed larger and larger ff t your inatructlona uhall i go on a the rainy black cky tlie creak- with m epcech ina of the block grow ever louder ond doctor herdllcka explained uiat thc mlnacd with tliat sound was uie noue emporcr hod sold tell mr clemens that terence made as aliouung wildly he nccd not nnlsli his speech i naw he clattered up uic short flights of nrc already read it h0u1 of you come into stairs but thad was rising much faster library than terence could climb i uuc relieved ur clemens followed a about drew his eyes downward and doctor ilerdilska into thc emperora he saw qowen burnt into night round wl- usjtcty put all formal hi cornq i camplouon of the test tilts point is supported by additional teitn in 1037 in which one lot received i 30 pounds per steer per day durlna uie to fliv himself an leaving him thc necessary aid to just as his breath was felt himself shoot up i entire feeding period while asecond lot i through the river and out into uiu air received 60 pounds per steer per day at thc water itiic was about forty feet the start uila amount being reduced by deep but cvlaan cams with such force rtt i mhhj imc man uua amouhl ueing roducod by deep but chaan cams i i u geyser t ajtwl uw em- i return ofifludrwhl thj t- h- i ij floor behind them grew steadily before lona the cask had risen above tha low sill it hung about three feet torn thc brick wall and a little to thc left of the opening for the girder from which uie block swung was not directly dbeve uio window hold harrrdl wlh his left hand still kccplna its lirlp terence readied out a hook with his right ond drew uie barrel in over the sill the rope cling was sent down were not seriously unct at missing uil one and yet somehow one feels rather out of it as uiouah one of llfos experi ences had passed one by you know i feel uiat way about u good many thing thc war for instance i did not enjoy it by any means and i never want to im anouicr but yet i am alud if it hud to be uiat i woi alive and old enouuh to take part in it and realize its m canine x remember a younu frleud of mine balng aiked about his experiences in uic on uic fall to oowcn retreat from mons and i heard him cay ur more casks came up rapidly i wouldnt have misled ii for u terence did thc lions shore of thc nolsi- uioiuand dollars but i wouldnt go ln e was strong ond wllllna although uirougb it again for two uiouaond or u iuub clumsy it was now almost one eren three 1 1 oclock and uic rain was coming down that too lo my attitude in regard ut maruy nel them uirough chancers farming the tamo brund or misfortune lane bobbed o steady stream of urn- rrom year to year would become raon- brellas otonous but variety lends a cplcc of as they pulled in uic fifth barrel thad adventure from uie time wc started noticed a badly frayed spot in tlie roll we hove sure had lots of variety in the j above their hands terence agreed wt wc loot crops from drought hail tiiot it would be unsafe to hoist thc nruuhoppcrs and gophers here it luu ft cask wluiout making repairs thny been drought hall floods or backward drew down more rone and thad with seasons lots of variety yet but its all knlfeout out thc short section that lr uie days work wc can each one of wa budly worn thc big drops were us my if wc will pelting down steadily now and in the and yet uic menucc of uic cars street qowcn was danclna up and down finds and shall find me unafraid 1 excltcdly henley i what are you about up there ho just at present the menace of thu yelled oct a move onl yefcrs dont worry mo half so much aa thad thrust his head out or uic lh menace of thc bumblebees where window and explained while terence utfry all come from i can t tmaglno but ftutcncd thc two ends together there seem to bo ncsto all over thc farm be cure you uc a square kuntl partner la thc most recent suflcrcr ilia shouted qowen natural beauty is temporarily marred by aa terence finished his work he tested a sting near ono eye which has swollen it with a hard pull square knot it 1st and gives him a decidedly bibulous ap- fcurc us square as a brick i pearonce and the flies i cant gut on they sent uic allng down for tho last lime thad watched- uic knot go up millrh- stopped two or uirce inches more and it would have jammed in the wa3 sheave- of the pulley block dead j flowen hurriedly slung uic last cask aiid shouting up with it boys sprang to the steering whccl lib automobile already cranked cticdv an if thad could do anything else i por uirough doctor herdllska docs but what use was it mr clemens regard aa his best he was lassing between uic windows h uojesty uiat i believe it u of uie scvcnui floor his last chance had innocents abroad come uoued to a final mighty effort peraonolly replied uie emperor i he flung himseir to uie left and just jjkf huckleberry finn thc bcsu thc managed to hook his toe under the prnpresb however uunks roughing if frame at uio same moment he clenched better the rope with all the strength in hts nm ratumed ur clemens fingers they can have uiclr choice i wrote there was a terrific wrench and for a cm djl i second ft seemed that his hands would t humorist was by this time in umcs bt tt lans be torn from uie rope but he came to a i mellow mood hla fear of royalty h but it wojjiu seem irom th deud stop he could just sec over uic i thing of uic plsl thc emperors e figures that large returns might sill of uie window on the eighth floor if eiaoro were very much to his liking and be realised from uus byproduct if led he coud only hang there long chough thc author was at times almost concealed to goodgrade beef steers nv rtnr llhn a test in 1030 feeding only 15 pounda i n of potatoes per steer per day leads us uj mcure believe uiat uie amount fed should bu rrm r return of sfluorwhllc those fed decrcas ing amounts returned only 505 per ton for uic roots fed in neither case was uic return so high aa wlicn smallor amounts of foods were fed perhaps uie outstanding finding of uic test is uie return value received for cull potatoes with our cecd potato industry at its present magnitude uie re arc lame quonuucs of small and cull potatoes mailable each year thal havo lltuc if any market value growers arc oftcn- to thc disposal of it wolild seem from the fore- boat at once put out and picked him up an what was yc thlnkln about dickrf asked a friend later in the day wasnt thinking suld he i was posting that mud but when i landed in uie water all right side up and stretched out me leas und they was there and pulled in me arms and uicy won all there i begun uilnklng then that ye cant kill an irishman safety scaffold fok iainteits enjoy labor day get that new set of for terence to reach him in thick clouds of onofcc he shouted and terence who was as uic interview came to an end uie running like mad up thc stairs a flight emncror did a most unusual thing he or so below shouted in reply put rxtended his hand to ur clemens who thflds toe was sllpplna slipping thc baw it a hearty grasp and when doctor vclght of the cask was draggine him crdllska and his companion reached skyward and he knew that he could not ulc batters hotel uicy found thc em- hold hla position ten seconds longer he d done anouicr unusual uiing cast his eyes upward those few feet hc had snt a servant to uic authors hemp hclow uic block were thc apartment with a doxen boxes of uic with my work for chasing them i yes terday i mended several holes in thc scrmndooro and then sprayed and hproyed the rooms until the all thick wlui flypolou after thc flu were swept up and burnt there not one to be seen anywhere and now if youll believe me they are just as thick measure of his lire on a sudden his toe came away and up he went higher higher higher fascination held his eyes glued lo the block which was squealing fiendishly as it devoured the shortcnlna rope now it was only a yard two feet one a matter of inches thad shut his eyea and locked his flrgcrs round un cigars uiat had given tlie humor isl much satisfaction pkriit the ofctceul of the conftodeilatioej to be youtt hosts at least 25 pounds per day b p tin- ney dominion experimental station charlottctown p e l he hkljeit on tact scaffold for putiiteni und other men who work on uie aldl of a bulldlnu trcet thc in- itlon ol rolph j luckncr is suid to the workmen against accident from almost every poislblc source they arc protected in uie event of ropes breaking knots slipping or the breaking up ot the platform itself the devise developed after fourteen ycar3 of experi ment is in three parts the first is a kind of trolley to which the men ore attached by a torsion grip tills trolley is suspended between the ropes of thc secured independently to thc men can move about tact ta indispensable to uic hostess tho poliuclan lho clergyman ond uic ac lawyer useful indeed in almost every tnc building walk of life if any one could dispense i j yet they ore automatically attach with it successful one would suppose 1 ulc trolley if thc ropes should break uiat it would be a policeman since a or ule men should slip the second is man who can buck his requests with a an outomallc gravity clamp which pcr- ti13 tried and true personnel of thc warrant and a pair of handcu0o seems i n ulc ropes to sudo through the hard rope in an agtfny confederation take pride and pleasure to have lltuc uccd for uio exercise of pnucyn but instantly clamp j all of uicm of horror come what might he would in oyer serving its guests in a courteous social policy nevertheless on anecdote nc breaks or if a knot slips this that heavy barrel to make attcnuvc ond cheerful manner recently related by a minister whose don bv l una scaffold itself uicy mlghfbe master railway car constructors have ork la in uie poor quartern of a great wi automatically locks itself after ii a ulto ulc e of thc city shows what unexpected resources dicpplng a lev feet 1 lie uilrd part is a j even to the latest in tact are occasionally displayed even on anchorage for hanging the vcoflold t f never alii him unclench his hands dragged into uic sheave crushed broki but while they had uie strength to retain confederation their hold ho would never let go radio receiving sets make for thc ideal buddenly with a little jolt hc stop- in travel comfort i t minister had often visited the ped what had happened lie opened the confederation leaves toronto home of a poor woman whose good-ror- hls eyes and caw that hid locked hands for vancouver dolly at 0 00 p ml nouilng husband although amiable were less than two inches from uie iron stondara urne serving en route win- enough when sober was abusive when wheel he looked down and there in njpeg brandon reguia saskatoon ed- drunk there was now sickness in uie chancery lone eighty feet below stood rnonloo and jasper house a child was dangerously 111 when oowcn and anouicr man holding uie information reservations etc from any llu clergyman called he found the from uic roof tin- safety devises have teen approved by trade unions of paint- iri and ouicru and in some stutts have already been made compulsory by law barrel oil uic ground it was not a agent of canadian national hallways dllficult feat for they had only to lift hard enough to take care of that part of light of thc cask uiat was not alju scotland abuoad balanced by thads weight i tho rest was easy another rope was a nouve faeotchmon wlio enters a res- bent on below thc cask was unslung and mt for from hts hills and heauicr they uien lowered thad a few feet untm f i to be on amusing fellow terence could grasp him and draw him a j professional golf i child into uic clghtlustory window j w p nft of hlj r u ever if i walk into the kitchen such barrel rose clear of uie truck ho started a bulling and whirring goes before me down the street on might imagine- i had set up a covey thad and terence surged down on the ol pheasants ii11 and up come uio barrel an un- then the hcnhouie really it is most broken string of umbrellas crowded discouraging the different lnsucts we chancery lane over tho low wooden have to contend with one duy lat building opposite thad and terence could look down on thc main street ihey saw oowcn s motor car whirl into lutit and stop out leaped the plasterer und began to fuss over his engine the cask had reached the third story whin suddenly uie rope gave a lltuc wild here is a field ol wliat wao uio matter thad glanced xt to your very door it li up and uttered a yell ofconstcmatlon week i road in uio paper uic prlei- of eggs would coon be so high it would bt almost out of sight after dinner 1 wuil atralght out to the hrn-hoube- und 1 had an honest- ingoodniis hi art to hcurt talk with our feathered friends now look here barley right registered o a o no 21 seed yet you i he knot which had come down almost liave tramped it and fed on it until in l the window was pulling out i thc places there was nothing left to cut now projecting rope ends were already ap- you are helping yourselves to the chulcest palllngly short if the cask fell it meant ears in uie stooks partnir has rxhaiit- death to same one in uiat thronging ed his vocabulary of complimentary ain- terms to now it is up to you ui be uood i pull i pulll he screamed to terence aports and lay what may prove to be they gave a mighty wrench and tho tlxa golden egg or eyas as the case may burrcl leaped upward but even as it did bej i i uie rope yielded again to encourage them i painted the was in his throat roosts with cool oil sprayed the walls tlmd iclt weak llcitajd on uc tuv andnm scotland once had to spend a few hours in london hi company wlui three other bcots the one thing hint bo uie red utcm wc leant from his book fifty years of oolf auu the price or uic supper uicy troubled and exhausted mother wlui bruised und blackened eye while her sodden husband glowered sulkily in uie comer sunk hi a tipsy stupor which miflht at any moment break into wraui again thc clergyman a pity for uic woman as mingled with anxiety for thc sick thc wife had never complained oruilcss husband and uic mln- earn 600 to 1000 a day laem aiul earn pari tlroa uotoruaclian- ica uattmv walling vuloanltliui haum wlrlna uuidaylna fumwinarvuius- lrmlllmuircuiuraworlccoodnaaltlans m- wriiocaiirrmliiscatcuvbook dounion cliarttbkd schools iu xtnc wkst toiohto fvm mmptaamamt uimjmouil to tmi fates tvm umdiped tires iow labor day thc lust threciay weekend for thc season enjoy t to the ut 1 on firestone gumdipped tires firestone tires will take you there and bring you back manufacturing features such as thc patented gumdipping process by which every fibre is insulated with rubber to elimin ate internal friction meancomplete freedom from tire troubles before the holiday rush starts drive around to your nearest firestone denier ond have him equip your car with u new set of fircstoncs you like thousands of others will find that they give thc utmost in mileage safety and economy math in hamilton ciuwla y pmestonb ttrb bi rudder company of canada ltd most miles pebl dollar bululkooiy firestone tires are sold in acton by norton motors main street tern standard tin 42 litinnbc ivrtari the momcntthe i oowcn ihe olhcr man canc hurrying up the btolra what kind or a knot did you terliicc demanded the plasterer a square knot of course ooucn pulled in more- rope and rut off a piece tie me another ate ti reu liter luicw die aould not do so uien so lie wasted no words but on leaving went hlmclf to uic police- ijtauon and related uic cose thc burly patrolman to whom he spoke uiarcd his feelings u oos outrageous of tim he declared mrs mahoncy was a lotutlnc to a bright attractive- look lug good woman und deserved bettci lien bayers who was one of tim deserved well restaurant luck tim deserved more bi u k a knot but uic uic forty said let us go in there than he would get there was uie iuua in uiat braw place i said would also ui puukjimeiit of uic wlfo other instead i an hugh were so nevertheless something must be done suuarr knot eiilhuslosuc over the restaurant uiat uicy tim must be ot least remonstrated wlth nronny and h uner t i jat the supper hut interference in domestic troubles is and floor put nice clean straw in boxes and dusted them well with powder nnd then proceeded i itnun r thr which were not all in the lujihou fur from it one in a netit in the weeds one in the reservoir of un old stove in the woodsllcd two ui the home- ntuble one u long way back in the alslke mow uirte under the old funning mill and the ret strange to say were in the lutihoui making seventeen in all did you ever know unythlnic in con nection wlui faruilnu unattended by uinoatwln harblnaern of lute ii and both luuids but the barrel was too lieavy perhaps lie uiul as it may u dot mi l and hud aalned too much headway to do to get dlseourugid or to lo faith be mopped ilchirc thad could decide in our ability to contend ulth oblmttn v hut to do ho was snapped off hla feet there is always something irish cropping l jerkid through thu open window tip perhaps somethlnn to deal with that uok out belowl he shrieked as hr nte have never done before and we wiust vna drawn upward by thc weight of thu llkvo o certain conceit in ouailvci to falling barrel finished put that end under 11 i n over it yon blockhead cvinc near mighty expensive ni cu5t da grant and me since aluays a delicate- taik and the jwllcc branny for you and mc well i didnt umt en air v agreed u rjc eating man warned thc clergyman to rtprcs hla ihin ymi for an able seaman but dont wunt came and lielped im oi indignation and leave matter to him vol ever tie that kind of a square knot wlul our hau a ovp wiu it a tact uiafs ncdcdl he declared me again llwuwonl 4o hold- your t- was playing fancy muuo on 0 plot- emphaucally wldout taet he d wily ll i o nnclysjrctscd women and men bn olitlrrcd up and make mnurn worse i- t rt 1 chatting and eaung and drtnkhig than ivcr i know tim again and send the bll lo me its the 8lclt l o andrews u right p dls least i can do you did me a good turn d m tcm liuceeded to the house and it came near costing you dear i wom i f be cromr hnrtlit to thlnk what wod have y make us pay ror aiming lcre i policeman strode acrois rhads hct i said itll cost us 0 honrle vmr selxcd him by the collar hunt in the nick of lime afore we ffet out tim mahoncy ye great baste t he tlir cask hung just below uic sill the j in fact i wanted to go out there and bold jerking the culprit violently back- knot now almost pulled out had cornel thrn bit thc others stopped me wc had ward and foiward what do ye mane in night tlie only thing u do was lo one consolation 4 of struggle but at last wc all jihuilrt ulc good ttlfc ulvln gav yo y pull quickly and atasp uie rope above sttled down thc hhl or fare uas ondearvln outragihtua inuixlcatln ould the- knot to avoid rhartcrlna a special car to printed in a lanadogc none of us could ruiicalllunl he paiuud to shake him once morel blj 200 imiunib of llmbitrgcr ejiccoc a read a dafuike thing it seemed to mc with a vigor which did nut junull further pown swayed uic knob of hemp close majiufuctunr packed it in a rough and wc had ut let thc waiter bring j words wheu the shaking tnixli rated oblong box and chock rd it os a corpse aliat he liked wp itmi tir tt stream enlivened they 1 un still sat i he tactful oil room and srjper savings service for thirtyfaix yean carrolls store have been uvtng people money aluayi dine mvuia lia s bun upportcd by quality tjiurlt u ihe better port of value a guarantee accompanies every j article purchased at our icom but ihc i aniounf of merctundite refunded 11 c cceduigty inull wc luecced j utufying our prwxa will lumly j any tell of companion i wul be cea by thu lot i of valiwa hmnal liuiy olives stufttd queen 40u j knob of hemp close 10 thodu handa as he caught uie fall ibove it uic sections suddenly fell apart at the flmt ctop lie went ahead to uie courses but with a cry of alarm tcrenee topid hi icb t e umt ulcfc was no ihan rating there trouble lie htoml by the txix in u do- ham attitude und shaded his eyes thr baggage man was relative 7 he asked backward clinging lo thr lowci and the whole weight of thc lime j consolale thrown on thad j win hu hand hitched uic rope desperately with nyinp ithetlc ven its my brother well you have one consolation aint in no tmhcc iio waiter brlua words we liad uircc or four he began again pourlna forth was more like picking l of vtuperouvc denunciation small place ol vuh uiicmiiplhnriitary 1111110 cup of dlvlb sarpents and otliir 1 ji came criatuna when this ccosj d thundcrboll i had been waiung for 7a cd each t all on one bill askid thc waiter some pieces or chicken ffic and a slice of bread yes uiatll do tlaycra replied timothy you it amounted to uitrty shillings just ushamrd hr beg i about die cxt of uie single journry to at once ikavi luxiibv bllpiuuue on til aldrews sold i 0 liog- pli ujng 11 iluik liik began again in a momentary lull the rlrrayman put in a mild word ally but tught falada tea tuoss lahtl llui ufib iiuriii sxlsd itbiti ulutstit t lag ji i sfuctol dlu jellies aomnl flat 6 pig c specials or the weekend august 22 ss spofuj uuai pure new pofb jam blk curraat jar 29 be ml hori 1 intki1national limitkd aii vc mc three lamqtle the unknown and tin 11 -tln- liarder uie battle the gn ater the- victory x always love the iplrll ot tin- buy who was aked if ho could play the violin he answered i dont know i ve n ver triad sublime conceit of oouiu but cannot you imagine that txiy clinblnr mtlf after rung up the ladder of jurcr is lejivllig far behind hu filloweoiupiiltora lf lr falui wlui o doaicrote kick lie stabbed his turn thc observation wlui its vlta- u under the up of uio window frame i oa tnclnsed uunroom through thc und brought himself to a stop tex- mlndld clubumngc with iw boda met who had now regained his feet j rounlaln and luidio through uic cum- sprang upon the sill and mdo a clumsy parlinentdrawhig uoom-utondardulcep- gruli at thad feet but instead of mil cars dining cars and day coaches iirtng o hold ho dislodged uio boys thp n th interior decorator has been addod lo uie car builders skill in shllllnga davie and ill pay for it woltked all uioiit traffic cop llyl whtai l hi w whlmile wliy didnt you go i lie curl driver vou whltle- tt 1 jfully i just hat to stop und ibtcn then terence uiruat hu steel hook lnui the fold at tlie bottom of thads trouiira the sharp point held for iiuiniint otlly before it ripped oul thad b gan to move rapidly up the brie the eiaycra said to a rant your supper ho sahl davie 1 11 gle ye- a shlll in r iluuh said the amc uilng to mr and i replied as dottc hod d t it hr lesson to you to keep out of such placts i added aa thc waiter was helping davie un qulpment now being operated jl f he noticed uiat uiere were ah don l jr yell only irritate him whispered hts friend thc patrol niaii in a hasty aside and he resumed i hla iiliii lr admoiiltlims at the end he whlikrd his victim fnmi lili seat slipok him bi uic air jlkc a rut and dropjud hltu very hard in u huddled heap too much astojibhcd uid with uw little brcaui to protest itll be mony a day uforc he laya linger oil mary ann mai 101 icy again i h special i laibae peaches qtuca quui7 ma 1 ut tins for him oi uic taitc dtuit nwn with sutlafaetlon forget thr waiter pleasr he said davie turned on him wlui uic most lohniu look i ever saw un a mans face iiiact yel lie said jc til my dyn day ill never forgi ye ill never forget and w lints mulr kohii tall blu cant ym feci the ui ol pad lead ili ithung niulor cot yul x think wum going u hoar it w on tho inlernoltonol limited between montreal and chicago kqulpment and service tliat provides uie utmost in re- nnrnieiit ease and gratification in all looked downward and caught just drnnrlmmu continuously uiroughout the u ulliniui of white faces gazing up ol journey him from under ullod umbrella in win uien builucwi or pleasure mokes it chancery urne oowcn had aeon uio ncc isary for you to travel to montreal arrident from maui ulreet and waa l chicago why not try uila uut hi f r manic running utward tlen building hut wliat trave1 luxury tlie intepiatloijal lunlt- caraclu- is u endure lortun- nmltl he do wlikt could anyono do 1 d uw toronto fur montreal avery a ttellcau- ntvan and i ml ca in u hash thad reallied his peril as morning at 0 00 a in standard time with it ciuuhlerirur it work fnr thu ank appnachd uio ground tor chicago bvery fcvrrtuyr at 0 or thoina iccleelrtc oil atizl 1 mt be nrarliui the top before the i m uuuidanl urns remedy a few drops ujua l utildeut uio knot had alinuat louclicd f ium lnfonnalk11 and rjirvituma fnuu lint ur insjlcuud cotton noi s 1 ds wro where any rjohodliui national railways agil tlu tar uul di much to rxvloii toguthrr wus u little tactl walked j needed 1 i a bxtumy for tarache- bloek now his luuids much ui nultvuig paju j bcyund ityliimch lis quality sella it thr fact that juany thousands 6f lntclllgi nt ixople lontlnue- ui ukc dr lliomos iclrctalo oil apcaks vuluiues for iu healing cittc- linry kver since it was first introduced 1 t huj gmuu steadily in public favor j owing en lire ly u its manifold usrfubirss in irllrvlng and healing ulckiuss aa r iiudric for rutii burns scalds und vurl uus influiiuuutury pabu its record i special csrwvus finesi creamery duller lb 42c special snrua laundry soap 10 bani 49c special pearl white napluba soap 10 ban jlc speciall nnaa puw chwar 1 toamy no i pqj 37c sptsotthe univereal health food grape huts zx psitry 1 lour sheaf lhand 24 lb bag qt tinckt ihir lard frealily rendered iib pad 53c kurh old cheeac npe and mallow per pound 29c loaf cheese qiatcau or vclveeta jb pig 19c sprcial fray rente cooked corned beef xo nbctars th kiwausi rauui 2 p 27 new ceylaa cuwk tea extra vlu per lb 49c csrrali fmjjyoounj coifoas ik fr toc 60c maswell housa com ub tin 3c tmperul dry gktt ala coaunu ol 6 batilta 42c spacisj ayiuur jiuubo svai peas gar gftgy sunuiiir imsjt twt and tssry pr pouuj 36c uutlcxw slktej ilwas pmhbunvmvppjj u sic xxx vwiin btejj w spw gjlaa 40c cnwii jsia uiioll mouuj jf su dauo 00c carrolls high a ptfaw an uw whciti quawy ii a mill street acton ontario