Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1929, p. 3

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fflft art mt iitn hiuhmmy 1 ill mill it sthtnf si iki a hallj till l i lleptemlwi wliox sturdy f ihr hku of miimlng m ik a can t i tfrly the it 1 fi li her li may n vrr 1 i in i 111 r da uttig i in o knnwn a lullaby mid httli when hr in walrhlnt know a htagtinul i vi t dear pray thai lu hud u four wall an undt rntiuidltui 1 torlj i mtiitii i timl in j iranje n i ilil li avn h i t miiytl id rly tjimhi i moth r laid in in wlc or up tin shields and laiiffht lis was a baby yi k ily jurt my plmpl r there he i gum a n ohl ood blru ului school ml lhil unlllni l y rule ight r in hi rduj hi ii rot mid umuiid the boys who go l ainu but her land menu hints itmltvmt far new and navel dlsuea household i dean mid surresttons dy betty barclay cheitlty pilesiiitvlh par each two pounds of roue cherrl weighed after atom i havi been n i o ed lywi a pound and u hair of riii add sugar to stomd clierrli ind hi inn quickly to a ball cook i ipldly iinlll fruit ls clear skimming uuuiver ikk miry pour immediately into c an ho jar and seal qralh- i4tlaiitvti por each pound f concord run use one half cup wutt r wali and i kit uut grapes needing also if you can pari the time use sugar equal to oik half the weight or prepared fruit holl unnr mfl malar lin- mlnrtr- ft frult arid cook until urnpen an clear and lin eod jr and ecal carrot marmalade 13 mw carrola 4 cupo sugar 3 bunklbt lemons i teaspoon round clove 1 teaspoon ground clnnamun i teaspoon ground allspice grate carrgtn add sugar and let i tand one hour add lemon julc and spli cook slowly for one hour turn into aterulxcd jar- and seul when cold old soi pulfautvis cooked in the bun try this recipe for your raspbcrrli s cumnu or similar small fruit- wiwli drain pick over stem and welsh can- fully allow one cup water and oni pound sugar for each pound fruit add water to sugar and cook until uyrup spins a thread remove from fire udt fruit and let ntand overnight in thi mom ins remove fruit from syrup with a skimmer and place on platters or aher flat dishes cook nyrup again until thread pour over the berries cover pli ter with cheese cloth or loss and lace in the direct sunlight for three oi our days or until syrup is thick and jelly- like then pack in jam ajid seal beedlesb ulackbeitlty jam tlve seeds of black 1m rrlct arc very ob jectionable to tnnny no 11 li well to get rtd of them uash berries rook in their own juice until thurouuhly heatodtlnn remove seeds by pressing through a line sieve measure pulp and liquid and nl low one cup sugar for each pint add sugar to pulp and cook rapidly until thick stirring frequently pack in clean hot jars and scal pcaci jam 10 pounds peaches 0 pounds sugar i 3 cup water i pa aches that are too soft for canntnrr may be uud for tills delicious jain or bread spread remove stones and cut in slices add to water in the preserv tng kettle cover and cook until soft stlmiuj to prevent sticking addugar and cook until thick and jellylike uien pack tfl hot jars and seal cherry conserve 3 pints pitted tmur cherries 1 pint black raspberries i 3 33 cups sugar combine all the- and cook until thick and clear i quince and apius waiimaudl wash qulncca and remove blcmum tnd cut fruit in small pieces add sufficient water to cover and cook until soft rub through slevi and combine the pulp equal amount of tart apple wiui 1ypril4tl to glvi wan wit hnllrlld until hi had ixui pr lty wll on with thr work iluui lin gavi i u hint of j tin trylnit f imnii lul oiiilltlomi in which if the mmuuirti raiivafed fnin ill ififs a29x4pbattoon ivi llu likirtimtrn a i llu lr farm u lnii ikkiihh in re arj u i hiul iniriiimil didlnii vlth vlth villi j an oii manh ufvhuf lit math the brown pnd falling leaven i watch the fading day i m wandered far through cart mid west whlrhncr way did wrm tlir xnx and north and south and east ond west in many a winding way dull clouds obscure the autumn okies gone ore uic birds and butterfllrs i orloni and bare thr wide earth llei and i am old and gray i lie son if ln out the race li run and dark the night l- drailnu on 1 rum lonesome plains lm norn winds moan l loundlim in my ur hut con unit friends from first ui last ihoiikh ivtry star be ovcrca t 1a vi daiian herltlc mi firm and fat and nouulit have i to fear hi ump me tn hln mantle warm hr kill away llu cold and storm ill kind turci never cease id khtlc loothlng llngcrn rprcod a plliiv ntath my weary hi ad ii llil my age with peace lit tuilk f mi hcn birds were loan hi bloomed for me when flu wire were uonl hi iiiadt lhvcmber maij anil li l my grli fa be what they might uich tear still held his sunbeam s light iii tilt stoat night and day re confronted rlnit heavy hitenti tli trnriih and otlwr biilll hlnifllnk with nd llllon it liomi i where tin fainltlr d in yoiul pruent ucmmim ith new farm viion an marhliu ry to i tiy mid p iy for with dm torn bills mid ittnrt nr- rounti and numerous other pren in rlalni i hut there war not nm b tald hi had to buy a n w atltniunh lc when liiwinr you p mrinb r thli i n thirty flvi jrarn i yoti ill rrn lly mull mini id thl cnwulni mnder- nc n slly hilng nb ent from the urt one man when approached for i li gi nuliscrlptlon thn amount of which mr rar ventured to name ejaculate d with charactrrlrtlc vim why you might ui well take the blrrwrd old form and b done with it nevertheless his nam stands on the suhrcrlplloji list today nt a good ucncroua amount in thru llnuri n and it war paid up in full well tho rubncrlptlnn llrt wun ii n ujin and ratlnfactory and tin nlle ami i ans for uic nrw church were derldid niton thr corner ntonen were laid on w inen day september 13 1hd rev holier i lowllc or frln moderator of thi dyntd of torau anil iclngrlon prerldlnir rev j a o forth missionary to chlun u fellow rradunlc of icno oollrgc with rev mr itae laying one of the comi r stones and archibald campbell the old est elder of the church the other with celebrity and without an ac cident the work of erection of thi fine edifice was puojlod forward and or february 34 1005 it was opened anc dedicated this date being the jubllci year of the erection of the first prenby lerlon church in aeon rev d c hassock lld af tor onto preached the opening sermon rev j e- lfewell m a of tile methodist church preached in thn afternoon and mr haasack again in the evening there were overflowing congregations at each of these services the people were glad and thankful and rejoiced at the consummation of an en tcrprtsc which two years before man thought would be impossible of ace mi pllshmcnl now they had a cllurch which man erected and furnished at coat of to 307 00 and so successful had been the canvass for funds by rev mr hac that the subscriptions and sal- o the old church and site covered the entire cot so fully that no appeals lor money were necessary at the op ning services nut the fruition of this devout lflorl did not satisfy the asptplonj of my cm ttctlc friend jlmmlc roc he felt that rose on every thorn uarils sxom whatu n u y rot i fl h n n id 1 o n ft i uanl here and now to register my ppn elation of the action af tho pulpit upply committee of tile united church acton in iecurlng the services of rev janim w rae of toronto for the two bunduyi in august when he occupied pulpit there inunk hac fumlllar itpplllutlon l irlliiu hip of ov abldid bctwlen 1 llllctlvc mid m only cxctui fur ind xrhapn undicnifltd the warm and intlmatl er forty years which has us is to my mind the and successful minister ttlcd over a congregation in acton i judge this when considering hut he accomplished during tlj nine mm ol hln ministry hi re i think he ui tin minister of icno church fiom about the middle of the year 1007 until ibo0 when he was succeeded by the late rev hugh a mocphcrson whin mr rae come to be the pastor knox church tile congregation was irshlpplng in the old long and narrow frame church the first church built by congregation away back in 1045 and the church manse a as situated a way main blrcct on the alcbe now owmd and occupied as a farm by mr hubert wallace the church had no choir but a precentor led in the praise service neither the church nor thn bunduy bchool hod the udvaniac of on ormiu quite a number of our older and hiflliciltliil members were nri nrlnrlnie j and prejudice strongly opposed to the introduction of that unholy thing a klit tj whujtlca uiwn which u prale thi lord uut times tiave changed and now knox church has tlie only pipe urrun in town ancla set of organ chunen for by and by fui sweet and volum inous lonen the lord li ralcd from bun day to sunday i he thin end of the wedge which eventually accomplished this i runs forma tlun however was wisely and cautiously entered by jlmmlc rae in the early years of his ministry ijere some of the ullru bcotch members ol tlu congrega tion used to say to one another and to their friends our preacher mr hoc ln a wee man but he generally gets there just the same thai was very true and he did get there in a manner which hurprtw d all and sometimes i think hi w as e ven surprised himself r ul fie d his limitations however and occasionally said his smallness of stature uui a liandlcap i remember when he hud resigned and the call to mr mac- phcrin had been accepted he came baek from his own new church in tor onto and was at the induction service in addressing the new mtulnlcr he said i congratulate you upon bclim called could so readily finance i wiainiftfmmh 4 tlon or serious cacrlricc uiey could o a bit furtlier and relieve the mlnlscr that mile walk from the manse to the church with a new manse down town the time af the minister would be gr conserved and the manse be much more conveniently located for visitation by members of the congregation tills enter prise was soon on the way and in a few months the minister and his family were comfortably- housed in a new ball dine on willow street within a bloak of the new church on main street and knox avenue and at a cdat of 13 000 00 when mr rae was called to victoria presbyterian church west toronto in 1800 a debt of only tgoo remained on the coat of the erection of the manse and now you know why i said at the beginning that rev james w itae hod occompllihed more during hbi ministry here than any other minister who was ever settled over a congregation in acton with rare pleasure and profit i attend ed those four services in the united cliurch in august conducted by my venerable friend you know mr roe b now on enthusiastic minister of the united church and wonders why al his brethren did not enter the union us he did so freely i enjoyed every one of these four services more than i can tell you i seemed to get an electric thrill when i shook hands with the aged divine lnrdld me good then it has done me good ever since i hope mr rae will be spared to enjoy many restful years after his very active and successful ministry tlll othfk sort ook iou ypiir cliftvrolrt slur for wliip- lrl or any cur uiiing 20 x ldo tlr get u iooilytnrlmul unruntl kullnon mid pny no mora tliuii for n cheap tire pallifimler bnlloona avc nil fh strong toiiglilranfletl goodycjir quality give i hem rxtrn nlurdiltmiui and iiupplcv- lirna itcnidra llinyve imill with stirkut twist nn cxclualva gaadytr cord for highprommurti tire nth or pathfinder cord meda with svpertw1st pathfinder bnlloon 875 all wcntlrer tcend 1100 prtthlinder tubes 185 heavy tourist tubes 215 h a coxe chryhler uo soto plyniouut cam phone fifi acton ontario our service la immejlnui and personal not jelaywl nail by mail of the pulp use two porta suuar to three paru ul a t pulp cook almost half an hour until i 1 u is thick and clear then turn into j clean hot glasses cover with hot puraf honest fln when marmalade wasttd bwrbtnlsh tills is one of the commonest exp slaas in everyday speech usually i eltlter sarcastically or humoruuly uiere was nothlnjr huinonm- or sarcu fcboul ha oiijilna ue for it is a popu td version of oik cf tlu low lit at c tences in the fomoun 1 li gy written i country churchyard by 1 homos o he had been looking at uic uni acton uimiu tlietr choice limn il their minister for i iiuiukh to admit that little men like me un handlcapiied while big men like mr mucphrnuin liavc a distinct ad v ant mi in tticlf sice and physical power wi ii the pastorate of rev mr hac wu- fruitful from thi beginning he u a not only an effective preacher bu t hi wjun a trained bunday bchool worker mid hi ubo had the faculty of mars ha 11 till the forces of tile yountf jieoplc ol i tin i iimregation 1 ho congregation nourish d the hat bath ttchool incrrosid i in membership and attendance and i organized young people seconded tin asked mrs booby had been to one talkie picture shows ow did you like cm dear a lady friend if i mus tell you the truth love confided uic other i d rather ave gam to one of them unspcakauc oncsl llel levlllc ontario drafted down by astlima the man or woman who is continually subjoct to asthma is unfitted far his or her life s work strength departs and energy t taken away until life becomes a dreary existence and yet this is needless dr j d kcilogits aathma remedy has brought a great chance to an army of sufferers it relieves the restricted air tubes and guards agalnt future trouble try it ulhool fair dates llu following arc the dates far this year of the school pairs in ilalton county palermo ijjiptcmber o brookvlllc september 10 bannockbum september 11 hornby september 13 mount nemo september 13 trafalgar september 10 builtngton bcptembar 30 ftlanes and the couldcrlng lilaps which j t our minister in many ways better bear forgotten nnmn it all neemed to lllm very futile yet had tlu ne villagers liad larger and wider opitortuuitlej ome of tlicm rahjht have rlien to emtnene- iic saya their lot forbade fn otl words they never had a dinner perhaps in ihli uiejietid kit l laid lloaie lie art unce prrhnant with rrlri- tlal fire hands that tlu rod or inpln nilnht or wakrd to t ity t living lyn but knowledgi ui tlu lr ey h r mi le page rich with hie xlh f llni did in r unroll chill penury reprtii1 tht i i ui iui and iruiq the ki nlal i tin it i tin soul modutlou was soon required foi tiimday srhio and the christian en deavnr toclcty which latter organic tlon fiirnlihrd a medium for the youtu ikopu s umvlues and un addition va- in tid at u e side of the church building lu a little while an organ was pur- duud for illllvcnlllg the i unday brhxil uervlces ii wus kept in the newly tnclid addition uus rolud into tl ihiirch for tlu sunday tn hool and mllid baek again and kipt in tin ixti lion durlnu the church iervlees i hi ueut on for a yiar r u vilun ul llu millrltatlon of u iiumbrr of the einikri itutliui tlu ruii wiu li ed i an ury otii not tlie dark imf uiliouu d bear and wasu iln untm air tile churchyar 1 win r is su piloted to hav tx otolta poges a village windsor and tluve boui liu mother are buriwf ormy was iduralid at el n co to which lie addrcuxd tunlkr lui poem uic last line of uhlrh 1 oi tike most famous sayings to mi 11 turr where iguoriuui i hll hi to be wbir ii wenl out c oibr where tic biraun thi iiiut trl m horace walpolt with whom in two yearn on tlu nitlmnt quarrel led him vi r mid nuy n tu to tlir unlvirllty wh r ho i nl rt of ills life hi m imlurly pup- tilt wliere he was laid ridiitlbil to hi- friend ih leelul batlirrlng ntitwiuislaudliig lu t trunj opjmksltlon of aunt janet uml u miiubi r of hrr elderly frttncli of ui llirlj htrong uilndi d adhinuui to ihr ld tlnu prejudices alti i tli in it was not laiiu before a i iiiik li choir was organized and the lulu put into ommlnslon at all the bur 1 rvlcej llu growing nted and di ire tor a new ihurih in mi to impress itself uikhi the imipli of this church and you may be inn mr rae did not fall u furtlier thl proimkiul at any and every favorable njimirluiilty and he advanced the iiuitli r greatly by oftcring to make a pirminul canvass pr ui congn gallon for fund i for u new church to ascertain the plvtlbiilllis for the erect ii if the diilrnl ma church lo hli rndll bt it ild that thin indefatlgubli mlulilerl il ikir ullid limn tlu iteopli thniuklioui i huri h aiknupauled by oik of the in and mjiikilnl in urlng mib iptl ui midleliiil to linr llu uut ol ukuoii of tlu pnxud ntw ihuuh hr itai had u niultlpllt lty of txpri t mi liu round fur miim rlptlonn 111 lllll of tlu lutl fullotw nf tlu lit ballon tilt bulucrliitluji aluui i it is slips the call fails thzriz ire three people to every telephone call if any o ic of them makes a mistake the call falls it may be the operator it may be the person calling h may be the person called there arc over one million local calls tn ontario and quebec every day wblch fail line a busy no answer no one on the line now sir wronc number these uncompleted calls are a ncnous matter they mean two million minutes a day wasted congestion of traffic constant irritation a handicap to efficient service some of these cannot be avoided and some 4f them arc due to our own errors and many of them ire due to lack of cooperation by the other two parties we arc constantly reducing our own errors and we are constantly striving to b the beat possible telephone service at lowest possible cost as part of tlho effort we arc now civing publicity to common faults in telephone usage in the hope that there may be mutual endeavour to secure and maintain maximum efficiency it takes three people- to complete a call if one makes a mistake the call fails uui sratslmalty by rolin lauquhall h unit up at ml ulii was n tdllnic u uuml slu lint hi vii i i oliiit ii h olf on hrr m ihi old hi rlu e to a juil handed dealer in belief nd now in r hunhmt ban went anil got will hum fokes in ju t nnciierally onlucky i gens buterday weut to a party for lhi yu tiger ret tmilte and jane and me got to tawklng klnda rrntimentle and 1 got all fltls- nil put my biilti r in my coffee rum on my hot role then mid ivry vwixi d mary till 10 i at tilu buniliiy altir vi cum home frpm lh park and tin rwlmmln pool dili after noon pa ied that they 1 one till adcllfc unit lent i nny good no more ond when mi ied what 1 li that lie rcplycd nnil n d vhe i about womln putting vry thliijt on thei buck mumlay will it uou t be tonic now till skool commencen a titartn ngrn i gen i wont be vcrry uirry becus thin ha i ben a offlo dlcomfltablo summer on acct tbey has ben so mutch wlrk to do just like you was in the army ma wai the ocn and pa wan the paymaster that dldn t pay off bo let the olo skool bcllo ring teunday well 1 of are old nclbors ellabrated hln d2 t berth day today and when pa hook handn with him he ast him ha hi hml a happy life and he shuk 111 hid mid k nodded and sed he hud had u very happy i if i so fur wn day i had to warsh my teeth and in rk thl p m on acct ol ma sed wi an a going to hovr co for supper and wlun i lent whom slu hid it was to ik lour gi utli mi ii and u strong noo i papir iiiitu ihlnduy me and pug stcvns had a nuttier lite today and wiilii i went horai ma was wirrled becuz he thot i tiad lost a nothi r tooth sut i haddent i hud it lu my hip pkt oil tin time short si rmons to salesmfn don t argul llluitrate irrim sfiiuy n z7fi00000 tlm cxttnd and tinprox e tele phono service in oiifano aiiii qnclic e jp q jp messrs h j picard 1 co ltdstock brokers toronto georgetown fashions for the smart woman ii 1 will frr oitico iv- ilard wislics to unnuuiicc that b- throtih hii dtui ctown brunch 1st cash prize 10000 for tht ucnrem correct asny at kd quartz value per ton 2nd cash prize 5000 for the second nearest correct itnswcr gold beating tjuartz value per ton 1 iilh piece of iuurtz v na udien from wnjht iliirjiraveh mine and can be seen on dujpluy nt 1 eviiiih ollict- window ku1 iso oni lsi ontcbt open for 0 duyu open in rciidcuts within 1 i n of cicurgctuwn one uess a 1 bis piece of in vein men geologist liullot box will he opened by he seiutniceis uppointcd by him kestill will be iinnouncej tbiough ihib 1 lie indium to l011 teluill ill be ubsuyed by and unusual yokl the miurtl uilorn at fiock ui i1u iy vi rs gis tun i well earned aie i i err woi1uii warilinlie tor m al j re ly t- k in a sliopliini pqlil n in 1 et pc icitly bint ma 1 1m is ii i seas i il jppi n in u ii pi sllll vki 11 i le in i list r hue rr unlive f 1 re 1 tlu 111 m si w 11 1 ic a k ll 1 m lal s irvrri i he slrevei 1 mil s will pn iitrd oklit illi ntl mm i imthn trui the le rln mi nd of puper 7 results of the reeve will be linul h ontest began august jp jp mistaken dont wear anything to attract or concentrate uic eye of tile prospect on your drciu don t ask the prospect a question to which he can ay no don t talk price talk quality even though your price is low don t run down the other fellow a goods talk lhe reuon why of your goods don i sw uothng against lb- goods on whleh the pro poet jnpks lth favor for you will oftciid lut judgment on which i v ry man pridli himself don t contract your goods with thobe of a competitor which the prospect luu bet n ujlng or know j about talk your good mid let the pro peel do the trusting don t tujk loud particularly at tlie opening of u selling talk talk low hi order to concenrati the prospect s at- unllou by itruhinlg hln hearing slightly don t lout on rainy dais they are good day to find pro pecls in tlicy haven t so muiiy callers you don t huvi to wait und ure permitted to staj longer don i forget thai there are more p03 nlbh ordt m in a large number of fair prosprel than in a few excellent pros- in cts o work uud tunki u large number of calli don t iieglcl the fact that legs olteu in ii ki up or braini in getting orders though one 1 in l much good without the oti r i ut niglict to n ad the trade journals in your line don t muokc lu tin pre kncc of a proa- pt t unli s hi invltej you to do o duvld ulbsou more cups to the pound more flivor in thccup more tani to the taste thattt what makes kcd kosc tea so popular every package guaranteed ba redrose red rose orange pekoe i extra good taxnotice1929 municipality dp acton the tax notices for 1d30 have been sent out tin place of ent is the same thin year as last and taxes are payable in two in talrrien s ut tlie public utilities commission office first instalment septer ifi second instalment novemhek 15 any ratepayer may pay th whole of iili toxe on or before september 1g but onehalf the amount must be paid on or before that date failure to comply with this arrangement entails extra cxpciut and trouble an addition of five per cenl will be made to every tax rate or assessment nmalnlng unpaid fourteen days after the said lotli day of beptcmber for the flrit instalment and the 15th day of november for the iecond instal ment and it will be uic duty of the collie tor lmmidlutcly after tlie cold i veral days appointed for payment to collect at once by distress or othcr- wlne under tlie pro vis ions of tlie statute in that bt half all such tajcca or in talments of taxes puahf takfc your tax notigi with you when making paymfnt r i mcpherson collector k1v1hvs cltowth of canada in a reeenl lv ue of their monthly survi j a well known tlnuuclal hous- nilmber of the niw york stock ck- elmiige luten in purl canada hai been culled one of the moat fortunately situated countries in the world po ibly the bet evidence of thl ij to in nm in the steady growth during tin pa1 scvtrol years in agrl illure mining forestry jkiwer railway rnbigs foreign trade bunk depo its and in the tnalnteuanct of a high standard i ihlrin ut u lou cot llu galnslp indu try and trudi are in inony re umpurable to u vclopmeul in the united btate- ut tin turn of the cm out junrli ngardlng tlu future di velopuu nl f i unada muy u wiet the easi in tlu uiltid totalis fall tar ihort of tlu actual fneli rht general un pn v loo th it cunudu is cupubli of de velopmiut ulv ivi r u narrow ttrlp ls not t nabl jorthcni canada is mi amuzlng rohnlry iti lulun mealth uold and silver iron dipper and nickel di po ils un ixtiumvt and the territory subjeel to lulun di vi lojimcnt ls vast the north eininli ls m i in w so far an hettli mi nl hik but it 1 far from adi ouuu dew lopmeut alllioubh llu p pulatl in of canada li still imdt r i o otio u slu maintains u high jiliu i uikiiik the b udlng commcr rial null n no country t spurts a gr ul r uitkiinu of wheal in whirlnt pap r nli lei mid iistx jtus in tin export of wluit llui lgiuuda h ilds second pint i und i third unuiiig tin nations m th i xpori if wood pulp in addltlini a hit h p ktitiou is occupied in the export of mu h tapir produrts iu lumber and umbel tlth and mi ul produeli euttlt lllr mil li nttu r pruduel ruw furs rt r old it nd ttt no jo i 1 ok him tlttl if 11 m inn him lluil 11 his nth i iu duy 1 luunl llu i l u di uth ul johnson n fill lot j uud et if you eun nil tin luruniy lluiry at in und on hit n turn xplulu d th u ik m a to hunt for hltu t do hut ild bis fullur loui u 11 li it tiiiii ii th uiuii wtu dltd ould 1 ii ml ly j u inild it wu i l u iu in that nl d replied li hun j it wus hoi t ias on stomach is dangerous iitliv a mt ailirtbinicnt lum ui imvc buiiio- yv 11 i lou w wliy it layh in hludy tlico muuictw ulncli cuiiuim lunu uf liimidal uiunut to you 1 uln bl itiiiu und sounit nn uftir 1 ut it iltuost ilw iy una 1 uk mil n ut id h th stonmh ih iuidltloti is dun i is ai ll lrrltitn tlu ntomarh llnli 1 ii ie ml pi i lind to mil pn iikiiln- tllitr i tlu oan h ul j t n i li n d un ulk illue illur att i m lin si i ixwili i ablet h tlu id ii ui 1 uuiij lil quh k ilisl w i 11 t ii f it n ulnill7e tl till ht niu h b uks i n hi tlu k i lu pillli uud st tun i 1 mill ugt 1 lit f nitiuulh it mil t in un bulk 1 klv i rompl i i wh hi 11 it on this lr on uud uiuir cant be wrong kelloggs corn flakes must be crisper more delicious or 12000000 people would not daily prefer them to all other corn flakes kellogg originated corn flakes and nobody has ever been able to equal that kellogg wonder flavor enjoy kllaga cora flaltas or luncli and dinnar as wall ss braalt- faat fioa for tit dtlldrvos etining mill so aaay to digast sair with milk or ciun fruits or honey addaj it pays to insilt oa icaliags the on com hslin look for tli radandgtmn packs fa at all gracari served by hotels niuunnu oa tiinib md by kallogfi la london ontario always ovnfrk corn flakes children rjryfor castoria mlot tbcrs castom is cs- pccully prepared to re lieve itifint in arms and children all afes of constitution flatu- allayitif fevcn iiiils- arising toniuh and 11ivlk aidb the lency wind colic and diarrhea theccimin and ly rtiilatiiii ttic assimilation of food civnirj healthy and tntural sleep ceunnieoj ic to avoid imitations stways look for tlie sintutme of almilutrlv hrmlen no opiate iliyanuni everywhere

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