Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1929, p. 4

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the nour of uljp artrnt 3re jlrimifi u irbrt iliixon w h a tiif acton inn phiss 1 iutllir i tliurnlar tvtiimu at tlr ikr ir iloil liriu uiii sttt act ontario tlir mutirr icji price i tim per rear in iilvamr ioilbflc l clirgcl idilitlonal in flirt the umtr i slain the 1alr to which tihoipli n arr paiil i inilitalril on ihe llic ii cl advfrt1sin iiatls 1 nr mull unci i fix dvtrlirmrj t an i in urr m lumna he rale will hr launil at lr 1 nn i plt lcrllm ral on yjlku c a dii i s alitor ml ir prlm r telephones- ellorli and ilm nnl lit dolliirti and ctnfu prof clirriit in ins pkndnl luldrc iil llrt iiihl of alioii i nil i air put the matter iff the dividend hlci lied frrm tlil expenditure on cumimin ily effort fairly and squarely in iriiniciliiitc i cturn in dollar and teal they ma mil pii hnl in the- laijcr vieu of i be iter lomniuniiy and tlil etabli h nil cit the town and mjmiiiiinnif 1 i hiih slnrulnif a vicucc by those 1tt othci cc nlve lln pn hand otni l acton i air like other imdyi tiikin j inivc iiliii li nan end millls i ol mji n year hack i lic loyal uppoi t accor dcil tin endeavor s and tin whok hearted backin cif thi ciicn have helped those who direct to maki ihem such i bey arc not particularly larjc mom y maker in point of view of the effori expended but they art the mean nf inn km acton a better com m unity they ai e the means of briiiiiiif all lojctiicr to work foi the common fond f the conimunit i o sxt the immense jjoud of tin si cninmumt efforts it must he as prof hristu sns lo lose i h of the return in tnont anil lo ik foi tht dividend in the lives of the younj people nf the eommunit and the tutlcrnicnt of acton as a centre in which to reside mn sucees continue to attend these efforts and the fjoud rhxy accomplish will continue to be felt in later cars a- well as in the present ncigliboreoofl news i hin mi a aujui iluirnlo i vljlllui ltli in r pimiti mr iwiij mr h lllrtl i mr unit mrn 1 c ilinnn p ul tin k nil wllh mr unci mm m mi w 1 mill i m i thursday evening september 2g l2 lint r turn il limn it r l llliu ullh iditmvi lit chathiin ml imlii hlj in nun in irnliiliin i i iilu p nl fiatuntiiy wllli in i i uri hi mr and mr i ii till on mi mill mn i ij hulf nf oui ipli k ii m k i ml onltor llli tin intli i ii in nl mr nnd mm ft w c ampin ii r mr i mlllir uf hruiilcfurt 111 lu jtn mil lo tin fnrni lul ij iirili lln i i rln r n ntly imrrlnc d from mm mr arthur mr pmrttiii if carman manitoba i unil ml mliuili hliaw nf mono lload un vl llliiu with mrn w orr and ml calhi rvood mr iluirnni yininic n wliinlt h mim uh hu bin iiihlliii lln minim r with nhithi and frli mu n tumid t tin w i ihi mik mr ntul mn w j y unit r luriiliui with him tar ti i nilt tl murli i hu mllluj ilio lauirhl in in r in or i rln hi hool lid t a i n nn i fill hi ohlahilnn u pn n ol tin honor matriculation ml ill dil uniu ma i nilniii in i hnin iiln three choicra with the manifestos of tin various political ltdrrbfwffhep rhfrwteratnwjrnov settle- down to making their decisions for the cnsting of the ballots the one thing that wumi l juppoicd to he an issue has been pronounced on by nil leaders and there are three different altitudes ah we see it the capital i of the conservative party hits said there will be no referendum on the liquor question while his party is in power they will tnke all the blame and if it doesn t succeed they will try some thing else the question arises just what would be designated as success the nominal head of the liberal party is lukewarm in his btand on the liquor issue he would give a referendum when the people demand it his attitude is a step more democratic and advanced than that of the head of the conserve tive leader he promises better enforcement of ihe present liquor law the hend of thut part known a the progressives mokes an out and out stund in opposition to that taken by the conservative party there will be a liquor plebiscite within one year if the progressive party arc put into power the manifesto of this party also declares that a stop of the manufacture and sale of liquor will be made within the province there are three choices given the electorate the failure of the liquor control act is apparent to every one but premier ferguson it would seem in the previous election he estimated ontario b cxpendi tur on liquor at 5 000 000 1 1 has reached ten hints that amount and we won t show how much more until the day after election the fmr trial the premier asks would therefore seem little more than an excuse for continuing for another four years an att thai does not promote temperance mr sinclair s polic is for temperance udvnncc men t in not too quick stages mr lethbndgc of the progressive party offers the real planlc of a temperance platform the question never should have been allowed to enter politics the progressive party and the liherul party provide the way of getting it out of polities pro hlbltion is the issue in the provincial election the way for prohibitionists to vote is clear cm whercvei a progressive candidate is in the meld if he be t follower of hi3 leader their leading plank is bone dry prohibition the liberal party offers u good second choice and a step in prohibition ndvunu ment over the conservative party which is seemingly out and out wet the premier has made his state njcnts it is for those who desire temperance ud vanccmem to give the answer itje prohibition ques hon 13 at present in politics let the public say that they arc ready for us removal ontario hus never yet voted for prohibition when the question waa complicated by party politics ontario has never dr voted against prohibition when the voting was freed from the shaklca of the political machine tlio isbiio a cknr cut foi piohihittonists lot th verdict be gven in no undecided terms on october 30 advficcmcnt in temperance c0 be made only one step t a time lot temperance people forget their politics and tukc the hrst step toward temper once advancement at the time of writing this cditonal the rcpic aentatlvcs for helton county have not been yrt chosen the rtnmea mentioned ai probable arc tboie t the present member mr george milliner on scrvatfve and mr h m petti progressive who run in the last provmciul cootesi 1 usl tune the volt on the liquor control policy on in unknown quantity this time tht absolute failure ol the liquoi coiitiol act is before the eleetoriiic i he temperance forces have nothing to gam from the conservative party i be pi ogrcssi vc arid i ihi nil parties have the only bone dry plunks in their plat form 1 cl there be no splitting of the vole hut the pinning of all lire strength of the temperance forces to cither one of these two pur tics in each constituency and get the liquor question out of politics again the ctiliph mercury chnngen ownership the popular though venerable guelph mercui bus been disposed of by j innis mcintosh after being in possession of the family forncarly seventy jcars in 1802 the late james inmsi unck of mi j innis mcintosh became an owner of the mercury 1 hirty one years ago this properous journalism enterprise came into the hands of lis late owner the new owners j i mackay co limited tor onto are experienced newspaper publishers and jour nalisls i or seventy five years the guelph mercui v has been a factor in the life of the people of its wide constituency always honorable and upright it has stood for the best things in the community and has wielded a wide influence in main tinning a healthy moral status throughout its held it has been a purveyor of the legitimate news of the com tnumty as well as the general news of the day in a mil till tr coiimiiendrhteainrtiitcrestlng the mercury has always fearlessly maintained an opinion of its own on nil public questions whether thx issue has been one of local interest or state or provincial significance in the executive conduct of the pape mr mcintosh has been always honorable fair and consistent he has hnd the happy facuuy of sur rounding himself with ahk editorial executive an a mechanical leaders each co ordmating in the effort to make the paper representative of the city an i surrounding territory to which it catered and a success as a journalistic enterprise tin 1 in i pin ss hus always considered itself more or less related to the mercury inasmuch as the plant used in the estali lishing of this office fi7t four ears ago was a part of that t n k e n over by us guelph neighbor when it amalgamated with the guelph daily advertiser we arc glad of the noted success achieved by the meicury during its long and honorable career wc wish foi its lute owner a renewal of health arid vigor when relieved from the arduous work to which he has applied himself for so many years and wc welcome to rhis community mr j i mackay and his eotciic of associates and wish them greiit prosperity in their newly acquned enterprise ii i ii rrhnii ot mrr donald 1 in lull u ill hi phmiid ui i i iv una h tin biiri n moved from un lird dnltirln ho pi u h r iuir and il hi in h rh 1 itlll ik i ist miik in it ill if uruiry iuu toward n ci ry mn iliulalr it will lx rlmmili rid inicturcd nr hip in a fall in the l tumimr advocuti ol org town mr jam clark hnt be on ailnti d hi vi mini nl in pi rtor nl eatui at tin iiiriiilo slock yiirdi mr win whilplon o bukuloou pi nl 1 rlduy wllh mr and mri janic m in y mrr 1 ullt nf clui iph dpi nt tin u ik i nd with in r aunt mm muij mli m hull h iinvinir tills pck u tpi nd lln m inter w 1th h r suli r in t aliniry mr and mr john kennedy of owm sound vlilud frli nila in town durliifj lln viiek mi k k mfiimi of toronto vblti d mill mr and mr j u mackenzie dur till luc ivuk uditoiei r notcs if there is any reform or change in p i ovincial mutters you desire prom is t d now is the trle to mention it lo your candid hi pr utilise j a lc ucirig made rather glibly 1 k n ulhliiunt is auoihci mutter lie potoginptl of adiin miih hand appnu- on flthr pllgo of tips issue lir ut ganlatluii ws never hi a btrenijth in in bettor condition than nt prenent in pair day per formariccs weft a credit to ihe town of acton and citinis and huiuc coim i s ucrc proud of their baud and its iccouiplijlniients the count lm increilse ihe thousand dollar increase in the tiuot k on acton- along with the increase imposed on other towns in the c ounty will make the rulcpayers repeat again ol what use mi he ounty o uric lis j actons share now is over vt 000 each year toward ounty expenditure we men i ion the a in mi n l b hum ilih the one most of our leaders ate interested ri it has been steadily increasing and shows no sign of becoming lower 1 be amouii t locally is mm a i ost us much as thai required each year to meet urn rgest debenture indebtedness the waterworks system partly the county council is lo blame partly the provincial improvements we thought wc being paid for trom pi ovincial funds are in i eality forced to be puid by the ounty councils and rcvci i directly back to the tatepayci thiough this levy id in os i cases the expenditure of the arnoun t con tributed cannot be seen by the community just when acton directly derived 1000 worth for tin con tributiori it would be liar d to explain 1 i uc i certain amount is needed for the main tc nanu of things in common use throughout tht l i only lln ounty c ouncil is not always to blame but the money is rijiscd for county council juiposts nnd the iui payers naturally look theic for the explanation ot the eve i in cr casing loud that is being applied each ycai with no prospect of decreasing wc repeal uguiu rbc assertion wc made some time ago that wi believe the administration of iuikii ol the ounl council funds could be better bundled by hit local institutions and that too much is by act of i ai hauient being dumped on to the ouuty ouruil foi admiriisii ation much f the ounty utiuuj lk pendituic is foisted onto il by the i rowiitiiil dovern incut i be ujint c o until in turn unloads its bin dm m to the mu ni i ipulny and when the load he comes sulhcien tly heavy to r tally hur t some u lion will lx forced by the electorate acton with oilier iliunitipali th s in tins ounly is hound to eel it nul ytar in an jrleicased ililllat no turcful ailin i n isl i a tion in tin j art of the loial bodies can forestall tht inevitable ait n ouutil h ts dout will in ilu i as t fou i oi live ytar the ounty i att h is inn i asi 1 from s uuo to h00 ihe millage has not kel pace and the careful adm in isti u t ion if ullii rs lotully is itsponsibu foi this his ytai s big iricrtasi has be n tin last strn ntm y tar wt predict will set an rr ireast in aitous tax mitt lilt ouncil ha bur i to adinint ter its own nltau- and imtt an iritrtast in ounty t ndi lur es without much in crease in llic inillagc all the obligations have been nit t as they become due and acton is m splendid illinium condition but an increase will hi iduc for ik m yeui and tht chit t actor in this is the t ounty ouncil levy muioklal noiuh ailon ran is over foi tins yiar pluns for a mi all 1 i vent i i 111 m mi not too soon lo be 1 nd mid an aluady titinj outlined at tin rmular mrrunn fit credit lodge a r t a m lajt rrldny nlghl tin mi ruber- pre uiu d w bro a d coottll with a viry fuit upholstered clmjr iirlor u iii- iijiioval to ulbliffntr a beautiful ijiisli i ut roli vat altui neiil to mrs co h 11 mr- ii w kennedy and daughter mkis marijaret and i tlllan left today fur tin lr m v hoffli in toronto whi n ha ml m ki nnrdy are atundlnit th unlvi rnlty wi an orry to lore the i npli ndld illljii from our town but nil j iln in ulhlnu tin in health hupplm k und pro pi rlly in their new home about 1 o i lock irut wi dm dav nlklil tin va iliovind in the ware h iii at thi run of a l farm ii liniiir sion and mi alarm turm d in tin lln nun r ponded promptly and al ih iiith ihi flumet had modi con iderabl liudvaj ihey uiit soon cxtlniai lahed hln n tin vuti r uil- turned on 1 he uunhuii hie liudlv dntiiuki d and the 1 l i d by diiiokc and wiitir will in nildf nbl hi raid mil ton mr mil mrn i moilur ir ve illllfi r lullv in ho urn micj ml 11 i ui k of 1 oriniui p tit the mik ud a hr lmiu hire ml falbbuld f tiironln l- tin in w liiuhn fori 3 no hi irnfulirar ml llotwrtu mlilil ol alton rpent hu u ik mil ut hu ii mn t tut hint mr i till a lir iiumbir it mllliinlilni atlindcd art n lull v ii rda ii wici hliibi r 1 nhi i tl i id mn u idi i i hn slitd 1 tin ud 1 in n ut 1 i prl unera in the jail i ii flvi f tin in waiting in bt traiitiftr d tin u nrinutory nt ouelph mr mid mis j w oilr and duugh r mis- o ur nt llalllmiire m d ar kltliih hu lr ducitlhu r and mater mr i u mi 1 ou champion mlv uld n if ihlladilphla luei bi lii irhi mn hie m mi i u ill w 1 ml in c jinny clerk u hu ha been vlsltll ib ri 1 ullwi in wmtini camidu has w simp j in fr nitiin yiari rli rk in lulli iiih t ci i ilori hies utitpud a pmu in i ltd n unit i ry firm in lirwnp u 11 ml- hi tin riutfum orimrly nt lln local mlkt in 1 s ti p n 1 tun hliiti ln uou of lur l un uu k nut with irlnidi mi old mr- hi aid 1 orion mlrh itliik thlr ou ilia mra l b itlll unil mrs 1 u hill iirii und ml in 1 i 1 1 i 1 ui 1 w 1 i uk mllloll 1 hiy an on a thn nth canada hi rormi r hllll ini ion ic- huv bicn pliuid ii hi h un k ic- it tin u wn ft ai up u dull ltli ll jluiilll i uttk ul alluil 1 h 1 im i iii irlnuti f mi w 1 w i lucid u me iiini i ul und lt iii hi mp iln itlu lik ninl lllin- mr hu k duke pint llir pul unit t l iii ik ill hi kv 111 klii t ii and m nl ii 1 mi 1 iui ik hi mi il hutluli ii in d u iin untuii to loun vi tin uk mi iuk i mu l lurcott and mr l it ml i ha wi it it it i ii muiidu ii i motor ti lii i utl ivwi n ml 1 11 j mil ihi t jhilnu ml all il 1 ihiid ii it i ii mouda u 1 i nl lllhli h 1 vh n riili rlrction will bt n ttstinj tinu il ju t how u 1 1 an the ti m jit i iinc i pi i ik 1 1 1 1 s of those who i lnm hoitt diy piohibitiou lit ioiln nuis imu llu in ui in tuiphiitic ttinib ii win ilium in mmd in loi trip in huu til i will m th wk wl ui id uivr1 o un aubi ud mil poitglai miclnyoi i uu iliiiim at the liiinn uidm ih i mr hu by out i durlim un pail wlf t twt m idllll mvisii 1 t lupi d u hi irlu 1 i 11 uollt y hu1 bv i 11 ni l vllli ui h i did t my ii 1 i ul d tiimlcipajrl j hi 1 1 ai i liul llirni eliuii i u of im n llu r troitradi thn iititloiiary ami tin collections only every tiny leaf is a storehouse ok flavour business directory mkojcaii wn i iflirnlo our 4tlh annlviriary i yrar ronchinlvt pi f 0 in rtlvi imlkfiu tory in r in mill yrar ronchinlvt pi if hi rtlvi natwfiu tory hi r in ladi inr until our uinln iiiliinii mint jinfiilly haridi d ur nd it ur hit and hi drlfuhud ultn n lulln kelly aiken cof iictoits urn bourn omnervlllc jurlpli tjja freh from the gardetu die j a mcnivcn kiynicun rinl flurgmwi oftirn and lin ld nee corner llowwi ivrmn and i lln lllrcat- iioalr i o iloic 133 when sending money orders nave occasion when you ha to send money orders they may be obtained readily at any branch of the bank of montreal bank of montreal established i8l7 total assi ti jn lxclss oi- pyoouuoooo l b shokey manager iiakoi i nash i akml m a harrlitrr sollrllnr notary vuhllrt c onfftyunrrr i lr il iirvman iiioc1c acton onx monly ilni on moilioaolij iu 0 3d a m in oh in uaturclaya 13 00 clock dpntal dk j m e1 l d d s l d s inlai hureori opiiclr mill ard prcdrrlrk ulrrota phone 20 uu j ii johnson dos lds etaiitml hurgtm orilcc mill street in uic cotipcr uloclt telephone 4b mihcrixaneollb tranc1s nunan hoklunler account bookji uf all klndn mudo la order pcrladlcalii of every description carefully bound itullnu neatly and promptly done wyndiiam h erect ouclph oot over wluuun utoro if you are looking for any in- venemcnt for yotlr money till mid continent bond cor poration odera bccond standard royalties one of the cufcbt hccurluco to be hid hfllflttfiahjiiij fclpy i food ctlvldetuln every month information gladly ulven lor the rudelnif wltliout ohusatlon to jou h w daw60n r o nox m nitampton dtatrlct representative llave opaitnx far a tew lochi agaitm little helps the mail order menace it in fulk ud nu heel by man ihlsiihss men in lmib i villager lihit if mull urderu encroach its perslsltnuy durtn ittu next tew eurn as prenent iil tivi ties and tliuir mcreiihed adver tumtr rovlniltl m uieht- dlstricls indicate a new hyhlem of nutchundwin will luive been tvoled in subiirlnm roniniunltle under present conditions thi merehiindiser in the ciimmun ity centres ls faced u ltli the problem of extending credit to iils ctniniiinil for various amounlh iiimirinhh hire for mdelnute ieriods while the ciesh snlen mid cash i h hluiuld le clearing off his imkiii accountit drift cityward via the mail order lor maia rfilsons such u oiidllion ciinnol ioiil lvlsl the buninekh man opera tin j on tin credit plaji m1i eventually be cuniolled to abolish iredlt entire and with his eru umhrance removed enter competition in tht sell loreitsb market where he has at least an tven break willi all iompttiloi in f liie cash with the suit luuil ellnillmthui of llu unlit miim i ii umulik iuld mean tiurtishlp lor a tinu but iln niiitnai tntt and loyal support are essiiitiul to tht credit sntem the hpendine of mono o any exttnl oul ot tht ommunilv ls hound to tend toward lt4 destruttlon acton monument works not one of acum i oldi 1 rtab lljird conn rns but one ulat has ih un mmd iiri ri ess durlim thi yinra uf ita r uibllaluiirnt ci 1 alii isiud in action in 1020 fair dealing and taoad workman chip are mrhtlnc iach year a larger iltiblneu for ua john nicol there is no longer any doubt a- to the ia1 jlaci ut hw uur i yra t xiuiilnctl luid 1il t uu d if necc aary havime ail lei il vuluuble btcuur ii b tin null of kniialrdii und cxm rlmcl by constant attention lo detalbi r have built up a n putulliiii lur prrfrrllnn in cllauaia and ul prlrra that arr only pivc ible by lhr tut i lbul wt have uur own len urlndlnu faclury un llu prcinuui a d savage urlpha leading oplomrtrut wati i1uil1hm gutli11 the prmltkt i mwtr is urtatemt even if mi sptnder ls a rielll w hu b ta imc loll 1 1 h sav uil i iol in the amid of the inot im dtniel anint jack stewart cleaner dyer itcgulur cull and deliver service to acton tucsduy thurbduy and saturday morningi you prompt ani ehicilnt seitvict phone 69 odtirlctlh leuninl true olor i vini while ii lotal puntvor ol some tommodlt ihiiiouils tht inroads wbuh huv iiikoiiioi low n ills made in lils receipts la will tl phut an ortler mlh an out of town sollcittir for ap article w hit b he tould prihiirt riliht at home i rue he ihujjibl sich hi iciiim on lils dollar but mi do iils tuslomeru wlui buy oul of town and so ihe ivtlt ol oiilol town huyuil ljikh on toward toinpletion noiu ol ils art frtt fmpi lu cjtct li half a doail holttltorh liom tit prinurlti iiinvasm the l4wn of clon rtiiilurl in addition lo tlutliiiik knktrj trim lit rs miio carry prlntiiil us a side lint ami apparentlv thev nil m t business lh i r m lu spite ol the fait that a phont rt prtsentativ t irom llu lilimults stotk tvpe and this cidl will bniil a local printtr with suuijiwtuuvs and and ink dimples and iioiim if dirtircd illlnk ol 111 ion i kill iki ss mil niai i1ml solki1dk sus iuiviim taits optical service is nil liisri in 1 llcll ulliruill the acton free prhss te is our lual innttr ui in null iiiiiwlilat i liiilii iiiiiiiiiiiil 1 kom pjji 111 lr tan f iiiuilrtr- our ilm wbllr luu nrr in the t ity i amina1ion lltll 110 w vndiiaal slltl i 1 uilahililll i hull next o uihlaws

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