Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1929, p. 1

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i j iifly lifth year no 14 tilujjgiwty evening october 3 l2 acton onjaltio camaa- tiiuksdav evening october 3 1020 six homeprint pues five cent guturrl ttxitv wuttch fllitrrl nf ttumibu acton mlnlur rev c i vaal ii panumagc willow direct 1100 n m tlucrument of the lords cupper subject no condemnation in chrint 2 30 m bundny school coii recognizing our pcxh to others 100 p m the mlnlbtcr subject the fading uaf monday fl 00 p ni young peoples league i thursday 130 p m praise and prayer service evioiyiiody welcome jrcfllitrrtuu knox church acton mtnuur rv a c blewurt m a manse willow street 1100 a m communion service subject hb way 3 00 p m sunday school lesson recognizing our debts to others 7 00 p m the minister subject christs summary of religion monday o 00 p m young peoples guild thursday 7 30 p m prayer medina qtruigem leaving address witli tho itihart will bo called upon by uu pastor artcin ttuiitiiil ttljiirr pastoit a forsyth wellington street 1 1 00 a m the pastor 3 30p m bible school 1 00 p m the pantor thursday 000 p m prayer meeting monday 430 p m junior hypo aooi m senior d y p u wrertybody welcome unclaqqificd small advertisements for sale bad and springs and dresser for sale apply box 0 pree press for bale square piano apply w ii smith bower avenue work wanted young man with car desirc3 work would truck drive canvass or any other honest work apply opposite presby terian church main street acton 133 emergent meeting the members or walker lodge a p si a m are requested to attend at the lodge hall on saturday at 3 30 p m for the purpose of attending the funeral of brother r h wansbrough j e dobie w m for sale humo- thermic circulating heater only used three months bargain for quick sale furnace in house now only reason for selling apply mtib e h vincent phono 103 box 177 acton warning hunters are warned against shooting luuuuuits especially those which have nen recently released on the third line offenders will bo immediately prosecut ed after this warning 133 w w near card of thanks we hereby convey our sincere oiankji to the employees of the storey t31ovo co for beautiful flowers on the occa sion of the death of our beloved mother the late mrs charles e davis the family tenders wanted tenders for delivering and supplying suitable gravel for frederick street will be received by the undersigned until soturdoy october 5 at 7 p m the lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted r j mcpherson chlcr card of thanks the family of the late mrs thomas storey desire to acknowledge their ap- freclatlan of the neighborly acts and indly doeds performed by friends and neighbors during the lllnej of their mother the sympathy expressed and the floral tokens received during their bereavement arc gratefully remembered auction saxe paul s kennedy lpt 20 4th llm esqucsing will hold a bate of 100 breed ing ewes on monday october 7th com mencing at 3 oclock 33 of these ewes are pure bred oxfords and un balance arc strong robust crossbred ewca these are homebred ewes and good breeds see bills for particulars roy ii in ole y auctioned 133 phone lsrtl erin farm for hale 100 acres northeast half nf lot 33 concession 3 esqtiiiing township about 00 acres under uihlvutlun balance bush and pasture qikxi orchard bank bam driving houso cuttifortabln dwell ing live minutes walk from radial fltop 00 easy terms no reasonable offer refused almost immediate pos session j a smith telephone 105 acton wonderland rluuav orluller daicrt nikhtn a stirring afrit an mmunti- ring john gilbert ernest ronce and mary nolan cm radio peals pox nt s hatuuiiay october 3 m of romance story by booth turklngt slur- rlug buddy rogers fourth collegians no 0 ol the monday ottoitult 1 innocents of parin from the moult al tomidy star- ring maurice chuvalli r no s oi the pirate of panama comedy creation k u gkkolly son ffattoowomnmomroffl great purchase sale of two hundred new winter cgfxts a mactlonalcl event of proeminem fashion and value importance tlirec ruph 2495 3495 3975 save 20 per rent on the cost of your new coat always on iipioc for homcthtng unusual our buyerb have succeeded in securing a shipment of over two hundred smart new winter coats at n remarkable reduction in price the coats arc mostly of fine quality lustrous brortdcloths in smart newseason styles with huge face frnminp collnis uncl teipcurfiiof ricli fiirt caracul chinchilla bcavcrinc natural and dyed opossum muskrnt and badger coats are nil nicely lined many with warm interlining colors greens blues browns wines sands navy and block complete size range juniors 13 to 1 years misses 14 to 20 years womens 30 to 44 bust every garment carrier the usual maedonald guarantee of quality d e maedonald bros ltd 1 guelph ontario our motto quality and service emfimmwxbi wa i wbhsfss now stage curtain general interest news the communitys social side of life for the town hall lnktytitlc chapter i o i is iteiiuehlh icriilishion of comicll to make ti1l4 sploniliil i mp rx vein out coiinell met in regular secilan on iiieday evening wlui councillor ilun- itii tin tford and hnrrlon prevnt anil iii preildtng iu in the euftire danre ami prfte ittstloii 1 tite lakeside chapter of the i o d i e will hold a euchre and dance in the 1 1 toun hall on wednesday ocloher 23 the new stnge curtnlnr in the llall ulll he iriftalled and fonnnlly prrented to 1 the town at till- he flrt event to he held after thtlr installation m3 ja aealn w i moonry who wa liberated on tuejdny arter serving u nionthn jail nbmnrc nf clerk farmer rmtence in mllum wo rearrertcd 1m- ihruiiiih illnevi the di puty clerk it lit fulfilled the dutlen of clerk the twentieth rejiort of the finnni committee recommended that tin lowlnic accounu be paid public utilities commission mb fol- inetllately on hln liberation and taken to ouelph u rtand trlnl on a charge of havluii liquor in a motor car ete he wan fined 100 and corli or three montlu i in jail on the charge mf erred frtrm ainlph and will ilkclfcpfnd the three vlmtoro to and from towi during the piwt wck nfl glciincd by the free prom mr vv hawthorne in vblllng frleniln in kitchener ml a oleuillnnlng waa ulth frlrndn in toronto over aunilay ml eltle dills wai home from tor onto over the weekend ml jj-ttle- scott spent hi n liny fumlly at icltehrrier dth 1 1ii1i ho 15 1 ubllr utillthvi coinml toun ilull lighting 301 public utilities commltsloi pump liousc liuhtlng i 03 cnr freight on hydrnn 3 01 n porbi uurk on sidewalks 300 no acton full fair grant 50 00 power at lire pump t 10 34 mnntlir in jail in uiatlclty pub jc utilities ct mnusslim luteal ilorte keeurrcj by toronto buyer at ihe llrampton iutr last week mr a g clarrldge had splendid nucci u in the nhow ring with his prlzcwlunlng tiorie stiver locks at this fair the uiilmnl won flrnt in the three jfarti id 50 00 c u hrnt for uireeycarold high lepiter olid the ribbon of honor for the 471 70 orl animal any mjc in the clasr mr notice uf an indigent patient admitted clarrldge cold huvcr lockr at the to cjuelph oeneral horplul was patted ialr for ft i cure to a toronto buyer 1 on by the council and confirmed for payment by the county council a rekilutlon expressing regret at the hint v of clerk parmer and wishing for him a pecdy recovery to good henlui win pused by the council and instructed to he torwardcd to mr farmer in the hunpltal mr- v ii rumlcy and mm m c overboil m reprentativea of ulc lake side chapter of the i o d e requested lermlviioii to lnstal u new stage curtain and lde curtains in the town hall l stage the council expresjied uieir ap preciation of the cooperfltian of the society in this commendibla cnterprtcc ml vi clara b iantx of gall waa home for the weekend mr gordon huffman wan home from toronto for the weekend united younr people league on monday evening the young peoples ieaguc of the united church held their opening rally the sunday school foom uas decorated with autumn leaven and hod u tt j cumpflre everyone nat around the lire and the conveners of the vurloiu roniinituei outlined the ttudlr- and woik for the coming month- rev c l poole gave the ilrst talk in u ierlcs ol devouonal studies which will be taken each week mlrjics jiaicl and lottie mason rendered a piano duett and mica ruth gibson a vocal nolo rev mr rumlcy of georgetown showed mis pern drown vbiited relatlven in toronto during the weekend mr nell mcdonald or hastings vlill- cd with acton frlcndi uili week mr stanley macklc of toronto rpent the weekend at hln home here mr cugcne mcphcruin waa home from toronto over tile weekend mlses ilorence and edith mills of train to ipent the weekend with acton frleniln mr a t qdusmaii of troy n y vtrlled hti aunt mrs ji holmra over the weekend mi and mn terry of brant ford vkitei nt the home of her mother mri robert benncij mr and mrs wm park of boirle were gueqts of mr and mm r u me- donald thli week clalrm1 of th hall dr nelson ropobum will muk rrnjn u uc bodrty a vcry q r xs cllohl alter iho proorammc uc a clu cklng vup of rlrtjc details was made by the pommittce j and a letter two liven dedicated to service in ordered to ixjvrlttcn caivylng out the church work wlshci of the committee the dcdlcauon service in knox the reeve was appointed a represen- church last sunday evening was a mot tatlvc ol the council to interview the memorable one the dedication of two mltltla department regarding details of of ihe young people of lhc community the agreement on ihe removal of the old drill shed building the clerk war instructed to order luo uaxreci of asphalt for filling the cracks to lives of service in the work of the hurch was an occasion that will long it- remembered in the annals of the hurch here mr john waldle young street pavement before the mints try und miw nellie andci ihe winter lets in a block of pavement was ordered to be ralmd on mill street between prcdcr- li f t thl week to take a training course rtinto prior to going an the foreign ice was in chargi iilsalun fields ick and wilbur streets and several other or the moderator or guelph prcsbylery places on the street repaired kv peter mulheson of morrlston the the clerk mu instructed to advertise beit uishes of the community for tuc- ror tendirs for supplying and delivering cess in their noble work e with these liruvel lor frederick atrecl ounu puople on they embark un their moved by e thctford seconded by courses c han 111 thai miss reld is hereby givi of altorncy to a or mr parmer carried mm r p johnstone of london visited her mother mm archie moc- lihenn this week ulssoraca cldlllng who la attending- normal oehnollntorunto this year was home for lhc weekend mm j c matthews bower avmue will receive on wednesday afternoon october d from uirce to six mrs c huffman who has been spend ing the past three weeks in toronto returned home on saturday mm h itoj wansbrough of toronto is vtiltlng her parents mr and mrs david williamson this week mrs frank day of rock wood spent a day with her par en lb here lost week mr and mrs it ii wansbrough mr- prank williams and miss florence holmei of toronto vldted their parents mr and mn jos holmes over the week end me unrl mrn j e waterhouse motor ed from whitby und spent a few days al the home of mr and mrs frank t during to sign irlttv winnipeg webbing the following account of the bluckelt mclteague wedding from the winnipeg county town wci this weeks specials corn syrup 5b fqr corn syrup 2b for shaker salt for 31c 14c 9c pure lard ibb for sockeyc sulmnn lb for rice ibb for 35c 44c 25c brookfield qq 1l cheese ooc id clarkes pork and oo beans 2 tinb for ljljc choice black tea per lb 2 shredded wheat packets for 52c 24c plain olives large jur for sweet iickles 40 oz for chopped olives for 25c 39c 25c i lipons tea 69c lb pint sealeks per dozen quart scalers per dozen 3- rubbers ackets for 92c 109 25c glass tops per dozen inc kings per dozen 20c 19c 3hurj wmur soup ft cokcb fur zilc cain red white stores j w jones phune 21 acton ont press will be read with interest by numbers of readers inasmuch as dr and mrs mckeaguc were rcsldcnta of aclon before moving west and mia mc- keugue was burn here westminister church was ti i o u l vlsllors from mlltan on tuesday afternoon the duke of devonshire chapter of the i o d e were hostesses ui the john milton chapter of the some organization from milton about thirty ludles from the in the party kn entr veb 3tn stcaf wctilcv m mclcan the death occurred suddenly last i thursday night of wesley m mclean i 104 palmer street a resident of guelph for many yearn the late mr mclean was engineer at the robert btcwart fac tory and was a very cftlclent and trust- worthy workman lie went to hit wort on tuesday last but suffered a heart attack and had to be removed to home later ho was taken to i general ilopltal where he died that night mr mclean was bom 1 osprlngc the ton or the late james and mrs mclean he is nurvlvrd by 1 aged motlu- r hln wife formerly mlfts j mary a robertson two wins roijuid i murray and a alstar mm herman tovel the funeral took place on satur day afternoon burial was made at the everton cemetery miih thomas maltby 1 mrs thomas maltby of aborfoyle who was paying a short visit to guelph died lost week at the home of her daughter mm w a shore op yorkshire street that city she was in her 14u year until about three months ago the deceased had been in good health but since tliat time her condition had not been at all favorable the bite kirs maltby who before her marriage was mls3 phoebe watson was born in horval and after her marriage moved to aberfoyle where she lived for a number of years her husband predeceased her in october 1030 and after hln death she lived with her son sydney pusllnch deceased who was of 0 quiet and retir ing dlsosltiun was a member of lhc united church and always took an active interest in church affairs she is survived by one daughter mrs shore three sons e w gait and sydney and and leonard of pusllnch mrs d d christie jiilcia- gradum dccjine in nfrnirh- margaref mcnalr widow of tho lata d d christie passed away last tuesday at lhe home of her daughter mrs w p gamblo norfolk slrcet ouelph the late mm christie when a young woman came to acton was bam in quebec city in 1843 in 1bs3 she wu married in acton to the late d d christie then residing here later they went to toronto after being in toronto for three years mr and mrs christie re moved to guelph where she had since resided her husband predeceased her in 1024 a highly respected and well- known resident of guelph the deceased was a valued and active member of chalmers united church for the hist few years sh made her home with her daughter mrs gamble is the only sur vivor the funeral which was private took place thursday afternoon from the homo of mr- and mrs w p a am bio 134 norfolk street rev w j galla gher of chalmers united church con ducted the funeral scrvtcea acton and district nafcuteawnya da nee the three farmers clubi will hold n nacsagaweya dancr on friday october ii at the home of mrs brown low ad mission be flandwlcheii and pumpkin pie served for lunch everybody wel come plrr at c n il station a nre on the roof of the c n ii j la tin 11 thin morning gave the flrgmen a run it was promptly extinguished with a tank of chemical extinguisher before any damage was done a hose line was laid but tt wan not necessary to use it to extinguish the blaze o parka from either a train or the chimney wore apparently lhc origin of the fire vull home foe aged members of tho commission which regulates the affairs of the pccliialton home for the aged held their regular meeting at the home on tuesday finding that of lhc 73 inmates 10 from peel and 35 from halton are eligible for the old age pension a small num will be paid to each inmate eligible for per sonal use and the balance goes to the county for maintenance all four com missioners remarked upon the prevailing spirit of contentment and hnmuny among the inmates enjayabla vull at true ihue lojcea a number of the acton lady true blues journeyed by truck to the noma of mrs p smith everton and spent a mast enjoyable afternoon and evening games were played in the afternoon and lunch was served which all enjoyed last thursday evening a number of the lady true blues from ouelph attended the acton lodge and some from toronto also urn simpson of guelph gave a splendid account of the grand lodge a most enjoyable evening as spent and lunch was served mr and mm karl olson and master iturl und mr and mm geo hawthorne of kitchener vlalted mr w hawthorne un sundtiy cling was held at the home of reeve and mrs mason here the visitors pro vided u splendid programme of musical und ilicrary numbers which included vocal solos and ductus pluno duetts and rudlngs and an appropriate paper of a pretty vvlddlng saturday evening lll i comparison the republic at 0 oclock when anna jane daughter of dr and mm s a mckeaguc waa murrlco ui mr douglas wuuam black at son of mr and mm charles u ulucketl the church was decoruted with tall palms and standards of gladi oli and chrysanthemums and wus a lovely setting for the ceremony which was performed by rev campbell wads- worth monarchy forms of govcrnmi it wing the programme the ladles of the local order served delightful refresh ment to tlie visitors und on enjoyable octal hour was spent by the ludles uf these two societies from neighboring towns uutliful motorists and stolen can trio of youthful motorists from at the hour appointed lhc hrldo- uiversldc near windsor came before groom mid his groomsman mr charles j moore in the juvenile court at walton look their places with tlie of- llur yesterday morning charged flciutlng clergyman and as the first ttlul i and entering a roadsld notes or the bridal chorus from lo- tu u thc to ran to- ham 11 ton hlgh- hengrln were played thc bridal party wny ncar burlington and stealing cat- started slowly up the aisle led by the uh drinkables and gasoline the ushers who were dr david ii mc- three of uiem 11 13 and 14 years of age keagur muddock n d and mr david i windsor with a stolen car at 0 henderson gait ontario tho brides- 1 u clock monday evening they reached maid miss 1lorence curlylc wore a be- uurllnffton at 4 oclock next morning coming frock of mauve georgette crepe utlcr traveling 340 mllea taking turns made wit 1 a closeiutlng basque bodice i m drlvulb in lhrougn cluba a closcnttliib peplum was slightly long- and u wncre ttlc pallcc wcre t er on the left side giving thc flared lo l ulcm they sold one of them would klrt an uneven hem and thc sktrt was u m tnat hc woum lxk made with a double pointed train fall- chl smith got them at mlmlr trig from the tilpllnc her 3hocs were or matching crepe her hut was a black velvet picture model with a sllghl- iv wider brim in thc back bonded with prench roses to mutch her frock a lung tit- of lhe black velvet hung over shoulder und was cautjhl with u mauve rose she carried a shower boutjuct of t pink rtisuo mauve asters and sweel peas mr- vul e schwcluer slstcr of thc bride wua matron of honor and must atlmcllvc hi u lovely frock of tl mrs flora mceachern kra flora mceachcrn passed away on monday at the liome of her sister mm v e allan lot 8 second line erin township where she had been visiting she had been ill for only a day with pneumonia and her death came as a shock to thc relatives and friends flora mceochcm was a daughter of lhc mr simon m lachlan alia was thc i archibald and barbara uceachero lest of mr and mrs r 11 reld while un was horn in erin township on netting old acquaintances in acton august 3 lflos over forty years ago she er the weekend wtts joined in holy wedlock to john mc- eachcm ho was tragically killed when tlie cl in en i barn on mil street col- months at actonchurcwlt la about vcatythree years ago and erin returned to her home lasl two children were bom both or whom unk somewhat improved hi health predeceased their molhfct malcolm and edith mrs wm casscis who died in clerk h n farmer was taken lo toronto und were burled in folrvlcw tbt- general litiapllul guelph on satur- cemetery here one brulhcr and two duy for un operation for appendicitis he otster remain to moum her- death is reported to hc making satisfactory angus mceachcrn acton mrs v e progress following the operation ilia allan r r no 3 acton and mr many friends here will wish him a speedy d r mceachcrn culcdon township recovery ivj many years mr and mm mceuch- mr und mm kenneth mckinnon and- wcrc nap resident of this town audrey mrs wm allan and mr thos u wa3 horc lhc amll wafl born and mr unit mm p a mclean and bllllc or chfaf visited over lhc weekend at the home of her parents mr and mrs wm johnstone mrs amietta barnes of toronto who has been visiting her friends far tlie allan visited mr and mm e e pcrry- man in bruugluun over lhc weekend miss viola allan who has been visiting reaching manhood and womanhood removed to toronto mrs mcfachcrn member of chalmers church in in toronto and brougham returned toronto the funeral was held tills afternoon from lhc home of her sister mrs allan and wus conducted by rev a c slcwart m a interment was made in falrview cemetery here in the family plot where thc husband and children were peacefully resting morning their fluunccs when ihey left home uggreiiuled 00 cents they mid they were en route to sec niagara fulls and then intended to return home in couct they said they had seen niov ln pit lures showing trips of tills kind und tiougiituley could do it too they gave eduvt u very straight forward story uieir exploltt they wen put on tended sentence and pluct d on pro bation for weekly reports for a enr rpcctlve fathers arrived in bur- dr j m bell tlu entire community wus indeed shocked on tuesday evening by the sud den death of dr j m bell the doctor hud been in his orflcc as usual that afternoon and had been in ills normal health about five oclock he nrufoum green georgette made buaqui bodice and very flared skirt with an uneven him two panels in the back formed small double trains- thu t rloienttlng joke at ule hip wus slight- i ly loner on one aide iter hut was like the brldismulds with green french hxhway crash at rcwvoiu nim and she curried a shower bouquet i a ullul mash occurred til columbia roes mauve asters pink and lavender aw eel icus and snap dragons ihe jlitle bride who was given in luurrlugt by her futhrr was very sweet in her wedding gown of blush pink crepe math- on princess lines with mugloii yesterday morning jiald costs incurred and returned to rlvarsldc w 1th the boys and thc neighbors car hud appropriated land front und iuck enibruldered in v i the bodlrc was shlrrud in the comers u coojiil of miles west of aclon on monday night when ui arnolds tar of ueorguuiwn struck u hydro lole and uftcr getting back on the highway t uiiiiicd some distance on un- road and side wiped u large cur taking lhe side off 11 this ear uan driven by dunbar uf guelph both drivers jured in the crash according and the hurcd skirt was made i l higtiwuy traffic oflircr earl bond v hh ini uneven hem tlie panel hi the arnold was proceeding uiwurds jlii ilng u long train which was tlmlpli two uunts tuul llirctl in the ill nl uus euiight into a juliet lnvi iv ull xlnt lurr unci tiny rlua or iluii bloonla held it in pluc i ulii sldt iiln rurrled u nhowe uphrtlu rines and illits n all annive services of churchill united church on sunday october tjri rrtcrn 1 uooltn n nj 130 p- m siwriul siwnkit fur thc liny ltev david a moir ii i hamiltnn slrcui mulc liy lwholr monday evening supper anal entertainment supper srrvrd from c 00 to 8 63 p m a gtmul programme has lit en arranged eon lsllng f on hntral num- bt rn iiolon duetts lnntnuututul numbers and llot ullonary nuinbi rs by mlw mcdowell or erin aculrtvsi s by vuuing clergy afinls4iuti a cordial welciiini to all rev 11 cal dwell j t l paillor ri hudlli play id oftlilaud ul softly during luiriim the signing tr tl1 a tin iigliiiv mrs j guliiton mckay mm al oiuiilng pi llovlnn the ceremony a reception ui he itl at the home of the brides urn h- and aunt mr and mis john a henderson strudhrooke avenue the rimtms vi ie gay with lovely slandardi ol aliis and gladioli and lhe hosts mil umlsu tl in recelv lng by dr and mi a mckeugue mr and mrs t aotomobl charles hlaekell and mr and mri crutch laiuglus w lllacketl the brides table vi as prettily dn orated with low bowls of svnilhearl roses and mllei of ule t alley and was softly lighted with ivory btlge ft light sedan hlele jiidth nly left the road and struck un hydro jxjle siiiushlng out live fi rl ui lhe jhiii- lwlslhig the reinutndit and breaking on the c ross arm whlrh sup- porla thr a in n two funui rs in nil i him from liu- dltih untl he slurud up ugatu but i too fet from the imlnt i when- hr uiiit on thi mud he struck dunbur unto u hlrh wus jirtk idling fnun alton to guelph pulli e think id urrlug gear ws tlumagedj lhe tolllslon with lhe hjilio xile tin i he struck the guelph miichltic uutlng oil lhe running board unil both fenders on the left side of the tar smashing the usle and ending the large vehicle nventy nve ie t along lini load before 11 liuided in the opimimtc dltcti arnolds mr went into thrt ditch a sitoud time was badly smashed otcupiuils of escaped without a home with them little dorothy pallant daughter of mr and mm m pallant hod her first birthday party on sunday visitors were present from guelph toronto wlorton detroit und montreal and hod on enjoy able guthcrlug wiih many biutlful blrthda remembrances bestowed the engagement is announced of ilaxel ivu evans of guelph only daughter of rev j auulla and the late mrs evans to mr wilfrid ray scott of ouelph youngesl son or mr and mrs q t scolt or erin out the marriage will i callcd nlfl p telephone to uk pluce quietly in october at ouelph come thc honlc i lately as hc was feeling very 111 mrs bell was at- j tending the meeting of thc i o d e an appreciated men flash uiat afternoon shortly alter tlie arriv- 11 happened on oux way to council al dr nelson dr bell expired sufler- meellng on tuesday evening tile street ln from a severe lie art attack the was frederick street and although there suddenness of his death rrom apparent wus no traffic in sight at the moment normal health has been a severe shock a ludy seemed quite undecided as to to thc behaved ones und lhe citizens of which aide or lhc street she would take aclon and vicinity where hc has spent we wandered why but went on tile same a tlls dr james maxwell bell side as customary then we got thc born in nussaguwcya township at appreciated news flush a skunk has lot 14 concession 5 and was a son of just crossed thc road and b on thc the laic mr and mrs archibald bell sidewalk there there was no nslta- a a young man he taught school in lion on our part we went immediately i nassagaweya later lie entered the to thc other side of the strcl that dental college and was an lionor gradu- pleie or neighborly news iui one of ate in 1000 since his graduation he the most appreciated we have hod com- lms conducted a practice in acton and imuilcuted lo ua this week it saved t maa cutitlnucd in lhc home town through our lull overcoat and a suit of clothes years with an ever increasing prac that la counted on for six months duly llcr fl ltiul lime he was twice et married hla flrnt wife being mlsa minnie suycrs li 1003 he married miss ada hynds daughter of mrs hynds and the late george hynds cjf acton who with pttllai unit tapirs 1atcr mr und mrs douglas blarkell p i liri for rami mrs blucketl vviire a mart lnimirti d ensemlilf milt of nplnuch h- grtn anil luupe iweed tin- jui ket made un- un straight hues und lined with spin- in nth h flat i repe lhe same creik- v ii hi lng uttl for the tallond blotne unit hei thi kill tpillt sliulghl her hal was u tot iiiodil o rile taupe fell hit uwuy in a tin fitjul anil with a long hutk poluud bunil i nliuth gretn were set in the fiti -id- alii i iitialt lallored ixiu of ilsilt hni inil tin- back lit i shoes and luii lis t a mi kt ague t hie it lovely eh iiiolle veht t guan th billi i it on straight lines thi klrt unite il fn in u rliim filling oki had un w n heiiiliut and two buttt rtli drupes he buk her hal was of violet tell i tout his or mulching i uiak was ir pe hts of matching luultlir inrugt of tullsmun iue lis charlis huckrlt wore a lov i k ir black i icpe viftlj draped anil sinull blajk hut ami tun lid a h tl t auurliun biauly nwu vtlvvt and iorgitlv wllh si 00 per colv we aluuyu mail i lalncd uiat htk fait iutss wus a journal of more than ordinary worth hut a letter rc- leived this week more tllun subslan- llulis lhls claim we believe it is one ot lhe highest priuen offered fot a tingle i opy of u publication the liuei was from a city in michigan and hrie b the evidence which was uiiuiilpunlcd by one of lho ncat little new ann rleun one dollar bllb d ur editor i iitleiiiltd ho reunlon in aclon on july i und met quite a number of my old schoolmates und frlcutl gnu rally i luvve written honie since ihni lo have u copy uf tux fam putss sent to me so i could read an ai count of the doings and all thc names of all who were thrrc but as ycl haven t hud u look at the paper my toronto relatives were evidently rs a they dido t send am inclosing 1 00 for ur ilos of that week ungr und buy chewing ilarr but wncl the paper your truly c a d lhe si 10 copy f is been forwarded tud wi are jtisl t the value placed thi family jour- shurc nt idles lo their two sons maxwell und charles 1 1 mulu to uioum his loss a brother alexander died in nassagaweya on may 13 of this year and uiic sister mrs david irving of nassagaweya survives the jiusslng of dr bell is u distinct loss to acton hls kindly manner and gohtli disiiosllloii in practising his profraslaii ulll ulwuys be remembered by muny unci he will be missed by thc many fricnils he has made and maintained in the home town he was a good clluten and as sumed his share of citizenship duties he wus a member of walker lodfc a f si a m and the funeral ill is after noon was upder masonic auspices lie was also a member of lhc acton lodge i o o p and of tlie chosen friends ijclcty and the woodmen of thc world was a member of knox church arton and his pastor rev a c stewart m a oft t nt the funeral oervlcc to lhe bereaved cincs die sympathy of the entire coinihunily goes out at thts time little hap hit by car un tiulurday uboul noon lltue austin llbthins ran onu mil street in the path ol u motor car passing through town ulth u wedding party aboard he was knocked down and his face badly scraped lut liu- roadaay the driver very promptly slopjied the car before the little chap was run over und he received minor injuries 1 he sudden nlniiplng of the tar damaged the mechanism untl he party were held htiv fur sevnul hours to make repairs vhtrlf irmprrllxttur hlfti pour youngmeh from nelson town- hip came before police magistrate moore here last evening on tnc chorga of visit ing a neighboring farmers vineyard and helping tlicmsclveo to hln grapes tlicy pleaded guilty to tlie charge the fines and costs they paid aggregated 4440 the fruit growers of uiat section have a most onerous time in protecting thclr productn during the season it wf bold in court that tn the case af a nur r of families that trum tlie time tlie straw berries come in until lhc grapes are gathered it is impossible to leave the farm without protection day or night a number of homes thc membcro have been unable to attend church clncc june thieves stole shoe on monday night uileves broke into kenncy bros shoe store on mill street and stole goods to thc value of 3 or ho they gained entrance by prying ipen a rear cellar window and tho goods vcrc stolen from the basement of the store the goods taken were 3 palr mens laced high rubber boots 3 polr lowcr 0 inch rubbers leather tops 1 iwilr overshoes 1 pair rubbers 3 sides uf sole lcalhcr tills is the fifth time time that iccnncy broa store has been i nte red by thieves and goods pilfered during their business years in acton a suspicious character who also tried to enter thc dominion inn that same night bul was chased away by mr mellon tho proprietor is suspected as being tho culprit in thc theft of thc shoes the hal inon- thompson weddlnr bl georges church georgetown waa thc scene of a very pretty but quiet autumn weddtng on saturday afternoon last at three oclock when mary irene youngest daughter of mr and mrs wm thompson of georgetown waa united in marriage to r usual edward salman of acton younger con of mr and mrs alex c salmon of braccbrldgc ont tlie bride entered tlie church on the arm of her brother tt ii thompson she looked lovely in a princess frock of wine panne velvet with trimmings of eggshell embroidered georgette with matching hat and shoes and carrying a corsage bouquet of sunburst roses and illy of the valley mrs george anderson in blue georgette and bat to match and carrying premier rases was the only attendant the groom waa supported by john a thompson brother of tho bride tlie wedding music was played by mrs w f bradley only thc immedi ate members of the family were present mr and mrs salmon left immediately by motor to spend their honeymoon in toronto and uroccbridgc they will later be at tiomc tn acton acton girl won at milton acton girls wound up their successful year with a clean uiumph over ihe milton nine at muuni lust saturday the game was very fast and well played mary chalmers thc local twlrlcr had lhe mutoii team well in check only let ting them get one hit and that waa a smushlng drive far over thc outfield knocked by dot roffy thc milton star thc acton infield played clever ball and very lew pcnetrulcd their defence the star of thc infield was hazel mason who played a great game and mode u sensational catch of a hard hit drive the outfield also ployed well and they too deserve a great deal uf credit the main hitting feature of the local team wcre two smashing drives over the outfielders heads going for home runs these originated from tile bats af phil tyler the locul catcher and marg prtcc lhe locals star second sackcr mary chalmers the slur lwlrler struck otil no less than 13 of her opixint uls and walked hul 1 while the locals collected 10 lilla off miss london the milton pitcher 1 he game wound up with un- score lll hi favor uf the local team thc local funs who witnessed the c lev or battle between two crack tcama were well satisfied with tho maimer in which the girls handled themselves unci lhe wjjthcy played thu game their encouragement was nced- ed greatly und this hud also u grcul deal to do wlui their final uln the score by innings r ii e acton 130 003 0 10 0 milton 000 010 0 i 1 j i i ai tllli evening meal digester robin had taken up cricket und had discovered that he could bowl on uic day of his first jjlg mutch the family waited bn uthlensly for his re turn hut he was tale when uic vicar who had been wuti hlug the mult h strolled past the unxlou mother ran out to hear the news how did robin uwl she askc d ihe vitur roughed ohah tir took- live- wltkil iiplinclldl tried the proud pnuil weie lhry all i i un bowled well r he biiwliti iwol lh- third lie malum for life unci the other two ran to lhe puvluluit for cover m

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