wh artmt sfrpi ram t 3 illuimijay ogioill it l10j 1111 iiaki iou hn flood t tl hard j lnr lt iood tn piny hi in to neck it imt to lilrk it in far tin la lli r plan and thn hard jul win n in olvrji uil mini ii liroaclt r mi for its lirlnun tin jo urtii that in done z lhlifll hillu rtlt beyond tin iiluuni llri the itlury in ui m wlnrn the hard job ii m inpll hid and tin doubtful tn k li done for iii nnuihnnd in tin mulcmu and itn roumi put to tint bo buckle to tin linrd job it ji your clinnn to do your r d chronicles of gingpr farm written hpeolally for tim i re irow by judv 0ghaiy riot oranui ely naul la ntcrpi tl in which over way i look mid vvhiiuver do i find color nun 1 1 ripe uimul sumach nd butter uil rolor of un lntf liih primrose and tin in ai i write i endlntt forth yellow hsmen flame mn ct and i umuch am rlflht but i have hud unuufih for a wi of tomato and yelluvv fourc im t myself thatii been cannlliu nil day that debatable fruit which aable and then juit before dipper pat announced triumphantly that hi had ifot butter i uiw- a mall la churn which mavea about two pound of buttt r foi wr own use ihtu chum pat wu carry as from the uibk to the cabinet tin lop won evidently insecurely flxid am down went thi churn out came tin buttor and buttermilk kplanhlnij put ant i tiioat bcncrouiily and tin color of tin floor walln and cublnet was hkc perfect held or prlmnei a ntray cat which the children had brought honu helped to clean up tin uil ji but tin doo had been badly frlkhtcncd by tin crash and rcfui id to cmni to our a litance to make mntupi wore th icettlcs had juit been filled with cold water no i bad to wait rur hot before i oould clean up the ulorlous mi ouch a nice thing to happen jujt before supper but i have nlwayu blln noted lor weetnemi of temper 10 i tried to ltcep n outward nemblance of unrullled tem jmramcnt to be in keeping with my rcpu utlon alter all it might ittvc been worms i remember one occasion th wejit when i was zealously cleaning my kitchen atovc us in a a liquid ntovc pallsh which i lnadv dropped the can not only foil but it rolled lcav lni a troll of inky blaclcncsa in 1u wakt 1 my hands and face drees ohoo and stockings the floor and wlndowo were i dent to behold they had lven a won appearance than one u silk atocltlnii iter o car haa rplorhld by through i mudpuddle i while i wni in tills awru predicament but fortunately before had sufficiently recovered to give ade quate expreaaion to my fccllngii in walk ed our new minister why a mlnltci aliould want to visit on a saturday morn lng i cannot imagine thli one evident ly did but otlll he wiu very new and ii was the prairie two vtry extenuating circumstances no i have long iliu oeued to bear him uny grudgl but to get back to dinger i arm ptrhaps my trials today were nemuls tor cnjoylnc myaeir bo much ysterday a neighboring chapter ol the lo n bl hurt liivlltuqur shnul r to tlslt them at their next regular meeting this we did and although it b a buy time for the average houscwttc the nvetlng was well utunded the only uappolnlmcnt we had vuj in thbiklmj what the others mlid who aula to be thtrc everything was ideal our hoittm the bright apociouo house khe oftlcen and members of tht chapter and laut but not leat the perfectly delicious lunch which wiu icrved ui us if the refreshment commltue think wc hfid voracious appctlui the fault liei with them for putting up buch a delect able spread as the programme was given by our own chapter i cannot say much except that 11 apparently gave utlif action u our friendi about six oclock we managed to tear oureelvlo away and oa a uttlng climax to such 1 splandld afternoon we had a most won dorful drlvo home the nunset and the svuntry- vlad wltli uacb othe for supremacy ln color ylt each wuj a com plement to the otlilr and thl stately pines and cedon were in utriking con trait to the cumaclia and niuplcj lfom the top of the hills we got u spendld lrd seye view of uil burroundlng country wherever wl go and what ver we see in the pall of the year thi re b beauty but isn t there also a ci rtaln aadnexs a finality which we never feel at other times the glory of autumn even at its best li only trans lent noon must came the bleak bare days befoi winter sheds its kuidly prolectlnn mantle of snow ovlt uil countryside but perhaps we should not look til cad personally i am well content with mature ln all her mood and oa i til here by the flrrsldl watching the humii an the log fire leaping and diuiclim und thinking of our meeting und drive yi s tertay j just wnnder how luiyom eau exist in the tjty if by any chanet tiny might live in tin cmuiry an muiuuly caya nature has cophi which art cannot imitate but still i uilnk wr niu l admit wi do at times ncc sonir pn tty ijckid rcproduc uons a quji 3fritris ljurt tnrtj jviobodyh ankl oarunlit 1iun11no f4 aw not fts r noti that ntlrnd tin ttoubb i thin if i woodruff wr are nlmply aitonbhid at our i in ro illy hue ii a rum ad you avi nut for tin home niipirr in to far ut of proportion to our u unl n n ipl hat it luui qultf taki u our breath away fell nlmoit an if you nliould taki part f ii bin it for mich viry large nmoiinuj n nut n ally needed you knovf 1 niu coming to not you about it hastily but gratefully anne- cnrtnody ii did not look like a nou to mtiki m nihil and lltth anne cur mod y orr- i ilnly did not intend that it should shi i ml jmt mootlild out u crkp flfly- itolltr bllf that had been enclosed ln llu nuun ilille rnvi lopi- from am wudruir duughtir of thl rich wood run who had recently emm ui urlghum lo llvi ml amy i name hud blcn an llu list given ui amil a nilmbi r of uil olltitlng roinmlttcc aa one from whom ui solicit a donation far the annual dlnm r ut the home for the ltlcndlcui and anm liud ought tin pretty mini amy benevolence by note with reluc- lunci und dhtiuitc for the very rear on that i in wan conncious of the wood- ruffi wealth and because 11 seemed like uch prompt begging on the part of the hrightonltcs and the renpan c had linn i i xiruordlnurlly prompt and llbi nil that she ttci quite as brcaailc i our it ui lit r note had indicated to tell the truth she felt nomcthlng hi in lde the satisfaction nlie had mi nilil lo lxpnss far she was sure miss amy woodmll must know that such lift far hrlghloli ptoplc ibi ut ili motive it seemed well i iic unable or not it almoit nccmed llkt lluuntlnu money ln the fucci of tin ponri r urlghtonlu1 for it was pcuiltlvcly a prodli al gift for its pur pore ilul hhc mailed uil cnthusiaitlc little n ut of acknowledgment that mornliil ijulle innocent of iifttht to convey any thing but appreciation she told her mother of the big gift and wu happier in mrs cannody ojtuggcstlon that thl vay to accent cuuh a donation for u good caue and to look upon the inten tion back of it vjyi rn takp both at full face value and then anne met mlis amy woodruff at mra wcntworth n tea next afternoon after her note had had time to reach the generous giver and jiil was greeted with jauch a look of ccniful hostility and was then cut o ub oluuly mid cruelly that her heurt felt as if it bad been frosted and she aciit home bitterly hurt and humiliated of cuurii it never occurred to ann thai the note of acknowledgment had cau cd mlsn amy s act who would have thought it oh she just took thai way lo show hi i contempt for our pegging i uil girl told her mother confirmed now in her curly lmpreislnn but she muit be the meanest most punic proud snob that ever unit in i iirimi mint ru pay ii mi ai jualtum nattirully rl lallh wa i tin r ujiti thnt thr liin xl biniii lhul ill id tlilnl i for surl gift ha in gri idy 11 wu i ii highly unplia it uddtnli ulirn it n it un nody alas my musings i i tee by the chick it to feed the call 11 improvement ui his nourishment but i oni interrupted for ulill 1 mlilt iiu a howing oiii thdo of taking uiil 1 shall ut 111 find htm sufficiently uctlvt to upet uny well calculated train of thought jinny our graiidmothi r cat li com fortably asleep on my lun it sumr u hunt to disturb hi r all luiimi r i insist upon her 3 laying oudlde lo eutdi mice and rulsu hi r annual family olo to curtail the resulu of lur uilivliih propensities which only bicouie evldiii with uic ndvuiit of lur oflnprlng liui whejl tile chlly tlayo are here and urn are ule oriel of tin duj i inviu lur iii for besides tin lire and one n fanihj it surely ncedi u cat a book und an armclialr ui complete out n pu lure ul domestic bluj uli up junij mi mmi teally gu uh tettl that calf i my tin a ay i hud forgotu n ll i a ilu not a hr but that of tour i ltt an mint for us i niei in i what qiiain uunday school iracher wliut iiu lies should wc pruy for us mi grow i truui hum sty and ahat ilu iiodorii youngnur tuki n 1 tanci dont scuttl1 till bllll- in any line of bu iiili then art certain men who llvi on tin fringe of thlcs thi y are not ju t niuari and yet ihoy arc not juil not uiuun lluyre hard to classify liny hud j iy in injur ing a comp tllor evi n ulna it proiit t them nouihig tin y trluniph in hi lug smart enough to oadt tradi eustomi that wrre pi on m d to imtiil tin ii omu lnteru clvllljuitlnu hat mudi wonde r ful proaresi w utl bi oomlng more ethical all the time but m niu t steel i uuraelvea constantly uuiln t the ttinptu- tloii to tcmtld out hip that uiukm our voyafia possible o lady a llommon nunsensc darling i sold common ilii i mrs carmody interrupting the c adjectives and epithets she hcrtclf had flushed u little at her daughters report uf the cut it is cosy even for people who posoevi common ocnoc to believe in a richer neighbors pride dul anno o excited notion had flomo elem of the prepoauroua in it and mrs car modi had some other qualities quite oi valuable as the desirable one mentioned it la nunenbe she aald people do not do iiuch things as that gratuitous ly riilreo u ii is understanding some mherc hure and ule first thing to do is 10 clear it ui wc 11 call on the wood rut ui morrow of court this did not appeal u aiiiil it wua quite an hour before ntn could even think calmly of it and ttiei 11 wilj only her mothers persistence thut prevailed charity to give uuld charity thin keen no cosily provoked yuu wc can do in a case like tlili li to grant uil possibility oh mother mother i you quote per tly good scripture i know but we 11 jiljt be forcing our charity on amy yvodnilt and uirrc can t be any mil understanding in this it a just as plain ji here never was a genuine mlundcr- tandlnu yet that didn t look just as plain to both parties anne and lbc ry flagruncc of miss woodruff a act la l strongtst evidence of a mistake of iiu kind let a moke the teat shall wl can be blgmlndcd enough for ihut can t we aiiiil consul u 1 at last purely bl cause her mother had become much in eunnst and nixt afternoon at four the imii plodded through the snow up hill bti i el and mounted the steps at the haudioun woodruff home it wua a tharp but bright december uny the sort of duy when uil 111 f recti 3 liar und brittle in uil gutters und hliici llkt liluii dry plute glaas in uil uu on the woodruff porch uilrt win u palrh uf uiiltil thai looked warm ui mgh it was rially only brujht hut into tin middle or it a vi ry liithuslasllc killer pupiy caim suddenly to welconn tht mallora at their a pn roach in mimed to ic i it encumbent uihiii him to extend a cordial greeting for the riunlly und hi promptly pawed them us if lo asirl for his mutress that no such thing us thill exlaud in woodruff hearts tom urda unybody i hope hi in li u good omen mur mun d aunt giving the small strunglr uu appreclatlvi pal before she discovert d th imprlnls of iiia forefeet ui mud and coal dust on her grey skirt and saw lhul uny and he were wit tjomewhcrr h had found uncoiigrolcd mohluri even n this eold day and then while sin ha illy biushid at uie apoli a maid i vlgi i iiul tin door to her mothers ring jou md tin y miro uahlnd into mrs wood uli mil ihuutiful gnut front room u ult unci mri woodruff und miss amy ul mr leudy rlitlvlng two callen thin and wl ii um n ro about to eonnunie her uhc fi ii m nn thing u uch lur and rhe ionic d down into tin bright inquiring eye of tin trrrli r puppy tin llttli chap mho hud i xu mil d tin flril warm vj icome to uil honir and mho hail accompaiili d thtm into tin liuu n ili should a mem- in r y tin auilly bnit on compli ti ho pltallty amu gni d down at him and filt a qnitr llttli ihmb or the hi art that 1 1 mi d tlunm roujly lo liri ugi leur sin pill d hint ulpilii oiu 11 mai a if in mir trying to mulct up in uu r t ol hi woodruff i i lull sin 1 1 mi mill rid tin llttli fellows m uu and hi muddy fi 1 1 und nhe ijintly jiu m ed him u ldt and gingi rly bru h 1 tin place he had tquthed she wai con rclou i immedlati iy that ml ji amy h ul liirm d to look and i in glanci d up half involuuuirlly and lurprl ld a smile jiljt tin hint of a cold little jmill a the olln r lurnt d promptly away again iln mortification in anne n heart ab ruptly ncihed it hi w ingredlint why hould amy woodruff imllr at thli wa sin amused that lilr dirty little d ii hould plant hi feet op i he visitor a illabli iklrt could her mum tind lo mich u length anm felts middin ru of wrath miiall dog looked disappoint d foi mint linn he wagged hli lull und lasityed u m cond attempt he ml repul id tgaln nothing if not pi mi vi r itil in good mill however he pirsbittd lend aunt wa obllgi d to pu ih him away almo l roughly again she looked up ul amy woodruff und b came lusliuilll i urc unit the latter wilj icelng from the ctirnt r of lur averlid i yi iuid luughlng inwardly anm felt the blood ruah into in i head nou und uirub ln neck and ltmbc dut the dig had turned away he irollcd aero j the rug nlffed at thi iciccj of one of the olhcr culler pancd by her iuid puu cd beside mi t wood ruff presently iil put a tentative paw on her immaculate iklrt she mus ln white but rhe iat lmpakilve and hr dared u econd paw she put out her hand and calmly pushed him down i he black mark remained behind him mli amy glanced ul them und her mile fuded but in kerned to tiricn mlth intention lo be ubove noticing the trifle in uil pn ma of olhero her whol uttltudl upplared to bl crying aloud hi r feeling of superiority und her contluipl for thli young up tart brlghtonlte who had taken ii upon herself lo cull aftei uil plalne t polblc indication thut hei ucquulntunei wa not mauled ihe dog looked up at her for a louu medltutlve munieiit then lecniuig lo under land the woodrull churacti r sulllcleully to tues thut he win al present unwelcome in that quarter he turned with a flirt of ids damp tall and croaked the rug once moro i his tlm lie took hli ottering of affection to mra woodrull herself her hand lay tn th arm of her rocker and he licked 11 wlih sudden puppj enthuila m slie sta and drcm iilt llngera uway but slit waj it sllfpoue t d woman and she seemed not in the leu l concerned when uil dog uppurenlly dl coiuolute ul hli mli lrt3 colduc cunlid hli overtun lo mn curmodj itil puppy lifted an appeaiuig noie in cautious advance toward thli fourth human mr carmody wiu tulklnu about tin charity supper at the home bhe put her glond hand in half un con clous gcnllini on tin imall dugs heud next in unit he was in her lap anm iiaricd violently mercy hi she jaculalid half under her breath but mri carmody sat quite still onlj a imall bluu vein on her orehuad sliowid tin beat unit anne knew to be on index of lur le yentll emotloiu her gown and coal were black mid showed spots but dlatre climbed up mto hi r tyes as bhe looked quite an appcollngly from mrj woodruff in amy u puppy had looked ul her heully she suld i can i i can i hold him you kno lhul mould have been funny if fury had not killed the humor of it for ann but the girl mu marvelling while sli rugid for mri woodruit smiled eail and coldly a her daughter hud dune oh put him down and let him rui by all mcuu ilu replied aunt i hands clinched o tightly i lap that she napped the ihtidt rod nnd all ami u i cured llttlo inlrrhli i- ir ilul rrally arm a thn room mid into the hall llki it tawny holt of lit irghlnlmc i 1 vi ry liuly in tin minii mui iumhi in r i fi it win n anm looki d around al win ilarllul ml wondruir s drllrult fan mui pink mu amy mrj wliltu to lire up anm fill u iilddin wlrkid iinusunliiiy mill faction in hit thing that hud al la t cilsiiiiliid uu inoruioui trail- qullllly tin i wmiun hud ixhlhllid uudi r uu dl comfort of tin ir gui ui hut thin was no apology almo t no nniiiik pnly a lolerant i mile from mri woulruff and a qucir wry elivatlon of tin brown of in r daughter gave rvldi nc of their emotions oni of tin otlu r iillu howivir iirmul ui bi brli tlliuf ivltli anger audi niu tumid lo make her kill ii 1 0 sill tsfld r carmudy urprlicd her ird the door und vi 11 pollu i out into i ludli and ir they laid tin halton county kihl day sporls actm htirtffton icorjuefuwn millon iiih oiiuville hik srliools in compltilkin ilurllngloii high lchimu student- mi- rliernff the hoiion al- tin haton county i bid meet hi id in ucurgitowii nn i up day fitudinl from oalcvllle acuui milton burlington mui cioorgi iomii high f e hool look purl ki e u rompe tltlun n ultid 111 nil of ui ivuil iuid ilur- llnuton high hi hool itiiilmli won un humplonihlp viltii only a fi w imlnt jorlty mlllcm and oakvillc rami a 111 i ik ol 1 ai1c of f muj ng thing luipix md i in lai molly we re nrarei i un door a un maid appeared from lomiwhen to open it for tin m and tiny were about to o out mi woodruff gently chared lei thro it willi a de prerauiry imiiid oh mi i cannody she suld i we e ai nt iiu going to u lour liltli dog tlth j i if ill hud ppeel whin hi ptrilyml lor oni long senoiidnhe hood without turning while ihtuif lit fled barltover thai uiibcllcvubli- quurtc r hour and thui with re all7a- tlon of uii iruth m arly ove rwhc imlnr her i he whirled about to look at thr whether or a quid a he i wholi uttuatlun graiped i iiough it mrs carmody du lighter to hli etc i but nhi f ll u look mightily relieved oi h i xclaliiu d my llttli why whyl hl i thought i thought he wa w dogt m not mini your rf ihe unlit hallway was perfectly lien for ii long lni tun t and then six womei bun i into laughter und in fori the nir ei uuve pi ul hud tlici d mri wood mil taught mi carmody i hand oh mydiirl flu erlt d how can you purdou mi for inch an ub urd fill taki uul in euitu in with yuu and oh but in il on the porch amnion hint i if when wi cumc him before i nor x i lun he i a wiilf a waif i and i n ar i irriparubli ml chief mr luughid out ai up jaiever maker woodnjif hud found her elf po ilon bin hleppc d hastily forward to amy oh no i i hi cried hen not ml chic fmaker he a peacemaker or or amy woodrull if i uch a inliundcr- umdlng u thl can arl c among inu1 llgi nt peopli i m riady to admit thnt tlure inuit be one about that fifty dolla you cnl mi for the homo uul mu woodrull tye had opitud wld with frt h ic tmil lime nt and amu t ppid in tin mlddli of lur entente i ifty dollap crkd abiy i inn md denly hi lo i n urht d ivi hi r luuid hut fifty impul ively lo anne whynwl d illur child i i- why hn yen lm d liar bill and i mui io ushamcc thai 11 mu all u n w t it t of my ill wunr th it 1 did not elan a k hathi r for mi ii hill 1 wu loo proud e ipi logli for the um mui and i thougnt yoi r not in h gratitude wa sar i hli wu nly pa tly ellur but mrs w ii mil t ij1 ui xpieltdly to th 1 lu oil ilu id ejulckly l tin re un ulll dill ulty e i lhul my deur vol gav th tl iiuu of y nir cun lai u lng tw d hat un euli 1 to your father vi i nl il h 111 to k i you i clean hew till fn join 11 ol e uu you reiiiliii b r and h i ld 11 c aflirwurdi that he ii 1 thai tw d illu hould hardly bl ill i i 1 i 1 pr lilt tin inureil of ttie w diutf fa illy in uie home he did end a c n qui bicau i you mi ntloii 1 tl i bill hide inlti dinoiuliiuuou 11 j i 1 tl and ii did it partly us a eel what thai eapatih of pru chain on liei unall iltycr puric ucro i aiiul muuner of people wer i i it hid allow their wet bu i dog li torment visitors li u to make u uulianci of hhu buked and of wliut wcri mch people not callable mliundt r landing why 11 wiu ui clem ici day light tliui their pint wu oik of dl u iy and neibbery bin looki d inollui und luciy win wu the ling lutli ring mil preuched ukl do inim mri curmody lifted thi dog down to loir md luoklil involuturlly at lni l gloves mr- woodruff looked at m ul o and t mill d again positive ihd again i iiverutliin lungul died liul tin dig hi lo ullf willi intereat ut mliu larte hiind omt 1 bound book em the n udlngtublc u m ciriuody idi pre i ntly il um of th in hurled a new ubject of pupi concluded that hand net t hlllily edible oub d uuiuiiimtiy commenced numing ujioii it with uhuiii h aiiiil matched him fa tin el jtlik wele audible one lo look wc i blu id am eithii with civility duilf old the lie at u do mltll urprlx uul down on a stlft rhair and li kfd ul amy pretty amy did not look a amu indeed nlie studiously avoided e lug uu youngi r of the new arrivals al tin moment of entrance there hull incli u quick glance betweui tin two a llulh and a fullering greeting covered by llu nil mulitlca of the others aft r thut ll was as if anne were nut in uu lonn so fur as mlis amy was concern ed linn online net d one of the strangist liiuilir hours anne curmody had ever eirl need holt upright in her chulr mlie t utile with mingle d shame and re i nunt nl siil determined to look any- wln n unci at anything rather than at the tiff utile person on the oppojite cdle of the oriental rug and the imlli r she became inside uu coldrr grew the glancca she turned on the tin rs is the tried to listen to the olive nation anne hoard her mother readily talking iniueinplaeca about the wcathtr and hi new itrtt i lights in the- square down- un and tlm erowdod coudltlunu at sign of ub i in euitrul high schiwl of cumrar i cull uithlng lould be said of uie real purpos hut hli f thli visit will other cullers werej wc nl no ii r i kit und the u felt in twlft sue uiniieiil n c uil ui all the iioajiiblit jiangs in thnught mil t li if of what their prejuuc uirro must sug- uil pumj lint lo the duughur of tlm hotue at wu a wjin i leu t of tourwi amy woodruff would thin u tin cmcludy that tlw anno luul couiu to tuitalu liui lid looked ul mfj lliiui xp ud ihut with ucmld hi lotller udde nly rtui slap uu puppy vigorously be u tm ul lug iur i tun was i i lp und arambli and llu t j ii into a lorni r by the irunl i nklut biuk ln buijly iialinil nob uli mllid now till j fini niu a sillily but i hul ilu wu uiinoyid at lli thod f udmllil terlng a li r olleiiclllig u i anne ibeiut ii angry a nhc n outaln in i iinottoui mr wood dm i uld ilul ill uixii llu miu that would i uliig th purpi dog hip had not done i mu hid miilihid him fi two and in hud been mplctil dl eyuiait ru ui th hli i ulildinly uu uulfli ul llu llllltllotl ii tin d hit uugtil mther made me coiul bhe i tin angel mrs carmody laughed niiuiul lii i uld in lur trail hi ei mnum uie w ay if anybody iui ungi1 lu uih in i in ih a delightful di moil trail puipj mhoin nobody will own anful aitluua aturks l un re u umbir of y iur family who i lu tin ovtr of thi dlilrejilng tumble no tvlce you can render lilm will rcjual hli allentlon of dr j brliibln ki hogg i ukuble ai what it luui u tiuly wood itei d edy il ihh cputullon nd ye of uil si 1 1 r si ll fits mix iion sun v ur hop i nl wl king lo ullct bupj i i yo are 11 1 gelling ujiil ll 11 t tin builiit 1 buppi j oil 111 11 t il ll wl it yo 1 w uld llki ti d t s pp i uli i i uie rci und prolll in mall wh it do yen get out iii ll lllug till 1 t anger who slti you how limine llu l ll is id e 11 1 wliu d l pi llll i ik ittltudf gi i you wli t ye ll doe 11 you i r ii tin bu dm lu ge urul to hit the blat kc m in ll ill ii ll i i itluli ill whj n il uie uk if the 1 ice eupheui i could find i ul ll w 111 d iloj 1 fill utlltud e you kill u that he nig it fci pooi d il ti tx lid t 111 1 le w miu ul 11 id it m 1 and uu mun i ul whole iii w lllml uplullng ui a in di ti i if un liui fill cil d n l km iii hoi al 1 allill irgt v tl only u rvhlti 1 t u km uu ird vii and in llll mu li rn june j llll m rj 1 1 r vktoiiu muiy jiul ol uiilln l llldllle i 1 nn m iv ll nun llu ir ri 11 it 11 ldward albert ge all lie j- ptirlik david w le b rn jluk j j itm di lek a uu i lhorgi imrn 14 uu vi tiilt alt k andr a 1 ru af ill 11iji henry di mi albiil be in mur eh jl rf clunu al mil i 1 t mui 1 i b i d july i j 11 1 j iui jo hull llcce fill r hide lit of the william oa tie of mil ton high brhool he took part in every con tc i for hi c in and in arly always cunt within th ilr t thru ilu ie ull of llu varietur cvcnli were u follow i shot put huilor oiertli milton liuueron oak villi kymird acton lu te run dluli law on oi orgi town lolit leu milton lie ule y uurllngton jutilnr mra kill oukvllh bhuvcr burling um oaliuhur uurllngton hi lay itucc i mo yardi olrl junior oukvllli mlluui uurllngton inter me clinic mlllnn ueoritetowu ilu rl lni ton senior burlington oiikville mil ton ii luril da h junior lluulo mlluui oaubniy oakvllli wal on oakvllk int run dlate ptilli oi orgi uiwn oul- lagher mlllon ooyli oakvillc benlor iiikm mlllon co tlgun oi orgetown she ppard burlington iloy 100 yard du h intcrmrdlute lolulrku milton heudley burlingum apple ford burlington junior stadle man burlington bru h mlllon mc aiklll oakvllli builor aostlr milton auge burlington wulktr uurllngton running brciud jump benlor on tli milton oage nurlington cum iron oukvllli junlon btudleman uurllngton bru h milton mrarklll oakvllli inu rim dluu i uli tzka milton he idli y uurllngton adunuiu oikvllli poll vault inli rmedlatc ljiure nci oilvllle apple roul burlington ll om hurllngtoii be nlur ou lie milton minlven uurlhii um burl uk burling mil hunnlng liroad junii inlc rmediute loliukn mlluui hi udley burlington adam cm oukvllh junlun btudlemui hurllnguin bru h milton mcasklll oukvllh senior cla hi milton oagc nurllnifuin cameron oakvillc krluy ituce mile junior burling ton oukvllh milton iteluy ituce mile junior burling ton oakvllli mlllon lilluy rarl mile benlor bur ling ton oukvllli oiu mili ope n luicc ramsay oak v llle lrc land hurllngtoii dc eke r oak villi nrci binlor oiu ur mlluin coi in r acton caiut run oakvllli in tcrmulinu muiiter burlluguui head icy uiitllngl n he imar oukvllli junior bladli mun burllnittoii bru h mlllon mea kill oakvllle oh 1 u u cbull i hrimlug junior h oju uidt r acton 1 rancl oeorgeuiwri 1 bleed oakvllli inu rme dlau by mon mlllon uallagher milton on i n hurllngtoii olrh bu k t bull i brow lug benion hi h n 1 i itlun milton h biekoduy burliiigtm h mcdonald burling ten junieii ll bull oukvllli il ostnuid ir artou n burnt it aeomctown inti rmediute ii smith burlington h shake p ir liui llngtoii it curtwrlght milton olrl hi nd jump junior m bmllh uuttlnglnn ijuul rrj oukville bardoi mlllnn olrl siuudlui broul jump inter uiedlau m mjupnard uurllnutun builtli burin smith bui liiigtoi l co llgull oeorge 1 a ken milton i i lljilop burling lioyi hun licip bklp und jump benion came rein oukvllli out e liur lluglon uou uk nnrllugtoii iiitermedl uli huidle uurllnituii lolelzka mil ion luui me oikvllle junloi studle man biujlngtou liruih milum lslatn lluttiiiglon an ii u 410 j ird nn win won by william t i lie uf milton how to clt in iiai ivid with o ujijxirlunlly alwuj nut if your 4 con idu no iriuii your equal j 1 olli m mi in huii unci fiuihloi ulyvays up it tin minute oi about jump niu ul 0 huvi un iliion en u undi i llu un uul in ver id bjel ialk iiiblle ly if olln r peoplt mli luki i fiuill i ih irti iiinlni tl u lllli ri nt i v rywhiri im ry llnii in e mtiuiliii 1 nevu it e un importunity ui in ut ur lellilou or polllltul prtjudlu 10 mi iw jour muibuliluit bj belliv uu c vuthli g yuu havi en do or i ij u i llltl bitler than loiylhllig 1 of i li kind lu ui world i i i le ul i llnri tn i way to ihow liul i u ur jucihliig ui in by llu e ol i 1 uu i ikln the 1 1 it uu li uul moblli u llu line f tin ir unci lr uruiltlcl xilliiil pirpu i m the r iruvi worm lxli it luc did llu uk t fashions for the smart woman ll v sff f people who priyc the finer things of life usually demand red rose ornnpje pekoe sep a moneybaclc guarantee with every package iiilkllhuii i an tn jell m dl u if nut rim kid lu it indpluu it ulll- i inatily e n luvi 11 victim i unilll cl tc i mu it hn uu lni 1 1 in iy dim nlt to t nidluiti i hi ti nut i u liiiln t ill r i unilu j ilni ly tin int im p m lei o on a ttlp tif rim i n i it 1 i itlon hut i du ubl inll u train t ill r ion ell pi 1 your druiiii f ji ue he i in the din i il inol lug ru in uu ub crv ll n e ir in th e it h hind your ir full i ill he ha llu uppe r b uli of your lerlleint ih trli 1 rtul ih lu iliad of word ingim i o iblv a n uilp irude of ell i in i ut ih ii mid of word pt r i hour nn e pl id el in jeiur fan miumit urrzjzn red rose orange pekof j e ttse jsis dood tea tie win n m 1 1 uu i i p 1 11 line ihey d tl ll 1 m r hut hi iip 11 verbal mu v ill mil i a orel luuvt lul c- il i will h itui in li llll c oni t unl and riuuiiv ll ivi the hr uthli and pro i mui i flfoodl till u mil hoi si ium1i ki s ail c h li ii i r in lit 11 in ui the ill 1 r th litu ill hi tl win n lit kept lint 1 ii tin vlll o i tilt 1 liln ll the clay r iiu oi n bit th i lu lie ver old ove ul e c if her li uil j ii i 1 llu 1 hid e i mint out frt in tl pirt i i ii f jim aloii ivunh u unci r ih lu the 1 i ltll 1 1 lllll 111 ill i old and juiu a ii puitli ill irly go id month for revenue r him munagu and i iiiiloyi e if liquor uire arc paid u regul ir nl n j ih tuiimu inn tern 1 in nc nuiuunuil lo miinui t r u i k mote nli cin it j i ntc rpi 1 e a iii s sioiu old c u ivi iiu tin i hid of e di crib d in th 11 un mrj fri oil weikl lady iln i tl r i aidtiu i poultry 1 hum i n li uli i hi hnteiud a 1 did i toe ic hi i oil un knows thcanadian housewife appreciates the genuine and always insists on kellgrgrs the original corn flakes 2 kelloggs have a crispness and flavor that l be copied corn flakes dmuctoxx for brmahtamt lunch or ft mosntna mmal xfk uummmydfl are jilwsyslkppy the nutrltuc value of orn strap li rumimrnilcd by doctors its known lo he llu he lllhv foenl for every body so vh not uitiirt mrenglh t in rev and happiness h havlna rimn brand urn s rup alju rudy in 011r idchcn it i delicious edwarosburg iv j 1r 3rj57t 1 ii ml 1lil i ll mhui ol uli iron wllllluuj l- iulout 11 modish 111 mb ii lllll duiy icxk iicr lm 1 1 muiilil lit ic 1 ul nl 1 in 111 llm11 mil yl j i iln ll ulmr ii ll i- 11 xiii ixl i li 1 ll ll 1 illlllc willi imii iiliils luiil ilnun 1 11 i in mil nc tuilml 11 i hn ill 11 uiltl r 1 1 i i ll 1 i iiililul l 1 i 111 1 i 1 vh- wliil hi 11 ii ir uul nil i m li iui illirr ilillim 1 hie ll of illil to uvr iiicxtufully yoo i e iucnily ptruiceiily keep your ioat bill dom nd imr mtinp ui by dtoppinix every ircelc si c akuol i s our weekly iiwcil arc itroctivc 1 m u u lit low icil al regular nn lhneiirioul our uodi lhl lieikci l aukol 1 s 4ii cxpcdiuon ui economy for the kiddies a big phize mtests a gulj bilh kklc kodak joy buy u ii iu iiira i t luiyi aiul irli vlw an uint p mak i il lm m ii ol l c i lour ii k unw l ii ulll i il luui 171 i nl s w for 13ak1nc iovvolu i ii i lj iaslirv 1 louk ualslnb s 2 2 3 clutuanib whoie quality b as lllb as prleus are low mill street 17- imjll t c rraiixry butter 2 ii- 87 orrull wrapped bread lo slued urcalifl bacon ixl 35 15 tturli ilivory aw o h fc to rl 0 acton ontario