flscsffbhihiw oty jrimtrgrgfifi lhuluidavoctouttjo taik hailinl 4 j lit talk hupplntwi without your rouvl look inr lin plnf and clrar and speak of tho ear of rartli train of human pain hurt dlncnntent v or lil in tutcl etinuul no inijli in wholly thnt arc nmonth to rent urn weary by iiip ronuminu grief and mid world 1 1 bptui and morbid talk faith without your ultrc i igno nncr doubt if you huve faith in and or man of klunlce ul your thought till tnlui khall conic ma one will grieve became your upi ar dumb yalfc ualth the drtary nuverchanglng you cannot charm or intcrnt or please of mortal maladlss li worn and iitale ily liarplng on that minor chord disease ttiy you are wall or all is- well with you and ood khali hear your words and mate uiem true ella wheeler wucojc wik djfcoll ctoits contest fallowing tlie announcement of tin winner ol the pkk paras llccollectorn contest and tho forwarding bf the prima tlie editor lion received a couple of very kindly letters from the winners the content has been a great pleasure la us through it and tho cooperation of the wrluira we have- been ablo record many intcrcntlng itcma concerning acton it lias given an opportunity for tli younger editor to become better acquainted with come of tho former older residents of acton and uio enjoy went of perming- uiea old irtarles of uic town which are beyond our recollection th plmumre of uic event judging from uiese itltmca iulb been mutually sliarod wltli uj by uis contestants thoy read o a dills esq acton ontario dear prund yours of the hth inst came to hand the umc day an tine fsra pius and i wan somewhat surprised at the result and i wish here to thank you sincerely for the trophy whn it comes it will bo a visible reminder of one of the happiest days i have had for many yearn ky idea in writing at all was the enjoyment i hod in recalling reool- imtloku that the visit brought back loyalty to tlia ftixx pacns where i was so thoroughly trained as a printer and a desire to do what my memory could to help the old hon of the clock tower in his work for acton a work uiat lias nvr been appreciated to the full by many among tho first to offer ills congratulatlona was d d campbell who called mo on the phone before i had finished reading the announcement thanking you aaain i am yours sincerely mitchell cobban ur a a dills kdltor acrow fan psus acton ontario dor ur d1iu z wish to tlianlc you for your award of two yearn subscription to tux ytx riua given an second prise hi tlu recolloctors contest i hardly sxpaeled any prise in a con test with such able writers really sanding mine in to help in a small way a contest widen i thought was a happy idea and a fine way to cement friendships renewed at the very pleasant reunion z can liardly wait until i read ultchell cobbans contribution and those of the other writers of old tunes wfahin t pan pskeb cantlna- d success i am yours truly john ramsay rrthslsiwiirrrftffn tlir ihau old ho mi rhrrcb not in the wide world a valley so sweet aj that vole in whore bosom the bright waters meet oh the lorl ruyn of feeling and life must depart ere tlie bloom of that valley bhall fade from my heart yet it was not that nature had shed o er tho scene her purest of crystal and brightest of green twos not her soft magic or streamlet or hill oh no it wan something more exquisite still twos that friends tlie beloved of my bosom were near who made every dear scene of enchantment more dear and who felt how the best chains of nature- improve when we ire them erected prom looks that we love sulct vale or avoeal how calm could i rest in thy bosom of shade with tho friends i love best where the storms that wo feel in this cold world should cease and our hearts like thy watom do mingled in peace thomas moore mitchell coddan 8 recollec tions col allan was on ardent liberal hi politics in february or march 1801 i was an apprentice lntn firs passu and was sent to the depot to moll name late letters sir john a macdonald who was conducting his lost campaign was passing through on his special car qultc a number of the faithful mcmbcni in 41 inmiitlnifl thn hnrm hud pulled hi i hi ml out of uiii tin mill wiui no- win r ui bo mm 1 ho party pudied oh wuioi up thn hill und imnnwid lion l iroin ii frl ndly f iinnpr u gt homi ni xt luornliur whi n i opinrd thn ilnn r inrmbir or thn party rulli d mill w nl i trnlght tliroujili th ntori to tin hitltlf to look at tin linply ntnll mill tin n ui nl rlnht out again without i tying vi uord i hi home wn jnhnntmi llce me wud3 as a foil amendment wild are deposits formed by tides or found in the beds of ponds lakes and river their composition is extremely variable and dependent to n largo degree upon their origin and method of forma uon lhay consist largely of ground up rock matter clay and sand together with shell more or less broken up and organic debris the remains of plontr and animals in variable quantities the percentage of plant food biuds are as a rule not high many eatos they do not exceed those of goad soils- certain muds however con tain notable amounts of nitrogen and organic matter and these more particu larly are of value as soil amendments ialbly uur value of most muds has batn found to be in improving the tneeluuilcal condition of worn and ex hausted soils uuds characterised by a hlh lime content an far example uusstl uud and oyster bliell mud will be found useful amendments for acid soils and soils in need of umc furnlihlnjr fairly high amounts of car bonate of umc while put umc con tained in the slulls of hese classes of mud sxts somewliat slowly tlie results are lasting and these materials have been used with good results for tho cor rection of soil acidity on many form of the maritime provinces muds even of ftood quality cannot however be cx- pcted to take the placo of manure and fdrttluurs of late years tho practice of mud- dinif tho soil has become umib popular and apparently la gradually dying out tills u probably due to the fact that rcnt advances in scientific agriculture have made it possible to more econ omically increase tho productiveness or the soil by improved methods or farm ing lncludlrm tlie rational use of-tnan- um and furtulters tlian by the applica tion of tills class of soil amendment while there are many soils which may no doubt b temporarily improved by a droslng of good mud cam should be taken to obtain information in respect to the composition of tlie mud cast of labor for illtfglng hauling etc followed by field trials on a small scale before any great expenditure it made export nwntal farm note election buqajjcayt pive radio stations win carry to all parts of the prbvlnce the address of tlu honorable wen quiclolr th oil tar to liberal leader wldch will bt delivered at the ureal ulw ral rally in tlu armories at oaliawu on uic evening of wednesday october lgth thes stations ore as follows cica yoronto 357 m 5d0 kc cpilli tor onto 313 u 000 kc cjoc london s0 u 010 kc cnro ottawa 60 j ii 600 kc and ciuh midland 303 u 1130 kc ur sinclair is following uio preced ent of canadian and urltlsh statesmen in delivering the most important mes sage of the campaign hi his own riding ontario south and liberals from au ovut ule province are planning to be prevent motor parades and bus parties are being organised in the adjacent rld- lng and from uio city of toronto whllu group are coming from more distant points tlie meeting wul btart ut 6 p m under the clialnnanshlp of mr w a dryden prr idi nt of tho south ontario i ibcral aajcutuiii wlillt tht broadcast or mr ulnclalrn addruu will fur eoninltnce iirumptly at 0 o clock kujt- eru bundard tunc anotliar feature or uil meulng bv tlie bistallauon or auiplim rn which will rarry ui prognuiuuo and the bm i his u au pru of th4 laruc hull mid ulo out im fiu building or his party were on hand to greet uielr leader col allan also happened to be there sir john a after addressing the audience was shaking hands with all within reach and the col stepped up and said you arc on old political rascal but iu slmkc hands with a good scotch man any day the party enjoyed the situation when i got back to the office told the causa of my delay and was forgiven on condition that i write a report for publication i beueve it won my first attempt at reporting and i felt rather proud of myself when i found that my copy had been used with but little alteration john speight si son joe conducted wagon shop and saw mill at agnes and wulow streets tho caw mul was run by water power with an old- fashloncd water wheel nearly as large as the mill itself elm logs were sawn about three inches thick with an angle neoithe end- np rod uc was used in- thc manufacture of a lone boats in ad dltlon to the caw mllf and wagon bust ncss a furniture and undertaking cs tabllshment was conducted if tho fur niturc desired was not in stock it could be rmulctio order on very short notlco in the lall of the year a cider press was operated the farmer brought in the windfalls and culled apples for the elder making the housewife converted the elder into vinegar the elder had to be sampled and i managed to be present at sampling time as often as possible at the cost of ii p moore s garage wm adams conducted a pump factory for a number of years the boring machine was out in the yard and uic pump heads were manufactured in the shop and painted a bright red some of tlie fanners paid for their pumps in trade that is they brought in a certain quantity of six to eight inch tamarac logs between the time that dan campbeu and john cameron operated uio planing mul next the old knox church uic building woa used as a trunk and bag factory i think the factory was first operated under the firm name of moore ac mcqarvln afterwards w d flick was one of uic proprietors the box work of uic trunks was produced by thos cubage in his planing mill on iuver street soma very fine club bags and suit coses were put on the market on the block bounded by agnes elgin john and queen streets uierc was once a dwelling on uio south comer occupied by a one leg man the other leg was of the oldfashioned stump variety i never knew or the old man working but judging from observation of his attempts to got home he must have been interested in the liquor business he was known as darky dave he dlrd about icdo during his last illness uie young men of the village acted as good samaritans by taking turns in caring for uio old man and making his last days as comfortable as possible the hanty disappeared anon after the man s dcaui on the opposite side of queen street uie bulchers had their slaughter houses just outside uie town limits queen street being the town limits in uiose days was pleased to meet oeorgo wudj looking so hale and hearty at uie re- lnn about 18d0 george and a man named mcmillan luul a number of matctied boat raeucoii fairy lake the boats usid were ol uic heavy pleasure typi and uic course was throe miles three times up and down uio pond they were gruelling contests i udng mr mcmillan was a jeweller and afterwaids married one of patrick lamb a da ugh tors iho baseball match at uie re union ilmlndid mc of tht old pastime iiose bull club tho diamond in uie old days was it the far end of uic park opmwltc the old swlnuntn ole thr pn cut diamond was uic location of uic lacrtuktc held which was tticn more kpular uian it is today tho battery the old club was huck storey and harry white i11u had a wide out curve that hud uio batters fanning frequently horn times the curve did not break and imtur had to bo quick to get out of way even with uio liclp ur the pitchers excited warning when he saw what was likely to happen ju 0c tarly days uie editor or tin im 1nrns stuck pretty close to busi ness ills chief relaxation was fishing and attending confomice about 1083 or loflfl i was assistant storekeeper for j fc how on who operated a grocery etc in uie stun next uie john kanno- wln drug tiure mr how on had a spirited black luino for delivery punxiws july duy bmlnuj uili slur it and d hvi ry rig with ikimi- bourdu acnus i xiru mli la aui d for the annul r urar oaprlngc with a paity or what i xul isaa wajuuis artlvlnu at tho around llki rlv r tlu huriui was unhanii l d uud 1 he port r tld to a un with u long itiil tu allow win dumb u u mi f r pa tun a good run or luik i outturn d ii i mil at tlu illilng until lain ttaiud h und tin m xt duy t dr johnnto on tin q prlugu rond ja writer in 1 iliur 1im i umli r the num dc plu of argu i uv a very detailed account ol the trip in tin in xt liuiur an tht r thin tht ill tor u ut to con- fin in mitl kfl lil mcouivin in uk li toi in rhnlr pd wnn unnblt to fi inriikh copy to fill the columns no in wm t n vi ry d icrlptlve column aboiu uu hnchrlirn of acton and their rjuallfl ration i n to beoming di ilrnble hut bandi for uio young ladles of tho town and nilvllcd the lalles to look over tin list carefully the column ended wit i uie aiinoiincemtnt that the next wrdi a list of tho marriageable ladles with their accomplishments would be pub llshod i ho editor cume home bofon uio nixt isjuo and announced uiat the publication or thr uut had been lndefl- itely pontnoncd the flrnt bicycles to reach aoton came in uio late hos they were about five feet jilgh with n rmall one foot wheel at tho rear- it required considerable skill to keep a balance after becoming proficient john icclly and john mchao decided o take n lonft trip to george town find ill went well until the silver creek hill was reached when tho angle of tho middle was forward of the huj ol the wheel and the rider went ahead of tho machine ori all fours on the road the face that was brought homo won a nouvcnlr of uie trip for several weeks i did not sec any such bikes at the rcunlon tho skating hlnk tho first one remember was on main street opposite mclams blacksmith bhooj il wan built on the flat ground beside the rreelcantl regardless of tho angle or tho street it scrvld iu purpose for a number of years a number of speed skaters were developed ujero chief among them being sill speight and later anson smlui the next rink was conducted by mr hugh mcdonald in tho drill hail after it had been removed to uio park back of tho old cemetery when uie weather was flno uio ponds were an opposition that no rink could overcome a bonfire a moonlight night and good ice was sure of a splendid turnout mrs bccord a store mill and main streets it was a genoral store there was an enormous stock of notlonfl in ract i hayo never seen anything like it before or since my first purchases were marbles and allies the verandah in rront and along part of uie side luul the ports at the outside of tho sidewalk and afforded a shelter in a sudden shower and in uic evenings was a gauiering place for uie lolterfars of ilia village a man named qrccn conducted a grocery for a time a mrs andrews and daugh ter opened a dry goods stock afterwords until uie building was burned one night the flrnt fire occurred about two a m and wmi considered quenched but at four a m flames again broke out and lert nothing but tho roundauon tho store on uio opposite comer was badly scorched from uie heat after uie old stephenson pjow factory cloccd i remember touring uirough the urmpcupled building and coming across a large number of boxes containing tin tobacco a torn no like what wcro used on tho old black plugs ol chewing the stamps were round like our small flvo- cent piece with two prongs several o tho boxes were open and as youngsters wo had great sport filling our hands and scattering tfccm olpng tho sidewalks they stuck too cluler to uic sldowalk or to the shoes or the pedestrian i do not know how they came there but i do recollect tho reprimand i got at home for my amusement one sunday afternoon was wandeiins in toauny cameron abiuih andchaaln a chipmunk down a hole discovered anouicr hole about a yard away an old sap bucket was near and uie others poured water down one hole while i placed a handkerchief over uie other and held on to uie corner soon i had a wet captive which i decided to take home and put in a cage but time had sped faster than i thought and sunday school hour arrived so i slipped mr chipmunk into my pocket and put down the flap mrs sydney smith was my teacher and the lesson was interesting and i forgot ou about my captlvo until i noticed him running down the aisle of the church there was some conster nation among uie girls unul mr munk took refuge in tho gallery i won a prize for regular attendance and good be havior that year notwluistandlng mr s h moore was my chum fifty years ago lie removed to hamilton and came back for a visit and it was up to mc to entertain him i told him i knew whero there was a good watermelon patch and we started out one evening and after hitting several tin cans uie owner of the patch had scattered about lor a warning and hiding between rowa or potatoes until the light from uu kitchen door ceased to shine on our operations we located the largest the patch ind retired to u lonely spot to enjoy our frlut it wot uic finest citron i over tasted mack sccord ountd a tamo crow at one umc that wandered about pleased but always camo home one friday morning at preparatory scrvlcca in old icnox church mr crow took up a position in uie gaillry or tho church and proceeded to provide opposluon to hcv itac htiyiiw mi lavkieu lo liy libit to miicl tht best pulliti for production purpo i it in important to hnve th yoiiiiu t hit k i hntehi d ul that tlnii of ymr whhh ulll nllow tin m uudi r propi r iniiinu rmi tit to nniki i i it ii ty vim r hiii uiilft rm growth it im lirt n found ut nuppiin hut tlv apul luilehfd chirk in nn or mon mil form quality by tin middle of lii pti mh r tluiii thn r or mnj i iii period nf thn of nix to six ami one half mouth i iflvi t uu blnli a dinner to liuvi i lw vlgm 1m tty rnpnrily nud t j i tyjx hi wi vrr tit pn lent thnre has not i been a ruccesiitu method utirkctl out of i ctlrut high mid low producing pul- t ti b fore tlicy rommi net inylnil hut ii blrdi of low i utility rrgwlicndi tt on riuttirliik and off typisjjidtvlduiiln well in tho l with lined dlitqunll- icitlonn arc culled out an individual who t body li deep an niienind from front of keel to the n of the back utndually tapcrlnu lit ilden w i duo rhnpe back of good br 1th carrying hi width to the iwl of ii tall good width throughout tht plr c region and wide full brrnit s out that jion- rnscu both capacity and cgir type along with the proper body con formation tho typo and i luipe of tin head ban a very important part in nc- lectlng good layers the pullet to rclccl in one that htii a head that l clean cut of medium longtb and depth wide and flat tho width increasing uniformly rom the at tachment of tin btnk to a point di rectly behind the eye the eye should be large bright and prominent and the face smooth and it tin with skin fine in texture dy rejecting blrdn showing n combi nation of the above characters wo havi found at nappan that we are able to pick a largo percentage of the pullets that provo to bofcood layers experi mental tarm note the surest way to collect outstanding ilebtb be thy few or many largo or nmall is to place them with kelly aiken the collection bpaclaluts owen hound ontnicviuo uuslph no collection no cliarge roup la a wicked disease sure death if you dont stamp it out with pratts roup tablets save the flock gold by nil dcaun wril far pratta poultry boob p pflatt pood cojj cnl lid- 32a cuuh avk tomato 8 out tor sslo by talbot acton ontario praisos home treatment for bladder weakness backache irritation no matter what your age may be how long you have been troubled or how many mcdlclnci you havl tried without success if you arc a victim of ii adder wcakncis and irritation caunlng dayi of troubtciome annoyance and nlahli of broken hct you arc invited to try the amazing value of dr bouthworlh a uratabs without rlk of co t unless pleased with resulto made rrgma spiclal formula iucd by the doctor for over 40 yiara unitaba rc designed to swiftly rtllcvi the pain and mlccry of dumlnu urethral irrlta- uona llackacticn frequent dally annoy ance and troublesome nlghta any good druggist will supply you on a guarantee of money back on first box purchased if you are not wonderfully satisfied with swift and ponltlve relief obtained entirely herbal works wonders on peevish stomachs and lazy bowels the old reliably gallagher a tonic and syniernllaildcr all uio toodnuui ittul hwiliriic virtueii at lit rim nnfuroii own uu tliemn an in inn tonii nn mini ml dnipii r hi i vt ry orjrnn worluifr 100 unnaii imelt thn tiltl joy of living mod ftir lim ncrvtfi cltuni up nit in tnuilili vi n 1 eiejna lluiltln you up ild nn otlu r iiiiukiii r n horhnl uou u holtl iuunoditii nru by 20 a t brown acton hmiilh 1 he following u u lhyiiutl ii t of of tt n j tl tolnpiirlfwimi ar wi t iih a llhlt u dry ah u luuu an live tin u hlrtl u i tit ad an a rttiiu to itrong nn a horn in wi ik an a tat al wlilu an ti illy an lilnrk tu a ecu i an tight nn n drum in fin an tho nlr an heavy iinjjit u llijlit an a ftatlm at nlindy ai tlmi untirtaln i w latin i an lint n an ovi n at rolh a n fni a any n a lark an rick on a ik ai iii ai a ntltlle ai bltti r in rind a i proud an u pracork nn blyllu ai i lirlf a i iivnin an ttg ni an mild iui a davt ai ftilf un a jiokrr ni limp an u iflovr if ton vvile agree it is the finest you can buy salada i he mort powerful thing in tin w an idea when lu hour hiyi come rid from the gardens auction sale in ljquluina townqiiip iivi stock hat and totatoi s j in undernlgiii 1 hai rect ived inntruc- tlonr from john nijuack jo noil by publlo auction at htn farm ifinnt hair lot 3j in the 0th concct ion of uoueilnir nltuatid on the townllne bituien the 5th and flth conccnnlona on batuuilav octoni it 2fi i02d commencing at o clock sharp the fol lowing iioiisls 1 cht tnut home 10 yearn 1 day mare d yt nrr 1 day mnro aged cattill 1 holrtcln cow bred augunt 3 milking 1 iloltcln cow bred july 17 milking 1 iiolitlln cow bred augiiiil it milking 1 i lob te in heller bred june 35 1 durhnm cow bred july 10 milk inn 1 durham cow frenh l durliam ilcircr brtd auguit 3 4 young cattle pias 3 yorkshire sown with 10 plgn tnch 1 york hln sow with plgn i yorkshire sow due november 10 i oulmy 100 lcahom pullets poiatoij 100 bain potatoen run- ncttn hay about 12 ton i or mixed hay 1 lflms c15 00 or under cash over that amount 1- months crldlt on ap- provid joint nutcj 1 per annum oil for caih potatoet and poultry caih i months crldlt an hay all no ten to be npprovtd by bank of montreal acton hoy hindlly aueiloneer ciiestch o plank clerk 153 citldit auction sale in eftln township thl undcrtlgncd has received lnitruc- tlonj from lampncll stcen 10 itll by auction on uic prcmlea lot 4 7th lint lrln lownrhlp two mllct north of uio highway on wednesday octohlil 23 1020 at one o clock nharp the following cows holettln cow 3 ycara calf at foot hotteln cow 3 yearn calf at foot ilolstcln cow 3 years calf at foot ho is tc in cow 3 yuani calf at toot yearn calf ot foot ye am colt at foot yearn calf at foot yean in full flow of in flit hnlstlin cow 5 yean in full flow of milk hoi tcln cow 0 yearn in full flow of milk uplsttln cow 0 ycani cup- powd to fruitiln nov 0 holateln cow 3 yearn suppo td to fre hen nov 14 iiol- ntcln cow j ymn nupponed to freshen nov 13 hcl teln cow 10 years sup posed to frcnliln november 30 lied cow 11 ycom jupposcd to frcnlicn december 0 1 loin tcln cow 0 years supposed to frcjlicn dcctmbcr 10 holrtcln cow f ytaru nupposrd to frcshtii january 10 durham caw 0 yean bred june 20 plirhnm com 7 yrnn hrrt aliirf is holrtcln cow holstun cow ilol ttin cow hoi tcln cow durliam cow 11 yearn bred august j i pot hclfcr 5 heifers 1 year old i calves a to 10 months old all ot these cowii arc hood und have been raised on the farm horslfct cljdt mare 10 years clydi mnro tl ytan clyde man 3 yearn clyde man 3 ytnxs clyde adding yeais clyde 1 illy 1 year shllp pun bred shropshln ilam 2 jliirs old pigs bow and 10 pin- 3 wicks old the above toclc ulll positively lie sold au owner ti qlvlnc up one farm 1 lrms vtal cuivli and iunu 110 00 and uudtr ca h ovtr that amount 1 2 months crtdit on approved joint notcn or 6 per cent oil for cash u i- g1eay i itank pi tcu auctioneers andr j lindbay clerk 162 the ccmctcrlei back of the old pre byterlan church was uio find cemeury i remember aa a boy i wandered through it an a babbath morning wait ing for rev d d cameron to finish uie oacllc service which was held for the benefit or tho highland nilmbera of the ralth in tijt church with its high closed- ln pulpit and a canopy ovtr it the cemetery has been closed for rnany yeara and time has it ft lu mark on uie many woll kept plot my grandpatcnhf qro oleoptng uurc ialrvlcw ccmotory on the hill u tht resting place of many i would havi uked to ceo at uie reunlon the place la wtll kept and judging by tho many uravc clones tho umc la not far dltant when a tteam ahovel wtl need to be placed on eomc hill lo supply material to fill up the two sloughs for future use it is over thirty years since my tauicr was placed there and six yrarn latr my mother was laid in the name plot there to await the final re union on high the old hoyi re union or 1030 lo over it was a happy day may anouier b held aft r a reasonable lapse of time and tho announctment of the dat be well in advmicl tlo uiat many may plan cvliita to ciiabk ull ourvlvora to attend lusptctfully nubmlttcd mitchell cobban ihut indith the recollections of the first prle rueontt r or earlltr cvliiu and plactii and dulnm hi uic annaki of acton which uili yiar celebrates tlu 103rd annlvlrjary of its founding by tilt adams brutheru itinerant metlu- dlt ircachra rrtwii thu htate of nl york tha theoc r ceo lice tiona have been lntcnutlng hundretls of ibkk pbeju reudtra have voluntarily trttlfled itlunl ii 111 platioum u i mm it tht nuiuunuiasur uica of throwing thouc trunks that ituipfd thr ponacrtv at trivial expense gyproc will convert space itiow wasted into one ot more extra rooms tor sal dy 1 b mckenzie acton ont i feldmans- wyiuljiam streel uiu lth imaiiiiu tit hit hi lu u it was ikildid to luiud fui hnjiil ou vu done to thu platlorml look wh it good furs at moderate prices oui i urs art iimnufiittiind in our iwn woikbhop mils asmiits you ymi of jualit ariikiits und tlity in xt ht puutnistd tlunukli thib nicans ut u iaving see our showing of new fall furtrimmed coats hats dresses i does advertising pay v years ago we used to hear this ques tion today it has been answered so con- vinciiigly in the affirmative that we hear it asked only in a rhetorical sense nowa days if a business man makes the state ment that his advertising doesnt pay one concludes that there is something wrong with his advertising with his goods or with his selection of advertising medium modern living has beeii transformed by advertising advertising coupled with mechanical invention has raised the standards of living enormously in our day automatic machines that enable one man t o do the work of ten rapidly increase die worlds wealth of goods that is so long as the machine is kept busy to keep the machine going there must be a demand for its product in case of many articles that we now use daily the public has had to be educated through advertising to the belief thatnheyieedtliese goods e g safety razors fountain pens vacuum cleaners toilet articles etc without advertising it would take generations to find a world market for articles that by means of judic ious publicity have been brought into wide demand in a year but by creating a demand for these goods advertising keeps up the productive increase in wealth i e goods advertising pays both tlie producer anil the consumer by increasing the de mand for a certain article it increases the volume of production and thereby lowers the cost for instance henry ford through advertising has made countless millions his production has been in creased so amazingly through advertisin that he is able to sell his car at a price which other makers find it hard to com pete with if these ears had to he produc ed in a small factory tlie public would have ui pay a higher price for cars than they do now advertising has reduced the j rice i in the local sphere the question the miudl town merchant asks himself today is not shall 1 advertise that question has long since been answered in the af firmative the question he asks is lather how can i make my advertising most el- iectivci he realizes that with the keen competition he is up against in the depart ment store which has built up its enorm ous business through advertising and 111 willi the local competition of other live inerelianth who loo are putting their best loot forward to meet tlie city competition he must if he is to hold his end up and be successful give studious attention to his advertising in the local press it is an essenlial and highly important feature ol his business