Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1929, p. 2

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ffi arfott stor jjrrisa inumid ogiomit p-g- vl thank tlltr iouii ufr thollk hire wird fvir all thy clnlii tt lli nrr miencrn or moorland rnlllflp trrthi llrnlh purpttd hriirkn ollenctof deep woodi mymir cloister d culm alienee of wide rear bo king li mhnca of u aflamr wtlll the rain ourlng to tlu uhrn- thrh mollnr main j hllrnce of duwnlngn thr httlc blnli do fall nlecp mr the deep nllcnrc or the golden iioonn glance or gloaming ind hip mu alienee or moonlit nlghtn and pattern ed gladei dlunce of atari magnificently yet ever thantlnn their cnatorr rklll dep unto dcip within u iound w cluwdfl or praise beyond the reach of human in our souls silence feeling y thee wr ulank thee thank thre thank thee lord 4 john oxcnruim ri ln 3rtm iirih glmrt imy praying dick and his bible mcssige william h iiamuv sgy chronicles of ginger farm wrllun spaehuly fr tb lrr prw by judy oqttapy come alone to the barnyard wltli me and i will show you what we have got come quietly or you may disturb the old uuly there do you nee them over in that comer yes that wriggling bunch of allky plnkneu in really eleven little baby plgn are not they tlie dear est wee things and the hair on their liny backs in like the flnent spun silk and the daintiest pink imaainable qcc how active they arc and only forty tight hours old here comes the old lady she has junt finished her feed and now if you watch her you will find a real study in motherhood guch a huge creature she u aim must weigh five hundred pounds if nhe weighs an ounce and yet see how careful alia is and how gently ahe nazes her babies now she u ready to he down but she doesnt do so at once plrtt chc call theluue plgunulhe haatlicmoll around her feet then the slowly lelr lierself down and finally turns on her aide with the babies safely in trent or her clambelng and fighting in thetr lnitlnotivfl need for runtalnlng nourish ment while their mother happily con twit grunts her satisfaction blic come3 viry near to being record breaker thu u her third litter and nhe produced ft family of nineteen but fortunately nature stepped in and deprived her of tight which died either through wcak- ns or misadventure however we shall not call the old lady to account if he ralces eleven although she does teem to go down one in number each time last year ftlie raised twelve and tlie time before thirteen so on the whole chc has been quite a profitable investment pigs is rigs and sometimes pigs is money and eoraoumes they isnt but till we hava to take the good with the bad the same as with everything else just see our field of wheat for in stance what partner paid out for teed gas and a man and tractor for ploughing amounts to about a hundred dollars not counting the time and work partner himself put in to it and now look at it did you aver see such a sorry looking spectacle no worse and no better perhaps than any other field in this district but that down t seem much consolation when one can toe the butter en ones bread being scraped an thinner and thinner but still thank goodness w can never be quite sure what we arc going to find when wc get around tlie next comer we might strike oil a gold taine or it s equivalent one never can tell and then instead of a scraping of butter we could cprcad it on thick and have jam on our bread aa well nothing is more fickle than dome fortune when we accustom ourselves to her frowns she suddenly turns round and smiles upon us but if we become particularly san guine of being permanently established in her good graces she treats us to such a rebuff we find it hard to recover ne that aa it may it is good to be alive and why should we worry about the vagaries of fortune providing we have lieal til and strength to combat them of course straitened circum stances are at times inconvenient for instance we have always those joneses to consider really i wouldn t like to te responsible for all the tilings tlie joneses have done or caused to be done just think of the subterfuge the petty jealnusiea that arc perpetrated uiraugh them why they must be re- ouf of the railroad men declared it wan only a fortunate accident but others evm somr or the wickedest alwayo insisted it wm a providence as for praying dick he would only my that the way h wm and never tried to explain it dick cameron known to the other railroad men on the mbuourl division of the a t a d p railroad as praying dick uu3 a day operator nt mud llo in fact was the only operator at mud pint ind alto sgent he went on duty at sis o clock in the morning and work- until half past aven in the nlng selling tickets handling freight baggage and express and doing all tlie telegraphing mud mat was a very sorry sort of place a little ralnbplshed sunburned wooden town or fewtr than two hundred people it was situated near tlie bank of a torpid dirty little river and most or its inhabitants belonged to that class contemptuously referred to aa river rats there was not a church in town and only one bunday school which met sunday afternoon as that was the only time cawcro the superintendent could leave tlie depot it wan his intent in this sunday chool together with the constant ap pearance near his teltgraphkeys of n well worn bible from which he some times cent messages over the wire when business was slack ujm gave lilm his tcknome cameron was not agent at mud plat from choice when he had moved there with hu ycung wife and baby girl five years berore they supposed it would not be for more than ft yoaf t the worst just why he had not been promoted a as rather a puude come or tlie train men said with an oath that it was be cause he was too pious a fellow had to aport to atand in with the brass coll oiey declared others he asked a question of tlie night man at sponsible for twothirds of the elceletonclwelllngton and grew deathly pale as the locked up in our cupboardsl and after all who are the joneses are they in your family and mine dare we aay they are not dy adopting their standards we create another family of joneses ourselves strange how often we realize the futility of doing this thing and tlwt and yet how seldom we have the courage of our own convictions but we can break away from a too rigid observance or formalities it is possible to get a lot more fun out or life also a little spontaneous kindness is often jnore welcome and effectual tluui that which wait on correct etiquette we should hear little about the oood samailtan had lie waited for on introduction to uie man by the roadside perhaps these thoughts have came to he as the result of a recent perusal ot home prairie farm papers the prairie where hi times or stress the barrier of formality is down entirely i rcmembe one yar we were there a bachelor home- steaded next to us and we discovered he was living on nothing else but bread and potatoes the tradespeople would not give him credit so all the summer lie had groceries charged to our ac count as we were known and lie was not we mode the discovery by direct enquiry as to his supplies after linppcn- intf in one day and seeing such meagre fare upon his table in ordinary time we would have hesitated before inquir ing into uio itale of a neighbors finance and he would have had too much prlclu to volunteer tlie information tills u going to be a hard winter for western farmers and a ncrvo wrecking anxious time for prairie mothers prob ably we in the east have our quota of rhard times ahead or us but we have advantages which westerners lack and i woblctsuggrst to any rtaden who have friends in the prairie that a paidup subscription to one or two good canadian niasasjueg would be as welcome lis any thing one could tend and be or infinite benefit to tiie heartsick recipient tttune may need material osjstanrc but all of uuql need dlstractlnti to prnscrvr uirir mental balance and good ckuii mtcrntun li the best and uurct way to provide h there u also another thiiig whicii like a letter from home and lhat uu regular coming if it is ami of the loml papsr from the old home tnwn remember neighbors this is not lust njjk it la information from one wh knows aid and no doubt mor correcuythat it was because dick did bid work well and was not always raising a row every other agent did who was sent to mud plat but there was something more uian either of uieto reasons something which dick cameron was quite well aware and that was his lack of any marked ability lie was ft fair pains taking operator a faithful accurate agent but he possessed no special qualification utat would push him for ward and mark him for promotion he had never expected to be a great railroad man but he had hoped and longed for a good station in a good town where they had goad church and social advantages and an adequate calory he longed for a change moa than ever now that the lltuc girl was eld enough to enter school at tlie height of his ambition ha had sometimes dreamed of being on agent at wetllngtot the next station above lirtcen milei up the road wellington vi as a fine town of flvo thousand in habitants good schaols and churches nice clean streets and buildings that were attractive just the sort ofvuwn in wldch they would best enjoy them selves and in which to raise and educate the little girl tlie salary too was cood a hundred and twenty dollars month mor than twice what lie received at mud plai dut or late he had not hoped fdr any promotion even a change at the same salary would have been welcome the despatchers sat at their keys in the railroad building at may field head quarters for the missouri division was a pleasant may night and a vagrant breeze wandered in through some open window and stirred the sheets on the despatchers tables one of the des- pa tenors relaxed for a moment and yawned every tiling was running smoothly the limited was on time and there was no congestion anywhere along the line i lis companion the dispatcher hand ling the cast end and on whose 11m was now the fast california limited chocked that train out of marlon looked t his watch it was exactly two clock and turned to speak to arifflth the night chief who had just come up and stood leaning on the railing behind him instantly the despatcher whirled and caught the key quickly and sharply j witli ridicule and othv hammsatoul d mien hi answer came back haltingly with ner vous haste he ordered wellington the line and called marlon the next station below mud plat la tile limited out or the yards7 the question fairly cracked along the wires yes came an answer ooodneail arifflth the despatch er turned a ghastly face to the high chief there s going to be a wreck tliat fool at wellington forgot orders limited and fast freight headed straight for each other oet the train master quick oct out the wrecking crew and take every doctor hi town the terrible news ran through the railroad building like a shudder and the first thought in every mans mind was of tlie suffering and death in atarc for the passengers sleeping securely and of their fellow tralnsmen hurrying on those two monsters to their own death every man about the building who could leave his post ran up to the des patchers rooms among them was uie superintendent whethad just come in on a train and stopped at his office to leave some orders the despatcher was still trying des perately to find some way to stop one tlie trains the superintendent and the others most of whom were old operators themselves stood by with drawn faces silently reading off the wire the messages that went and came par heaven sake man tlie des patcher was saying to the operator at marlon con t you reach mud plac someway can t you do something nothing came the reply utallon there closes seventhirty no night tele phone service no time if there was riic despatcher leaned back and brrathed heavily he look out his watch and most of the men did hkl- srarert nnxlnut group leitned forward n amnrfinrnt the ijird is merciful and grarloun he mr jingc cnmi sliuly and evenly ntnw t nilger and plenteous in inrrcy ic hath not dealt with us after oui in ooodne nl exclaimed the drnpatt hi r that li praying dick me grahb d the kei and called frnn tlcnllj co co co as a father pltleth hh children co diapcrately repealrd thi clu palchrr and then cameron annwered his call lied light quick stop train said the deipatcher all o k came the nlnu even reply prelght jiow on aiding several of the men turned aay not darlpg to look into one another a ryes thr relief was too h the dcipntch- rs hand trembled so he could not hold the key the night chief stepped in and took hold of the instrument how long you been there he inked cameron about five minutes answered dick how did ou happen to be up at thli time ol night don t know what waked yau don t know jut waked up and ne over to the depot itead depalch talking to marlon oot out and flagged freight that war all the explanation he ever gave or ever would give the neu day dick cameron the day man at mud flat got a message from the ruperlntendent rather an unusual enc from such an officer it read praying dick shake and accept thanks auditor will be down on 14 to check you ojt you are to lale charge to morrow as ajtatit at welling ton all things work together lor good to them thot love god lancy superintendent caitll uaoti on tut hiaittlt i uluuiii iftl lull to in arroni flullif n marknd gnh l unit und i rt knn i in un putliut on the nvrrngf a murrliut man yu kpnw i yftander hut thru that ii in l ncltlur here or tin ro di nrnn liynn miidn a grimace that he inti tided to lu a smile what re you l in tit rnutlniin i kclhip he aik nl voili wlfi aln t anywhere round h filir i dtdn t know for rurtnln replied cnldi illit tn got imrk to what wnn nayln whllr 1 in hji pntli nt ail need fill ninnt ttmrn there s n pint where cal lute to sag bark on the halter con- i id able rlublmrn and that a when mun impofiei oi nie nt a neighbor and linn conien round to twit me of it fore trannrrnl you know nmnrtliln nhout what a titter jake webb li to brag hyne but not llvln nidi up to him you aln t been pei red with his everlasting liorrrrlng i never brlngln bark names i have critter has plagued mit about rrniy l it it a wonder i gi t half a crop off n tnrnt i wouldn t if i dldn t work tier it n man of my ngn ought tol ihit i could linvc nlood the burrcrlnn part of it if he want no satlnfled with himself nir hr was a llttlr more fore- layln and lookahiad than un older rulkn hints farmed all our uvea and with our own farmln tooln tool when 1 rdwondy to furrow out my land for p tutors tills spring i hnd to wait all iinr day und part of the next for my plow jcu for the reason that webb hnd been over and got it thoi liavc nor llrennr and hndn t fetched buck i tools a stone drng and went after it but that put me back a day and hnir nnd thai fore i could ret hid blcd into the ground there come on rain and not me back near a week mo all on count o his borrerlngl i gucs i wouldn t have thought of it much longer n a day or ca only one day down at the post office he took canlon to brag about how forrard hla p tatcro was lookln and then he hnd the face to tell me that i d 1st the seed gat too dry fore i planted ltl i come plaguy nigh tellln him if i d had a lock on my toolhoiuc door it would have helped more but i kept a shut mouth i wish now i hadn tl ttclln as i did lords the critter i a know where i d have let him have my ruttlvator when lie come after it or not but it chanced i was to bangor with fori and ii007e wont mix throiikti child dliinltlon iosdohardtt tiruoktluitayaohelli4yntitrivtr j us if mention ifc he was going to borrer it never asked her whether he could or not and hauled it over to hla plaro nnd cultivated and hilled up his p tatcrn im homo that- and they was is i hate to han some av a good ward the rl4t 1igi1tirs tlie best flghttrs and thi only war rlors hi tlie highest srnsa or tlie word hvr always been those who liave cluun ploiiad a righteous cause and the hero of tha future will be tlie man wlio cluun- plona uia worthy cauwi with the worthy tadapon- not tlie weapons of barbarlun which we liave to use bwauso uie bar- bar una iiavj cuitio upon uu but tlie wpon of science uuulatlun and ro- uguu l i lse they will meet he stopped as if choking for an instant hi six or seven inutes it will be about a mile beyond mud plat on that crooked stretch of road nothing on earth can save them no one spoke but each man watchi d ii iu condhaud of his watch crept around and around outside down in tlie yards tlie shrill whistle of the wrecking- train blew again and again railing tlie crew to duty uie train master was busy at uie telephone call ing doctors along uie plauorm and in the yards men raced in preparation for the rescue train uut inside the men stood silent par alysed by uie horror of it watching uio seconds tick away one minute two uiree four- tlie dispatcher could stand uie tllmce no longer he caught uie key und lmgan to curse uie operator t wellington you crapsliooung haitr yiu have murdered a hundrw paoph and on and on in dft lurid faatlis is abuuml tlie guilty man ilun sojiw one down the una broke tlie datalclier ctimd hu blaa- plumy and stared ad tlu key u u l gluit and bvtry uau uf utd out wet papers go for henry ford ays ii booxe ever cornea bacldt to thy united states i am uurough wlthlanu- fac luring and gasoline and booxe won t mix uiats all let no reader aasumi that mr ford falls to rally defendera but first come the knockers for example apple aanre i exclaims the montgomery advertiser mr ford talks noruteme detroit is almost as full of rpeokeasles today as now york according to the brooklyn times the baltimore evening sun finds mr ford in another interview telling of hli success tn transferring all his tractor- making lo ireland whereupon the sun observes but ireland unless we ar mistaken has never gone dry tin buffalo courierexpress thus consolidates the chief lubetance of many editorial knocks it will be time enough to conxldnr mr ford a interview when liquor gos and to creates the possibility of its return and when ford cars get out or europe because they rcfuc to run for anyone who la not ft prohibitionist the criticized interview appears in th- pictorial review for september under the utle let prohibluon jlegln at home and mr ford appeals at length to uie remaining one per cent min ority oi women to stand by their glister americans and complete the beneficent regime of prohibluon which began at home with women who wanted belter home condluon he continues for myself if booxe ever comes back to the united states i aas through with manufacturing i woulor not be bother cd with uie problem of handling over two hundred thousand men and trying to pay them wages which the saloon- wculd take away from them i wouldn t bo interested in putting automobiles in the hands of a generation soggy with drink with booxe in control wc can count un only two or uiree effective day work a week in the factory and that would destroy the short day and fiveday week which sober industry has introduced gasoline and booxe don t mix uiats all booxe doesn t go with industry no one is as good with a brain half fog bed i would not be able to build a cor that would run two hundred thou sand miles if boos were around because i wouldn t have accurate workmen and without accurate workmen i could not get the necessary precision in work even with machinery because mori people are making uio machinery lo make the car today than make uie car itself ford has shot the bull s eye c declares the council bluffs nonpareil granting the force of uie moral la the winning lsuo of economic e could quit but what of tin workers and the eighthour day and pord a outlook toward tlie fiveday week tor workers wjio is most of all interested tn the suppression of uie liquor traffic legal or illegal mr pord or those who gam a good living and leisure un known before prohibition come in s wiui a fow more witnesses of thb 1 sort even the militant wets will begin p to uilnk that perhaps prohibition is here because the people want it remarks uie rochester democrat and chronic 11 prom ford s experience as manufacturer and employer in pre prohibition da and now uie utlca press la convinced he will br accepted as a better authority than tils editorial critics imagination la necessary to understand mr fords view suggests uie philadel phla uvliihig public ledger which thinks lie lin t ar from uie simple truui when he implies that w must choose between our modem machine and strong llraior autumn tang awaits you why not get back in tund with nature nttcmoon hlght bad for his farming my piece was a week behind his but it looked like a dry spell so i dldn t go right over and bring uie cultivator homr and use it same s i ought to ve done i sort of hung back to see if he wouldn t have the decency to bring it homo himself and while i was waltln that storm blew up and rained four days you know how it was a week or ten days ago the pigweed and nettles n that piece crowed a foot and there was some rows where you couldn t see plater for the weedsl jest as soon as it cleared and dried off nough to let me work the ground i put over to hli place after my cultl vator and i m goln to own up to you hyne i was airly bllln i cal lated to give htm a plthr of my mind but whu i hove round yie comer of the burn yard i iound him there talktn with i trangcr mi i never said a word but just loaded on the cultivator and drove out i d j fit got down to my plcca and cot the lion hooked in when i heard somebody boutln and when i looked up wibb wai com in an the run and the stiangc man was close behind him luggln a black box on three legi held baqk the hosa and walled wlan they got up to me webb was pulllii and btowln no hard he couldn i speak a word but the olhcr man look mto himself to tell me what they lcil sacms he woo from the state f irm and was taking pictures of the beat lookln fields of crops with uie idea of wrltln a report of cm to comi cut hi the yearly report so he told me by that time webb had got his breath back and he chimed in yes saya he und being i had about the best and mo t forrard piece in town wc wanted to have a picture of that and then wo nted to cet a picture of a weedy neglected crop to go alongside of it fir a contrast you knew hynl i ihamcd to tell you how mad i blamed up all in a minute i grabbed up a fence make and took my stand iljltit in front of the stranger i aint goln to try to bender you wrltln that report cays i but when you wrlto it here one thing for you to put into it you jest say that this prize view shows a piece that was farmed with borrercd tools that the owner had to go after himself and lhat the owner a p tateru was a fortnight behind webbs on thai count alone i ays i the plow lost prlng i had to go fetch myself and thu cultivator you caw me get today now says i you put that into your report and i won t say a word but says if you try to set up that rig and take o picture of my p talent hi the stale they re in 1 11 smash that box with thin tin take i dtacon looked up inquiringly dldn t try it mr peaslcc con- ii wluiout alcohol some oils and many medicines have alcohol as a prnmlnint ingredient a judicious mlng ling of six cacntlal oils compose dr thomas dclcctrlc oil und there is no lcobol in it su that its effects art listing just now lowland and stream highland and rorcat are changing their garb mother ivarth la prcentbig one of hir preturit shown for uioe who core journey whore she takes her magic brush und paints the world in new hues what better than to forsake the city for u hunting trip to ihe spots where nature is changing her atagt in keeping with thr seasons the uirlll of the cln may be primary or secondary impmuiucu the tang of the autumn air li prtsint wliutcvir yuur purpose out of duora one dtrp breath of it before a fragrant camp breakfast and you letl like a mw man gtt away into uie northern woodj in your familiar brccka and jacket and en- joy the work of a mooter artist th- reds and browns and russets and yrllout ycu never saw on any cunva- painted you will rrdlscovcr the appetite you thought wan gone you am nnd a new seat in play oil up uie old gun and look up your out door clothes the can- liadlan national hallways will do tin ktat convenient trains irsvt dally ai d make alopji at the hunting lodges 3hey will lake you to the heart of the fau tlval in a sliort lime any agent will give you full particulars iievlul pah returu and sickly liiii drtn nwi tin ir condition to worm i muuur draws worm kxtermlimtor will uuivtt uiotti and raloitf ullti fashions for the smart woman u2 1 hands and uowb chanel is noted fur her alnlit tn five a distinctive jmwir nut i k frock merely by the deft wj in uluch slic urmlfci narrow luml- in i little bows the cliiuivenes- of mi ii trcilmuit is illustrated it the in ir ihown heri a further i hat iinuj feature ii the deep ta collar lu ii rrosic over at the front ind ii allml willi i he bow on the upper lurid nuliuif the dcmgii one winih n rlcvrrly rclilnl 1 lie ikilt li hit i hie frocl la dcvclopid in printed ii it rripp in a scattered lloril motif ml tiiiiuncd willi plain iripi fn cilull cl ultlnf a llackitlttl it i in re riki iui mum a innn tut ever iilkid romirkid cllhn lu an h liiiimt out f tlu window of thn little shop aniln u pike tin shot maki r wu- lint irlmin i nouh to look up from hit work it in did jtnri in n tout hmrut whrn d mo uln whom nn kues mcrblm 1 1 linked thn ipeuker clllrt tin old ten firm kii begun nil iitpihini you vn got a tiling agwlnnt di nrqn lurbox its ju it your flinging out about folkn no matter who tin y iw i jiii iii i know dearon tarti i ai you do i inilttnrld alien wi ii tin n you know as likely a man wc u got among un upright bin deallntl and liberal according to hi j menu i you an llko a mlrehlevnui hoy hiding ih hind a leiiri with a dirty mow- lull hi hli luind flrnl man that gori by i bound to have 11 thrown alter him you an grltlng to bo a regular back- bllir olhn uncle morn wmt an in n volt e tremulous with carnehlnrfui jou mint talk nbout folks why cant you try to think of noiiiethhig to my in u favor it would ua just an nary and it would itnvl a lictler luste in youi imith ullei iiiri low had bun no complete- 1 taklii by nurrlne that he was not nady wlui hhhfrnw until after tin door had clord behind uncle more i en he began with uimn heat i in not b backbiter a buckblter sayr thlngi behind your back that ho wouldn t ar to iny to your tnce i rieak my ilnd as i rec fit but i never nay onl about n man that i wouldn t in perfpotly willing to have lilm hear oinn took his departure much fe nded nnd wehnter halnct was left oi the only remaining visitor at the thop well raid wlbrtrr as he slid into a ntlll earlcr ponltlon in his chatr uncle mo ilt spake quite a piece for him lut it dldn t make a particle of imprcs d like lo nee some one give oik a lr won that he would remember look hrri andrew you heard olles say that he never nays anything about i an lliit he wouldn t be willing to hav him hear now josh 1 lood and george oloirr and bam nowcji and i arc ing hen to night to play checkers i ii jet them to come early and we i crowd into this little cubby hole that you vl got curtained off here and bo olles comes for hla boots inihtijf 1 hil aici ith- tlmi ha now urrkrd jiir i f nil kind mid d i rlptl m ifopli viii ip il mid ih ulioul ludl tljut opinion of us four jusf mention our names lnctdentally and he 11 do the rest then when bo lion finished we i step forth and have our innings wont- it be taking an unfair ad vuntagc of oiks asked the shoemaker a little doubtfully dldn t he say he was perfectly will ing to have anyone that hi was talking about luar him all right said andrew only you musln t get mad at what olles says li tcnern seldom hear good of them iclvca you know wcbitcr haines had no difficulty in lnterctlng hln friends and the four wer- hlddcn behind the dingy curtain in uie shop when olles blgclow came in that cventni almcnt finished qllci sold the shoe maker briikly sit down a mlnuu plenty of room tonight for a wander josh riood was here a few minutes ago though he addrd casually josh flood said olles as he sank into a chair lo a clever well meanlna chap when all is said and doni wouldn t harm a moooultcr andrew waited for further none being forthcoming he said qcargi glover h generally round where josh is ocorge glover is about as strong man in hli arms as i know of said olles 1 dun t icc why lie couldn t do considerable of a days work if he hould take a notion to again andrew waited i was sort expecting tium now 11 in to night nld at length sam nodwell u as good a judge of a hos as there li in town according to my way of thinking remarked olles mid with that he stopped by this time tha shoemaker was hav- tnb some difficulty hi controlling hl countenance but he pcricvcred seen anything of web haines since he wa in here thu afternoon he aked no i haven t nniwercd giles then was an appreciable pause before he clear ed hli thn at and enntinucd web ii due i i ift h ai smart as uiey maki em how he ever brought it about don t know but it ipeaks well tor web that he had gimp enough to get her to have him there our boots ap done olles said andrew it will be a dollar mu t get to work on uncle moncs job giles s face brightened now there a man for ye mosts rice i ooc3 right along minding his own business and scarce eicr sayi u word but when hx doeii speak he worth listening to you heard what he said to mo this afternoon well i vc bem chewing it over and i vr come to the conclusion that he was right i m going to try to eay a good word for every naniublc person that is men tloned in my prrsence hut i must say tint i don t ace how i could have had a much harder test uian those names that jou hupieiied to mention just except of coure maei rloe has the alt of thu earth i snum when y pjki or wieb hulnci 1 uioutht for minute 1 was stumped i but i did and it all govs to show what a m can accomplish when he atts out dollar did you say i was lo hope you d make it ninety cents when gllci had gone the listeners emerged from their cramped quarters giles dldn t need your treatment uf tcr nil said the sliocmoke r dryl uncle moie did all uiat was hece ary well i don t luiou rplud webster ilutnes wltti a wry sinlli it klncti luoktd to mr aa ii cllh uuut mm uiun half cured oull i- acl dlatnius t iltlvtnt many easi i of dcufneso might be pr nt d if iverybudy were trained in li fonry to deep on their hlomachs li their backi or uu lr idi saya dr clionre b mcaulkie of cornell unl- vorslty medical college we read in dr l e frees wceki tjcienn new york deafness often ruulli dr mcailllffc xplahiirr from gi rin liifntloim of the nlddle purl of the car whrrc arc the hue nmull bone which carry miunds t the in rvouo hearing organ of the inner genus budum get into the middle in in thl ouuldi for tin t ar drum tin in i heir fuvorlu nmu l tin throat und lu uuiilun tube tube thn ugh whk h air run enter uve the middle cur whin our swul to make the pnuri the iiun on both sldis if the car diiun win n u urn htundi up di mi auliftc i xplalui end f ihh tuhi in the car u about liu h hlglu r than tlu mil in ih at any duil or liquid con lain in t mi lindi tnjnuvi from the car to rl til thioue luiuid of lu the nvei7e dlnetlon i hi nuitu li titii it a person lying in hi fun dut ti turn over on tllli aufu petition n th i the llirout end of the eonimunl t mi tube is liljilur thai the cur prili in hilt un p tiki r if iimipil upon i ih d with i vi ry i porti r i vap i t b h inl taken plan whin th dw what tin y win vot- ill illctlimlly ihiw pi pi p i pi iik l i ivr ard it uldn ta k hur tl lhat it 1 t fn i that tli in ltdii i an h lit hli i un audi him then i hut eloi should i houl or tr jicak 1 iwly unit ill t liilj thlnr i inn ilniii has to ri id a up itlin whlrh rail tliry ih mid ii r t u tin y e ui ip ik in ltd by nil i in wi one hood plan for pi fiirthi t what lie i nyi hit hi i mw iak in 1th in nr hni letli it hi i in n nn uu unit h i hi told but th oni annoy own nvd no id plan for other oitlrlnl who ft ad ih report i t tl t mm nil mi in ufm n only ikai uoim ink dl tlnrtly t tho file mill fnrrrnim c tnn upi n walking low up tin roid ilngli hay yo why aln t you woruiie nlg- ier wnrkhm we i working bo ho nufl we s cirrylnu thi plan if up to tin mil what pliuiu i d ii i ii any plank will lb ik lawd nlci abe i ef we aln t goru an forgot di plank 1 miinnnle crufl mun onl1 a iiiids iii i initios a llttl child derful cathedrul with th 1 crlbrd a light rum int lio luu rii the won uml iw or old england in il irloui rolnr di n pi r on who iclt the to be sure toll improve upon l the red ucc tea jjuarantec means what it ayn if not italified return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money bo redrose 4 l good tea red rose oranqe pekoe ir e good iulirtllw h i galvalaznl siding for outiide walu attrnctivo to look at inoxponmva kany to put on over old w14 with building napor wnruij tlry windprool choica of brick rock uco nijj clnpibcird paturiam feifp sheet steel ceilings idd tlio touch of proa- ponty to btoroo rivo botturlibht porman- ont nlao for jichooln hallo latclicnn and bauiroomn unny toputupovoroltl ylautor nodunt orhttar cufly to cloan nnd paint can not crack or fall off galvanized shingles v jhnum i icrroidroob iafly to ij good looking pormnnont inexpensive uao no otlitr rot la tha cktapnt cet prices from your tinsmith oft carpenter du nr from tit ir u te ure un n apt i tin i ar und start dhiosi ly li bublei whoo tlinutn are tint tlm tubi brtwiin uiroal li rtr old in tin to drain iiprclul miiullcr i crhlun itijm pit iervis und eiitiunci a women i n ituml herllugt of lm uuly lur h i f inlnlnr 1 vi tint ti 11 la uu ilvulln iuiii und njiivuiutei tin kin and ui iki it txaulillc in texlun d lliehtful u i hiikhth uud vtlvity it inipuiln a youthful rh tun t evirv loinpli xl in indlipi nsiibli ti all iluuily 1 w iu n lbp in my m mint nded to i mukt liuidi null und white lkluutely liugiunt lusuvea mid mliumis uio lovi hunt cuuiplaxluna nd mliujieia sfcj finest f tu levers unstop cor vcts but uno- l sckrfi w bensons ioiw starch 91 stares carrolls where quality is as hlgb as prices are low 97 storei teas i 49c 57c 63c 75c fancy slirtmp per nn xlc sockeye ulmon coinuijtion ilh lln 44c clilcken hjjiiic per tin j lie 21l mill street acton ontario

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