v t hrcauu i iii a hiuno i ifr tin mild lni 1i n mi rirh ii wi ii north wlilli hut fur hut flmrlnu w ird yiti j mkr hut r lint ohi i ry vnlli the liurdcn luil so hnvy rown my hrurl uai iilli il with earn i never would hav r ichrd the jnul had you friend not imii thin hachuc iwcaipu i hud u irlmd one who wni iml uud trim iucsium your frlcmhhtp did nut lull jut when i n tgbd liu i had tho l tnuui in clamber fin x luid in i 111 u du uackuso i liilw i hud u friend i v nad no cbuic u rur oh thera arc rdi of the iait tlmt tell 01 limit rubllmr friendships that survive the- test of doubt dlsastir tlmr but x know one thatr up to date thtkt had not had an end wlien a man drfcatcd fought and wn uecausc he had a friend twfntty yfar4 ago front lb issue at tim fttti prk af yfittrtdsy oetolur 21 1049 joseph lauy has purcliascd til- enca of the mu oraliom bowor avtnue dollar wheat is here ujniln erin pair last rrldny attracted the usual irse crowd as usual it was frrtmt success urs elizabeth thurtcll has sold her hous on main qtrcct to mr david rocs of caquenlns the price paid was 1 100 noble s elevator was broken into ltuiv wuk a tell tale gauntlet was ifift be hind but tlie contents apparently were not disturbed notwithstanding the number of liouses erected the past summer acton cull has koum famine ur j o mackcnlc lias carpenters mt work converting thn old adams liomc- auatt which lie recently moved from the cornr or church and main qtroeu lot next mrs maclrinnon s into double house tlie beautiful plants andy flowers which adorned so many lawns and homes thb summer and which cctipm se in jurytvom frost until this week were in relrlavably cut down by tho heavy irosu on monday and tuesday nlahts a onion thanlcsalvlnff service will be held in the methodist church next monday morning thonksntvlnir day a aomewhat unique but very cnjoyohl function was held in um methodist church last cvenlno by the members of tlu klnas orderlies dlble class it was a pl social where pie sandwiches and coffee were the items on the menu which was served entirely by the young men rev dr antllff the pastor gave a eplen did oudress on come places i ilavi visited and borne men i have seen an ego a dat 03 constitute one of our most vain rnhln food products both because of uic nutritive value and because of the many way in which they may be utlluted almost everyone con oat cans becau- they are easily digested if cooked cor rvctly the white or the egg may b- oom liard and leatherlike if it is cook ed at a high temperature when ball bis keep the temperature of the water just unur tlie boiling point when fryuvr or baking eggs turn the heat low to insure a tender product when finished xgfc are especially good ironi tlie nu trltloa standpoint ecause tlie yolk con tains large amount of iron it re bjulrea uuught and care in selecting food to get as much iron as is noedod by the body dally an gg or two a day will help to insure an adequate supply thl followlng recipes suggest some different wy of using eggs coos supreme 1 cup thick cream sauce a hardcoolccd eggs i cup cream or tlilck milk vi cup niushrooms i cup oooked ham 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika i cup grated cheese 1 cup crisp rice cereal to hot cream sauce add sliced hard- oooked eggs cream mushrooms ham aalt and paprika sprinkle- top with cheese and rice cereal bake in moder ate oven 360 degrees p for 45 minutes corn plaice omelet 4 eggs i teaspoon salt d teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons water 4 cups com plakcs but lour egg whites and polks sep- 1 fcruly to the- yolks add salt and pppr and 3 tablcspoonsful of water llat wall pold whites into this j and fold about four cups com flakes into uu effs mixture cdok cmclct on botli side until a golden brown serve hot with boiled bacon and tart jcuy baked eoaa 0lact small tomatoes ot uniform size out around the stem and remove the smd put tomatoes in small cake tin ftrtalc a fresh egg into each add salt and pepper and bake in a moderate oven 33o degrees p about 12 mlnutfs until egg is set serve on hot buttered toast with tunaio sauce eoos in potato nest put a twoinch layer of mashed po- latoea in baking dtsh make lndcnta uons with a tablespoon and drop an egg in each hallow season and bake in moderate oven 350 degrees p 16 mln utm until egg is set creamed eoos wtth muailuooub 1 cup finely chopped mushrooms 0 chopped hard boiled eggs l tablespoon salt pttw grains pepper 3 cups medium white sauce sauto muslirooms in butter mis mush rooms eggs and seasonings jth white sauce put in baking dish sprinkle with com flake crumbs and grated cliuss bake in a moderate avrn o0 dcgrs p 1630 minutes or until cheese u melted yll old qakrn hucklby how dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood when fond recollection presents ihrm to view tlie orchard the meadow tlu deep tanaled wlldwood and ev ry loved spot which my infancy knew tlie wide appending stream the mill that stood near it tlie bridge and the rock where uie cataract fell the cot of my fatlier tlie dairy house by 11 and e en tlie rude bucket that hung in the well tlie maas covered bucket x hall as a treasure per often at noon when returned from the field i found it a scene of exquisite delight the purest and sweetest that nature provides iiou ardent i seized it with hands that were glowing and quick to the white jplbblcd bottom it fell then coon with the emblem health overflowing and dripping with coolnena it rose from the- well the old oaken bucket the iron bound bucket i he mosr covered bucket that hung in the well how soon from the green mossy rim to receive it as poised on the cut it reclined to my lips not a full flowing goblet could tempt me to leave it though filled with nectar that jupiter sips and now far removed from tlie loved situation the tear of regret will instinctively swell as taney reverts to my father s plantation and sighs for the bucket that hung in the well iiilp for asthma neglect gives as thma a great advantage tlie trouble once it has secured a foothold fasten its grip on the bronchial itaagci ten aciously dr j i ktllogu s asthma ramsdy is dally 1m uniting casea of asthma of long btundlng yearn of buf fering however might liavc been pre vsntsd had tile rrmedy lw en ucd wiilii tlu trouble was in il lint suigm do not neglact aslhmu but u- this prtparu uon at once a hechxkr and lxptnms in his account of the north country election at rlchmund a corrcimindent of tha yorkshire iiu giwa the follow in a hscklcr asked one or the cunscrva uve speakers if he could name any ac which tlie coruurvauvct luut juuurd that mad things better fur uil tt or king man at hu job the speaker replied the truek act as tile heckler seemed some blurt bewildered at this uu- speaker aid ha did not think uu inquirer knew what tlu act was rman t i by gum aivd im ailing cm tvtry day ailqht hkhvt it with a summons a aausinan sold an elderly negro tiraur a tractor some time after tlu liiclilna was delivered tljo talesman call d on his customer for puy oan you pay inn fjr uiat tractor unci jlmt ho usktd py fo do tractor i ho asked in as- tanuhmfeht why nu m you dour tolt um tut in tree wnb di tractor would i pay fo husflf caiuihig trade further interegtina recollections this column has contained during the post two months a wealth of interesting recollections of the old home town and incidents which transpired litre many years ago from the pons of mitchell cobban of winnipeg and john ram say of syracuse n y thcc old boys lelt acton a genera tion ago i have now received another scries of memories which grew out tmc pace pzna competition this lot ha- been penned by one of the old boys who still resides in the town of his birth lie says may i be allowed to list some ol my memories or the old town starting with school days and addressing myself to tha school with miss moore afterwards mrs old boys and girls do you remember the old all stone smyth and miss mcicellar and mr 1 moore as teachers the stories of the townships of voughan and euphasla and how the master hod wrought at wagon making do you member the days he trounced lou snyder and again jack henderson or era ebboge and one day he gave em moore tlie atxap for some little slip of the tonguo and girls tongues slip so easily mind the day the boys robbed die smith apple pit up hy the rulroad and come in all muddy eating apples and ate for recess some storm then mind the day i played hooky i started late for school and fatlier cold cut across the pond an the ice strongspough it was not very thick butvery clear and x was very tauch afraid or going through father ordered me on but it would not carry us both but lie promised if i broke through lie aould rescue me but i was very alow in getting aver and as soon as i was over father went back to his work but 1 decided i was late and x would play hooky so i visited alone along the fence till dinner time and then went home to dinner after dinner j the master sold was it pretty cold dcn by the fence said uh huh and he said don t do it again i haven t for a long while noa mind the fun boys we used to have in the old woodshed replllng the wood and making all sorts of passages through it mind the old bridge across dr mor rows pond dye mind the shinny match the boys played on new year a day after a rain with water on the ice they all got et through and the nlcknamli wick mcmackon wag- coner agncw and a whole lot more and the old rink and tho skating races bill spclaht and bob lawson say couldn t thry cut those corners mind tho old fence along main street oil the c s smith property pickets high and broad top dill speight used ut run on the top ot tlie fence as fast as others could on tlie eld o walk die mind the first lacrosse match rockwond and acton rockwood had un indian player who was their whole tiom if any player got in a hard place he was ordered to throw it to joe dye mind billy bags and dicky peas they lived up by the o t r on uowcr avtnue tell you about them again d yc mind when the old drill shed wan moved from dower avenue and llgtn ttrei t to the iark took soiiu navigating to miss the sliade trees imagine the fall pair partly there and llim in a tent near where uie park entrance a as a few years ago and tlu concerts and entertainments llun in the old drill shed and the old limperance hall before tlie new town hull was built mind tlie time dr mcoarvlns house wus burned and the james ryder car- rlugi hop opposite john hills and the tlmr ransom adihs woodpiles burned ut the italian tn 1b70 hot tlmns not much water mlml the old cooper shops back of john conic a and tlie old factory s tut i and hcndlngi up main street and the old ashrry down on aginji htrirt and old darky daves hut down in the i wump oce we were scared of him us kids dye mind when the row of evergreen trus un rlvtr street were planted well i do and tliats enough for now signed valed and delivered by a native tilt layleh holikt in wlntfrlt nov tint uie limn lor the wlnti r hull inn of uh pulliui in id hand it j a ii to nulls- juni uhut l ntreuury fullll tin r ijiilri in nu for un uti i llli in pn hthbli returns ii lh t- to glvr maximum results mutt not inly i uill hn d uud will fid tin y inn t b r iinfortably hournt which mi it i th it in linn omit lw dry tltor ruuhly v ntllutid without druuuhln and bright uul in cry much n hous propirlj tiimlihid tn allow uu maxi mum of unoh trurli d floor spare 1 a ftitli f irtory iftundutli i on which in rtart tin u n on n work j ii a un such conditio i err u th ir no lciiliui roofi uiat nil ci c i ii wall ore well baton d thai tin ii tor in tulflclently elcvat d nlunc the urroundliig ground lo that tt will b will drained and if you ha been troubl d in the part by a m il ccndllli n nu din rikir or celling put in a rtraw loft and make openings in tli robin ends ol the hourr to allow of croj druuuht over uu straw hy all means ure dropping boards under tlie roorln and clean them regularly so that they will not contamin ate uin air which the fowl liave breathe when uie pullets are brought in from range in the fall try to make conditions an nearly as possible like those they ha been accustomed tlity have been on grans range living in open houes if wliln thry arc braugh irr they are put in close houses you ma be almost certain uiat you will have trouble with full colds and roup when tluy arc put into their winter nuartrn the houscr should be kept wide epen day and night and the birds allow cd to upend the days in uie yard sur rounding the house as uie weather gctr colder tho windows may bo gradu ally closed at night but keep uicm open during the uay so long as the sun u chining even in the severest weather the birds will do well even in severelj cold wcauicr so long as tlie houses are dry and uicroughly vcnulated without draughts aeorgc robertson central experimental farm ottawa ont ull taif iltfoltl a ha11i i i oiiiill i ri iich i xplnn r m tin un mt t n ulrlliuti i to ihi hi viii ul in uiiiiii vivid fli rrlpllin eii un i i u h rnliun of hun unl iiu um th fltfuil lull impn ir u in nrh rolmilul vu n olflc lull in tiiul ni tlipi pirvull jlinn lc ur d miu i nlv mi iu inn mpirlinn nf u fiiliu truvi 11 r id hlmrilf when tin y wutiud u hlith tlirn ir no imthlnu i tnlilltlupi nt in th capital of s uriil but tumor hud it that it war pn ilble to hire liuthi ut uu ho pltul nt to the ho pltul hi uaiii and bootued tir lavage during the elections in ireland th bygone year col james p robertson was quartered at ennls a riot was expected and he was requested by o town man to nr under armi in case of trouljle it was a very sull summer cvenlnb and a lieutenant of the company was amusing himself at his harmonium and was flinging in a good voice just finished one of his conaa by that time it was well into the night a thundering knock came on the outer gates who cornea there shouted uie sentry at the top of his vdicc and every man in barracks jumped up and selxid- hls arms in a moment uierc was dead silence uie men eagerly listening know what was to follow 1 who comes there again the sentry shouted and a small voice outside the gate replied if ye plaxe mlsthcr stntry will yo ask the glnucman to sing uiat once again the indignant entry a reply cays colonel robertson in his recent reminis cence of uildlerlng was drowned in uie sh cuts of merriment from my men the i talely old aristocrat woi proached somewhat cocklly by a rich and vulgar young man who announced i say sir i am thinking of marrying one df your blrls have i your ncmllr slon yea indeed was uie reply which one intcrerl you the mold or the lif tr earn 6 00 to 1 0 00 a day learn and cam part ume motor mechanics batfery welding vul canising house wiring bricklaying plastering barbcrlng beauty culture work oood positions open write or call free instructive book dominion schools 1c3 klnr west toronto free employment service coart to- coast see taits eyesight specialist fou hi ttlk guissls modlratl tuicls guelph 110 wyndham st next to laluwa hens bothered with lice are too busy to lay eggs kin the uee with cold by all tkun writs lev prttvividuy haeb vs imiatt rooo oa j r lu 513 cuuw a tswk 0 oas auotton sale tn i qui iimc1 lownnilh 1 hoik u ani lotalol say vou lthut john hurark aurll in ni aki d one bath c rlaln jtiriiumc rf the ierants thr fot your nnnu 1 xacuw take irit blrthpliice ily want a bath what is your nami and lirn were you in rn and ire rut ncxxnillji roldli rn or well the rule i do n it walt a minute i will them okr again yei here in your you fl t make out on ntampi d r an appulatlon tn the govrrnor o colony alter favornblc notice from uovemor you send another applicn urn to uin chief colonial doctor wh j will send for you find examine you iluj ue are not 111 it hi the rule having examined you the doctor will give you two nun com missioned officers bntll ucki lt to bu delivered ta the ajulstant doctor why non comral loncd offlccn bath 7 mnn dleul in our accounts we re cognise only two catckorlei of persons officers antfttrtf tho latter taking rank with ollicrrn or petty ofllc crs you arc not official at all if officers were to find you in their bathi they wculd probably make a row how long will all thcc formalltlcj 11 bv i uhlli i unit iit ij i 0u lnir i lluali d on the jownllii ue u tin mil mill uh coiiceiwlonii on hatuitday of tohl r 21 1020 nminctiui at 2 orloik iliurp tin fol ilng a all mini wild un i idi fliinir n tru tiir llonn tlnu ii fhlm uiui dillvind uu ij d nn hi i ru u uiur for d huitnie con imi pay rtu forlli i nip tim in ink d iuy for dr tmeuirl hi hli furm j i i ml hment why mnn yi conrpfjilun mi d it in frre wi tkn di f y fo hlinelf rly nutri aflir the hi nsked in yo dour tnl trartor would 1iors1 1 day mnn ca it i i jtiil king n mllklnif n mllklm l chcitnut iloru 10 yiar t jeurn 1 bay marc ugi d 1 llolnteln cow bred augui t j 1 llol uin cow hrpd july 1 llol ti in cow bred auuunl 1 llolnteln htlfer bred juni 1 durham cow bred july in milk liift 1 diirlium cow trenh i durtlljw llilfcr bnd auim t 3 a young cattle piafl j york hin sown with 10 plgn null 1 yorkshire sow with piks 1 yorkshire how due november 10 poui tlty 00 leirllorn ihillets 1 qiaioi1 100 hags potatoes rui rrtlr iiay al ut u 1on of mixed hay ikrmu 15 00 or under cash over that amount j montlis credit on op proved joint nntin 1 per annum olf lor cnuh potatoei and poultry corh 3 month en dlt n hay all notei u ll npproved by ilnnk of montreal acton hov iiinhlty auctioneer ciinstir o plank clerk 1b3 ca i till wairi it sir my wife is starving hut in fha making uny hiadway now mine 1 an been starving for i ix tiuintlm and hasn t lust an ounce no tiling at all two or three duyn provided uiat your application 1 1 approved at fjovprnmpnt houe calx rridgit for sate by w d talnothlcton ontario tfd svk v uu true value of time snatch uid i njoy i vt ry moment or it iils no laslnrs no prtirrastliia j vt r put olf till to morrow what i do today ctusterlleld soaks right in and limbers up stiff joints pliaroiaciiitb call it m itccauuc uh for swollen sore painful creaky jointh only 11 took a ixid many years to get to ue uu i u i ombliiiiuou of pain iabduliiif mid liwellloj reducing incuts declared to be the one rt medy thai olmcw t instantly penct rule j uimugti kln and fteali and start right in to make uoollcn lnflam- creuky putn rucked joints as good as itiry call this new and uondcrful prepuratl in joint law because uie medical man who tumrd the trick work for year i u perfect some lowpriced icdy that would really benefit uie iiilllioiu of poople ulio have ono or more joints uuit need helpful at ten uon so joint iaac li prepared only fur jieojilc who have a swollen painful creaky dltoruti or stlir joint whcuirr it be in knee elbow shuulder ankle neck or inner and mheuicr it is caused by rhcuniutljii or stuueuiuig cle of course- it can t hi ip but quickly put an nd to such i upc racial aliments as lumbago mturalula ucurltb aching mus cles btlteh in the nidi crick in uie neck or sore fiei because or its pcnclraung urtuin but a hat it is really recommi ud- el fur ki j ilut allmeiil of any nature whatever ask for a tutx of jouit hsa ytui call usi it si vera tlmrs in one evening for quirk re utts because it goed tight uin ugh the bkln a 1th mity a few second i rubliliig it iiitily lfi a swift ptnelrator and whin it yi us utiili r the jilu it ilarlj xtjjllt in lo end all joint trouble it li uiude in ctiuailu cots only m cents ah iniuui- l l pi ia it dally ui di till that daui druuglits iveryuhere crfdit auction sale in lrin townblltp dairy iu ul iiousrs hhflp and the undersigned has received inntruc- tlon from camplirll stfrn ut rell by auction on uie premlreo lot i 7th llm rrln township tao mile norlli of thn hi ah way on wi dni shay october 23 i dsd nl one o clock nlinrp the following cowb hoi tcln cow 3 years calf at foot holueln cow 3 yearn calf at foot hil teln cou 3 yearn calf at foot hnlsteln cow 3 years calf ot foot llol teln cow 2 yearn calf at foot hal teln cow 2 years calf at foot holuin cow 3 yearn calf at foot h 1 1 1 uun cow yoarc in full flow ol milk hoi tcln cow 6 yearn in full flow of milk llol tcln cow a ycam tn full flow of milk holttin cow 0 yearn nup pocl to fre hen nov d holstein cow 3 yearn iippo ed lo freshen nov 14 hol stein cow j years supposed to freshen nov ij llol tcln cow 10 year silp- po d to fre hen november 30 red cow 1 1 yean supposed to freshen december 0 holrtcln cow 0 years supposed to fn shen december 10 holstein cow 5 yearn suppoied to frehen january lfl durham cou 0 yearn bred june 20 durham cow l yearn bred august 16 durham cow 11 years bred august 31 pal llelfir 5 heifers 1 year old h calvis 0 lo 10 months old all of these cows lire good and have keen raised on the farm iionsls clyde marc 10 years clyde mare a yearn clyde marc 3 years clyde mure 3 years clyde yeaio cldc i illy 1 year shlep pure drcd shi years old pics sow uud 10 pigs 3 weeks old the abate block will positively lie sold as owner is giving up one farm rut mb veftl calves and sums 10 00 and under cash over that amount 1 j m intlis en dlt on approved joint notei or li per cent off for cash w 1 gray i rank pitch auctioneers andi j lindsay clerk 15 3 adding ophirc ram to the electors or tiic county of halt0n is a change needed ip so vote for thos a bkkelock accepted candidate- oi ilalton liberals and progressives loi the provincial elections on october 30th ou v ill htur no lutiht irom the hjrakers mentioned following mettinh homellupk to mtur nusnnuttf- lf miu will uludtl uny of tlu milton octohei 19th 200 p in w ahli- toronto acton oclolicr 21st j100 j in a u ci in u k c rouonio bronte toher 2llli l0 j in altlllllk itolllljck toronto georeloimi octoliei 26th 800 p in die t a mriiiliiin m i a mils i ddwar burlington october 2th 800 p m j c imluittr h t 10r0nto oakvillc o tolici 2ulli 800 p in v u n mnuaiil k m k v ontuno lmvmclul ask for salada oran pekoe it is the qnesi sajia fresh from tlie gardens ii does advertising pay years ago wc igedtp4lear this ques tion today it has been answered so con vincingly in the affirmative that we hear it asked only in a rhetorical sense nowa days if a business inlni makes the state ment uiat his advertising doesnt pay one concludes that there is something wrong with his advertising with his goods or witli his selection of advertising medium modern living has been transformed by advertising advertising coupled with mechanical invention has raised the standards of living enormously in our day automatic machines that enable one man to do tlie work of ten rapidly increase tlie worltls wealth of goods that is so long as the machine is kept busy to keep the machine going there must be a demand for its product- in case of many articles that we now nse daily the public hos had to be educated through advertising to the belief that they need these goods e g safety razors fountain pens vacuunx cleaners toilet articles etc without advertising it would take generations to find a world market for articles that by means of judic ious publicity have been brought into wide demand in a year but by creating li demand for these goods advertising keeps up tlie productive increase in wealth i e goods advertising pays both tlie producei and tlie consumer byincreasing the de mand lor a certain article it increases the volume of production and thereby lowers tlie tot for instance henry ford through advertising has made countless millions his productioujias heen in creased so amazingly through advertising that he is able to sell his car at a price which oilier makers find it hard to com pete with if these ears had to be produc ed in a small factory tlie public would have to pay a ipglier price for caih than tliey do now advertising lias reduced the price in the local sphere the question the small town merchant asks hinisell today is not shall i advertise that question bos long since been ansneied m the af firmative the question lie asks is iatier i low can 1 make my advertising most ef fective he icalies that with tlie keen competition lie is up against in tlie depai i- meiit store which lias built up its eiioim- ous business through adverlisiiijr and with the local competition of otliei he meicliants who too are putting their best loot forward to meet tlie city competition he must if he is to hold his end up and lie successful give studious attention to his advertising in the local press it i- an essential and highly important fealuie ol his business