mnwawkk t fifty i ft inr no 17 thursday evening octodpr 24 1020 acton ontario canada thursday evfning octonfr 24 1020 six homeprint pagea five ctnits fflljurtlj gwrufera slttitrii fll mi if if flattuba acton mlnuter ltv j l feele it d panwmuge willow btreet ukd n in the milliliter jja p m sunday school ircon tlic christian view of rccrcutl n foq p in tim minister tuesday b 00 p m young i eople a leafue halloween social thursday jo p m italso end prayer service kvlyllody wrloomf ilrwlijjlpriun knox church acton mlnuler rev a c blewarl m a manscwulow street 1100 a rri-thr- minister subject the ctiurcli n challenge 3 do p m sunday schoal lesson tlie chrtrtlan view of recreation 7 00 p m the mini icr subject the people a regponc tuesday n 00 p m young peopib guud halloween evrnlng in charge of the executive thursday 130 p m prayer meeting strangers leaving address with the islurs will be colled upon by the ltor attmi sautter hljurclf kasyok a vaustm wellington utrect 1100 a m qubject hindrances 1 in general sottrrrbibleschoolnd tralnlnir class 7 00 p m sons and testimony ser vice conducted by b y p u thursday 7 30 pm prayer meet lng 8 30 p m choir practice at the j home of mm martin friday 0 00 p m ladles aid at uu home of mm near monday 4 jo p m junior b y p u i 0 00 p m halloween social everybody welcome unclasbifikd small advertisements mrsc iac per i harrison gale men a work socks were mc pair 3 pairs for 1 00 fott sale a few bags of talman sweet apple apply d youno phone 103 w lost between brownlow s farm and acton parcel contain inn a tablecloth and 3 bath toweu pinder kindly return to free press office ranted ciiol leadtr for united clmrch acton for particular apply to j o matthews secretary choir committee idl fi fro il ulnt front part of comfortable dwelling liouse for renl oood locality terms moderate apply box 331 acton fob ueny six roomed plat with bathroom and sun parlor steam heated unlit and water oarage in connection apply jafl symon aprixs fob sale baldwins arecnlncrs opys all liand picked apply bln robertson lot 14 third line esquealng phone gcorgctottn 85r4l milton 11 r no g card op thanks the family of the late mrii thos elliott aratefully acknowledge tlie many kindnesses and aympauiy expressed dur ins uu lunca and at tlie time of uio passing away of their bcjjived motlier rhese will always be gratefully remem be red auction sale a clearing auction bale of the house hold effect of mr rlgby will be held at tlielr home mill street acton on saturday october 3s at two o clock cromptly no reserve as tlie proprietor i going to tlie old country r j icerr auctioneer clearing auction sale the executrix of the estate of the late dr j u bell has instructed uu underclipicd to cell by public auction tlie household furniture at the rejild encc mill street acton on saturday october 30 at 3 30 p m pumlturc in good condition positively no reserve it j iceril auctioneer notice to hydro conbumlbtt owing to a demand from the general public the public utilities coram union has decided to permit 1u staff to under take maintenance and lcrvlcc on wiring already installed and repairs to present or new equipment it must be distinctly understood that no compiles will be carried in stock and no house wiring will be undertaken harrison s sale lumberman s hub bern worth 13 35 and 3 85 for 3 50 wonderland trioay october z5 tlie triumph of the rot with iv r novtllo us un apache of the purls undent rid atu buy c mrdy saturday octouku 10 the iirl on the borne story by rupert huglu starring sally o nell und malcolm mac oroijar comedy shoe a pip pin pox ncu3 monday octom u 28 w orcliifla tcite drama and a background of runiancr starrhib orita oorbo niia aftli r and liwls ulonr no 8 of the- pirate of panama nuvclty shadows coming she g oca to war r i giieory son sqbffkbfmfiaffaciaffjffletfteffflctetfayteaj w furred coats h foi misses for women for larger i women leading winter fashions superb values 1695 2495 2975 3495 here is the perfect cont for you no matter what your needs at a price that make it nn exceptional value such value ns you ii always find at macdonald s rur trimmings tiic materials the colors manchunan wolf tine broadcloths new greens opossum twill broadcloths new browns caracul suojenes and black navy french beaver sport tabrics wine tan chinchilla so popular all wanted shades special purchase sale of hats group 1 regular valuta up to 4 95 149 this event offers you every conceivable new style trend developed in high quality felts in the season s popular shades and in every head gizc with an exceptionally good range in large head sizes also a special cr of matrons hats of silk and velvet in black and colors group 2 regular values up to 5 95 the smartest styles and the best quality in these charm ing hats m rich soleil finished felts every favorite style of tht fall season is repr- scnted colors are tall s newest and there arc small medium and large headsizcs splendid selections d macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario our motto quality and service rt this weeks specials spy apples per barrel choice black tea cq per lb doc 3com flakes packets for 350 58c 25c 55c 21c j fresh cocoanuts olf clover honey ss for 2 grapes lbs for sweet potatoes 7 lbs 25c 25c 49c 2 small orances oq dozen for cic taney mixed biscuits 1 lb for lemons per dozen claries pork and ff beans 2 tins for uoc 2 eagle brand milk oc tins for ooc 2 pumpkin 9fif tins for tiijc 10 lbs g 57c a comfort soap qc- mj bars and towel 0jc 25c 4 handy ammonia packets for princess soap hakes oq per packet ltoc chipso large for 19c 3 classic cleanser ocf tins for cdc j ft pearl soap 0 117 bars for ouc fresh apple butter 2 lbs 29c red white so acton ont chain j w jones plumed your photograph for christmas i bey cun buy this thty can buy that but all the money m the mint can t buy the one personal gift your photograph hih class work at ordinary price photojruphi at s 00 i dozen and up copie now and avoid the chnstmau hunti r m kennedy pliotogiaplitm l wynmiam st umjmi ihonf lurl the pant wlc nil gleaned by tlie fcc0 prctfm mrs lawrence iclnir of nafuaeaweya is visiting friends in town ml i mildred stanley of lindsay visited aelop friends lost week mrs j iloomer spent tlie week end with mm ijippln and other rclatlvrs mr william tltcmuu ami mka jcnrlc were here from toronto owr sunday mrs c cullcn of newtastle vultcd her dauabter mrs ja wilda but w6k mus almee upelcht at toronto was a gnrnt at uoarecroft over the week end mr and mrs w a murray have spent the past week with friends in oajl scholarly sermons al the communitys knox anniversary social side of life i rv w patterson hall of knox i vuntorw to awd ipvom towh durinjr 1 thurcli gait an tlte preacher of the day ihe aimlvcmary services at icnox church on sunday and monday were attended with characteristic success the attendance was large an sunday and tlie con g reflations were greatly edified ulth tlie eloquent and forceful sermons of rev w pattenuin hall u a of iciink n church oalt who pre celled both morning rid evenlrik the morning ducouru was a very fitting one for on anniversary occasion tlic value of the church was very force inly lm preirrd tlie tlteme liowcver v ry linlflcantl rmbr ced tlie word of o n ui babbath day and u c u elicit topic was in turn em phasized and uic value of each in dally life and experience lmnrcued tlie value of the sabbath day was set out in uncompromlina terms and i lie exhor tation to keep it holy was strong at the evening service tliv- mr unjl delivered a splendid discourse based on uie text the lord u uy olieplicrd i jlial not want tills old familiar pawine is tlie pxalmbha creed as it should be to everyone who professes to be a follower of christ it u the common ciced for common folic prom this nubject mr patterson tlnrw many lessons applicable to present day life and a guldloncc for every follower at the morning service the congrega uon of tlic united clmrcli joined in tlie anniversary services and in the evenlnff the rap list congregation wonldpped with icnox congrrcation tlic cpecial music provided by tlie choir and uu pipe organ selections by mr p j salt were ver fitting andappirmriatn suidaddcd much to uie anniversary occasion an anniversary offering- was liberally con tributed to by the comrrcgauon mus nellie hall of toronto teaching staff spent uie weekend at her home here mru ciikotkr wallace prlenri and relatlveh lure were deed allocked to learn of tlie deaui on thursday but of mrs cheater wallace hi montreal mrs wallace had been 111 for a few days and wan thought to he recovering when a relapse occurred and nhc pasud suddenly away onr little daughter eleven yearn old u left mourn the lom of her mother and u her and mr wallace and the family hern tha sympauiy of tlip community goer nut in thin sod bereavement mm wallace was mus hancon or montreal prior to he marriage tlte funeral was held nn tiaturday afternoon at two o clock in montreal mr robert wallace of acton and mr oeorge j wallace of toronto motored to montreal and at tended the funeral interment was made in montreal cemetery junior i o d e presents curtains 4ior town hull ft social i unction lout kvetihitf a suicnud ihtjprovckricnt on monday evening the anniversary cupper and entertainment provided by the ladles aid society of uie church prcvednfery popular in spite of the un suitable weather prevailing a splendid crowd attended a bounteous supper was served by the ladles and was partaken of by between 300 and 460 who can attest to uu culinary ability of the ladles of uie church a programme of musical and literary uleeuons followed uie supper and was presided over by itev a- c stewart ul a the minister of uie church ishi mcdowell of erin contributed several elocutionary numbers which were ap preciated knatf church male quartette and rev and mrs c a jones of has sogaweya provided vocal numbers u quartettes duetts and sola which were enjoyable features on uie programme the pipe organ ccloctions by mr iclrk of oeorge town soil mr fred tlait organist of the church were numbers uiat drew forth much praise ur kirk u a young- organist and considering his years chow3 marked ability on the pijw- tlic financial returns from uus doavor of the ladles were indeed very gratifying elizabeth paiujono mrs fllxabeui parsons formerly of llmehoute wlicre she resided until thirty five years ago parsed away at her home in buffalo after a brief ill ness die woo up and around uie house mr and mrs t lundy or brampton as usual until tuesday when she decided spent sunday wlui mr and mrs qeo to rest uiat day as she seemed to have the servicing dept for hydro again another traiuftr of 1000 from lhe wuterworkfl account to general pundit murray mr j it mackenzie u in chicago ajtendlng uio lumbermen association uils week mr end urn donald linden of tor onto spent sunday wlui mr and mxa wallace laiby mr and mrs j d moore of dundas visited mrs james moore and miss moore uils wek variety of news temtkranea uetlat a meeting of interest to women will be held in the united church pa monday afternoon at 3 00 p m under uie auspices of uie w c t u mitt dutf the i ield secretory will speak at b o clock a mass rnccung u which every one is invited will bo held in knox church mies duff will again speak and alto mr fred hotson uu 1037 canadian oratorical chjunplon every body welcome llaln welcome bala it rained after two mouths of drouth with but an occasional showw which dldn t even lay uie dust uie splendid continuous ahowers on monday night and all day tuesday mxui tor part of ui night and wednalay and today it was a glorious rain vegetation sot a uew impetus and uie dormant tallaown grain bgan to germinate and show vernal unts cisterns were filled uie farm and barnyard water holes and creeks were repbanlslied all nature re joiced in the copious ahowers and uu people really save uianks that uie drouui u broken- tile local poluical llmliori the political meetings are now occupy ing uie centre of ocuvltie tlie ones in acton arc scheduled very elate to gether on uus thursday evening uie me ting for the liberal pfogreulvc can dldqtc will be held in uu town uojl here the speakers will be a il clute ic c and e 1hupott or toronto w j hampshire and mr thomas wake- luck uie candidate on friday to morrow evening uie conservative ctlng will bo lield here wlui c w uell it c toronto dr il 1l andcr and mr george iilumer the canservauvc candidate as the speakers the wild keny wjjla- ocencry heights uie home of mr j and mrs i v kenyan vlneuuid was the sctne of a lovely autumn wedding monday october 14 when uulr only daughter mabel eileen became uie bride of mr j a norman wilds son of ur and ura jos wilds acton tha cere mony wan conducted by the ilsv a c stewart m a of acton assisted by the i brides uncle rev il il prey of ilea i pekr the wedding march was ployed by mlu mildred icoown as uu bridal j party took their places beneaui an arch of autumn foliage and fms the brute who was given ui marriage by her father was charming in her gown of r sc beige georgette and lace with list and hoes to match carrying a shower 1k uqu t of hrlur cliff rous and lily of vull y her only ornament was uu gift f the groom a crystal necklet and pin the bridesmaid mus j anal martin i kitchener wore madillenc blue slllc cirpc with matching hat and shoes and cirri d an arm bouquet of talisman ruses and baby s breath the best nun was mr proncu wilds brouier of uu giuom thr grooms gift to uu brides ma d vaa a bariln and to uie best man a watch chain mrs kenyan mother of the bride wore a becoming gown of autumn brawn silk flat crepe wlui rsagl it jolianna hill roses and babys breath mrs wilds mother of tlu giooui wore ntlrncuve brown allk brocade with corsage of premier roses and babys bicuth following uu ceremony a buffet luncheon was served the spac mr and mrs itobert dredge of milton visited at uie home of mr and mrs w j hall on sunday mun marjorle wafdlaw of toronto spent a few days with mr and mrs dearer murray uus week messrs itoss austin and clarence an derson of ouelph spent uu weekend at uu latter a home here general sympathy is felt for ur john thompson in uu dcui of ids brouier joseph in auelph yesterday misses rjcrtie speight and pern urown spent uie weekend wlui ura luchards nee miss pearl baker toronto miss viola sprawl returned home on sunday after spending uu week at uu home of mr and mrs elmore johnston hamilton uus clara lindsay and ur ken matthews motored from belleville and spent uu wknd with their friend miss lorna kennedy 2jtn tlios marshall uis thomas lappln and un jas wilds were aienwimlams an thursday attending the funeral of baby lloyd irilt uessrs albert ui1u and howard lashbrook spent friday in toronto and uu weekend at uu home of ur and mrs elmore johnston hamilton mr a t thurston of uu journal llluetcn new hampshire spent a day or two in town but week he had bean at barrle attending uie funeral of his sister hatue mrs thomas chown formerly of acton r ii p moore left on uie early morning train today for belleville to attend uu annual meeting of uie board of management of albert college of qhlch he la the senior member slight cold wednesday morning alia pated away from a weak heart her only sister mrs nora fortune pretlo- ceased her three years ago she leaves six daughters arid two sons to mourn her loss all rqajde in buffalo wlui tha excrption of itobert who resides in chicago burial took place in dublin cemetery near actoii beside her mother and children tlie services at uu grave wore conducted by fauier ucbrlde of st josephs church acton those from rtlrfnnrn ul n hlo fllunnil dublin the dublin branch of the womens institute luld their october meeting at uic home of mrs u uclsaac the president mrs stewart was in uu chalr and uio meeting opened by singing uie ode followed by uie lords prayer jn unun after uu usual business arrangements were made for a concert soon mrs cartwrlghl dulrict presid ent gave a splendid talk on our motto ode and institute work ura merry gave an interesting talk on music and uu true community home a hearty vote of uianks was tendered uu apeak era and also to the hostess the meeting closed by singing uu national anthem- lunch was served and a social time was spcnl womens pour buckle overshoes at harrisons sale for si 00 ii alton ifles parade at milton lost saturday afternoon uu county regiment paraded for their annual in spection general bell d o o uic general officer commanding no 3 mill tory district won uu inspecting officer tlie parade received uu general wlui uie general salute an the grounds of uic high school and marched past in col umn of route after receiving 30 rounds of blank ammunition for each iwn uie regiment inarched out to engage in mimic warfare the scheme was to at tack uu enemy who was trying to cap turc the c n railway between milton and hamilton wluiout knowing uu exact strength of tlu foe uu regiment attacked over p long lied fields soma of which were freshly strewn with ferulucr this ad ded considerably to uu reality of uu scheme as of course a good soldier goes through anyuilng and evrryuilng to at tain and maintain a good reputation by short ruslus uu hal ton rifles advanced steadily against on unseen foe then uu order to flit bayonets and chargo ended the right and uio enemy who turned out to be uu ocncral and his staft were cnurcly routed tlu railway wa quite successfully defended and uie general afterwords liandcd out the u uat compliments to uie regiment for uie uork so ably carried out during uie afternoon ihe ac ton contingent about 30 strong under ui command of scrgt j alger journeyed to ullton in a m tor truck were amused when the r 11 hod been called to the oausiacuon of uu pay n ascr to tlu company commander major cummli gs uio paymaster aald yuu liavo a very fine company where r u tromt major cummlngo wlui mile of pride and satlsfacuon an wrred georgetown sir borne old wljfc in uic ranks addad uctan he truth i f the whole affair is uiat by far the suongost con were ur and m robert u parsons and children james and virginia of chicago bi mr yuid mrs john par- cans mr and mrs jalin flynn and children herbert and edward mr and ui prank m gchardt dr and mrs paul mrs john ocftl and clilldmn robert and francis jexslo and aline mr and mrs harold oesl mary and nellie parsons ur prank fortune ur edward portune mr tlumas fortune mrs mary fortune mr e ehrne ur william morris mr asldey morkel all of buffalo urs thomas elliott mr and mrs tlios elliott wlio in ufe were so long united were not separated long by deaue mr elliott passed away on may 15 or uds year and on monday mrs elliott joined him in uus great be- lyond mrs elliott aluiough hi her eighty fourth year was quite acuve unul her anal illness she was ui acton about a week prior to her death and was in her usual good health she was taken ul with a cold and heart trouble develop ed ura elllotfs maiden name was prorues uckeown a daughter of the lata mr and mrs david uckeown or she was bom on uie uckeown home stead at lot 0 concession 1 in erin township and liad resided in uie vicinity of acton all her life piftyelght yaars ago slu was married to tho elliott who predeceased her last may five children remain to revere uie memory and mourn the lost or a devoted mother they are mrs john mcdowell and mrs prank wrtgglesworth of erin uus alice and david of acton and oeorge on uu homestead who has remained with hu parents oil through uu years and comforted their declining years two sisters and one brother also survive mrs wm plank crewaons corners mrs wilson grand prairie alta and robl mckcown washington mrs elliott was a member of uu united church acton and as long as health permitted was a regular attendant and enjoyed thti wor ship her church afforded tlu funeral was held on tuesday aftemooni in uie absence of rev mr poole her pastor the service was conducted by rev a c stewart u a interment was made in palrvlew cemetery among uioxe from a distance who attended uu funeral were ur and mrs wm evans and ur and sirs cluut evans of mount parent mr and mrs percy wilson of hamilton mr win coleman hespeur and mrs douglas of waterloo mrs t k chown following an illness of only eight days deaui on tuesday october is claimed harriot a thurston wife of t chown or barrie the cause of death was pneumonia deceased was bom at klmberley orey county 59 years ago daughter of ur and mrs phlle thurston and after her marriage lived in acton and toronto before com ing to barrle- in 1003 she was an acuve worker in uu united church president of uu cradle roll member of uu samaritan club uu women s as sociation and taught in uie sunday ecliool for a number of years the funeral was held on thursday her posurr rev a e baker taking uie service at central church and grave side tlu pallbeorcra were john and tlumas sinclair john ucdougall ah rayner jr robert manuel itobert houghton flowers were received from uio g so e i o o p lol sun day school y p 0 o q i t cliolr samaritan dub women s association prayer meeting friends alt of central united church employees barrle tan ning co underhllu ltd courier print lng staff utueton n ii staff of caul held ju aibson toronto and many prl rate tributes survivors are lur hus bond two daughters uro r dobson grcnfel uus mildred at homo two sons ed of barrle alfred of toronto one sister mrs andrew wallace of orangcvllle and onj brouier oeorge thursti n of utueton n hampshire also survive friends and relauvea from a distance attending tho funeral wore and mrs alfred chown mr and mrs john clioan mrs chas hicks dr and ura pred buhner toronto qco hall mi and mrs albert mocurdy victor hall mr and mrs robt uc- curdy an 1 daughter hornby ooo thurston utile ton n ii mr and mrs wallace mrs e wud harold wallace orangcvllle geo clark mr and mrs joa beynon mr and mta seaton and daughter aurora mrs may ouclph w hall uus hilt church v lite mr and mrs s hall tretuvlllc asj well as a number from vciprs barrle examiner ldna may oram be following uirtlculara from uic ul cut liar in it standard regarding the sud dm dr iui of mus edna may oram will t cud with interest by many of our rcuoirs ulio knew ur and mrs oram an event of more than ordinary itoclsl internal won the presentation euchre and dance of the lakeside chapter of the i o d e in the town hall lost even lng many improvements in the town and particularly in tlu town hall have bern carried out by this organisation and lot evening s presentation fteemrd to be a most fitting one in ulu series of iniiellbhments for our municipal auditorium an enjoyable euchre party occupied uu first part of uu evening and con slderlng the weather was very well attended following the games uu honorary regent mrs oeo somervllle in a few words uianknd the audience for their attendance and called uu regent mrs jas adamson and reeve mason and councillor dr e j nelson to uu platform mrs adamson in a splendid summar ising outlined uu aeuvlues of the daughters of uu empire nationally in the dominion and locally much of the local endeavor has ntlmgly been put in uie town hall and it therefore seemed appropriate that uieie curtains should be pnwenled to fit up this building tins society bore uie cost or putung uie hard wood moor in uu town hall auditorium and ulu spring put a hardwood floor oil tlie stage and fitted up uu woodwork- the curtains were now presented to i further improve ulu building i the curtains are of a heavy dark maroon material tlu centre curtain is i in two sections and fitted with cord and pulleys for easy opening it u sur- at uu public uulluea cotmnhwlon meeting on tuesday evening commu- oloncr kerr and reeve mason wert present and chairman king presided mr ii 0 wilson was present to make arrangements regarding uu supplying of power and the instauauon of equip ment at ills chopping nflll on mill q inset- flu oqulpuuuit wan ordered installed and htmulged for and tlu contract signed for power for uiu mill ihe following account were ordered to be paid hydra aeembt hydro electric power commu- slon power si oflfl 10 p uccutchean express 337 commonwealui eleculc ltd supplles ii a coxe supplies dlse will be carried a notice was order ed to be inserted in uu pan pxuuf giving uu particulars of this service to hydro users arrangement were made for superintendent wilson to hire help when necessary for digging water mains and installing of servicer to 3ii0w for ume in uus servicing work on uu hydro ktjsriotiu ere7rtuoaliy decorated l jf k dul their rraldeiicehen and knew a 1th autmun leaves ferns and roea tlu bride s great grandmouur was on hoi nrcd guest and made four generations pi 1 mi t guttata were present from acttui ii ran irani hespeler kitchener lond n newcastle l and paronto lau r the bride and groom left for a 1 rl iw in ymoon uu brtde traveling in i 11 tfurla brov11 wool drees coat of in a lrloth trinuik d wlui beaver hat h es and bog to maulf mr and mrs norman wluut will reside in hamilton on tlutr return sui trior officers wen cuurcly des rved 1 en j up elated by srrgt alger and hu i rtxin ihu kergt has intimated uiat i uould be willing to parude a firing it at act 11 u memorial tiervlce harrison s balfl cldldrens over- chocs 13 00 for s10 t vpciuiisj it is urmenl no liouse wirin jobsarejob jnounlrd with n tlasp vallaneelrimmetrjtrnlfcrtttycii and no stock of merclian- wlth gold fringe and carrying the in scrlptlon jr l o d el 1030 but more uian uie front curtain has gone make uie stage equipment complete large drapery at uu same material entirely covers uie rear wall of uu stage and deep wings two on each aide of uu same material go to make the stage ntungs complete needuss to say uie improvement leaves uute to be desired and entirely changa uu appearance of the lull and gives a large and finer setting to uu stage the enure cost has been home by thalakeslde chapter of uie i q d k and uu work was carried out by uu drapery department of d e macdonald bros opauelpli on behalf of uu town and council councillor dr nelson chairman of uie wn hall and parks committee thanked organlxauon for uulr generosity in providing municipal improvements and the interest uiey have shown in mun lelpal help he moved uiat a hearty vote of thanks be extended uu order for uulr gift thu was seconded by reeve mason wlio also praised uu society for uulr help in municipal un provemenu and was heartily joined in by uift audience in uie applause tlu presentation of prises for uie card playing wxj made by uus jessie an dertton an exeeuuve member of the society they were won by mrs w alun ur a ralph and mrs j w jones a french horn solo was con uibutcd by uus lottie mason with piano accompaniment by uus hazel mason a delightful lunch was served and uiu wm followed by a dance with uosons orchatra supplying uu music deb bora why go4o uie royal york for ua when the girl ouldes are serving do liclrut pie and offee just like mother mrkes at tha old skating rink on batur day november 3 1 n literary society officers elected by uie pupils af the high sehool for this year at uie first meeting of uu ulerary society of the high school yesterday afternoon uu following officers of the society were elected for uu year honorary president ur lawrence president ullton rynard vice president ted harrop recording secretary audrey mccomb corresponding secretary helen ostrundf r acclamation treasurer violet currle editor tncbief doris mocdonald adciamauon assistant editor barbara quthrle acclamation reporter to pan passa katharine stewart censors uus nephew and mus ry- nard acclamation auditor marjory oarden acclania hon scrgcantntarms bui harrop ac c lama hon form represcntauvcs form hl lorna mccomb jack skirling form lt adabcl brown form i katharine mac kle harry norton pianist lillian perry acclamation assulant pionut lois atkinson editors current evenu barbara guthrie acclamation society column oral chalmers acclamation short stories kathleen maloaau acclama tion poetry esther taylor acclaroa tlon uagaxlnc cover bessie rawllngs acclamation sports editor oordon coopt r acclam a tlon harrison s solo were 14 so now 3 60 men s oxfords iltlc girl tlic many friends if fire chief and mm t j oram learn u 1 urlel last week of the tudd 11 le ui in the r runto oeueral hospital of r onli daughter edna may aged 31 mbrr u and fire uirce volleys over j cam she had been in training as a cci otaph or at uic cemetery uius nurse at uic h kit ital f r the past uiree h 11 ring ur soldier dead in o military j yi are and was to have graduated in two wu iwirlea mir uos suddenly stricken hun wt lioju uil c mimlttce in cliargc ul day night ui d passed nuuy at 4 o clock ihu y ui mem rial service will acre it ih following morning slu came to st tlnt algrrs oiler of tile firing parly jlutliarima right yturs ago and atunded tommy atkind ihe o it glatt iiutltuti in uiu ity and vis also a mrinbcr of tlu welland uliui patent iatkrr slippers avriiu uullr 1 church she was a hurrljiriu sale ll li tor ll 00 p 1 ular girl uud lur luit uf iruoulu udil at uie graveside deeply mourn her passing tlu remains v111 be brought to uiu city for burial the funeral taking place from tho family home 77 clufplla avenue on thursday the news of uu death come as a shock to a wide circle of friends hi uiu com munlty at the collegiate institute the late miss oram always stood well in her itf was mast conscientious hi everything slu undertook in uu liome was a model thoughtful daughter at all limes with a disposition of most generous and forbearing quality at the toronto general hospital she had done extremely well in her arduous training her death is an irreparable loss to uie lit art broken 1 orcnts removed as uils loving and brilliant young lady has been the uircshuld or what promised lo imc a splendid self sacrificing career 1 nurse the funeral service was one of tlu largest ever held in uiu city the exceptionally large gathering indicating the respect for uie deceased parents the cervlce at the family residence wan cond icled y rev george w barker as al tc 1 by itev j w gordon of the welland avenur united church tlu roronto oenrral hospital at which ulss oram had been training as a nurse was rt prrneiite d by forty nurses including th buprruileudent and su of uu faculty i hey formed a guard of honor at the home an i at uie graveside liiero ui re also friends in attendance from luronlo hamilton woodstock and new rk as well as a large number from thli dty inti rnimt took place in vic t rta i awn cemetery where uie grave nl tr was bunke i with a great profusli n 1 i fl ral ffrrlngi mute trsumony to the hltfh cilrem in whleh tlu doceaud was h 1 1 bearing u message of sympauiy for ir bereaved rev mr barker ohieiuled m 7 waterwarka ac count canadian brass co repairs mason knitung co waste 5753 moved by il j kerr seconded by a mason uiat 1 000 be transferred from uu waterworks account to uu general account of acton carried the question of maintaining service on lee tricot equipment and repairs came in or a good deal of discussion tlu commission have luul requests from clu- auns and been in a quandary sinoe ceasing the repairing and servicing of quipmenl it was uurefore decided to make repairs and installations on equip- general interest news hallawe en caueert the oubun branch or uu womens insutute are holding a hallowe en concert on friday november 1 in dublin school at eight o clock a good pro gramme lias been arranged including dialogues drllu and choruses admis sion lc everybody welcome another fla barn dshfyd the fine barns of ur george dennis just below moffat were oompleuly des troyed by fire but thursday thu is uie farm known as uu paltersdw farm a truck load of pigs was being fchbpped and uie truck backed into uu bam to get uu load it hi uuught uiat the straw became ignited from uu exhaust and started uie fire the flames spread quickly that uu truck could not bd removed from the building and was lost in uu conflagration tlu loss w uu bam u partly covered from uiauraneav sparks from uiu fire caused bush fire in uu swamp that kept a hundred um or more busy fighting uu nametuall uiat night to prevent uulr spread to building on other farms chief mepiursaa baeavars steltu bhm on saturday night chief ucplurson apprehended a suspicious character on uu streets in acton he was followed by uu chief by devious routes uiat at hut led to a house on scene otreet where the stranger had boarded when living in acton a couple of years ago a search of uiu place revealed a suit case containing uu shoes and goods stolen from ktnncy bros slioe store ccnuy the stranger was nick kuryst and further searches hav revealed nearly all of uu loot taken frcud uils store icuryst was locked up hi the cells and uu shoes and rubbers were idenu- fled by kenney bros as belonging to them after preliminary trial by police magutrate moore kuryst was commit ted to the county jau to await uhu ceubraled wedding anniversary on saturday ur and ura john olbson celebrated uulr twentieth wed ding anniversary quite a gathering of local friends and friends from hamilton grimsby auelph kitchener and utter- son were present for the occasion and joined with ur and mrs aibson la celebrating uu event many beautiful mementos of this anniversary occasion were received by mr and mrs olbson those who proposed toasts and extend cd congrtulauons were ur joa lupkle ouclph mr ness jocque kitchener mr peter kirkness ur alex mcdonald mr k ii vlrcenl following uu supper a social time was spent singing uu old songs and dftnrng vocal sokuj were given by miss elisabeth orr mrs nor man menlit ur uaasey and uus ruth aibson readings were given by mrs peter kirkness and mus emma haw thome fall fair directors meet at a meeting of uu directors of uu acton fall pair lost evening uie secre tary was authorised to pay uu prize money and reported a good financial condition of uu society the awarding of several special prises which were won on paints was also announced mr j v robertson won uu echart prise of a beautiful nllvsr tea service which was awarded for uu exhibitor scoring uu greatest number of points the eaton trophy for uie most points on live stock was won by mr w p laldlaw george town the c b owackhamer prizes for uu exhibitor whining uu most money in the hall were won by r h hunter and f r plndley improvements and innovation for noxt year s fair were auo ducussed in uie absence of pre sldrnt j h elmlui uu first vice presid mr j il kennedy presided halloween parade nest thursday night tlu uollowc en parade and ghost walk will be held in acton again this year thu feature has been an annual ivent of pleasure for young and old and acton citizens band will ogam stags this affair the band will have on uulr host costumes and uu parade will form up at the bond hall at seven o clock on ifullowo en night just a week from to night led by uu band and drum major the parade wul make uulr weird procession on mill and main streets like uu mysterious occasion that hal lowe en always u uu remainder of uio evriita remain a mystery but come m your hallowe en costume and the band boys say there 11 be plenty of novelties fun and amusement for young and old its planned just for a halloween frolic iv f bi llevn and everyone la invited w join in the mrrrlnicut ut ready luxt timrs day nlfihl to join hi and follow uu crowd hi uiu hollo u a en celebration w 1 a tent short high covered heil were j now ut ilutimius sale lut llei