Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1929, p. 2

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glge arton j j 4 liltlluldxy nov mill u jl 1uju tltarut fjati s ajait llmiiirn plum lor ho nil wont hi- dliln t knnv llln llitlit uin out id n in pcuri in dc il mi ull ji jin uilil die cop you ii luitr from thiol ilou tin in ml lir irrntlii out ei y jlr mid lhlii mr doci eighty enay virginian pilot chronicles of ginger farm whluu kteully or thu vtcn ksoui by ar tlm lost two ucrltn i have undi tdkcti lo do thr chnrei nt n la lit and since starting them my interest in pliji tuti entirely vanished it li onr thlnn to look into the pen mid watch them feeding but quite another matter when h cornea u deallnii with them myself tliu is the general proceeding i get u bttf pall and mix in it meal and wtr or milk until it b one beautiful sloppy mrss this and another pail of water i carry to tli plnpui the next thhitf is to hid the cucl trough which uw old ijttly mvurlatoy turns upidde j dawii or pushes over to the far side of the pn no i havo to bo into the pn rctii th trough and place it into position next of course tlie feed hsj to be poured in not lyr jfivrr llrruu iinrt gfinfij the old maids bandit trap iiy o a 01 ww no 11 w u one of our fellow rr atun n cinlcd tli brown co hud m he moral hied that he crimen round in tho night with an automatic pi tol to rob us and kill iib if ho uts fit there lin t much that we can do nave check hli ueuvltltn tho hent wc can lie leaven ui no choice the ocripture bid mi love our me mil and many of us wnuld try to di no if jvcn a ehnncr but thene bandit f llown hvc no time for hi the above in quoted what judge col cord iald a preliminary to sentencing iv i hardened young criminal to the j ultuitlary for ten yenra each and i t hi vt the judge added that the cmn- tnunuy would im safer if the rxintlng enulilcd him to iiend them there for i clothes for tho men folks lnvc tlm yotinffor hd been a country scluhjlmls- upm tlie old lady endeavors to net lir twm into it and it becomes quite i woik of rt to net the feed into th trough without her upsetting it hefto vr idle doesn t waste much time once 1 u there and as i pour tho rest of tho water in film chophops away at u tneml willi every mouthful rhe wje hrr head and chopflops it all ovr me uid every thins else that i mcsetly tho nalne she makex chop flop bop fchflp flop flop and uic eleven ltttl nigd crowd around tumble over each other and land uith nil four feet in ihe broufih in their determination no to be done out of their delectable rations hid so i think having lind a little flint hsttd experience i njnul find the part ial easier when tlm time canton to sell than lift they hod been entrapped and brought to tnitlcc in a singular way by two old mi i den ladle named bowers whom thry had attempted to rob ami rrjurder they had bronchi a bundle of oiled waste with the apparent intention of cot una the house on fire the two old ladles were sinters and bore the amiable names oflwe and dove 1 hey lived alone together at the old iloucrs homentead about ten miles from oui folks in maine wo know them quite well in fact tuy were distantly i related to ua in her younger days dove had lieen an itinerant tallorena who j journeyed round fram one ifarmhourc to another carrying her patterns paste horih i of thr trap door mo till aovhtu oamf w hiivi hud i o iiiuuy utunl liiugh ovi r thin ami thnt i wunt to intro inn it to our u udi m any iiumbi r o penions run pliiy it and no nrrrrorlm in ri piln il which nr lyi ur at nd viintugi i one pluyi r in nt nt out of tho room nuil th olhen rhooie utiudvtfli iheii hii thr ah int c iiiiui bark nix trie to tliu uhut that ndvi rb in uu nlc mrli playi r t qiiuitlon in turn and he or nhi tin to uniuir it in the irinii- ik r of tho rhnnrji word i or i xnmpld ohould the nilvi lit be enthiiiiliiiitlrally tlin pluycrn in mnk lii their replha mint by i vprrt ion of countenance tono of volri and runual visitor would have niwnected it holrc of innuunire indicate n condition fkhtciici in fact nothing about th f enthusiasm trnp wu i visible columbus regardnd i i 1 he por nihil tlm of the came do not tirppenr nt a ilrrt glance but trial will ills instructions 1 1 dove mid love were nxpllrlt brr caiui in the night and wor h tr alii mptlng to it the safe love wai to rlie qulitly and peep down through the priphnli to makl rurc what wot kolng on whlli dovi took hrr station by tin ropi butch r knlfo in hand and when ivc tiwt ilu word nho jiyn to ninth il urmiikr tlun they ycr to nr h to the trlrphone and call lhali in iihhorn and the i hi riff at the luuc and aflrrwardn wiilt the turn of events but by no menni to venture downitalm unlrv tin houre w re flivd a yffu or two parsed nothing hap pened la vi and dove did not believe that cithth tvlr would happen in deed they ci nrd to think much about the matter columbus meantime a i his visits home ndded a new wrinkle tj the trap lie hnd grown interested i a ovel kid at bun with which pollcmen rtre then being provided for dlsprhun mobi a speclei of large squirt gun charged with tear gns no called per haps chlorine gas or ammonia brother columbus thought thlt gas might bo u ed against ban llln and he brought home three inrgclicrmci ail them forth a lilt mf dramatic b ity will render the mivers highly i uilnlnk whllr there is irrrnuaippor i y turlty foe clovomess and ult a kly otlier activities this week have been many and various one chty i devoted entirely to tlio henhouse and not only did i clean it but i flxed up a ceporote place for the roostors this stve rib xcope for quite a bit of car- paltry as it had previously been wk acralchlng- pen vt it needed perches to heconuuodate the forty roosters and various ltoles and windows had to bu i fcthmdad to to prevent their escape cjluig uil building a henhouse is real- ly nominal tern as it lg so nearly fsjurut down that it is more of a joke tan a lienhouse however during thi wisur i often give the hens a uttlc tiiicr in uielr mash an i fancy they nd some tiling to glvo them extra pep as much as their owners and they usual ly teapand by laying eggs all winter of eoursa partner had to come in and be what x hod done and he did let a taw wonla of grudging admiration es- cp him interspersed freely with sardon ic criticism which don t worry me in th lt especially as i hod no black nalu or blood blisters to carry around with ttu u t memento or the occasion ho man thinks a woman can hit a nail qure on the head but that is on ac count oi their colossal vanity noli our incnrnpfttetioe tiie neoct day i had a day of and went- to the city dome friends offered me a rld4wlth them and k i can help it 1 never turn a good offer down so away x went the only fly ln the oint ment lay hi the fact tliftt funds were low so i had to bo content in mort cosm with looking instead of buying however i managed to get a few tilings for christmas and hod lots of fun watch- ku other people shopping so i dtdu t feel the day was wasted wliat a timi same poor mothers have with their chil dren at christmas i was watching om woman with two kiddles about five and six tryltitf to get through the fifteen cent store the llttlo imps were grab- bloc everything in sight and as fast aa ah took something away from tho utile sirl she would tum round and find uu boy wlui another toy ohe sure looked a badly worried woman yes yea shir kept oo saying you shall have one bat you must wait till christmas and lit ganta claus bring il poor qaota cuus i am afraid in the children eyas lie must be guilty of many alnn of omission in anouicr store i met an old acquaintance i had not seen for fivu yaars so of course it was the pc cslon of a great chin wag for a little whu- pot my own peace of mind i terd clear or uic book department i read reviews of most of the new books audi uier are so many i am longing to read uiat it would be absolute tor- turd to pass them by tha next day i spent at home vir tuously doing my duty with uic broom and duster but the next day i wu- away again as it was the great day of the trade onion ffcir ln connection with our chapter or uic i o d e the liall was decorated ln truly patriotic ityhs with flogs and bunting and tin baouis looked mast attractive with thcl salesladles in appropriate costume novel feature of the fair was an op portunlty shop which had for sale a sakndld assortment of better class second hand elouilng- everything seemed to be hi first clou condition and i believe the net result was very gratifying tin nmwry boout was also very popular and there were otlier stalls meant to rcpre- ant laundry candy hamobaklng and rracary afternoon tea was scrvad fronr ihim to ave and supper from six to 6lhl tlie waitresses were suitably rfrfnii h in black dresua white caps and ajtfons everybody seemed willing u wotic and willing to spend and one sens 6d a dcjlghtful spirit of cooieratlon without which no community affair cin jd a success tlie procoeda wore ad- vertud as being in aid or the old com try which uic chapter lias undertaken to restore to order it fioems rather terrible as one gcus through the conn try to s6 so many neghcud burying trounds which are or rullur uhould in crd to uie memory of tlie old nlam ra they felled trots cut away brniii and hauled stone to clear- a path for poatftrity u it then too much for to to kep the weeds and bnuih away from uklf last resting place surely any ewsanuutian which lntcrcsu ilself m this way is working for a wurthwhile causa and one whcii u very necuary u our tlt respect as canadian cltlxens tress for twantyolght years i recollect that cousin ellen and x drove over to call on them nt one time ellen having hopes of socurlng tlie school there to tench the sisters had a younger brother columbus dowers who became quite cele brated in the agricultural world as the in vi n tar of a machine for milking cows four or five at a time by irtcans of compressed air from a large air pump worked by hand brake iio also in vented a rotary chum and several other devices one of uiem being a handy little wrench readily adaptable to any nlze of nut kane of uieso had proved very profitable except uils lart simple little wrench from uie royalues of which he realised rising two hundred uiousand dollars that wrench was like the little safetypin everybody wanted it columbus had taken up his abode at washington d c but he remained a bachelor and came home at times to visit i1l1 sisters tho bowerses were not tho marrying kind but cherished much family affecuon and columbus at lcngui relieved hut sisters w the necessity of hard work sewing and teaching by an endowment of seventy thousand dollars id government bonds coupon bands gave them a htue safe ln which to keep the bonds in case of are their neighbors and indeed everybody ln uiat small rural community soon knew all about this- there was a utuc vil lage where uiey did their trading throe miles away they brought the coupons as fast as uiey cut them to clio traders there to bo turned into money for their expenses formerly no one thought it unsafe for them to live uiere as they did but after 1017 when so many flcds came to america and automobile bandits began to operate it become liozardouo to have money or valuable uproperty of any kind about especially so for two old ladles living alqne their friends warned uiem to be on their guard and advised them to keep uielr bonds in the vault of some bank dut dovo and lovo vore slow to believe uiey ran any risk their brouia columbus was more alive to present dangers lie urged ex changing uie coupon bonds for register ed bonds and co receiving uielr inter est money directly from washington by mall dut dovb and love liked the coupons it was such a pleasure to cut them off with ulcir shears and take them to uie village uicmselves there upon columbus pondered other means far rendering them more secure the inventive faculty always latent ln the bowers family was roused to astlvity thus far they had been keeping the small safe containing uie bonds ln on old- fashioned brick oven adjoining the fireplace like many farmhouses of former times this one at tho dowers place had a large fireplace at tho back side of uic livingroom with an oven and ashhole at tlie right of it all a expohld at iast 1 am aatlned on one thing at last x found whrru my huijjand spend hti woillnfcs tiuarktd mrs aadubout you tlonf say so d ur how did you tmd out questioned the nrlu d mrs t tayd at liome uin cv ding last wk and found him there ojiswerid the aatuaed lady wall uhvt journal mbraced wluiin uio biff centre chimney after cooking stoves came infuse tho o en was not often heated and it an- owcrcd very well as a receptacle far tho safe tills safe however was not co heavy but that robbers could carry it off bodily bonds and all to prevent this occurring columbus set to work and by uie use of two iron rods and plenty of cement so blocked the mouth of uie oven that the safe could nt bo withdrawn he left a smaller orifice however through which the safe door could bo reached dut bandits of course would make short work of such defense breaking the lock or demolishing tho cement would not delay uiem many minutes brother columbus uierefore bethought himself of other and more effectual schemes for their discomfiture the cellar of uie house dlracuy bo neath the living room was seven or tight feet ln depth working privately in order that no intelligence of his pro ject might got abroad columbus first sawed on aperture eight feet long and six foot wide ln the house floor directly in front of tho oven and in this on strong hinges he hung a trap door which when its supports were released liould swing downward and drop a perr son standing over it into the cellar the ct liar however was not deep enough m suit our inventive relatives idea ol a sulflclcnuy strong pit for bandits so ijl set to work with shovel and pick to dig part of it under uie trapdoor uircc or four feet doe per making uie whole dipth about twelve test and afterwards w th matched boards lie scaled up u kind of well of the come slxe as the trup door that is eight by six fcot if a wouldbe robber wcrq precipitated into that hole with its four smooth walls columbus felt sure uie rascal would have to remain uie re until halned out ior springing thin bencnclent con nivance urothcr columbus did not trust to buttons or bolts which uie weight of two or three persons might render tlifflcult tit release but rigged a strong rop extending from a ring in tlm tlcally scaled glaui bomb nilcd with it thrc ho affix niljo the side or the well under the livingroom ln such a posluon that when the jrap tloor fell it would on it swung down strike and smash uiem releasing the gift at the bottom of the well ills notion was that it might cm- barrajut the bandits awhile and as often as he enmu home afterwards ho look ed the trap over to nee that it wan in good running order anticipating too that if uilcves came uiey might cut uie telephone wire leading from tho house he led in another less conspicuous wire through the orchard ln the rear btul nothing happened and most like ij never would had not home talent taken a hand at the hamlet whore thi sisters bought their wocefies a certain bad product of village life had been dt- veloplng ln the form of an idle young ster who for several years had been loaf ing about a pool room and listening to the reckless talk of certain other idlers who frequented uie place at length he nmlttcd a minor offence and to es cape the consequences fled to one of the larger new engltfnd cities where he fell hi wlui a gang of automobile thieves and actual bandits to these more ex pert and hardened criminals he appears to have given intelligence of this cany job dbwn ln the country and to in gratia te himself with them offered to pilot uiem there facts which came to light later in consequence the lifelong quiet of the nights at tho bowers place was rude ll broken a few weeks later by a sound sharp brows in the livingroom at untimely hour of two o clock in the morning love waked llrst its some of our neighbors knocking she exclaimed to dove uicn she ran to raise the wlndon above uie outer door in reply to her timid inquiry a pistol shot from an automobile outside smashed tho glass near her face love fled back to where dove lay listening oh lla robbcral dove gasped you know what brouicr clum told us u i peep down love i peep down and sec if theyre at uie ovcnl trembling ail over love dropped to her knees pulled out tho stopper af the peephole- in tho floor and peered down by the glare of a flashlight which a dark form was holding close to tho oven mouui she caught sight of another ham mcrlng at uio cement no doubt about it bandits at lastl cut dove cutl she whispered and dove slashed- the rope with the instant result that the floor dropped under the feet of their visitors precipitating them down the well a jingle of brooking gloss too announced that the trapdoor had done its work on the bombs of tear his lent point munt nivrr bi nwti ll l houivir in lntrodtirlni the ganii ii li no uit blnnkd iqnnl to ii ijh t 3ii from one i lioiu i thnt nht la iilout to offer her gimli mi oppor tunity fur dliplnylng their inf llertu il faculthn bather my nothing alxiut thli phasn of tlie subject and the wit will bi run u show itself often from the most uncxiurtctl rourcen we gi in rally start with an cary ad verb such as brlrfly primly or launlilnrly and work up to the hard oi et vciboiily is a capital word fo it nmblguouily i and untruthfully gives chance for flic wllde t and moit rratlc answern wc make jpa rule that the quctlon- rr must golown the entire line before cnturlnria guess and an thore arc niuny antcrbs thnt are nlniont but not quite ijiionymnun she muit be a car ujr attentive obcner indeed the game lr n very good tudy in nynonymi when kitty went out ue chore the ord flatteringly ghe oumi at iced the first player lf ho had been to theatre that week o he nnnwered i did not care to go nlncc you were not to be there why doen tom talk ruch nonsense he demanded of the next player but icltty it bin t nonsense in junt the any wc all feci wan thclouch ng reply oood gracious exclaimed klttj abashed i really murt change tho sub jcctl emma do you read the here won n pocrt how wan uiat to be answered with a compliment but emma proved equal to the emergency yen nwcetly wheniver i cannot talk with you one of the funniest words wan ronu inhly it was droll indeed to sec the attempts of our grave and rcvern d seniors for this time wc had drawn the i older anri into the game to look ragu ish tom watched tho agonised at i ttmpts while every one was convulsed ulth merriment and then exclaimed dhdalnfully pshaw 1 thats dead ean tlie word jdloucallyl mini mil i ion lltfl asm nkmh tcht 1111 ana1xan nation al uakfwavh irndi mm fur tin cunudlun natloitl ui tlm total or nooo 011 will hi nqulnd for thr romlnit yinr and ronlmetorn are now hi lug aiiked to i ubmll prln i for ui ibrgi iiumbi r which on nudid in ui nlik pnnlnrui tin clrunil rrunl wintini and the n w i nitland 11m of tlm total j 100 000 tlni an tp1n inatid por thli prnn tin tlei nr tit itid vllh u wiliillon 10 ur edit rreo note oil and 30 per r nt ronl tar cyi o ill rig pluntn and thtlr raparllli i are inirti n h 00 000 nnwrartle n ii 300 000 di lnn i q 400 000 nanhait n ir 10 ooo i rritfiin o i cnrbmulnle iii 300 000 muilhury out ioooo all of tlinn plants treating hard wood tie- at olniik lookout ont lb plant treiln 4oo 000 nftwood and i0 000 hjn tlei nnd nt pdmonton the attn plant hiindh i r 00 010 noftwood n it djui t kid idiout fiift ty uu nut oui tonii r ilil rur tjnli mim u ilwl that i n ri u nfin uu no diiiiii ll want in p iy en h for i fir lint it mi nfn id j ii i it liuvi to i we ntuiiil liurk of nv ry uulo wi nil niyn nil ud 1 lne in front i 1 iv v i it tlm diuiiierou v nd ambition nlliilil in ii u ui il at in 1 oil linn im h it l ilnlnif win n th n i plmty til parking i p ir ndiihly uiuiu 11 mid hit an mini to f 1 that vny too h r a i i n m 1 nl i a worl llrlvini liittiri i u lyrn wililjiut win wiring inilii trill 11 mil ii mirhlnl 1 drlrl 1 iylnr i i tilnir diifllin hnliirlni mid 1 in tilfft ri in bt twi en li nntliiu n if llilrdii lint art quli 1 1 tj in up irntj niriurlni 1 that in ilf nt m i li ill in hi n u wilu or 1 or you hit nothlnit and in iniitorlnu j i infrmlui hit t virythlng no union iitni s fitifvr j ii i t i ii id pi irt r ll j 1 iiik another ay it ullh bralci i anil a im the ilowi rn i i w ii r uio 1 1 1 1 jl kill luilm 111 t t 1 tiivt re ndd bored nnd incltd nnd propi rly iiiriimil in fore t run tin it all or tin hirdunorii an in nt d and nl tin ofluood jark plin hi mli cm l di uijln i i ir an tre it mount rln dnuiflan i ir will nnftrent mirci fully f of the hardwood i tht di nd o oiimwoiul hn rn uy trniti d and in tin v ood good pt nr ration in obtained of the native hardwoodi yellnw birch proh ably treats a ijttlo better ulan hard mnplc and bereh but the hard maple itrongeil of thr thn of the oftwoodt jack pine andiiemlnck treat qilally well the benellt of trratmrnt of tie- li indlcatrd by the fnrt thit untreated soft nods ruch ijrjurl tlni average from ix to eight yean lit mlock five to en nnd tamarack reven to nine whlli hlte cedar on the lighle t traffic linen will last from ten to fifteen yean nnd dnuglni rir from rlen to eight year fhib rnme softwood i trcnted have an eitlmnted life of from 11 to 20 yaurn treated harduoods hive an eitlmated life of from twenty to twenty five yearn in addition to croii tie purpo en about 3i 000 sels or rwltch tlei are purchored annually then- an of bed and white onk beech ilnrd mnplc and birch in the hardwoodi and hemlock douplai ilr and jack pipe crcosoted rjlllng has been used for many years in coastal watcm but tin preouited timber trestle is comparative ly low on canadian railways a large amount of piling and bridge timbers is btlng treated each year as conditions will permit switch ties are alro being treated more extcnnlvely each year the creosotcd piling in uually jack pine and bed pine while uic bridge tlmbon re of coast douglas pir morf about male attiitt if you want a good laugh try tlili game m mm why aucter from coma when they ran w btthilauly rooud out by using iio kwy conimtiiiovr extending from a ring in thu trap door upward through thr chamber floor over uie living room to conceal the rotio from view it was carried be hind a false partition set close to uie wall of thn room hirctoforc uio two old molds had slept in a room an tlie ground floor of the farmhouse dirccuy back of the living room but columbus persuaded tliom to change to a clioniber over uie living- room since it was uiu chamber that tin rope supporting uie trapdoor wa3 reeved tightly ovor a beam through a jieepholc in uie flour here in ir could look down into the uvlng- roi ui in front or uie oven and ln cose ti lutrrlop r was discovered uiere it ymld be the nosiest thing ln uie world k u vt r tho roiie with a slosh of a mi irp knlfi and drop tlie liilferuant into the w 11 bam aui in fact columbus provided a butclutrknlfi for uu puipose ground to a raiorllke elga htuniiinade umu and ruga oiv uw floor talk u chrai iwcauw thu in front of the oveli and flrcplac con- ways bxloii tlia diumnd so unexpected a fall must have prov ed a hard jolt even for a bandit in fact uic fellows were badly shkn up but the tear gas was what really held them otherwise they might doaslbly huve made shift to climb out as h was they could only brcauie by lying flat on the ground with their facts to light chinks at the corners of the well where a utuc air drew ln from the cellar outside every effort to rise and scale the walls of uielr prison was cut sho b tears and suffocation love mcanumc hnd rushed to the tele phone their neighbors were soundly asleep but after repealed ringings uie drowsy central at the village was wak ened and an alarm sounded an hour of dreadful walung followed for love and dave spent peeping down into the livingroom listening to certain anomalous sounds of coughing and chnk- i lng that rose from the well below snif fling too at intervals for smoke lcit the house might bo afire or stealing tip toi to u10 broken window to look out the youthful miscreant watching out side was now nallnly ln doubt as to uhat had become of his pals at ins tooted softly wlui his hom several times evidently seeking further instruc tions from them when anally two or three automobiles wcro heard rapidly approaching from the direction af the village he started his machine and fled at upccd it was oorno minutes after thoy reach d the house uiat uie sheriff and party were ablo to communicate wiui the ebtern upstairn learn what had happened and lay plans for securing uie wouldbe ictbrr 11 uie well by this time l ixid dial of tin gas was diffused through uie huute at length a ladd r wan brought jfrom uie stable and on alter the titlfif the bandits wtro order ed up disarmed and handcuffed both wire in pretty bad shape and appeared rnllir glid than otherwise to get out i he ristotthe btory is merely crim inal court burlncia the lawyer who di fended the bandits dwelt for some time on the inhumanity of causing human beings however crrlog into such i a pit as iirnthi r columbus had devised i the court llsumd smiling broadly and uu judge made tho remarks which hate quoti d above ncmcilu also overtook uio young rc p obatu in his stolen automobile who hud piloted the bandits to uie uowern place in his flight cityward he exceed ed spei d requirements and on being oidered to stop by u motor policeman attempted to cscapu by speeding still fnstur with the result that he collided with a heavy truck smaulied uie ear and nearly killed himself at the emer gency hospital his identity becamo known and ho lias since twwn sent to uu house of correction for three years dut bruther columbus llui reader houlit have seen him when he got home and looki d tho place ovor ills smile won oven bmadur than judge colcords hi fairly rubbed his hands from glee i ouiht to havu a patent on that bandit trnp i he declared 1 11 got one lf i can and tendiagenu round putting uiem hi i can make them to go olf the niifcneiu u safe door is tampered with und i can put them in for a hundred dollars p r i nredlfs and iins aunt mry ulll you give me an things you have ready for the waih eicn likes to put them in mink ove njght ad young mrs lit entering tlll rcnni which her nunt occupied dur mi a lummer visit ye i should like to put in a tew things git down dear and re t n tew nmulis while i look uiem over mrs lle seated herself ln the little 1 ock 11 g chair and looked on while her aunt took down her pretty laundrybag and examined the contents why auntie she said laughingly n hot makes you so particular you look at every piece and pass your hand over itl now i can get all mine together ln three minutes her aunt laughed too ierhapa 1 mn avr particular ihe sold but i m looking for pins or needles puis neediest exclaimed mrs lee yes and x must tell ou why it b culaus hew same things stay by us and influence us all our lives when i was quite a llttlo girl we had an ex cellent washerwoman who fcamc to our husc every k bhe was poor with a family dependent an her one da whe abo was doing our wssjistficqrvnicr my mothers room very pau and holding her hand as lf it hurt hsr its a noedle run into my hand ma am from some of the clothes and i can t pull it out she sold i uotlier become pale too but she took the hand tenderly and tried to pull i out the nedle ohe did pull out a part of it but the end had broken off about a quarter of an inch from tin point and remained embedded bhe poulticed the woman s hand and did all she could at the time and the papr woman went home her hand swelled up badly during the week and became very painful uie pain reaching to her elbow my mother sent ft doctor to sec her and hrianc ed her hand but could not find tin point after some days it came out itself from her wrlt an entirely dif ferent spot from the one where it yvnt in she then reoovcrcd but it was a long time before she could wash again mother reproached herself bitterly whenever she thought of such a ullng happening in her house to jt poor woman and after uiat oho was tery careful to leak closely at evry garnnvnt that might psmlbly have a pin or needle left in it bo now i always search uso there here is a a pin now in the elt of u1l1 wlillc apron 1 well ounttc snfd mrs lt draw ing a long breath you have maid u spell over me nowl i never ijirgct a story j hear about any one i bhall be pursued by the thought of that womn s hand all night if i dan t look mj washing over piece by piece before i glvo mto ellen it will be time kindly spent aunt mary the agitation for reform ln men drrjv which has not yet got beyond uu columns af the press is not likely to lear fruit at present concludes a writer ln tlie dally mall london continental edition men arc shy creatures says and would rather die lhan wear an j thing unconvcnuonnl ln public write now hint the highest lawn tennis authority has decided that it has no power to forbid womnn to play that game bare kggrd it wnj inevitable thnt attention should be concentrated on tlie nddltlen of male drca it rcems to be universally agreed thnt male dress at the present time l the mo t unhygien ic inartistic somber and depressing form of cortume thnt the mind could well imagine but the difficult ifl to gel uic idea or u brighter more hygienic and more picturocque attire into the mind f the mere male the male is a shy creature and has always been particularly fearful of ap pearlng conspicuous be looks very much n kancc nt projectr which would require him to go back to the fa hloni say the pre raftaelltc man and to wear tights of different startling colors on either leg nnd queer jerkina without any pockets n them it li to he feared unit he could nevir be habituated to carry lng of uch belonging on hl money hl iclten und his cigarette case in 1 rldlculoun little bag which he would be opt to forget or drop fifty time- a day nor would most men like to be drcs cd up in trounrs uith irllh or to wear lacetrlmmcd plui fmin last year 81r willlrm orpcn an good enough to contribute a hot weather design foe men j drcs to tlie dally mail llln ideal man won gurbed ln a soft hat which in appearance somewhat re sombled the itccl helmet of the war below it appeared a coatee of quiu original cut and below that again n somewhat exiguous straw kilt of rme- thlng the same kind as that worn ti kanakas at hawaii while tin irgi wcr bare and the feet ndpnicd with sandal it was an excellent scheme of decora hon but the average man li o cnnatl luted that he would sooner be r d nd than be observed wearing it in plcca dilly nor are wc ourselves certain thai with buchnn cold pcrlodi and other dbi ugrceablr phenomena of nur climate it l entirely ultcd o the ulduh r or the nnrinnl cngllsh summor after all men a clothe an thly are today have the mi rlt of longellvty nnd of relative cheapness carroll quality mincemeat dull rlivory templing 2 pounds 29c bread 10c siml nrolfui bacon mild 32c sal just look what m wff buy the humble dime comes into its own this week whinf flivc a sensational demonstration of its bu nt carrolls food shops besides tlni list arc other bargains 1 mimciout to mention make out your list and shop early apricots jin pr an ircstci carrolls pur guaprruurt m li mons new mr wtuuurfuhv swi plavnr wrlpfwd ik carroll ciraiurty butter 2 pounds 89c nmi1 evaporated milk s mat r iwr cookutg 2 llb tins 25c palmolive dwuf of llu world buty cijwrta 3 calces 23c awy uu budweiser hopriavorwl malt syrup sujlk cocoa ifcsf- i mnys mustadd u ibrncm musiiroomftsmll im gg noodixscll p1 s cocnstacai st uwn jkn puddings mclaren lie pk walnuts qunn lb cherries mdatw1ch spuriad uhhy pimrntosohflmi ino the fawttiu ecjo bakihg powder cocoanut sjrddl v u cdopaluler- mii tin kipprn snacks l ttni for sabdincskm pi unpomj iirans ulby with m 2 souphe crem tmho m iln 4x tin kerf i4c jlo saucb pir4 imported bll ouves mcllrcia plain a o onions yellow denver 4 iu lttttucc oliflrnia iciunj bran flakes vulrib f tf tf pumpkin aylmr no i ui oat tlakcsj mui pl cniim mnair i poj ammonia bollhd oats trjtmiluj 2 1u pot hacliiy i poiuul iuucing keluiti 6 tqusr clottics pins hrjwcoj j m irje toilet bolls-n- to j rlt ifc i lavounb mk it dean p 10 stkkl wool j p 10 washing soda j-s- 2 jlo pansitlnij pr im 1w 1 cjiloftlnatcd lime boitu 2jutin 1 rwhnl 5 hlgfc mm shricci gy jlaui mill street acton ontario disguised dv cltanlinlsh a nict tvening chlnific culoms and eoin stlhlea ari 1 viy queer that we never foil to ariel chinese bill of- fore an lntcrertlnij docu mrnt three cyclbts in tlie land or th drnffon fins recently altcndeel a full dress chinese dinner with chqji rlclt in place of forks and tpoonn featlve chinamen clud in purple blue und grn n jackets over their iraycsl frocks and u menu of which they have ilvm the bine fit to the public in trove tlie meal waft of the uuul chlneu topsyturvy ord r it bewail with und inded with tuiuji klrot tin berved u liquid like warm lilr itethrr with u little jam dumplings and a vcnnlculll concoction colled almuiid toa then we nut down to twelve dish es arranged on the tables suimr cane chcrrlra shrlmjis dates cutllehnh oruiia illci3 oi prcscrvid duck pri irvtd walnuts und so on every ouu hclplmt hlnuflf by thi means of chopulcki and washlntr a down with droughts of lint hie llien l cjmc to the more part or uie entertainment hark jrlly ush tiea shmu wjlrt duck rnuh nwim lot hi nutn plcklod plirean 5 ruuj duck and ork rtci fluatlnu in candhd water and blrdthiut noup when w had rtutid ten mlnuh from our labor a buckut of hot plain rlre woa purid ln the ecntrt or the table and ivirjbody fltled hlnihi if up ur cord inn to indlvdu opacity it was a nlci cvrrilnu tlicre li more than one moral to be drawn from a chattanooga despatch to tin cincinnati cnqulrer which tell3 how john mattcny tramp ttoli a yoke of oxen from a lfr ilreun and sold them to the butchers mattncy uas arrested at itockwood and bniuuht ui thta city and put in jail r finally becurid a capable lawyer und hen tht- case wua called in the jilitlie court a cluan bhaven uelldreiaid ifood looking man took the prisoner a box for trial j when mr brqun and the cattle deul- uent on thj witness stand tiny w re i completely taken bv lurprlne at the ap pearance of the man charyed with the ihttft and nelpn r of them could fwcar positively that he wui the thli f ii uas thrrcfore dlchnrgid and brforc further procoedhms could be had he had left the city hli lawyer hud him huvid hh hair cm and a clijui bhlrt and collar put on him nil nt urnxh u chunged him that hl ulentllyuua loot rliiu rrfsuii luim u th urn tnu fnmlly i rur skin health und biuuty aklj uu motlur in addllliual lovillnii pro ttct the tinder kln of tin thlld de llihu the futyir as a hair hxltlve or ollng nhuvlng lotion no mutter to what ilm h is put it in uluuy lw m lie lai to the a kill lvrry woman nhmikl uii ii ivrsluri llalm coou and can vieo tin ikln und create complexion- qf lurpaia lng lovillneui and inc entally save you money too lubcuur ulinuiiiallum huiulurj when our b a ufi n r fn in mil hilar heuinatli in tin cannot do ln tu r than i have the n glon mbbi d with ur thomas kelcetrh oil 11 the rtihhlng bo orlhk und lonllnue until rui h h- curnt hurt u more virtue in a bottle of it uibji can lw fully estimated the natural herbal goodness of gallaghers clears up eczema stops indigeation tone entire ayatenu tluini am no num nil lnus in gftj- luilnrti poll io und hyiitt in llmldur it in i ulm ly in rlui natural am ising- j ly tu nliiur lly mirtf uip thn til mki anj hiiitly nliiniilutiiip houilii kuliutyu am jrviir thru ri liahln old n tin ly rli my upiikin tnmlil4i li rfii tfor irnligi iihqn rundown eomlitioiut m rvousinii touglia orioldo nlayuuonyotirfitaiu ki ju yon tlnn soil rui ollur unglwir juerliul lloiutelnild ltmiuuluu aroby jj a t liltown acton our quotations are always coiiitcnl with the ijuality of worliumlii c t- cult on every printing order we exercise ihe same care in printing eireular or am oi our printing ordeih a we do injriiitiii tlie newspaper that you aitmiow holding in our hand the importance of good printing an- not he overestiinated it is to a in ulu booklet or handhill what clothes aie to the business man shahhy printing wreaks as inucli ill as sliahb clothes the both fail to make a good impression we lie all set to do some christmas job

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