Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1929, p. 2

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tlltlimimv novcmiuiil h 10 javahi imy im itiiiis llditc nov duth tin on rmtriil from 1m01 ii m or a uhuklnic liiiiub uiul li ini of the liable by the m on- juel think how ini rhnrt iiiuiith wr all did milch perlplre mow down thr t rlliir ihp vr ii to light thr- fiiniiirc in- chrorticles of ginger farm written ypeelally for ylut frw pruta by our chninii of judy oclrndy funct deader tlm what b nlnrc rl til in nicm 1 dead fell ye ln i lut year j he uu clillty of iuup jealousy whatnot cite cimmltled thr awful ur and none wltnciiad her iculiur r ijinwcd her lntentlfmi tin- clrrunirluici which ulmlnated in hiv tragic end were uiri- nil had a rival untie other pcrvo entered the literary rid d i lit i herself thr pciiikonitf- w yftidj qtjrudy and hai twice apiwarrd in print ex- prculnn whllmitib entirely dlficreii from fiiuv of the orikhial judy nim judy that b judy of chiiblt farm iljj been in undisputed piv of uiu particular name hir ievrral year and u came a- wimrlwl cif a itittck that anuther rhuujd abo desire to b- known hy this mime name judy tli lot felt that nottslnif could br dmii- obru it at any rate brini of pence lovlni disposition riir coiutuli red discretion in thlfl colc to be uir belter pari uf nlor and took thl opportunity of fading auai let the day nils hi dawn which alum id coe her ueciulncici uutllvod ijct non mourn her ruuislnn gladly rhe lived and tpuncly the dlrii and the chronicles of dinger farm fuu n un continued bl alie wtut won to judy ns a twin noul namely owcndollne i churltr in case any reader tuke the fureuo ino rcmfwlcb aa ijtioui let me hapten i add uial the above lulu fjiuli airc in corporated hi one body mid i c for personal reasons preferred to tic known by the flctltlou1 name f judy 0orudj however alnce jno run temporary writers by uie same name uoiild only lead ui con fusion judy the lit pnltn to lnk into oblivion after all uhult in u name a rote by any other uaml- would miiell as sweet and so i dont ixpeci out troubles to be any lea- or our joys anj greater because of uib alltflit cliarme in nominal authorship what i do regret is that clarke does nt sound nearly ao- irbji and i lovi all uilnirs which hall from the isle of the hluunrack sure bint it mcrl thai wa born of irish parents at leam one of them was and the only thing i re gretted leaving behind me whrjl i married was me good old irish name fitxoenild memory kwi back years and years and i recall vlsltlng my nnuu- father a ihie old man of ninetyfour lie would take me into the roam when lie hung a reproduction or the picture which viu meant to illustrate the family legend according to my grandfather story ccnlurtei and centuries ago i cartajn earl of lilntrr alio was head of the iltioemld family or clan had as a pet on ape soon after acnulrlm uiu pet the carl married and his wlfi developed on intense hatred ut uk apa but she could not persuade hei husband to get rtd of it in due course of time a ati and heir arrived and while he was yet a baby a terrible lire brake out in the old family castle the baby was trapped in the burning build- ing beyond oil hope of rescue mid tli mother and father were almost frantic wftli grtcf alien to uie joy and araw- dient of everyone the ape suddenly ap peared from where no on- becnied to know and slid doun clir ruin-plih- uldi uie baby clutched safely in his arm neadless to cay the picture ihou tli burning castle and tlir ape clinging the ruinpipe a 1th the baby in hli otln- ami which he had bravely rrieud that la the i mend as i remember h but i was a very little girl uhen i la i heard it it may not be correct in d ull very tiiterrstliii did ou j oothmg to do lth oliigrr kami deed but it ha for it i jut ihit about which i uas thinking as d tiie family acks this aftenn those same socks let nie toll you hud every appearance ol belonging mnt surely ui the lnmaus of dinger farm bo much so uial u avuld the dl-icourage- ment which accompanies an utiuuit tnp bus task i let my mind usnder adown the avenues of pleasant ihnught iidw- ever i was nut nllew rd to enjoy mj remlnltrenscs imdliurbed very long tur like the ogre nt u east ulopg cairn the taxcollector and left his bill why oh why mutt usn coincide iu nearl with chrlstmoi and why oh why must they go up ten dollars every year last year i remember the lax man cam- just as the threliuig much uie mnvel out and this year he came on the nj day we had shipped some fat stork ii just seemed us though i timed his ar rival so we should not forget our liu- anclal otiligattous or take any satisfac tion in our grain bins or the checpae from the stock yards from nou until the 14th of december if jou tr a group of farmers standing ul the street corner you can be pretty sun that uie me topic under discussion 1- taxes they sputter and grumble and make an auful fusa and llirti when the time cumri thy encli one bund ver their hard earned money llk- a lamb well iup pose tliesii things have u be and qultt posalbly in a good year our would hear very little about taxei but in lean years they certainly do seeni to lake the gilt off the gingerbread he tliat as il may since there u no way mil of it we might as well smile and look pleasant and lhtnk of laxri as a necessary evil uflh have wo gt inter ut last i luar a mliiature blljtzarrmgl mi viiv3 is sweeping und r die door at about sixty miles an hou i kap piling wood on thr fire but the rooui stui feels like a most efllcletit teeluiute uetlilnks a njee little city apartment wouldnt feel too had on a njaht like this lllere are limes once in a while when farm life seems to lose its chann it takes n lot to fire ones enlhustaitm wheu uie bluod in ones veins u congealed attjbdfrrc llrihri lutri btarif ii hat overboarfi hv llojnaia halcll a i hill l thr- i treadmill uy if toil it for iofijclhlnir leltenfellt i veiting minn thing nii uveltfiuyiil r r ihr i- run- or novelty 11 navelty lit j nils exeiteiiieiitaltd exiltejneiu of rn mir i people muit hile und if they likely ii henhhy i rdlr hnillhy proeuri for irltemeiit to ilud nr ity ui n overcoat mid a radln reem ti have few mluln of nlmllnrlty yet for all that james dnwli lnjr was undnclded which to buy un that bleak november day on wfilnh he wn trudging to tin- village in hi puuketuan money enough for one of tin uw lint lint for both and he want til the radio lie hnd been pondering inurli mi the bautlen or hint maehlni und haftpald little attentliiu to the argu niriili of his ramlly that with the com ing of winter an overcoat would hi itirful to him i heir logic he had disregarded but i daj came un aplwal btj bin rouimnu suis- that he could not ignore it tat hit north wind it come ruooptng bureii wastes and bit through his warnt ruler ck thing to uie flesh and bone be- ti atli ii was not merely an ordinary lutumn blow but a wind in great puff- mi abrupt and powerful that attlmci they would force uie young man nvci to uir side of the rood he hair to lean sideways to wltlistand uie shriek till blasts hy the time he had reached uie town he had decided uiat the radio wait he bought himself a good ulter at once and still had money rnuugh left to buy a felt hat tliat he had been uiedlng as it turned out it would have been better tor htm had ho nut done so cramming his old cap into a pocket aiid wearing the new hat and coat he jell the stare well satisfied with his purchases the gale seemed to increase in vio lence it came in puff after pud guit after a gust with a swoop and a foar ii momentary lull and another swoop the new coat though it kept james uarm made walking difficult tor it of- feted a broad target tor uie gale u beat and tug against several time he was almost thrown oh ids balance by sudden gusts moreover his tiat btuiered him it seemed larger nw than i had in uie store indeed twice ii as nearly blown off by unexpected pulls found it necessary to hold his head bent a little to one side so uiat the wind could not get under the liat brim so disagreeable u the day far a long walk that james decided to take the short cut by the river the paui along a cliff uiat dropped off sheer from the brink lor fifty feet and then gradually merged from a plumblino precipice into aatecp declivity the up per part was a wall of stone broken only at occasional interval by cohil cnarled juail sturdy tree growth that had round a roothold in some crevice if uie rocks farther down where uie lope began were more trees of normal height and shape james walked on whistling a iltuc tunc each note of wtiich the wind snatched and whirled off over uie cufl far below in midstream a motor boat sos ploughing its way upriver james thought lie knew every croft in that part of uie country- hut he could not identify this one though he stopped turned and gaxed upon il in ids interest he forgot his new luil a gust pried under uie brim of it and whipped it from his head 1 1 struck the ground and rolled over and over toward the cliff james forgot motor boat precipice wlndvej7thtng but uie fact that he was on uie point of losing his brand- new purctiase he sprang forward after his ital twice he nearly had it twice ute wind twitched it away just at the brink uie hat fell over un its side and wavered as if undecided whether to wait for its owner or to spring out over uie edge james gave one last desperate leap for it and a sudden gust whisked hit- hat over and awiiy and uial was not all this same tirnllc just struck lum squarely u he i as mooplng forward and uircw him oil hi balance fur an agonizing instant he tottered contorting himself as des- pimtely ui a novice llghtropc uulki r it regain hl equilibrium and he might liuie done it had net a second blast truck him and swept him clear over uie i ldgc with lh lutver part of his coat belly ing out like a parachute fiff fell feet utmost toward uie deadly rocks bc- hnd been buttoned wjjtnji went ivei the emr and had held that wui on reason why his coot had not been rip ped fnni hb lvirk now fixing h eye on n large mb that he could below jiiitirs miiunged to unnntei nv of the huttoii inlunuy tin jk il burit off the third hut lirtriul of fill ing he onlv tigged lower in his rail while tin tug under hii nrmi lncr us ed as lorn h hi arms were it hli sides jie eoilld not get loose tit order to get into a position no that his w ght wnlikl lielp to tree him instead if to hold hlni he unlit rilsi both urim ahov his itenil und a little bark or htm then ih weight uould tend to pull dim cloar out of hi nuit this would mean that ni lie fell his arms would be nhov hit head imlend of in a position to catch the limb as he shot punt it fjtlll the thing ii be ctinr homrhnw he mint inunuge to git hli hands down ipilckly ii- rniied both arms gradually now they were breast hlirlt now shiltler- hlgh now a little above his head him us he j trained them upward as far mtd as straight as he could he suddenly slip ped smoothly out of hli coat and shot downward the uprising branch struck the crook of hli knee ills leg held long enough to whirl him over head downwards and then began to slip air lint just as he started id fall nijliln the fingers of one liind touched the bough gripped it iiut held rtu- other hand caught and in ii moment jarncn was stretched on the limb punting but exultant elgin minutes later bruised and bleeding he was ut the root of the tree he clamb- eied down the rent of the rough de clivity in the dusk and at the edge or the river at last is tumbled off to wards the next day james went buck along ttie top of tlie clin carrying n stout cord ulih his largest fishhook on the end ilelow on its queer hanger dangl ed the enil hint hud saved his life after several tries he succeeded in fish ing it up kxrept for a slight rip it was unhurt jiunen wore and chnrlsh- ed uiat coat for years in fact long nfli tie had got i us coveted radio i mlk rluuiifr en need chiinjje or orcilpu- i il lierevury in turn from nd roiiiriiden und take up in any one of those mea ner novelty und produce ex- ilt it uiny be ut too great there li novelty to tie hnd out risk or mil nnil lire to id a prurit the exillemcnl unit it is nut immediately illrrtng yet uny lend to undreunedtif opptirtunl- it ii novelty that requires fo nor i xpeii- ar w tin imvs ufiitit liuiils i npliili riling lln- uiily in- 1 it tll milhudlt piper uhv edluilli lie irll in for i 1 uivtlilni i i otullirtinilji by rl i in few willi ii ul mil lelvh in i i llll miiih fill ntil liiltlullve iiuuiy piiple thit d tin or itetij i imliltliui lain of the f their lives new things hetlier they iincoijntkit with a cabman a uargainiluntlnt collll aa everyone knows cullies ore intel ligent dnga but only on uieir nauvc iieatli are uiey in uieir clement tliere uiey arc tald to exemplify uiat uirlft and ahrowdness uiat har long been qoottuh cjiaructerlstles a certain old bohman cays tin- argonaut was ul uw liable of giving one or uie intelligent lsttu a penny with whlah to buy hlin- firlf a bun one evening uie dog aslun- uiunl hu master by returning wlumul itu purchase thinking lie might have lnt lils wn- ny uu kindly ticat guve him another but ajjain uie uog returned witluiut the bun ao uie owner sallied out to in- veiujate tliey reached the sliop wliem uienioif juruiied joyfully against a sign uiat minted to a tray or bum ft re ail i penny each fou for 3 iience out at iast wliy do uiey rail uiew dentlu of- flcea dental arlnrh ajid jiulth of lib frujiid wliy iiarlor is tlu- old fashioned name for drawuigruoin then uicrc came a sudden blow at ui ljck of his neck so violent tliat de prived him or his senses when he conic in hlmseir lie lion a curious feeling of b ing nowhere his feet rested on noth ing at all and he might have had the slusc or floating in mldalr had it not ltn for un intense pressure on hla shoulders and uie back of his neck the downward rush gl his fall had stnt ids coat ballooning out one of the stubby little trees projecting from a ttlir crevice hud caught under his coal had uirust llsclr up between his over- tual and his neck and had given him lh tlow as u checked his descent- he was not u heavy boy and the tree had in id ko had uie fabric ol uie new coal he and uie garment were caught j if hy some great coathanger that wjs why p- wa now dangling between hit- jty and earth instead of lying man-jl- i below jellies lhoughl that he slmuld be able rlutch the tree drag himself in lo i firj or the cufl and uun cjambei l or down llui wheu he turned his hiud as well aa the pressure ogahisl wuuld permit he saw rroin the lull his eye that the face or uie cillf i as smooth ai marble except for thr crevice from which uie tree had sprung there was not even a toehuld i r yards in any directum there could no possible escape uiat way and it ould be of no advantage u him to ling ui uie tree with arms uiat would irr unul he was furccd to let go what as moreirnnt tjtmich orlib checked fall had lorn lie trees roots half out any abrupt ncvrincnt on his iart would finish uie ork obviously to do toothing but keep till sremeil tlm ouly safe course the sadden thought struck him that pei halt the people on the boat which lu- had seen might help him uut he toijld not distinguish tlu boat anywhere on the river below al last rr up- ticam he discerned a dwindling speck on uie water he imd been luscuxlblc for su lung uiat uie boat and its owner hud passed far bay olid hu iiall never theless he shouted at uie top of his voice on uie chance uiat some one above might hear ttvcu as he did so he real lsed how vain uie tiojic was hardly anyone but himself over look uie pa ui ijng uc cllft about ten feet down he saw the top und spreading branches of a tree uiat from uie declivity at lhc toot of the cillf jjc wondered if lie could pos sibly grasp it successfully if he were to the feat seemed impossible 1 1 li position was apiiarenuy without remedy ud his seeming escaiu- had turned to nolly no escape at all unles i ulj be seen fruin some craft iui uie her he might better liave fojien to uie eks at once as he raged against a prcdlcammit uial prevented iiim from trying to get inc a new terror struck hint it was hiking darkt hie shadows had been ei replug on and on already he was hinting it dlfflrult lo distinguish objects ii any distance james realized that hi must d siuiieuitiig he must drup and take uie slim cliance ol being able to cjhig u a limb or tin- uee below as he allot down tiu- tlirec uppor butlmu uf lii coat an american recently arrived in lan jdon from a southern city and being- in husu- to continue his journey to paris hired a cabman lo take him on one ol his crruuds handing the man a two shilling piece he directed him to a certain number in new bund sttreet after neutlng tymse if in the cab the pas senger waited for several minutes ex pecting the horse to start at last he tert the cab and found the driver on the box inspecting the coin which was diuble the usual fare what is the mattc asked lhc in dignant traveller till seems to be a very small coin so long a distance was the surly the american smiled grimly and re marked that iru cabman could drive him at once to scotland yard as this is the headquarters of the police the driver perceived that the american was not man to be swindled ill drive you to now bond btrcot he remarked promptly if you will get in lr walt a moment said the american i want you to look me over carefully law tell me lie continued what it as in my appearance that led you to think mo on i was it my hat or niy collar yjjtffe eut of my over coat i haietrnejhy paid you double fare for the distance i have asked you to go but ill give you as much more if you ulll tll nie what there is in my al makeup that i could be fool ciicugh til allow you to cheat me the rabmun by thli time looked shcep- ll and uncomfortable i look j on for an american sir ne iiii und thought i eould work another shilling out of vili her- b one of the lhjliiu yiu gav- nie and i am ready i drive you to new bund qtrect the amrilrjii had made two mistak es he ought not u have paid double rare and he ouuht not to have paid in advance by violating the ordinary rules tbirvrd by people whi hire london catn he encouraged the cabman to swindle hlni tiu ma i judlrlou i course fu u traveller in a foreign country is to learn the rustenia of the popl it iuid nut throw ii way mniniy by oi pilng iihmu mid tipping seivanls too g lierouslj i i m ly b- regarded us a juy for u yearling heller i been reared this fur in give her proper dcveloi- ee is little enough indeed iti aie nil luketi into cull- re l no priiu in selling tli- old heifer ut fifty dol- ii nt nli i evei uiidirtitlcp to i indeed liow nutiiy peopli couiplaln of monotony or not ever vol untarily take up mid pursue a new study milslde fields that ure admittedly those of reereiitliin- ni lf diinelng ailto- moblllng or bridge yet there li in the pursuit of learning whether the field h history nr niuural history scienre or liincuiige- novelty with attendant pos- hlhlhtles of exelteuuiit unit nluy not mine lo thice vtn freely indulge them- iilvrs in pert or in travel if jou are bored or discontented with your dally lot cease trying to amuse jiiiirsir in your unoccupied moment killing time kills the noul fitudy some subject supplement your study if the subject makes it prnctlcuble to do o lj oh- ervil ion or experiment special ize lu something lhiit ln nuuilde your rrurtiie of work make by degrees for vourself a lliirury on unit mibject per il ups oinettme you will younelf be able lo contribute something of uie know ledge of it knowledge is power in the iicmihilluu and the rlklil uie of power lie the best excitement that the human belli ran know almost everj practice of the chinese mrlki- us who live in tin- welt as topsy turvy there ls for example their be lli f explulnrd lii the umdou mall that liiii llf em somehow be attained by preputng in advance the appropriate kind or gravertothes in whieh you an- ventually to be buried many chinese prdvlde their own shrriuds in their lifetime and have them cut nit und inwii by n unmurried girl o- a vwy young womiui tar they believe that since such n person is likely to live a great many years to come a part of her capacity to live jong must nurely pnsi into the clothes she works on and thin postpone for many years the time vvhn thej itiiui be put to their proper among ihesfr graveclolhe there i one robe jn particular on which eipecliil pains have beintnvistud lo imbue ii with in prlreksss quality of long life it is ng silken gown of the deepest blue n with the word longevity embrold- iert elf over it in thread of gild to pre nt iii uged parent with one of tiles r it iid splendid mantle known a- limit- it gn meiits is t st enied by the chinee tin art nf nihil and delicate mark of attention the owner never falbi u don it on hb or hnr birthday for in china common sense bids a man lay hi a large stock of vital energy on his birthday to be expended in tile form if health and vigor during the rest of he year horn i which day of whitehead here ii is my ingllh ymi will esnie for i 11 very little lint ihi will iuhw nliil i write i wlh lo tell ii limit a friend mlstris virginia wlilleheiiil mid it il lilt sje for the luot niruplid woniii 1 knitve uhe 1 nlhviis kind and iiim- rut ul- ii i know hei fr thru veir lull i iiivit se her loo ornipled to hiir i ad mnn ul a jor iiiitiui ntir tiulille a frlriicl uhui tint nnm i s iu her rl up ul si of the uinnilng and look at un dlulncroi ih and e lh bn akfrt iel tetidv rt iiiui tin anil ghl hoarding in tin- elmul i in n mir 1m pan uie ptetre and tin plate loi dinner illwij put lower on lh t tbl fol she iaj then- i must sad lu the vorld mid he want happy ulini she rat at the eight the irhi il lo tw a half he 1ui1 t ttrdj he uvl hy ui clock th and half hoarrtt r a half ii gii a and slay then- uitl hill i hei i sa let- he ry fast to id tat mi i mw hlrv evllad p i- mjini goods p tired tint tome in- 1 p itll t i help sh have four orphan girl- that he put- dress early find give lliein feed nt ik ti sleep tit ax tin n she sew tor tli n by night whin the bovs mid girls nr slek sin- treat them as niirc till live the girls verv nun h and want then to be alluiiys giril i wottlil desire vinr to piliit hi- it yiur newspapt fni i won ll lllcr shi in know that the ituplr in lluantavi invei her mid wishes to uiank her foi all she makes for us your attentive lervalit maria vda d- illanea tile laigesl solarium in uie umld ii lllg fused llllllt wllllltw llius tie ii built iis one of the on t landing feiitur s or the new si ikk 000 national variety a i lists tuberiiiliir sana tor him at hir liiiiir lake in tlils gins- edlu porch oil tin roof of the building high above th- jr i i wiitre it lias unobstructed exjmiuri- to tin- suns mi during the dajllght hour patlemrnaj take sun baths th year tinnmilit tr steam heated so re- riirdle or outside temperatures which i aiirannc drop to 3 rr 10 below zero in wlntr there will tie no discomfort the 1200 fuid ijuarl- window pan- rtinsmlt the ultra v lolel riv s tr the lit better than anj ulher kivown stib- tnnee arrordliig li reearrh englm t ri f the cieiierul uecuic company who di- lulled the prieess mil mail tjutttarl ilndinvs in thls olarlum slautan simiiicii e rouliti nr iiotivi v mninc v it ii i hi thiiiiie liimltt ffijr- j i ill jinx- ma i vitiimm iniiu rim niil vim glic the mini iilhlrd tic- niil ii pollen irieer i lifm h ii ihibhllnu ixli wllli lrii lui it mi hf i ixvi rnvp tivr lo imy on- mn- w w i i tii hhi til lu atitrit iiiltilvd i i ul hl this i ir i have hen ift vvitfi mi iii him we i ould think uf hud ill von i nil i nine hi idv n tli lh- i n class kusp r lilnrkholnh tf wh it ill he do lt lr vol i i put to il then wa nieiely mild how itter i trongir nittlv- tliat titrii niihi a tonic m i ii nil drtiini- i hiti- iifhi midland dally tribune wi le ml the ili fendint ttiei juilg villi are arriised of lotln indoll up in instiitnnnl eollectni ami l an i rld un hairi tr r itiuiiph mi p illn men ih- ir atil that has craped anil ihit i it prlonei i did it in a moment ol itumigb i in- imtir glass of our life the a liiiiiutitlv ioillli cnlsl iliin ivveiikin joiir honor hitifi we should see through 11 itleher i fluid consumed shite hobteln i ii ilirtll lo iue 1 tl y w ii- led foi l dollii- ier by lept or th is heire ol of if ayr eks lutll tr- whe thn gruhtul chunged ti skim lh alued a fuur dollars a um a tut sub tllule valued jt eventj ilollur a ton was ad ded to ui skim milk this was fed inn in cilvci were three moulhi of uf- il wa- composed of one part flax sed uiul four parts or crushed oats with h tin mil out when the calves u l uui liu- port or crushed ouls wnc eepiberrtbyr nmeal koch calf waa fej from tnc quarter li one pound o this rut ub5tuute ikr day the amount depending on the tt and condition of foods consisting uie jmobk than ilkady the successful canvasser once said business man b the one who can persuade jou to buy what you dont want few persons of refined feeling wciild care to undertake the business dcr those circumstances but cvcii uie could scarcely help being umuscd by some instances of perslstencc in agents boarder was one day sit ting on the farmhouse slcis when n ndor of patent medicine appeared and bigan to iidvertle his wares good tor toothache rheumatism gout ague he said rapidly displaying bottle jot rheumatism now haven i e i could tell uial the minute i set yes on ye never had a twinge in my life said lie victim subject to headache no teeth trouble e never so ihr 1011 vendition went on from itntriuiis lo liuulds for cleaning purps s and stilt nothing was sold afur lulf an inuirs sleady eflorl lhe ugeul ked ui hls warei and midi hluwly p- to go a depa he ighbor it tihig s mull uphuully ive got lwn iniigului story by you in each i the nl uir u ughtnlngllke bottle from ils i it imploringly why didnt j writer cried he tlet best thing crninpl he hud eompit bougtil ttuitigli t uie orchard wall glsll abt bug wit selwd pruflere hook age bu an no f ro is g llg to selvml iarinr not on jou walk the same lis i did i 4 price qfj 69 every liomcmanacer fecln it her duty to cuard the family hoalth by buyinj only foods of first quality low prices on inferior poods offer her no incentive to buy year by ycjjr- ontario people arc learning tlyittor quality at the lowest prices tea itclow iii tcs vjluei cqusllcit special cjrylo cuniir sjkri vtoiii owi carroll o t 49c 57c 63c 75c per ik ciioici nl w baking fruits raisins aim rili in valrnria 2 ihb 2 5c spaiudi valmcui xj j 19c currants liy patram ucuanai ut 1 dc peels msronoflu oin- or il 27c cherries 49c mincemeat 2 lbs 29c special n camunutl a veritably btf lu th tuutry tlit milk it special aylmet tjraiwt catsup ixos btue 16 special kllxicjr rk scrispies- ii special harry home- custard i rt via special w wu asses blfbasd mud ua beans 2 z9 cantied vegetable peas gen giant j j rwr tut iic coiln 19c tomatoes aylm clio i um 2 tins 29c spinach avlnwr lid vmwtcy 1 n 1 n ioc cauiiiloweb vunty imponil j ptt un z- jc haricots verts inli imp4ird timn cereals oatmial v 25c gbrm meal lb dc corn meal iwi goldn 6 lbs 25c dates oiokc uir lor cooking 3 lbs 2sc mill street actoija ontario kits oclay now is the time to join the majestic christmas club uy in be itmiid aiititiibllc- utln umi lrj mill tlily li to i ilorlau iu in ul l wfultl uurtnii nl bin miu nl ninrta tltuttl iililiuuii iul- tr- feu tun- wli wuliliutum tltiu tii liny ulvi wen erc let tin ubl- t tlui aur uu- milk umi milk miusluutc illmiiilliuul ui ttie llijulil fiirni the cylvfa were u il u dry muure ruiilatlnu tbrtc 111lu bruii tuu jmru crtuheil uau une imit tillciikr and one iwrt brewcro krnjiin tlie aim in fccdlnu waa u kcciv hie colvtn cniwlns aleadlly in uil- uecuuul or lhla ciwtlmrul wlileli upiieiira ltithc remirt at tfio eilp- rrlitiiint itiderlcton inrrlmcntal mtttlun ror luat yrjir publblicd by uie di pn tnint of agriculture at ottawa it la blnwi li ml rcund in 111 li way the cuheti welubed ail iivcruar ol 033 jwunda iier lieu iuid unit thr ycura tfrowui hnd been prtmlueed ul a rl nr 4j th iiumi itxperlnictitwl iann note 11 ti litim nata puruy in a phyrhulimlcullii and partly mi ureal oltcncf ul ducuki tmlitliik nun tho liitirlcutlun if tin prlnja by u titer thliilajiuwiyfcxthi wlinf ul- irocred fuund llmt an increase in ut- iiiupirrlc iniiuldlty reduces the inuxl- muiii power lbtiiltiublc uiul alius up combustion the r fleets of both these thlnu utiuld be to ulve a mlloolllit how of power the lovl ut power miys the liuriuu 1 proporllonal uj the iiunildlty and may luuiiunt ti tei per rent altl irucr adjutnunt of the eurbui equally irllcleut operation can tulnrd irreapictlve ol the humidity ii th absence if mich adjustment lev elllilenl perforniuiice will normally b lbiutnril under riuidllloiu of iiufli humid irburtftei be aib- a wmltt iiisk 1iiit a wittv oni i lit- diminutive itae and iluw iirowtli of a plaiiliitliiu of yuuiiii treea that thr itrltbli atntemiiuii joiph cliainbrrlnlu hnd net out ulth much lubor were the auurre of riuiaderable ujiiiivnirnt u him mid hb wm alii ten one day anys tin ti tier chamberlain avr a lunie party mid lib fiun urrlved uue ytiu are inict unpunctuol an uk iie falhei ripnivlngly ye- im mirry replied the culprit ut a lux- for u niiunrlit fur a cultuhlr exruie ihiii hli face brightened atul u tu inkle cnyic luu lib eye couldnt jwualbly get here ufore fathrr he aald i wau lut hi your new wood i head off colds coughs bronchitis with this fine old herbal remedy rightfronx the fltiartof nature ward off all tin li aile 11- yi vuuruiji a ixitllu of ciiilikii i ilftrul uellliiv it will null- km- ymt healthy iiili up n tuuiiumi anil kv your mixnl mil tmjv iuiw vurour kvp thin ivi oli inrhul m-uxk- a wayy in tho linuru- ilio it ifi i i jxuiuni lo wind run elxll nm nuulnl kermliuleu lilaifi u eim tlui ami other cuiiukiut llcrkil llcthohl itoawuuiw now inun m a t iiuown acton tisfe llibhoy 242 ui- ithitb lumtraiedmajatic model 91 lowloy 197 x h ixthat could possibly ivc ijie whole family more enjoy w majtmil i- let trie radio on jirisunai morning i majcius colc kil jl 1onii i not duplicatcj in any otlier i tlc liuiiun voice is a nituril ui if tlie sjwraker were present llijh sopimu notes are bell like in their clearness atid purity deepest bxv iacs are poweilul mellow distinct the piano the violin every musical instrument is taithiully reproduced l make sure your borne will have this supreme iift on christmus day the majestic ijectnc rajio unsurpassed in richness and perfecr u colorful toiie han now to make this a majestic christmas in your home let die majesric hristmas club reserve for you the model you want come in todn bung this announieuieut it entitles you to immediate entry into the club heres bow the club lin operates choose thcmiljcmic lilcctric kjdio you want for clifiiimai- iay a mnail amount each week through this simple easy plun on tcccmbcr2ttttor sooner if you desire we mull deliver your majestic lilectriokudio lo your home the remainder can he paid in small paymeniv arranged u suit your convenience dout delay come hi today t li ctric radio prices will not he changed on majestic models 91 und 92 d talbot acton coitnlilt 1vii1j and main stkekts

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