nimuuavt junk id 1030 t1ijk tiin1h tii i i ait nrltt lr luutow plw i llvr tinier uin rtn jr ur llit irlk uuoukti trlltlnr and dw uibt nmi in bold and rod thul oud lur oummun liweljr uibia rlit ro llio plrtf dlly brefcdt klnuirtr llammond menu hints recipe or new and nevel dubcsj llaahbold idea gugfcastwna by hetty barclay iioixjsij oilanob wafeiuj wup hulur 1 cup nuirar imttxl tliid 1 oruimii j 1 teaspoon aada 1 tablespoon cold wiur cup urntlk julc 3 cup t1ir oram butter gradually add sugar and orange rltiil bnulliig until light dissolve uid in cold water add to orange juice then mid alternately with dour to first mixture uproad mixture on wellbutter ed dimt in the thinnest possible layer and bake lu moderate oven whet baked cut in squares quickly roll each qua while hot over handle of wooden spoon mid kmuiia oil dolly- covered plata jiaspnaniiiv junkkt with basplunuty jam 1 packot raspberry junket 1 pint milk raspberry jam rrpar raspberry junket according to direction on package garnuh lea cold raspberry junket with raspberry jem btuffku oaiutotfl 3 tabutspoonn salad ut cm i i iff a large cooked carrots 2 onions bait imprik white aauco hallow out carrot cent re mince these with onion mayonnaise dressing and seasoning stuff carrott with til la mix ture and bak tor ib to 30 minutes u brown or white sauce bervohot btufffkd qiiekn oklkity bautb 1 bunch celery 1 cream cheese teaspoon salt chopped watercress or parsley 1 green pepper teaspoon paprika wuh oelery and cut into tourinch lengths ml together oheose salt pap rika and pepper and add enough chopped watercress or parsley to make desired shade ada mllkil necessary to moisten pill pieces ol oelery with tnuturti and acoro top of ml- big with tinea of fork oblll and aervo on crlap lettuce with mayonnabui tomato uxhjffir 1 oup 1u lbs cooked toraloe and lemon 4 oupa 3i ayaar 1 bottlo pocthi scald peeladorutli tomatoo bo 4 cups crushed tooifttoe rroah oi ned 1q minutes uncovered tlrrlog occaaaonally add juice and graud rind at 1 lemon measure ooaed mixture fcwlafeuje add sugar mw ahct brmjr to a full rolling bull over notteat itre stir comtantly before and while dolling boll bard 3 mnutea he move tram ore and stir in pectin skim pour quickly cover hot relish with film of lh lmi a in wherfreltahrm -whj- cover with inch of hot paraffin i to 11 glau to spread paraffin on nlde set vary alowly hequirea about 34 poundsto- matoea makes 9 elglitounoe glasses por plain tomato flavor bmll lemon and use only 3h cups balleddown to- tnatnas fef use with meat add v lea- spoon each of ground allspice clove and clnnaqion stktvrk when i am very old l vtiunctit yitara and more i wlu go baca to my homn fnm 1v acuni oitt- once mure pir ttgti blots out regret aiirt blurs a bitter past and tliitu liintead of changing things steadfast things that last tiraqirtxwwnim-mctation- to thk coixny aa the quakn u so is tlio colony is a slogan that should be remembered by all beekeepers a good proline queen can build up- a good producing colony but an unprollflc one can never do so wurtbermare queens reared from stock that possess undesirable cltaraotarutlcs suoh as exoessive swarming propensities itrltabulty etc are very apt to trans mit uah characteristics tn their offspring queens or workers the queen is first responsible tor tho strength of the colony and colony strength is an important factor in honey gathering the queen u tho only bee in the hlfx that can deposit eggs that will produce worker bees and experimental work done by the bee division at ottawa has shown that a good queen can produce oyer 3000 alptnyrirtoepeak7ofrler production such queetu can build oolony up to full strength in a much snorter time tluui can queens that are less- proline on uie average young queens are capable uf greater egg pro duction than are old onrs moreover old queens are very apt to fall at critical periods of tlie year natural awarmlng is an undesirable feature of beekeeping and all bees will swarm if the conditions that excite this instinct are favorable but jwme races or evonatrmine of bees will ract to the exciting causes much ffftvl timmy thaiiothera and tapqfi- ststntly bceed romtncm la to intensify the desire to swarm but on the other hand constant selection and breeding from colonies that etiow the least tend- ency toward warming wlu soon produoe a strain that wil itipond to very aimpla prevenuve manipulation tup same ifblds true with bees that snow a tendency to be irritsdile remove- the queen and nphae nor with one of a gentler strain imd the manlrauauojvil that oolony will be mnch raoce raeasant tllii queen is not tbsi rulat of ttie oolony butths builder of it therewsajilect her with oare and i shall find my hometown just as it used u be willi kind and friendly faom and- imsru t wolciinie me if i klumld go tomorrow ksoh wnllreinemjmrm scene would but weary for urn faces and the things that once have been lint wlien i am old tlwi ulao in tlm rain beajde he door will only servo to show me my mothers face once more tlien in the wellloved places whnrai was used tobe th hoys anitlssyi xplayd wlui will come again to me and when night comes slowly creeping pinni the spruce trees up the isne shall lay me down for sleeping tired and glada child again ho i will not go tomorrow to a welcome faint and cold though my- heart should break wtth longing i will wait till am old cxjmino daok homk i am afraid tike old boy who made this community his home yean ago is likely to wait too long be fore ho cornea back again to find ilfeklnd and friendly faces and the hoarts to welcome him home if he is as sincere in the desire to get back again as lus poetic fancy m- dlcateshcwou id lay down his pen and cotno back to see the gooct ou friends of boyltood days 6cores of the old boys and girls of dublin school will not write poems about how much they would like to come back and tee the old friends and the old sotiool and the surroundings of early youth but theyre corning the will be here some of them next week but at the end of june theyll be hem in droves scores hundreds of the old boys and girls of xhiblln school will be i hunt theyll be here in full force theyll be here with bells on youll hear i hem 4 anting youll hear them when lhy are here theyll- ulk oiu welwoved piaw theyll talk f the i old school days theyl talk of the paring bees and the raisings theyll talk of berry picking and cherry picking theyll talk of peter lees yoke uf hteerwand of j 1 mm la gibbons first gjatocradlsilihwhiairauthcnrai field of wheat in dublin section theyll lala of bandy waldles prise sheep and uncle tom mllolts prise hogs of jim dells rock summer- fallows and archie mcphersons fuio family theyll iaik of ksva butler gpraanet or yemen and the ttaoj and the olb- bons and the otkmaghue and th oartys and the xaucys and the mc- dougalbi and the kennedys and the ulies th mcfnersons th itooutcheoaa and others will b enquired tor my but it will b an interrogating crowd sotne may even enquire for th old man and mary we may even be there though for invitations have coin from th secretary and others as wall dirnno furor w coprrmol or kxtkkn al r akasttks sheep breeders wjll find dipping at this season of the year a profitable in- veilmenk jbheep and lamb will hot thrive if ar forced to act as a host for ticks and other vtrmln oheep going into winter quarters win also be greatly weqcfilod by bernf dipped tq the early fall th wrpstwe involved in dip ping sheep is very alight eompared with th increased gains that will be made by the lambs and the greater asanr- anotof navlng th ewes in good breeding condition in th fall and at lambing time in th sprlngth yield and quality of wool will also be greatly increased the wjrddortcton iczparuneatal station has mad a practice of dipping sheep each year fall and spring and as result ticks have been practically eliminated tram the fiook there are a number of reliable sheep dips on the market- ooopera dtp la the most commonly used and experiment conducted at this station proved to be quite efficient although teste made some yearai ago did not show it to give quite 100 per dent control in ism the vederloton stsparimeotal station undertook to test out the merits of sodittnt florid god wrtsbto sulphur as cheap substitutes for th oommerclal dips a number of grade sheep that were heavily infested with ticks were purchased from nearby farmers fat- this experiment- counts were mad of the ticks found on each sheep ami lamb before and after dipping sodium florid was used in varying strengths from u of an ounce to 1u ounce to a gallon of water coopers dip was used according to directions one hundred per cent control was secured where sodium florid was used in the most concentrated form but there was evtd- of slight burning the weaker strengths of this product failed to give satisfactory control of tick conse quently sodium florid in solution is not satisfactory a a aheep dip wetable sulphur was found to give 100 per cent control -when- used at th rate of b0 pounds to 100 gallons of water coopers dip also gave 100 per oenu control with out any evldenoe of burning while aheep breeders operating in a large way mayfee justified in trying out substitutes for conunerclal dips the small breeder is wall advised to uso the reliable commercial dips on the market o t bailey superintendent dominion xx- perunental statkm redsricton m b tflfe final daittl jonts started the day badly by amaill- ing his favorite corn against iho bfldpoflt at breakfast he was llko a roaring um tli porridge was atrocious tlm ntg pheyl uo toust rcemnoled a cinder hut still hu wife ruliit hnr mi at last jones was ready in gj lammed hi list on hu head and w out the usual morning kiss left house but hn only got about ten yards i when hi wife called him back well wiiat is iit- lis barked thinking she was exijcctlng to be kuuutd darling all cooed you have gotten something o have i well what of it rarlbig and tier smile would hava i thayed an icaklmo you have foruotun to slam tho door welcome home dublin oh boy union collettion we handle collection only h aide lum no claim too large to small too old or too hard for u to tazrkle 40 yrars experience ne mtestlea no charge kelly aiken tb ceueeuea rpeeuluu obanobvilijc clswfasb omai seua july xst 193q light on the old school grounds i of dublin school anosxa what swr there l one thing sure declares ur kills parlcer butler in ohosu what alnt ou wont get what you want unless you go after it and there is another sure thing it you go after a thing and dont get it you are likely to get some other thing that is worth- a much or more oolumboa went after india and did hot get it but be got america ur jenny ojones u afraid to invite her friends o dinner lest they notice that the butter knives are plated for years sha has wanted to give a dinner bntai nbiw she dtjne plated butter knives a ton of them sitting on her ohesl she frets and sours and when her time comes to die she cant even die 1th any pteasure because she thinks that now at but every one will and it th h hutt vn w- nnt muf on the other hand mrs susie obmlth has no butter knives at au but she doesnt let a ghost what aint worry her im going to give a dinner she butter joe arthurs farm and of ktnnard bros bush lots and berry patches and of the running of esther from good old ireland the man found drowned hi peter lees spring will be rehearsed the days spent byjtratjtrolakockwotjdacademyrand hi fine position with the hamilton bridge company and his tragic ending will bo talked about jim dunn andvhl sllroadlng expo do noes and his an position at chatham will be in the con versation- martin jlyuns great work at the saw mills and big bob mopner- soits mall carrying exploit will live again the story of the origin of the olarfery potatoes and the dal ton boys hunt will all be told over again the good old days of father crumorller at dublin ohurch and his kindness to iho boy will be rehearsed and orand- m other moore and her love for dublin boys and her gifts of maple sugar and pieces of apple ple will be talked over there will bj- walk slid talks and therell be querrlos galore and folks of the old days will be asked about the mc and tlw mplart and t mcdonalds and the manns and the mcspaddens and tho thompsonsand the elliotts and uie waldlee and the wul- towa and tlui waliaoes and tile douglas and the keiths and the spnrwts and the mills and the stewarts and the 1 preeders i the result is that every one has a joyous time and the guest think butter knives must be out of date and not used in london or on firth avenue and mrs 8usleosmluibeoamcsthsouu queen and can serve the tomatoes in the coal scuttle if she tike i there was a man named oale j- jiggers of khst penrod- indiana who worked eighteen yean without an incre of salary every year h said to him self i ought to have a seise ive earned a raise the boss can afford me a raise then his ghost what alnt loomed up and whispered but he might refuse you i and poor old jiggers worked eighteen mora year and got to be round- shouldered and unhappy and unpleasant nd just before he was nrad the poor farm the boas said to bun xjajey im sorry you have been such a failure kighteen years ago x bid think of making you manager but you always seemed so confounded meek and timid that i gave the job to hen hawkins whenjien wanted anything h aske for 1l he was a blamed nuisance to me that way fchd x made him half partner to hush him up fortune gives too much to many but to none enough martial la salle cleaners auelmi ontario service and satisfaction vamftok pressing lu oram left at rtavuaon barber hbap will keeelve rrnpt aiteatten- kycryono la of course invited to be prcacnt and rrartlcnlariy tho former puplla their kamuirh and iricnda meet your friendtl hero and enjoy th afurnoon and kvcnlno wlh them sports j baseball tug0fwar jtiovided intiie afternoon races horseshoe pitching maple grove dairy guaranteed new laid egs dkuvkrkll on oaokk e w masters proprietor free lunch provided in afternoon blacks and franks orcliesra will provide music painting and house decoration graining a speciality tblkthonb vtt ttlchaitu ii blanche box up aolon old- time dance y in tiib evbnin0 tommy gibbons floor manager the only feb is covered by the fifty cents necessary k0m eaciiadulr to defray expenses children undkhj0 years are free committee- rhmackcnilijohn illockrlotcrmclanac jkprowlatetmacdoulid- duncan mcdouball duncan waldlo j ill black f l wright free piirking for evcryoile bootli on the grounds if yoti expect to gelj yo mhst advertiae o b- aoodarhjun deufuon apiarist jack stewart cleaner and dyer korulor calland ddlver service to acton tuesday thurs day nnil saturday mornings owipg to the fact of tho quantity of business in acton wo are ablotq give the people the advantage of a lower rte which will bo ls0fpr- coats andsuitsudien dresses the s same reductiotj y w fob vlimiprtyd efficient seilwob photkel03 acton or leave goods at w m coopers odorlcaa traacoloc cleaning j dytfay tjteres a tire ypu wouid be glad to buy if it cost as much as higherprirjed tires yet it is priced much below any other tire of equal quality built by goodyear to be second in service only to the famous allweaher tread goodyear andto be equal w in dollar-for- jtc dollar value k i t jwl d w ncana d swastika fieach tub ideal picnic park 10 mum from oudph follow 1 the slgnu m j brown- hloyclj hkbvuti utation 49 cork st gukumi wo sell new llchulll and uard hlcjrolos ivull mi m 11 f accessories always in suck ttist class itnpalr work guaranteed- agency c c m hcycijs abst vok silvrwoors lee cream htnaouu tlsu velvet vou hal ii v x il irishman acton iiiuas hupkkior store j ii parker son catt upuoiilteking auto topd tsumminotl blir covkks irrc qlasw knele re kepabrv irresnsuy aitensted t is uomroix rtsuncr otnrxrn phone tmw brakes we have installed one of the lsstest atachlnae for testing and adjusting brakes also tlwilh 4jahoune htokauk nkwstkad and n i choirs ouaxlni wetungton iletet corner city battery electrical service tatfdwi surun bpmdonm4 169 woolwich stmt guelph wolfonds auto wppkng new jnp used parts boft aix mares of cabs in watrk hthjurr qukuni tlpw 1911 sssssssssssbsssssssssfsix rewharts extra dry gingeraik now sold in acton bt xgunrtsay wiles cafe jrleishman ftldf t by tng cask oil royalties not stocks or elfcsros in royalty holding companies but direotpur- chase and ownership iroduclng liroperuea un tm tnedute jnotithly returns il clayton bldok il si ulsfmtt life insurance louclbs ada1tablk fott every re quirement your particular ncetli will receive our particu lar attention consult us rutely no t paxitiarion frederick l wright m nationul awto body fnderc6 a modern bpeeiallyequlpped want bodies rcndiri itadlators pramos bumpers etc straightened lie paired itenewed by feperts bee us brore buying new fenders aato falwlipg attte glass installed 11 obsudon staket auelra fev tmifflaq j-