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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1930, p. 2

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j v thr acton free press thursday october 0 1030 thk h6lfe 6 hr attnn 3m flrrsa llmwr ca4fan wmtajr nwp am4clatl umbr oitio quto dtvibtm c w m a m pree cbksh u publubcd avcry rninf c th fir pr itulldlnt the acton pree press i thursday avsnlnf bt th f uui stfl axtnn ontario th ulbcriptua prica u per yr in ulinc i chd umutanal to kcu in th uiltai stat tha data to which aubacripttoaa pid 1 uuhctl an tha a4dra lat l advertising rates for imll unclal bad darlumita and in i thr r lumna tha rataa will found at haad ol column dia play advertising rate on implication u a fcllxs editor and ivpruur telephones edltnrui and buit shipping cattle to england a shipment of 128 livo cattle from farms in on tario went forward recently to england the first for 18 months it was consigned to buyers in manchcb- tcr fins shipment though comparatively small is regarded by the uve stock trade us marking the re sumption of canadas export trade in cattle with the british market the animals shipped were of the feeder quality averaging 1100 pounds in weight other shipments are expected from western cunada and eventually the old tune volume of shipment to b restored not without parallel the great calamity suffered by the loss of forty sevcri men and the greatest airship in the world has stunned the nation nnd the world the greatest men in air navigation have perished with their ship and as one writer states the advancement of this means of travel has been sot back for ten years u is indeed a calamity of which an estimate of the loss to the world is impossible mans mastery of the air is not fully realised as yet and the elements or a hand greater than that of man have made their retarding mensures felt on the ambition of man the los and suffering caused has been terrific but who say that the case did not have its parallel in the building of the lower of babylon the real test the real test for any law under a just govern ment is to determine whether that law is for or against the public welfare whether on the one hand the act or custom prohibited is aiitt social or whether on the other hand it is in the interests of the jargest number of individuals u government sanc tion and sale oe intoxicating liquors which destroy the very capacity of the user to enjoy liberty and at the same time threatens and interferes with the liber ty of others n wholesome attitude on the part of the government or is the government sate which per vades the piovincc a social evil and against the interests oe larger liberty for both the user and the abstainer the question can he answered by every reasonable individual iberefe money in honey honey production fn canada has substantially increased m recent years in 1qz7 the total output for canada was 23 106403 pounds last year ac ording to final figures just issued the honey produc tion far tiro dominion was 30 078735 founds which told for a total of 3402 837 or 11 cents per pouijd more than half the honey prop of canada comes from ontario which last year accounts for about 17000000 pounds all the nine provinces produce honey for the commercial market the province of manitoba is a very large producer its annual out put has reached as high a3 7 000 000 pounds increase and decreases the past ton month period of the operation of the liquor control act in ontario reveals an increase in the consumption of wines of 26 0 per cent and a decrease in the consumption of spirituous liquors and beers of 0 4 per cent col prices statement gives the following figures the decrease in the ialo of spirits amounts to 136 278 gallons or in money value to over 2 500 000 the decrease in beer consump tion is 125 010 gallons amounting to 180 808 tho increase in the wine consumption ia 201 107 gallon or in money 100 407 and this statement also says the board is pleased to bee tho falling oft iri the consumption of hard liquors so will overyono elso bo pleased and would also bo pleased to see a falling off in the consumption of wine keeping hanbwiches frahi1 and daintv countlus liostcsm who have lrumpod trulr partner a oca as a rcault of worry ing about making btuidwlchea for uielr ifuoat will walcomo a iifaw development tiuil prumiaea tu solve muny a- brldjjo score a rclentlncftily duvtbed molat air com purtment for the oectxla refrigerator nowmnkeo it poftlble for che hantessto proaare her sandwich early in the day at tier cunvenlfcrne jno longer u it nucesaaxy for her to lone out on n num ber of bridge tuuida while aha atagea a irciikied but minute fuuidwlch malting act before the ipitjiui arw narvad lndwlchea made ten or even llften bourn or more before lluj party ftnd thtm stored in tiie twilt air compaxlmciit or hydrator remain as freah and dainty as when prepared xh moitture laden cold make this possible mot only doeu the compartment hold foflh special proml to uu liimitaaa a highly valuable ally in her job of iter lalnlng but it bids fair to uccompuab a highly iweful tank every other day of tho wi lit it u capable of ruhumldlfylng or frtflhiiiliin vcgetablck or of maintain ing tin lr original d grue of f rwdunw ovi r ludfrfmllu purlodu of tlmu kxhaiutuvo tid oomlutud by homii cimotiilcit authorltuii have dcmoiiiitru uhi tliat uie hydrauir if local d proptvly witliln tiie i lectrlc refrlgt nvtot will r i tore nvon vg uiblut that have a ovud- i dly wilted appoaranco to a tmr prying dgru of fritihih j and rrlrpnumi wllliln u ijiort purold of time canadas great power llant in 1000 the total installation of water powers canada for generating electric power amounted to 170 000 horse power compnsmg a few hydro electric stations and a large number of water power plants of datively small capacity connected with industrial establishments the installation had grown to 075 000 noise power by the end of 1010 and to 2 508 000 horsepower by the end of 1020 following this an extensive peiiod of development set in with the result that nearly one million horse power were added during the next four yeais llns rate of expansion has been maintained and the total installation at the end of 1020 reached 5700 000 hoise powei 1 he com pletion of worki now under way will increase this total to more than 0 075 000 hoise powei before tho end of loio and theie are still millions of horse powei un haincssed lhe rapidly growing disti ibution of eke trie energy in the iural districts is jrently adding to the aggregote for the dominion mix em up the end of the municipal year draws to aldose with election day less than two montpi away the xlcials thtti mnpnyxrslhns at the elections have served you throughout the year they have had your criticism but have they received your commendation when they erred they wre undoubtedly told of then mistake but were their actions au in error didnt the most of thy year show a big balance on the good judgment side did your officials hear more of their faults than of their viitucs as they say in a ball game mix em up u you have spoken youi crinclsmi fairly hand out youi compliments on the same basis some- of your officials are right now undoubtedly wondering if their service to the com muntty arc worth tho effort they have made to give them to you maybe you ve adnnrdd the individual for his work always it wouldu t take much effort on your part to tell him it was appreciated i hat word of encouragement might be the means of re tailing his oi her services for the community in which wo are all vitally interested we havo hod the pleaiuro of attending the meetings of 4hc various municipal bodies tho past year in our opinion acton has had careful and judidous government in all its departments thats just our opinion we take this opportunity to express it you have an equal right to do with your opinion as you may sec lit too many falcate naturally you aie all a little envious of the young fellow who can turn his hand to anything lhe boy who is equally good in all his studies plays on the football team and belongs to the glee club seems a very fortunate person to the majority of tus class mates in a sense however he is not so hickv young man lost an excellent business position the otherday and his employer declared it wil bc ause he had dramatic ability hugh would have made good he said if he had not joined that dramatic club he did well and he liked it bait somehow oi other it was always interfering with his business lhe rehearsals seemed to come just when woik was the heaviest and hugh would rush away at five o clock when the othei boys stayed on until nine oi ten tor two and three days before and after a public perfoimance he was no good at all he might have been a good business man if he had not posses sed a little dianuitic ability that spoiled him a similar explanation may be given foi many fuiluies a multitude of talents is distracting if you can do one task and do well you have an advantage over the person who is trying to make use of hafa docn talents at a time editorial noles lhe baseball finals are providing their thrills these days the radio has brought even the chjssicof the woild right to the doors of the man who can sneak oh for an houi oi so to hear them press lepoits state that no one but the policem oiongcvillc me idle better remember that old adage about mischief for idle hands possibly that is what happened the othei chief m oiangeville till- llfcau llkmbmlihuid lhit bcaiu are jcnilblu of klntltu a and rt memo- r u it 1 1 proved by many itiurnitlng true linlriinu ihn following fr un tho home monthly li a pli ui ant uluitrutlon of bumlllfi unforuolten a woodkmuii who wiu fond of th li found u young cub bar in tho woodh half froaii ami marly tuirv i li mnthi r huvinu prohitbiy o n killed by hunt m lb umiic the uttu orphui hotni with him and u toon ihciuuo ai playful and utnctlonutt te a itltu n 1 v ry nlbi ho would romp with it on the floor of hi i cabin and upon hli rctu n from hli d ly i woik iii tin woodii tlu cub u mid kritl him with tin timmiuull able ct ligjit that an alftctloniu doit dl playti win ii hi i niilu r eomi i homi hut a hie 1m ir khw oldi r ili wilder ii ilutl in nan to a i rt lufxlf in jplto of le roudnt for it- hi ni factor unlll inally oiil diy it dltupiuurod in tho v todi and did not rcliiru 1 i man hunted 1 mitf and cftn fully for hi im i lurching ovlry noolc mil i ivlm tor mlkj about hl cubln lut without ucl i wo or mm yeirt afuirward iil wju l inif throin li tin w od to hi uork unarmtd and without lvui hli axi which h i h ui h rt tin night in fori it thi place win rl hi wil choiipluu a ho wiui pa lug uirough a h avy it row ui of young lvlrurccii an enorm hi fem lie bear ro a up intorc him hi bind iili wure two cub and tho niotht r m l furlou it hivlni bllii dl turbui und uiji1 with fi ir for thx iflty if iilt vuunit iiil i hopper wa utterly without liu ui of deft nee and lvlh iwfore he hail ttim to reail l uil ejitremuy of hu no itlon tlil jhur win upon him but ju t i i iil xl iched him a complcti chilnito came over her in tend of iituuklnii him he begiui licking hli hand and rubbing ulftctlomiuly ag iln t him she va hi i long loat pet and h id not forgotten him whin he had ucovered from hi right iilflclliitly to go on toward hi aorlc tlu he ir went too and for more thitfl a mile ihu followed him lhen fltling uppirently tint he lnul dom all th it court and her m t of urut itudi required hi left him and went bick to lur cub thtxsinrctrin hiitwwnotiut keeping with the lun and coiporation sections a little attention here in tins noithem end of the lown ship is needed and we have beon requested to eall attention to the fact j rvidence 61 projness m weekly papeis is not wanting the days la week the journal aigus of st muiy s announced contpletton of a hew iiirdunur to then building to piovide for expansion and the installation ot titw equipment as one ol ontario s best weeklies the join mil aigus will meiits the pio gress it is finding necessuiy roup common contagious hatal poultry jjisihu svnu tm ut kvll umollow ucl r utm itlthiilu htrtla uwill u i 1 rl ui 1 vo lull ro illi t iml l ruuth iiu eunk r ui tu roup tablets savevthe flock srrhrynll lrnlort r- ulcalw at- 1 tn up in kitchener they have decided that able bodied men must pay foi any relief advanced in lahoi at toity cents un houi oioceiics oi fuel ad vanccd must he woikcm out in city lahoi no money will he paid out uiuur the phm and all pets receiving roller must surrendei then liquoi pot nuts and the government ought to he made to refund the 2 00 they cost and tho profit on the liquor pur chased as shown on the permit to help the munld pality with the relief fund explains row enlarged veinscanbe reduced oft nihil vuiu ltiirt1 mid c auwi mm it sunvrhiff lxptuiht mul xauu at tmplim nt m my pi rtpn huvi hi e uui d p mdinl beuui tluy it iv bin hd to hi ii v that thin ii no rniudy that v ill nduu iuollm vtliu uud bum hi i ii y u v ill nil a luo nuiki original tmittlu of moimi i lummld oil mil utri nglh ai k i lhu urd t or imy tint iilakii drug atou uud apply it at luiliu uk tltriotid you ulll null kly nnttoi un tunnovimint which will ontuuji unlll tlu vi inn uud hunchus arn rjducidtto normul wiwm u ktiu ruld oil whti h hni brought miuh iomfort wnrrlnl pioplt all ovi r tbii country 1b im of tnl won ilirful iiikcovi rlflh of nemt ynar und uiiyoiu who in dlhttppointi d with iut urn tun hlivi ihiir inoiiuy rofimdod for acton merchants only bang one of a acnes of chats with acton businesamen in which it is huggeuled how they may increase their j volume of halett speeding up your turnover when youi merchandise turnover is sluggish and your revenue falls oft its lime to look your business squarely in the eye looking youre likely to find two particularly disturbing iaetors one is that some ol your customers are shopping outside ol acton the other is that these same customers and some others also are buying from mail order houses disturbing as these conditions are advertising is a way ol getting around them advertising that is where it can do you lhe most good advei tiding where vour customeis are ceitain to see it ad vertising in your local home newspaper your own advertising is essential theres no doubt of that but il your merchandise turnover is to speed up and stay that way the advertising support of the manulaclureis whose eoimooditics von handle is jiibl as necessary vnd you can go a long way in enlist ing the support of these manufacturers quite easily when the salesmen of the manufac turers whose goods you slock call on you impress them with this thought if you are to do any sizable amount of business you must keep acton folk coming to your sloies and that advertising in your local home newspaper your own and that oithe manufacturer is there lore an absolute necessity make this thought impressive enough and ihesatesnun are bound to convey it to their home offices where advextring moneys are decided upon and adveitisuifj media selected iihh ueihuiur luiri joimri with thv town newi puiicrn all ocr the country in u tuition wide cuniuaikii to convince luitlonul ukrlkcrn that tliij i an iwhi uibtt hittall town men liuntsi in atutrtlriiiu in tho local home town mwhimnirx of the hinall tow n mi rclmnth you need the advertising aid of the man ufacturers whose goods you stock urge their salesmen to recommend your local home newspaper the acton free press wmrhhw

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