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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1930, p. 7

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thufiflpay ppcgmpbr 111630 the acton free press paob bbtven lonely a little whimper next a patient high and then a sniff oh dear theres no repty a utile patter on the landing floor a fentle scratching at my study door another pause and then well who is that tho door swings open there upon the mat he stands expectant please its only mo theres nobody downstairs i thounht id if you were lonely uo plcaae may i stay i promise you i wont bo in the way then at your reel contentedly tin ilea a worlds devotion in two dowry eyes walker twenttf vkars ago prom the 1hu of the free trrmm of tlultm ty december is imo fino bracing winter weather theres been food skating on ialry lake lately several of tho hill about town afford famous ooitliir just now tuesday nltfht wus doll nltfht at the kworth leouc a largo collection of prettily dressed dolls and an asnort- ment of toys were brought by members to acrid to the dcaconim homo hamilton fw distribution among the poor at tho chrlstmoh suajton arrangomenu urn ixlng miulo for a highclass recital in tho methodist school room on christmas evening a splendid now piano has jint bn purchased and will bo uml rtrst on this occasion tho programme will include- jmitrumenlal numbers by mun laura oray vocal iiolos by mrs j w hews milton miluctlnnn by the otchrstra and others the annual banquet of tlm mothodlut sunday school wuuliold on monday evening every department was well re presented and made a largo gathering as each tableful removed it wan enter tained in the auditorium by selections on his wmophono given by mr john cameron the nrchnitra played in the school room during tho supper hour later a splendid programme of music was enjoyed by all the sunday school lesson for sunday p 14 iikr composite anmotiiku ilelng on tlie distribution committee of tha old ladles iuiid hiut upset nomb of my ion gc her ln bed ldoan remarked josephine thoughtfully i mod to have it all planned junt wliat kind of a nice old lady i was going to bo myself some day but w i dont know im not sure that my ldciui werent perfectly absurd t nice old ladlpi not 10 nico at do rango nuggented caroline you e pectcd thorn to be a collection of silver- haired saint 1 kuppojui and when theyre not its one more illusion shattered cheer up final such 1 life tho nico old ladies most of them arc even nice at clone rung- dlwented jojiephlno and the moro dear and queer and human and unuulnuy they are tho hotter i like them it iftnt that theyre moro likable than i expected not less but theyre bo different from one another and they take life tho remainder of it w differently from wmt i expected to begin with as they take it it isnt just a remainder its life and they live it day by day and moat of them pretty vividly too with all soru of varied intoivath it makes mo feci bo young and silly when i think of what ive alwoyn mipposcd it meant to be old honestly ive always taken it for granted that old people lived mostly in the past remembering tho ufo that wan over or in tho future plouily antici pating another life to come i never imagined them to bo all alive awuko and interested hero and now in the happening of every day and tho news of tho big world juut thoy are lots of them even tho feeble one even women whose uvea have been always narrow and monotonous and i used to fancy myself un white with whltpcurla and a lavender sliawl and a nwoetly reminiscent smile spending my days in cushioned rocking chair rereading heaps of old lotttors and gaxlng upon faded photograplw and relating tales of my youth to adoring grandch i s myself up in my own mind as a placid oldt selfish idol and too stupid to nee tho imago wasnt a pretty one i wasnt it rldlculoufi it was admitted caroline frankly but youve ovldently been shown th error of your ways in time it will be several years yet iillly before you begin to got nidi and meanwhile im learning how and my old indlei arc teaching me i borne of thein are fine and wmu are funny and miiiiu arewlto and shrewd onisiimoarehravn anrtpntlimt and theres one thats fairly fiery over public matters and another thats sweetly iien- tlmental over private oneq and alwayti gently probing to iliul taf if i havent u love affair why theyre just as differ ent an so many college glrlii they make being old com as natural an bo in if young and thats jiwt what it never did seem before i could drenu myself a picturesque figure of old ngti precliely as i oould ilreum myelf a prlimum or a heroine biit it was just us murh a fairy story it never felt u if the real i could be actually tint same porum an an old lilly i now it does i feel that i can grow old and still 1j truly myself and its such a comfort lortg i n pttoikmalamrhirtlictaiml man i kl and began by culling him brother saul tho pouor of chrlit nviki friends of fleteit enemies- it war gladnnme meiuugr anunliu brought receive thy night v 13 biiul was lo receive his night in mor nenses than one in hint very liour the work wu donu and qiul looked upon a mun wliom he had come to arrest and drag back to jerusalem as n brother in the lord auauluii telln saul that the clod who inn appointed him is tho same ood hln fathers alwaytt worshipped he had been ftppolnled-lo- three rlorkroi privll- 1i to know aodh will there 1 no betlertor hlglior appointment than thitr 11 to spe the righteain one this will ultimately be the privilege of us all 1 john 3 2 3 to hear a voice from his mouth the purito why saul was to know qoda will to ueo the illght- eou i one and to hear tu voice from ills mouth wim bepautit ho won to become unit lut i wltneja ool gives ui light in order that wo may posn it on to othowf the teitlmhny of juul vafterht had bjt- luo 1jtul the apotlo wn not hourfcity nor honuthlhg obtained secondhand it wan testimony to a christ whom ho l uctually saw and to a mesioige he actu- aly received from his lips at the hour seems to me said caroline your t of no m tho dumactiroad old ladleii have done more for you than a 1 11 13 but there wan konyji you for thorn thing to bo done at unco an open con- of course they navel cried jokophuio fesslon of hit r nunclatlou of sin and grandmother are important everyone ueotttance of chrlst ox tho rlnen saviour admits and ive come tt rocognlxe that was to be made and made without dcliy one of a grmdmothors chief jobs is by baptism- this confession of sin and to make old ago seem poislble to her acceptance of christ thus made would granddaughters im a poor grand- result in the washing away of his sin irmthnrlrm girl caroline- but my old being accompanied by hli calling upon ladlea blesa them have become my com the name of the lord cf ch 3 38 poaito grandmother i ilomana 10 13 to every one who baul of taitsos how a pharihee became a chhibtian poldeii text x count all tilings to be lust for he excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my iord fur whom i suffered the htttn ttt all thing nnd do ooutit them but refuw- that i may gain christ ihu 3 b lesson text acts 23 315 btudy ubu acts 0- 120 26 120 timo 37 a d place in and near damascus kxpojiltloii i baul the isirwcutor arrested by tho risen cjirlst 311 baul the bitter peraecutor was on his way to damascus to stomp out tho cuusu of christ in that city ch d i 2 his bitter iiaut urges iilm on under the burning heat of tlie noonday mm hi is nenr his journeys end and tho con summation of his vengeful hopes when midden ly jirus hlmiclf appears on the itceiie that is tho tumlngimiint in hauls lifehistory mid one of the must derlalvo epoetin in tho story of the world it means much when any man meets jihiih but whrn tills man baul met hilll the coiltequt lire of the meeting was to turn the world upulde d6wn jesus aptmiared hi guiry bu duiuling wiui utat gkiry that the light of tho brilliant oriental noonday nun won uji nothing in comparluon baul saw jeius lunimlf 1 cor 1 l 15 a tho sight wan over powering and baul fell to tlm ground cf rev 1 17 then he heard u voire which t ailed him tenderly by niimn but propounding a nturtllng overwhelm ing otieiitlon why persecutent uiou mi in an instant baul tho vehement lurrying pluirbien ui brought u uhi that the one whom hu had liren prmcuung in this glorious one one glimpse of whom hiut smitten him to the ground i all pent- utfnn of ohrbitlann li a perse cution of christ and to every persecu tor today no matter what the character of his attack this overpowering glorious christ li noying why iiemccutrit thou mic tlie ullinr love of chriit for hln own comes out hi the way in which he identifies himself with them cf matt lift 400 it baul hi not alto gether iuro yet that thin glorious onri is indeed jctuii but he j honest and wants to know he calls him lord there bi no doubt about hlu being that wiitwver ico may be el who arc thou lord then comes the answer that filled baul with dismay and mental ngony for three dayi and should till every persecutor with like feelings i am jesus of naynreth whom thou por- amitciit it in the historic penonal jeius not a merely ldnal christ whom baul jjiw and who in now in the glory the light wan no mere subjective vision of baul or tho elf ecu of luniuroke baul i companions did not hear the meumge they heard the sound or volee that utjrred it thls will all seeming contradiction in holy scripture dls- appeir if we look closely folrly and in telligently enough saul surrendered aboilutely and unconditionally lord wluit wilt thou have mo to do that expresses exuctly the right attitude of tho heart toward jcruii looking con stantly to him for direction and ready to do whatever he iayti that in what is implied in calling him lord luke i 41 tho lord only led baul a step at a time ho nlinply tolln him to go on into dumummu and there loarn what in appointed him to do when he gets into the city ho in left three days to com mune wltth himnelf ere christs mes longer ls tent to him with further direc tions ch t 012 tho glory hail blinded hauls eyen and lert him blind and blind he would have remained had not aanmlan laid hamtu on him v 13 ch 0 hi there in reason to tiuppoio that sahl hud wenk and defective vision for thh remainder of hln ufo lie hail expected tocnter damancuttanavenger conqueror what he did wan to enter it blind helpless led by tlie hand of another ii baul tho dlsclple commissioned by tho rlflen lord 131 the dlbciplo aimnlascmno into bauln tkk cains book of ptiqoette tlie old sea captain and hu mates wcae atickiors for form infact etlkoy as tlicy oalled it hod become a mania with them after dinner when the cloth waa cleared writes sir hrnry robinson in memoriefl wine and otherwise tho captain often would send fur thb mates and uio engineer and as we sat ni tho table propound hard conns un points of etiquette he used for hlsguldo tuid mentor an amaxlng old tattered bmk that i some tlmwt uunk must have been liiumdud to in comic because it presupimmd midi utterly absurd situations lor example if you were on top of an omnibus and saw a duchess in tho street you could not with propriety wave your umbrella at her no matter how well you know hr anotlwr thing when lining with atrurmern you munt not ank tlie butler for a toothpick at wiup them wore many such luird cases ite capuiln used to rule a sheet of paper and put all our nouns down and award marks in accordance with our riplles ui tho queries pul niere was one that madouch an impnvlslou on me that i made a prnrll note of it and i remtunber it to this day wo were all sitting round the table tho paper was ruled and the captain began now markay well tala you first if you was walking in a neld with a young lady with uom you wan but slightly ac quainted and jdio wan to set down on the grans what should you do muckay paused to try and imagine what hln feellngn and inuntlons would be ti such a case and then replied id offer to git hi r a chair urn ahl said tlu nklpiier not bad hut you might avo to walk a couple of mlleji to gtt one mid it wouldnt look ithlptthupu for tui offlrer of one of hln majestys nnest crubtera to ijo walking about tlie countryside luggln a chair after him however its a thoughtful- like thing and ill give you five markn now mr trebiwney what do you say well mild ivoliiwney id arglfy with her agin it uiidlt words wouldnt move her id uko olf my coat and glvo t to her to idt on tho captain thought deeply well dont think thutn the aiuwr but it would be a delicate kind of thing to do and ill give you seven now mr lynns youre next id ux the young lady for to get up and rim mo a race said the plump little second mate clo ot hald tho skipper how could you expect a lady with oom you wem but slluhtly acquainted to start runnln rocon with a potbellied little bloke like you then after wo hod all offered our snlutionn to the hard case tho iklpper consulted tho key at tho end or tho book and announced what the ranon of refined society ordained on the duty of the male eiort u a lady of high degree decided suddenly to nit down on the grans the gentleman read the skipper must remain itttuidlug till the lady axes him for to alt down of rourso of cnurw wild tho mate fools wo were not to have seen it chronicles of ginger farm written specially tm ttu iee vrtmm by owkndoune i clakke ivrclait balm uio unrivalled toilet requisite kjjiitlal to every dainty woman imparui rare rharm and beauty to the complexion softenn and bciutules tho ukln makcn handn flawlevily white cimln and refreiihen reliever rough ness ideal for tnio feminine distinc tion delicately fragrant swiftly nb- virlied into the tltnuen leaving no itlcki ness persian balm invariably creat- subtle elegance and clyirm storing avvlvja iroit wintklt use applis to be kept for use during tfii winter montlls nhuld 1m carefully no lected for that purpoij- karly maturing lorta like wealthy and oravenntein can hardly be kept piuit chrlstmiui no that later keeping- varletlen like mcintosh northern spy itusict and baldwin hnllhrho selected for thl purpio all brntned fruit or scabby fruit should bo discarded and only perfectly sound fiperlmens utlliwd if these are wrap- lied in oiled miotic or in ordinary tlsnuo paper keeping iji greatly facilitated storing in bunhel boxes in proferablo to large coilfalntrii ariil tl ieiio uhouttl ue kept in a cellar where tho temperature does not go much above 40 degreen iahrenheit and does not fall below freezing the average cement cellar with heating plant in not satisfactory for lpple storage tlie bent type of collar is an ordinary floor cellar without any artiflrial heat in such a cellar both temperature and moisture conditions are 3illrully satisfactory for good kouplng in the event of a cement cellar being ho only available plice it would be wise cover tha haor with neveral inches or twdust which should be krpt well ilamp- ncif down to provide the noceuiary ini- mllty such a procedure accompanied by wrapping and i temperature of from 40 degrees inihrenhelt to 45 degrees i-ah- rnhelt should re ult in natlsfartqry it irage conditions kxperlmentul imrm note as a vermifuge an effective preparu- ii m li mothsr oravcs wonn kxtermlnu- tir and li can be given to the most dmlcite child without fear of injury to constitution hesitates openly u renounce sin and accept and call 1i christ j oodit quest lonlngo bjtil applies with direct f ireo at the present hour why tarrl- t thou baul did nov tarry lohg hi did what was required of him by his lord uud in duo time wont forth into diff lengtn and breadth of tho uom an km pi re declaring without doubt or m lu ng or vcitlgo of perud venture that christ was indeed risen from uio dead and wji seen of him baul of tarsus to the jjy and halvtlonof his soul here i tun just rt turned from the city my feet too big for my booui my arms in ho witli carrying parcels and my had ui cms to be revolving like a nierry-uo- nmrtd no that is whut a days holiday does for me all tho muhci i hud quite ah inter sting day only i lould not get away from olngir larm no sir not a bit or it i had hardly utl toronto before one of tho iuuueiigers on the train riuuo along and asked if she might order u chuken for tomonowl whiui in toronto i luatd a dlnuiulon which not only affected ginger larni but very farm in ontario it had to do with the price 1 grain and small ieedi and the men talking were all wholesale need merchant one man from the butes sild this talk of agricultural de pression was all a lot of rot or hum bug and that farmers today were hi ttor olf than lhey had uin for years aid nearly every farmer had had a good grain ct op and instead of selling it and buying ummieidal feed they v fiidtng it to their stock and getting better returun in that way than they had done other yearn ills facts were itrrect t a certain extent famu rs are ret ding more or their own grain but it nqulns a big stretch of imagination for any of us to get the idea we are getting fair ntn rn ii but of ourse this man city fellow ui i suppose he knew iiow did long to join in tin conversation id tell our more than wellinformed friend just exactly what the farmer in up against i rather fancy i might have made him sit up and take notice but of course being polite i said nothing left the men in blissful ignorance that a formers wire was jilltlng in that v ry office and uniting the full benefit of their illuminating conversation i dont know whether it won my fancy but there certainly itemed to me 1 ji of li crowd than is usual at this time or the y ui- i did not have time to do much shopping but what i did do wan done in comfort without forcing my way through a congested mans or people and on the street cars i only hail to ntaud up once which wiui such un unusual occurence i almost stood tip from force of habit hud a special rnmmlsslon from tho children before 1 went they each wrote a letter to santa clans which i wan in structed to mull in bantu claus own mall box which i did and nearly missed my train aa a result i hud c irrlud the letters around in my purse and suddenly remembered them an i was thinking of making tnicka for the station tar be it from my intention to treat a piomlso to a child lightly so bark i went to the ilo res again and mailed the letters m pir instructions win mv r i go to the city i never come back nail died because there always no much that i have to do that i never get time to look around and uv all the thing i should bo buying if i had the money i suppose every body ikes window shopping and it certainly has the effect of stimulating oiion im agination and just think i never even got near a bookstalll ior one thing ib my time was limited i didnt dure but i wu i very disappointed ns i hod promised to treat myself to prlestlyn oood com panions which i have been longing to read ever since i llrrt saw it reviewed however if i wait long enough perhips it will come out in the library in u fow yearn time maybe partner met mc at the station mid on the way homo we had an muoh to talk about as if i had been away a week i wanted to know how he hud put in the day and if anyone hud called he wanted to know where i had been and how much money i had brcuurht home and thm inquired after the- children md the lamu kitten the children were all right but i didnt expect him to act an nunicmild to the cat did i onked my better half an a mutter of fact i did think this wan a little outnlde hln province so before i went away i put tholtttleklttenrnwithchrokrnittrpdowrr in the coil collar with a comfortuhlo box to sleep in mid enough in lions to allay the pangs of hunger partner nayn ginger vurm will noon bu a home for incurable i as wo already have a little dog with i lame leg a bjg dog with a blind eye atul now oil key the kitten has either got a leg broken or put out of joint i suppose there is a delightful splcey odor peimeattng most of the homei thie davit us mother preparen and conks tho christmas cake but per imps there ire also other home i where there 1 1 very uttlu prupiruttou buuig mudu fur chrlju mun day and in the e homes there may bo little children who are pulled and anxious bucause there in none or die xcltrment which they have learned to ssneiuto with this day of doys if iwe know of any nuch home it wt uld be very little trouble mid not much more expense t mike a little extra ipiantlty when wu make our cake mixture and send to those- plucen where we know it would bo ap preciated it is ulio one of the nicest and most welcome piesent to any member of the family who is uuuhu to gut homo for christmas h wu ourselves do not know of any individual cuen where chrlstman phcyir is needed wo pin at least co operate wltuthovarlous noclotlen who try and arrange things lirnuch a way that m little chldlft loft torrrrtho inrk oriovo and goodwill christmas is coining wo know what it moaiih to ourselves but what it means to others depend a lot on un nudwhut wo do for them douglas kgyptian liniment reftoves loutluichc and neuralgia invaluable in eanei of croup sore throat and quinsy- keep a bottle handy now that winteb ib at i land study economy in your heating uukn nut jcokk and tea coal in quebec heaters ilangen and furnaces you get more heat units with this comblnatlmi slid save pour dollars per ton price delivered per ton 11 go wo handle hamilton poke on ajl canadian product if cash is paid with tho order b discount will bo given j b mackenzie son n mcikod makaukil piionk 48 time tables at acton sunny south gulform t tcsc popular winter resorts arc quickly an j comfortably reached via canadian national and connections choice of interesting routes costs are reasonable add zest to the california trip by kotng or returning the canadian route via vancouver and victoria torida ak any agent of canadian national hallway for full information booklet ami reservation 33hh25h3ih1 the name is sufficient butternut bread rich m uutter sweet bh ii nut sold at following acton grocers ited whilojf w joniw suiwrior store uulv ncihoii co mm oakley w ncwbitt factory at dominion bakeries limited guclph ready to help you gaij ifemj eljrtalmab tho flnnl shipment of tim fimb press stock of personal christmas greetink cards hus been xcclyciluiultheyjihijiqulrendyrar yaur-inspec- tion nvw nrtistic and popularly priced this is the finest assortment we have ever ottered our patrons in personal greeting cards a new jjno jnst shown this year is an assort ment with every card in tho lot different they come attractively boxed in 25 and 15 to tho box and the prices quoted includo your nilmo and address printed on thchi plain designs of beautiful workmanship others more elaborate and highly colored most of them with beautifully linedonvelopes- a whole stack to choose from in tho moderately priced ones and a very fine showing in tho higher priced lines they arent half displayed in our window tho best way to select is to como in early while tho assortment is full we cannot duplicate our present stock when it is exhausted and evory year wo are sold out at tho prices wo quoto personal christmas greeting cards arc not a uxury they range from 150 for pno dozen and 225 for two dozen up to 375 per single dozen and 400 for orders of two dozen the assorted boxes are priced at 300 and 350 and of course those prices include tho printing of your nine and address they aro all ready to send when wo doivcrthcmtp you ju3t address them and thoy carry your greetings ap propriately and with dignity mafvve impress again order now for best choice nadian nationalrailways ootnf east no 36 dally except sunday 703 ajn mo 30 dally except sunday 1143 un no 38 dally except sunday 0 lapjn mo 38 dally except sunday i 847 pjn no 24 sunday only 713 pjn going weac no 31 dally except sunday ts4 ajn no 30 dolly except sunday d10ul ni 33 dally except sunday 3jb pjn no 180 dally except sunday 618 pm no 37 dally except sunday 7 34 pjn no 30 dally except sunday 10 31 pjn no 35 sunday only 1033 son no 39 will stop only on signal no 30 will atop only to discharge pas- itcnffoni from toronto and east canadian national kijkothjo fcaimvat wtwtbound dally except sunday 8 lflam lially 1010 aja dally uepjn dully 3lpm dully dally dully 1316 ajn kaxlbound dally tixcopt sunday 7 33an dully 030 ajn dully 1333 pjn dally dnlly 633 pjn- dully 8 33 pal dully hjsspjtt toronto terminal knnla street and rt clair aveno praia h delivered by special expresa lyhaht lroltfht plokod up at any ad- driaa in toronto jm 1 os pjn 4 05 p m wkst1ioijni dally dully dully except sundayd and holidays a 05 pm uumlayh and irolldaya nly io 05 p m kahtbouno dully om am riiy soopni dally ooopjn la salle cleaners oukijh ontakio valetok pressing service ami satlsfacuon all oritn lert t nvua lluber shop wul beoc4ve trompt atlenilea h artnn mxw tfttsa phone 174 artistic printing mill st acton painting and house decoration graining a speciality ltumtt auiw biuritli gusnutlasd eiunulo glno veucpuonb 110 richaitd h wjanchk box 350 aoton savage co watches diamonds china glassware engagement and wedding rings guelpii ontario ii wyndhsai bl sabacriptions for all minsinea taken at the pree pm office

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