thursday december 18 1030 the acton free press paob seven a christmas cauol hark i hear the church bells chiming oh that- aweet and solemn strain softly to my tlnid spirit comes tho meaaago one asaln sweetly chiming aoitly telling christ lo bom in bethlehem 0er the earth a snowy mantle neath a silver starry aky all the world seems hushed in alienee as tho message peals on high from tho ancient gray church steeple gomes unco more tho sweet refrain come and praise the lord yo people christ is bom in bethlehem hear the organ softly psallng childrens voices cleat and sweet telling of the simple shepherds kneeling at our saviours feet and tho gentle mother smiling as she holds him close to them holy babe tho worlds redeemer christ is born in bethlehem rita m uigby twenty years ago prom the issue of the frvee pre of thursday lccmbc tx 1910 sleighing continues to lmprovn the brloklayurs are putting in the front of mr o j wallaces fine new clothbig store on will btroet mr n patterson will commence busi ness in his mm new atom with a complete now equipment ln patterson ulock tomorrow mrs c s elm th lias juhl received tho news from hur son mr w s smith of ban irancliico oal that ills oil interests in the west havo dovttlopd in a most sat u factory manner and hli gilnhcru are hotting him isooo per day mrs 1 c maddoek left toronto tho flrnt of the week for st ioulii mo to join a patty of fourteen or fifteen win nipeg fr inn in who will hptnd tho winter in the south starling from cairn in mr vincent maddoclth yacht the party will online down tho mlnilfjtlppl river aroimd the oulf of mexico and thence up tho atlantic coast to now york mr edwin o mnddock li engineer of urn yacht bantu olauit the hosiery filler hi com ing to town this week after advertising in the loading dilllri for over u week and recoivlng only one application for the poult ion of principal of acton public and continuation scboolii tho appllrnnt a lady the hoard of educa tion concluded the ulttiatlon wiui critical called a iipeclal meeting to duicuiui the most udvlitiible steps to take after con siderable dicuiinlon u committee was appolntud to wait on mr stewart and ascertain if lie would entertain a proposal to recounldor hiii rciignatlon and if no upon what to ruin mr stewart accom panied tho committee to tho meeting after a lengthy consultation the follow ing resolution was carried imnclpal stowart accepting tho terms moved and carried that this board hereby accepts tho proposal of mr w ii stewart for re on gage mo tit nn principal at the salary of 1100 for initial lulary from january 1 1011 with an annual increase of jf0 until tho salary ahull reach 1200 makriko fanninlowuy on wodnejduy de cember m 1010 at st andrews church ouolph by rev w o wilson m a mr thomas lannln to mliut qcrtrudo lowry daughter of dr and mrs w ii lowry sill or ouolph mattramwallaoe in acton on december 21 1010 by rev j o wllnon b a mutinied by rev j cooper antlirf m a d d loroy e uittram of tirt william to rhobena daughter of robert wallace acton ohton- henderson at st andrews ohurch arden man on december 14 1010 by rev a l mannon i a assisted by vmv jk lane b a joseph qrton of arden to agnes mnu henderson di tig liter of jamuit hender son acton the sunday school lesson for sunday december worms cause 1 re tf ulnetis and rob the infant of hlcop the great nourliher mother oraves worm exterminator will clear tho stomach and intestines and restore health fulnmui confident of tiik future dcolarlng ho lit confident that business generally soon will show signs of gradual but certain improvement w it kellogg chairman of tho board of tho kellogg company loading manufacturers of cereal foods announced recently that advertbt- lng plans for 1031 cull for the largest expenditures in tho companys history at tho mme time mr kollogg disclosed that tho company will end tho current year with tho groatent volume of sales it ever has enjoyed the kellogg company which has been built largely upon advertising or many years has been one of tho most consis tent users of newspaper space our appropriation for tho coming year pro vides for a material increase over the present record year said mr kellogg at tho beginning of 1030 wo an nounced tho most ambitious manufactur ing advertising and sales programmes we hul undortikcn up to that time asserting at the time our confidence in iho basic houmlncfli of imluutry gunurully and in tho countrys capacity to respond to aggressive tactics wo have held steadily ta our course and have done the largest volume of busluets in our hls- our deciitnn to adhere during 1031 to this conhlitent progmmne of expansion including still further increased advertis ing and sales activity li in largo meofmru the result of this experience during the prevmt year to meet demands it hus bun iiocm- sary during tho year to build a million dollar addition to our homo plants in ihttldoreek michigan as wejj as provide an important addition to our branch at london ontario aside from our individual experience christmas lesson golden text there is born to you this day in the city of david a saviour who is christ tho lord luko a 11 lesson text luko 2 820 time december r c 6 fuic bethlehem exposition i the nowhorn king despised by men 0 7- seven hundred years before mlctih had prophestod that ha tlmt was to be ruler in israel wiiono gointts forth are from of old rrom everlasting was to coma out of bethlehem mlcah 5 a note how many decrees and deda of men entirely unconscious of cods purpose and prophecy worked together to fulfil gods word and oarry out his iiumul plan tho saviour of tho world tho christ the lord began hi a ntable the life he was to clone upon the ortaui there was no room for illiu in the inn there l no room for him today in tho hearts of most men in tho home in business in society in politiris it wut not that thnbui was hostile it was ulmply pre occupied that is the trouble in mens hrartrt todny bulueiui pleasure money- getting ambition loved ones take up all tlitt room that is in uuiluirt and so there is no room for the kino ii tho newborn king honored by the heavenly host bh the anuouneniienb of the advent of the king wis made to shepherds the shepherds proved their iuneiii to receive the annoimcimerit v 15 they were men of faith with a deep appreciation of spiritual truth in spite of their lowly position they teem to have been wait ing tonultig looking for the coming of the chrljt v 1h they were faithfully attending to their lowly duties when the revelation cume it was not pleasant work hut it wiui their work and while ut it the angels met them comp ex 1 j judge ir 11 1j 1 kingi 10 10 luke ib u the lory that shone around them wi the undent ilhokelnuh that betokened oodl presence the iihop- herdi were ur afraid when they beheld this glory the mipenuitiirul by bringing ood near always fills tho hutrl of nlnful nun with fear rev l 17 luke 6 ii iks i i hut the angelic nietige at once dispelled all fear they name- to announce tulvutlon not judg ment- tlu-y- begun with one of amis mnit fmpicnt messages to men fesr not it is evident that ood lonipi for a fearless people but the angels not only bade them fear not but brought for ward the only real cure for fear tho gospel they brought good tldingt of great joy the coming of jesus tho saviour christ and lard li tho best nuwu this old ntncuritcd and satan- governrd world ever heard but many even to this day do not receive it as good tidings of grcnt joy do you the goscpl tho an 8 el proclaimed won a saviour born but tlmt gospel hun for us been developed into a saviour not only born but crucified for our slnt dead burled rljeu and coming again 1 cor hi 14 attii 1 11 it was a strange place to be mint to nee a king a barn and it wiui a strange sign to mark a havlotir which is chrlit tho lord a babe wrapped hi twaddling clothes and lying in a manger tho world rocaiyetthli wonderful proclama tion to this day with indifference but tlio heavenly army received it with exultant kiiquli at praise to ood well they mlghtl the word suddenly allows that they could hardly restrain them selves until tho mensnga was fully de livered they nil but interrupted their spokesmans proclamation with their glad chorus there was to be a twofold reuilt or tho saviours birth glory to ood in tho highest on earth peace among men of hi good pleasure studv out from tho bible who tho men in whom qod ut well pleased are and in what ssnscs jcim brings them peace john i 20 kph l a 7 romans g 1 john h 27 phil 4 fl 7 etc iii tho newborn king welcomed by the believing lcw 1520 tho shepherds though humble and il literate were wbiu men they showed it chronicles of dinger farm written specially far the free ptmm by owen ih link p clarkb by believing oodipwort and going to for themselves the glorious truth that had been proclaimed to them of thu truth of what hud been told them thoy had not a doubt they spoko of it as this thing or word which is comb to pass w1jo and happy tho man who when ood tels him anything rounts it done luke 1 41 john 20 llo they know it was so because tho lord hid made it known that it faith hob h 1 r v oeo context thoy did not go to teut the truth of the won of ood but to jco wlut they- already fuhy lulleved when ood makes any great fact or truth known to ui wmmould ut oncj believe it and then go and nee thli word which the lord hath mule known to in 1 e enter into it oxpcrl- mtiutnlly natii the eagerness und whole- luirlelneii of these lihepherdnalnts thoy cume with liasle surely they will rlse up in tho judgment against our coldh arted slowness in appropriating th funawi of blessing tlmt ood maken kniwn to in they imu with haste ti find the oh r liit but today mon will urarco cume ut all und if they flu come it li with such reluctance tliit they must bj urged and reasoned with and plead with and nlmoitt piflcrt to tho saviours feut these ijiopherds were rare souls uiey found it ill juitt us ood htild it would bi v ljlromp v 20 uv of ch 10 32 ftcth 37 25 they told it out to others v 17 highly privileged though they had been they went right have you over realized how a olmnrc remark r veals the character of the npeaker i have immiii paying particular attention this last week to opinions ex pressed regarding christmas und i have heard things like this no 1 havent done a thing yet nnd im not caring i wish christmas was over and done with thats what i wlshl yes i am pretty busy these days jim and his family are spending christ mas with us und wo want than to have a happy time t wish there was no such time os chrliitmiui it is no good any more except for children i am afraid this hi goings to be a pretty hard time for some people we niuvt situ what wtt can lo for thoui know about yes times are hard but still we must our best for the klddhiiake we are not sending any cards this year how wo shall miss pat her this year- i can hardly bear the thought my children shall never find empty stocking if i can help it well mum i hope bojita cluui wont forgot thoie urnlth children dad is there always a itar in the iky on christmas eve i expect you have all heard ilinllar remarks from time to time and when you come to think of it is not ciich rem irk indicative or the spirit behind it we know theie really are hard thnci there is distress in so many homes and it may that i there will be lev activity on the part of santa clam than there hsi been other yeirs but the real chrhtmus mes- e shines through it all nothing can detract from the beauty and truth of the nativity chrlslmas hut been in danger of becoming commercial iwd perhapi hard times li the boomerangiui bringing in buck to the old fiiihloned wiy of ob serving tile birth of christ i nupitoso climatic conditions prevent our keeping up no many of the old fashioned cuntoiui we knew in the old country but oh sometimes i am uhtioit heartsick for a real oldtime cir litmus one of my lovellcit memories is that of lying awuko waiting und listening for the cirols to sturt i dont know whether there really is any special definition but uued to think of carols us vocal music and waits ai a brais band as wo listened some time or other wo would hear very faintly in the distance tho old familiar tunes then as the carol singers moved the sound grew steadily more clear and loud until they came so near we could hoar every word plit distinctly havo henrd carols sung in churchci and cathedrals and by trained community choirs but never have i heard the chrlst- m u mesnago conveyed tsa clearly and sweetly us it used to bo by iome llttl band of singers who carolled the glad tldlngi herauto in their hearts was tho spirit of pcaeo and goodwill after the klngeru thoro might possibly follow i brass band and after tho hour of mid night struck the church bells would ring out until it woild seem that the spirit of rejoicing must bo born in every heart and one fell asleep conscious of joy to tho world now readers who hull from the old country havent 1 awakened sleeping memories didnt you too ho in bod and listen to the carql singers or perhaps omo of you wore carol singers yourselves and on christmas day what good things there woro to eat tho turkey or tho chicken grarod the tablo plentifully stuffed with forcemeat seasoned with thyme and parsley and there was always hrpid sauce with a mysterious onion stuck with cloves then came the plum- pudding with a bit of holly in tho centre and blue tongued flames licking tho sides or tho pudding from tho lighted spirits floating in the dish yes even tho most rigid teetotallers would make an excep tion and allow some member of the family to purchase three penny worth of brandy toinjutfhnhtrorebt always followed mlpco pies not a big mince plo as wo havo them but little mln co pies mode lit putty pam with a hole- in tho middle tho result of having been pierced with a darning needlo i remember the joy it used to lie us a child to help mother with tho christmas cook ing und bj allowed to put tho lid on tho little ploi and then use tho darning noldle after tho pies came nuts and fruit and then we would sit round tho open fire with a cup of tea talking of thli thing and that of other ohrlst- manes past- and gone and wonder whether wi wtuld um bo toguthur again next year of course there wero tho inovltiblo hawevar we do not bcltove any cloae back to tlielr humble occupation thoy ob1urverof tho undercurrents of buslnwu i gorifled and praised ood as they went trends can deny that business generally what thoy glorln mid praised ood for oortwui enur upm a braduaiburcertathtrohnrtlote lmptovmnt 1 iv i tho shepherd witnessing for tli- chrlt they had pound 1720 thjy did not keep to themiuilves tho gol news thoy told only that which wvi ipcn to them christ was tho whnlu- subject of their testimony their t itlmnny awakened little besides wonder with most miry kept in her heart and pimlcred all thrsn wondorful rovola- tons that in th way to deal with anils wortl ihe iihopherds woro truo nil wise mon they did not loio their hult they went back to their humble lll but tbey went back in a new sprlt glarlfylng and praising ood mjv carsplrltbo like tholrsl may wo mko thu shepherds btdleve implicitly ant nromptly and wait for nothing when tho pith or duty is clourl so doing wo khtill have a reward mko that or tho shepherds who saw with believing eyes tho nowborn measlah tile journey thstnsrbprunnnnntnnrneraiiywnbnir in brnlsc a ciiristjwas candlk salad probably millions or reclpen are ln- vrnted each year most of them am used only by thu composer and a few rrlnids and neighbors others manage to cmep into recipe and cook books and live for a number of yoers but rwro and thire p recipe is composed that wrnu to live for ver the old chi litinail candle salad has been w popular for many generatlom that at this time of the year it li much entluid to appear hi print once mom us the story of fiwhlu and hu famou rebulerr a crisp leaf of lettlire ll placed ujmjn u fulid plate a thick ullco of heedless orange totw it a pieled itaiiana cut in two horizontally is placed upon the cuntro of th4 orungn slice a maras chino chrrry or some other red taity tops tho bansjiu jld there you have the principal ingrcdlenls tho orange allco is tlie eiliidlestlck the banana the candle und the cherry the flame a mound of red jelly at the base of the candle and a suit ible thick dressing flavored whip ped cream is delicious poured owr uie baniuih at the last in bill te to represent the flowing wax and the neverdying christmas caudle milad in again reiwly for the christmas meal now that winter is at hand study economy in your heating burn nut coke and vex coal in quebec heaters ranges and furnaces you set mora heat units with this combbiatlmi and save pour dollars per ton price delivered per ton 1150 we handle hamilton coko an allcanadian product if cosh is paid with thu order ba dktcount will be given j b mackenzie son n mclkoil man ac kit piione 48 to the sunny south a household medicine they that are acquainted with the itertlng proprtki of dr thomas kcnutrlc oil in the treatment or many ullmcnts would not be without it in the hoiiie it is truly u household medicine and us it h ctfecllvu in dealing with many ordinary com plaints it li an inexpensive medicine tin keep it at hand us the call for it may come most unexpectedly cuiforhu tlicsc popular winter resorts nrc qnickly and comfortably reached via canadian national and connections choice of interesting routes costa are reasonable add xest to the california trip by going or returning the canadian route via vancouver and victoria it isnt orten that we run urroiis an unccdotr that ihnwg the areut man in the procci of being humbled by ono of hh supposed inferiors hut that once happened to the famous john itandolph it metiii that itandolph once stopped i at a tavern hi the course or a tiresome journey by coach in the height of winter i ai he itit and warmed hli frame iioth externally and internally the innkeeper endeavored to engage him in con versa- 1 lion hut to othiiigc john randolph in con versation against hh will was no childs play after many futile attempts the landlord made one llinl effort us hh un known guest prepared to depart what road are you going to take sir ho inquired randolph turned on him with a scowl i have paid your bill sir have i not tho landlord agreed i owe you nothing elie not a penny returned the pusurted host well then was the curt response i jhul taku whichever road it plcuse me to take and ho stalked through tho door now as fate would have it the road rorked juit over the brow of the hill and encountering this choice of two routes both randolph and the ranchman wero ut a lois they debated the question and then randolph sent the man back to the tavern to inquire tho landlord seized his opportunity striding to the middle or the road with in easy hearing distance of his choleric patron ho bellowed his revenge in theie words yes sir you havo paid your hill you do not owe mu a penny- you may taku whichever road it pleases you to take sir and for once john randolph hot nothing to say torid ajc ny agent rf canadian national railway flf lfuiiulion booklet and rekrvation dishes kven if there were a maid met to remember she wanted to celebrate chrhtmas day us well us ourselves u it was uuial in most families for every- one to turn to and help with the wash ingup so mary ann could get off early and spend the rest of the dsy with her own family but now we mint come back to 1030 and us i suppose tills will h our christ mas issue i want to ftffri all readers of dinger larm u very very happy chrlst- h listen friends lust week 1 took some shoes to bo repaired tho hpper had burst out so badly i hardly thought anything could bo dono with them therj being so little material upon which work mend them oh yes said the clutfitef h uru prjlty batl7bul 1l that kind of a joli that tries us out lib words seemed to me strangely slgnlfl- ant were not my shoes on u parallel with present existing conditions it is nsy to bo iappy and give everyone i good time but when our hearts are sad tinned by sorrow or when there li distress all around perhaps in our own home isnt thit tho test that tries ui out and no in spite of everything and with understanding heart i wish you all once again a very happy christmas ht mother restored to family if you intktiil tiiti avttrnge huniy atid eo nif u r table ontario liouiiowlre wlmt a gain of iiia iioiuida would moan lo her tdie would trohnlily- loiu itbuiit ut lli very fiuggeallon hiipiiiihti ikivveviir she woro in the ixiuufoii oi mm uohorttt u v oiiian wltb a family of yoimi elnldroii in u minall oniiirln town wlmro ilmru wan ihtlu lu iuru and many to lteiip ifnwlnic woukor und wimldir fruni ovurwnrk iiiki nov- oriy llntlly nltllueil to leave inr little litu to frltiiulh and mtlghhorii mid ho- ttiko huruolf to tho toronto uoiiiiltul or oiihumrtlvou tl n lingttn he long lout light to nit iriicu ili preelmih iviiunds whleb lo mm itobortw and mo tiutjiy lllto hor uili lllilohtollom oh tint roiid to licami thuiikh to ion moilhh of good eai rint iiourlsbltitr fowl and inrl netid ikmiicui nttelithni mn ittilxiitm iitid day maw tho aeiltm mg- ihtni i hi h hnmtv klt rrom the us si pourxlh sbn roglxterod on iitir- inir tho liiiltal fflinro in miiu now llaek at lioui joyuiittly tnkliiir m tho mm of hr ruinlly and irrhtorul for hnr rtoir- at ion to html til a croat work mur- ndly which iimimin ileb anal at an en from rrlfoida i linrmut povorty nd luburmilnol mn oftnn rm hand in ssh jtloa utrnat toronto w ahii 1 ratly aprelatl the name is sufficient butternut bread rich nn butter sweet an a nut i sold at following acton grocers ked whitcj w jonc superw store iii1iv nelson co mm onkley w ncflbitt factory at dominion bakeries timiled cuclph 0m b rit ready to help you aij ilprrij ghjrifltttuta the final shipment of tim fimii pkess stock of pcrsonnl christmas greeting curds has been received and they are now ready for your inspec tion ntw artistic and popularly priueu this is thijiiicstiiaaottniciltjwijiilyocytroffcteduut patrons in personal greeting cards a new line just shown this year is nn assort ment with every card in tho lot different they come nttractively boxed in 25 and 15 to tho box and the prices quoted include your nanio and address printed on them plain designs of beautiful workmanship others more elaborate and highly colored most of them with beautifully lined envelopes a whole stack to choose fiom in the moderately priced ones and a very fine showing in tho higher priced lines they arent half displayed in our window tho best way to select is to come in early wfrlla the assortment jsfuh wo cannot duplicate our present stock when it is exhausted and every year wc arc sold out at tho prices wo quote personal christmas greeting cards are not a luxury thoy range frpm 50 for ono dozen and 225nfortwo dozen tip to 375 per single dozen and 400 for or tiers of two dozen the assorted boxes are priced at 300 and 350 and of course these prices include the printing of your name and address thoy arc all ready to send when wo deliver them to you just address them and they carry your grcotlng ap propriately and with dignity may we impress again ordtift now for best choice i ti artntt 3ffrii hn00 ihone 171 ahetunsfirtliur mflf setacton timef tables at acton nadian nationalpailways oolnc baat- no aovdally except sunday 703 un mo 30 dolly except sunday 1143 ajn mo 30 dally except sunday fl18 pjn no 38 dally except sunday 847 pjn no 24 sunday only 712 pjn golnc we no 31 dally except sunday 734 ajn no jo dally except sunday dloajn no 33 dally except sunday 2x9 pan mo ibs dally except sunday fllb pjxl no 37 dally except sunday 724 pjhu l no 30 dally except sunday 1031 pjn no 25 sunday only 103 uo mo 2d will atop only on signal mo 30 will stop only to discharge t- kcngcni from toronto and east canadian national elkotbjto itallwayh wratbound dally fxcept sunday blflaju dally 1018 ajn dally i 118 pjn dally 318 pm dully fls8 pjn dally gia pjn dally 1218 un kaatbound dally xcpt uunday 733 ajn dally dsoajn dally 1333 pjn dully 333 pn dally 533 pan dally 833 pjn dally 1133 pm toronto terminal krlr ktrrl and hi clair avenue pre lg lit dnllvorcd by mmclal expreaa fndyiit iti picked up at any d- ilrvm in toronto r wkst1muni daily 105 pjn oully 4ob pm dally uxcopt uimiltiys und holldayji b05 pm uundaya and ilnlltlaya only loospm kautliounik dlhy 03b ajn dally 300 pm dally 8 00 pni abbgft la salle cleaners ouelp1i ontario vaijetor puessing service and saliafactlon 111 orj left at dartu bafbci blup jul bmh lompi attentloa painting and house decoration graining a speciality kromlit attmtloa sauaraeuon lltarakilcid kallmatm olnat teucphone iis ihciiard h butnchb isax 350 aotoa savage co watches diamonds china glassware engagement and wj3dping rings guplph ontarfq 1 wjnuham at sulxteriptlonn for ah mirawa taken at the free pma office